February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESof Sindh were graping in the darkness. Hefirst decided to setup a girl’s school in Hyderabadin the face of strong oppositionfrom the members of his own community.Despite, strong opposition at home by orthodoxsociety he opened the Madressahtul-Banat in 1935. Later on he establisheda <strong>Memon</strong> Education Society in Hyderabadand constructed a building for theabove mentioned school. He served thenation particularly student communitywith zeal & devotion as teacher and Principalof several Govt, educational institutions.He was appointed as Principal ofTeacher Training College Hyderabad fromwhere he ultimately retired. The BritishGovernment decorated him with title ofKhan Bahadur. He wrote several bookson History & Literature. He was the firstscholar who compliled the history ofSindhi Language & Literature.LATE MUHAMMADUSMAN DIPLAIThe famous Sindh writer, journalist andreformist Mr. Muhammad Usman Diplaibelonged to a middle class <strong>Memon</strong> familyof Diplo district Tharparkar. He started hiscareer as a small businessman, and then establisheda printing press by the name QuranPress. He used to write, translate and print hisown books and later on used to market themby himself in this way his business flourishedand soon he started a daily newspaper “Ibrat”He also published a weekly magazine “Insan”which carried progressive literature for theawakening of his readers. Although he wroteIslamic books, translated Islamic novels andprinted books, which were meant for preachingof Islam, he never preached orthodoxyor fundamentalist ideas He wanted that theMuslims should fallow the real spirit of Islam,which, in his view, was progressive in essence.Due to his views about equality of Haris andZamidars, workers and industrialists and muridsand pirs, he was put behind the bars manytimes. The exploiting classes conspired againsthim and he was imprisoned along with HyderBakhsh Jatoi, whose Hari Haqdar Movementwas against the interests of the feudal class.Muhammad Usman Diplai has to hi creditseveral original books, more than twenty translatednovels, hundreds of columns editorials,articles, and short stories. His novel “Sanghar”is considered one of the best novels of SindhiLiterature and is an award winning novel.Born in 1908, educated at his nativevillage and then Hyderabad, he rose to thestatus of the top most intellectual and writerof Sindhi language during the Sixties. Hedied on 7th Feb. 1981 at Hyderabad butis still remembered in Sindh as one of thegreatest reformers of the society.Muhammad Usman Diplai has become asymbol of hardwork dedication and selflessservice to his community as well as the country.He was the first in his village who educatedhis daughters and now following hisfootsteps Diplo has the highest percentageof female literacy. The <strong>Memon</strong>s of Diplotoday are known for their meritorious representationin the bureaucracy, medical fieldand education. All because of the efforts ofMuhammad Usman Diplai.LATE ABDUL KADERLAKHANILate A. Kader Lakhani was born in Bharnagerin 1910, he completed his studies fromBombay University and obtained the degreeof M.A & L.L.B. He started Legal Practicein 1938, and Started his social career fromthe same year. He was the first President ofBharnager State Muslim League.After coming to <strong>Pakistan</strong>, he continuedto serve the community on various plateforms including <strong>Memon</strong> Relief Committee,All <strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Federation, GohilwadHalai <strong>Memon</strong> Jamat etc.LATE MR. HABIBLAKHANIMr. Habib Lakhani is a memorable name inGujrati literature of <strong>Pakistan</strong>. He was moreknown for his surveys, studies, research andwritings on a very important subject of <strong>Memon</strong>history. He is the author of many books onvarious subjects in Gujrati language.Born on 25th May, 1942 at Amreli, hepassed his matriculation examination andjoined military and civil service at Nasik.In 1951 he joined Daily Vatan as translatorand within three months was promoted assub-editor in Dawn Gujrati. He was affiliatedwith <strong>Memon</strong> Alam since 1960 andstarted writing on the history of <strong>Memon</strong>Community during that times He continuedwith his literary work even after retirement.LATE AHMED A.R. GHANIThe great grandfather of Mr. Ahmed, (Late)A. Rehman Ghani was minister in ManawadarState. His father was the inhabitantof Kutiyana while Mr. Ahmed was born atTranswal where his father was doing his business.He acquired his primary education inKutyana and higher education in Africa. Hisfather died while he was studying at QueensCollege, Cambridge, so he had to get back toJohannesburg after doing Bar-at-law.In 1943 he came to Sindh where hepermanently settled and took keen interestin social activities. He shifted most of hisbusiness to <strong>Pakistan</strong>. He was the founderof <strong>Memon</strong> International Club and wasaffiliated with a number of educational andsocial organizations in various capacities.He was a philanthropist who donatedRs 10,000.00 for compilation of national22MEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012

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