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BerlinerClaesson Koivisto RuneEducate heroesOur greatness in the industry of design furniture has not onlyto do with design. It is only a part of it. The most valuable anddecisive factor is instead the human ability to make ideasbecome reality.– The product developers, those who don’t stand in the limelightwhen awards are handed out, but who find solutions when theyare needed – make them the heroes! Young people need heroes tolook up to, even to make a career path in furniture design interesting.You of all could pull it off!Mårten smiles conclusively.– Design is spelled S-m-å-l-a-n-d. Everyoneknows that. Even the Italians.OliveClaesson Koivisto Runeby Cathrine Palmcrantz8 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

Kaj Nordquist: A badgeKaj proudly shows me his object of choice thatliterally is attached on him. The badge on hiscoat sleeve was created by his medical platoonin 1979 during their military service in theIng1 Regiment. The story began with thesoldiers’ desire to have an own identificationmark. Platoon commander, Kaj, perceived thatit could cause problems, especially since badgeswere not allowed to be sewn on the uniforms.Draconian samples were introduced to causethe attempt to fail. High demands on qualityand appearance was another tactic to get thesoldiers to back off due to high costs.But no one could stop their single-mindedness.Soon one day, 50 newly made badges had beenintroduced. A special badge with gold embroiderywas delivered to the platoon commander, whonow started to contemplate how to get aroundthe rules. Even this obstacle was overcome andKaj has now donated a number of these badgesto Miliseum where their history lives on.Louise Sjöberg: An old uniformLouise is very interested in military uniforms,especially somewhat older uniforms with a lotof decorations. Not surprisingly, she has chosena beautiful uniform that was worn by an officerwho served at the Skillingaryd army camp inthe beginning of the 20th century.The military uniform called Attila was createdin 1873 and used up to around 1940 by theArtillery. Originally it’s a Hungarian uniformwhose design spread across Europe during the18th and 19th century. This special uniformwas created in 1909 and worn by Colonel BoArvid Tarras-Wahlberg, who was the commanderof A6 Regiment from 1922-27. The buttons arereally special. They were designed during the18th century and are still in use in the SwedishArmed Forces, currently by the Artillery. Itwas without a doubt an expensive militaryuniform, a uniform whose cost the wearer hadto bear on his own. The price was as much asan annual salary, and because of that not justanybody could become a colonel. The red coloron the collar signals the color of Royal SmålandArtillery Regiment.INAUGURATIONMiliseum will be inaugurated on the 14th of September, 2013.by Mattias Bokinge<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201311

THINGS TO DOWhether you’re on a short visit ora longer stay, there are plenty ofthings to see and experience here!Take the opportunity to relax in oursoothing and inspiring Smålandenvironment or take part in adventureswith your family and friends.HORSE RIDINGWhether you’re an experienced rider oran interested beginner there are manyoptions. At some of the riding schools inthe municipality you can try riding andat the same time learn how to look afterthe horse before and after the ride.1 Bratteborg Riders Club, Karsbron Bratteborg, VAGGERYDContact: Åsa Rundberg | +46 (0)70-679 53 10 | www.bratteborgsrs.sePLAY AND SWIMVaggeryd Municipality has manybeautiful lakes with large grass areas,fine sandy beaches and playgrounds.Don’t forget the map, you may find anew favourite place to bathe!2 Hjortsjöns Camping3 Linnesjön4 Långasjön5 Rasjön6 Rolstorpasjön7 SandsjönPENTATHLON ANDPAINTBALL9 PO:s Lada, Kul Event, Nåthult, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)0370-721 30, +46(0)70-239 70 60www.poslada.com, www.kulevent.seSNUDDEBO MINI ZOOBlack swans, peacocks and muscovyducks are just a few of all the excitingbirds at Snuddebo, a perfect place fora family outing! A large collection oflocal antique carts and carriages are onview, as well as cows, calves, hens andchickens. The farm shop Röllekabodensells homemade natural products and glass jewellery.8 Snuddebo Minizoo, Röllekaboden, Snuddebo, VAGGERYD+46 (0)70-356 81 95 | www.landsbygdskultur.comStrengthen the family team spirit withan old-fashioned pentathlon of games!Just outside Skillingaryd you find one ofthe best paintball arenas in Sweden. Itdoesn’t matter if you’re experienced orbeginner!CANOEINGIn an idyllic setting by the river Härån you find Svenarum canoe rentals,offering close-up nature experiences. Paddling starts at Svenarum andthen south through varied countryside with a rich birdlife. After aroundfive hours of paddling from the starting point you reach Rolstorpbeach, a perfect place for a well-earned rest!10 Svenarums canoe rentals, Hubbestad, Åkerslätt, HOKContact: Gunilla Ljungberg | +46 (0)393-200 58 | www.svenarum.comFAMILY MINI GOLFTime to challenge each other in ariveting game of mini golf? At TallnäsCenter, outside Skillingaryd, you finda classic mini golf course in a lovelysetting by Lake Linnesjön’s beach andplayground. At Lake Hjortsjön Camping,just outside Vaggeryd, there is a newlyequipped mini golf course also by a nice large beach.4 Tallnäs Center, Tallnäs, Tofteryd, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-720 50 | www.tallnas.se11 Hjortsjöns Camping, Badplatsvägen, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-122 62 | www.hjortsjonscamping.com12 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

