February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESImmortal <strong>Memon</strong>PersonalitiesPROF, ALLAMA ABULAZIZ MEMONYAmong the scholars of international repute,Allama Abdul Aziz Al-<strong>Memon</strong>y’s nameranks foremost. This world famous religiousscholar, whom even the Arabs called “Ustad”(teacher) has not received due recognitionfrom his own community or country.But he has been adequately recognized bythe Arab world. It may be due to the factthat the Allama had complete commandof Arabic language, Grammar and Usageand most of his work is in Arabic, whichhas endeared him more to the Arab worldthan his own countrymen and community.His mastery of the Arabic language stunnedeven the Arab scholars who sought his guidancein the subject. His books, written inArabic, have been included in the curriculumof various Arab Universities includingthe famous Jamia Al Azhar of Egypt.At the age of 12, the Allama wentto Delhi from his birthplace Rajkot, inKathiawar and became a pupil of the notedscholar and interpreter of Qur’an andhadith, Mian Nazeer Hussain Dehlavi. Healso studied under the guidance of DeputyNazeer Ahmed. For higher studies hewent to Amroha and Rampur and learnedancient philosophy and logic from MaulanaMuhammad Tayyab Makki of MadrassaAliya, Rampur, passing his Munshi Fazilwith distinction from Punjab University. Hewas selected for lectureship in Arabic andPersian at Edward Mission College, Peshawar.Later on, he was appointed professorof Arabic and Persian Department. Heauthored simple translations of Arabic textbooksfor which he received Maulvi Fazil.In 1925, he was appointed Reader of Arabicat Aligarh Muslim University - the first non-European to be appointed to this post. Herehe wrote about 30 thought provoking books,which were all printed in Egypt and Syria.These books are highly rated in Arabicliterature.In 1928, the Allama received Fellowshipfrom Arabic Academy of Damascusand subsequently the Egyptian Academyalso offered him fellowship, both of whichwere the highest honor for the experts ofArabic researchers and scholars. At theinsistence of Mr. Mumtaz Hassan, the Allamaaccepted the honorary Directorshipof Central Institution of Islamic Researchwhen Arabic Department was establishedin Karachi University, and at the requestof the Vice Chancellor, Professor A.B.A.Haleem, he became the Head of the ArabicDepartment. He also offered his services tothe Arabic Department of Punjab Universityfor two years and later on, he was madethe Head of Arabic Department in OrientalCollege.Due to his old age, he could not continueas a full time professor and offered hisservice as Professor Emeritus at KarachiUniversity and Sindh University. The Egyptian,Saudi Arabian and Iranian universitiestried their best to acquire the services ofthe Allama, which he thankfully declined.The trend set up by the Allama continuesin the family. His son, Muhammad Umar<strong>Memon</strong>, is also a professor.The Allama was a man of principles andnever compromised on them. He alwaysbelieved in simple living and whatever hesaved, he spent on research. He had a veryvaluable collection of rare books. Once,during discussion with a highly acclaimedscholar of Islam, the Allama was informedthat the scholar was writing a book entitled“Downfall of Islam” at which the Allamawas infuriated and replied that there hasnever been any down fall of Islam in thepast and never would be in future. Downfallcomes in the lives of people and not Islam,which had remained glorious throughouthistory.When Allama went for Haj in 1957, hewas treated as a royal guest and was givena royal accord by the Saudi government.Throughout Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Morocco.Tunis, Turkey and France for research workhe was respected.The Allama donated Rs. 300,000 each toNadwatui Islam (Voice of Islam) and AligarhMuslim University: He also gave significantdonations to Darul Uloom, BinoriTown, Karachi and donated thousands ofpriceless books on different research worksto various universities.The Arabic poets of various countrieshave written poems in honor of Allama<strong>Memon</strong>y. He was also honored with thedegree of doctorate and awarded medals byvarious Arab countries. The Government of<strong>Pakistan</strong> conferred upon him the Pride ofPerformance.The special feature about the Allama washis memory, particularly about books. Hecould easily tell anyone as to which rarebook was available in which library andeven on which shelf. He spoke Arabic likea native speaker and his speeches in Arabicwere well recognized.The Allama, due to his mastery of theArabic language, was nominated on theCommittee of Arab scholars to finalize thelatest version of the Arabic Dictionary Al-Lisanul Arab.Sir ADAMJEE HAJIDAWOOD“Many parents of idle income group are reluctantto seek any assistance for the educationof their children, but he advised them,not to allow their ego to become a hurdle inthe way, of their children’s education. Theyare the <strong>Memon</strong> citizens of tomorrow andyour prosperous depends on their healthand good character. It is your right to seekhelp from the society and it is the obligationMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 7

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