Color Atlas of Pharmacology

Color Atlas of Pharmacology

Color Atlas of Pharmacology

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<strong>Color</strong> <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacology</strong>3rd edition, revised and expandedHeinz Lüllmann, M.D.Former Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and ChairmanDepartment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>University <strong>of</strong> KielGermanyKlaus Mohr, M.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essorDepartment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>and ToxicologyUniversity <strong>of</strong> BonnGermanyLutz Hein, M.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essorDepartment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>University <strong>of</strong> FreiburgGermanyDetlef Bieger, M.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor EmeritusDivision <strong>of</strong> Medical SciencesFaculty <strong>of</strong> MedicineMemorial University <strong>of</strong>NewfoundlandSt. John’s, NewfoundlandCanadaWith 170 color plates by Jürgen WirthThiemeStuttgart · New York

IVLibrary <strong>of</strong> Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataTaschenatlas der Pharmakologie. Englisch.<strong>Color</strong> atlas <strong>of</strong> pharmacology/Heinz Luellmann ...[et al.]; 172 color plates by Juergen Wirth.—3rd ed., rev. and expandedp. ; cm.Rev. and expanded translation <strong>of</strong>: Taschenatlasder Pharmakologie. 5th ed. c2004.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 3-13-781703-X (GTV: alk. paper)—ISBN 1-58890-332-X (alk. paper)1.<strong>Pharmacology</strong>—<strong>Atlas</strong>es.2.<strong>Pharmacology</strong>—Handbooks, manuals, etc. [DNLM: 1. <strong>Pharmacology</strong>—<strong>Atlas</strong>es.2. <strong>Pharmacology</strong>—Handbooks.3. Drug Therapy—<strong>Atlas</strong>es. 4. Drug Therapy—Handbooks. 5. Pharmaceutical Preparations—<strong>Atlas</strong>es. 6. Pharmaceutical Preparations—Handbooks.QV 17 T197c 2005a] I. Lüllmann, Heinz.II. Title.RM301.12.T3813 2005615’.1—dc22Translator: Detlef Bieger, M.D.2005012554Illustrator: Jürgen Wirth, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> VisualCommunication, University <strong>of</strong> Applied Sciences,Darmstadt, GermanyImportant note: Medicine is an ever-changingscience undergoing continual development. Researchand clinical experience are continuallyexpanding our knowledge, in particular ourknowledge <strong>of</strong> proper treatment and drug therapy.Ins<strong>of</strong>arasthisbookmentionsanydosageorapplication, readers may rest assured that theauthors, editors, and publishers have madeevery effort to ensure that such references arein accordance with the state <strong>of</strong> knowledge atthetime<strong>of</strong>production<strong>of</strong>thebook.Nevertheless, this does not involve, imply, orexpress any guarantee or responsibility on thepart <strong>of</strong> the publishers in respect to any dosageinstructions and forms <strong>of</strong> applications stated inthe book. Every user is requested to examinecarefully the manufacturers’ leaflets accompanyingeachdrugandtocheck,ifnecessaryin consultation with a physician or specialist,whether the dosage schedules mentionedtherein or the contraindications stated by themanufacturers differ from the statements madein the present book. Such examination is particularlyimportant with drugs that are eitherrarely used or have been newly released on themarket. Every dosage schedule or every form <strong>of</strong>application used is entirely at the user’s own riskand responsibility. The authors and publishersrequest every user to report to the publishersany discrepancies or inaccuracies noticed.© 2005 Georg Thieme Verlag,Rüdigerstrasse 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germanyhttp://www.thieme.deThieme New York, 333 Seventh Avenue,New York, NY 10001 USAhttp://www.thieme.comCover design: Cyclus, StuttgartTypesetting by primustype Hurler GmbH,NotzingenPrinted in Germany by Appl, WemdingISBN 3-13-781703-X (GTV)ISBN 1-58890-332-X (TNY)Some <strong>of</strong> the product names, patents, and registereddesigns referred to in this book are in factregistered trademarks or proprietary nameseven though specific reference to this fact isnot always made in the text. Therefore, theappearance <strong>of</strong> a name without designation asproprietary is not to be construed as a representationby the publisher that it is in the publicdomain.This book, including all parts there<strong>of</strong>, is legallyprotected by copyright. Any use, exploitation, orcommercialization outside the narrow limits setby copyright legislation, without the publisher’sconsent, is illegal and liable to prosecution. Thisapplies in particular to photostat reproduction,copying, mimeographing, preparation <strong>of</strong> micr<strong>of</strong>ilms,and electronic data processing and storage.

VPreface to the 3rd editionIn many countries, medicine is at presentfacing urgent political and economic callsfor reform. These socioeconomic pressuresnotwithstanding, pharmacotherapy has alwaysbeen an integral part <strong>of</strong> the health caresystem and will remain so in the future.Well-founded knowledge <strong>of</strong> the preventiveand therapeutic value <strong>of</strong> drugs is a sine quanon for the successful treatment <strong>of</strong> patientsentrusting themselves to a physician orpharmacist.As the new edition was nearing completion,several high-pr<strong>of</strong>ile drugs experienced withdrawalfrom the market, substantive changein labeling, or class action litigation againsttheir manufacturers. Amid growing concernover effectiveness <strong>of</strong> drug safety regulations,“pharmacovigilance” has become a newpriority. It is hoped that this compendiummay aid in promoting the critical awarenessand rational attitude required to meet thatdemand.Because <strong>of</strong> the plethora <strong>of</strong> proprietary medicinesand the continuous influx <strong>of</strong> newpharmaceuticals, the drug market is dif cultto survey and hard to understand. This istrue not only for the student in search <strong>of</strong> alogical system for dealing with the wealth <strong>of</strong>available drugs, but also for the practicingclinician in immediate need <strong>of</strong> independentinformation.We are grateful for comments and suggestionsfrom colleagues, and from students,both doctoral and undergraduate. Thanksare due to Pr<strong>of</strong>essor R. Lüllmann-Rauch forhistological and cell-biological advice. Weare indebted to Ms. M. Mauch and Ms. K.Jürgens, Thieme Verlag, for their care andassistance and to Ms. Gabriele Kuhn for harmoniouseditorial guidance.Clearly, a pocket atlas can provide only abasic framework. Comprehensive knowledgehas to be gained from major textbooks.As is evident from the drug lists included intheAppendix,some600drugsarecoveredin the present <strong>Atlas</strong>. This number should besuf cient for everyday medical practice andcould be interpreted as a Model List. Theadvances in pharmacotherapy made in recentyears have required us to incorporatenew plates and text passages, and to expungeobsolete approaches. Several platesneeded to be brought in line with newknowledge.Heinz Lüllmann, KielKlaus Mohr, BonnLutz Hein, FreiburgDetlef Bieger, St. John’s, CanadaJürgen Wirth, DarmstadtDisclosure: Theauthors<strong>of</strong>the<strong>Color</strong> <strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacology</strong> have no financial interests orother relationships that would influence thecontent <strong>of</strong> this book.

