February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESLate Muhammad Usman took his schooland college education from Sindh MadrasatulIslam and S.M. College respectively.He was the Chairman of <strong>Pakistan</strong>Sugar Mills Association (Sindh Zone)and <strong>Pakistan</strong> Cigarette ManufacturersAssociation. He served as Chairman ofMazdoor Committee of Karachi Chamberof Commerce & Industry. He alsomade a foreign tour as a member of anofficial trade mission in the year 1971.He was the man of letters right fromhis early age and used to get his articlespublished in Dawn, Morning News and<strong>Memon</strong> Alam. He published a book named“Problems of Okhai <strong>Memon</strong> Biradari andSome Points to Ponder.” He was also Directorof Indus Arts Gallery. He was Trusteeof Hasham Foundation, Conveyor of MedicalCommittee of the Okhai <strong>Memon</strong> Anjumanand founder President of Okhai YouthServices. He also served as Vice Presidentof All <strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Federation. He diedat a young age of 38 years only.LATE MR. ABDULKARIM PANWALAMr. Abdul Karim Panwala was a silentsocial worker of the community. Hewas philanthropist and was activelyinterested in solving the problems ofthe masses. His record of social serviceis spread over in East as well as West<strong>Pakistan</strong> but he always remained aloofof the publicity. In 1973 he played anactive role in just distribution of plots ofland in Gulzar-e-Hijri. In his individualcapacity he used to solve the problemsof others relating to their accommodation,marriages, medicines etc. He wasaffiliated with Dhoraji Khidmat Committee,the Society for the Preventionand Cure of Blindness, APWA, ShirinEye Hospital, Educational Board,Welfare Society, Dhoraji Foundation,Dhoraji Association, and HousingTrust. He used to prefer health services.During 1983-91 he visited various villagesof Sindh and Baluchistan where hearranged Free Medical Camps under hispersonal supervision.LATE PROFESSORDR. ZUBEDA QASSIMProfessor Dr. Zubeda Qassim was born atManawadar in 1934 and did her MBBSfrom Karachi in 1954. She joined Physiologydepartment of Dow Medical College andin 1968 she was promoted to the post of AssistantProfessor and gradually progressedto the post of Professor & Chairman ofthe Physiology department, Sindh MedicalCollege. She was selected for the Master’sdegree by the <strong>World</strong> Health <strong>Organization</strong>but she could not avail that chance due toher family engagements. But afterward shewas sent by the WHO to Shiraz Centrewhere she acquired a degree from PahelviUniversity. In addition to being a doctor shewas also an ideal social worker. She wasmuch active in Manawadar Sardarghadh<strong>Memon</strong> Jamat, United <strong>Memon</strong> Jamat,<strong>Memon</strong> Women Association, <strong>Memon</strong>Professional forum, Pak American CulturalCentre Karachi. She was considered a pillarfor UMJP Women Wing.LATE HAJI HASHAMKATHLate Haji Hasham Kath was a renownedindustrialist and a social leader of the<strong>Memon</strong> community. He was Chairmanand Director of several companies includingMehran Sugar Mills, Usman TextileMills and <strong>Pakistan</strong> Molasses Company.Mr. Kath was also associated with socialwelfare organizations in different honorarycapacities. He also established UsmanMemorial Hospital and Usman Instituteof Technology in memory of his late sonUsman, which is being run on no-profitno-loss basis.LATE MR. HAJINOOR MUHAMMADUROOSWALAHaji Noor Muhammad Urooswala was asocial leader of the community liked by oneand all for his services rendered continuouslyfor long period from 1983 to 1991 asHonorary Secretary General of the <strong>Memon</strong>Federation. In this capacity he served thecommunity zealously and successfully.MEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 25

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