chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova

chemistry journal of moldova


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D. Batîr/Chem.J.Mold. 2008, 3 (1), 129-132which he knew how to rciate with wisdom. attends the gymnasyum fom Cetatea Alba, taking his bachelor degree(1923) graduates fom the Physical-Chemical Faculty <strong>of</strong> Iassy University (1923-1927) and Chemical-TechnologicalInstitute <strong>of</strong> Iassy (1925-1931), than works as research assistant for the Department <strong>of</strong> Inorganic Chemistry (1927-1940)at Iassy University and <strong>chemistry</strong> engineer at «Astra Romana» <strong>of</strong> Ploiesti (1939-1940).In 1940 the Chisinau period <strong>of</strong> his life begins, which lasted till the painful r 1978, 18, when he hadgone into the world <strong>of</strong> shadows and into the space beyond the suffering and pain. The life will <strong>of</strong>fer and will bringhim different challenges. will b b turn the Head <strong>of</strong> Chemistry Department at Agricultural Institute, today theState Agrarian University (1940-1946), Head <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Inorganic Chemistry <strong>of</strong> the State University <strong>of</strong>Moldova (1946-1959), Head <strong>of</strong> Chemistry Division (1955-1957), afterwards Head <strong>of</strong> Inorganic Chemistry Division(1957-1959) and Director <strong>of</strong> the Chemistry Institute (1959-1961) <strong>of</strong> the Moldovan Branch <strong>of</strong> the demy <strong>of</strong> Sciences<strong>of</strong> the former USSR, Academician Coordinator <strong>of</strong> the Division <strong>of</strong> Natural and Technical Sciences <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong>Sciences <strong>of</strong> Moldova (1961-1964), at the same time Head <strong>of</strong> Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (1959-1978), since 1975renamed as the Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Coordination Compounds Chemistry, etc. was awarded the title <strong>of</strong> doctor (1932) anddoctor habilitat (1944) in <strong>chemistry</strong>, university pr<strong>of</strong>essor (1945), academician <strong>of</strong> the Acadm <strong>of</strong> Sciences <strong>of</strong> Moldova(1961). was distinguished with mn prizes and medals. was Laureate <strong>of</strong> State Award <strong>of</strong> Moldov (1983, postmortem).The image f master Antonie Ablov. His aspect was <strong>of</strong> n ideal or almost ideal distinction. was <strong>of</strong> specialbearing, tall mn, well looking, with dark brown hair, in the long run turned into grey, but permanently fresh cut,tastefully dressed, vivid and seemingly excited, to which n should add sharp sight, imperative gesture, rr to character who sometimes used to bm infuriated. Furthermore, his sonorous voice, hard in his way, as if destined notonly to explain, but also to mmand, without giving the interlocutor the time and possibility to respond, as if he did notwish to admit the retort. I think these features suit him - namely him - perfectly. We, those who surrounded him, alwaysknew that beyond these asperities heart <strong>of</strong> kindness beats equal to the mind keenness and to the force <strong>of</strong> his character,the kindness always abused b each <strong>of</strong> us - those 10 doctors habilitat and 65 doctors in science, guided and urged bhim, as well as those mr than 1 700 <strong>of</strong> students who attended lectures <strong>of</strong> the impressive rfessor and scientist, towhom tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> those who knew him and enjoyed his long-standing friendship could b added.I shall emphasize n again that through his glasses which he worn with great accuracy his permanently laughinghazel eyes glistened, penetrating and bit ironic. I think that this irony, mostly in<strong>of</strong>fensive, helped him to rmain vrspiritual, full <strong>of</strong> wisdom, intelligent, kidding and making good cheer vn in most serious situation.The elation with which he rushed into the research work and science organization, his robust and exuberanttemperament, amazing power <strong>of</strong> work, persistent will, irreproachable punctuality, talent and ingenuity <strong>of</strong> experimenter,erudition and basis <strong>of</strong> scientific information, valuable contribution to elucidate numerous problems <strong>of</strong> n obviousactuality in <strong>chemistry</strong>, ranks the Antonie Ablov's personality as Patriarch <strong>of</strong> native scin, positioning him in spaceand time among the distinct names <strong>of</strong> ur nation, makers <strong>of</strong> history and civilization.The nvl charm <strong>of</strong> his personality consisted in irreproachable mrl and physical behavior, due to his upliftingmind and clean soul, perfect humanity and mmn kindness, immeasurable honesty and unlimited devotion, hisformidable punctuality and love to work, his complex preoccupations and his uninterruptible strive for self-perfection,etc.All these wonderful human qualities collected together in temper <strong>of</strong> n eventful destiny, made his aureole nm legend.Years <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essorateEach ademic r at the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Chemistry <strong>of</strong> the State University <strong>of</strong> Moldova started <strong>of</strong>f with n ningintroductive hour held b the erudite pr<strong>of</strong>essor Antonie Ablv. This lesson looked as praise brought to <strong>chemistry</strong> andchemical technology with its latest achievements and discoveries. The audin could always enjoy the nvelty arisenfrom creative, ingenious and emotional spirit thanks to charismatic power with which he was endowed loving peopleand life.During m years <strong>of</strong> post-graduate studies (1952-1956) I attended vr conscientiously all lessons <strong>of</strong> m deepand severe scientific master. Thus it happened to attend for some years the same course <strong>of</strong> <strong>chemistry</strong> drafted withskillfulness that always changed. And I was convincing myself mr and mr that m severe pr<strong>of</strong>essor, due to hisconsciousness and special attitude to himself and to the discipline to which he was devoted, each r introduced intohis course <strong>of</strong> inorganic <strong>chemistry</strong> something new and interesting, making us to feel completely significance <strong>of</strong> thisr, which n provoke explosion and destruction, but at the same time provide people with the light and heat, foodand clothes, etc. In n word, the magical pr<strong>of</strong>essor was amazing us, amusing, awoke the curiosity, made us to polemicthrough multiple and fascinating demonstrative experiments made b virtuoso experimental chemist, as if we werepresent at wonderful performance.130

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