chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova


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Gh. Duca et al./Chem.J. Mold.. 2008, 3 (1), 10-21Much data exist nowadays regarding the chemical composition <strong>of</strong> natural waters, but very little is known aboutthe kinetic laws that describe the interactions between these compounds [10, 39, 40]. A number <strong>of</strong> systems, such asM 2+ /M + – L – S – O 2/H 2O 2(where, M 2+ /M + variable valence metal in oxidized/reduced form, L – ligand, S – substrate)have been studied. There is a lot <strong>of</strong> data on thermodynamic properties <strong>of</strong> metal complexes, reactivity <strong>of</strong> intermediatefree radicals, mechanisms <strong>of</strong> activation <strong>of</strong> O 2and H 2O 2; however very little is known about catalytic oxidation <strong>of</strong> severalcompounds <strong>of</strong> significant ecological importance.Among all reducing agents which model the most successfully natural reducing compounds, most extensivelystudied are the ascorbic acid [20], thiolic compounds [27, 28], hydrochinone [27, 29], oxy and hydroxyacids [21, 22].The ascorbic acid is a compound that regulates the intracellular redox state, having a significant medical-biological role.Oxy- and hydroxyl acids form the metabolic cycle <strong>of</strong> dicarboxylic acids and take part in the exchange <strong>of</strong> substances<strong>of</strong> living organisms with the environment. Hydroquinone is one <strong>of</strong> the poliphenols very <strong>of</strong>ten encountered in surfacewaters, being the precursors <strong>of</strong> natural humus. Thiolic compounds participate in metabolic processes <strong>of</strong> microorganisms,are used in the leather industry, in fertilizers technology etc.On the basis <strong>of</strong> ascorbic acid the redox mechanism <strong>of</strong> processes within the aquatic environment has beenestablished, with the participation <strong>of</strong> ions and complexes <strong>of</strong> copper when the pollutant (P) possesses ligand propertiesor significant reducing properties [20]. During the interaction between the metal and P, a compound with partial chargetransfer is formed (CuDH + ):Cu 2+ (OH - ) + DH - CuDH + + OH -This complex plays the role <strong>of</strong> a one-electron donator, reducing the peroxide to O H radicals, whereas themetal ion doesn’t change its oxidation state:CuDH + + H 2O 2 Cu 2+ + D + O H + H 2OAnd this lead to the initiation <strong>of</strong> processes <strong>of</strong> conjugated oxidation <strong>of</strong> pollutants in natural water.In the case <strong>of</strong> small copper ions concentrations, the complex can decompose in products with one-electrontransfer:CuDH + Cu + + DH· ( D + H + )And in the case <strong>of</strong> high metal ions concentrations, it can interact with the second copper ion, thus oxidizing thedonor by the two-electron pathway:CuDH + + CuOH + 2Cu + + D + H +Given the copper ions concentration in natural waters, which is around 10 -7 M, the one-electron mechanismprevails in these conditions.The discussed system is characterized by a specificity regarding the formation <strong>of</strong> OH radicals. As opposed to thePhenton system, the generation <strong>of</strong> O H radicals doesn’t interfere with the valence <strong>of</strong> the metal, this one remaining inits oxidized form. Copper (I) ions appear in this system as secondary particles, formed as a result <strong>of</strong> H 2O 2destruction:O H + H 2O 2H O 2H O 2 + Cu 2+ Cu + + O 2+ H +The impact <strong>of</strong> compounds with don’t exhibit ligand properties in the natural aquatic environment (such ashydroquinone, glyoxalic acid) [28, 44] can be positive or negative, depending on the substrate’s concentration. Duringthe interaction <strong>of</strong> copper (I) ions with H 2O 2, the particle CuO + results (which can be treated as the hydrolyzed Cu 3+ ion),being the precursor <strong>of</strong> the O H radical [34]:Cu + + H 2O 2 CuO + + H 2OIn the absence <strong>of</strong> reactive substrates, this particle oxidizes water, forming OH radicals:CuO + + H 2O (CuOH) + + O HGiven the fact that it is a two-electrons acceptor towards substrates, in the presence <strong>of</strong> H donors it oxidizes the donoraccording to the two-electrons pathway:CuO + + QH 2 Cu + + Q + H 2OThus, depending on the donors concentration in the environment, processes <strong>of</strong> inhibition or generation <strong>of</strong> OH radicalscan take place.Considering all stated above, the presence <strong>of</strong> reducing agents with no ligand properties has two roles: at smallconcentrations, substrates will nor essentially interfere the process <strong>of</strong> OH radicals generation, as a result <strong>of</strong> wateroxidation by CuO + (i.e. CuO + will oxidize intensely the waters molecules and will be less consumed for the QH 2oxidation), at high concentrations, these substances will act as inhibitors, trapping the CuO + particle, which is theprecursor <strong>of</strong> OH radicals. This is <strong>of</strong> significant importance for the realization <strong>of</strong> chemical self-purification processes <strong>of</strong>natural waters, due to the possibility <strong>of</strong> conjugated oxidation.16

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