chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova


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D. Batîr/Chem.J.Mold. 2008, 3 (1), 129-132Due to his firm and precise gesture, intonation and multiple modulations <strong>of</strong> the voice - authoritative and bearing lot<strong>of</strong> information - he knew how to make you to see and to understand vn the most insensible molecular architectonics withtheir spatial settings, those subtle bonds between atoms which create phantasmagorical designs, determining admirationand great interest <strong>of</strong> some happy students attracted b the vocation and passion for <strong>chemistry</strong> who, fortunately, werepresent in the hall led b wise persons in this r.His introductive hour opening each academic r <strong>of</strong> the master course was unrolling in the atmosphere <strong>of</strong> beautifulsolemnity, was true holiday. I think it m from the tradition <strong>of</strong> the Iassy school with its great pr<strong>of</strong>essors. Severalminutes before the beginning <strong>of</strong> the lesson the first line <strong>of</strong> the spacious hall was engaged b lecturers, assistants,doctors, sometimes university pr<strong>of</strong>essors from other institutions. The pr<strong>of</strong>essor seemed to bn inexhaustible fountain<strong>of</strong> infomation. It was easy for him to transmit data and information, unusual details, etc., being himself prodigiouscreator <strong>of</strong> science, destined with double vocation: those to disseminate the science and those for increase the wealth.I m thinking now, after mn years, after mr than half centur, how deeply the great chemist understood thespirit and objectives <strong>of</strong> <strong>chemistry</strong> and how viable his concepts related to this r rmain until now. His lessons remainalive, because they had the ncept and features appropriate only for genuine creator <strong>of</strong> science.Researcher and inventorNo doubt, in the portrait <strong>of</strong> the Patriarch we distinguish multitude <strong>of</strong> colours, which reflect contradictory andmysterious character, n incomparable pr<strong>of</strong>essor, a good organizer and creator <strong>of</strong> research and education institutions,etc. But most lively the colours glisten which surround the mn <strong>of</strong> scin, who brought to life thousands <strong>of</strong> newchemical mpounds, watching them during half century, nicknaming them with long but exact names, as if using magic wand to reveal their mystery. is n who discerned new crystalline structures, elucidated new mechanisms,discovered new phenmn, tested new antiviral and anticarcinogenic properties, perimented with new plant andanimal growth simulators, elaborated new methods <strong>of</strong> intensification <strong>of</strong> fabric dyes, etc., exerting himself permanentlyto follow and apply the triad Education - Research - Production. coincidence, both occasionl and amazing, is permanently turning in m mind - Antonie Ablov was brn in 1905,just in the when Lev Chugaev discovered the famous reaction <strong>of</strong> the nickel with dimethylglyoxim, the phenomenalcoincidence in the science history, which like miracle marked the newborn, determining his preoccupation for hislife: devotion with his body and soul to study <strong>of</strong> dioxymines <strong>of</strong> transition metals, which occurred to b splendid models<strong>of</strong> different biological systems. Thus, Antonie Ablov and his assistants have fully demonstrated trans-configuration <strong>of</strong>Chugaev dioxymines; as result <strong>of</strong> numerous syntheses <strong>of</strong> new tahedral compounds they collected, like glass beadsn thread, ordinated ligands according to their capacity to exert influence in transposition; they revealed newtype <strong>of</strong> isomers, so called «<strong>of</strong> half-opened book»; elucidated the physiological proprieties and catalytic activity <strong>of</strong> thisimportant class <strong>of</strong> substances; synthesized series <strong>of</strong> dioximines, absolutely unknown before, which totally differ fromthose <strong>of</strong> Chugaev's, presenting new type <strong>of</strong> binuclear structures with cis-configuration, and which entered into thepatrimony <strong>of</strong> the world science under the nm <strong>of</strong> Ablov’s dioximines.Intuiting the calls <strong>of</strong> time, approaching the problems <strong>of</strong> the most acute up-to-dateness, Antonie Ablov orientated hisresearch, especially n some polynuclear compounds with atoms r bridge groups closely associated with n aggregate<strong>of</strong> identical atoms nmed cluster. Abundant stereo<strong>chemistry</strong> and fantastic conformance <strong>of</strong> these compounds generatespecific spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties important for understanding <strong>of</strong> life rocesses which conditionthe considbl rl <strong>of</strong> these compounds in superconductivity and semi-conductivity, <strong>of</strong> magnetic mm <strong>of</strong> highdensity, as well as for resolving the fundamental rblm <strong>of</strong> managing the reactivity and synthesizing new compoundswith desired properties.Ablovianian schoolAntonie blv was scientist and person who, due to his prestige, the deep knowledge he possessed, was blto create, to manage and to educate the prestigious Scientific School in the r <strong>of</strong> Coordination Chemistry. Thefact is rmrbl that our grandmaster takes his origin from the environs <strong>of</strong> the creator <strong>of</strong> coordination chemisry,legendary pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Polytechnical University at Zurich Alfred Werner (1866-1919), laureate <strong>of</strong> Nobel Prize (1913).In these laboratories his scientific supervisor, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor at the «Al. I. Cuza» University at Iassy, Nicolae Costachescu(1876-1939) was educated. Antonie blv, in his turn, has elaborated under the supervision <strong>of</strong> Nicolae Costachescuand defended n the date <strong>of</strong> February 20, 1932, the doctorate thesis in Chemistry n the theme «Effect <strong>of</strong> substituentsin bases and in anions n coordination number <strong>of</strong> metal», and on Jul 25, 1944, he defended the hability doctor thesisin Chemistry «Contribution to the nature <strong>of</strong> bonds and stereo<strong>chemistry</strong> <strong>of</strong> ordination compounds» in front <strong>of</strong> theScientific Council <strong>of</strong> Kazan University. As consequence, it n b summarized, than we, who r considered to bthe followers <strong>of</strong> Antonie blv, r representing the fourth generation <strong>of</strong> chemists-researchers, while our disciples who131

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