February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESBARRISTER ABDULSATTAR WALIBorn with a silver spoon in his mouth toa very rich family, A.S. Wali was the first<strong>Memon</strong> Barrister. All his life he remainedan idealist and reformist. Charities of hisfather were very well known and BarristerWali inherited both the wealth andgenerosity of his father. He spent lavishlyon the causes, which were dear to hisheart. He was a fluent orator in <strong>Memon</strong>y,Gujrati, Urdu, English and Persian.Eminent leaders like Mr. M.A. Jinnah andMrs. Sarojini Naidu sought his companyat public functions.The weekly “<strong>Memon</strong> Sudharak” waspublished under the editorship of the lateBarrister A. Sattar Wali, who played avery vital role in bringing reforms andawakening to the <strong>Memon</strong> community.This weekly also published regular columnsto pave the way for holding <strong>Memon</strong>conference. The magazine also inspirednew writers in Gujrati on subjects likesocial evils, and harshest possible criticalarticles were published very boldly. BarristerWali traveled extensively throughoutKathiawar to see for himself the socialand educational conditions of the <strong>Memon</strong>community. He realized the need to publisha magazine for campaigning reformsand, as such, he started the publicationfrom Bombay in 1929, the leadership ofthe community at that time was mostlyhereditary. “<strong>Memon</strong> Sudharak” stronglydeplored this system and advised the communitymembers to elect leaders throughballot. In 1931, when Barrister Wali raisedthis issue in the <strong>Memon</strong> conference andmoved a resolution against the existingsystem, there was a major uproar. At theintervention of Seth Adamjee, the resolutionwas withdrawn. The contribution ofBarrister Wali was very great and unforgettablefor the reforms of the community.Elsewhere, in the book his services tothe cause of the <strong>Memon</strong>s, Muslims andIndians, generally have been described. Inshort, Barrister Wali was one of the rareleaders of the community whose servicesunfortunately could not be utilizedbecause of his advanced views on reformsand adoption of democratic system inrunning the organizations. Not havingsucceeded in his mission he became frustratedand after migration to <strong>Pakistan</strong>, hedied unknown, un-honored and unsung.SETH AHMADDAWOODSeth Ahmad Dawood, was one of the topbusinessmen and industrialists of <strong>Pakistan</strong>.He was born in 1905 and has playedsuch an important role as a <strong>Memon</strong> thathis services cannot be excluded from<strong>Memon</strong> history. He was the founder ofDawood Foundation through which heestablished Dawood Engineering Collegein Karachi. In the early days some of thesubjects taught in this College were notbeing taught in any other university/collegeanywhere in <strong>Pakistan</strong>. Even after nationalizationof this College he providedcasual financial aid to the institution. TheFoundation runs schools and other charitableinstitutions.He was the founder trustee of Al-ShifaEye Hospital to which his Foundation hascontributed more than Rs. 15 million. Hewas the main founder of United <strong>Memon</strong>Jamat and has always been keen to bringall the <strong>Memon</strong>s on one platform. Unfortunately,during the Bhutto regime, he waskept under house arrest for several monthsfor just being an outspoken industrialist.He left <strong>Pakistan</strong> for a couple of years duringwhich period he did exploratory workin USA in the field of oil exploration. Hewas a very daring industrialist with a foresight.In East <strong>Pakistan</strong>, due to labor unrestnobody was prepared to buy the PIDCProject Karnaphuli Paper and ChemicalMill, but Ahmed Dawood dared and continuedto run it profitably till the emergenceof Bangladesh. His main missionthat every able bodied man in <strong>Pakistan</strong>should be provided with a bicycle to makehim mobile has not yet been fulfilled.The Dawood family started from humbleorigins when Ahmed Dawood begantrading in pre-partition India and waseventually joined by his brothers. At partition,the family opted to move to <strong>Pakistan</strong>,where the new nation created ampleopenings and opportunities for businessand industry. The family thus made thetransition from business to industry,first establishing Dawood Cotton MillsLimited in 1952. The industry expandedrapidly. With the realization that the onlyway to maintain continuous growth andenhance reputation was to expand internationally,the first international officewas established in Manchester, England,operating under the title ‘Dawood (England)Limited’. Simultaneously, seniormembers of the family, in a bid to ensurethat the education of all successive generationsbe given the utmost importance,sent their children to England to pursuetheir studies.As such, nearly the entire secondgeneration has graduated with universitydegrees from England, from where theyproceeded to the United States to studybusiness at graduate level. The familycan boast of having graduates of the bestuniversities like Oxford, Manchester, LondonSchool of Economics, Strathclyde,McGill, University of Western Ontario,Harvard, Northwestern and Columbia.The family has more MBAs than anyother family in <strong>Pakistan</strong>. The Dawoodsdecided to expand further. In 1959, thefamily purchased Burewala Textile Mills,a cotton textile mill with its own ginningfactory, and in 1969 established Dillon,which manufactured nylon and syntheticyam. Their last textile venture was LawrencepurWoolen Mills.The strategy of diversification wasmarked by the setting up of DawoodHercules Chemicals (Urea fertilizer), followedby Transpak (baby food, toothpaste,toothbrushes and other consumergoods), Dawood Yamaha (Motorcycles),Dawlance (refrigerators and microwaves),Descon Engineering (construction), andMeiji Biscuits.A move into the financial sector wasthe next step. It was put into effect withthe establishment of Central InsuranceCompany (in-house insurance), BRRCapital Modarba (leasing under the Islamicmode of financing), BRR SecoundModarba (working capital finance), andEquity International Modarba (venturecapital funding as a joint venture withIFC and Robert Flemings). All threeModarbas have since been merged intoone, namely BRR International Modarba.Other concerns include OrientInsurance Company, and the latest,Dawood Leasing Company Limited, ajoint venture among the four brothersand other renowned financial institutionsof <strong>Pakistan</strong>. Prior to the establishmentof Bangladesh, the Dawood familyalso owned and managed KarnaphuliMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 9

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