chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova


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Gh. Duca et al./Chem.J. Mold.. 2008, 3 (1), 10-21came up after comparing the data obtained by several researchers. Thus, the values for the H initiation reactionobtained at the irradiation <strong>of</strong> arctic waters which contain 10 -12 M·s -1 ODS, are comparable with the values obtained byMooper and Zhou in Gulf Stream waters - around 14,7·10 -12 M·s -1 , and ocean waters - 15,9·10 -12 M·s -1 [12, 15]. Again,Mooper and Zhou, have measured the photochemical production in natural water submitted to irradiation and observedfrom 2,8·10 -12 M·s -1 – in open ocean water, up to 420·10 -12 M·s -1 for surface waters. Values <strong>of</strong> O H initiation rates <strong>of</strong>10 -11 M·s -1 have resulted in investigations <strong>of</strong> the river Volga (Rusia), rivers Prut and Nistru (Moldova) [14, 23].Measurements made by Vaughan and Blough (1998) regarding the generation <strong>of</strong> O H by fulvoacids (at 320nm), resulted in values <strong>of</strong> 2·10 -11 M·s -1 (or 5 ·10 -12 M·s -1 ppm -1 C) [13]. After the extrapolation <strong>of</strong> their results for 320 nm,Grannas A. M. et al. (2006), obtained the value <strong>of</strong> 2·10 -12 M·s -1 ppm -1 C [15].Besides the photochemical reactions, O H radicals can be formed in processes with the participation <strong>of</strong>transition metals ions and reducing compounds with complexes’ properties [20-22]:CuD + H 2O 2 Cu 2+ (OH - ) +O H +DThe catalytic destruction <strong>of</strong> H 2O 2in the presence <strong>of</strong> copper (I) ions is accompanied by the formation <strong>of</strong> OHradicals:Cu++ H 2O 2 (CuO) + H 2O Cu 2+ (OH - ) + O HIn the case <strong>of</strong> water solubilization <strong>of</strong> ozone (O 3aq, with a concentration in surface waters <strong>of</strong> around 10 -8 M) andits subsequent interaction with the dissociated form <strong>of</strong> H 2O 2, its destruction takes place according to a radical chainmechanism [17, 19]:O 3aq+ HO 2- O H + O 2Also, OH-radicals are formed during the interaction <strong>of</strong> reducing substances with ozone:O 3+ DH - O H + D + O 2The formation <strong>of</strong> free OH radicals inevitably leads to the generation <strong>of</strong> secondary radicals. Mill et al. in a range<strong>of</strong> photochemical studies on natural water samples, identified, besides the OH radicals, concentrations <strong>of</strong> 310 -9 M <strong>of</strong>alkyl peroxide radicals [18]:RH + O H R + H 2OR + O 2 O2The constants that describe the interaction <strong>of</strong> R O radicals with many organic substances are, commonly,2smaller than 1 M -1 s -1 . Due to the oxidation with peroxide radicals, the lifetime <strong>of</strong> chemical reactive species, such asphenols, aromatic amines, hydroxylamines, poliphenols, constitutes several days.According to the data obtained by Zepp et al. under the influence <strong>of</strong> sunlight the effective generation <strong>of</strong> singletoxygen takes place in natural waters, with a stationary concentration <strong>of</strong> 10 -14 -10 -12 M [16]. This value is proportional tothe content <strong>of</strong> dissolved humic compounds in water.S h1 S 3 S 3S + O 21 O 2+ SSinglet oxygen ( 1 O 2) is an effective oxidant for compounds which contain double bonds with high electronicdensity or readily oxidized functional groups (alkyl sulfide, thiol, phenolate ions etc.). These compounds have lifetimes<strong>of</strong> hours.Besides the singlet oxygen, humic compounds photolysis results in free electrons. In the natural aquaticenvironment, solvated electrons ( aq) interact with dissolved oxygen, forming the superoxide anion radical ( O2),which is the precursor <strong>of</strong> an effective oxidant – hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2): + O 2O2; 2O 2+ 2H + H 2O 2+ O 2The general photochemical scheme <strong>of</strong> DOS transformation under the influence <strong>of</strong> sunlight can be drawn as:S hS 3 S O2S + 1 O 2 O2 ; 2HO 2 H 2O 2+ O 2R S+ +S + O+ aq2R O 2 , R O , ROOH O 2O 14

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