February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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THOUGHT PROVOKINGChoosing a spouse –A Moral StorySeeing that his mother was in a goodmood, Ahmad sat near her and said,‘Mother, I have an idea which shouldbring you much joy.” His mother answeredeagerly, “My son, all that you give memakes me happy. What is on your mind?”“You know,” he told her, “I have finishedmy studies and can afford to begin a family.I have decided to marry.”His mother’s face brightened with asmile. “This is very good news! I have longawaited such a day,” she told him. “Howoften I have wished you would marry oneof your cousins. Praise be to Allah thatyou have made this decision before it is toolate!.” Ahmad exclaimed, “Before it’s toolate? What do you mean?” “Your cousinMaryam is now old enough to marry. Everyday there is someone visiting her home,seeking her hand.”Ahmad sat silently for a moment andsaid, “Then why should we bother hersuitors?”“What do you mean, Ahmad?,” asked hismother, dismayed.“My cousin Maryam is not fit for me.”“Why not? No, my son, you’re mistaken.I shall go and see about your engagementtomorrow,” his mother told him.Ahmad frowned and said, “No, mother.Please do not do such a thing. I will notagree to this.” “When she becomes yourfiancée, you will feel love for her. Put asideyour fears. Maryam is beautiful, and she hasa respectable job.”Ahmad disagreed, “No. This matter onlyconcerns me.”Ahmad’s mother thought for a momentand said, “If you dislike Maryam, thenthere’s my brother’s daughter. She is asbeautiful as Maryam, and she has inheriteda large sum of money from my brother.“Mother, please think about this matterfrom my point of view. I need someone toshare my life, not a business partner.”His mother became angry and sharplyasked, “What’s wrong with my niece? Whyisn’t she good enough to be your wife?”Ahmad replied, “She is not a practicingMuslim. I want a Muslim wife.”Ahmad’s mother laughed sarcasticallyand said, “You speak as if you were anangel who could only marry another angel.Why don’t you stop saying such nonsense,my son? You are an educated young man;you should give up your impossible ideals.”“I am neither an angel, nor do I seek asaint for a wife. I am a Muslim believerlooking for a girl who also believes inIslam.” replied Ahmad.Ahmad’s mother told him, “I don’t knowany girls who share your ideals.”He said, “I know someone who measuresMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 43

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