VIContentsContentsGeneral <strong>Pharmacology</strong> 1History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>. ....... 2TheIdea ................ 2TheImpetus.............. 2EarlyBeginnings............ 3Foundation............... 3Consolidation—General Recognition . 3StatusQuo............... 3Drug Sources .............. 4DrugandActivePrinciple........ 4The Aims <strong>of</strong> Isolating ActivePrinciples................. 4European Plants as Sources <strong>of</strong>Effective Medicines . . . . . . ..... 6Drug Development ........... 8Congeneric Drugs and NameDiversity ................. 10Drug Administration .......... 12OralDosageForms............ 12Drug Administration by Inhalation . . . 14DermatologicalAgents......... 16SkinProtection(A)............ 16Dermatological Agents as Vehicles (B). 16From Application to Distribution intheBody ................. 18Cellular Sites <strong>of</strong> Action ......... 20Potential Targets <strong>of</strong> Drug Action . . . . 20Distribution in the Body ........ 22ExternalBarriers<strong>of</strong>theBody...... 22Blood–TissueBarriers.......... 24MembranePermeation......... 26Possible Modes <strong>of</strong> Drug Distribution . . 28BindingtoPlasmaProteins....... 30Drug Elimination ............ 32The Liver as an Excretory Organ . . . . 32Biotransformation<strong>of</strong>Drugs....... 34Drug Metabolism by CytochromeP450.................... 38The Kidney as an Excretory Organ . . . 40PresystemicElimination......... 42Pharmacokinetics ............ 44Drug Concentration in the Body asa Function <strong>of</strong> Time—First Order(Exponential) Rate Processes . . . . . . 44Time Course <strong>of</strong> Drug ConcentrationinPlasma................. 46Time Course <strong>of</strong> Drug Plasma Levelsduring Repeated Dosing (A) . . . . . . . 48Time Course <strong>of</strong> Drug Plasma LevelsduringIrregularIntake(B)........ 48Accumulation: Dose, Dose Interval,and Plasma Level Fluctuation (A) . . . . 50Change in Elimination CharacteristicsduringDrugTherapy(B)......... 50Quantification <strong>of</strong> Drug Action ..... 52Dose–Response Relationship . . . . . . 52Concentration–Effect Relationship (A) . 54Concentration–Effect Curves (B) . . . . 54Drug–Receptor Interaction. ...... 56Concentration–Binding Curves . . . . . 56Types<strong>of</strong>BindingForces......... 58CovalentBonding........... 58NoncovalentBonding......... 58Agonists—Antagonists.......... 60Models <strong>of</strong> the Molecular Mechanism<strong>of</strong> Agonist/Antagonist Action (A) . . . . 60OtherForms<strong>of</strong>Antagonism....... 60Enantioselectivity <strong>of</strong> Drug Action . . . . 62ReceptorTypes.............. 64Mode <strong>of</strong> Operation <strong>of</strong> G-ProteincoupledReceptors............66Time Course <strong>of</strong> Plasma ConcentrationandEffect................. 68Adverse Drug Effects .......... 70Undesirable Drug Effects, SideEffects................... 70

ContentsVIICauses<strong>of</strong>AdverseEffects........ 70DrugAllergy............... 72CutaneousReactions .......... 74Drug Toxicity in Pregnancy andLactation................. 76Genetic Variation <strong>of</strong> Drug Effects ... 78Pharmacogenetics............ 78Drug-independent Effects ....... 80Placebo(A)................ 80Systems <strong>Pharmacology</strong> 83Drugs Acting on the SympatheticNervous System ............. 84SympatheticNervousSystem...... 84Structure <strong>of</strong> the SympatheticNervousSystem............. 86AdrenergicSynapse........... 86Adrenoceptor Subtypes andCatecholamineActions......... 88SmoothMuscleEffects......... 88Cardiostimulation............ 88MetabolicEffects............. 88Structure–Activity Relationships<strong>of</strong>Sympathomimetics.......... 90IndirectSympathomimetics....... 92α-Sympathomimetics,α-Sympatholytics ............ 94β-Sympatholytics (β-Blockers)..... 96Types <strong>of</strong> β-Blockers........... 98Antiadrenergics ............. 100Drugs Acting on the ParasympatheticNervous System ............. 102Parasympathetic Nervous System . . . 102CholinergicSynapse........... 104Parasympathomimetics......... 106Parasympatholytics ........... 108Nicotine. ................. 112Actions<strong>of</strong>Nicotine ........... 112Localization <strong>of</strong> Nicotinic AChReceptors................. 112Effects <strong>of</strong> Nicotine on Body Function . 112AidsforSmokingCessation....... 112Consequences <strong>of</strong> Tobacco Smoking . . 114Biogenic Amines. ............ 116Dopamine................. 116Histamine Effects and TheirPharmacologicalProperties....... 118Serotonin................. 120Vasodilators ............... 122Vasodilators—Overview ......... 122OrganicNitrates ............. 124Calcium Antagonists . . . ........ 126I. Dihydropyridine Derivatives . . . . . . 126II. Verapamil and Other CatamphiphilicCa 2+ Antagonists............. 126Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> the Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System ........... 128ACEInhibitors............... 128DrugsActingonSmoothMuscle ... 130Drugs Used to Influence SmoothMuscleOrgans.............. 130Cardiac Drugs .............. 132CardiacGlycosides............ 134AntiarrhythmicDrugs.......... 136I. Drugs for Selective Control <strong>of</strong>SinoatrialandAVNodes........ 136II. Nonspecific Drug Actions onImpulse Generation and Propagation 136Electrophysiological Actions <strong>of</strong>Antiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> the Na + -ChannelBlockingType............... 138Antianemics ............... 140Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Anemias . . 140Erythropoiesis(A)........... 140Vitamin B 12 (B) ............ 140FolicAcid(B).............. 140IronCompounds............. 142Antithrombotics ............. 144Prophylaxis and Therapy <strong>of</strong> Thromboses 144Vitamin K Antagonists and Vitamin K . 146Possibilities for Interference (B). . . . . 146Heparin(A)................ 148

VIIIContentsHirudinandDerivatives(B)....... 148Fibrinolytics................ 150Intra-arterial ThrombusFormation(A) .............. 152Formation, Activation, andAggregation<strong>of</strong>Platelets(B)....... 152Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> PlateletAggregation(A)............. 154PresystemicEffect<strong>of</strong>ASA........ 154Plasma Volume Expanders ....... 156Drugs Used in Hyperlipoproteinemias 158Lipid-loweringAgents.......... 158Diuretics ................. 162Diuretics—AnOverview......... 162NaCl Reabsorption in the Kidney (A). . 164Aquaporins(AQP)............ 164OsmoticDiuretics(B).......... 164Diuretics <strong>of</strong> the Sulfonamide Type . . . 166Potassium-sparing Diuretics andVasopressin................ 168Potassium-sparing Diuretics (A) . . . . 168Vasopressin and Derivatives (B) . . . . 168Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> PepticUlcers ................... 170Drugs for Gastric and DuodenalUlcers................... 170I. Lowering <strong>of</strong> Acid Concentration . . 170II.ProtectiveDrugs.......... 172III. Eradication <strong>of</strong> Helicobacterpylori(C)................ 172Laxatives ................. 1741.BulkLaxatives............ 1742.IrritantLaxatives.......... 1762a. Small-Bowel Irritant Purgative . . 1782b. Large-Bowel Irritant Purgatives . 1783.Lubricantlaxatives......... 178Antidiarrheals .............. 180AntidiarrhealAgents........... 180Drugs Acting on the Motor System . 182Drugs Affecting Motor Function . . . . 182MuscleRelaxants............. 184Nondepolarizing Muscle Relaxants . . . 184Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants . . . . . 186AntiparkinsonianDrugs......... 188Antiepileptics............... 190Drugs for the Suppression <strong>of</strong> Pain .. 194Pain Mechanisms and Pathways . . . . 194Antipyretic Analgesics ......... 196Eicosanoids................ 196Antipyretic Analgesics vs. NSAIDs. . . . 198Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatoryDrugs(NSAIDs).............. 198Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatoryDrugs ................... 200Cyclooxygenase (COX) Inhibitors . . . . 200Local Anesthetics ............ 202Opioids .................. 208Opioid Analgesics—Morphine Type . . . 208General Anesthetics ........... 214General Anesthesia and GeneralAnestheticDrugs............. 214InhalationalAnesthetics......... 216InjectableAnesthetics.......... 218Psychopharmacologicals ........ 220Sedatives,Hypnotics........... 220Benzodiazepines............. 222BenzodiazepineAntagonist...... 222Pharmacokinetics <strong>of</strong> Benzodiazepines . 224Therapy <strong>of</strong> Depressive Illness . . . . . . 226Mania................... 230Therapy<strong>of</strong>Schizophrenia........ 232Neuroleptics.............. 232Psychotomimetics (Psychedelics,Hallucinogens).............. 236Hormones. ................ 238Hypothalamic and HypophysealHormones................. 238ThyroidHormoneTherapy........ 240Hyperthyroidism and AntithyroidDrugs ................... 242GlucocorticoidTherapy ......... 244I.ReplacementTherapy......... 244

