February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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HEALTH MATTERSTomato for clear skinTomatoes are a staple in every kitchenbut hardly will you hear anyone extollingits cosmetic benefits. Whetheryou want to cure large pores or reduce acneand rashes or sooth nasty sunburn or simplyto revive the glow on dull skin, tomatoesare beneficial in many homemade beautytreatments.Not only do tomatoes taste great but theyalso keep the skin healthy. It is necessary toconsume tomatoes as they have lycopene,which is an antioxidant and hence works asa sunscreen from within. These antioxidantsmake tomato an anti-aging product as theyhelp in fighting cellular damage and reddeningof skin. It is recommended to haveat least 16 milligrams of lycopene per dayas they reduce the number of free radicalsin the body and also help to retain themoisture in people who are used to sitting inair-conditioned environs. You don’t need tospend your hard-earned money on expensivecosmetic treatments if you follow thesesimple steps to get healthy-looking skin:Big pores? Shrink ThemBig pores provide easy access to dirt andgrime thus increasing the chances of infectingthe pore. Take a tablespoon of freshtomato juice. Add two to four drops offresh lime juice to this. Use a cotton ball toapply this mixture on your face. Massageit in circular motions. Leave it on for about15 minutes and then wash off with coolwater. Regular application will shrink poresgreatly.Acne healingThe acidity in tomatoes helps in reducingand clearing up your acne. Vitamin A andvitamin C are commonly found in a lot ofacne medicines and tomatoes are rich invitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. If youhave mild acne, cut a tomato in half and applythe inside on your face. For severe acnemash a fresh tomato and use the pulp as apack on the face. Leave it on for an hour.Rinse it off and moisturize. Do this on aregular basis or as many times as you can.Your acne is bound to dry off soon.AstringentIf you have oily skin and struggle to keepyour face from shining like a fried papad,tomato is the solution to your agony.Crush a fresh tomato and strain it. Makea little cucumber juice and add it to thetomato juice. Apply this juice with a cottonball daily to control excessive oilinessand acne.Good to eat, great to cleanA tomato and avocado mask works wonderson combination skin. This is becausetomato works as an astringent as well asa blackhead and oil-reducing agent whileavocados have an antiseptic and moisturizingeffect. A pack of mashed tomatoes andavocados help in soothing and cleansingcombination skin (oily and dry), as they arerich in vitamin A, C and E. Apply this packand wash off after 20 o 30 minutes withlukewarm water.Burns no moreSummer is fast approaching and with harshsummer comes burnt, inflamed skin. Alot of people’s skin gets sunburnt, raw anditchy due to exposure to the sun. Crush halfa tomato and mix it with two tablespoonsof plain yogurt. Apply this concoction onface, neck, hands and feet. Wash it off after20 minutes. Tomato cools the skin andneutralises the surface while yogurt gives ita much needed protein boost while leavingit soft and supple.Glowing skinMix honey with tomato juice until you get athick paste. Apply this mixture and wash offafter 15 minutes for smooth and glowing skin.46MEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012

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