NATURUM AND STORE MOSSENATIONAL PARKAt Naturum you can see an exciting exhibition about Store Mosse,Sweden’s largest mire south of Lapland. There are also skeleton anddroppings chambers for the inquisitive and a cosy corner in Björnidet,the bear’s lair, for children of all ages. Outside you find bird towers,lookout points and walking trails with rest areas and fireplaces forthose who are tired or hungry.NATURE RESERVESVaggeryds Municipality has several nature reserves worth visiting.Östermoskogen stretches to the north along the river Lagan and consistslargely of mixed forest with a groundcover of bilberry and cowberry.Lyngemadssjön Nature Reserve is found to the east of Lake Hokasjön.Here you find an exciting and varied countryside with precipices, bogsand a cave. The reserve also has a 2.5 kilometre nature trail.11 Brokullen – Klevshult12 Gärahovs Storäng – Byarum13 Hatten – Svenarum14 Lilla Kungsbacken – Grälebo15 Lyngemadssjön – HokFISHINGVaggeryd Municipality offers almostendless opportunities for fishing – both insummer and winter. Everything from pikeand perch to eel and pike-perch live inour lakes and streams. Fish from land orfrom a boat – it’s your choice! The TouristOffice in Skillingaryd has a fishing mapwith information on where to buy fishing permits.17 Tourist Office, Artillerigatan 29, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-67 81 5016 Tjurhults Mosse – Ekeryd17 Östermoskogen – Vaggerydwww.lansstyrelsen.se/jonkopingWILDERNESS VILLAGEWould you like a close-up wildlifeexperience? In the wilderness village inKyllås you can overnight in a big Samicot or in a small charcoal burner’s hut onthe shore of Lake Kyllesjön. Take a tripin the canoe or rowing boat and enjoythe mirror-water silence at sunset. Thisadventure suits the lone rambler as well as families with children.18 Wildernes village in Kyllås, Kyllås 1, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)70-637 64 81 | www.kylas.se19 Naturum & Store Mosse, HILLERSTORP+46 (0)370-237 92 | www.storemosse.seTALLNÄS CENTEROn the northern shore of Lake Linnesjönyou’ll find an inspiring environment withopportunities for seclusion and rest.Tallnäs Center offers both spiritual andmeditative relaxation in peaceful andidyllic surroundings suitable for bothadults and children. Before leaving –visit the small giftshop with fairtrade products and local foods.4 Tallnäs Center, Tofteryd, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-720 50 | www.tallnas.seTEST DRIVE A TROTTERWould you dare to sit behind a horsein a sulky at 50 km/h? If the answer isyes – take the opportunity to test your limitsaround Vaggeryd Horse Racing Tracktogether with an experienced driver and areal racehorse! Call to make an appointment– no previous experience required!20 Vaggeryd horse racing track, E4 – exit 90, Vaggeryd North+46 (0)70-554 92 71 | www.vaggerydstravet.seGEOCACHINGIs that old Iron Age grave at Spökekullenreally haunted? Is the legend true, that adragon lives on “Dragon Mountain”? AtTrollstigar.se you’ll find all these mythicalplaces and captivating stories. Whynot take all brave kids out and find theplaces!Trollstigar.se - visit the website for maps and instructionsContact: Mattias Bokinge | +46 (0)70-581 61 96<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201313