ContentsIXII. Pharmacodynamic Therapy withGlucocorticoids(A) ........... 244Androgens, Anabolic Steroids,Antiandrogens.............. 248InhibitoryPrinciples.......... 248Follicular Growth and Ovulation,Estrogen and Progestin Production . . 250OralContraceptives........... 252Antiestrogen and AntiprogestinActivePrinciples............. 254AromataseInhibitors .......... 256InsulinFormulations........... 258Variations in Dosage Form . . . . . . 258Variation in Amino Acid Sequence. . 258Treatment <strong>of</strong> Insulin-dependentDiabetes Mellitus. ............ 260UndesirableEffects.......... 260Treatment <strong>of</strong> Maturity-Onset(Type II) Diabetes Mellitus. . . ..... 262OralAntidiabetics............ 264Drugs for Maintaining CalciumHomeostasis............... 266Antibacterial Drugs ........... 268Drugs for Treating BacterialInfections................. 268Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Cell Wall Synthesis . . . . 270Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olateSynthesis................. 274Inhibitors<strong>of</strong>DNAFunction....... 276Inhibitors<strong>of</strong>ProteinSynthesis..... 278Drugs for Treating MycobacterialInfections................. 282Antituberculardrugs(1) ....... 282Antileproticdrugs(2)......... 282Antifungal Drugs ............ 284Drugs Used in the Treatment <strong>of</strong>FungalInfections............. 284Antiviral Drugs .............. 286Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> Viral Infections. . . . 286Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> AIDS . . . . 290I. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> ReverseTranscriptase—Nucleoside Agents . . 290NonnucleosideInhibitors....... 290II.HIVproteaseInhibitors....... 290III.FusionInhibitors.......... 290Antiparasitic Drugs ........... 292Drugs for Treating Endoparasiticand Ectoparasitic Infestations . . . . . . 292Antimalarials ............... 294OtherTropicalDiseases......... 296Anticancer Drugs ............ 298Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> MalignantTumors .................. 298Targeting <strong>of</strong> Antineoplastic DrugAction(A)................. 302Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> Resistance toCytostatics(B) .............. 302Immune Modulators .......... 304Inhibition <strong>of</strong> Immune Responses . . . . 304Antidotes ................. 308Antidotes and Treatment <strong>of</strong>Poisonings................. 308Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases 313Hypertension............... 314AnginaPectoris ............. 316AntianginalDrugs............ 318Acute Coronary Syndrome—MyocardialInfarction .......... 320CongestiveHeartFailure ........ 322Hypotension............... 324Gout.................... 326Obesity—Sequelae andTherapeuticApproaches......... 328Osteoporosis ............... 330RheumatoidArthritis........... 332Migraine.................. 334CommonCold .............. 336Atopy and Antiallergic Therapy . . . . . 338BronchialAsthma............. 340Emesis................... 342AlcoholAbuse............... 344LocalTreatment<strong>of</strong>Glaucoma...... 346

XContentsFurther Reading 349Drug Indexes 351Trade Name – DrugName....... 352 DrugName– TradeName........ 369Subject Index 381

AbbreviationsXIAbbreviations6-APAAAABPACACEAChAChEADHAHAPATPAVPBMIBPBPCAHcAMPCGcGMPCHHCHOCHTCMLCNSCOMTCRHDAGDHFDHTDNADPTADRCECLEDRFEEGEFVEMT6-aminopenicillanic acidamino acidarterial blood pressureadrenal cortexangiotensin-convertingenzymeacetylcholineacetylcholinesteraseantidiuretic hormone(= vasopressin, AVP)adenohypophysealaction potentialadensosine triphosphatevasopressin (= antidiuretichormone, ADH)Body-Mass-Indexblood pressureboiling pointcarbonic anhydrasecyclic adenosinemonophosphatecardiac glycosidecyclic guaniidine monophosphatecorticotropin-releasinghormoneChinese hamster ovaryspecific choline-transporterchronic myeloic leukemiacentral nervous systemcatecholamine O-methyltransferasecorticotropin-releasinghormonediacylglyceroldihydr<strong>of</strong>olic acid, dihydr<strong>of</strong>olatedihydrotestosteronedeoxyribonucleic aciddiethylenetriaminopentaaceticaciddose–response curvesenterochromaf n-likeendothelium-derived relaxantfactorelectroencephalogramextracellular fluid volumeextraneuronal monoaminetransporterER endoplasmic reticulumFSH follicle stimulating hormoneGABA γ-aminobutyric acidGDP guanosine diphosphateGnRH gonadotropin-releasinghormone = gonadorelin:GRH growth hormone-releasinghormone = somatorelinGRIH growth hormone release-inhibitinghormone= somatostatinGTP guanosine triphosphateHCG human chorionic gonadotropinHIT II heparin-induced thrombocytopeniatype IIHMG human menopausalgonadotropini.m. intramuscular(ly)i.v. intravenous(ly)IFN interferonIFN-α interferon alphaIFN-β interferon betaIFN-γ interferon gammaIGF-1 insulin-like growth factor 1IL interleukinsIOP intraocular pressureIP 3 inositol trisphosphateISA intrinsic sympathomimeticactivityISDN isosorbide dinitrateISMN 5-isosorbide mononitrateLH luteinizing hormoneM moles/liter, mol/lMAC minimal alveolar concentrationMAO monoamine oxidasemesna sodium 2-mercaptoethanesulfonateMHC major histocompatibilitycomplexMI myocardial infarctionmM millimoles/liter, mmol/lmmHg millimeters <strong>of</strong> mercurymRNA messenger RNAmTOR mammalian target <strong>of</strong>rapamycinMW molecular weightNAChR nicotinic receptor

XIIAbbreviationsNAT norepinephrine transporterNE norepinephrineNFAT nuclearfactor<strong>of</strong>activatedT cellsNH neurohypophysealNMDS N-methyl-d-asparateNSTEMI non-STEMI (non-STelevation MI)NTG nitroglycerinNYHA New York Heart AssociationPABA p-aminobenzoic acidPAMBA p-aminomethylbenzoic acidPDE phosphodiesterasePF3 platelet factor 3PL phospholipidPLC phospholipase CPPARα peroxisome proliferatoractivatedreceptor alphaPPARγ peroxisome proliferatoractivatedreceptor gammaPRIH prolactin release inhibitinghormone = dopamineREM rapid eye movementrER rough endoplasmic reticulumRNA ribonucleic acidrt-PA recombinant tissue plasminogenactivatorRyR ryanodine receptorss.c. subcutaneous(ly)sER smooth endoplasmic reticulumSERM selective estrogen receptormodulatorsSJSTENSRSSRISTEMITHFTIVATMPTTNFαt-PATRHVAChTVMATSteven–Johnson syndrometoxic epidermal necrolysissarcoplasmic reticulumselective serotonin reuptakeinhibitorsST elevation MItetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olic acid,tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olatetotal intravenous anaesthesiathiopurine methyltransferasenecrosis factor αtissue plasminogen activatorthyrotropin-releasing hormone= protirelinvesicular ACh transportervesicular monoamine transporterPharmacokinetic parametersBB maxc 0Cl totc maxc tFkK Dt ½V app

General <strong>Pharmacology</strong>History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong> 2Drug Sources 4Drug Development 8Drug Administration 12Cellular Sites <strong>of</strong> Action 20Distribution in the Body 22Drug Elimination 32Pharmacokinetics 44Quantification <strong>of</strong> Drug Action 52Drug–Receptor Interaction 56Adverse Drug Effects 70Genetic Variation <strong>of</strong> Drug Effects 78Drug-independent Effects 80

