County expects big cuts in state funding - Kenton Times

County expects big cuts in state funding - Kenton Times

County expects big cuts in state funding - Kenton Times


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Page 2 – KENTON TIMES Friday, March 25, 2011USV mak<strong>in</strong>g up daysMcGUFFEY — There will be no spr<strong>in</strong>g break for UpperScioto Valley students thanks to hav<strong>in</strong>g to make upcalamity days.The district was to be off next week, but accord<strong>in</strong>g toa release from Super<strong>in</strong>tendent Rick Rolston, school willbe <strong>in</strong> session March 28, 29, 30 and 31. Two other makeupdays are April 25 and May 26, he said.Bowl<strong>in</strong>g For Kids Sakefund-raiser plannedThe Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl For Kids’ Sake eventwill be April 2 at Hillcrest Lanes, <strong>Kenton</strong>. It is the organization’sonly fund-rais<strong>in</strong>g event <strong>in</strong> Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Funds raised will directly support match relationshipsthroughout the county. This year’s fund-rais<strong>in</strong>g goal is$60 per adult/$25 per student bowler. Lanes are stillavailable for anyone want<strong>in</strong>g to form a team of fourbowlers. Time slots available are 2 and 4 p.m.For more <strong>in</strong>formation on form<strong>in</strong>g a team or sponsorshipopportunities call Patricia Warner at 419-675-1850.civic agendaMONDAY, MARCH 28<strong>Kenton</strong> City Council – 7:30 p.m., chambersUpper Scioto Valley Board of Education – 7 p.m.,McGuffeyRiverdale Board of Education – 7 p.m., board meet<strong>in</strong>groom <strong>in</strong> Central OfficeApollo Career Center Board – 8 p.m., LimaDunkirk Board of Public Affairs – 5 p.m., town hallBuck Township trustees – 6 p.m., meet<strong>in</strong>g room at<strong>Kenton</strong> Fire DepartmentMarion Township trustees – 7 p.m., township hallPleasant Township trustees – 6:30 p.m., conference roomat <strong>Kenton</strong> Municipal Build<strong>in</strong>gMcDonald Township trustees – 7:30 p.m., township hallRoundhead Township trustees – 7:30 p.m., township hallNorthern Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire District – 7:30 p.m.,Blanchard-Dunkirk EMS build<strong>in</strong>gBlanchard Dunkirk Wash<strong>in</strong>gton Jo<strong>in</strong>t AmbulanceDistrict Board – 8:30 p.m., EMS build<strong>in</strong>gAda-Liberty Jo<strong>in</strong>t Ambulance District Board – 6 p.m.,squad roomAutopsies: Generatorfumes killed 4 <strong>in</strong> houseTOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — Autopsies <strong>in</strong> Ohio confirm that fourpeople found dead <strong>in</strong> a rental home without electricity died fromfumes com<strong>in</strong>g from a portable generator.The coroner’s f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs released Thursday list carbon monoxidepoison<strong>in</strong>g as the cause of death for the victims.Investigators say the victims had been us<strong>in</strong>g the generator fora space heater <strong>in</strong> their rental home near downtown Toledo.The bodies of a woman and three young people were foundWednesday morn<strong>in</strong>g.The Blade of Toledo reports that the rental home’s ownerhad dropped off the generator the night before. Police saythey’ve talked with the landlord, but are unsure if charges will befiled.Prisons look to sharefood costs with Ohio StateNo other <strong>state</strong>s have prisonsand universities buy<strong>in</strong>gfood together or consider<strong>in</strong>gsuch plans, as far as theNational Conference of StateLegislatures knows.Ohio State and the prisonsystem are <strong>in</strong> the earlystages of draft<strong>in</strong>g a proposal,so it’s unknown which foodsthey could buy together. Butboth parties contend that a“We thought it was a goodidea,“ he said. ”We exploredit, and <strong>in</strong>deed we can.”Currently, the correctiondepartment pays another<strong>state</strong> agency to buy most ofits food. But the departmentand some prisons buy somefood directly.An agreement with theuniversity would help keepcosts down, LoParo said,purchas<strong>in</strong>g partnership because it would allow allwouldn’t make the mealsless tasty or snacks lesssavory.the <strong>in</strong>stitutions to buy foodas a unit <strong>in</strong>stead of separateentities.“It’ll change how much we That way, they couldspend on it,“ Hoffman said. negotiate a better deal”It would not change quality.”because they’re buy<strong>in</strong>g <strong>big</strong>gerquantities for more people.That’s good news toWallace, who praised thefood from his d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g halldays.“I should have put on thefreshman 15, but my metabolismsaid otherwise,” hesaid. “The food’s really goodat all of the places.”The department spendsabout $54 million on foodand related supplies a year.That’s less than 4 percent ofits budget but more thanwhat Ohio State and itsMedical Center spend comb<strong>in</strong>ed.The college spentThe partnership idea roughly $20 million on foodcomes as Ohio faces an estimatedlast year, though that$8 billion gap <strong>in</strong> atwo-year budget likely to bearound $55 billion.amounts to a fraction of 1percent of its budget.Although the <strong>in</strong>mate populationNew Republican Gov.of 48,700 is thou-John Kasich wants to sellfive <strong>state</strong> prisons to privateoperators. He also is propos<strong>in</strong>gsands smaller than the studentbody, the food budget ishigher because the audienceto cap university tuition is, well, captive. The<strong>in</strong>creases at 3.5 percent, more than 56,000 studentslead<strong>in</strong>g the schools to look at Ohio State’s ma<strong>in</strong>for other ways to shore upmoney.The Ohio Department ofColumbus campus can ditchuniversity d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g for fastfood any time.By ANN SANNERAssociated PressCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) —College students might th<strong>in</strong>ktheir d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g hall food tasteslike prison grub. In Ohio,that could become reality.Look<strong>in</strong>g for ways to savemoney, the <strong>state</strong>’s correctiondepartment and Ohio StateUniversity are explor<strong>in</strong>gwhether to buy food jo<strong>in</strong>tlyand <strong>in</strong> bulk.Sure, not all the d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>goptions of prison and collegeare identical. Sushi isn’tserved <strong>in</strong> the slammer; it ison campus.But despite the prisongrub reputation <strong>in</strong> popularculture as slop slapped on aplate, food served beh<strong>in</strong>dbars and on campuses maynot be all that different now.Tacos, pasta and pizzaare dished out <strong>in</strong> the cafeteriasof prisons and the universityalike, with someoverlapp<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>gredients eventhough the recipes probablydiffer.That’s a menu l<strong>in</strong>eup thatstands <strong>in</strong> contrast to theimages <strong>in</strong> Ohio State seniorBen Wallace’s head —though the 23-year-old biologymajor admits his knowledgeof prison meals comesfrom the movie “TheShawshank Redemption.”“I would just imag<strong>in</strong>e thatit’s more canned food andstuff that’s preserved,” saidWallace, of F<strong>in</strong>dlay.Budget woes have cashstrapped<strong>state</strong>s such asOhio search<strong>in</strong>g for extrabucks. In Connecticut, thegovernor has proposed abudget that raises taxes oneveryth<strong>in</strong>g from personal<strong>in</strong>come to hair<strong>cuts</strong>. Florida’sgovernor wants to reducefees paid to Medicareproviders such as hospitalsand nurs<strong>in</strong>g homes.Still, <strong>in</strong>mates and studentsat one of the nation’slargest universities nosh<strong>in</strong>gon the same eats?It’s possible, Ohio Statespokeswoman ShellyHoffman said.“But eggs are eggs, milk ismilk, bread is bread,” shesaid.RehabilitationandCorrection could save $2million a year by jo<strong>in</strong>tly buy<strong>in</strong>gits food with Ohio StateUniversity and chang<strong>in</strong>g itsmenus, spokesman CarloLoParo said.Until the proposal is completed,Hoffman said, it’sdifficult for the university toknow its sav<strong>in</strong>gs. The schooldoesn’t anticipate slash<strong>in</strong>gfood prices as a result of anysav<strong>in</strong>gs. Any extra dollarswould go back <strong>in</strong>to its “academicmission,” Hoffmansaid.The idea was one of morethan 1,000 suggestionsmade when the prison systemasked its staff for waysto save money, LoParo said.Food options will be morelimited at the prison facilities.In the wake of department<strong>cuts</strong>, diced turkey and dicedchicken are on the chopp<strong>in</strong>gblock.“Our diced entrees werenot very popular,“ LoParosaid.Those dishes would bereplaced with cheaper,more-favored entrees, suchas rib patties and hamburgers.Fear not, lovers of thecampus’ chicken Caesarwraps and Buckeye Bonanzagelato. Ohio State doesn’tplan to alter menus becauseof any partnership.Kaydee Laney, an 18-year-old Ohio State freshmanand fan of the pastaprimavera <strong>in</strong> the d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>ghalls, said she questionswhether the <strong>in</strong>mates shouldbe gett<strong>in</strong>g similar meal offer<strong>in</strong>gs,such as chicken saladand baked fish.“The food we get is prettygood,“ said Laney, ofHicksville. ”Do the prisonersdeserve to have better foodif they are <strong>in</strong> prison forsometh<strong>in</strong>g that they didwrong?”Laney said she’d still supportthe idea given the economiccrunch the <strong>state</strong>’sfeel<strong>in</strong>g.“It seems,” she said, “likesav<strong>in</strong>g money <strong>in</strong> any way wecan would be best.”Election chief wantscounty officials firedTOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s election chief wants twocounty officials <strong>in</strong> northwest Ohio fired over what he callsimproper ballot count<strong>in</strong>g.Secretary of State Jon Husted is order<strong>in</strong>g the Lucas <strong>County</strong>Board of Elections <strong>in</strong> Toledo to fire its director, a Democrat,and deputy director, a Republican.He says they didn’t follow directions <strong>in</strong> the count<strong>in</strong>g of 114provisional ballots <strong>in</strong> a closely contested race for county commissioner.The Blade of Toledo reports that Husted, a Republican saysthe two officials had been told by the previous secretary of<strong>state</strong> how to handle the ballots that were cast <strong>in</strong> the wrongprec<strong>in</strong>ct. But he says the ballots were improperly counted.The commissioners race went to Democrat Carol Contrada,with her GOP opponent unsuccessfully challeng<strong>in</strong>g the outcome<strong>in</strong> court.• REINEKEFAMILYDEALERSHIPS.COM • REINEKEFAMILYDEALERSHIPS.COM •• REINEKEFAMILYDEALERSHIPS.COM • REINEKEFAMILYDEALERSHIPS.COM • REINEKEFAMILYDEALERSHIPS.COM •FINALDAYS Of2010 Chrysler PTCruiser Tour<strong>in</strong>gPower Sunroof,ConvenienceGroup#10073ONLY1LEFT!Only $ 249/Month$0 Down!2011 Jeep LibertySport4WD,PopularEquipmentGroup#11019TheOnly $ 369/Month$0 Down!*All new car payments figured 2.99% at 75 months WAC.*Also <strong>in</strong>cludes all rebates and dealer participation.SLASHING PRICES at REINEKE MOTORS!#1550 2007 Ford Edge SEL - AWD.........................................................................Was $16,995 - Sale $ 13,974#1567 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT - Stow 'N Go, Full Power............Was $18,987 - Sale $ 16,435#11021A 2008 Ford Escape XLT - 4WD, All Power..................................................Was $18,495 - Sale $ 16,982#1530 2008 Mercury Mar<strong>in</strong>er - 4WD, Auto., Loaded............................................Was $17,495 - Sale $ 15,486#1602 2009 Chevy Malibu LS - V-6, Super Clean!...............................................Was $15,995 - Sale $ 14,896#1604 2010 Chrysler 300 Tour<strong>in</strong>g - Loaded, Clean..........................................Was $19,995 - Sale $ 18,729#1595A 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 TRX4 - Crew Cab, 4WD, 30K Miles, 1 Owner.......Was $29,486 -Sale $ 27,982~ DEALER'S SPOTLIGHT ~2008 Honda Civic EX4-dr., Auto., 11K Miles, Full Power, 1 OwnerClean, Car Fax, #1609Was $18,495.....SALE $ 17,489*All preowned vehicles are advertised + tax, title & fees.Re<strong>in</strong>eke Motors, Inc.Re<strong>in</strong>eke Motors, Inc.2011 Jeep CompassLatitudeFWD,4 Cyl<strong>in</strong>der,Automatic#11038Only $ 329/Month$0 Down!2011 Dodge AvengerMa<strong>in</strong>streetAutomatic,4-Cyl.,Fuel Efficient#110201045 E. 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area deathsGORDON “RED” CLARKClarkGordon W. “Red”, 89LimaServices for Gordon W.“Red” Clark will be 11 a.m.Saturday at ShawneeChapel Chiles-LamanFuneral Home, Lima by theRev. Jerry Hall. Burial willbe <strong>in</strong> Memorial ParkCemetery, Lima.Friends may call 6-8 p.m.today at Shawnee Chapel.He died at 5:55 a.m.Thursday, March 24, 2011at St. Rita’s Medical Center,Lima.He was born July 7, 1921<strong>in</strong> Dallas, Texas, to Amosand Belle Clark, bothdeceased. On May 15, 1947he married Norena C.Mioni and she died April 25,2004.Surviv<strong>in</strong>g are four sons,Gordon W. Clark Jr. of Ohio,Thomas L. (Patty) Clark andRichard W. Clark, both ofLima, and Harold E. Clark ofOhio; four daughters, Kaye(John) Kelly of Florida,Kathy I. (John) Thompson ofSpencerville, Deb L. (Harley)Hower of Belle Center andDianne L. (Fred) McElroyof <strong>Kenton</strong>; eight grandchildrenand 13 great-grandchildren.He was preceded <strong>in</strong> deathby a tw<strong>in</strong> sister.He was a truck driverwith Vernon ArcherTruck<strong>in</strong>g Co. from which heretired <strong>in</strong> 1972. He was amember of the FirstChurch of the Nazarene,Lima and a member of theN.R.A.He loved attend<strong>in</strong>g auctions,pitch<strong>in</strong>g horseshoes,fish<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g onlawnmowers.Most of all he enjoyedspend<strong>in</strong>g time with his family,especially his grandchildren.Contributions may bemade to First Church of theNazarene, Lima.(Pd. 032511)policereports<strong>Kenton</strong> policeBecky Ross was driv<strong>in</strong>g aschool bus <strong>in</strong> the 300 blockof N. Ma<strong>in</strong> St. when agreen Honda passed her asshe was deliver<strong>in</strong>g astudent.Wilma L. Sheets, 941Kohler St., reported a burglary.An unruly juvenile wasreported at 221 S. MarketSt.A domestic dispute wasreported at 1255 W. NorthSt., Lot 58.Lyndol W. Potter,Sycamore, Jason Halcomb,308 Rob<strong>in</strong>son Ave., <strong>Kenton</strong>and Michelle C. Wise,Arl<strong>in</strong>gton, were all cited forred light violations.Kelly M. Whitmore, 604Lick St., was cited for theftafter allegedly tak<strong>in</strong>g twoHershey candy bars fromSave a Lot without pay<strong>in</strong>gfor them.Christopher S. Neary,1037 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> St., Apt. C9;Clifford Chamberla<strong>in</strong>, 842S. Wayne St.; and JamesBorn, 1037 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> St.,B13, were all cited for a stopsign violations.Harassment was reportedat 410 1/2 W. Frankl<strong>in</strong> St.Ohio LotteryCLEVELAND (AP) — TheseOhio lotteries were drawnThursday:Midday 3: 7-2-2Midday 4: 0-6-5-2Pick 3: 7-2-7Pick 4: 1-5-2-8Roll<strong>in</strong>g Cash 5: 06-18-20-25-30Estimated jackpot:$149,000Ten OH: 05-07-10-13-14-17-23-30-39-45-46-55-59-60-61-62-64-66-71-74Ten OH Midday: 01-06-08-11-16-30-31-32-39-42-46-47-48-54-57-60-63-64-75-79BERNICE HARMONHarmonBernice C., 93West Libertyformerly of LaRueGraveside services forBernice C. Harmon will be 2p.m. Saturday at the LaRueCemetery by Pastor JackieUnderhill.There will be no visitation.She died at 3:55 p.m.Wednesday, March 23, 2011at Green Hill Center <strong>in</strong> WestLiberty.She was born near MountVictory on her father’s farmon Oct. 2, 1917 to the latePhillip C. and Elizabeth(Temple) Johnson. On Jan.28, 1941, she married GeorgeO. Harmon and he died onSept. 13, 1999.Surviv<strong>in</strong>g are a sister,Paul<strong>in</strong>e R. Clement ofMarion; a sister-<strong>in</strong>-law, AliceJohnson of <strong>Kenton</strong>; a niece,Carolyn Stokes ofBellefonta<strong>in</strong>e; a nephew, RonJohnson of Dunkirk andmany great nieces andnephews.Bernice enjoyed be<strong>in</strong>g afarmer’s wife, do<strong>in</strong>g herhomemak<strong>in</strong>g skills and all ofthe extras that it takes for afarm<strong>in</strong>g family.She was member of theRh<strong>in</strong>ehart United MethodistChurch and attended theHarpster United MethodistChurch.The Stofcheck-Ball<strong>in</strong>gerFuneral Home is handl<strong>in</strong>g thea r r a n g e m e n t s .Remembrances and condolencesmay be expressed atw w w . s t o f c h e c k -ball<strong>in</strong>ger.com.Memorials may be made toeither the Rh<strong>in</strong>ehart UnitedMethodist Church or theHarpster United MethodistChurch.(Pd. 032511)ShawDarrell E. Sr., 62Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>eServices for Darrell E. ShawSr. will be 1 p.m. Monday at theNorth Greenfield UnitedMethodist Church by Rev. MaxJackson. Burial with full militaryhonors conducted by theLogan <strong>County</strong> Honor Guard willtake place at North GreenfieldCemetery.Friends may call 11 a.m.