February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESheld in Rajkot. Subsequently, he made Rajkothis headquarter, acquired a huge plot of landwhere he established a boarding house andbecame its Honorary Superintendent whilepracticing law in Rajkot and other courts ofKathiawar. He took keen personal interest inthe welfare and education of each boarderand rendered yeoman service in that capacity.The property left behind in Rajkot, whichbelonged to the Boarding House, is wortha billion rupees today with hardly anybodytaking care of it. In Karachi, he was one ofthe leading members of the <strong>Memon</strong> reliefcommittee established to provide relief to therefugees reaching <strong>Pakistan</strong>. He was also agood orator and was active member of CooperativeHousing Society. One of the roads onHill Park is named after himAL-HAJ ZAKARIAKAMDARHe is a dedicated social worker. His particularfield of social work was the servicerendered to intending Hujjaj throughAnjuman-e-Khuddam-un-Nabi. He wasnever interested in politics. However, he wasappointed advisor with the rank of Ministerof State for Hajj by the Government of <strong>Pakistan</strong>.Later, Mr. Muhammad Khan Junejoalso appointed him Minister of State forHajj and Religious Affairs. His main interesthas been social welfare service to mankind.When the Quain-e-Azam went toJetpur during the fund collection tour toKathiawar, the Muslims of Jetpur hosted areception in his honor. Young Zakaria wasprivileged to present the welcome speech.Mr. Kamdar also served as President ofAll <strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Federation. He hastraveled extensively for projection of Islamand visited USA, United Kingdom, Africaand many other countries in Eastern andFar Eastern region.ZAIN NOORANIZainul Abedin Abdul Qadir Nooraniwas popularly known as Zain Noorani.He was born in a wealthy Kutchi family.His father was one of the richest personsof the community. Zain received hiseducation in Bombay. While he was astudent he was elected joint Secretaryof Bombay Provincial Muslim StudentsFederation. He took active interest inpolitics at a very early age. He remaineda Muslim League from the start to theend. He was appointed sub-editor ofthe ‘Star’ weekly magazine, which wasstarted to project the need and objectiveof <strong>Pakistan</strong>. The publication of themagazine was banned, so he startedpublishing leaflets and pamphlets named“Oppressed” and “Mazloom” in Englishand Urdu languages. In 1947, he starteda weekly magazine ‘Dynamite’ but theGovernment banned its publication andarrest warrants were issued against Mr.Noorani, which compelled him to fleeto <strong>Pakistan</strong>. After coming to <strong>Pakistan</strong>,he joined ‘Dawn’ group. Later he joined‘<strong>Pakistan</strong> Standard’, the mouth piece ofMuslim League. In 1948, he was madejustice of the Peace. He was elected amember of the KMC and became chairmanof its finance committee. Twice hewas elected member of West <strong>Pakistan</strong>Assembly and rendered services as theChair-man of the Public Accounts Committee.When Ayub Khan established ConventionMuslim League, Mr. Zain Nooraniremained loyal to the old Muslim Leaguewith Khawaja Nazimuddin as its head.Zain was appointed Joint Secretary ofthe Council Muslim League. In 1984,the Government of Sindh appointed himProvincial Minister for Excise, Taxation,Fisheries and Social Welfare. He waselected Member of the National Assemblyin the elections held on non-party basis in1985. Later, he was appointed Minister ofState for Foreign Affairs in the Governmentheaded by the late Mr. Junejo.During the Afghan-Soviet war hetook part in the deliberations at Genevaunder the auspices of the UNO in whichthe USSR, one of the super power alsoparticipated. To convince them for withdrawalfrom Afghanistan was not aneasy task. Zain played a significant rolein convincing the USSR to withdrawfrom Afghanistan. Mr. Zain Noorani onbehalf of <strong>Pakistan</strong>i Government signedthe agreement reached at Geneva. Hewas the first ever <strong>Memon</strong> who represented<strong>Pakistan</strong> in the United Nations twice.He died in Karachi in 1992.UMAR MATCHESWALAThis philanthropist and active social workerof pre-independent movement belonged toDhoraji. He insisted on the Quaid-e-Azam toundertake a tour of Kathiawar for collectionof press fund, assuring him a collection ofminimum of Rs. 100,000 whereas the actualcollection exceeded Rs.150,000. Whenever thequestion of donation for any purpose was putforward, his was the first donation and quite asubstantial one. All through his life he enjoyeda high reputation.SIR ABDULLAHHAROONSir Abdullah Haroon was a successful businessman,an acclaimed philanthropist anda distinguished politician of Sindh. He wasborn in 1872. His forefathers were traders byprofession, and because of business transactionshad a link with many parts of India.As a politician, Abdullah Haroon provedhimself as an acknowledged leader of Muslims,both at national and provincial levels. He playedan important role in the freedom movementand separation of Sindh from the BombayPresidency. He was a member of the BombayLegislative Council and Central Legislative Assembly.He represented the people of Sindh foryears till the end of his life. Abdullah Haroon’slife was full of dedicated services to the welfareof the Muslims. His dedication led him to find,Jamia Islamia Yateem Khana, Haji Hanifa Bai<strong>Memon</strong> School, Charitable Trust etc. His famewas of a commercial genius and his views ontrade and finance were highly appreciated by allin authority.HAJI ABDUL SATTARTELI PAKOLAWALAHe was a great personality belonging toDhoraji <strong>Memon</strong> Community and wellMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012 17

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