February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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COMMUNITY NEWSthose children who with their hard work,serious efforts and dedication achieved theexcellence in their examinations. Suchevents motivate other children to concentrateon their studies and work harder toachieve better marks in examination. Anotherobjective of such and similar event isto provide community members a platformto know each other exchange greetings andshare news and views on happy events anddifficulties if any.His Excellency the <strong>Pakistan</strong> Ambassadorand the Consul General were requested toconsider visa applications that are submittedby community members from India forvisiting <strong>Pakistan</strong> to attend marriage or funeralof their close relations there. It will beensured that applications shall have all requiredand appropriate documents attachedtogether with an official recommendationletter from <strong>Memon</strong> Community in the UAErequesting the Embassy and the Consulateto issue visa. Before such recommendationis forwarded Organising Committee willensure that the reason for visit given in theapplication is absolutely true and justified.For the past 3 years Eid al Fitr and timeof getting results from schools, colleges anduniversities have been falling very close,hence the event has been combined to celebrateEid and felicitate successful childrenon same day.Memento was presented to each guest ofhonour in appreciation of their support tothe Community. Since the Consul Generalhad to leave early on an official assignmenthis memento was received to Ms ZahidaParveen, Press Consular at the Consulate.Indeed it was very pleasing event of EducationPrize Distribution that has been heldand organised for the past 13 years consistentlywithout a break.Thanks were extended to all contributorsand donors for their continued support,help, co-operation and encouragement.Thanks were expressed to members of theOrganizing Committee for the hard workand efforts they put in to make event successful.Event was concluded with Dua’a.Sumptuous dinner was served. Membersof the community present expressed theirpleasure and appreciation for organizingthe event that provided them platform forfriendly interaction, extending each othergreetings and exchanging views and news.The venue gave an impressive and festivelook.Those children who did not attendthe event and their prize and certificateremained uncollected are requested toplease contact Mr. Umar Abdullah Maklai(050-644 8902) and/or Muhammed SadiqHaroon (050-452 6547) for receiving those.Prizes not collected by Monday 17th October,2011 will be considered undelivered andreturned.If any member has any comment or suggestionthat may improve the event arrangementsand/or its utility he/she is welcometo forward it.• Haji Abdul Razzak Yaqoob, President,• Aboobaker Cassim, Senior Vice-President• Abdul Ghaffar Fancy, General Secretary,• Umar Abdullah Maklai, Treasurer,• Muhammad Iqbal Dawood, MemberOrganising Committee• Muhammed Iqbal Shivani, MemberOrganising Committee• Muhammed Sadiq Haroon, MemberOrganising Committee and• Muhammed Ali Mangroli, MemberOrganizing CommitteeMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 37

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