-1p.m. Monday at the church.He died Thursday, March24, 2011 at the OSU MedicalCenter from complications of amassive stroke.He was born Dec. 16, 1948,<strong>in</strong> <strong>Kenton</strong> to the late Jack H.and Mary McQuown Shaw.Surviv<strong>in</strong>g are his longtimeclose friend, Phyllis Miihlbachof Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>e; two sons, JoeyShaw and Darrell E. Shaw Jr.,both of Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>e; a stepson,John Prater of Spr<strong>in</strong>ghill;his close friend’s son, Clarence“Buddy” (Peggy) Coyer ofBellefonta<strong>in</strong>e; four grandchildren,Samantha and AndrewPrater and Daisa and JasonCoyer; two brothers, Kerry(Lisa) Shaw of Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>e andGene (Teresa) Shaw of WestMansfield; an uncle and aunt,Bud and Anne Shaw ofMichigan; a caregiver and formerdaughter-<strong>in</strong>-law, CarolPrater of Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>e; and severalnieces and nephews.He was a longtime semi driverand formerly was employedwith National Extrusion <strong>in</strong>Bellefonta<strong>in</strong>e. He attendedNorth Greenfield UnitedMethodist Church as a childand was a graduate of LoganHills High School.Darrell was a fan of thePittsburgh Steelers, WWEwrestl<strong>in</strong>g and John Wayne andrarely missed an episode of TheYoung and The Restless.Known as “Fonzie” on his CBhandle, Darrell loved rid<strong>in</strong>gmotorcycles and spend<strong>in</strong>g timewith his family.M a n n a s m i t h -Schnurrenberger FuneralHome, West Mansfield, is serv<strong>in</strong>gthe family. Memorial contributionsmay be made to thefuneral home to assist withfuneral expenses. Condolencesmay be expressed at www.mannasmithfuneralhome.com.(Pd. 032511)Tonight/SaturdayForecast for Saturday, March 26PartlyCloudyMICH.Dayton22° | 38°Toledo20° | 34°C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati29° | 43°KY.CloudyMansfield20° | 36°Portsmouth29° | 45°ShowersThunderstormsColumbus25° | 38°Ra<strong>in</strong>FlurriesCity/RegionLow | High tempsCleveland18° | 31°Youngstown20° | 38°SnowW.VA.The Family of Lloyd Dick<strong>in</strong>son wishes to express their s<strong>in</strong>cere gratitudeto everyone who called, visited the funeral home, gave memorial gifts,sent cards, food and flowers at the time of the loss of our loved one.We thank those who so generously gave to Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong> Hospice andthe Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fair Ag. Dept.We appreciate the k<strong>in</strong>dness and excellent service of the Mt. Victory PriceFuneral Home and would like to extend our thanks to PastorChuck Zweizig for his support and consol<strong>in</strong>g words.We have been truly blessed by the love and the compassion of so manyand your k<strong>in</strong>dness will not be forgotten.May your days be blessed.– The Lloyd H. Dick<strong>in</strong>son FamilyPA.© 2011 Wunderground.comIceWeather Underground • AParea forecastThe high was 40 Thursday at the <strong>Kenton</strong> U.S. weather station.The low was 24 and it was 26 at 8 a.m. today.–––––Tonight, mostly cloudy. Lows <strong>in</strong> the lower 20s. Northeastw<strong>in</strong>ds 5 to 10 mph. Saturday, partly sunny. Highs <strong>in</strong> the mid30s. Northeast w<strong>in</strong>ds 10 to 15 mph. Saturday night, mostlycloudy. Lows <strong>in</strong> the lower 20s. Northeast w<strong>in</strong>ds around 15mph. Sunday, partly sunny. Highs around 35. Sunday nightand Monday, clear. Lows <strong>in</strong> the lower 20s. Highs around 40.Monday night, mostly clear. Lows <strong>in</strong> the mid 20s. Tuesday,partly sunny with a chance of ra<strong>in</strong> and snow. Highs <strong>in</strong> thelower 40s. Tuesday night, cloudy, a chance of ra<strong>in</strong> and snow.Lows <strong>in</strong> the upper 20s. Wednesday, partly sunny. Highs <strong>in</strong> themid 40s. Wednesday night, mostly cloudy <strong>in</strong> the even<strong>in</strong>g. Lowsaround 30. Thursday, partly sunny. Highs <strong>in</strong> the upper 40s.Liz Taylor late forher own funeralBy SANDY COHENAP Enterta<strong>in</strong>ment WriterGLENDALE, Calif. (AP) — Elizabeth Taylor’s funeral startedlate — just the way the screen legend wanted it.Her family held a brief private service Thursday at aSouthern California cemetery famous for be<strong>in</strong>g the f<strong>in</strong>al rest<strong>in</strong>gplace of Hollywood celebrities, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g her good friendMichael Jackson.But the funeral began 15 m<strong>in</strong>utes after its announced starttime <strong>in</strong> observance of the actress’ part<strong>in</strong>g wish, accord<strong>in</strong>g toher publicist, Sally Morrison.She left <strong>in</strong>structions ask<strong>in</strong>g for the tardy start and hadrequested that someone announce, “She even wanted to belate for her own funeral,” Morrison said.Taylor died early Wednesday at age 79 of congestive heartfailure while surrounded by her four children at Los Angeles’Cedars-S<strong>in</strong>ai Medical Center, where she had been hospitalizedfor about six weeks.Taylor, who was <strong>in</strong>famously married eight times to sevenhusbands, converted to Judaism before her 1959 wedd<strong>in</strong>g toEddie Fisher. Jewish customs call for a burial with<strong>in</strong> 48 hoursof death.Inside the sprawl<strong>in</strong>g Forest Lawn Cemetery, barricadesblocked access to the funeral, where about four dozen familymembers mourned the actress dur<strong>in</strong>g a service that lastedabout an hour, said Glendale police spokesman Tom Lorenz.Five black stretch limous<strong>in</strong>es transported Taylor’s family toand from the funeral, but no procession was held.The service began with poetry read<strong>in</strong>gs by actor Col<strong>in</strong>Farrell and Taylor’s family members and <strong>in</strong>cluded a trumpetperformance of Amaz<strong>in</strong>g Grace by her grandson, Morrisonsaid.The casket was draped <strong>in</strong> gardenias, violets, and lilies ofthe valley before its <strong>in</strong>terment <strong>in</strong> the cemetery’s GreatMausoleum beneath a marble sculpture of an angel <strong>in</strong>spiredby the work of Italian artist Michelangelo.In addition to Jackson, the cemetery is the f<strong>in</strong>al rest<strong>in</strong>gplace for such stars as Clark Gable, Jean Harlow, W.C. Fields,Red Skelton, Gracie Allen, Walt Disney and Nat K<strong>in</strong>g Cole.Taylor, the star of such films as “BUtterfield 8,” “Who’sAfraid of Virg<strong>in</strong>ia Woolf?” and “Cleopatra,” won three AcademyAwards, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a special one for her humanitarian work.She was an ardent and early supporter of AIDS research,when HIV was new to the <strong>in</strong>dustry and beyond.“I admired Elizabeth Taylor enormously and feel heartsicklos<strong>in</strong>g her, especially with all of her charitable works,” saidAnn Berry, a fan and character actress who lives nearby andvisited the cemetery with a friend to pay their respects to thestar.Several television news crews documented the service fromacross the street while news helicopters swirled overhead andstudents got out of class at the nearby Cerritos ElementarySchool.Taylor underwent at least 20 major operations dur<strong>in</strong>g herlife and nearly died from a bout with pneumonia <strong>in</strong> 1990. In1994 and 1995, she had both hip jo<strong>in</strong>ts replaced, and <strong>in</strong>February 1997, she underwent surgery to remove a benignbra<strong>in</strong> tumor. In 1983, she acknowledged a 35-year addictionto sleep<strong>in</strong>g pills and pa<strong>in</strong> killers, and was treated for alcoholand drug abuse at the Betty Ford Cl<strong>in</strong>ic <strong>in</strong> Rancho Mirage,Calif.Survivors <strong>in</strong>clude Taylor’s daughters Maria Burton-Carsonand Liza Todd-Tivey, sons Christopher and Michael Wild<strong>in</strong>g,10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.Taylor’s publicist said any details of a memorial servicewould likely be announced at a later date.Friday, March 25, 2011 KENTON TIMES – Page 5Breach <strong>in</strong> reactorsuspected atnuclear plantTOKYO (AP) — A suspected breach <strong>in</strong> the core of a reactor atthe stricken Fukushima nuclear plant could mean more seriousradioactive contam<strong>in</strong>ation, Japanese officials revealed Friday, asthe prime m<strong>in</strong>ister called the country’s ongo<strong>in</strong>g fight to stabilizethe plant “very grave and serious.”A somber Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister Naoto Kan sounded a pessimisticnote at a brief<strong>in</strong>g hours after nuclear safety officials announcedwhat could be a major setback <strong>in</strong> the urgent mission to stop theplant from leak<strong>in</strong>g radiation, two weeks after a devastat<strong>in</strong>g earthquakeand tsunami disabled it.“The situation today at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant isstill very grave and serious. We must rema<strong>in</strong> vigilant,” Kan said.“We are not <strong>in</strong> a position where we can be optimistic. We musttreat every development with the utmost care.”The uncerta<strong>in</strong> situation halted work at the nuclear complex,where dozens had been try<strong>in</strong>g feverishly to stop the overheatedplant from leak<strong>in</strong>g dangerous radiation. The plant has leakedsome low levels of radiation, but a breach could mean a muchlarger release of contam<strong>in</strong>ants.The possible breach <strong>in</strong> Unit 3 might be a crack or a hole <strong>in</strong> thesta<strong>in</strong>less steel chamber of the reactor core or <strong>in</strong> the spent fuelpool that’s l<strong>in</strong>ed with several feet of re<strong>in</strong>forced concrete. The temperatureand pressure <strong>in</strong>side the core, which holds the fuel rods,rema<strong>in</strong>ed stable and was far lower than would further melt thecore.Suspicions of a possible breach were raised when two workerswaded <strong>in</strong>to water 10,000 times more radioactive than levelsnormally found <strong>in</strong> water <strong>in</strong> or around a reactor and suffered sk<strong>in</strong>burns, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.Kan apologized to farmers and bus<strong>in</strong>ess owners for the toll theradiation has had on their livelihoods: Several countries havehalted some food imports from areas near the plant after milkand produce were found to conta<strong>in</strong> elevated levels of radiation.He also thanked utility workers, firefighters and military personnelfor “risk<strong>in</strong>g their lives” to cool the overheated facility.The alarm Friday comes two weeks to the day s<strong>in</strong>ce the magnitude-9quake triggered a tsunami that enveloped cities alongthe northeastern coast and knocked out the Fukushima reactor’scool<strong>in</strong>g systems.Police said the official death toll jumped past 10,000 onFriday. With the cleanup and recovery operations cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g andmore than 17,400 listed as miss<strong>in</strong>g, the f<strong>in</strong>al number of deadwas expected to surpass 18,000.The nuclear crisis has compounded the challenges faced by anation already saddled with a humanitarian disaster. Much ofthe frigid northeast rema<strong>in</strong>s a scene of despair and devastation,with Japan struggl<strong>in</strong>g to feed and house hundreds of thousandsof homeless survivors, clear away debris and bury the dead.A breach could mean a leak has been seep<strong>in</strong>g for days, likelys<strong>in</strong>ce the hydrogen explosion at Unit 3 on March 14. It’s not clearif any of the contam<strong>in</strong>ated water has run <strong>in</strong>to the ground.Radiation read<strong>in</strong>gs for the air were not yet available for Friday,but detections <strong>in</strong> recent days have shown no significant spike.But elevated levels of radiation have already turned up <strong>in</strong> rawmilk, seawater and 11 k<strong>in</strong>ds of vegetables, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g broccoli,cauliflower and turnips. Tap water <strong>in</strong> several areas of Japan —<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Tokyo — also showed radiation levels consideredunsafe for <strong>in</strong>fants, who are particularly vulnerable to cancercaus<strong>in</strong>gradioactive iod<strong>in</strong>e, officials said.The scare caused a run on bottled water <strong>in</strong> the capital, andTokyo municipal officials are distribut<strong>in</strong>g it to families withbabies.Previous radioactive emissions have come from <strong>in</strong>tentionalefforts to vent small amounts of steam through valves to preventthe core from burst<strong>in</strong>g. However, releases from a breach couldallow uncontrolled quantities of radioactive contam<strong>in</strong>ants toescape <strong>in</strong>to the surround<strong>in</strong>g ground or air.Government spokesman Yukio Edano said “safety measuresmay not be adequate” and warned that may contribute to ris<strong>in</strong>ganxiety among people about how the disaster is be<strong>in</strong>g managed.“We have to make sure that safety is secured for the peoplework<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> that area. We truly believe that is <strong>in</strong>cumbent uponus,” the chief Cab<strong>in</strong>et secretary told reporters.Edano said people liv<strong>in</strong>g 12 to 20 miles (20 to 30 kilometers)from the plant should still be safe from the radiation as long asthey stay <strong>in</strong>doors. But s<strong>in</strong>ce supplies are not be<strong>in</strong>g delivered tothe area fast enough, he said it may be better for residents <strong>in</strong> thearea to voluntarily evacuate to places with better facilities.“If the current situation is protracted and worsens, then wewill not deny the possibility of (mandatory) evacuation,” he said.NISA spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama said later that plantoperator Tokyo Electric Power Co. was issued a “very strongwarn<strong>in</strong>g” for safety violations and that a thorough review wouldbe conducted once the situation stabilizes.Meanwhile, damage to factories was tak<strong>in</strong>g its toll on theworld’s third-largest economy and creat<strong>in</strong>g a ripple effect feltworldwide.Nissan Motor Co. said it may move part of its eng<strong>in</strong>e productionl<strong>in</strong>e to the United States because of damage to a plant.The quake and tsunami are emerg<strong>in</strong>g as the world’s mostexpensive natural disasters on record, wreak<strong>in</strong>g up to $310 billion<strong>in</strong> damages, the government said.“There is no doubt that we have immense economic and f<strong>in</strong>ancialdamage,” F<strong>in</strong>ance M<strong>in</strong>ister Yoshihiko Noda said. “It will beour task how to recover from the damage.”Pet RemembranceProductsWe understand that theyears shared with a petare full of endless joy,enchantment andunconditional love.Because of this love, the<strong>in</strong>evitable death of a petis pa<strong>in</strong>ful. Respond<strong>in</strong>g tothe death of a pet <strong>in</strong> amean<strong>in</strong>gful manner isthe best way of commemorat<strong>in</strong>g its life.We now offer a unique collection of pet cremation urns,conta<strong>in</strong>ers for the burial of a pet, and memorial items toremember your companion and friend. Many items alsohave personalized engrav<strong>in</strong>g options available.The death of a pet is a sensitive issue for many and for thatreason we are here to provide you with these productsdur<strong>in</strong>g your time of loss.Call today and get all the <strong>in</strong>formationregard<strong>in</strong>g our pet remembrance products.200 E. Columbus St., <strong>Kenton</strong>, OH • (419) 673-2121www.sch<strong>in</strong>dewolfstoutfuneralhome.com

Page 6 – KENTON TIMES Friday, March 25, 2011area church servicesThese Pages Sponsored By The Bus<strong>in</strong>esses Listed Who Believe The Church Represents The Greatest Force For Good<strong>Kenton</strong>ABUNDANT LIFEASSEMBLY OF GOD1010 East Frankl<strong>in</strong>P.O. Box 10Pastor James GoldsmithPhone 419-675-3120Sunday – 10 a.m., worship, children’sm<strong>in</strong>istry and nursery care; 6p.m., youthWednesday – 6:30 p.m., Adult BibleStudy————BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH316 Park Ave., <strong>Kenton</strong>Phone 419-673-9272Pastor David KiperSaturday – 8:30 a.m., men’s prayerbreakfastSunday – 10 a.m., Sunday school(classes for all ages); 11 a.m., worship;junior church for children 6th gradeand down; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g gospelserviceWednesday – 8 a.m., NCCI m<strong>in</strong>istry;7 p.m., mid-week service; Kidz’ KlubThursday – 3 p.m., <strong>Kenton</strong> Nurs<strong>in</strong>gand Rehab service; 6 p.m., visitationNursery provided for all services————CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARYALLIANCE CHURCH15436 State Route 309 EastChurch 419-674-4510kentoncma@yahoo.comweb: www.kcma.vze.comRev. Stephen HessFriday – 6:30-9 p.m., Youth WiiNightSunday – 8-9 a.m. Previous week'smorn<strong>in</strong>g worship service on cableChannel 6; 9:30 a.m., Sunday school,children of all ages; adult smallgroups studies: Comfort Zone, How toRead the Bible for All It’s Worth andPurg<strong>in</strong>g Your House; 10:45 a.m. worshipservice with nursery and children'schurch provided; 5 p.m.,AWANA Clubbers meal; 5:30-7 p.m.,AWANA————CHURCH OF CHRIST(Vocal)10882 SR53PO Box 150M<strong>in</strong>ster: Clyde McCallPhone 419-673-9280Sunday – 9:45 a.m. Bible study,classes for all ages; 10:30 a.m.Worship; 6 p.m. Even<strong>in</strong>g serviceWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible study,classes for all ages————CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE113 N. Jacob Parrott Blvd., <strong>Kenton</strong>Rev. David DooleySunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:40 a.m. worship; 7 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>gserviceWednesday – 7 p.m., Kid’s Club,Care M<strong>in</strong>istries, prayer, Bible Study.Nursery provided for all services.