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EVoCAtIon MAnAGEMEnt<br />

the eID server and application server when transmitted via a<br />

public network.<br />

6. Revocation management in the new<br />

German identity card<br />

to prevent abuse of stolen or lost identity cards, the card<br />

holder must be able to block or cancel them via revocation<br />

management [Bender 2010].<br />

Currently, chip cards, e.g. cards for the qualified electronic<br />

signature, are cancelled by means of a chip-specific public<br />

key that can be compared with a revocation l<strong>ist</strong> – in other<br />

words, a global, chip-specific feature. however, a chipspecific<br />

feature is always person-related, as it uniquely<br />

identifies the chip and consequently the card holder.<br />

such a mechanism would thus undermine the data<br />

protection-friendly design of the eID function, in which only<br />

those data from the chip are transmitted that are necessary<br />

for the service. For example, an online service that only<br />

requires proof of age for age-restricted services must not be<br />

able to use a unique revocation attribute to cross-reference<br />

these data with a service that receives name, address and<br />

similar data from the identify document (this is particularly<br />

important for the pseudonym).<br />

one solution to this conflict is to use service-specific revocation<br />

l<strong>ist</strong>s, i.e. every identity card transmits a service- and<br />

card-specific revocation attribute to the service provider<br />

during the electronic identification process, which the provider<br />

then checks against his individual, i.e. service-specific<br />

revocation l<strong>ist</strong>.<br />

For each service that uses the eID function of the new identity<br />

card, a service-specific revocation l<strong>ist</strong> is generated from a<br />

global revocation l<strong>ist</strong>. A service- and card-specific attribute<br />

sent to the service provider from the chip of the identity card<br />

during the eID function can then be compared with a specific<br />

revocation l<strong>ist</strong> in order to identify cancelled IDs.<br />

the use of service- and card-specific revocation attributes<br />

ensures that service providers cannot exploit these to<br />

recognize identity documents across services. this applies<br />

analogously for the revocation service: this central authority<br />

is unable to derive the service- and card-specific revocation<br />

attributes from the revocation key without the ass<strong>ist</strong>ance of<br />

the service providers and the authorization CAs – it is not possible<br />

to trace identity cards via the revocation mechanism.<br />

the use of revocation passwords and checksums also promotes<br />

data protection.<br />

Revocation management<br />

Overview<br />

Lost and stolen l<strong>ist</strong><br />

ID card authority<br />

Revocation<br />

password for entry<br />

in reg<strong>ist</strong>er of IDs Hotline<br />

Berechtigungs-CA<br />

Berechtigungs-CA<br />

Authorization CA<br />

Dienstanbieter<br />

Dienstanbieter<br />

Service provider<br />

rEVoCAtIon MAnAGEMEnt<br />

20 21<br />

Police<br />

Loss reported<br />

Revocation<br />

initiated<br />

Loss reported<br />

Revocation<br />

initiated<br />

Citizen<br />

Revocation initiated<br />

with revocation password<br />

Revocation password<br />

in PIN letter<br />

ID manufacturer<br />

Revocation initiated<br />

with revocation checksum<br />

General revocation l<strong>ist</strong><br />

Service provicer-specific revocation l<strong>ist</strong><br />

eID revocation service

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