IN THE FOOTSTEPS OFMONKSThe 40 kilometres long footpath, Munkaleden,on historic ground connects themedieval nunnery in Byarum with themonastery in Nydala. Along the trail areseveral resting places and informationboards about nature and historical places.There is also a trail between Tallnäs and Byarum, which is half as long.32 Nydala Abbey, VRIGSTADContact: Kurt Andersson | +46 (0)393-12 66 5433 Tallnäs Center, SKILLINGARYDContact: Hillevi Andersson | +46 (0)370-720 50 | www.tallnas.se34 Resting place Bron, Behind Byarum church, VAGGERYDContact: Camilla Olsson | +46 (0)393-223 54VISIT OUR HERITAGE CENTRESVaggeryd Municipality has many heritage centres located in beautifuland exciting cultural environments. Byarums Homestead comprisesseven well-preserved 18th century buildings, and in summer this is ahive of activity. You can buy handicrafts and look at exhibitions of oldobjects. The centre’s cosy café serves coffee and home-made bakedgoods!21 Byarum Homestead, Byarum, VAGGERYDContact: Sigrid Alnäs | +46 (0)393-221 12www.hembygd.se/byarum22 Skillingaryd Homestead, Sturegatan 52, SKILLINGARYDContact: Kjell Boberg | +46 (0)393-300 1523 Bondstorp Homestead, Bondstorp, MÅNSARPContact: Torild Bornetun | +46 (0)73-027 28 1524 Åker Homestead, Åker, SKILLINGARYDContact: Ola Hugosson | +46 (0)370-730 1225 Svenarum Homestead, Svenarum, HOKContact: Roger Andersson | +46 (0)70-692 06 58VISIT A CHURCHVILLAGEVaggeryd Municipality has manyold and well-preserved churches ininteresting surroundings. In Byarum, forexample, there are walls remains froma nunnery that was here until the 13thcentury. Why not look up Bondstorptimber church from the late 17th century, or the beautiful 13th centurychurch in Hagshult!26 Bondstorps village, Bondstorp, MÅNSARP27 Byarums village, Byarum, VAGGERYD28 Hagshults village, Hagshult, SKILLINGARYD29 Svenarums village, Svenarum, HOK30 Tofteryds village, Tofteryd, SKILLINGARYD31 Åkers village, Åker, SKILLINGARYDLOOK FOR ANCIENTREMAINSBåramo has many exciting ancientremains from the Iron Age. For example,seven grave-fields in a beautiful location offorested ridges as well as open farmlandand pastures. Around Skjuteboåsen andthe eastern shore of Lake Vederydssjönyou find remains by way of grave-fields, stone circles, a hunting pit andsolitary erected stones mainly from the Iron and Bronze ages.35 Båramo Pukarp – site of ancient remains, SKILLINGARYDwww.fornsok.se36 Skjutebo – site of ancient remains, VAGGERYDwww.fornsok.seEXPLORE OLDVAGGERYDLearn more about the local cultural heritageat Magnisa cottage, one of the oldestbuildings in Vaggeryd. Here you find exhibitions,photographs, newspapers and oldobjects from Vaggeryd and Götafors. Phonefor opening hours and a private showing!37 Magnisa cottage, Stationsgatan 2, VAGGERYDContact: Kurt Andersson | +46 (0)70-693 43 98HIKING & CYCLINGFor those who want to discover themunicipality on foot or by cycling, thereare several scenic walks and cycle trailsof different length. Contact the TouristOffice in Skillingaryd or visit our websitefor more information and maps.17 Tourist Office, Artillerigatan 29, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-67 81 50 | www.vaggeryd.se/vandra14 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