————COMMUNITY MISSION &OUTREACH CENTER127 N. Market St.419-675-6246Pastor Evangelist Tony L. CroweSunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday school(all ages); 10;45 a.m., worship services;6:30 p.m. prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g; 7 p.m.,even<strong>in</strong>g worship serviceTuesday – 4-6 p.m., community fellowshipmeals; 6:30 p.m. prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g;7 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g worship serviceThursday – 4-6 p.m., community fellowshipmeals; 6:30 p.m. prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g;7 p.m. worship service2nd Saturday of each month – 5-6:30 p.m. d<strong>in</strong>ner; 7 p.m. concert;Community Gospel d<strong>in</strong>ner s<strong>in</strong>g.Staffed nursery available————EPWORTHUNITED METHODIST CHURCH457 S. Detroit St.Pastor Mark BishopHome: 419-458-1150Cell: 419-957-6333E-mail: mark-bishop@verizon.netChurch Phone: 419-673-6232Sunday – Br<strong>in</strong>g a Friend Sunday;8:30 a.m., breakfast for youth andparents; 9:30 a.m., Sunday schoolclasses for all ages; 10:30 a.m., worshipservice, Pastor Mark Bishop;liturgist, Janet Jordan; acolyte,Dakota Johnson; greeter, John andNancy Farth<strong>in</strong>g; ushers, John andNancy Farth<strong>in</strong>g, Marjorie Cannodeand Shirley Gibson; children’s message,Rob<strong>in</strong> Hughes; 3 p.m., worshipservice at <strong>Kenton</strong> Nurs<strong>in</strong>g andRehabilitation; 7 p.m., <strong>Kenton</strong>Community Lenten Service at FirstBaptist ChurchWednesday – 2-6 p.m., church officehours————FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH402 E. Forest Rd. (Ohio 53N.)Dennis Burns, PastorPhone 419-675-6174Website:www.faithbaptist<strong>Kenton</strong>.come-mail:faithbaptistkenton@w<strong>in</strong>dstream.netSaturday – 8 a.m., men’s prayermeet<strong>in</strong>g; TBA, Teen Fun NightSunday – 6:30 a.m., “A Second Lookat Sports” with Dr. Dwight Allen onWKTN; Bread Sunday; 9:30 a.m.,Sunday School; 10:45 a.m., worshipservice – “But, She Burned theBiscuits!” Matthew 5:31-32; 5 p.m.,choir rehearsal; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g serviceTuesday – 10:30 a.m., Ladies BiblestudyWednesday – 6 p.m., Grief Share;6:30 p.m., adult Bible study andprayer groups, Word of Life TeenStudent M<strong>in</strong>istry (grades 7-12), Wordof Life Olympians (grades 1-6) – CrazySock Night and Word of Life GopherBuddies (ages 4-k<strong>in</strong>dergarten)CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST815 E. Columbus St.Joe Fittro, <strong>in</strong>terim m<strong>in</strong>isterSunday – 9 a.m. Sunday school,classes for all ages; 10 a.m., worshipserviceSupervised nursery provided————FAITH LIGHTHOUSE PENTECOSTAL19923 SR 67 East, <strong>Kenton</strong>Rev. Bill Turner, pastorSunday – 10 a.m, Sunday School; 11a.m., worship serviceWednesday – 6 p.m., Bible studyFor transportation call 419-673-1882————FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHOF KENTON11543 CR 175between 309E and 67ERev. Craig Mansfield, PastorPhone: 419-675-9501e-mail: firstbaptistkenton@w<strong>in</strong>dstream.netSaturday – 8 a.m., men’s Bible studySunday – 9 a.m., Sunday School fellowship;9:30 a.m., Sunday School forall ages; 10:30 a.m., Morn<strong>in</strong>g WorshipService: Endurance For The Journey,Text: 2 Timothy 2:14-26; (nursery provideddur<strong>in</strong>g Sunday School andchurch, birth through age 4); 7 p.m.,Community Lenten Service at FirstBaptist Church with Rev. John Dyerof Our Savior’s Lutheran Churchspeak<strong>in</strong>g.Monday – 6:30-7:30 p.m., EasterSunrise play practiceWednesday – 6 p.m., Teens; 6:30p.m., Olympians, adult Bible study;7:30 p.m., Praise and Worship Teampractice; 7:35 p.m., adult choirrehearsal————FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH(Disciples of Christ)340 N. Ma<strong>in</strong> St.John Hatcher, speakerChurch phone 419-673-1197e-mail: kentonfcc@yahoo.comSunday – 9 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship service; 7 p.m.,Community Lenten Service at FirstBaptist ChurchTuesday – 10 a.m.-1 p.m., officeopenWednesday – 10 a.m.-1 p.m., officeopen; 7 p.m., choir practiceThursday – 10 a.m.-1 p.m. officeopen————FIRST CHURCH OF GOD525 N. Ida St.Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Bible study; 10:30 a.m., Sunday school. All are welcome————FIRST REFORMEDUNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST315 W. Columbus St.Rev. Thomas EisenmanSunday – 10 a.m. worship————FIRST UNITED METHODISTCHURCH234 North Ma<strong>in</strong> StreetThe Reverend Peter E. Paige419-673-3205website: www.kentonfirst.orgemail: kentonfirstumc@gmail.comSaturday – 11 a.m., AA meet<strong>in</strong>g, fellowshiphallSunday – 8 a.m., contemporaryworship service; morn<strong>in</strong>g message“Alkaseltzer and Assuage – Relieve thePa<strong>in</strong>,” brought by Rev. Peter Paige;scriptures: John 4:5-42 and Psalm95:8-11; Third Sunday <strong>in</strong> Lent; 9:20a.m., Sunday school classes for allages, new member class meets <strong>in</strong>Genesis classroom; 9:30 a.m.,Contemporary Worship Committeemeets <strong>in</strong> Genesis classroom; 10:30a.m., blended worship service; children’smessage; morn<strong>in</strong>g message“Alkaseltzer and Assuage – Relieve thePa<strong>in</strong>,” brought by Rev. Paige; scriptures:John 4:5-42 and Psalm 95:8-11; Third Sunday <strong>in</strong> Lent; 5:30 p.m.,youth small groups meet for studyand supper at the church; 7 p.m.,Community Lenten service at FirstBaptist Church with special music byFirst United Methodist Chancel ChoirMonday – 7 p.m., MasterGardeners, church lounge; 7:30 p.m.,AA meet<strong>in</strong>g, fellowship hallTuesday – 6:30 p.m., Chancel Bellsrehearsal, sanctuaryWednesday – 7 p.m., MissionsCommittee, church loungeThursday – 7:30 p.m., ChancelChoir rehearsal, sanctuary; AA meet<strong>in</strong>g,fellowship hallFriday – offices are closed————KENTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH129 N. Wayne St., <strong>Kenton</strong>Phone 567-674-7531Pastor: Anita VanBuskirkSunday – 10:30 a.m., worship service;10:30 a.m., children SundaySchool; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g serviceWednesday – 7 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g service————GOD’S HOUSE OF DELIVERANCECorner of 319 Park & LeightonPastor David Koon419-675-2566Sunday – 10 a.m. service; 6 p.m.serviceWednesday – 7 p.m. service————GRACE EVANGELICALLUTHERAN CHURCH40 Wash<strong>in</strong>gton Blvd.Rev. Ken Engdahl419-679-1089Wiscons<strong>in</strong> Synod“Christ’s Love, Our Call<strong>in</strong>g”Saturday – 1:30-3 p.m., BibleHistory Class and Catechism ClassSunday – 10:15 a.m., worship service;11:30 a.m., Bible classWednesday – pastor <strong>in</strong> F<strong>in</strong>dlay; 7p.m., Lenten serviceGRACE FELLOWSHIP OF KENTON509 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> St.Pastor Susan Lutz419-673-0860Sunday – 10 a.m., Sunday school foradults and children; 10:45 a.m. worshipserviceWednesday – 6 p.m. service. variousBiblical studies utiliz<strong>in</strong>g DVDs, textbooks,workbooks/journals————HOUSE OF PRAYERPENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD503 Summit St.Pastor Don HolbrookChurch 419-674-4696Home 419-757-6983Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. worship; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>gserviceWednesday – 7 p.m. even<strong>in</strong>g service————HOUSE OF WORSHIPChurch of God9979 Ohio 309 W.Rev. Doral Sharp Sr.Church phone 419-675-3665Sunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday morn<strong>in</strong>gserviceSaturday – 6:30 p.m., <strong>in</strong>tercessoryprayer————IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONCATHOLIC CHURCH215 E. North St.Father Anthony D<strong>in</strong>ovo419-675-1162Saturday – 3:45-4:15 p.m., confessionsheard (or at any time byappo<strong>in</strong>tment); 4:30 p.m., Mass forThird Sunday of LentSunday – 10 a.m., Mass for ThirdSunday of Lent, choir will be s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g;youth group to meet after Mass <strong>in</strong> theconventMonday – 8 a.m., daily Mass,S.O.U.P. service; 6:30 p.m.,Stewardship Committee <strong>in</strong> the center;Echoes of Faith Meet<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the centerTuesday – 8 a.m., daily Mass; 9a.m., Adult Faith Formation; S.O.U.P.serviceWednesday – no daily Mass;S.O.U.P. service; 6 p.m., choir practice;6:30 p.m., PSR for grades PS-6 <strong>in</strong>the centerThursday – 8 a.m. daily Mass;S.O.U.P. service; 7 p.m., Awaken<strong>in</strong>gFaith ClassFriday – 8 a.m., daily Mass,Exposition and Adoration of theBlessed Sacrament will beg<strong>in</strong> immediatleyfollow<strong>in</strong>g the 8 a.m. Mass andcont<strong>in</strong>ue until 5 p.m. when we willrepose the Blessed Sacrament untilthe Stations of the Cross; S.O.U.P.service; 5:30 p.m., Meditational SoupSupper <strong>in</strong> the center; 7 p.m., Stationsof the Cross with Exposition andBenediction followed by confessions————LIVING WATERAPOSTOLIC CHURCH14241 Harris St.Rev. C. Gary Carter IIChurch phone: 419-673-1358Pastor’s phone: 614-599-2966Sunday – 9:45 a.m. Sunday school;11 a.m., worshipThursday – 6:30 p.m. worship————NEW HOPE FELLOWSHIPPastor Jason R. Manns419-674-4977www.kentonnewhope.comSunday – 12:30 p.m., service at theCentral Church of Christ; WeeWorship for ages 2-5; found/kidschurch for grades 1-5Tuesday – 9-11 a.m., office hours; 6p.m., Refuge JV (6,7,8) at CommunityCenter, 129 N. Wayne St.Wednesday – 9-11 a.m., office hoursThursday – 9-11 a.m., office hours;7 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g services at New HopeFamily CenterFridays – 7 p.m., married couplessmall groupSecond Sunday of each month –Ladies meet<strong>in</strong>g at 4 p.m.————OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN725 E. Eliza St.Pastor John Dyere-mail: Johnd419@aol.comChurch phone 419-673-1389OSLC@wcoil.comSunday – 9 a.m., Sunday School;10:30 a.m., worshipMonday – reservations due forLenten Brunch, copies of Bible studyavailable at the churchWednesday – 10-11:30 a.m., LentenBible Study and Brunch; Session 3,The next of k<strong>in</strong> clan; 6:30 p.m.,T.O.P.S.Second Sunday of each month –Women’s Bus<strong>in</strong>ess meet<strong>in</strong>g andChurch Council follow<strong>in</strong>g worshipSecond Tuesday of each month –4:30 p.m., Bible study; 6:30 p.m., OurSavior’s Grief Support GroupThird Tuesday of each month – 7p.m., Mid-Ohio Dementia SupportGroupFourth Sunday – EmpowermentSunday, 11:45 a.m. lunch, followed byspeakers and programHandicapped accessible————PAYNE CHAPEL A.M.E. CHURCH437 N. MarketRev. Timothy Ligg<strong>in</strong>sChurch phone 419-674-4280Cellular phone 614-354-7851Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday School,10:30 a.m., churchTuesday – 7 p.m., adult Bible studyThursday – 6:30 p.m., choir practice————RIVERSIDE MENNONITE CHURCHTownship Road 135M<strong>in</strong>istry Ryan Mart<strong>in</strong>and Harold Hege419-673-0183Sunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship serviceSecond Sunday of month, 7:30 p.m.,even<strong>in</strong>g serviceFirst and Third Wednesdays, 7:30p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g serviceST. JOHN'S UNITEDCHURCH OF CHRISTCorner of Wayne & Carrol Sts.web site: www.sjucc43326.orge-mail: sjcoffice@w<strong>in</strong>dstream.netSaturday – 7 a.m., Men’s FellowshipBreakfast Bible Study at Henry’sRestaurant; 8 a.m., middle schoollock-<strong>in</strong> endsSunday – 8:30 a.m. CWT worshipservice; message, “Be More Than aListener” by Pastor Donald Coleman,<strong>in</strong>terim pastor; 9 a.m., pre-recordedworship service on Warner CableChannel 6; 9:30 a.m., F.A.I.T.H. timefor children age 2 to adult, a nurseryprovided for children under two; 10:30a.m., worship service, message, “BeMore Than a Listener” by PastorColeman; 11 a.m., senior high schoolsmall group, youth room; noon,Golden Buckeye lunch at Henry’sRestaurant; 7 p.m, CommunityLenten Service at First BaptistChurch; 7:30 p.m., NarcoticsAnonymous group meet<strong>in</strong>g, chapelclassroomMonday-Thursday – 3-4:30 p.m.,Club 180 After School Program foryouth <strong>in</strong> grades 6-12 at 405 N. Ma<strong>in</strong>St., <strong>Kenton</strong>Monday – 6 p.m., Board of ChristianEducation, fellowship hall; 6:30 p.m.,Teachers’ meet<strong>in</strong>g, fellowship hall;Intercessory Prayer Group, chapelTuesday – noon, AA meet<strong>in</strong>g, chapel;6 p.m., Town and Country Creators 4-H meet<strong>in</strong>g, fellowship hall; 6:30 p.m.,Tenebrae service practice; 6:45 p.m.,bell choir practice, sanctuaryWednesday – 5:30 p.m., high schoolyouth group meet<strong>in</strong>g, youth room; 6p.m., Study on “Experienc<strong>in</strong>g God,”chapel classroom; cherub choir practice<strong>in</strong> choir room for children ages 3through k<strong>in</strong>dergarten, JC Club forchildren k<strong>in</strong>dergarten through fifthgrade, fellowship hall; 6:30 p.m., children’schoir practice for children <strong>in</strong>first through fifth grades, choir room;adult small group meet<strong>in</strong>g, right sideof chapel room; 7 p.m., middle schoolyouth group Mission Night meet<strong>in</strong>g,youth room; chancel choir practice,sanctuary; 7:45 p.m., practice for theCantata, “Footpr<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> the Sand” tobe performed on Palm Sunday at the10:30 a.m. worship service. Anyone<strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g, jo<strong>in</strong> the choir atthis timeThursday – noon, AA meet<strong>in</strong>g,chapel; 6 p.m., Tenebrae Service practice,sanctuary; 7 p.m., Habitat forHumanity Volunteers Thank YouMeet<strong>in</strong>g, fellowship hallFriday – 11:30 a.m., Fridays WithFriends at Brunson’s, widow-widowersupport group; 5 p.m., Heart of GoldWomen’s Retreat, fellowship hall; 6p.m., Contemporary Worship Teampractice under the leadership of KristyGillfillan, sanctuary– ————TRINITY UNITEDPRESBYTERIAN CHURCHCorner of Columbus & Market Sts.Rev. Tomas Pistora419-675-3520 (home)419-673-2173 (church)e-mail: ktr<strong>in</strong>ity@w<strong>in</strong>dstream.netweb site: www.kentontr<strong>in</strong>ity.orgSunday – 10:30 a.m., worship service,sermon topic “The Well” by Rev.Tomas Pistora; cont<strong>in</strong>ue Lenten studydur<strong>in</strong>g coffee hour————VOICE OF LIFE MINISTRIES203 N. Detroit St.Pastor Terry Hawk<strong>in</strong>s419-784-6868Sunday – 10:30 a.m., worship services;6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g servicesArea churchesADA CHURCH OF CHRIST(Disciples)316 South Ma<strong>in</strong>Sunday – no Sunday school; 10:30a.m. Morn<strong>in</strong>g Worship and children’schurchThursday – 6:30 p.m., adult andteenager Bible study————ADA FIRST UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH301 N. Ma<strong>in</strong> St.Rev. Wayne F. AlbertsonSunday – 9:15 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship, broadcast live onWONB Radio, 94.9 FM, Ohio NorthernUniversity————ADA FULL GOSPEL CHURCHLocated 2 Miles North AdaOn Ohio 235Pastors Karen and Fred Rarey419-634-6132web site: www.adafullgospel.comemail:adafullgospel@adafullgospel.comSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school,10:30 a.m. Worship service; 6 p.m.even<strong>in</strong>g service.Tuesday – 10 a.m., prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g;7 p.m, prayer meet<strong>in</strong>gThursday – 7 p.m. Worship serviceSecretary’s office hours: Mondaythrough Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.Youth pastor office hours: Mondayand Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.Bus m<strong>in</strong>istry available for Sundaymorn<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> Ada and Dunkirk area.Pickup between 8:45-9:15 a.m. Callchurch office dur<strong>in</strong>g office hours.After hours, call 419-757-5525.————ADA OUR LADY OF LOURDESCATHOLIC CHURCH300 E. Highland Ave., AdaThe Rev. David J. YoungSaturday – 5 p.m. mass at churchSunday – 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. mass,except for second Sunday of eachmonth when mass will be at 11:15a.m. at the Ohio Northern UniversityEnglish ChapelST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH125 S. Johnson St.Pastor David Coff<strong>in</strong>Phone 419-634-8956Sunday – 9:00 a.m., SundaySchool; 10:30 a.m., worshipHoly Communion celebrated thefirst Sunday of each month————BETHEL CHURCH OF CHRIST4014 Co. Rd. 304, AdaM<strong>in</strong>ister Brandon MaydenYouth M<strong>in</strong>ister Mike KupfererM<strong>in</strong>ister to Seniors HarrisonUnderwoodSunday – 9:45 a.m. Sunday school;8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship; 6:30p.m. Even<strong>in</strong>g service and youth meet<strong>in</strong>g————FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH350 W. North Ave., AdaRev. Jack DuffySunday – 9 a.m. Sunday school,10:15 a.m. Morn<strong>in</strong>g worship1st and 3rd Sundays – 6:30 p.m.,youth m<strong>in</strong>istryWednesday – 10 a.m., young moms;6:30 p.m, Moms <strong>in</strong> Touch; music m<strong>in</strong>istry;7 p.m. Bible study————FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHS. Ma<strong>in</strong> St., AdaThe Rev. Patrick AllenSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship service————GRACE GOSPEL CHURCH321 N. Gilbert St., AdaPastor Trent BoedickerPhone: 419-634-2554Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school,10:30 a.m. WorshipTuesday – 6:30 p.m., Through theBibleWednesday – 6:30-8 p.m. Coachedby Christ————HIGH ST. FREEWILLBAPTIST CHURCHRoute 2, AdaJames K. Webb, PastorSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Church service; 6 p.m.even<strong>in</strong>g serviceWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible study————LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH2955 CR 20, AdaPastor Lon TaylorPhone 419-634-0486Sunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>gservices.Wednesday – 7 p.m., pray and Biblestudy————ST. PAUL’S UNITEDCHURCH OF CHRISTTR 25, AdaRonald A. Briggs, M<strong>in</strong>isterSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship————ALGER ASSEMBLY OF GOD7050 S.R. 235, AlgerRev. Mark Andreasen, pastorChurch – 419-757-4501Home – 419-234-0716Sunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday Schoolfor all ages; 10:30 a.m., morn<strong>in</strong>g worship;6:30 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g worship andyouth D-Team m<strong>in</strong>istryWednesday – 7 p.m., adult Biblestudy; Missionettes (girls 5-18)————ALGER FIRST UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH101 E. Montville StreetPastor Frank P. Smith Sr.Church phone: 419-757-3771e-mail: alger1stumc@bright.netSunday – 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10a.m, worship