February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESanthem of <strong>Pakistan</strong> to Liaquat Ali Khan.He also donated considerable amount toKutyana <strong>Memon</strong> Association under the auspicesof Wadasadawala Trust for promotingtechnical education among the community.He rendered valuable services as presidentof Adamjee Boarding House, <strong>Memon</strong>Youth <strong>Organization</strong>, Karachi <strong>Memon</strong> StudentUnion and Kutyana <strong>Memon</strong> Volunteercorps.LATE MR. ABDULKARIM RAJKOTWALAHe was a well known businessman and adedicated social worker. Born in Rajkot,he spent his early days in Chittagong. Afterdoing his B.Com he came to Karachi andstarted his own business of plastic andpaper. He was the President of Chamber ofCommerce & Industry, Karachi. ShipperCouncil and a number of other trade organizations.He served as Secretary of CharadeGeneral Hospital (formerly CementHospital) for seven years and as President of<strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Jamat for Five years. Hedied at London while undergoing a surgicaloperation for the treatment of his kidney.LATE MR. ABDULREHIM MARFANIjoint Secretary of All India <strong>Memon</strong> Conferencefrom 1932 to 1937. After establishmentof kutch Kathiawar Muslim League hewas its first General Secretary. He reachedKarachi one year ahead of the partition andremained almost retired, yet gave valuableservices for the establishment of <strong>Pakistan</strong><strong>Memon</strong> Educational & Welfare Society aswell as <strong>Memon</strong> Hospital.LATE PROFESSOR DR.ABDUL AZIZ MEMONLATE WALI MUHAMMADHAJI YAQOOBHe passed his whole life in serving theOkhai <strong>Memon</strong> Community of Karachi. Hestarted his public life by establishing YoungMen Okhai <strong>Memon</strong> Association in the year1921. He was first elected Founder Presidentof the Association.LATE HAJI HAROONADAMJEE SEJALate Marfani was a well known Muslimstalwart who extended concrete contributiontowards the <strong>Pakistan</strong> Movement fromthe platform of All India Muslim Leagueand was one of the first rank politicalworker of Rajkot. He first came to light asan impressive speaker at Gujrat KathiawarEducational Conference convened in theyear 1928. He remained affiliated with<strong>Memon</strong>s as well as all the Muslims inKathiawar upto 1946 and was serving themin different responsible posts. He remainedHe was popularly known as MoulanaAbdul Aziz Al. Maymani. He acquiredthe diploma of Munshi Fazil (Persian) andmoulve Fazil (Arabic). He was the firstever <strong>Memon</strong> to have achieved such flyingsuccess. He served with Edward College ofPeshawar and Oriential College of Lahorefor five years as lecturer of Arabic and Persian.In 1925, he was appointed as professorin renowned Aligrah Muslim Universitywhere he was the first Muslim professor. Heworked there for 25 years and during thatperiod he wrote about 24 voluminous booksin Arabic which were published in Egyptand Syria.In 1928 he was selected Fellow in Arabic,University of Damascus and was knownas Allama Maymani in the Arab world.He was awarded Doctorate by the worldrenownedAl-Azahar University. Aftercoming to <strong>Pakistan</strong> he established CentralInstitute of Islamic Research in 1954. Healso served in the department of Arabic,University of Karachi for couple of yearsfrom where he retired in 1959. In 1965,on the eve of Independence Day, the thenPresident of <strong>Pakistan</strong> awarded him specialmedal as well as a cash prize.Late Haji Haroon Adamjee Seja was a leadingand dear-to-all personality of Hyderabad<strong>Memon</strong> community. His ever struggling socialwork and services encompassed different disciplinesof life including education, medicare,and rehabilitation and over all communitydevelopment programmes and projects.He served through various platformslike Vice President of Hyderabad Zoneof <strong>Memon</strong> Federation and its member ofMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 23

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