2 History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong> History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>Since time immemorial, medicaments havebeen used for treating disease in humansand animals. The herbal preparations <strong>of</strong>antiquity describe the therapeutic powers<strong>of</strong> certain plants and minerals. Belief in thecurative powers <strong>of</strong> plants and certain substancesrested exclusively upon traditionalknowledge, that is, empirical informationnot subjected to critical examination.The ImpetusThe IdeaClaudius Galen (AD 129–200) first attemptedto consider the theoretical background<strong>of</strong> pharmacology. Both theory andpractical experience were to contributeequally to the rational use <strong>of</strong> medicinesthroughinterpretation<strong>of</strong>theobservedandthe experienced results:The empiricists say that all is found byexperience. We, however, maintain that it isfound in part by experience, in part by theory.Neither experience nor theory alone is apt todiscover all.Theophrastus von Hohenheim(1493–1541), called Paracelsus, began toquestion doctrines handed down from antiquity,demanding knowledge <strong>of</strong> the activeingredient(s) in prescribed remedies, whilerejecting the irrational concoctions and mixtures<strong>of</strong> medieval medicine. He prescribedchemically defined substances with suchsuccess that pr<strong>of</strong>essional enemies had himprosecuted as a poisoner. Against such accusations,he defended himself with the thesisthat has become an axiom <strong>of</strong> pharmacology:If you want to explain any poison properly,what then is not a poison? All things are poison,nothing is without poison; the dose alonecauses a thing not to be poison.

History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong> 3Early BeginningsConsolidation—General RecognitionJohann Jakob Wepfer (1620–1695) was thefirst to verify by animal experimentation assertionsabout pharmacological or toxicologicalactions.Iponderedatlength.FinallyIresolvedtoclarify the matter by experiments.FoundationRudolf Buchheim (1820–1879) founded thefirst institute <strong>of</strong> pharmacology at the University<strong>of</strong> Dorpat (Tartu, Estonia) in 1847, usheringin pharmacology as an independent scientificdiscipline. In addition to a description<strong>of</strong> effects, he strove to explain the chemicalproperties <strong>of</strong> drugs.The science <strong>of</strong> medicines is a theoretical, i. e.,explanatory, one. It is to provide us with knowledgeby which our judgment about the utility <strong>of</strong>medicines can be validated at the bedside.Oswald Schmiedeberg (1838–1921), togetherwith his many disciples (12 <strong>of</strong> whom wereappointed to chairs <strong>of</strong> pharmacology),helped establish the high reputation <strong>of</strong> pharmacology.Fundamental concepts such asstructure–activity relationships, drug receptors,and selective toxicity emerged from thework <strong>of</strong>, respectively, T. Frazer (1840–1920)in Scotland, J. Langley (1852–1925) in England,and P. Ehrlich (1854–1915) in Germany.Alexander J. Clarke (1885–1941) in Englandfirst formalized receptor theory in the early1920s by applying the Law <strong>of</strong> Mass Actionto drug–receptor interactions. Together withthe internist Bernhard Naunyn (1839–1925),Schmiedeberg founded the first journal <strong>of</strong>pharmacology, which has been publishedsince without interruption. The “Father <strong>of</strong>American <strong>Pharmacology</strong>,” John J. Abel(1857–1938) was among the first Americansto train in Schmiedeberg’s laboratory andwas founder <strong>of</strong> the Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>and Experimental Therapeutics (publishedfrom 1909 until the present).Status QuoAfter 1920, pharmacological laboratoriessprang up in the pharmaceutical industryoutside established university institutes.After 1960, departments <strong>of</strong> clinical pharmacologywere set up at many universities andin industry.

4 Drug Sources Drug and Active PrincipleUntil the end <strong>of</strong> the 19th century, medicineswere natural organic or inorganic products,mostly dried, but also fresh, plants or plantparts. These might contain substances possessinghealing (therapeutic) properties, orsubstances exerting a toxic effect.In order to secure a supply <strong>of</strong> medicallyuseful products not merely at the time <strong>of</strong>harvest but year round, plants were preservedby drying or soaking them in vegetableoils or alcohol. Drying the plant, vegetable,or animal product yielded a drug (fromFrench “drogue” = dried herb). Colloquially,this term nowadays <strong>of</strong>ten refers to chemicalsubstances with high potential for physicaldependence and abuse. Used scientifically,this term implies nothing about the quality<strong>of</strong>action,ifany.Initsoriginal,widersense,drug could refer equally well to the driedleaves <strong>of</strong> peppermint, dried lime blossoms,dried flowers and leaves <strong>of</strong> the female cannabisplant (hashish, marijuana), or the driedmilky exudate obtained by slashing the unripeseed capsules <strong>of</strong> Papaver somniferum(raw opium).Soaking plants or plant parts in alcohol(ethanol) creates a tincture. Inthisprocess,pharmacologically active constituents <strong>of</strong> theplant are extracted by the alcohol. Tincturesdo not contain the complete spectrum <strong>of</strong>substances that exist in the plant or crudedrug, but only those that are soluble in alcohol.In the case <strong>of</strong> opium tincture, these ingredientsare alkaloids (i. e., basic substances<strong>of</strong> plant origin) including morphine, codeine,narcotine = noscapine, papaverine, narceine,and others.Using a natural product or extract to treata disease thus usually entails the administration<strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> substances possiblypossessing very different activities. Moreover,the dose <strong>of</strong> an individual constituentcontained within a given amount <strong>of</strong> the naturalproduct is subject to large variations,depending upon the product’s geographicalorigin (biotope), time <strong>of</strong> harvesting, or conditionsand length <strong>of</strong> storage. For the samereasons, the relative proportions <strong>of</strong> individualconstituents may vary considerably.Starting with the extraction <strong>of</strong> morphinefrom opium in 1804 by F.W. Sertürner(1783–1841), the active principles <strong>of</strong> manyother natural products were subsequentlyisolated in chemically pure form by pharmaceuticallaboratories. The Aims <strong>of</strong> Isolating ActivePrinciples1. Identification <strong>of</strong> the active ingredient(s).2. Analysis <strong>of</strong> the biological effects (pharmacodynamics)<strong>of</strong> individual ingredients and<strong>of</strong> their fate in the body (pharmacokinetics).3. Ensuring a precise and constant dosage inthe therapeutic use <strong>of</strong> chemically pureconstituents.4. The possibility <strong>of</strong> chemical synthesis,which would afford independence fromlimited natural supplies and create conditionsfor the analysis <strong>of</strong> structure–activityrelationships.Finally, derivatives <strong>of</strong> the original constituentmay be synthesized in an effort to optimizepharmacological properties. Thus, derivatives<strong>of</strong> the original constituent with improvedtherapeutic usefulness may be developed.Modification <strong>of</strong> the chemical structure <strong>of</strong>natural substances has frequently led topharmaceuticals with enhanced potency.An illustrative example is fentanyl, whichacts like morphine but requires a dose only0.1–0.05 times that <strong>of</strong> the parent substance.Derivatives <strong>of</strong> fentanyl such as carfentanyl(employed in veterinary anesthesia <strong>of</strong> largeanimals) are actually 5000 times more potentthan morphine.

Drug and Active Principle 5A. From poppy to morphineRaw opiumPreparation<strong>of</strong>opium tinctureOpium tincture (laudanum)MorphineCodeineNarcotinePapaverineetc.