service; 6 p.m., adultBible studyYouth 1st and 3rd Sunday even<strong>in</strong>gs6:30-8 p.m.United Methodist Women secondWednesday of monthUnited Methodist Men fourthTuesday of month––––––––PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE7 miles south of Algeron Route 235The Rev. Randy HunleySaturday, Sunday, Wednesday – 7p.m. Worship services––––––––QUICKSTEP PENTECOSTALCHURCH OF GOD3 1/2 miles south of Alger onOhio 235 then l/2 mile eastPastors Robert & Sheila DyeChurch Phone 419-757-3835Home 419-634-9765Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship; 6 p.m., serviceWednesday – 7 p.m. Prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g————BELLE CENTERCHURCH OF CHRISTcorner of N. State and Walnut streetsDavid C. Hawthorne, M<strong>in</strong>isterChurch Phone: 937-464-2611www.bellecenterchurchofchrist.comSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. worshipWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible study andyouth group————BELLE CENTER UNITEDPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH202 Walnut St.Pastor Kathy ClarkPhone: 937-464-2695Sunday – 9:15 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship service by Rev.Clark————BELLE CENTERUNITED METHODIST CHURCHThe Rev. Kev<strong>in</strong> SmithSunday – 9:30 a.m. Church school;10:30 a.m. morn<strong>in</strong>g worship, “Armedfor Battle 1” by Kathy Clark;Scriptures: Ephesians 6:13-14CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCHBelle CenterRev. Dana ColeSunday – 10 a.m., worship; 6 p.m.,even<strong>in</strong>g worshipTuesday – 6 p.m., service————NEW RICHLANDBAPTIST CHURCH8651 Co. Rd. 39 Belle Center2 miles south of Belle CenterSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. servicesWednesday – 7 p.m. Prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g————OASIS MINISTRIES20529 Greenville Treaty L<strong>in</strong>e Rd.ByhaliaThe Rev. Gregory Kah937-354-2109Sunday – 10 a.m. worship service.Everyone welcome.Thursday – 7 p.m. service————BLANCHARD RIVERCHURCH OF CHRIST3 Miles East of Dunkirkon Ohio 81Steve Umphress, M<strong>in</strong>isterSunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday school;10:25 a.m., worshipWednesday – 7 p.m. men’s andwomen’s bible study————BRIDGEPORT CHURCHSR 68 South of Dunkirk,CR60 East 1 1/4 milesGregg K<strong>in</strong>g, PastorSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;10:30 a.m. Worship————BYHALIA EVANGELICALFRIENDS CHURCH31654 State Route 31West Mansfield, Ohio 43358Pastor Jim GardnerPhone 937-982-3561www.byhaliafriends@byhalia.netSunday – 9:15 a.m., fellowship; 9:30a.m., Sunday school; 10:30 a.m., worshipand junior churchEvery other Monday – 6:30 p.m.,Prayer Hour of Power————DOLA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHPastor Tom GossellSunday – 9:15 a.m. Worship service:10:30 a.m. Sunday school————ST. JOHNLUTHERAN CHURCH (E.L.C.A.)5015 CR115, south of DolaPastor Charles M. Horn419-759-2833Sunday – 9 a.m., Sunday school; 10a.m., worshipElevator accessible————DUNKIRK ASSEMBLY OF GOD457 W. Patterson St.419-759-2223Pastor James GatchellSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:45 a.m. morn<strong>in</strong>g praise; 7 p.m.Sunday night nurs<strong>in</strong>g home m<strong>in</strong>istryWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible studyNursery service available————GRACE UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH200 North Walnut St., DunkirkThe Rev. L<strong>in</strong>da StaffordChurch: 419-759-3191Parsonage 419-759-3820Sunday – 9:30 a.m., adult Sundayschool; 10:30 a.m. worship and children’sSunday School————HERITAGE OAKS FULL GOSPEL14010 CR 30, DunkirkPastors Hebert and Pamela Wright419-759-2762Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>gservice.Wednesday – 6 p.m., Bible study. Allare welcome.————FLAT BRANCHCHURCH OF CHRIST6435 CR130Tom Kahley, M<strong>in</strong>isterSunday – 9:45 a.m. Bible school;10:45 a.m. Morn<strong>in</strong>g worship andCommunion; 7 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>g worship————FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH OF FORESTNorth Mart<strong>in</strong> StreetMichael Hannah, PastorSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;10:30 a.m. Morn<strong>in</strong>g worship; 7 p.m.Even<strong>in</strong>g assemblyWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible study————FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH211 E. Dixon St., ForestPastor Mary CurtisSunday – 9:15 a.m. Church; 10:30a.m. Sunday school————FOREST FULL GOSPEL125 E. LIMA ST.Rev. Robert SmithSunday – 10 a.m., Sunday school;11 a.m. worship; 6 p.mThursday – 6 p.m., worship————FORESTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH111 E. Dixon St., ForestPastor Denny Liv<strong>in</strong>gston419-273-3148, church419-273-2610, homeSunday – 9:15 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. worship————HERITAGE CHRISTIAN UNIONCHURCHRoute 37, southeast of ForestRev. Ken GraySunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship serviceWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible studyWood crafts pa<strong>in</strong>tedor sta<strong>in</strong>ed.Thomas WoodWork<strong>in</strong>g419-679-1321Griff<strong>in</strong>ChiropracticCl<strong>in</strong>ic108 E. Highland Ave.,Ada, OH 45810(419) 634-9897All major <strong>in</strong>surance as well asMedicare. Call for anappo<strong>in</strong>tment today!Mon - Tues - Thurs - Fri:9am - 6pmClosed WednesdaySch<strong>in</strong>dewolfStevensStoutFUNERAL HOMEPhone 419-673-2121Look<strong>in</strong>g ForSometh<strong>in</strong>gFUN To Do?Come AndBOWL With Us!Hillcrest Lanes1001 W. Lima St.,<strong>Kenton</strong>, OH419-675-6214Attend the Churchof Your ChoiceAUTOMATEDPETROLEUMBulk Plant419-674-49181-800-776-6572NEW HOPEFELLOWSHIPJo<strong>in</strong> Us SundaysAt 12:30 p.m. At TheCentral Church Of Christ815 E. Columbus St., <strong>Kenton</strong>Introduc<strong>in</strong>g people to thelove of Christ!www.kentonnewhope.com419-674-4977Love In the Name of ChristLove INC. of Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong>P.O. Box 782, <strong>Kenton</strong>, OH 43326(419) 674-4651FAX: (419) 674-4653Email: love<strong>in</strong>c@alltel.netA clear<strong>in</strong>g house m<strong>in</strong>istry help<strong>in</strong>g churches helppeople. An agency of United Way of Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong>.<strong>Kenton</strong>Mt. VictoryAttend The Churchof Your Choice......and thenD<strong>in</strong>e With Us!419-673-7211937-354-2851 or 1-800-2EATMT. VICTORY, OHIONEW and USEDCARS and TRUCKSHARDINMOTORSCHRYSLER - DODGEJEEPAT THE PLAZAMT. VICTORY937-354-4061TIMJOLLIFFPlumb<strong>in</strong>g andElectrical Services13907 CR 70<strong>Kenton</strong>Phone 419-675-1373Take TimeTo Pray!LARGE’SExhaust & Brakes935 N. Detroit Street419-673-0824 – <strong>Kenton</strong>

GRANTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH7484 State Route 53Forest, Ohio 45843Cynthia Morrison419-694-7176Sunday – 10:30 a.m., Sunday schooland Worship————COUNTY LINECHURCH OF THE BRETHREN4227 N. Hard<strong>in</strong> Rd., HarrodThe Rev. Tom DearthPhone: 419-649-5364Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 Worship; Nursery available; 7p.m. WorshipWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible study————HARRODUNITED METHODIST CHURCH100 Oak St.Pastor Roger EmersonPhone 419-648-5856Sunday – 9 a.m. Sunday school; 10a.m. Worship————HEPBURN-OTTERBEINUNITED METHODIST CHARGECal Waugh, Pastor419-757-2861HepburnSunday – 10:45 a.m. worshipOtterbe<strong>in</strong>Sunday – 9 a.m., Sunday School;9:45 a.m., Worship————FAITH BIBLE CHURCHIndependent &Non-Denom<strong>in</strong>ationalPresently meet<strong>in</strong>g at theLegion Hall on Market St.,LaRue, OhioWilliam H. Radel, PastorSunday – 10:30 a.m. Worship service————LaRUE BAPTIST CHURCHNorth High Street, LaRuePastor Tim PasmaSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. worship service; 5 p.m.Youth FellowshipWednesday – 7 p.m. Bible study andprayer————LaRUE UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCHRev. Ed FugateSunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship service————MARSEILLES UNITEDPRESBYTERIAN CHURCHSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:45 a.m. Worship service————MARSEILLES UNITEDMETHODIST CIRCUITPastor Rick SnyderMarseilles740-499-3712Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:45 a.m. Worship serviceWesley ChapelSunday – 9 a.m. Worship service;9:45 a.m. Sunday schoolSalemSunday – 9 a.m. Sunday school;9:45 a.m. Worship service————AUGLAIZE UNITEDBAPTIST CHURCH11890 Hard<strong>in</strong>g HighwayMaysvillePastor Russell MannsSecond Saturday of each month – 6p.m. s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g preach<strong>in</strong>gSunday – 9:45 a.m. Sunday school;11 a.m. Worship service; 6 p.m.Worship service————MAYSVILLE UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH<strong>County</strong> L<strong>in</strong>e Road,1/2 mile south of 309 MaysvlllePastor Roger EmersonSunday – 9 a.m. Worship; 10 a.m.Sunday school————McGUFFEYCHURCH OF CHRISTM<strong>in</strong>ister, Rick GrayshockYouth m<strong>in</strong>ister, Drew DoddSunday – 9 a.m., worship; Sundayschool, 10:30 a.m.————McGUFFEYFREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCHPastor David TrustySunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship————MOUNT BLANCHARDUNITED METHODIST CHURCH204 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> St. P.O. Box 311,Mt. Blanchard 45867-0311Telephone: Church 419-694-3245Rev. Joseph S. ChrismanSunday – 9 a.m. Sunday school forall ages; 10:30 a.m. Worship (nurseryprovided)————MT. BLANCHARDCHURCH OF THE NAZARENEPastor Jim WilliamsSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Morn<strong>in</strong>g worship service; 6p.m. even<strong>in</strong>g worshipWednesday – 7 p.m. Prayer service————BIBLE FAITH CHURCHINDEPENDENT FULL GOSPEL21602 Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong> Rd. 245Mt. VictoryPastors Mike & Rose Brooks740-666-1712614-309-8586Sunday – 10 a.m.-noon, SundaySchool and worship; 6 p.m., even<strong>in</strong>gservicesWednesday – 7 p.m. even<strong>in</strong>g services————MT. VICTORYCHURCH OF CHRISTMt. VictoryAndrew Stahler, m<strong>in</strong>ister937-407-1007Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Bible school;10:30 a.m. Worship serviceGirl Scouts meet the first and thirdThursdays after school————MT. VICTORYUNITED METHODIST CHURCHRev. J. Mac Geiss<strong>in</strong>gerSunday – 9 a.m. Worship service,10:30 a.m. Sunday school————PATTERSONUNITED METHODIST CHURCHKen Drumm, Pastor419-759-2964Sunday – 9:15 a.m., worship; 10:15a.m., Sunday School————UNION BAPTIST CHURCH4 miles east of Byhalia on 739Richwood, OhioStan Phillips, PastorDavid Ehret, Super<strong>in</strong>tendentSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:25 a.m. Worship; 6:30 p.m.Even<strong>in</strong>g worshipWednesday – 7 p.m. Prayer service————RIDGEWAYCHURCH OF CHRISTHighway 292, RidgewayCory Savage, M<strong>in</strong>ister937-363-2393Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday schoolfor all ages; 10:30 a.m. Worship service,junior church, nurseryWednesday – 6:30 p.m., gradeschool youth group————FIRST CHURCH OF GOD141 E. Oak St.P.O. Box 12, Ridgeway937-363-3691www.RFCOG.comFirstchurch ofGod@bright.netSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school,classes for all ages; 10:30 a.m.Worship; 6 p.m. Even<strong>in</strong>g worshipWednesday – 6:30 p.m. Adult Biblestudy and prayer meet<strong>in</strong>g; youth andchildren Bible classesRIDGEWAYUNITED METHODIST CHURCHThe Rev. J. Mac Geiss<strong>in</strong>gerSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. worship.————ROUNDHEAD CIRCUITPastor Phil BrennemanPhone: (Verizon) 419-303-5799E-mail: philbr1@earthl<strong>in</strong>k.netMt. Zion United MethodistSunday – 9 a.m., worship; 10 a.m.,Sunday schoolRoundhead United MethodistSunday – 10 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship————VICTORY CHAPEL OF PRAISE13436 SR 235(4 miles North of Roundhead)Pastors David and Sandra Schneer(937)-464-4380E-mail: dschneer@woh.rr.comwww.victorychapelofpraise.comSunday – 10 a.m., service————RUSHSYLVANIACHURCH OF CHRISTP.O. Box 386, 170 E. Mill St.John James, Senior M<strong>in</strong>isterLynn Cleaveland, Assoc. M<strong>in</strong>isterBen Moore, Associate M<strong>in</strong>isterChurch phone: 937-468-2674Sunday – 9:30 a.m., First service,disciple groups and Sunday school;10:30, a.m., gather<strong>in</strong>g and fellowship,grand foyer; 11 a.m. Second service,disciple groups and Sunday school; 5p.m., Over Flow Youth; 6:30-8:30, TheZoneTuesday – 7 p.m., boy scoutsWednesday – 9 a.m.-Noon, foodpantry; 11:30 a.m., senior meal; 5:30-7:30 p.m., Mill Street Grill; 6:30 p.m.,10-fourteen Kids meet<strong>in</strong>g; adult smallgroupsThursday – 7 p.m., AA meet<strong>in</strong>g————FIRST UNITEDPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA)RushsylvaniaRev. Evan J. WallSunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship————RHINEHART UNITED METHODIST<strong>County</strong> Road 209 and 195Philip Compton, PastorSunday — 9 a.m. Worship, juniorchurch <strong>in</strong> basement; 10 a.m. Sundayschool————RUSHCREEK UNITEDMETHODIST CHARGERev. Joshua JohnsonHarper UMCSunday – 9 a.m., morn<strong>in</strong>g worship;10 a.m., church serviceBig Spr<strong>in</strong>gs UMCSunday – 10 a.m., church school;11:15 a.m. morn<strong>in</strong>g worship————RUSHSYLVANIA UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCHRushsylvania/Zanesfield chargeRev. Bonnie Frost, pastorSunday – 8:30 a.m., Sunday school;9:30 a.m., worship service————SALEMUNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST5 miles east of <strong>Kenton</strong> SR 309Rev. John MummertSunday – 9:30 a.m., Sundayschool; 10:30 a.m., worship service————SILVER CREEKUNITED METHODIST CHURCH17314 <strong>County</strong> Road 115Pastor Mark BishopSunday – 9 a.m., worship service;10:16 a.m., Sunday School2nd Thursday – 7:30 p.m., UnitedMethodist Women————SUGAR GROVEUNITED METHODIST4945 State Route 81, AdaPastor: Rev. G. Alan Brown II,O.S.L.Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday school;10:30 a.m. Worship service————WALNUT GROVEUNITED METHODIST CHURCHCorner of TR 80 and U.S. 684 miles North of <strong>Kenton</strong>The Rev. Jeff WaiteSunday – 9 a.m., traditional worshipservice; 10 a.m., Sunday school;11:15 a.m., contemporary worshipservice; 1-2:30 p.m., Youth Fellowshipgrades 7-12 at the annexWednesday – 7 p.m., Bible study————WHARTON FIRST CHURCH OFGODPastor Joe Carney419-458-2261Sunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday school;10:30 a.m., worship; 6 p.m., KFC,youth group, adultsWednesday – 7 p.m., prayer service————COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH1 mile N. of WilliamstownState Route 68Pastor Bob Wood419-969-4056wwww.cbc4u.netSunday – 9:30 a.m., Sunday School;10:30 a.m., worshipWednesday – 6:50-8 p.m., Kids Alive————WILLIAMSTOWN FIRST BRETHRENState Route 68Sunday – 10:30 a.m., worship services,message by David CreekmoreWednesday – 6:30 p.m., Bible studyand prayerProtectancientcemeteryJERUSALEM (AP) — A widepatch of steep hillside overlook<strong>in</strong>gJerusalem’s Old City holdsrow after row of graves. Biblicalprophets, revered rabbis and aprime m<strong>in</strong>ister are buriedthere. Yet many of the tombstoneshave been smashed, litteris strewn around and tethereddonkeys defecate on top ofgraves.The ancient cemetery is justone po<strong>in</strong>t of contention <strong>in</strong> thestruggle for control ofJerusalem, an explosive issue<strong>in</strong> decades of Israeli-Palest<strong>in</strong>ianpeace efforts.Israelis and AmericanJewish leaders are demand<strong>in</strong>gthat the Israeli government<strong>in</strong>crease protection to ensurethat those buried on the Mountof Olives can rest <strong>in</strong> peace.The cemetery is believed tohold the graves of biblicalprophets Haggai, Malachi andZechariah. The list of modernJewish figures buried there<strong>in</strong>cludes Prime M<strong>in</strong>isterMenachem Beg<strong>in</strong> and EliezerBen-Yehuda, the father of modernHebrew, and Nobel Prizelaureate Shai Agnon.Some Israelis claimPalest<strong>in</strong>ians from surround<strong>in</strong>geast Jerusalem neighbourhoodsattack visitors two tothree times a week.Screen<strong>in</strong>g and paneldiscussion of ‘TheCall<strong>in</strong>g’ set at ONUADA — Ohio NorthernUniversity and the West OhioConference of the UnitedMethodist Church will presenta screen<strong>in</strong>g and panel discussionof “The Call<strong>in</strong>g” <strong>in</strong> theForum of Dicke Hall onMonday, March 28, at 7 p.m.The event is free and open tothe public.