chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova


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V. Gladchi et al./Chem.J.Mold. 2008, 3 (1), 70-76[9] Duca, Gh.; Scurlatov, Yu.; Sychev, A. Redox Catalysis and Ecological Chemistry. CE USM: Chiinu, 2002. p.291-316.[10] Biodiversity Conservation <strong>of</strong> the Dniester River Basin. Kishinev, 1999. p. 89.[11] Gladchi, V.; Goreaceva, N.; Bunduci, E.; Borodaev, R. In ECWATEC –2004: The problems <strong>of</strong> the trans-boundaryDniester River. Moscow, 2004. p. 125.[12] Duca, Gh. Goreaceva, N.; Romanchuk, L. In Water resources: /The Assessment <strong>of</strong> self-purifi cation capacity <strong>of</strong> natural waters onmodel systems/,1996, t 23, Nr 6, pp 668-671.[13] Semeniak, L.; Scurlatov, Yu.; Shtamm, E. C -- /The seasonal changes <strong>of</strong> the direction <strong>of</strong> aquatic oxidation and reduction processes and the problems<strong>of</strong> regeneration <strong>of</strong> sturgeon fi sheries in Volga and Kaspik Region/, 1996. p. 28-35.[14] Shtamm, E.; Purmal, A.; Scurlatov, Y. In The realizations in Chemistry: The role <strong>of</strong> hydrogen peroxide in theaquatic environment, Russia, 1991.[15] Romanciuc, L.; Goreaceva, N.; Duca, Gh. In Water Pollution-95, III-rd Int. Conf., 25-28 Apr., Porto-Carras:Modelysing <strong>of</strong> self-purification processes <strong>of</strong> aquatic medium, 1995, pp 98.[16] Duca, Gh.; Romanciuc, L.; Goreacev, N.; Borodaev, R. In Metal Compounds in Environment and Life, VII-thInt., Hans Wolfgang Nurnberg Memorial Symp., 4-7 June 1997, Modena (Italy): Model <strong>of</strong> self-purificationprocessing in natural water, 1997. pp 51.[17] Goreaceva, N; Gladchi, V. () /A method <strong>of</strong> determination <strong>of</strong> kinetic indicators <strong>of</strong> the quality <strong>of</strong> fresh waters/; Guidancedocument. Hydrometeoizdat publisher: Moscow, 1990.[18] Duca, Gh.; Bunduchi, E. In Abstracts <strong>of</strong> The Second Int. Conf. on Ecological Chemistry, 11-12 Oct., 2002:Radical self-purification <strong>of</strong> Prut river waters in the period <strong>of</strong> summer 2002 mean water, Chiinu, 2002. pp40-41.[19] Cutter, G. Ph.D. Dissertation, Old Dominion University. 1991.[20] Rue, E.; Smith, G.; Cutter, G.; Bruland, K. The response <strong>of</strong> trace element redox couples to subox conditions inthe water column; Deep-See Res., 1997, Vol 44, pp113-134.[21] Bielski, H.; Cabelli, D.; Arud, R.L. Journal <strong>of</strong> Physical Chemistry.1985.[22] Petasne, R.; Zika, R. Nature, 1987, Vol 325.[23] Borodaev, R. In The collection <strong>of</strong> Scien. Papers <strong>of</strong> MSU: /The redox conditions <strong>of</strong> Lover Dniester and <strong>of</strong> the state <strong>of</strong> dissolved forms<strong>of</strong> iron and copper/, 2002. p. 165-168.[24] Duca, Gh. In Free Radicals in Biology and Environment: Free radicals in natural water; Dordrecht, 1997; pp475-489.[25] Gladchi, V. Starea redox a apelor naturale i influena ei asupra proceselor naturale / The redox state <strong>of</strong> naturalwaters and its infl uence on natural processes/. J. Intellectus, 2000. p. 21-26.[26] Sichev, A.; Duca, Gh. Aspecte fundamentale i aplicate ale catalizei omogene cu metalocompui: Sisteme oxidicei peroxidice. CE USM: Chisinau, 2002; . 42.[27] Sichev, . Aspecte fundamentale i aplicate ale catalizei omogene cu metalocompui: Sisteme oxidice iperoxidice. CE USM: Chiinu, 2002, p. 332.[28] Gladchi, V. In The Scientific Proceedings <strong>of</strong> Moldova State University: Chemical and Biological SciencesSeries Procese de transformare chimic a poluanilor i rolul substanelor tiolice în mediul acvatic /Processes <strong>of</strong>pollutants chemical transformation and the role <strong>of</strong> thiolic substances /. Chiinu, 2000.[29] Gladchi, V. In The Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the didactic and scientific staff conference “Balance <strong>of</strong> scientific activity <strong>of</strong>the Moldova State University for 1998/1999 years: Transformrile chimice ale unor substane tiolice în mediulacvatic /Chemical transformation <strong>of</strong> thiolic substances in aquatic medium/. Chiinu, 2000.[30] Duca, Gh.; Gladchi, V.; Goreacev, N. Chimia apelor naturale; CEP USM: Chiinu, 2007. 107 p.[31] [30] Klokov, D.; Jacob, P. Chemistry <strong>of</strong> Multiphases Atmospheric Systems. Springer: Berlin – Verlag, 1986. p.125.[32] Skurlatov, Yu.; Shtamm, E. In “Self-Purification Processes in Natural Waters. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the InternationalSymposium on Ecological Chemistry: Aquatic cycling <strong>of</strong> hydrogen peroxide as a principal way <strong>of</strong> natural watersself-purification, Chisinau, Moldova. 1995. p. 135.[33] Duca, Gh.; Zanoag, C.; Duca, M.; Gladchi V. Procese redox în mediul ambiant, CEP USM: Chiinu, 2001.386 p.76

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