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ART & DESIGNVaggeryd Municipality has a proudcraft tradition with a great numberof artists, artisans and designersworking within different fields. TheLamino chair by Swedese and thecow candleholder by Bengt & Lottaare some of the best known designproducts originating from theregion.ART GLASSDo you like unique objects? VaggerydMunicipality is rich in art glass and is anexciting place to visit if you love colourand design. Take a look at the sistersAstrid and Aino Gate’s enchanting artglass, or why not Ann Jansson’s beautifulglass objects and plexiglass jewellery!1 Art Gate Glass, Målen Ängen, VAGGERYDContact: Thomas Eliasson | +46 (0)70-566 96 21 | www.artgateglass.se2 Ateljé Ann Jansson, Harfall Mellangården 1, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-711 73 | www.ateljeannjansson.seTEXTILE DESIGNAND HANDICRAFTSAnnika Helgesson creates a range ofappealing products using wool fromher own sheep. Teddy bears, cushions,slippers, footstools and much more arefor sale in her shop. In her cottage inbeautiful surroundings, Inger Lindströmpaints her lovely wall hangings, baskets and key cupboards. Anddon’t miss Anita på Heden’s unique wool and lambskin products, soldfor example in the shop Mofas Hus in Skillingaryd!3 Lamina Design, Häradsö Västergård, SKILLINGARYDContact: Annika Helgesson | +46 (0)370-250 26 | www.laminadesign.se18 Mofas Hus, Smedjegatan 6, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-713 84, +46 (0)370-66 50 20 | www.mofashus.se4 Skillinge Hemslöjd, Rösberga Dalslund, SKILLINGARYDContact: Inger Lindström | +46 (0)370-69 00 76, +46 (0)76-232 00 47www.skillingehemslojd.seWeb only: Anita på Heden | www.anitapaheden.seWROUGHT IRONWORKThe forge is lit and the hammer strikes almost every weekday atPålskog Smide, as has been the custom for more than 150 years.Beautiful wrought iron utility goods for the home, public spaces andgardens are on sale. Why not book a “hands-on” course while you’rehere! Don’t forget to visit the Tourist Office in Skillingaryd, where ironwork by the famous design duo Bengt & Lotta is on sale!6 Pålskog Smide, Pålskog Smedjegården 1, SKILLINGARYDContact: Magnus & Ulla Hansson | +46 (0)370-730 18www.palskogsmide.se17 Tourist Office, Artillerigatan 29, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-67 81 50Web only: Bengt & Lotta | www.bengt-lotta.se18 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013POTTERY ANDSTONEWAREIn her workshop, Lottas Keramik, LiselotteWisth throws and carves her objectsfrom stoneware clay. Her collectionincludes everything from pots and jugsto a range of beautiful ornaments. Here,you also have a chance to try thisexciting art form!5 Lottas Keramik, Pukarp Västergården, SKILLINGARYDContact: Liselotte Wisth | +46 (0)70-469 86 49 | www.lottaskeramik.se

OIL ANDWATERCOLOURSThere are a great number of artists in themunicipality working in different techniques– everything from oil and acrylic towatercolour, collage and mixed media.Let yourself be inspired by paintings inthe artists’ own studios! For example,Michael Jackson painted in acrylic on canvas by Michael Scher orAnn Jansson’s lovely watercolours.2 Ateljé Ann Jansson, Harfall Mellangården 1, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-711 73 | www.ateljeannjansson.se7 Ateljé Gunilla Krohn, Badplatsvägen 11, VAGGERYD+46 (0)73-544 24 25 | www.gunillakrohn.se8 Galleri & Kursateljé Remond, Andersberg, Svenarum, HOKContact: Keld Remond Petersen | +46 (0)70-514 50 069 Helenas ateljé, Dulegatan 1, SKILLINGARYDContact: Helena Boberg Oscarsson | +46 (0)76-345 32 00www.helenasatelje.seWOOD ARTSee how a wooden figure emerges andlet yourself be captivated by the fascinatingart form! There are several peoplein the municipality who carry on thewood carving tradition. Don’t miss a visitto the municipal hall Skillingehus to seethe exhibition of Gunnar “Bissefällarn”Svensson’s collected works! More than 400 carved figures and reliefsby the municipality’s famous wood artist from Bissefäll.12 Woodwork in Stråkeved, Stråkeved Klevshult, SKILLINGARYDContact: Inga-Lill och Tore Gustavsson | +46 (0)370-250 4513 Roger Randow, Torsbovägen 22, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-109 9214 Småländskt trähantverk, Frostås Rosenberg 1, SKILLINGARYDContact: Roland Gustavsson | +46 (0)370-707 678 Bissefällarn – exibition, Bangårdsgatan 2, SKILLINGARYDContact: Bernt-Ola Hugosson | +46 (0)370-730 12www.vaggeryd.se/bissefallarn10 Michael Scher, Artillerigatan 32, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)70-713 67 64 | www.mtscher.com11 Sune Lindén, Åkersvägen 5, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-718 26At the Tourist Office/Skillingaryds Design Center you’ll find ironwork by the famous design duo Bengt & Lotta.<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201319