“The Call<strong>in</strong>g” featuresyoung adults at the crossroadsof their lives, cop<strong>in</strong>gwith daily issues of dat<strong>in</strong>g,f<strong>in</strong>ances, friendships, familydramas and key career decisions.They struggle to balancereligious convictions,professional responsibilities,rigorous academics, <strong>in</strong>teractionswith congregants, dedicationsto lifelong service, andoccasional spells of doubt anduncerta<strong>in</strong>ty.Their collective experiencesshed light on the nature ofleadership as well as currentissues fac<strong>in</strong>g America’s religiouscommunities.Embark<strong>in</strong>g on life paths thatThe Women's M<strong>in</strong>istries ofFirst Baptist Church at 11543CR 175, <strong>Kenton</strong>, will hold their7th Annual Women's Day programon April 16 at the church.Registration will start at 8:30a.m. and the program will beg<strong>in</strong>at 9 a.m. It will end with lunchat noon. A freewill offer<strong>in</strong>g willbe taken. Call the church at419-675-9501 to leave yourname for a reservation beforeApril 3.The ma<strong>in</strong> speaker for the daywill be Raelean Phillips fromFostoria, the author of eightbooks and is highly sought afteras a speaker. She grew up <strong>in</strong> aChristian home with lov<strong>in</strong>g parentsand four older brothersand she married her junior highschool sweetheart, Danny, <strong>in</strong>1969. They have two grownchildren who are married andlive out of <strong>state</strong>.By her own admission,Raelean is much too ornery tobe a pastor's wife – but that isthe role that God (with Hisdemand tremendous personalsacrifices and commitment,these sem<strong>in</strong>arians mustuphold timeless truths <strong>in</strong> anera that values quick fixes andhot trends, and face a publicthat challenges the relevanceof their mission.The 78-m<strong>in</strong>ute version tobe shown at Ohio Northernfeatures four subjects: a studentat Yeshivat ChoveveiTorah Rabb<strong>in</strong>ical School, astudent <strong>in</strong> HartfordSem<strong>in</strong>ary’sMuslimChapla<strong>in</strong>cy program, a studentwho entered the Catholicsem<strong>in</strong>ary hop<strong>in</strong>g to become a“servant priest,” and a studentstudy<strong>in</strong>g at the HaggardSchool of Theology at AzusaPacific University.A question-and-answersession will follow the movie,<strong>in</strong> which a panel consist<strong>in</strong>g ofONU students, faculty andalumni will discuss their personalstories of call and discern<strong>in</strong>gtheir life’s purpose(both faith-based and secular).Women’s Day programslated at First Baptistamaz<strong>in</strong>g sense of humor) haschosen for her. Dan has been <strong>in</strong>full time m<strong>in</strong>istry for over 25years.She will have two sessionsexplor<strong>in</strong>g relationships. Thefirst will <strong>in</strong>vite people to exploretheir relationships with oneanother, and the second will<strong>in</strong>vite people to explore theirrelationship with God. Peoplewill laugh and learn, and theywill not go away untouched orunchanged.Also on the program will be:The Daughters of HopeWorship Dance Team comprisedof home-schooled girls,ages 5-14, who enjoy m<strong>in</strong>ister<strong>in</strong>gto others through theirdance;F<strong>in</strong>dlay First F<strong>in</strong>e Arts Teamfrom the First Assembly of GodYouth group <strong>in</strong> F<strong>in</strong>dlay who,through comedic skits, withpowerful thought-provok<strong>in</strong>gend<strong>in</strong>gs, will challengeChristians to be salt and lightto a world <strong>in</strong> need.Lenten Service at First BaptistThis week’s <strong>Kenton</strong> Community Lenten Service will be atFirst Baptist Church, 11543 CR 175.The speaker will be Rev. John Dyer of Our Savior’sLutheran Church.Special music will be provided by the First UnitedMethodist Church Chancel Choir. All are <strong>in</strong>vited to attend.By LEANNE ITALIEAssociated PressNEW YORK (AP) — Fromthe White House to the Sche<strong>in</strong>house, Passover is good to thelast drop thanks to theMaxwell House Haggadah, lov<strong>in</strong>glypassed down throughgenerations, red w<strong>in</strong>e splotchesand gravy smears mark<strong>in</strong>gnearly 80 years of service atAmerican Seder tables.The coffee company’s versionof the text used at theholiday meal has been offeredfree at supermarkets with aMaxwell House purchases<strong>in</strong>ce the early 1930s. Now,more than 50 million copiesare <strong>in</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>t.They even turned up whenPresident Obama hosted hisfirst Seder <strong>in</strong> the family d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>groom of the White House twoyears ago.The company is issu<strong>in</strong>g anew edition this year <strong>in</strong> timefor the start of Passover, whichbeg<strong>in</strong>s the night of April 18.“I feel like I’m pass<strong>in</strong>g on apiece of my childhood. They’refamiliar and comfortable,”said Lisa Zwick, 44, of LagunaHills, Calif. Her family, start<strong>in</strong>gwith her parents, has usedthe Maxwell House books for37 years to tell the story of theJews’ exodus from Egypt.For that, Maxwell Houseowes a debt to Joseph JacobsAdvertis<strong>in</strong>g and the Orthodoxrabbi it hired back <strong>in</strong> 1923.The rabbi confirmed that thecoffee bean is not a legumebut a berry <strong>in</strong>stead, so OKunder the dietary rulesobserved by some Jews dur<strong>in</strong>gthe holiday.The Haggadah giveawaybegan about a decade after therabbi decreed that coffee waskosher for Passover as a wayto clear up l<strong>in</strong>ger<strong>in</strong>g consumerconfusion and end the dip <strong>in</strong>coffee sales that had beenobserved each year aroundthe eight-day celebration, saidElie Rosenfeld, who works onthe Haggadah account atJoseph Jacobs.The books have been distributednearly cont<strong>in</strong>uouslyever s<strong>in</strong>ce. The company tooktwo years off when paper wasscarce dur<strong>in</strong>g World War II.A Haggadah <strong>in</strong>cludes special<strong>in</strong>structions, prayers,hymns and commentaryunique to Passover. The manualsare given out to familyand friends at the Seder tableso all can participate <strong>in</strong> theretell<strong>in</strong>g of Moses’ deliveranceof the Jews from slavery morethan 3,000 years ago.The term Passover refers tothe Jewish homes that were“passed over” by God’s angelof death, sent to snatch theEgyptians’ firstborn as punishmentfor the pharaoh’srefusal to free the slaves.Susan Sche<strong>in</strong>’s 30 copies ofthe Maxwell House Haggadahhold precious memories of herlate dad, Philadelphia shoesalesman Ray Kaplan. Hiscontribution to the Seder mealwas — you guessed it —Maxwell House coffee, still astrong seller today but k<strong>in</strong>g tomany coffee-dr<strong>in</strong>kers back <strong>in</strong>the pre-Starbucks ‘60s whenhe was collect<strong>in</strong>g the guides.“Every year he would br<strong>in</strong>ganother one or two,” saidSche<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> Sunny Isles, Fla.,near Miami, as she hauled outher dad’s books once aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>preparation for this year’sSeder, with more than 20guests expected.“He was such a nice man.Every time I put them out, Ith<strong>in</strong>k of him,” she said. “Mych<strong>in</strong>a even matches. They’reblue.”This year, 6-month-oldHazel Ray, her granddaughternamed for her father, will be atthe Seder table.David Brimm was only 15when his father died and hebegan lead<strong>in</strong>g his family’sSeder us<strong>in</strong>g copies of theMaxwell House Haggadah hisparents collected through the‘60s and ‘70s. He dismissescritics who compla<strong>in</strong> the textsare fuddy-duddy or promotecorporate <strong>in</strong>volvement wherenone should exist.“I’m fairly certa<strong>in</strong> Moseswasn’t a Maxwell House guy,”Friday, March 25, 2011 KENTON TIMES – Page 7sermonetteA lesson <strong>in</strong> faithfor a pastorPastors are supposed to bepeople of faith. We preach“walk by faith not by sight,”but do we demonstrate this?Some believe their pastor tobe perfect, able to walk onwater and pray with immediateresults. I am here to tellyou the truth. Even pastorsstruggle with lessons <strong>in</strong> faith.Let me expla<strong>in</strong>.Not many months ago,while rotat<strong>in</strong>g the tires on thefamily van, I noticed someissues of rust. As I crankedthe jack up it pushed througha section of the van leav<strong>in</strong>gbeh<strong>in</strong>d a pile of rust. I discoveredan entire section rustedaway. Be<strong>in</strong>g a man I went <strong>in</strong>tonew van mode with<strong>in</strong> seconds.I thought I knew best. I calledmy wife out to see the problem.She agreed it was a problemthus, <strong>in</strong> my m<strong>in</strong>d, giv<strong>in</strong>gme the go ahead to beg<strong>in</strong> thesearch.Over the next six weeks Ihad “van on the bra<strong>in</strong> syndrome.”I spent hours andhours on the Internet and oncar lots look<strong>in</strong>g and consider<strong>in</strong>gthe options. I found it difficultto fully focus whilestudy<strong>in</strong>g and prepar<strong>in</strong>g form<strong>in</strong>istry responsibilities. I hada mission and I thought Iknew best.One Tuesday night, whilemeet<strong>in</strong>g for prayer, the Lordbegan a faith-build<strong>in</strong>g exercisewith this Pastor. I foundmyself unable to pray. Insteadof speak<strong>in</strong>g with God all Icould do was hear His voicethrough His written Word, theBible. What did God say tome? He said, “Owe no mananyth<strong>in</strong>g” (Romans 13:8).These words echoed <strong>in</strong> myhead like a broken record. Iwanted to pray but God wantedme to listen to His Words.That hour of prayer was morelike a wrestl<strong>in</strong>g match. F<strong>in</strong>allyI gave up. I surrendered mydesire for a van for His writtenwill for my life. I needed totrust God’s provision ratherthan my ability to supply myneed.So, what has happeneds<strong>in</strong>ce I stopped my hardsearch<strong>in</strong>g and began trust<strong>in</strong>gand rest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> God? First, Isought God’s forgiveness formy selfishness and pride oftrust<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> my own ability(Philippians 4:19). Second, INew Maxwell HouseHaggadah out for Passoverjoked Brimm, <strong>in</strong> Deerfield, Ill.,near Chicago. “There’s a certa<strong>in</strong>comfort at the table whenwe open the ‘sacred’ MaxwellHouse Haggadahs. We’ve augmentedthe service by s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>gPassover songs based onBroadway melodies.”By some counts, more than3,000 different types ofHaggadahs exist today, offer<strong>in</strong>gcommentary and activitiesto fill just about any niche —fem<strong>in</strong>ist, vegetarian, familyfun, eco-conscious, socialist— even one co-edited by apastor mix<strong>in</strong>g a Christian perspectivewith the Jewish.Another promises a 30-m<strong>in</strong>uteSeder, as opposed to the usualhunger-<strong>in</strong>duc<strong>in</strong>g two- to fourhourservice.Fuggeddaboutit, sayMaxwell House aficionados.“We’ve tried others, butyear after year we f<strong>in</strong>d ourtable set for 25 to 30 folks <strong>in</strong>our home and every place isset with a Maxwell HouseHaggadah. It makes ourPassover Seder good to thelast drop,” joked DanaMarlowe of Silver Spr<strong>in</strong>g, Md.,who built on her mother’sstash of the books over 12years of host<strong>in</strong>g her ownSeders.Last drop. Get it? Crack<strong>in</strong>gwise about the famousMaxwell House catchphrase isa popular pastime among fansof the company’s Haggadah.The slogan from the company’scoffee commercials wasused on the book’s cover <strong>in</strong>the early years.Some families have lam<strong>in</strong>atedthe books to preservethem or photocopied them toaccommodate more guests.Marlowe, who runs a companythat makes technology accessibleto people with disabilities,had the text made <strong>in</strong>toBraille, converted to largerpr<strong>in</strong>t and translated <strong>in</strong>toSpanish for guests.“When I have friends whoare deaf attend, I’ve <strong>in</strong>terpretedthe entire Maxwell HouseHaggadah <strong>in</strong>to American SignLanguage,” she said.PASTOR CRAIG MANSFIELDFirst Baptist Churchbegan to thank God for therust<strong>in</strong>g van <strong>in</strong>stead of compla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gabout it. “In all th<strong>in</strong>gsgive thanks” (1Thessalonians5:17). Third, I sacrificed mydesires for His will. I beganpray<strong>in</strong>g to do God’s will ratherthan God do<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>e.Shortly after this “surrendermoment” came a test<strong>in</strong>gmoment. The van broke downon the way home fromchurch. Instead of compla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gI chose rejoic<strong>in</strong>g. We hadthe money for the repair andso we did it. That week I hadscheduled an oil change at thedealership. After a long waitthe manager approached mewith some news about thevan. He told me I would not beable to leave with the vanbecause of a recall they hadreceived that morn<strong>in</strong>g.Nearly four months havepassed s<strong>in</strong>ce that night of surrender.For the past six weeksGod has placed us <strong>in</strong> a new2011 rental van paid for bythe car company while weawait the needed repairs fromthe recall. I do not know if wewill replace our old van, yet wehave enjoyed experienc<strong>in</strong>gGod’s provision for us so wecan tell others of His greatnessand care.The problem many of usface is not the lack of powerfound <strong>in</strong> God’s Word, but thelack of surrender to God’sWord. We fail to see God at Hisbest because we are too busydo<strong>in</strong>g our best. What do youneed to surrender to Godtoday?JIM BLOOMFIELDGospel concertat Full GospelA gospel concert featur<strong>in</strong>gJim Bloomfield of Bucyruswill beg<strong>in</strong> at 6 p.m. Saturdayat <strong>Kenton</strong> Full GospelChurch, 129 N. Wayne St.,<strong>Kenton</strong>.He is a songwriter, musician,publisher and promoter.He plays the mandol<strong>in</strong> andfiddle <strong>in</strong> Blue Grass GospelGroup which has four songs<strong>in</strong> the soundtrack of a newmovie out called Free Ride.The public is <strong>in</strong>vited andfor more <strong>in</strong>formation call567-674-7531.Women’s GleeClub featuredLIMA — The Women’s GleeClub from Ohio StateUniversity <strong>in</strong> Columbus willpresent the clos<strong>in</strong>g concert ofthe Ronald W. RichardsMusic Series on April 3 atLima Tr<strong>in</strong>ity UnitedMethodist Church.The concert will be at 4p.m. <strong>in</strong> the sanctuary and isopen to the public. A free willoffer<strong>in</strong>g will be received tohelp fund music scholarships.The OSU Women’s GleeClub was established <strong>in</strong>1903. Membership is byaudition and it represents awide variety of majors and<strong>in</strong>terests from throughout theuniversity, with s<strong>in</strong>gers rang<strong>in</strong>gfrom freshmen to graduatestudents.

Page 8 – KENTON TIMES Friday, March 25, 2011Calif. judge to rule if kidscan see paralyzed momBy JOHN ROGERSAssociated PressLOS ANGELES (AP) — It’sa custody case <strong>in</strong> which noone disputes these tragicfacts: A healthy young womanwent to the hospital to deliverher triplets, was badly bra<strong>in</strong>damaged by a series ofmedical errors and can nolonger walk, talk or even feedherself.But Abbie Dorn’s attorneysays that doesn’t make herany less a mother to those 4-year-old triplets, tell<strong>in</strong>gSuperior Court JudgeFrederick C. Shaller at ahear<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Los AngelesThursday that the 34-year-oldwoman has the same rights toregular visits with herchildren as any other parent.“They can call her mommyand, most of all, they can tellher they love her,” attorneyLisa Meyer said dur<strong>in</strong>g clos<strong>in</strong>garguments at a hear<strong>in</strong>g todecide whether Dorn isallowed to see her children fortwo weeks every summer anda week <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>g and fall.The attorney for Dorn’s exhusband,Dan Dorn,KENTON TIMES • (419) 674-40661 - LegalsLEGAL NOTICETony Crowe18 North Ma<strong>in</strong> Street<strong>Kenton</strong>, Ohio 43326Violation Address: 127 North Market StreetParcel ID No: 360102150000You are hereby notified pursuant to<strong>Kenton</strong> City Ord<strong>in</strong>ance 660.07 (b) that theCity Police, and/or Safety Service Director,has found junk and/ or junk vehicle(s) <strong>in</strong>violation of <strong>Kenton</strong> City Ord<strong>in</strong>ance 660.07(b) at or on the property known as 127North Market Street, Parcel ID No.360102150000 <strong>in</strong> the City of <strong>Kenton</strong>,which you own or have possessory<strong>in</strong>terest or control <strong>in</strong>.You have ten (10) days from the datehereof to remove or dispose of such junkand/or junk vehicle(s). Failure to complywill result <strong>in</strong> the Safety Service Directorcaus<strong>in</strong>g such junk and/or junk vehicle(s) tobe removed or disposed of. All cost of saidremoval or disposal will be assessed toyou with an adm<strong>in</strong>istrative fee of $125.00.City of <strong>Kenton</strong>By: Ron Shaffer, Safety Service DirectorMarch 256 - Special NoticesATTENTIONCrane township’s spr<strong>in</strong>g clean upfor Old Mission and Oak Hill Cemeterieswill be held April 1st and 4th. Ifthere is anyth<strong>in</strong>g that you want tokeep please come and pick it up beforethe dates above.Thank YouCrane TownshipOPEN FOR THE YEARENCHANTED FORESTCountry Primitive Gifts& Home Decor419-273-2296Hrs: Wed. Thurs. Fri. &Sat. 10a.m.-5p.m.15126 TR 40, Dunkirk, OHwww.ohioenchantedforest.comYour adcould be here!CallKENTON TIMESclassified departmentfor details419-674-4066PROM DRESS SALEAda, Bella Rose CollectionBrand new from2010 seasonMany sizes and colors atbarga<strong>in</strong> pricesCall residential phone,419-634-8526countered Meyer, say<strong>in</strong>g thatas tragic as her situation is,she is no longer capable ofbe<strong>in</strong>g a parent and that if herchildren are to see her itshould only be under thesupervision of their father andon his terms.“It’s unfortunate but it’sthe truth, and we have to dealwith what we know,” saidattorney Vicki Greene.It likely will not be the f<strong>in</strong>alword <strong>in</strong> this case, as AbbieDorn’s parents have sued forpermanent visitation rights.After the clos<strong>in</strong>garguments, Shaller closed thecourtroom to the public so heand the attorneys coulddiscuss the effect ofvisitations on Dorn’s childrenwithout violat<strong>in</strong>g theirprivacy. He said he expectedto issue a tentative writtenrul<strong>in</strong>g to the attorneys onFriday.A trial date on that matterhas not been scheduled.The tragic events that ledall parties to Shaller’scourtroom this week began onwhat should have been thehappiest day of Abbie Dorn’s11 - MonumentsDELPHOSGRANITE WORKS903 E. Columbus Street(Next to Sherw<strong>in</strong> Williams) <strong>Kenton</strong>Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Phone: 419-679-1041Cell Phone: 567-674-5144Monuments -Markers-MemorialsA variety of cemetery arrangementsby Blossom Gallery FloristHours: Tuesday - Friday 10-5Saturday & even<strong>in</strong>gsby appo<strong>in</strong>tmentKENTON MARBLE& GRANITELOCALLY FAMILYOWNED & OPERATED123 S. Leighton, <strong>Kenton</strong>419-673-3138kentonmarbleandgranite.comServ<strong>in</strong>g Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong>s<strong>in</strong>ce 1893Your adcould be here!CallKENTON TIMESclassified departmentfor details419-674-406616 - Misc. ServicesADAM HAUDENSCHIELD’S TREESERVICE— Trimm<strong>in</strong>g, removal, freeestimates.. 