6 Drug Sources European Plants as Sources <strong>of</strong>Effective MedicinesSince prehistoric times, humans have attemptedto alleviate ailments or injurieswith the aid <strong>of</strong> plant parts or herbal preparations.Ancient civilizations have recordedvarious prescriptions <strong>of</strong> this kind. In theherbal formularies <strong>of</strong> medieval times numerousplantswerepromotedasremedies.Inmodern medicine, where each drug is requiredto satisfy objective criteria <strong>of</strong> ef cacy,few <strong>of</strong> the hundreds <strong>of</strong> reputedly curativeplant species have survived as drugs withdocumented effectiveness. Presented beloware some examples from local old-world florasthat were already used in prescientifictimes and that contain substances that tothis day are employed as important drugs.A. A group <strong>of</strong> local plants used since themiddle ages to treat “dropsy” comprisesfoxglove (digitalis sp.), lily <strong>of</strong> the valley(Convallaria majalis), christmas rose (Helleborusniger), and spindletree (Evonymuseuropaeus). At the end <strong>of</strong> the 18th centurythe Scottish physician William Witheringintroduced digitalis leaves as a tea intothe treatment <strong>of</strong> “cardiac dropsy” (edema<strong>of</strong> congestive heart failure) and describedthe result. The active principles in theseplants are steroids with one or more sugarmolecules attached at C3 (see p.135). Provenclinically most useful among all availablecardiac glycosides, digoxin continuesto be obtained from the plants Digitalispurpurea or D. lanata because its chemicalsynthesisistoodif cultandexpensive.B. The deadly nightshade <strong>of</strong> middle Europe(Atropa belladonna, a solanaceous herb) 1contains the alkaloids atropine, inallitsparts, and scopolamine, in smalleramounts. The effects <strong>of</strong> this drug werealready known in antiquity; e. g., pupillarydilation resulting from the cosmetic use <strong>of</strong>extracts as eye drops to enhance femaleattractiveness. In the 19th century, thealkaloids were isolated, their structureselucidated, and their specific mechanism<strong>of</strong> action recognized. Atropine is the prototype<strong>of</strong> a competitive antagonist at theacetylcholine receptor <strong>of</strong> the muscarinictype (cf. p.108).C. The common white and basket willow(Salix alba, S. viminalis) contain salicylicacid derivatives in their bark. Preparations<strong>of</strong> willow bark were used from antiquity;in the 19th century, salicylic acid wasisolated as the active principle <strong>of</strong> this folkremedy. This simple acid still enjoys useas an external agent (keratolytic action)but is no longer taken orally for the treatment<strong>of</strong> pain, fever, and inflammatory reactions.Acetylation <strong>of</strong> salicylic acid (introducedaround1900)toyieldacetylsalicylicacid (ASA, Aspirin®) improved oraltolerability.D. The autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)belongs to the lily family and flowerson meadows in late summer to fall; leavesand fruit capsules appear in the followingspring. All parts <strong>of</strong> the plant contain thealkaloid colchicine. This substance inhibitsthe polymerization <strong>of</strong> tubulin to microtubules,which are responsible for intracellularmovement processes. Thus, underthe influence <strong>of</strong> colchicine, macrophagesand neutrophils lose their capacity for intracellulartransport <strong>of</strong> cell organelles.This action underlies the beneficial effectduring an acute attack <strong>of</strong> gout (cf. p. 326)Furthermore, colchicine prevents mitosis,causing an arrest in metaphase (spindlepoison)._1 This name reflects the poisonous property <strong>of</strong>the plant: Atropos was the one <strong>of</strong> the three Fates(moirai) who cut the thread <strong>of</strong> life.

European Plants as Sources <strong>of</strong> Medicines 7A. European plants as sources <strong>of</strong> drugsDigitalis purpureaAtropa belladonnaOHOCH 3OCNOH 3 COHH 3O C CHCH 2 OHDigoxin(Digitoxose) 3AtropineOSalix albaColchicum autumnaleH 3 COOCOOHOHH 3 COH 3 CONHOCCH 3Salicylic acidColchicineOCH 3

8 Drug Development Drug DevelopmentThe drug development process starts withthe synthesis <strong>of</strong> novel chemical compounds.Substances with complex structures may beobtained from various sources, e. g., plants(cardiac glycosides), animal tissues (heparin),microbial cultures (penicillin G) or cultures<strong>of</strong> human cells (urokinase), or bymeans <strong>of</strong> gene technology (human insulin).As more insight is gained into structure–activityrelationships, the search for newagents becomes more clearly focused.Preclinical testing yields information onthe biological effects <strong>of</strong> new substances. Initialscreening may employ biochemical-pharmacologicalinvestigations (e. g., receptorbinding assays, p. 56) or experiments on cellcultures, isolated cells, and isolated organs.Since these models invariably fall short <strong>of</strong>replicating complex biological processes inthe intact organism, any potential drug mustbe tested in the whole animal. Only animalexperiments can reveal whether the desiredeffects will actually occur at dosages thatproducelittleornotoxicity.Toxicological investigationsserve to evaluate the potentialfor: (1) toxicity associated with acute orchronic administration; (2) genetic damage(genotoxicity, mutagenicity); (3) production<strong>of</strong> tumors (oncogenicity or carcinogenicity);and (4) causation <strong>of</strong> birth defects (teratogenicity).In animals, compounds under investigationalso have to be studied with respectto their absorption, distribution, metabolism,and elimination (pharmacokinetics).Even at the level <strong>of</strong> preclinical testing, onlya very small fraction <strong>of</strong> new compounds willprove potentially fit for use in humans.Pharmaceutical technology provides themethods for drug formulation.Clinical testing starts with Phase I studieson healthy subjects and seeks to determinewhether effects observed in animal experimentsalso occur in humans. Dose–responserelationships are determined. In Phase II,potential drugs are first tested on selectedpatients for therapeutic ef cacy in those diseasestates for which they are intended. If abeneficial action is evident, and the incidence<strong>of</strong> adverse effects is acceptably small,Phase III is entered, involving a larger group<strong>of</strong> patients in whom the new drug will becompared with conventional treatments interms <strong>of</strong> therapeutic outcome. As a form <strong>of</strong>human experimentation, these clinical trialsare subject to review and approval by institutionalethics committees according to internationalcodes <strong>of</strong> conduct (Declarations <strong>of</strong>Helsinki, Tokyo, and Venice). During clinicaltesting, many drugs are revealed to be unusable.Ultimately, only one new drug typicallyremains from some 10 000 newly synthesizedsubstances.The decision to approve a new drug ismade by a national regulatory body (Foodand Drug Administration in the UnitedStates.;theHealthProtectionBranchDrugsDirectorate in Canada; the EU Commission inconjunction with the European Agency forthe Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Medicinal Products, London,United Kingdom) to which manufacturersare required to submit their applications.Applicants must document by means<strong>of</strong> appropriate test data (from preclinical andclinical trials) that the criteria <strong>of</strong> ef cacy andsafety have been met and that product forms(tablet, capsule, etc.) satisfy general standards<strong>of</strong> quality control.Followingapproval,thenewdrugmaybemarketed under a trade name (pp.10, 352)and thus become available for prescriptionby physicians and dispensing by pharmacists.As the drug gains more widespreaduse, regulatory surveillance continues inthe form <strong>of</strong> postlicensing studies (Phase IV<strong>of</strong> clinical trials). Only on the basis <strong>of</strong> longtermexperience will the risk–benefit ratiobe properly assessed and, thus, the therapeuticvalue <strong>of</strong> the new drug be determined.If the new drug <strong>of</strong>fers hardly any advantageover existing ones, the cost–benefit relationshipneeds to be kept in mind.

