chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova


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D. Batîr/Chem.J.Mold. 2008, 3 (1), 129-132currently represent the blvian School <strong>of</strong> Coordination Chemistry r the fifth generation <strong>of</strong> rsearchers starting fromAlfred Werner.We n certainly affirm today that the Ablovian School is long-living n, it will b lasted for ages; and theprincipal component <strong>of</strong> this veritable school is manifested through the formative virtue. It n b compared with thefireworks, when each sparkle exploded in the sky generates shaft <strong>of</strong> sparkling lights, which in the case <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essorAntonie blv r the research schools with his followers and followers, which have exceeded the borders <strong>of</strong> theRepublic <strong>of</strong> Moldov making roots in other centers <strong>of</strong> coorcdination <strong>chemistry</strong> throughout the world.Antonie bl published mr than 760 peer-reviewed papers, he has educated 75 doctors and hability doctors,among them heads <strong>of</strong> leading research schools in the new areas <strong>of</strong> coordination <strong>chemistry</strong>, sush as crystallo<strong>chemistry</strong>,quantum <strong>chemistry</strong>, magneto<strong>chemistry</strong>, radiospectroscopy, biotechnology, super-molecular <strong>chemistry</strong>, polynuclearsystems, etc. has promoted n interdisciplinary research, thus exceeding the borders between <strong>chemistry</strong>, biology,physics and mathematics, which had significant impact n medicine, agriculture and technology. In his researchAntonie blv have synthesized fantastic molecular designs, as it could b done b n architect in coordinationcompounds. Due to the immense imagination, which he proved to have, he has discovered splendid objects <strong>of</strong> studyand knowledge, unique in their way, having applied the latest research methods in the r <strong>of</strong> physics and mathematics,having adapted, improved them, sometimes elaborating new laboratory methods and techniques.Antonie blv made marked input in the contemporary coordination <strong>chemistry</strong>. Through his tivity andcreativity as scientist, pr<strong>of</strong>essor and public figure, he has contributed to our science, nm and spirituality with theprestigious achievements recognized and appreciated throughout the world.Leaving for eternityWith all he had foreseen and created, inexhaustible blv remains to b scientist whose heritage still has to bdiscovered.Our Grandmaster was n unsurpassed leader due to his knowledge, skills, ingenuity, initiative and deeds. His namehas always b associated with the word «the first»: the first Head <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Inorganic Chemistry, thefirst Dn <strong>of</strong> Chemical Faculty, the first Director <strong>of</strong> the Institue <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, the first Academician coordinating theappropriate section, etc. b the first was his lifestyle, this was an essence <strong>of</strong> his existence. And if today we have theprosperous Faculty <strong>of</strong> Chemistry and Chemical Technology, the rognized Institute <strong>of</strong> Chemistry and the School <strong>of</strong>Coordination Chemistry - we owe all this to him, the unique Antonie blv.Academician Antonie blv was not only great chemist, but spirit whose soul was always occupied with thespiritual values - he was n expert in music, fine arts, subtle and knowledgeable theater-lv, passionate book lover andbook collector, the thinker deeply involved into the problems <strong>of</strong> philosophy and universal history, burning popularizer<strong>of</strong> science.Great people nv die, they go to immortality to illuminate the way <strong>of</strong> living people. The death brings with it,along with the infinite pain, also the hour <strong>of</strong> blming, when all the misery and vanity <strong>of</strong> everyday life is forgotten, andonly that remains belonging to eternity. The dead r n mr dead if living people revive them in their heart, their soul,their spirit, via their nbl deeds which add the light.n the date <strong>of</strong> September 13, 2004, the memorial plate « demician Antonie blv» was inaugurated at theInstitute <strong>of</strong> Chemistry <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences <strong>of</strong> Moldova. At the unveiling <strong>of</strong> this memorial, I had the sense thatour grandmaster, Antonie blv, peared and was among us, and I could not help telling him, in the presence <strong>of</strong> theaudience, with the greatest emotion: «Welcome home, in the House which you have built, to the Institute <strong>of</strong> Chemistry,our dear preceptor!».At this vr time, the Prezident <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences <strong>of</strong> Moldova set up the honorary stipend named afterAcademician Antonie blv, in the sum <strong>of</strong> ten thousands lei (830 USD), which is granted annually to the best doctorand(post graduate student) in <strong>chemistry</strong>.Love and respect <strong>of</strong> people, nrn for people full <strong>of</strong> tact, deli and charm, lucidity <strong>of</strong> mind and sense <strong>of</strong> justice,courageous behavior, absolute honesty and great passion to <strong>chemistry</strong> which was hand down to us b AcademicianAntonie blv carried today as torch illuminating the thoughts <strong>of</strong> the followers.Such person was Antonie blv, the man who have presented us with the essence <strong>of</strong> his soul, towards him wer directing today our grateful thoughts, being always thrilled and touched b the Shakespearean question: «And whenwill the other come, alike himself?».Dumitru BATÎRDr. hab. in <strong>chemistry</strong> University pr<strong>of</strong>essorState Prize Laureat132

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