419-675-1093.ELWOOD’S TREE SERVICE— AndStump Removal. Owner Jim Elwood,Free estimates, fully <strong>in</strong>sured. 419-273-2771, 419-273-3197.HELPING HANDSHOME & OFFICE CLEANING.IF WE CAN HELPCALL 419-273-2253J’S HANDYMAN SERVICE— Wedo: light carpentry, plumb<strong>in</strong>g, pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g,clean<strong>in</strong>g, repairs, wood floor <strong>in</strong>stallation,low pitch roof<strong>in</strong>g, metalroof<strong>in</strong>g, lawn care, mower turn upand repair, misc. haul<strong>in</strong>g. Home 419-675-3394, cell 567-674-3829.P & T GUTTER CLEANING— Reasonablerates for all. 567-674-1729,leave message.17 - TV, Radio ServicesLOOKING FOR ANTENNA TOW-ERS— To take down or pa<strong>in</strong>t. Freeestimates, 567-674-7215.life. That was June 20, 2006,when she left for the hospitalto give birth to her sons Reuviand Yossi and their sisterEsti.The first two births tookplace without <strong>in</strong>cident. But asa doctor was deliver<strong>in</strong>g Yossi,he accidentally nicked Dorn’suterus. Before doctors couldstop the bleed<strong>in</strong>g, her hearthad stopped, a defibrillatorthey used malfunctioned andher bra<strong>in</strong> was deprived ofoxygen.A year later her husband,believ<strong>in</strong>g she would neverrecover, divorced her and israis<strong>in</strong>g their children at hisLos Angeles home. Herparents, meanwhile, took herto their Myrtle Beach, S.C.,home where they are car<strong>in</strong>gfor her. As the conservators ofher e<strong>state</strong>, they also manageher malpractice settlement ofnearly $8 million.Dorn’s attorney argues thather children should not bedenied the crucial opportunityto bond with her as they growup, even if they can’t have atraditional relationship withher.HN <strong>expects</strong> to get less fund<strong>in</strong>g(Cont<strong>in</strong>ued from page one)Board member Jeff Morrissuggested part of the garagecould be used for storage forathletic equipment.Board members MichelleObenour and Mike Purdyupdated the rest of the boardon the district leadershipteam’s efforts. The group is <strong>in</strong>its first stage of identify<strong>in</strong>g criticalneeds of the district. It willthen develop focused plans onhow to meet those needs andimplement those plans.“There is a lot of work be<strong>in</strong>gdone on this,” said Purdy. “It isan outstand<strong>in</strong>g program forthe district.”Vocational Agricultureteacher Anna Creswell told theboard of the recent success ofthe FFA students. HaleyBradley placed fifth <strong>in</strong> the<strong>state</strong> for job <strong>in</strong>terview skills,she said. Six membersadvanced to the district levelfor public speak<strong>in</strong>g. The chapteris committed to help<strong>in</strong>g thevillage of Dunkirk andWash<strong>in</strong>gton Township on variousservice projects, saidCreswell. The FFA will sponsorits annual banquet on April14.In other bus<strong>in</strong>ess, theboard:– Learned Ohio NorthernUniversity students will beassist<strong>in</strong>g with the tutor<strong>in</strong>g program.– K<strong>in</strong>dergarten screen<strong>in</strong>g isscheduled for April 20.– Learned the MusicBoosters are sponsor<strong>in</strong>gMarket Day frozen food sales.– Approved the use of thegym from March through Mayfor use by the youth softballteams.– Approved the use of thegym one even<strong>in</strong>g per weekthrough May by the AAU/NWHoopstars basketball program.– Accepted the LaboratoryService Contract from MedLabfor drug and alcohol screen<strong>in</strong>gfor bus drivers and substitutebus drivers through nextschool year.– Non-renewed all non-certifiedsupplemental contracts.– Approved Gail Gillham asa substitute bus driver andSharon Fulton as a substitutecafeteria worker and educationalaide.– Approved the district’sopen enrollment policy.18 - Build<strong>in</strong>g/Contract<strong>in</strong>gAMISH CREW— Fram<strong>in</strong>g, additions,garages, pole barns, roof<strong>in</strong>g and sid<strong>in</strong>g.Call 419-979-9161.BURRISGENERAL CONTRACTING, L.L.C.New homes, additions, remodel<strong>in</strong>g,sid<strong>in</strong>g, w<strong>in</strong>dows, plumb<strong>in</strong>g, w<strong>in</strong>d, fire,water restoration. OH. Lic. #33757.www.burrisconstruction.com. 419-757-6675.GRINDELL MASONRY— Concretesidewalks, patios, tuck po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g,stand<strong>in</strong>g seam and roof<strong>in</strong>g, pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g.You know the name, you’ve seen ourwork. 419-673-1761.HOLBROOK CONSTRUCTION—Formerly Ken Holbrook Carpentry.Roof<strong>in</strong>g, sid<strong>in</strong>g, w<strong>in</strong>dows, room additionsand new homes. Question<strong>in</strong>gwho to call, we do it all. 419-673-1766, 419-674-3531.MIKE COULSON— Roof<strong>in</strong>g, pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g,sid<strong>in</strong>g, w<strong>in</strong>dows, spout<strong>in</strong>g, garages,drywall, ceil<strong>in</strong>gs. All types ofremodel<strong>in</strong>g. References, free estimates.673–1511.19 - ElectriciansJAKOB’S ELECTRIC— Commercial,<strong>in</strong>dustrial, agricultural, residential.419-673-1388. OH Lic. 44838RICHARD VANBUSKIRK— Residentialwir<strong>in</strong>g. 419-675-1223.20 - Heat<strong>in</strong>g & Plumb<strong>in</strong>gDELONG SERVICE CO— Plumb<strong>in</strong>g,heat<strong>in</strong>g, A/C, electrical and dra<strong>in</strong>clean<strong>in</strong>g. 419-679-0288.RICK’S CLIMATE CONTROL—Heat<strong>in</strong>g, Cool<strong>in</strong>g, Plumb<strong>in</strong>g, Electrical.Free Estimates 419-673-4152.22 - Pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g, WallpaperBILL WARDPAINTING419-674-8210RAY ROGERS PAINTING— Interior,exterior. 937-464-2532, 419-675-0687.23 - Roof<strong>in</strong>g & Sid<strong>in</strong>gGARY’S ROOFING— Specialized <strong>in</strong>3 tab dimensional sh<strong>in</strong>gles, rubberand roof coat<strong>in</strong>g. Free estimates,567-674-7215.KENTON SEAMLESS GUTTER—Variety of colors, free estimates.419-675–3184.24 - Haul<strong>in</strong>g/RemovalWILL HAUL METAL/SCRAP/BAT-TERIES & APPLIANCES– for free!TV’s for small fee. Ask for Lonnie,740-244-9409.26 - AuctioneersCHARLES "CLIFF" WYNEGARCOMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE675–2405DAVEWEDERTZ,AUCTIONEER419-674-4206www.auctioneerdave.comJAN LAYMAN,AUCTIONEERComplete auction service419-673-0964419-835-5185 cellwww.laymanauction.comUNITED COUNTYWalton Realty & Auction Co., LLC& Appraisers97 Houpt Dr., Upper Sandusky(419) 294-0007 or 927-256227 - Storage Space"STASH YOUR TRASH"— Grannie'sAttic M<strong>in</strong>i-Storage. 673–1293.LB MINI-STORAGE,FOREST5X10,10X10,10X15,10X20,10X30CALL TODAY419-767-091634 - Help WantedAre you look<strong>in</strong>g for a child careprovider <strong>in</strong> your area? Let ushelp. Call YWCA Child Care Resourceand Referral at 1-800-992-2916 or 419-225-5465.CHAMBER AND TOURISMDIVISION VICE PRESIDENTThe Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong> Chamberand Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Alliance are seek<strong>in</strong>ga Vice President for theChamber and Tourism Division.Individual would be responsiblefor recruit<strong>in</strong>g and reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g membersof the organization. Theywould be responsible for theoversight of Safety Council. Coord<strong>in</strong>ateorganizational eventsand local events. Candidatemust have excellent communication,organizational and computerskills. The successful candidateshould possess an Associatesdegree <strong>in</strong> Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Adm<strong>in</strong>istration,or Market<strong>in</strong>g and PublicRelations or six months or morerelated experience and or tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gor comb<strong>in</strong>ation of educationand experience. Competitivebenefits package. If you arequalified and <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> an excit<strong>in</strong>gcareer opportunity, pleasesend resume and salary requirementsto: The Hard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong>Chamber and Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Alliance,Attn: Interim Director, 225 S. DetroitSt., <strong>Kenton</strong>, Ohio 43326 orto bw<strong>in</strong>gfield@hard<strong>in</strong>ohio.org.Applications will be accepted untilApril 4, 2011. EOE.CONTROLS MAINTENANCE TE-CHINICIANS— As a result of cont<strong>in</strong>uedgrowth, we are currently accept<strong>in</strong>gapplications for <strong>in</strong>dividuals whoare <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> electrical and mechanicalma<strong>in</strong>tenance <strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>dustrialmanufactur<strong>in</strong>g plant environment.Ideal candidates should have strongmechanical and electrical skills. Idealcandidates should have some formof related technical education orwork experience. Candidate must beable to work any shift. We offer highlycompetitive wages for the right <strong>in</strong>dividuals.Visit us atwww.pkcontrols.com. Pick up applicationsor send resumes to: PK ControlsInc., 8000 Corporate Blvd.,Pla<strong>in</strong> City, Ohio 43064. Fax 614-733-0639. EOEAccounts PayableClerkAccounts Payable Clerk –This position is primarily responsible for support<strong>in</strong>g thefunctions of the Controller’s Office. Several of the chief tasks<strong>in</strong>clude reconcil<strong>in</strong>g accounts, audit<strong>in</strong>g vendor <strong>state</strong>ments,approve check requests and vendor payments, updat<strong>in</strong>gdatabase <strong>in</strong>formation, process<strong>in</strong>g checks, and supervis<strong>in</strong>gstudent and temporary workers. Associate’s degree & 3-5 yrsrequired.This opportunity can be located on the Jobs & Employmentwebpage with complete details <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g deadl<strong>in</strong>e andapplication requirements.Please visit our web site at www.onu.edu/hr/jobs.EOE34 - Help WantedANNOUNCING INCREDIBLE PAYRAISE! Earn up to 44.5 cpm. Run regional.Weekly home time, greatmiles, new equipment. CDL-A, 6months experience required.EEOE/AAP. 1-866-322-4039.www.Drive4Marten.comCREW MEMBERS WANTED—Temporary position. Work 05/01/11 -12/15/11 to, from ground, push boltsthrough holes and fit nuts onto boltsand clean-up worksite. Worksite isconstruction of commercial gra<strong>in</strong>storage b<strong>in</strong>s on farms <strong>in</strong> rural areas.Thirty positions available. No tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gor education req. Extensive travelreq. Work It<strong>in</strong>erary is: May 1 throughJuly 31 based out of Pavilion, NY;August 1 through October 31 basedout of Upper Sandusky, OH; and,November 1 through December 15based out of Elizabeth City, NC.Transportation provided to worksitesand to/from lodg<strong>in</strong>g and meals. Crewmembers will stay <strong>in</strong> local motelsand pay for own room and board.Work week: Mon - Sat 8am - 5pm.$14.20/hour. Overtime as needed.Resumes to: Monica Rodriguez, AztecConstruction, 906 Goldsboro St.SW, Wilson, NC 27893.Cumm<strong>in</strong>s Facility Servicescurrently has full and part-timecustodial and plant general laborjobs available <strong>in</strong> the UpperSandusky area. Based on joband work site the hourly pay willrange from $7.40 to $8.00 perhour. Must pass a drug screenand background check. To applygo to: www.cumm<strong>in</strong>sfs.com orcall 1-800-451-5629.CURATORWyandot <strong>County</strong> MuseumThe Wyandot <strong>County</strong> Historical Societyis seek<strong>in</strong>g a qualified candidateto fill the position of Museum Curator.This position is 20 hours perweek and <strong>in</strong>volves work<strong>in</strong>g weekendsApril 30 – Oct. 1. Candidatesfor the job must possess, but not limitedto, the qualifications of goodcommunicator/public speaker, background<strong>in</strong> History, computer, writ<strong>in</strong>gand organizational skills. Resumesand letters of reference be<strong>in</strong>g acceptedimmediately. Send to CuratorSearch Committee c/o P. O. Box372, Upper Sandusky, Oh. 43351DRIVERS— Vacation after6 months, $1,000 signon bonus! Safety <strong>in</strong>centivebenefits package.CDL-A, 1 year. 888-560-9644.DRIVERS— Paid CDL tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and astable career! No credit check! Noexperience required. TRAINERSEARN .49 cents mile. 888-417-7564CRSTExpedited.www.Jo<strong>in</strong>CRST.comHERITAGE COOPERATIVE— At<strong>Kenton</strong>/Mt. Victory is look<strong>in</strong>g for seasonalpart time help to drive trucksand work around the plants. Applicantsshould have a good appearance,CDL Class B or better withHazMat, pass a drug test, be able tolift at least 50#, and work 7 days perweek if needed. Apply at HeritageCooperative, 125 Bales Rd., or callLynn Smith at 419-675-2305. Retireeswelcome to apply.HERITAGE COOPERATIVE— At<strong>Kenton</strong>/Mt. Victory is seek<strong>in</strong>g a CustomApplicator/Plant Operator. Candidateshould have previous applicationexperience and/or farm background,be able to operate varioustypes of equipment, have good mechanicalskills, and be <strong>in</strong> good physicalshape. Wages depend on experienceand ability. Insurance and benefitsoffered. Call Lynn Smith at 419-675-2305 for <strong>in</strong>formation and application.FOOT CARRIER WANTEDNameAddressTownAgeBirth DatePhone34 - Help WantedHERITAGE COOPERATIVE SYCA-MORE seek<strong>in</strong>g part-time seasonalhelp. CDL is helpful. Call 419-927-2345NOW HIRING— For General Managerand Assistant Manager positionswith Michael Angelo’s Pizza.Awesome and outgo<strong>in</strong>g personalityis required! Experience and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gis also required. Excellent salarypackage. Please visit www.michaelangelos.com/employ.htmlfor details.Please send resume with referencesto Michael Angelo’s Pizza, Inc., P.O.Box 616, <strong>Kenton</strong>, OH 43326 or fax to888-378-6488. No phone calls ordropped off applications will be accepted.OFFICE ASSISTANT– <strong>in</strong> Sycamore.Send resume with references to OF-FICE ASSISTANT, PO Box 438,Sycamore, OH 44882.PERSON TO STAY NIGHTS— Withelderly lady <strong>in</strong> her home <strong>in</strong> <strong>Kenton</strong>.Call 419-674-3342.PLASTIC ROTATIONALMOLDERseek<strong>in</strong>g a Quality Manager 3-5 yrs experience <strong>in</strong> plasticsmold<strong>in</strong>g, Rotomold<strong>in</strong>g experiencea plus. Should have excellentwritten and oral communicationskills and be proficient<strong>in</strong> Microsoft Office.Successful applicants willmanage and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> thecompany’s Production Specificationand Inspection programs.Be responsible for establish<strong>in</strong>gstandards andclearly def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g quality methodsfor production. Will communicatedirectly with customersand production to ensurethe execution of correctiveaction and compliancewith process specifications.Send Resume to:Diamond PlasticsPO Box 99Dunkirk, OH 45836QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL NEED-ED— For the full time position ofSocial Services Worker (SSW2).Bachelors degree <strong>in</strong> Social Work orrelated field. Flex time and benefitsavailable. Start<strong>in</strong>g pay $14.00 orhigher depend<strong>in</strong>g on experience.Background check will be a requirementfor employment. Job specificationsand civil service applicationsare available at Hard<strong>in</strong> Co. Job andFamily Services or send resume byApril 1, 2011 to: Libby Smith, Humanresources Officer, 175 W. Frankl<strong>in</strong>St., Suite 150, <strong>Kenton</strong>, Ohio 43326,fax to 419-675-1100 or email:SmithL18@odjfs.<strong>state</strong>.oh.us. EEOE.STEVENSON CONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY— Is look<strong>in</strong>g for a work<strong>in</strong>gteam leader with experience onsteel frame and post frame build<strong>in</strong>gs.We have paid holidays, paid vacation,and 401k plan. You can pick upan application at 107 Railroad Street,Rushsylvania. Pay is determ<strong>in</strong>ed byattitude and experience.STNA’S— Apply at The Cor<strong>in</strong>thian,320 N. Wayne St., <strong>Kenton</strong>. EOEWAITER / WAITRESS— And clean<strong>in</strong>gstaff needed. Apply <strong>in</strong> person.<strong>Kenton</strong> Elks Lodge #157, 157 EFrankl<strong>in</strong> St., <strong>Kenton</strong>. 419-675-0157.WANT TO BE YOUR OWN PER-SON? Enhance your retirement?Then this is the place for you. Weare a real e<strong>state</strong> firm that’s grow<strong>in</strong>g.Productive real e<strong>state</strong> agents of allexperience levels are welcomed. Weare look<strong>in</strong>g for aggressive agentsthat enjoy deal<strong>in</strong>g with the public. Allreplies are confidential, please sendyour resume to Box 72, %<strong>Kenton</strong><strong>Times</strong>, P.O. Box 230, <strong>Kenton</strong>, Ohio43326.POSITIONNOWOPEN!!IN ALGERApplications are needed for a Boy, Girl or Adult to carrypapers for the <strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>Times</strong> on a regular <strong>Times</strong> Route.START EARNING A PROFIT TODAY!APPLICATIONS WANTED ASAP. If <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> fill<strong>in</strong>gan open<strong>in</strong>g, please apply by one of the follow<strong>in</strong>g:• Call<strong>in</strong>g Patty at the <strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, 800/886-2412 or419-674-4066 ext. 240• Send<strong>in</strong>g this ad <strong>in</strong> with your name, address and phonenumber to the <strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, 201 E. Columbus St., P.O. Box230, <strong>Kenton</strong>, Ohio 43326. Attn. PattyPLEASE REPLY TODAY!!

