February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESLATE A. GHANIDADABHAI JUNANIestablished a number of organizations for theservice of community and contributed a hugeamount every year for the smooth functioningof those organizations. He established twocharitable hospitals in Jam Nagar and Rangoon.Keeping in view the services rendered by him,he was awarded the title of Sir by the BritishEmpire. He died in 1924.LATE MUHAMMADSADIQUE MEMONHe started his career as a social worker bytaking part in Home Rule League in theYear 1917 and thereafter joined KhilafatMovement as well as the Congress. Finallyhe joined Muslim League and contributedmuch towards awakeing of the Muslims ofKathiawar during the period 1937-47.He played leading role in the establishmentof All India <strong>Memon</strong> Conference and AllIndia <strong>Memon</strong> Education & Welfare Society.His memorabie activity was the struggle of thePraja Mandal Launched at Rajkot in 1939.After coming to <strong>Pakistan</strong> he played leadingrole in the establishment of <strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong>Educational & welfare Society. In 1985 heestablished <strong>Memon</strong> Medical Society andConstructed <strong>Memon</strong> Hospital.LATE SIR SETH ABDULKARIM JAMALLate Seth A. Karim Jamal, was a leadingbusinessman of Burma known for his philanthropic& courageous activities. He was knownas king of oil. He established industries of sugar,rice mills, ginning factories, oil refineries etc. heBorn in a small village Khahi Kunda Distt.Naushahro Feroz, he was forced to migrateto Hyderabad, as he wanted to educate hisdaughters, against the strong opposition bythe relatives and the community. He wasfully conscious of the importance of femaleeducation in years to come. The vision ofgreat man turned into a mission, as he wantedto see the backward and ignorant women ofSindh marching on the path of prosperityand resulted into formation of Anjuman-e-Himayat-ul-Islam Sindh which establishedchain of schools and colleges in Sindh namedas Sachal Colleges and Himayatul IslamSchools.. His daughter was amongst the firstthree Muslim girls who matriculated andacquired post graduate degrees. He foundeda village in Taluka Tando Allayar in his ownname, which is hub of many educationalinstitutions. His mission is being carried outby the “Sadique Foudnation”, established byhis followers in his memory.LATE MR. KASSAMUSMAN KANDAWALALate Kassam from the early age was muchinterested in politics. He took active interestin making the Bombay session of All IndiaMuslim Leagues a success in 1936. He startedtaking active interest in Muslim leagueMovement. He also played a leading rolein the establishment of ‘C’ Ward DistrictMuslim League of Bombay. He served asthe member of the Managing Committee ofthe council of All India Muslim Leagues aswell as Bombay Provincial Muslim League.On business front he served as the GeneralSecretary of Onion & Potatoes MerchantsAssociation of Bombay from 1924 to 1949after coming to Karachi he became Directorof <strong>Pakistan</strong> Cotton Association and on socialfront he enjoyed many posts in <strong>Memon</strong> ReliefCommittee, Okhai <strong>Memon</strong> Jamat, Okhai<strong>Memon</strong> Madressah Association, Okhai <strong>Memon</strong>Anjuman etc. In 1959 he was awardedthe honor of justice of Peace. In 1972 he waselected as president of Karachi Chamber ofCommerce & IndustryLATE KHAN BAHADURM. SIDDIQ MEMONA name that stands out in the list of luminariesof Sindh for his singular contributionfor female education, Khan BahadurM. Siddiq was fully conscious of importanceof female education in the years tocome. The backward and ignorant womenMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 21

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