WHERE TOSTAY & EATHooks Herrgård is one of the gemswhere you’ll find luxury accommodationand tasty food. If you prefer a morepersonal approach, B & B is a goodchoice. In both Vaggeryd andSkillingaryd you’ll find differenttypes of restaurants and cafes.ACCOMMODATIONAND FOOD AT HOTELTo stay at a hotel is always convinientand you will also often find restaurantsserving tasty food. Hooks Herrgård is amansion, conference, golf and recreationdestination that continues the elegantstyle of its historic past. In Klevshultyou’ll find Hotel Småland, in Skillingaryd you can stay at Götaströmsvärdshus and at Tallnäs Center you find simple hotel standard.1 Götaström Inns, Osbäcks väg 4, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-766 70 | www.gotastromsvardshus.se2 Hooks Herrgård, HOK+46 (0)393-210 80 | www.hooksherrgard.se3 Hotell Småland, E4 – exit 86, KLEVSHULT+46 (0)370-30 05 00 | www.hotelsmaland.se4 Tallnäs Center, Tofteryd, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-720 50 | www.tallnas.seBED & BREAKFASTIn Vaggeryd Minicipality you’ll findseveral Bed & Breakfast. Both in theurban areas and in the countryside.5 B & B Kaffegatan, Kaffegatan 18, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-702 61, +46 (0)73-377 94 116 B & B Sonarp, Sonarps gård 1, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-211 21, +46 (0)72-227 49 60 | www.sonarpsbedandbreakfast.se7 B & B Södra Park, Masmästaregatan 23, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-214 86, +46 (0)736-90 64 948 B & B Galtås, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)373-741 31, +46 (0)70-214 21 91 | www.villa-vilan.com9 B & B Skillingaryd, Södra Järnvägsgatan 4, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-700 98, +46 (0)73-782 16 91www.skillingarydsbedandbreakfast.com10 B & B Farbror Melker, Idrottsgatan 9, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)76-187 90 77CAMPINGOur scenic campsite is located at the water’s edge of Hjortsjön(Deer Lake). Here, you can experience the beautiful nature ofSmåland, while canoeing, fishing or taking walks in the woods.11 Hjortsjöns Camping, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-122 62 | www.hjortsjonscamping.vaggeryd.se12 Hoks nature camping, Österskog, HOK+46 (0)393-210 61 | www.osterskog.seHapimag resort Hok – YxenhagaFor boking and more information:31 Hapimag Hok – Yxenhaga+49 2133-287 28 35, +46 (0)393-218 00 | www.schwedenpur.de20 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

RESTAURANTS & CAFESVAGGERYD13 Bettans Restaurang, Stationsgatan 8, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-104 5014 Grill Nha-Trang, Ringvägen 3 VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-318 3815 Jonssons bakery, Järnvägsgatan 15, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-318 3316 Pizzeria Jamaica, Jönköpingsvägen 52, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-100 0117 Pizzeria Tiger, Hokvägen 2, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-122 2218 Ritz bakery, Järnvägsgatan 16, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-104 1019 Spis – restaurant, Linnégatan 5, VAGGERYDOpens on August 5th, 2013SEASONAL21 Byarums Homestead, Byarum, VAGGERYD+46 (0)393-221 12Open15/6–18/8SKILLINGARYD20 Akropolis – restaurant, Storgatan 3, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-762 8039 Götaströms golf restaurant, E4 – exit 88, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-711 2021 Jonssons bakery, Stationsgatan 6, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-701 4222 Järnvägshotellet – restaurant, Västra Järnvägsgatan 7, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-715 5923 Kina Wook (Chinese food), Storgatan 14, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-716 4924 Ragges snack bar, Storgatan 44, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-709 6025 Saturnuskällaren – restaurant, Sturegatan 33A, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-708 8426 Skillingaryds Pizzeria, Storgatan 5, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-708 0027 Skillingaryd Camp restaurant, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-760 6528 Teds Sandwich shop, Storgatan 10, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)370-761 6129 Tina & Översten – café, Artellerigatan 18, SKILLINGARYD+46 (0)76-839 43 0330 Rasta Klevshult – restaurant, E4 – exit 86, KLEVSHULT+46 (0)370-30 05 10<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201321