34 - Help WantedLOOKING FOR A PIANO PLAY-ER— And guitar player for our Sunday10:30 a.m. church service. Wewill pay you for your time. If <strong>in</strong>terestedplease call Epworth MethodistChurch at 419-957-6333.YOU GOT THE DRIVE, WE HAVETHE DIRECTION— OTR drivers,APU equipped, Pre-Pass, EZ-Pass.Pets, passenger policy. Newerequipment. 100% no touch. 1-800-528-7825.36 - Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Oppt.OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT— Indowntown <strong>Kenton</strong>. 225 sq. ft. <strong>in</strong> a officecomplex with receptionist spacedur<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess hours with utilities<strong>in</strong>cluded. Rent is only $300. Call937-935-4512.OFFICE SPACE– Upper Sandusky.1,000 sq. ft. $350 month, utilities <strong>in</strong>cluded,419-310-0992.42 - Apartments for Rent!SPRING MEANS NEW BEGIN-NINGS at Eagles Po<strong>in</strong>t! EOH.www.YourNextPlaceToLive.com. 1-866-286-7010.$100.00 MOVE IN SPECIAL$150.00 Security Depositto qualified applicantsNEW CARPET*2 Bedroom $399.00**3 Bedroom $499.00**Approval while you wait**Large Pets Welcome with a fee*All Include Dishwasher, GarbageDisposal, Attached Storage Shed,Washer, Dryer Hookup, Stove,Refrigerator, Central AirEqual Hous<strong>in</strong>g Opportunity withHandicap Accessible UnitsCall T<strong>in</strong>a @ 419-294-6492 or419-310-8969200 Richardson DriveUpper Sandusky, OH 433511 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS APT.– <strong>in</strong>Upper. Residential neighborhood.Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer.$300 month plus deposit. No pets,419-294-3696.1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APART-MENTS— In Upper with rent start<strong>in</strong>gat $389 per month. We pay water &trash. On site laundry. RiverglennE<strong>state</strong>s, 440 Indian Mill, 419-294-4679.3 BEDROOM 2 BATH– 2 car garage.References & deposit. $750rent & deposit. 419-294-7117.DOWNTOWN UPPER SANDUSKY–1 Bedroom, range, refrigerator. Nopets. Deposit & references required,419-294-3672.IN UPPER– Clean 1 bedroom, upstairsapt. Includes all appliances,and utilities. Electric, heat, A/C, waterand trash, $600. No outside upkeep.Off street private park<strong>in</strong>g. Nosmok<strong>in</strong>g, no PETS, references required.Call 419-294-7720.42 - Apartments for RentELDERLY OR EXECUTIVE– 2 Bedroom2. bath Condo, garage. 1 Floor.No pets. $750 rent, $750 deposit,419-294-7117.SETON KENTON— 1 bedroomapartments designed for ages 62and older, or mobility impaired. HUDsubsidized. 419-673-7202 or TTY#1-800-750-0750. EHO.UPSTAIRS, ONE-BEDROOM– closeto downtown, Upper Sandusky. Nopets. References and deposit required,419-294-3311.VERY NICE– 2 Bedroom Apt. Newlyredecorated. No pets. No smok<strong>in</strong>g.Deposit and references. 419-294-3387.VILLAGER APARTMENTS– A quiet1 bedroom <strong>in</strong> Upper. Appliances furnished.No pets, 419-294-1513 or419-294-7078.43 - Houses for RentNICE FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE—In <strong>Kenton</strong>. Stove and refrigerator.$575 month plus utilities. Deposit.References. 419-674-6117.44 - Mobile Homes, Rent604 ELM ST., MCGUFFEY— 3 bedrooms,2 baths, very nice mobilehome with deck. $475 month plusdeposit. 419-647-4525.46 - Real E<strong>state</strong> for Sale1,000’S OF AREALISTINGSwww.charterrealtyonl<strong>in</strong>e.comCHARTER REALTY1420 S. MAINKENTON, OHIO419-674-4114CENTURY 21SUNWAY REALTY,LLC419-675-2333View our list<strong>in</strong>gson the Internetwww.realtor.comwww.century21.comCLOSE TO SCHOOLS— And shopp<strong>in</strong>garea. Ready to move <strong>in</strong>. 3 bedrooms,2 baths. 739 N. Barron, <strong>Kenton</strong>.Call 419-674-3785.HOMES-COMMERCIAL-LANDUnited CountrySearch List<strong>in</strong>gs and AuctionsBID ONLINEwww.ucwaltonrealtyandauction.comPaul Wagner, Agent419-294-806746 - Real E<strong>state</strong> for SaleINVESTMENT PROPERTY— In<strong>Kenton</strong>. House / duplex. Fully rentedfor sale. 419-679-1021.47 - Mobile Homes, Sale2 BEDROOM– 2 full baths. Located<strong>in</strong> Upper. Call 419-310-2312.All LOT MODELS– on Sale Now!!Save $1000's. Hurry while units last.740-389-4424.BRAND NEW HOMES– start<strong>in</strong>g @$19,995.00 WOW!! 740-389-4424.KENTONENTERPRISES, INC’SNew mobile & modularhome salesCustom order your newHome today!Call: 419-674-4172S<strong>in</strong>gle wide lotsavailable atRush Mobile Home Park<strong>in</strong> <strong>Kenton</strong>!NEW GOVT. PROGRAMS– Available3-1-11 to 3-31-11 Act Now. 740-389-4424.VERY NICE USED– Homes start<strong>in</strong>g@ $9995.00. We take trade. 740-389-4424.48 - Wanted to BuyATTN:Pay<strong>in</strong>g top dollar for allvehicles. Buy<strong>in</strong>g ferrous andnon-ferrous metals. Willbeat any competitors pricesDanner’s Tow<strong>in</strong>g & Recycl<strong>in</strong>gSycamore, OH419-927-6154Mon - Fri 8-5CASH FOR YOUR GOLD— GoldrushJewelers, <strong>Kenton</strong>. 419-675-1117.53 - AntiquesANTIQUES ~ BOUGHT ~ SOLDBuy<strong>in</strong>g co<strong>in</strong>s, glassware, collectibles,furniture, entire e<strong>state</strong>s. We offerstripp<strong>in</strong>g/ref<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g. Bill & Terri Baker,419-294-4558.54 - Household GoodsENTERTAINMENT CENTER– 49 <strong>in</strong>chestall, 59 <strong>in</strong>ches wide, $25.00.Call 419-294-2977.55 - Misc. for SaleBEAR CAT SCANNERS—BC340CRS desk top scanner.BC72XLT hand held scanner, yourchoice $125. Born’s Tire Center,419-673-1060.55 - Misc. for SaleBLENDER FOR SALE— Vita-Mix5000, nearly new with wet and dryconta<strong>in</strong>ers. Includ<strong>in</strong>g HamiltonBeach slushie/snowcone maker,$160 obo. 937-441-4786.CLEARANCE— Discont<strong>in</strong>ued,Scratch-n-dent, one of a k<strong>in</strong>d floordisplays up to 75% off. Kern’s Fireplace& Spa, 4147 Elida Rd., Lima.419-224-4656.POOL AND GAME TABLES— New,used, co<strong>in</strong>, buy, sell, move. Edison,OH, 419-946–8682.SPECIAL MEDIUM BROWNEGGS— $1.00 dozen. 419-674-4439, 419-367-9948.63 - Firewood & SuppliesDON HULL TREE CARE— Cutt<strong>in</strong>g,trimm<strong>in</strong>g, stump gr<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g. Firewood$50. 567-674-4103, 419-675-2936.WANTED EXTRA LARGE– BlackWalnut trees 28” <strong>in</strong> diameter or larger,330-323-2661.64 - Pets & SuppliesCOONHOUND PUPS– Black & tanEnglish mix. 419-981-5377 after 2p.m.ENGLISH BULLDOG PUP-PIES— AKC, 11 weeks old, maleand female. $800 each. 419-558-0034.davidjohnson4943@yahoo.comFREE Puppies. Lab Retriever Mix419-273-332165 - Lawn & GardenAHW ENTERPRISES— Propertyservices, lawn mow<strong>in</strong>g, clean ups,small and large, residential and commercial.567-674-3131. Informationat: ahwservices.comHard<strong>in</strong> <strong>County</strong> Small Eng<strong>in</strong>e Services1482 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> Street <strong>Kenton</strong> or1st drive off St.Rt. 292.419-673-8525. See us for Lawn mower, tiller,generator, 4 wheeler & ALL othersmall eng<strong>in</strong>e repair needs! FREEpick up <strong>in</strong> <strong>Kenton</strong> until April 1.LAWN MOWING— Lawn roll<strong>in</strong>g,spr<strong>in</strong>g clean up. Trim bushes, etc. 35years <strong>in</strong> bus<strong>in</strong>ess. Free estimates.Paul Miller Mow<strong>in</strong>g, 419-673-0053,419-230-6303.MCC LAWN MOWING— Currentlylook<strong>in</strong>g for residential and commerciallawns to mow. Personal servicewith a guarantee of quality workmanship.Call for free estimate, 419-674-6390, ask for Tim.OLLIE’S LAWN SERVICE— Spr<strong>in</strong>gclean up. Lawn roll<strong>in</strong>g, mow<strong>in</strong>g,hedge trimm<strong>in</strong>g, landscap<strong>in</strong>g, mulch<strong>in</strong>g.Licensed and <strong>in</strong>sured. Free estimates.419-674-7100.Friday, March 25, 2011 KENTON TIMES – Page 965 - Lawn & GardenAFFORDABLE LAWN CARE—Spr<strong>in</strong>g clean<strong>in</strong>g and misc work. 419-235-0835.PATTON’S GARAGE1480 S. MAIN ST., KENTON419-674-4475HUSQVARNARid<strong>in</strong>g Lawn TractorsStart<strong>in</strong>g as low as $1,399PATTON’S GARAGE1480 S. Ma<strong>in</strong> St., <strong>Kenton</strong>419-674-4475SCAGCommercial ZeroTurn MowersVIC’S MOWER SHOP WINTERSPECIAL— Full service on all pushmowers. $25 plus parts. 209 E.Ma<strong>in</strong>, Belle Center. 937-464-3795.66 - Fruits & VegetablesCHEAP! POTATOES $6.50 a box(50 lbs), 2 or more $5.50 each. HillsideOrchard, 7 miles east of <strong>Kenton</strong>on CR 144. 1/4 mile east of PfeifferStation.67 - Farmers ColumnCREEK SIDE BARN RECYCLING.Wanted– Lumber from your old barn.We will remove your unwantedbarns. Call for more <strong>in</strong>fo 567-230-0843.HAY 4 SALE— Timothy, Alfalfa, OrchardGrass. $3.00 per bale. 419-674-7189 (<strong>Kenton</strong> area).WANTED TO BUY— Stand<strong>in</strong>g timber.Hardwood and Cottonwood. Noyard trees please. Kenneth Allsup419-674-6819 cell.77 - Campers & RVs1973 TERRY TRAVEL TRAIL-ER— Sleeps five, new refrigerator,new mattress with bedd<strong>in</strong>g, microwave,central air, new blue belly,new runn<strong>in</strong>g lights, lots of storage.Can be seen by appo<strong>in</strong>tment, call419-949-4516.78 - Autos for Sale*****Car Credit Made Easy*Tired of Hear<strong>in</strong>g No?We Say Yes!Bad Credit? Repos?Bankruptcy?Call Matt Today forEasy Approval*419-294-2386**800-589-8079*****78 - Autos for Sale!CASH! FOR NON RUNNING— Unwantedcars or trucks, 419-674-3164, 419-674-4556.BIG WILK’SMOTOR SALES, LLCBuy here, Pay here0% <strong>in</strong>terest for everyone onqualified vehicles18352 SR 309 E4 miles east of <strong>Kenton</strong>www.<strong>big</strong>wilks.comBOB’S USEDAUTO CENTER300 N. Ma<strong>in</strong>,Dunkirk, OhioToll free1-866-759-9262Buy Here, Pay HereIs Our SpecialtyBUYING JUNK, WRECKED and repairablecars and trucks. $50 -$5,000. Kenny, 419-673-1283.CARS 4 U AUTO SALES0% <strong>in</strong>terest.2046 CR 90, Alger, Ohio.419-757-60302004 Dodge Stratus2004 Chevy Cavalier, 4 door2003 Ford Mustang GTconvertible2003 Chevy Trail Blazer2002 Ford F150 super cab1999 GMC Safari van1998 Ford Escort, 4 door1998 Ford W<strong>in</strong>dstar, low mileageOpen Monday - Friday 9-5Closed ThursdaySaturday 9-noonKENTON LUBE EXPRESS LLC.—10 m<strong>in</strong>ute oil change center featur<strong>in</strong>gPennzoil products. NO APPOINT-MENT NECESSARY, 201 S. Detroit,<strong>Kenton</strong>. 419-675-2125.LOW AUTO ANDHOME OWNER RATESCole HumphreyInsurance419-634-801080 - Trucks for Sale2007 CHEVY 1/2 TON TRUCK—Air, tilt, cruise. Call 419-767-0392anytime.86 - Bicycles & MopedsWANTED TO BUY– good used moped.Call morn<strong>in</strong>gs, 419-731-3319.today <strong>in</strong> historyBy The Associated PressToday is Friday, March 25, the 84th day of2011. There are 281 days left <strong>in</strong> the year.Today’s Highlight <strong>in</strong> History:On March 25, 1911, 146 people, mostly youngfemale immigrants, were killed when fire brokeout at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. <strong>in</strong> New York.On this date:In 1634, English colonists sent by LordBaltimore arrived <strong>in</strong> present-day Maryland.In 1865, dur<strong>in</strong>g the Civil War, Confederateforces attacked Fort Stedman <strong>in</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia butwere forced to withdraw by counterattack<strong>in</strong>gUnion troops.In 1894, Jacob S. Coxey began lead<strong>in</strong>g an“army” of unemployed from Massillon, Ohio, toWash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C., to demand help from the federalgovernment.In 1947, a coal m<strong>in</strong>e explosion <strong>in</strong> Centralia,Ill., claimed 111 lives.In 1957, the Treaty of Rome established theEuropean Economic Community.In 1965, the Rev. Mart<strong>in</strong> Luther K<strong>in</strong>g Jr. led25,000 marchers to the <strong>state</strong> capitol <strong>in</strong>Montgomery, Ala., to protest the denial of vot<strong>in</strong>grights to blacks.In 1990, 87 people, most of them Honduranand Dom<strong>in</strong>ican immigrants, were killed when fireraced through an illegal social club <strong>in</strong> New YorkCity.In 1991, “Dances With Wolves” won sevenOscars, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g best picture, at the 63rd annualAcademy Awards.Ten years ago: At the 73rd Academy Awards,“Gladiator” won best picture; its star, RussellCrowe, won best actor; Julia Roberts won bestactress for “Er<strong>in</strong> Brockovich”; Steven Soderberghwon best director for “Traffic.”Five years ago: In Los Angeles, half a millionpeople marched to protest federal legislation tomake illegal immigration a felony and build morewalls along the border.One year ago: Osama b<strong>in</strong> Laden threatened <strong>in</strong>a new message to kill any Americans al-Qaidacaptured if the U.S. executed Khalid SheikMohammed, the self-professed masterm<strong>in</strong>d ofthe Sept. 11 attacks, or other al-Qaida suspects.Today’s Birthdays: Model<strong>in</strong>g agency founderEileen Ford is 89. Movie reviewer Gene Shalit is85. Former astronaut James Lovell is 83.Fem<strong>in</strong>ist activist and author Gloria Ste<strong>in</strong>em is77. S<strong>in</strong>ger Anita Bryant is 71. S<strong>in</strong>ger ArethaFrankl<strong>in</strong> is 69. Actor Paul Michael Glaser is 68.S<strong>in</strong>ger Elton John is 64. Actress-comedian MaryGross is 58. Actor James McDaniel is 53. Rockmusician Steve Norman (Spandau Ballet) is 51.Actress Brenda Strong is 51. Actor Fred Goss is50. Actor-writer-director John Stockwell is 50.Actress Marcia Cross is 49. Author KateDiCamillo (Book: “Because of W<strong>in</strong>n-Dixie”) is 47.Actress Lisa Gay Hamilton is 47. Actress SarahJessica Parker is 46. Former MLB All-Star pitcherTom Glav<strong>in</strong>e is 45. Olympic bronze medal figureskater Dr. Debi Thomas is 44. S<strong>in</strong>ger MelanieBlatt (All Sa<strong>in</strong>ts) is 36. Actor Lee Pace is 32. ActorSean Faris is 29. Auto racer Danica Patrick is 29.S<strong>in</strong>ger Kathar<strong>in</strong>e McPhee (“American Idol”) is 27.Actress-s<strong>in</strong>ger Aly (AKA Alyson) Michalka is 22.Thought for Today: “Scratch a pessimist, andyou f<strong>in</strong>d often a defender of privilege.” — LordBeveridge, British economist (1879-1963).FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSEFRANK & ERNESTGARFIELDPEANUTSPICKLES

+Page 10 – KENTON TIMES Friday, March 25, 2011Hard<strong>in</strong><strong>County</strong>’s<strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>Times</strong>SPORTSSend sports news to the <strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>Times</strong>,PO Box 230, <strong>Kenton</strong> 43326; phone 419-674-4066or e-mail ktsports@kentontimes.comCMYArizona upsets defend<strong>in</strong>g champion Duke 93-77ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) —Derrick Williams carriedArizona <strong>in</strong> the first half, keep<strong>in</strong>gthe Wildcats <strong>in</strong> the gameaga<strong>in</strong>st Duke. His teammatesreturned the favor <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al20 m<strong>in</strong>utes with an offensivebarrage that stunned thedefend<strong>in</strong>g national champions.Williams scored 25 of hiscareer-high 32 po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> thefirst half of Arizona’s 93-77victory Thursday night, help<strong>in</strong>gthe Wildcats reach thef<strong>in</strong>al eight for the first times<strong>in</strong>ce 2005.“As a team, we cametogether and willed ourselvesto w<strong>in</strong>,” said Lamont Jones,who added 16 po<strong>in</strong>ts. “Derrickis a great player, but we allcontribute.”The top-seeded Blue Devils(32-5) were sent pack<strong>in</strong>g froma regional semif<strong>in</strong>al for thesecond time <strong>in</strong> three years.Coach Mike Krzyzewski, with900 w<strong>in</strong>s, will have to waituntil next season to resumehis pursuit of Bob Knight’srecord as the w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gestmen’s coach <strong>in</strong> Division I history.“The tournament is cruel,”Krzyzewski said. “It’s anabrupt end for everybodywhen you don’t w<strong>in</strong>.”Solomon Hill added 13po<strong>in</strong>ts for the Wildcats, whoshot 54 percent and made 9 of15 3-po<strong>in</strong>ters, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g fiveby Williams.Williams had 13 reboundsto help his team dom<strong>in</strong>ate theboards, 40-27, while play<strong>in</strong>g15 m<strong>in</strong>utes from his hometownof La Mirada.“It makes me feel great,” hesaid. “If we w<strong>in</strong> this game onSaturday, we’ll be known asone of the greatest Arizonateams to play.”Fifth-seeded Arizona (30-7)will play Connecticut (29-9)on Saturday <strong>in</strong> the WestRegional f<strong>in</strong>al. The third-seededHuskies defeated No. 2 SanDiego State 74-67 <strong>in</strong> the othersemif<strong>in</strong>al.“A lot of people counted usout,” Jones said. “We kept onbeat<strong>in</strong>g on the door, beat<strong>in</strong>gon the door until we were <strong>in</strong>.”Duke’s Kryie Irv<strong>in</strong>g scored28 po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> his most m<strong>in</strong>utess<strong>in</strong>ce return<strong>in</strong>g at the start ofthe NCAA tournament aftermiss<strong>in</strong>g 26 games with a toe<strong>in</strong>jury.“After we lost the lead, Ith<strong>in</strong>k everyone got a little rattled,”he said. “We tried to settledown, but by then it wastoo late.”Kyle S<strong>in</strong>gler added 18 asone of three Blue Devils <strong>in</strong>second-half foul trouble.Nolan Smith was held to eightpo<strong>in</strong>ts — well under theFourth-seededKentucky readyfor No. 1 BuckeyesNEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Kentucky prides itself on its history,and rightfully so. The Wildcats have done just abouteveryth<strong>in</strong>g there is to do <strong>in</strong> college basketball.Whether you’re talk<strong>in</strong>g about their 51 NCAA tournamentappearances, 13 F<strong>in</strong>al Fours or seven national championships,few programs rival the bluebloods from theBluegrass State.One th<strong>in</strong>g they’ve never done, though, is beat Ohio Statewhen it counts.“No one told me that,” freshman guard Brandon Knightsaid, upon learn<strong>in</strong>g his Wildcats will be try<strong>in</strong>g to end a 0-for-5 NCAA tournament drought aga<strong>in</strong>st the top-seededBuckeyes <strong>in</strong> the East Regional semif<strong>in</strong>als Friday night.“You’re the first person to tell me that,” Knight said. “Imean, there’s a lot of th<strong>in</strong>gs that haven’t been done, butsome crazy th<strong>in</strong>gs happen <strong>in</strong> the tournament. I know OhioState has a lot of great players, but that stat doesn’t reallymean that much to me.”That’s because the Wildcats revel <strong>in</strong> their past, they justdon’t live <strong>in</strong> it.Not a s<strong>in</strong>gle player on their roster was even alive the lasttime these two teams met <strong>in</strong> the tournament, when EddieSutton’s bunch lost <strong>in</strong> the first round <strong>in</strong> 1987. Even currentcoach John Calipari was just a youngster the time beforethat, when Dave Sorenson’s jumper <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al seconds liftedthe Buckeyes to an 82-81 victory and <strong>in</strong>to the 1968 F<strong>in</strong>alFour.The Wildcats also lost to Ohio State <strong>in</strong> 1945, and aga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong> 1961 and ’62. In fact, the only program to beat them moretimes <strong>in</strong> the NCAA tournament is Marquette, which co<strong>in</strong>cidentallyplays North Carol<strong>in</strong>a <strong>in</strong> the other regional semif<strong>in</strong>alat the Prudential Center.Talk about a rough path to the F<strong>in</strong>al Four <strong>in</strong> Houston.“As we told our guys, every round you <strong>in</strong> advance <strong>in</strong> theNCAA tournament, your opponent gets tougher,” Ohio Statecoach Thad Matta said. “It is def<strong>in</strong>itely the case here.”The Wildcats have one of the youngest teams <strong>in</strong> thecountry, but it’s also one of the most talented, with a po<strong>in</strong>tguard <strong>in</strong> Knight who is f<strong>in</strong>ally learn<strong>in</strong>g to execute Calipari’sunique dribble-drive offense. His only basket <strong>in</strong> the firstround aga<strong>in</strong>st Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton was the game-w<strong>in</strong>ner, but he followedthat up with a career-high 30 po<strong>in</strong>ts aga<strong>in</strong>st WestVirg<strong>in</strong>ia.He gets plenty of help from fellow freshmen Doron Lamband Terrence Jones, too.Lamb, one of the nation’s best perimeter shooters, set theKentucky s<strong>in</strong>gle-game freshman scor<strong>in</strong>g record with 32po<strong>in</strong>ts aga<strong>in</strong>st W<strong>in</strong>throp. Jones bettered that with 35aga<strong>in</strong>st Auburn.