Drug Development 9A. From drug synthesis to approvalClinicaltrialPhase 4Approval§§§§General useLong-term benefit-risk evaluation§1Substance§Clinical trialPhase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3Healthy subjects:effects on body functions,dose definition,pharmacokineticsEEGBloodpressureSelected patients:effects on disease;safety, efficacy, dose,pharmacokineticsPatient groups:Comparison withstandard therapyECGBloodsample10SubstancesCells(bio)chemicalsynthesisAnimalsIsolated organsPreclinicaltesting:Effects on bodyfunctions, mechanism<strong>of</strong> action, toxicity10000SubstancesTissuehomogenate

10 Drug Development Congeneric Drugs and NameDiversityThe preceding pages outline the route leadingto approval <strong>of</strong> a new drug. The pharmaceuticalreceives an International NonproprietaryName (INN)andabrandortradename chosen by the innovative pharmaceuticalcompany. Patent protection enables thepatent holder to market the new substancefor a specified period <strong>of</strong> time. As soon as thepatent protection expires, the drug concernedcan be put on the market as a genericunder a nonproprietary name or as a successorpreparationunderotherbrandnames.Since patent protection is generally alreadysought during the development phase, protectedsale <strong>of</strong> the drug may occur only for afew years.The value <strong>of</strong> a new drug depends onwhether one deals with a novel active principleor merely an analogue (or congeneric)preparation with a slightly changed chemicalstructure. It is <strong>of</strong> course much more arduousto develop a substance that possessesa novel mechanism <strong>of</strong> action and therebyexpands therapeutic possibilities. Examples<strong>of</strong> such fundamental innovations from recentyears include the ACE inhibitors(p.128), the lipid-lowering agents <strong>of</strong> the statintype (p.158), the proton pump inhibitors(p.170), the gonadorelin superagonists(p. 238), and the gyrase inhibitors (p. 276).Much more frequently, “new drugs” areanalogue substances that imitate the chemicalstructure <strong>of</strong> a successful pharmaceutical.These compounds contain the requisite featuresin their molecule but differ from theparent molecule by structural alterationsthat are biologically irrelevant. Such analoguesubstances, or “me-too” preparations,do not add anything new regarding themechanism <strong>of</strong> action. A model example forthe overabundance <strong>of</strong> analogue substancesare the β-blockers: about 20 individual substanceswith the same pharmacophoricgroups differ only in the substituents at thephenoxy residue. This entails small differencesin pharmacokinetic behavior and relativeaf nity for β-receptor subtypes (examplesshown in A). A small fraction <strong>of</strong> these substanceswould suf ce for therapeutic use.The WHO Model formulary names only oneβ-blocker from the existing pr<strong>of</strong>usion,marked in A by an asterisk. The correspondingphenomenon is evident among variousother drug groups (e. g., benzodiazepines,nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, andcephalosporins). Most analogue substancescan be neglected.After patent protection expires, competingdrug companies will at once market successful(i. e., pr<strong>of</strong>itable) pharmaceuticals assecond-submission successor (or “followon”)preparations. Since no research expensesare involved at this point, successordrugs can be <strong>of</strong>fered at a cheaper price, eitheras generics (INN + company name) orunder new fancy names. Thus some commondrugs circulate under 10 to 20 differenttrade names. An extreme example is presentedin B for the analgesic ibupr<strong>of</strong>en.The excess <strong>of</strong> analogue preparations andthe unnecessary diversity <strong>of</strong> trade names foroneandthesamedrugmakethepharmaceuticalmarkets <strong>of</strong> some countries (e. g.,Germany) rather perplexing. A critical listing<strong>of</strong> essential drugs is a prerequisite for optimalpharmacotherapy and would be <strong>of</strong> greatvalue for medical practice.

Congeneric Drugs and Name Diversity 11A. β-Blockers <strong>of</strong> similar basic structureSubstitutedphenoxy Isopropanol IsopropylamineOresidueCH 3MetoprololH 2CO CH 2 CH CH 2 NH CHCH2O CH3OHCH 3RCH 3ONH C CH 3OCHAtenolol *3 H 2 CIsobutylamine O C NH2PenbutololC H 3OO CH 2 CH CH 2OxprenololOBupranololClOBetaxololOOCCH3AcebutololHNOPindololCH 2 CH 2 O CH 2 HCCH 2CH 2NH C CH2CH2CH3OH 3 COOBisoprololCH 2 O CH 2 CH 2 OCH 3CHCH 3ONadololONHOCCOCH3NC2H5C2H5CeliprololOCOOCH 3CH 3NHCH 3MetipranolCarazololOHOO TalinololOHC CH3OOHNNNH C NS NCarteololOHNOOOOCH 2 CHAlprenololPropanololHNCH 2 CH3OTimololMepindololB. Successor preparations for a pharmaceuticalIbupr<strong>of</strong>en = 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propionic acidH 3 CCH 3CH CH 2CH 3CH COOH1. Generic ibupr<strong>of</strong>en from eight manufacturers2. Ibupr<strong>of</strong>en under different brand names; introduced as Brufen® (no longer available)Aktren®, Contraneural®, Dismenol®, Dolgit®, Dolodoc®, Dolopuren®, Dolormin®, Dolosanol®, Esprenit®,Eudorlin®, Gyn<strong>of</strong>ug®, Gynoneuralgin®, Ibu®, Ibu-acis®, Ibu-Attritin®, Ibubeta®, Ibudolor®, Ibu-Eu-Rho®,Ibuflam®, Ibuhemo-pharm®, Ibuhexal®, Ibu-KD®, Ibumerck®, Ibuphlogont®, Ibupro®, Iburatiopharm®,Ibu-TAD®, Ibutop®, Ilvico®, Imbun®, Jenapr<strong>of</strong>en®, Kontragripp®, Mensoton®, Migränin®, Novogent®,Nur<strong>of</strong>en®, Optalidon®, Opturem®, Parsal®, Pharmapr<strong>of</strong>en®, Ratiodolor®, Schmerz-Dolgit®, Spalt-Liqua®,Tabalon®, Tempil®, Tispol®, Togal®, Trauma-Dolgit®, Urem®

12 Drug Administration Oral Dosage FormsThe coated tablet contains a drug within acore that is covered by a shell, e. g., waxcoating, that serves (1) to protect perishabledrugsfromdecomposing,(2)tomaskadisagreeabletaste or odor, (3) to facilitate passageon swallowing, or (4) to permit colorcoding.Capsules usually consist <strong>of</strong> an oblong casing—generallymade <strong>of</strong> gelatin—that containsthe drug in powder or granulated form.In the matrix-type tablet,thedrugisembeddedin an inert meshwork, from which itis released by diffusion upon being moistened.In contrast to solutions, whichpermitdirect absorption <strong>of</strong> drug (A,track3),theuse<strong>of</strong> solid dosage forms initially requirestablets to break up and capsules to open(disintegration), before the drug can be dissolved(dissolution) andpassthroughthegastrointestinal mucosal lining (absorption).Because disintegration <strong>of</strong> the tabletand dissolution <strong>of</strong> the drug take time, absorptionwill occur mainly in the intestine (A,track 2). In the case <strong>of</strong> a solution, absorptionalready starts in the stomach (A, track3).For acid-labile drugs, a coating <strong>of</strong> wax or <strong>of</strong>a cellulose acetate polymer is used to preventdisintegration <strong>of</strong> solid dosage forms inthe stomach. Accordingly, disintegration anddissolution will take place in the duodenumat normal rate (A, track 1) and drug liberationper se is not retarded.The liberation <strong>of</strong> drug, and hence the siteand time-course <strong>of</strong> absorption, are subject tomodification by appropriate productionmethods for matrix-type tablets, coated tablets,and capsules. In the case <strong>of</strong> the matrixtablet, this is done by incorporating the druginto a lattice from which it can be slowlyleached out by gastrointestinal fluids. Asthe matrix tablet undergoes enteral transit,drug liberation and absorption proceed enroute (A, track 4). In the case <strong>of</strong> coated tablets,coat thickness can be designed such thatrelease and absorption <strong>of</strong> drug occur eitherin the proximal (A, track 1) or distal (A,track5) bowel. Thus, by matching dissolution timewith small-bowel transit time, drug releasecan be timed to occur in the colon.Drug liberation and, hence, absorption canalso be spread out when the drug is presentedintheform<strong>of</strong>agranulateconsisting<strong>of</strong> pellets coated with a waxy film <strong>of</strong> gradedthickness. Depending on film thickness,gradual dissolution occurs during enteraltransit, releasing drug at variable rates forabsorption. The principle illustrated for acapsule canalsobeappliedtotablets.Inthiscase, either drug pellets coated with films <strong>of</strong>various thicknesses are compressed into atablet or the drug is incorporated into a matrix-typetablet. In contrast to timed-releasecapsules slow-release tablets have the advantage<strong>of</strong> being divisible ad libitum; thusfractions <strong>of</strong> the dose contained within theentire tablet may be administered.This kind <strong>of</strong> retarded drug release is employedwhen a rapid rise in blood levels <strong>of</strong>drug is undesirable, or when absorption isbeing slowed in order to prolong the action<strong>of</strong> drugs that have a short sojourn in thebody.

