February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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HUMORMoney vs. Human life(Blood Group vs. Money Group)Qasim Abbas, TorontoWhen a human being is born, his weightis app. 3 Kg. (7 Lbs.).When he dies, the weight of his kafancloth, perfume etc. on his lifeless body isalso app. 3 Kg. (7 Lbs.).*************************After birth, first cloth he wears hasno pocket.And also there is no pocket on the lastcloth i.e. kafan cloth on his lifeless body,when he is buriedThen why in this “interim” i.e. inbetweenlife i.e. worldly life, humanbeing is struggling, worrying andharassing others for pocket???*************************At the time of taking blood in the hospital,blood “group” is checked first.Then why at the time of receivingand paying money (particularly payingin Masjids towards charity, “group” ofmoney is not checked???These money belong to which “group”?Are these “just” and “legitimate” i.e..halaal money?Or “unjust” and “illegitimate” i.e.haraam money?Or money from “No. 2 business”?Or money collected “under the table”?Or money snatched jeopardizingsomeone’s rights?Or money with someone’s sigh?*************************If wrong “group” of money comes inthe family, quarrel, turmoil, disbelief,disunity, hate etc. are created in thefamily.These “unjust” and “illegitimate” i.e.haraam money is finished/utilised inhospitals, clubs, gymkhanas, bar and other“unjust” and “illegitimate” i.e. haraamactivities.And the human being with these“group” of money is also finished/diedwith these “group” of money.Of course, bank balance is increasingwith these types of “unjust” and “illegitimate”i.e. haraam money, but familybalance is decreasing and vanishing.*************************If such circumstances arise, then prayto Almighty Allah that, “O Allah, povertyis much better than these money.At least in poverty, Your remembranceis there, Your gratefulness is there andpatience is preserved.”And Allah has promised favour forthose who remember Him, thank Himand preserve patience.*************************Look what Allah has revealed in HolyQuran about “unjust” and “illegitimate”i.e.haraam money:“And do not eat up your wealth amongyourselves by false means”. (2:188)“O believers, do not eat up yourwealth among yourselves falsely, exceptthat it be trading with your mutual consent”.(4:29)*************************How to improve your mindBeing mentally fit is another importantaspect of being healthyoverall. So, to really make thisyear your fittest, pay some attention toyour mental health as well. Tough to meetdeadlines, reaching work on time afterpacking tiffins for your spouse and kidsare some things that can make you loseyour temper at the drop of a hat. Here areeight ways to control your mind and havea healthy 2012 mentally and physically.Workout regularly and eat healthy:Regular workouts will improve yourcardiovascular health and in turn will helpyou alleviate your mental tension andstress. The right foods will calm you downand have a positive effect on your attitude,thought process, mood and creativity.Here are tips to stick to your exercise routineand eat healthy through the year.Include meditating and pranayam inyour schedule: Breathing exercises willempower you with energy. It will letyou tap and use energy confidently andcreatively. It will help you de-clutter yourmind and thus improve your thoughtprocess. Meditation will relax your mindand synchronize it with your body. It willalso relieve you of anxiety.Set aside time for praying: Praying orconversations with the almighty, will giveyou inner peace and increase your self- confidence.People who are at peace with themselvesare known to take better decisionsduring trying times and are less frustrated asthey are satisfied with themselves.Go for regular wellness treatments: Trygoing for massages or any other wellnesstreatment like a body scrub or even handand foot reflexology. These treatments helpto relax tense muscles and help activate thenervous system, joints, muscles, spine andskin, in turn reducing anxiety and stress.Take up a hobby: Engage yourself ina hobby or activity you like. It could bereading, singing, dancing or photography.This will keep you busy and prevent yourmind from thinking negative thoughts.Maintain a diary: Making entries of youreveryday activities, thoughts and eventshelps you retrospect. It could also help youunderstand the cause of your stress/anxiety,thus helping you to handle it better.Get proper sleep and rest: Proper sleepand rest plays a very important role inrejuvenating you. It’s not just essential forgood health, but induces calmness andhelps lower muscle tension.Avoid caffeine: Avoid stimulants likecaffeine, colas and chocolates. Especiallyin the evening as it could preventyou from getting sound sleep. Stay awayfrom regular alcohol consumption andsmoking. Avoid heavy meals at night sothat food gets digested easily and in turndoesn’t make you feel sluggish. Includelots of water in your diet. It not justflushes out toxins, but keeps you feelingrefreshed and energetic.48MEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012

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