“They’re a great team,” Ohio State’s David Lighty said. “Imean, they’re athletic, they get out and run, they push thepace. They have <strong>big</strong>s, they have w<strong>in</strong>gs, and they have aguard who can pretty much do it all. If we don’t come readyto play, it’s go<strong>in</strong>g to be a long night for us.”It could just as easily be a long night for the Wildcats.Although they have youthful exuberance on their side,the veteran Buckeyes counter with sagely wisdom. If theychoose to run up and down the floor, Ohio State will slowdown <strong>in</strong>to a half-court offense and dump the ball <strong>in</strong>side to6-foot-9 freshman Jared Sull<strong>in</strong>ger, who is good for a doubledoublejust about every time he steps on the floor.Lighty is all that’s left from the so-called “Thad Five” —the recruit<strong>in</strong>g class of Greg Oden, Mike Conley Jr., DaequanCook and Othello Hunter that is long gone. But his experience,along with that of fellow seniors Jon Diebler andDallas Lauderdale, is a <strong>big</strong> reason why Ohio State has beenso successful this season.Indians to honor BobFeller on open<strong>in</strong>g dayCLEVELAND (AP) — BobFeller’s storybook life — <strong>in</strong>and out of baseball — will becelebrated all season by theCleveland Indians.The team announcedThursday some details ofplans to honor the legendaryHall of Fame pitcher, whodied on Dec. 15 at age 92.The celebration will beg<strong>in</strong>open<strong>in</strong>g day on April 1, whenthe Indians face the ChicagoWhite Sox, the team thatFeller threw one of his threecareer no-hitters aga<strong>in</strong>st <strong>in</strong>the 1940 season opener.The Indians, who havesold out their opener for the18th straight season, said allof Cleveland’s players willwear Feller’s No. 19 jerseydur<strong>in</strong>g pregame <strong>in</strong>troductions.senior’s 21-po<strong>in</strong>t average.“The way they played <strong>in</strong> thesecond half, they should w<strong>in</strong>it all,” Smith said. “Williams isa monster. They hit us fullforce, and kept hitt<strong>in</strong>g. Theydid everyth<strong>in</strong>g right, and wedid a ton of th<strong>in</strong>gs wrong.”Down by six po<strong>in</strong>ts early <strong>in</strong>the second half, the Wildcatsunleashed a scor<strong>in</strong>g rampagethat left the Blue Devils wonder<strong>in</strong>gwhat happened.Williams scored just twopo<strong>in</strong>ts dur<strong>in</strong>g the 19-2 runthat seem<strong>in</strong>gly came out ofnowhere, while five of histeammates did the rest, hitt<strong>in</strong>gfrom long range, driv<strong>in</strong>gto the basket and scor<strong>in</strong>g off afast break.“They just got on a real roll.When you get on a roll, youhave more energy than theother guy,” Krzyzewski said.“We had no stop for them, andyou k<strong>in</strong>d of get overwhelmedthere for a little bit. Theyknocked us back and got thatdouble-digit lead.”Jones’ basket tied thegame at 53 and the spurtended with Arizona lead<strong>in</strong>g66-55, its first double-digitlead of the game. Jones andJamelle Horne had five po<strong>in</strong>tseach, while Williams focusedon rebound<strong>in</strong>g.“The second half was justcomplete nast<strong>in</strong>ess, as coachNEW ORLEANS (AP) — AlexTyus is like most of theseFlorida Gators — good at a lotof th<strong>in</strong>gs, but lack<strong>in</strong>g one dom<strong>in</strong>antskill. He’s usually contentto blend <strong>in</strong> and be just anotherpart of the team’s effectivelyanonymous style.On the <strong>big</strong>gest stage of hiscareer, the senior’s impact wasobvious.Tyus had 19 po<strong>in</strong>ts and 17rebounds as Florida beat BYU83-74 <strong>in</strong> overtime Thursdaynight, chas<strong>in</strong>g a bloodiedJimmer Fredette and theCougars out of the NCAA tournament.Now the Gators will be play<strong>in</strong>gfor a spot <strong>in</strong> the F<strong>in</strong>al Fourfor the first time s<strong>in</strong>ce 2007 —ascend<strong>in</strong>g back <strong>in</strong>to thenation’s elite after a hiatus fromthe spotlight follow<strong>in</strong>g back-tobacknational championships<strong>in</strong> 2006 and ’07.“It’s been so reward<strong>in</strong>g forme to see them make the journeythey’ve made to this po<strong>in</strong>tnow,” Florida coach BillyDonovan said. “It’s been very,very reward<strong>in</strong>g and fulfill<strong>in</strong>g forme, and I hope <strong>in</strong> some way I’vebeen able to give them as muchas they’ve given me.”While Fredette was the starattraction, scor<strong>in</strong>g 32 po<strong>in</strong>ts on11 for 29 shoot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>algame of his college career,Florida countered with balance.GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) —Ilya Bryzgalov’s outstand<strong>in</strong>ggoaltend<strong>in</strong>g is keep<strong>in</strong>g thePhoenix Coyotes <strong>in</strong> positionto w<strong>in</strong> the Pacific Division.Bryzgalov made 27 savesto record his seventh shutoutof the season and the Coyotestopped the Columbus BlueJackets 3-0 on Thursdaynight.It was the 23rd NHLshutout for Bryzgalov, whotied Nikolai Khabibul<strong>in</strong> forthe franchise lead with 21.Michal Rozsival, Derek Morrisand Mikkel Boedker scoredfor Phoenix, which is 8-1-1 <strong>in</strong>its last 10 games.For the second straightgame, the Coyotes were sluggishthrough the first period,manag<strong>in</strong>g just n<strong>in</strong>e shots,and the slow start created achallenge for Bryzgalov.“It’s more difficult to play<strong>in</strong> a game like this,” he said.“You have to dig harder, workharder and it’s tough to playthat way. In the end, wefound a way to w<strong>in</strong> and that’sall that counts.”Bryzgalov was equal toeach task, and turned awayeight shots <strong>in</strong> the first period,n<strong>in</strong>e shots <strong>in</strong> the second, and11 <strong>in</strong> the third.“He is an elite player <strong>in</strong>this league, and I knew thatbefore I got here,” Phoenixcoach Dave Tippett said ofBryzgalov. “He is top notch,and we rely on him heavily.”With the w<strong>in</strong>, the Coyoteshave 93 po<strong>in</strong>ts and rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>second place <strong>in</strong> the PacificDivision beh<strong>in</strong>d the San JoseSharks. With the Sharks los<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> a shootout to the K<strong>in</strong>gson Thursday night, San Josewould say,” Kev<strong>in</strong> Parromsaid. “We came out sw<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g.We didn’t let up. We knewthey were just go<strong>in</strong>g to focuson Derrick and that’s whenother guys came <strong>in</strong> andstepped up. It shows that it’snot just Derrick Williams whois on this team.”Horne’s dunk extendedArizona’s lead to 77-63 as theWildcats’ fans roared, thrilledto see their team mak<strong>in</strong>g adeep run <strong>in</strong> the tournament aseason after the school’s 25-year streak of consecutiveappearances ended.The Wildcats closed thefirst half on an 18-13 run,capped by Williams’ 3-po<strong>in</strong>terjust before the buzzer, thatleft them trail<strong>in</strong>g 44-38. Hehit back-to-back shots fromthe same spot at the top of the3-po<strong>in</strong>t l<strong>in</strong>e dur<strong>in</strong>g the spurt<strong>in</strong> which his teammates contributedjust five po<strong>in</strong>ts.The Wildcats closed with<strong>in</strong>one po<strong>in</strong>t earlier <strong>in</strong> the half,and Duke responded byoutscor<strong>in</strong>g them 14-7, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>geight <strong>in</strong> a row, to take itslargest lead, 31-20.Irv<strong>in</strong>g didn’t start thegame, but he quickly had animpact once he got <strong>in</strong>. Hescored seven po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> the runthat built Duke’s <strong>big</strong>gest lead.Irv<strong>in</strong>g came <strong>in</strong> as one of thenation’s most touted freshmen,and he scored doublefigures <strong>in</strong> all 11 games heplayed <strong>in</strong> his abbreviated season.He has yet to decide ifhe’ll return or enter the NBAdraft.“I could def<strong>in</strong>itely seemyself wear<strong>in</strong>g a Duke uniformaga<strong>in</strong>,” he said. “I don’twant to take it off right now.”Butler 61, Wiscons<strong>in</strong> 54NEW ORLEANS (AP) —Matt Howard and Butler arestart<strong>in</strong>g to make this look alittle bit easier.After narrowly surviv<strong>in</strong>g itsfirst two NCAA tournamentgames by marg<strong>in</strong>s of twopo<strong>in</strong>ts or less, Butler led by20 po<strong>in</strong>ts before hold<strong>in</strong>g onfor a 61-54 victory overWiscons<strong>in</strong> on Thursday night.Now the Bulldogs are a w<strong>in</strong>away from their secondstraight F<strong>in</strong>al Four appearance.Howard had 20 po<strong>in</strong>ts and12 rebounds, Shelv<strong>in</strong> Mackscored 13 po<strong>in</strong>ts and ShawnVanzant 10 for the eighthseededBulldogs (26-9), whoupset top-seeded Pittsburghby one po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> the secondround and now have knockedoff another higher seed <strong>in</strong>fourth-seeded Wiscons<strong>in</strong>.The victory sent Butler <strong>in</strong>tothe Southeast regional f<strong>in</strong>al,where the Bulldogs meet second-seededFlorida (29-7) onKenny Boynton added 17po<strong>in</strong>ts — while also play<strong>in</strong>gtight defense on Fredette — andErv<strong>in</strong>g Walker and ChandlerParsons both scored 16.Boynton and Parsons each hit3-po<strong>in</strong>ters <strong>in</strong> overtime asFlorida outscored BYU 15-6.But it was Tyus’ monstergame that put the Gators overthe top. The 6-foot-8 senior isthe team’s fifth-lead<strong>in</strong>g scorer,averag<strong>in</strong>g 8.6 po<strong>in</strong>ts and 5.7rebounds com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to thegame.“The th<strong>in</strong>g about Alex is henever really gets fazed with themoment or with what’s go<strong>in</strong>gon,” Florida coach BillyDonovan said. “One of theth<strong>in</strong>gs I’ve tried to pull out ofhim and get him to see is thatwhen he has a lot of activityand he’s fly<strong>in</strong>g around thecourt, because of his athleticism,he’s got a great ability toimpact a game.”While Tyus was battl<strong>in</strong>gunder the basket, Boynton wasglued to Fredette on defense theentire game.Fredette made just 3 of 15from 3-po<strong>in</strong>t range and had towork for his po<strong>in</strong>ts aga<strong>in</strong>st thephysical pressure. By the endof the night, he had a bandageon his ch<strong>in</strong> from a blow <strong>in</strong> thesecond half and a sore calf, butthe baskets kept com<strong>in</strong>g untilhe was held scoreless <strong>in</strong> overtime.When the outcome becameapparent with one m<strong>in</strong>uterema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, BYU coach DaveRose subbed out Fredette,br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g a stand<strong>in</strong>g ovationfrom the crowd. He averagednearly 33 po<strong>in</strong>ts dur<strong>in</strong>g threeNCAA Tournament games andf<strong>in</strong>ished the season by scor<strong>in</strong>gat least 30 po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> seven outof eight games.Rose said Fredette’s legacywould be a simple one to def<strong>in</strong>e.“W<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g games — that’s hislegacy,” Rose said. “He justhelped his team f<strong>in</strong>d ways tow<strong>in</strong> games.”But it’s Florida (29-7) thatcont<strong>in</strong>ues to play, elim<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>gBYU (32-5) and reached its firstregional f<strong>in</strong>al s<strong>in</strong>ce 2007.Connecticut 74, San DiegoSt. 67ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) —Kemba Walker sliced up SanDiego State’s defense for 22po<strong>in</strong>ts on shots from all anglesand distances <strong>in</strong> the secondhalf of Connecticut’s Westregional semif<strong>in</strong>al.The Aztecs only kept himdown once: A shoulder bumpfrom Jamaal Frankl<strong>in</strong> sentWalker crash<strong>in</strong>g to the HondaCenter floor, draw<strong>in</strong>g a technicalfoul and two momentumkill<strong>in</strong>gfree throws.Walker denied do<strong>in</strong>g anyact<strong>in</strong>g on the play. He’s stillhas 95 po<strong>in</strong>ts with a game <strong>in</strong>hand to Phoenix. The Coyotesand Sharks play <strong>in</strong> Phoenixon Saturday.The Blue Jackets havebeen shut out <strong>in</strong> three of theirlast five games. The lack ofscor<strong>in</strong>g rema<strong>in</strong>s a huge factor<strong>in</strong> the Jackets’ decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> theWestern Conference stand<strong>in</strong>gs,and their quest for aplayoff spot.“We’re not gett<strong>in</strong>g anybounces,” Columbus capta<strong>in</strong>Rick Nash said. “We just haveto work through this, stickwith it and the goals willcome. Right now, we’resnakebitten and noth<strong>in</strong>g isgo<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>.”Phoenix took the lead justunder 4 m<strong>in</strong>utes <strong>in</strong>to the secondperiod on a power-playgoal by Rozsival. Morrisadded his fifth of the seasonSaturday for a trip to theF<strong>in</strong>al Four.Jordan Taylor scored 22for Wiscons<strong>in</strong> (25-9), whichshot 30.4 percent (17 of 56).Jon Leuer, normally one ofthe Badgers’ top offensiveforces with 18.7 po<strong>in</strong>ts pergame com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>, was 1 of 12shoot<strong>in</strong>g and f<strong>in</strong>ished withthree po<strong>in</strong>ts.Butler was the aggressorfrom the outset, us<strong>in</strong>g quicknessand heady play to counterWiscons<strong>in</strong>’s size advantage.The Bulldogs took a 6-5 leadon Vanzant’s 3 from the cornerand never trailed aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>the first half.While the Bulldogs shot 50percent (12 of 24) <strong>in</strong> the open<strong>in</strong>g20 m<strong>in</strong>utes, their defensewas equally impressive.Wiscons<strong>in</strong> came <strong>in</strong> averag<strong>in</strong>gonly 7.5 turnovers per game,but had eight <strong>in</strong> the first halfalone. Taylor, who entered thecontest with the nation’s bestassist-to-turnover ratio at4.18, had one assist and twoturnovers to that po<strong>in</strong>t.The Badgers’ shoot<strong>in</strong>gwoes only made mattersworse. They missed 15 of theirfirst 23 shots. They alsouncharacteristically missedfour of their first eight freethrows after com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> withnation’s best .823 free throwpercentage.Balanced Florida beats Fredette, BYU <strong>in</strong> OTthe star of these resilientHuskies’ remarkable production.Walker scored 36 po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong>yet another dynamic postseasonperformance, driv<strong>in</strong>gUConn down the stretchThursday night to a 74-67 victorythat put the Huskies onthe br<strong>in</strong>k of another F<strong>in</strong>alFour.“I’m just try<strong>in</strong>g to do thebest I can do,” said Walker,who scored 12 straight po<strong>in</strong>tsfor UConn <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al m<strong>in</strong>utes.“Whether it’s scor<strong>in</strong>g, talk<strong>in</strong>g,gett<strong>in</strong>g their confidence up orgiv<strong>in</strong>g an assist, I’m just try<strong>in</strong>gto do whatever is possible toenhance this team.”Freshman Jeremy Lambadded a season-high 24 po<strong>in</strong>tsand hit a clutch 3-po<strong>in</strong>ter with1:43 left for the third-seededHuskies (29-9), who are headedto an NCAA regional f<strong>in</strong>al forthe 10th time after beat<strong>in</strong>g theAztecs and a build<strong>in</strong>g full ofhostile fans just 90 m<strong>in</strong>utesfrom San Diego.“I’ve never been <strong>in</strong> an environmentlike this,” said Lamb,perfect on three 3-po<strong>in</strong>ters.“Kemba hit some <strong>big</strong> shots, Ihit some <strong>big</strong> shots, and wewere able to pull it out. Theyhad a lot of fans. I’ve neverplayed <strong>in</strong> a game like it.”The Huskies will meetArizona on Saturday.Bonds’ jurors receive chemistry lessonSAN FRANCISCO (AP) —Barry Bonds’ trial was a lotlike high school chemistryand biology class Thursday.After former Bonds bus<strong>in</strong>esspartner Steve Hosk<strong>in</strong>sf<strong>in</strong>ished a cross-exam<strong>in</strong>ation<strong>in</strong> which he admitted his previous<strong>state</strong>ments <strong>in</strong>cluded<strong>in</strong>consistencies and <strong>in</strong>accuracies,Larry Bowers of theU.S. Anti-Dop<strong>in</strong>g Agency tookthe witness stand for morethan four hours of m<strong>in</strong>dnumb<strong>in</strong>gtestimony on thewhats, whys and hows ofsteroids, human growth hormoneand changes theycause to the body.Bonds is charged withly<strong>in</strong>g when he told a grandjury <strong>in</strong> 2003 that he didn’tknow<strong>in</strong>gly use performanceenhanc<strong>in</strong>gdrugs. The jury ofeight women and four menwas treated to an AdvancedPlacement class <strong>in</strong> Androgenreceptors and Acromegaly, acondition <strong>in</strong> which there istoo much HGH <strong>in</strong> the body.Prosecutors allege Bonds’feet, hands and head grewdue to use of HGH, andBowers testified as an expertwitness about scientific studiesalleg<strong>in</strong>g HGH abuse causessoft tissue swell<strong>in</strong>g.Defense lawyer Allen Rubytried to make the sciencesound like mumbo-jumbo.“If someone abuses humangrowth hormone, how muchdoes their head grow?” Rubysaid. “Does it grow twice as<strong>big</strong>?”Many of the times Rubyasked a po<strong>in</strong>ted question,Bowers answered that therewere too many variables togive a s<strong>in</strong>gle answer.“You know the differencebetween theories and proof?”Ruby asked sarcastically.Bonds, <strong>in</strong> a dark suit, lightp<strong>in</strong>k shirt and dark p<strong>in</strong>k tie,read through a b<strong>in</strong>der bookat his defense table. Jurorsattentively followed, but theydidn’t take as many notes asthey did dur<strong>in</strong>g the testimonyof Hosk<strong>in</strong>s on Wednesday andThursday morn<strong>in</strong>g.The trial hasn’t exactlybeen must-see drama <strong>in</strong> theBay Area, where Bonds setmajor league season (73) andcareer (762) records for homeruns dur<strong>in</strong>g a career thanended <strong>in</strong> 2007.When Bowers began hisafternoon testimony, just 27of the approximately 100seats <strong>in</strong> the court room wereoccupied, and eight of thosewere <strong>in</strong> the Bonds family row.Hav<strong>in</strong>g experienced theuncomfortable wood benchearlier <strong>in</strong> the week, three people<strong>in</strong> that row brought pillowswith them.Bryzgalov shuts out Blue Jacketswith less than 2 m<strong>in</strong>utes left<strong>in</strong> the period.Boedker added his third ofthe season with 4:59 left <strong>in</strong>the game.Phoenix had only threeshots on Mathieu Garonthrough the first 13 1/2 m<strong>in</strong>utes,and went 0 for 1 on itsonly power-play opportunity<strong>in</strong> the first period. Com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>,the Coyotes were 22nd <strong>in</strong> theleague on the power play.However, they clicked withthe man-advantage early <strong>in</strong>the middle period. Rozsival,parked to the right of Garon,converted a perfect pass fromVernon Fiddler <strong>in</strong>to his sixthgoal of the season, and hissecond on the power play.Morris made it 2-0 late <strong>in</strong>the second when his backhanderslid under Garon’sglove at 18:44.

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