Oral Dosage Forms 13A. Oral administration: drug release and absorptionAdministrationEntericcoatedtabletTablet,capsuleDrops,mixture,effervescentsolutionMatrixtabletCoatedtablet withdelayedrelease

14 Drug Administration Drug Administration by InhalationInhalation in the form <strong>of</strong> an aerosol, a gas, ora mist permits drugs to be applied to thebronchial mucosa and, to a lesser extent, tothe alveolar membranes. This route is chosenfor drugs intended to affect bronchialsmooth muscle or the consistency <strong>of</strong> bronchialmucus. Furthermore, gaseous or volatileagents can be administered by inhalationwith the goal <strong>of</strong> alveolar absorption and systemiceffects (e. g., inhalational anesthetics,p. 216). Aerosols are formed when a drugsolution or micronized powder is convertedinto a mist or dust, respectively.In conventional sprays (e. g., nebulizer),the air blast required for the aerosol formationis generated by the stroke <strong>of</strong> a pump.Alternatively, the drug is delivered from asolution or powder packaged in a pressurizedcanister equipped with a valve throughwhich a metered dose is discharged. Duringuse, the inhaler (spray dispenser) is helddirectly in front <strong>of</strong> the mouth and actuatedat the start <strong>of</strong> inspiration. The effectiveness<strong>of</strong> delivery depends on the position <strong>of</strong> thedevice in front <strong>of</strong> the mouth, the size <strong>of</strong> theaerosol particles, and the coordination betweenopening the spray valve and inspiration.The size <strong>of</strong> the aerosol particles determinesthe speed at which they are sweptalong by inhaled air, and hence the depth<strong>of</strong> penetration into the respiratory tract.Particles > 100 µm indiameteraretrappedin the oropharyngeal cavity; those havingdiameters between 10 and 60 µm willbedeposited on the epithelium <strong>of</strong> the bronchialtract. Particles < 2 µm in diameter can reachthe alveoli, but they will be exhaled againunless they settle out.Drug deposited on the mucous lining <strong>of</strong>the bronchial epithelium is partly absorbedand partly transported with bronchial mucustoward the larynx. Bronchial mucus travelsupward owing to the orally directed undulatorybeat <strong>of</strong> the epithelial cilia. Physiologically,this mucociliary transport functionsto remove inspired dust particles.Thus, only a portion <strong>of</strong> the drug aerosol(~ 10%) gains access to the respiratory tractand just a fraction <strong>of</strong> this amount penetratesthe mucosa, whereas the remainder <strong>of</strong> theaerosol undergoes mucociliary transport tothe laryngopharynx and is swallowed. Theadvantage <strong>of</strong> inhalation (i. e., localized applicationwithout systemic load) is fully exploitedby using drugs that are poorly absorbedfrom the intestine (tiotropium, cromolyn)or are subject to first-pass elimination(p. 42); for example, glucocorticoidssuch as beclomethasone dipropionate, budesonide,flunisolide, and fluticasone dipropionateor β-agonistssuchassalbutamolandfenoterol.Even when the swallowed portion <strong>of</strong> aninhaled drug is absorbed in unchanged form,administration by this route has the advantagethat drug concentrations at the bronchiwill be higher than in other organs.The ef ciency <strong>of</strong> mucociliary transport dependson the force <strong>of</strong> kinociliary motion andthe viscosity <strong>of</strong> bronchial mucus. Both factorscan be altered pathologically (e. g., bysmoker’s cough or chronic bronchitis).

Drug Administration by Inhalation 15A. Application by inhalationDepth <strong>of</strong>penetration<strong>of</strong> inhaledaerosolizeddrug solution10%90%100 µmNasopharynxDrug swept upis swallowedLarynx10 µmTrachea, bronchi>2 µmBronchioli, alveoliMucociliary transport1 cm/minAs completepresystemiceliminationas possibleAs littleenteralabsorptionas possibleLow systemic burdenSurface view <strong>of</strong> ciliatedepithelium(scanning EM photograph)

16 Drug Administration Dermatological AgentsPharmaceutical preparations applied to theouter skin are intended either to provideskin care and protection from noxious influences(A) ortoserveasavehiclefordrugsthataretobeabsorbedintotheskinor,ifappropriate, into the general circulation (B).Skin Protection (A)Protective agents are <strong>of</strong> several kinds tomeet different requirements according toskin condition (dry, low in oil, chapped vs.moist, oily, elastic), and the type <strong>of</strong> noxiousstimuli (prolonged exposure to water, regularuse <strong>of</strong> alcohol-containing disinfectants,intense solar irradiation). Distinctionsamong protective agents are based uponconsistency, physicochemical properties(lipophilic, hydrophilic), and the presence<strong>of</strong> additives.Dusting powders are sprinkled onto theintact skin and consist <strong>of</strong> talc, magnesiumstearate, silicon dioxide (silica), or starch.They adhere to the skin, forming a low-frictionfilm that attenuates mechanical irritation.Powders exert a drying (evaporative)effect.Lipophilic ointment (oil ointment) consists<strong>of</strong> a lipophilic base (paraf n oil, petroleumjelly, wool fat) and may contain up to10% powder materials, such as zinc oxide,titanium oxide, starch, or a mixture <strong>of</strong> these.Emulsifying ointments are made <strong>of</strong> paraf nsand an emulsifying wax, and are misciblewith water.Paste (oil paste) is an ointment containingmore than 10% pulverized constituents.Lipophilic (oily) cream is an emulsion <strong>of</strong>water in oil, easier to spread than oil paste oroil ointment.Hydrogel and water-soluble ointmentachieve their consistency by means <strong>of</strong> differentgel-forming agents (gelatin, methylcellulose,polyethylene glycol). Lotions areaqueous suspensions <strong>of</strong> water-insolubleand solid constituents.Hydrophilic (aqueous) cream is an oil-inwateremulsion formed with the aid <strong>of</strong> anemulsifier; it may also be considered an oilin-wateremulsion <strong>of</strong> an emulsifying ointment.All dermatological agents having a lipophilicbase adhere to the skin as a waterrepellentcoating. They do not wash <strong>of</strong>f andthey also prevent (occlude) outward passage<strong>of</strong> water from the skin. The skin is protectedfrom drying, and its hydration andelasticity increase. Diminished evaporation<strong>of</strong> water results in warming <strong>of</strong> the occludedskin. Hydrophilic agents wash <strong>of</strong>f easily anddo not impede transcutaneous output <strong>of</strong>water. Evaporation <strong>of</strong> water is felt as a coolingeffect.Dermatological Agents as Vehicles (B)In order to reach its site <strong>of</strong> action, a drugmust leave its pharmaceutical preparationand enter the skin if a local effect is desired(e. g., glucocorticoid ointment), or be able topenetrate it if a systemic action is intended(transdermal delivery system, e. g., nitroglycerinpatch, p.124). The tendency for thedrug to leave the drug vehicle is higher themore the drug and vehicle differ in lipophilicity(high tendency: hydrophilic drugand lipophilic vehicle; and vice versa).Because the skin represents a closed lipophilicbarrier (p. 22), only lipophilic drugsare absorbed. Hydrophilic drugs fail even topenetratetheouterskinwhenappliedinalipophilic vehicle. This formulation can beuseful when high drug concentrations arerequired at the skin surface (e. g., neomycinointment for bacterial skin infections).

