February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESTHOSE WHO LIVEIN THE HEARTSLATE HAJI A. GHAFFARTELI (PAKOLAWALA)from Dhoraji to Nasik for trading, and lateron moved to Rangoon, Ceylon, Eden andZanjabar and finally settled in Cape Town.He kept on travelling and travelled morethan twenty countries. He wrote his firsttravelogue in 1895, which got wider popularity.In 1902, he again went on a trip ofIslamic countries and on return from there,wrote another travelogue under the title of“Journal of My Tours Around the <strong>World</strong>”got popularity. He served his community inthe field of education, health & other socialsectors, which includes the constructionof maternity home, mosques, madrasahsand Dar-ul-Uloom. He died in Cape TownSouth Africa.HAJI ALI MUHAMMADPAKOLAWALAwas generously helping the NGOs, religiousorganizations, madressahs, Darul Uloom etcas Vice President of <strong>Memon</strong> Educational &Welfare Society. On business front, this familyentered in soft drink and textile industry inwhich they flourished. They were known asPakolawala due to their well-known soft drinkproduct “PAKOLA”.LATE MR. A. MAJIDSULEMAN BAWANYHis field of social services was not confinedto <strong>Memon</strong> community but spread over tothe whole nation as well as the country.He was born in Teli (Pakolawala) family atDhoraji in 1935; he is from a family whichis known for their generosity. He qualifiedin Textile Engineering from UK. On socialfront he was awarded the title of Great Rotarianas he actively participated in RotaryConventions held at Melbourne, Taiwan,France, Canada, etc.After the death of his father Abdul SattarPakolawala, a great philanthropist of thecountry, he took up his mission and verynicely expanded the philanthropist activitiesproviding accommodations to poor, establishingMadressahs etc. He was helping theNGO’S spread over the country right fromKhyber to Karachi.He established Haji Taher MuhammadTeli Trust with huge amount and handled anumber of welfare activities.SIR SETH HAJISULEMAN SHAHMOHAMMAD LODHIASir Suleman Shah Mohammad was bornin 1859 in Dhoraji. He was a renownedbusinessman, writer and tourist. He shifted20Haji Ali Muhammad belonged to the greatphilanthropist Teli family of Dhoraji. Bornin 1918 Haji Ali Muhammad was known forhis philanthropy. In 1945, his family establisheda trust under the name and title of“Haji Kassam Teli Charitable Trust”. Haji AliMuhammad became its Chairman and starteda series of charities. The Trust concentratedfully towards the rehabilitation work. Theycarved out large colonies well equipped withall the amenities such as Dhoraji Colony, NewDhoraji colony, Dhoraji Town in Karachi aswell as in Hyderabad. Moreover a numberof families were provided financial helpto acquire their own accommodations. HeLate Majid Bawany started his social careerby attending All India <strong>Memon</strong> Conferencein 1931. In 1940, Quaid-e-Azam touredKathiawar for collection of Press Fund. Atthat time he served as Chairman, ReceptionCommittee. He founded Jetpur YouthLeague and became its founder secretary.He was appointed Salar-e-A’la for wholeof Kathiawar. He was also president ofKathiawar Muslim Student Union. Aftercoming to Karachi he took leading role informing Jetpur <strong>Memon</strong> Asociation andbecame its founder secretary. In East <strong>Pakistan</strong>during 1950 he also served as president,Chittagong Muslim Society, Member of theofficial Hajj Committee, Chittagong Chamberof Commerce, Chittagong Anjuman-e-Khuddamane Nabi, Chittagong <strong>Memon</strong>Khidmat Committee and Chittagong <strong>Memon</strong>Jamat etc. In 1971 he returned to Karachi andremained Director, Karachi Stock Exchangefor four years. He was also elected as thePresident of Karachi Chamber of Commerce& Industry sometime before his death.MEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012

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