February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

February 2012.indd - World Memon Organization Pakistan Chapter

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IMMORTAL PERSONALITIESPROF. SULEMANGANATRABorn in 1920 in Karachi, Professor Sulemanstudied in D.J. Science College. He receivedhis degree in Civil Engineering from NEDCollege and then went to England forfurther Studies. Later, he went to Hollandand Scotland for short courses in theengineering field. After returning, he joinedNED College as a lecturer. Besides beinga professional in the field of education, healso rendered social service and remainedassociated with various institutions. He hasofficiated as Principal of the NED EngineeringCollege for a short term.DR. MUHAMMADUMAR CHHAPRA16Dr. Umar Chhapra is a shining star amongthose <strong>Pakistan</strong>i <strong>Memon</strong>s who have acquiredhigher education. He is one of the scholarswho have got his higher education as ascholar of All <strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Educationaland Welfare Society. He has utilized hisscholarship by rendering services to Muslimcountries in the field of economics. He ispresently serving as financial advisor in theFinance and Monetary Agency of the SaudiGovernment and is enjoying a prestigiousstatus there. He was a brilliant student andalways topped the list of successful candidates.He acquired merit scholarship fromKarachi University in 1956 and receivedM. Corn. degree. Thereafter, he proceededto USA for his Ph.D. and was admitted tothe University of Minnesota where he wasawarded Cowls fellowship. In 1957, he wasappointed teaching assistant in the sameUniversity and after receiving Ph.D., he wasappointed Assistant Professor in WisconsinUniversity. Coming back to <strong>Pakistan</strong>,he joined the Institute of Developmentof Economic as Sr. Economist and subsequentlybecame Assistant Editor of <strong>Pakistan</strong>Development Review. He worked withthe Central institute of Islamic Researchas Associate Professor and later as facultymember of Wisconsin University and KuwaitUniversity.Dr. Chhapra is also financial advisor tothe Central Bank of Investment, Saudi Arabia.He became one of the trustees of the<strong>World</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Foundation. He returned allthe loans that he had received from differentsources for pursuing his education. To All<strong>Pakistan</strong> <strong>Memon</strong> Educational and WelfareSociety, he is particularly indebted and hesays that the status, which he is enjoying, isdue to the timely help of this Society.He has written a number of articles andbooks on Islamic economics and has earnedfame as an expert economist of internationallevel. His wife, Khairunnisa, is also ahighly educated lady. She obtained diplomacourse in Public Health from Beirut andjoined Karachi Child Health Centre. Shewas one of the first <strong>Memon</strong> lady speakerswho delivered speeches in USA and SaudiArabia. She has served as Vice President of<strong>Pakistan</strong> Women League.DR. UMARMUHAMMAD JOOMAThere is a small village Jalia Devani inKathiawar enroute between Jamnagar toRajkot. Umar was born in 1917 in the familyof Vali Mohammed Jooma. Jooma washis grandfather and he subsequently becamefamous with this name. This child later onbecame Dr. Jooma, a doctor of internationalfame.While he was 4 years old he went toSouth Africa with his father. He receivedhis primary and secondary education inDurban. Then he went to another city, CapeTown where he studied in the university forthree years and returned to Bombay.In 1943, he passed his MBBS and workedfor five years in K.E.M. Hospital, Bombay.At that time in the sub-continent there wasonly one Neuro-surgeon, Dr. Cooper. WhenDr. Jooma got the chance to work underDr. Cooper, he developed interest in brainsurgery. At the same time there came anadvertisement in Local newspapers aboutNuffield scholarship. He applied and got thescholarship. He then proceeded to Englandwhere he received fellowship of the RoyalCollege of Surgeons in Neuro-Surgery in1950. After the death of Dr. Cooper, Dr.Jooma became one of the leading neurosurgeonsof the subcontinent. In 1951, hereturned to Karachi and joined Jinnah Hospital.In 1952, when the Ceylonese PrimeMinister, Mr. Senanaike, received braininjuries while horse-riding, Dr. Jooma, whoby that time had attained fame world over,was summoned to Ceylon. Unfortunately,before Dr. Jooma could reach there thepatient died. Anyway, this event receivedfull coverage in world newspapers and hebecame internationally well-known.He attended several medical conferencesas representative of <strong>Pakistan</strong>. In 1964, hewas appointed Professor of Neuro-surgeryin Dow Medical College and at the sametime was made honorary surgeon commanderin <strong>Pakistan</strong> Navy. Dr. Jooma hadoffered his service in the army.Dr. Jooma was fond of tennis, photographyand reading. He had a spacious Librarycontaining very informative books on braindiseases and surgery. He had full commandof English, Urdu and Gujrati languages.During his life time, Dr. Rashid Jooma, hiseldest son, became a qualified Neuro-surgeonand remained attached with his father.After the death of his father, Dr. RashidJooma is now one of the leading Neurosurgeonsof the country. Dr. Jooma wasplanning to retire from active practice in thefield of Surgery as he had developed cancer.He died on 27 <strong>February</strong> 1985.YOSUF ABDUL GHANIMANDVIAHe was another fire-brand writer. Due to hisindependent policy and uncompromisingnature, he had to finance his own weekliesand periodicals. He wrote highly sensitizedGujrati and never spared the Hindus for whathe considered was anti-Muslim Policies.USMAN EISA BHAIWAKEELHe was one of the few qualified <strong>Memon</strong>lawyers in Kathiawar. He was very keen topromote education and one of the notablesupporters of the First <strong>Memon</strong> ConferenceMEMON ALAM FEBRUARY 2012

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