SHOPS &SERVICESVaggerydIn Vaggeryd you’re close to everythingand every customer is treatedwell. The shops have generousopening hours and a wide selection ofproducts. Plenty of central parkingmakes shopping easy.PHARMACY1 Apoteket Hinden, Linnégatan 7. Tel. +46 (0)771-76 07 60BANKS & CASHPOINTS2 Handelsbanken, Järnvägsbanken 12. Tel. +46 (0)393-120 753 Swedbank, Järnvägsgatan 1. Tel. +46 (0)393-794 00FILLING STATIONS4 Din- X, Strandvägen 3. Tel. +46 (0)76-676 95 795 Preem, Hokvägen 2. Tel. +46 (0)393-316 986 Shell, Jönköpingsvägen.LIBRARY7 Fenix Kultur och Kunskapscentrum, Verner Malmstens Väg 1.Tel. +46 (0)393-67 87 90CARS & BIKES8 CC-service, Storgatan 27. Tel. +46 (0)393-160 55www.cc-service.se9 Jojjas bildelar, Jönköpingsvägen 53. Tel. +46 (0)393-788 50www.jojjas.se10 Vaggerydstvätten, Gärahovsvägen. Tel. +46 (0)393-163 80FLOWER SHOPS11 Acleja blomsterhandel, Viktoriagatan 8. Tel. +46 (0)393-105 8812 Vaggeryds handelsträdgård, Esplanaden 4. Tel. +46 (0)393-101 51DO-IT-YOURSELF13 Beiijer Byggmaterial, Järnvägsgatan 4. Tel. +46 (0)75-241 16 8014 Syntema - paint, wallpaper, Gärahovsvägen. Tel. +46 (0)393-127 40INTERIOR DESIGN & GIFTS15 Gretas Butik, Viktoriagatan 6. Tel. +46 (0)393-101 4616 Wahlbergs Ur och Guld, Östergatan 6. Tel. +46 (0)393-101 0217 Sonarps Interiör, Sonarps Gård. Tel. +46 (0)393-212 40CLOTHES & SHOES18 City Skor, Viktoriagatan 7. Tel. +46 (0)393-69 90 0919 People, Järnvägsgatan 22. Tel. +46 (0)393-318 9020 Selma, Viktoriagatan 4. Tel. +46 (0)393-77 39 1521 Koola Kidz Storgatan 45. Tel. +46 (0)393-125 45GROCERIES22 Ica Supermarket, Post Office, Järnvägsgatan 2. Tel. +46 (0)393-360 6023 Konsum, Järnvägsgatan 3. Tel. +46 (0)393-103 8124 Netto, Hammarvägen 1. Tel. +46 (0)20-170 70 71OPTICAN25 A-optik, Viktoriagatan 5. Tel. +46 (0)393-125 55HEALTH & BEAUTY26 Din frisör, Järnvägsgatan 5. Tel. +46 (0)393-122 1027 Friskvårdsknuten, Östergatan 7. Tel. +46 (0)73-974 42 97www.friskvardsknuten.se28 Gym +, Järnvägsgatan 15. Tel. +46 (0)760-17 80 0229 Hårateljén ME, Järnvägsgatan 18. Tel. +46 (0)393-162 3330 Klippstugan, Östergatan 4. Tel. +46 (0)393-122 0031 Massage Töj och Böj, Fabriksgatan 10. Tel. +46 (0)393-102 02www.tojboj.se32 Mattis Frisörsalong, Storgatan 41. Tel. +46 (0)393-101 0133 Salong Hon och Han, Järnvägsgatan 14. Tel. +46 (0)393-103 448 Röllekaboden, Snuddebo. Tel. +46 (0)393-240 14TV, VIDEO & IT34 Audio Video, Järnvägsgatan 17. Tel. +46 (0)393-106 1935 Edqvist IT, Stationsgatan 6A. Tel. +46 (0)393-61 50 50DENTAL CARE36 Vaggeryds folktandvård, Lundavägen 22. Tel. +46 (0)393-406 1037 Vaggeryds Tandvård, Jönköpingsvägen 2. Tel. +46 (0)393-105 83VETERINARY38 Vaggeryds Horse Clinic, Galoppvägen 3, Vaggeryd.Tel. +46 (0)393-163 00 | www.hallandsdjursjukhus.seHEALTH CARE CENTRE & CHILD CLINIC39 Vaggeryds vårdcentral, Lundvägen 22. Tel. +46 (0)393-405 70OTHER40 Folkets Hus - Cinema, Götaforsvägen 8, Vaggeryd,. Tel. +46 (0)393-10 16120 Vaggeryds Horse Racing Track, E4 – exit 90, Vaggeryd North.Tel. +46 (0)393-125 85 | www.vaggerydstravet.com22 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

I ndustrigatanSkolgtanSTATE LIQUOR SHOP41 Systembolaget, Centralplan 1. Tel. +46 (0)370-706 11www.systembolaget.seDENTAL CAREFaFabriksgatanMalmgatanSkolgatanDulegatanNorra AllégatanGjuterigatanStorgatanFabriksgatan14 Munhålan, Centralplan 2B. Tel. +46 (0)370-713 33Snickaregatan42 Tandvården Skillingehus, Ljungberghsgatan 4. Tel. +46 (0)370-712 0030 Tandvårdscentrum i Skillingaryd, Artillerigatan 32. Tel. +46 (0)370-707 48SmedjegatanSKILLINGARYD36BygelgatanÖstra AllégatanSturegatan<strong>TOURIST</strong> OFFICE17 Tourist Office, Artillerigatan 29. Tel. +46 (0)370-67 81 50VETERINARYKantorsgatanKyrkväktaregatanKapellgatanStorgatan32 Skillingaryds Smådjurspraktik, Artillerigatan 32. Tel. +46 (0)370-764 00HEALTH CARE CENTRE & CHILD CLINIC43 Skillingaryds Vårdcentral, Ljungberggsgatan 2. Tel. +46 (0)370-37 93 00Östra VS9KvarngatanFabriksgatanLogatanSkolgatan46Storgatan Storgatan245KlockaregatanLjungberghsgatanHantverkaregatanKyrkogårdsgatanPrästgatanSkolgatanÖstra Allégatan37SmedjegatanVästra VasagatanNorra Trädgårdsgatan39SmedjegatanI ndustrigatanKvarngatanThulins gataKällelidenIdrottsgatanVästra JärnvägsgatanBetaniagatanIdrottsgatanLäkaregatanFabriksgatanLjungberghsgatanSkolgatanSturegatanMissionsgatanVästra JärnvägsgatanSkolgatanStationsgatanHovslagaregatanMyntgatanÖstra VasagatanNygatanSturegatanInfanterigatanStationsgatanÖstra AllégatanVattugatanMogatanKaffegatanMogatanÅgatanLagagatanStorgatanArtillerigatanÄngstigenKaffegatanltsvägenBerggatan12281822102252040202623 3421TORG22381441312432842CENTER47823302132 10261341927CENTER2517Thulins gataKällelidenStorgatanArtillerigatanArtillerigatanBangårdsgatanSödra Järnvägsgatan29BangårdsgatanSödra JärnvägsgatanÅkersvägenBerggatanBrunnsgatan935Södra vägen38 MiliseumBrunnsgatanSödra vägenvägen29143LjunLjungb erghsgatanVästra lägretBäckstigenMeter0 25 50 100 150 20027<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201325

It was right at the beginning of the 21st century. Thord and IngvarSandahl visited the well-known international forest fair Elmia Wood,which at that time was held in Barnarp, just south of Jönköping. Everyonewho is familiar with this location knows how steep and rocky this area is.– A real challenge for both visitors and machines just to get around,Thord explains.– So, we said to each other, my father and I, ‘What if we would arrange thefair in Bratteborg instead next year’.26 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

ELMIA WOODON LONG-TERM CONTRACTThord cannot remember who called whom,but nowadays come around 50-60,000 visitorsto the forests outside their farm Bratteborg,where the terrain makes everything so mucheasier.– Yes, we have currently signed a long-termcontract and as far as we know, they don’t everwant to leave Bratteborg, Thord laughs.The father, the son and the forestIt was actually Thord’s grandfather who putthe family name Sandahl on the map. He grewup on a farm, and to supplement the incomefrom their small grocery store in Åsafors,grandfather Enoc undertook amongst otherthings, runs for sawmill owners with histruck. He transported carpentry products andsometimes he even took passengers.His son Ingvar soon saw an opportunity tostart a trucking company and began by transportinggravel and lumber. This was at thetime when “Riksettan” (Highway 1) was asimple dirt road and most long-distance freighttransport was done by rail.– Yes, now we’re back where we started. Enoc’sgrandson Thord Sandahl, current owner andCEO of the business refers to the extensiverail traffic to Northern parts of Sweden thatthe company handles today. Vaggeryd is rightthere on the map as well, especially since theopening of Vaggeryd combiterminal, just northof Skillingaryd in 2010.Man of diversityThe executive at the Sandahl Company playsa big and important role in building societynot just on a local level.Thord is the chairmanof the Employers’ Federationfor traffic industryand a delegate in“Svenskt Näringsliv”(Swedish BusinessAssociation). Today,while we are visiting,he will join a conferencecall to discuss thepossibility of avoidinga strike that couldparalyze a large part ofSweden’s transportsector. However, hedoesn’t make anydistinction in importancebetween the two differentarenas, local and national.Enoc Sandahl– Diversity, says Thord with emphasis whenasked about the secret behind the region’scharacteristic entrepreneurial thinking.Diversity is the foundation of a healthybusiness climate. Innovation is created outof diversity. The alternative to diversity issimplicity. Have you thought about that? Heasks with a tricky expression in the clearblue gaze.Initiative, drive and problem solving, combinedwith vast areas of woodland – Elmia Woodstays on Bratteborg for years to come, if youask me. No doubt about it. A better landlord ishard to find.Thord Sandahl,Chief Executive Officer – Sandahlsby Cathrine Palmcrantz<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201327

SAGOSKOGEN– a cultural heritage of SmålandDon’t be afraid if you meet a real live troll in the town square inSkillingaryd this summer. It is more than likely just part of a saga thathas been brought to life by the project Sagoskogen (Fairy Forest). Theproject is all about a cultural heritage that is being rescued – a heritageof fairytales with the imaginative forest of Småland as background.28 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013

Illustration by Jacob Bergman.a role in choosing the project’s name. Sagoskogen(Fairy Forest) sounds a little too childish forme, she asserts.Troll Mischeifs at SjöboThe first public performance of Sagoskogen,Trolltyg på Sjöbo (Troll Mischiefs at Sjöbo), willtake place on Sweden’s National Day the 6thof June. The day will feature guided walkingtours, story telling and exhibitions. Later inthe evening, the older children can participatein ghost hunts, which is also for any adultwho dare to join. The event is arranged by YinYang, Sjöbogården Association and Sagoskogentogether. For future events there is no risk ofrunning out of stories. In a twin project calledTrollstigar (Troll Trails), there is more than200 fairytales already collected just waiting tobe illustrated and GPS marked.With a little help of modern technologyIt is something called Geocaching, hiddentreasures are placed all around the countrysideto be found with the help of modernsatellite navigation, GPS. The very first eventof this kind took place last year on the first dayof September. One hundred people participated.With the help of those more experienced,beginners could participate right away. Thehidden treasures are still out there and thespots are being logged continuously. Throughthe satellite registrations, each and everyone’slogs can be counted, week after week. In thismoment, the hidden spots have been loggednearly 4,000 times. And that is in spite of along and snowy winter.Driving forces and the futureEvents of this size require volunteers who havea passion for the work and a lot of drive. Andthis case is no different. The municipality hasplayed a part, as well as the Study AssociationVuxenskolan. But also families like Anehammarand Bertilsson play an important role. Withoutthem, Sagoskogen and Trollstigar would neverhave become the success they became.Collaboration is maybe typical for a smallcommunity, but in our municipality we thinkit can be an important cultural platform in thefuture. We can be onto something good here.Without any problem, Sagoskogen weavestogether the past and the future, populartraditions with modern technology, youthswith the elderly, and occasional visitors withpeople who have lived in the area for generations.Maybe it is a troll trail that will lead us towardsa better community development in the future?30 <strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 2013 av Louise Skålberg

TROLLSTIGAR.SEFind the hidden treasures with the helpof GPS. Visit www.trollstigar.se for moreinformation.SAGOSKOGENPUBLIC SHOWS6/6 Troll Mischiefs at Sjöbo3/7 Lillemo soldier cottage, Skillingaryd7/7 Byarum HomesteadElin Ljungqvist, dressed up for show.by Mattias Bokinge<strong>TOURIST</strong> <strong>GUIDE</strong>: 201331

WHAT’S ON5–8/6 Elmia Wood – international forestry fair, Bratteborg.6/6 Troll Mischiefs at Sjöbo. A day in the fairytale world for the whole family.8/7 Hjulafton – Town Festival, Skillingaryd – Vaggeryd.3/7 Sagoskogen performes, Lillemo soldier cottage is open, Skillingaryd Camp.7/7 Sagoskogen performes, Byarum Homestead.3/8 Open gardens in Tofteryd.9–11/8 Model airplane meeting at Slätten, Skillingaryd.24–25/8 Paintball – Swedish Championship, Nåthult.31/8 Vaggerydsdagen – Town Festival, Vaggeryd.14/9 Inauguration of Miliseum.31/10–3/11 Småland Cultural Festival, www.smalandskulturfestival.se.<strong>TOURIST</strong><strong>GUIDE</strong>:VAGGERYD – SKILLINGARYD

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