Dermatological Agents 17A. Dermatologicals as skin protectantsPowderSolidLiquidSolutionPasteDermatologicalsAqueoussolutionAlcoholictinctureOily pasteSemi-solidHydrogelLipophilicointmentOintmentHydrophilicointmentLipophiliccreamCreamHydrophiliccreamSuspensionLotionEmulsionFat, oilWater in oilOil in waterGel, waterOcclusivePermeable,coolantPerspirationimpossible possibleDry, non-oily skinOily, moist skinB. Dermatologicals as drug vehiclesLipophilic drugin lipophilicbaseLipophilic drugin hydrophilicbaseHydrophilic drugin lipophilicbaseHydrophilic drugin hydrophilicbaseStratum corneumEpitheliumSubcutaneous fat tissue

18 Drug Administration From Application to Distribution inthe BodyAs a rule, drugs reach their target organs viathe blood. Therefore, they must first enterthe blood, usually in the venous limb <strong>of</strong> thecirculation. There are several possible sites <strong>of</strong>entry.The drug may be injected or infused intravenously,in which case it is introduced directlyinto the bloodstream. In subcutaneousor intramuscular injection, the drug hasto diffuse from its site <strong>of</strong> application into theblood. Because these procedures entail injuryto the outer skin, strict requirementsmust be met concerning technique. For thisreason, the oral route (i. e., simple applicationby mouth) involving subsequent uptake<strong>of</strong> drug across the gastrointestinal mucosainto the blood is chosen much more frequently.The disadvantage <strong>of</strong> this route isthat the drug must pass through the liveron its way into the general circulation. Inall <strong>of</strong> the above modes <strong>of</strong> application, thisfact assumes practical significance for anydrug that may be rapidly transformed orpossibly inactivated in the liver (first-passeffect, presystemic elimination, bioavailability;p. 42). Furthermore, a drug has to traversethe lungs before entering the generalcirculation. Pulmonary tissues may trap hydrophobicsubstances. The lungs may thenact as a buffer and thus prevent a rapid risein drug levels in peripheral blood after i.v.injection (important, for example, with i.v.anesthetics). Even with rectal administration,at least a fraction <strong>of</strong> the drug entersthe general circulation via the portal vein,because only blood from the short terminalsegment <strong>of</strong> the rectum drains directly intothe inferior vena cava. Hepatic passage iscircumvented when absorption occurs buccallyor sublingually, because venous bloodfrom the oral cavity drains into the superiorvena cava. The same would apply to administrationby inhalation (p.14). However,with this route, a local effect is usually intended,and a systemic action is intendedonly in exceptional cases. Under certain conditions,drug can also be applied percutaneouslyin the form <strong>of</strong> a transdermal deliverysystem (p.16). In this case, drug is releasedfrom the reservoir at constant rate overmany hours, and then penetrates the epidermisand subepidermal connective tissuewhere it enters blood capillaries. Only a veryfew drugs can be applied transdermally. Thefeasibility <strong>of</strong> this route is determined by boththe physicochemical properties <strong>of</strong> the drugand the therapeutic requirements (acute vs.long-term effect).Speed <strong>of</strong> absorption is determined by theroute and method <strong>of</strong> application. It is fastestwith intravenous injection, less fast with intramuscularinjection, andslowest with subcutaneousinjection. When the drug is appliedto the oral mucosa (buccal, sublingualroutes), plasma levels rise faster than withconventional oral administration becausethe drug preparation is deposited at its actualsite <strong>of</strong> absorption and very high concentrationsin saliva occur upon the dissolution<strong>of</strong> a single dose. Thus, uptake across the oralepithelium is accelerated. Furthermore, drugabsorption from the oral mucosa avoids passagethrough the liver and, hence, presystemicelimination. The buccal or sublingualroute is not suitable for poorly water-solubleor poorly absorbable drugs. Such agentsshould be given orally because both the volume<strong>of</strong> fluid for dissolution and the absorbingsurface are much larger in the small intestinethanintheoralcavity.

Routes <strong>of</strong> Drug Administration 19A. From application to distributionSublingualbuccalInhalationalIntravenousTransdermalOralAortaSubcutaneousDistribution in bodyIntramuscularRectal

20 Cellular Sites <strong>of</strong> Action Potential Targets <strong>of</strong> Drug ActionDrugs are designed to exert a selective influenceon vital processes in order to alleviateor eliminate symptoms <strong>of</strong> disease. Thesmallest basic unit <strong>of</strong> an organism is the cell.The outer cell membrane, or plasmalemma,effectively demarcates the cell from its surroundings,thus permitting a large degree <strong>of</strong>internal autonomy. Embedded in the plasmalemmaare transport proteins that serveto mediate controlled metabolic exchangewith the cellular environment. Theseincludeenergy-consuming pumps (e. g., Na + ,K + -AT-Pase, p.134), carriers (e. g., for Na + /glucoseco-transport, p.180), and ion channels (e. g.,for sodium (p.138) or calcium (p.126) (1).Functional coordination between singlecells is a prerequisite for the viability <strong>of</strong> theorganism, hence also the survival <strong>of</strong> individualcells.Cellfunctionsarecoordinatedbymeans <strong>of</strong> cytosolic contacts between neighboringcells (gap junctions, e. g., in the myocardium)and messenger substances for thetransfer <strong>of</strong> information. Included amongthese are “transmitters” released fromnerves, which the cell is able to recognizewith the help <strong>of</strong> specialized membrane bindingsites or receptors.Hormonessecretedbyendocrine glands into the blood, then intothe extracellular fluid, represent anotherclass <strong>of</strong> chemical signals. Finally, signalingsubstances can originate from neighboringcells: paracrine regulation, for instance bythe prostaglandins (p.196) and cytokines.The effect <strong>of</strong> a drug frequently resultsfrom interference with cellular function. Receptorsfor the recognition <strong>of</strong> endogenoustransmitters are obvious sites <strong>of</strong> drug action(receptor agonists and antagonists, p. 60).Altered activity <strong>of</strong> membrane transport systemsaffects cell function (e. g., cardiac glycosides,p.134; loop diuretics, p.166; calciumantagonists,p.126). Drugs may also directlyinterfere with intracellular metabolic processes,for instance by inhibiting (phosphodiesteraseinhibitors, pp. 66, 122) or activating(organic nitrates, p.124) an enzyme (2);even processes in the cell nucleus can beaffected (e. g., DNA damage by certain cytostatics).In contrast to drugs acting from the outsideon cell membrane constituents, agentsacting in the cell’s interior need to penetratethe cell membrane.The cell membrane basically consists <strong>of</strong> aphospholipid bilayer (50 Å = 5 nm in thickness),embedded in which are proteins (integralmembrane proteins, such as receptorsand transport molecules). Phospholipid moleculescontain two long-chain fatty acids inester linkage with two <strong>of</strong> the three hydroxylgroups <strong>of</strong> glycerol. Bound to the third hydroxylgroup is phosphoric acid, which,inturn, carries a further residue, e.g.,choline(phosphatidylcholine = lecithin), the aminoacid serine (phosphatidylserine), or the cyclicpolyhydric alcohol inositol (phosphatidylinositol).In terms <strong>of</strong> solubility, phospholipidsare amphiphilic: the tail region containingthe apolar fatty acid chains is lipophilic;the remainder—the polar head—ishydrophilic. By virtue <strong>of</strong> these properties,phospholipids aggregate spontaneously intoa bilayer in an aqueous medium, their polarheads being directed outward into the aqueousmedium, the fatty acid chains facingeach other and projecting into the inside <strong>of</strong>the membrane (3).The hydrophobic interior <strong>of</strong> the phospholipidmembrane constitutes a diffusionbarrier virtually impermeable to chargedparticles. Apolar particles, however, are betterable to penetrate the membrane. This is<strong>of</strong> major importance with respect to the absorption,distribution, and elimination <strong>of</strong>drugs.

Potential Targets <strong>of</strong> Drug Action 21A. Site at which drugs act to modify cell function1NeuralcontrolDNerveTransmitterReceptorIon channelHormonalcontrolHormonesDHormonereceptorsDNACellulartransportsystems forcontrolledtransfer <strong>of</strong>substratesDD= DrugEnzymeDDirect actionon metabolismTransportmolecule2 3EffectDIntracellularsite <strong>of</strong> actionPhospholipidmatrixDProtein+H 3 C N CH 3O –O P OOCH 2O CHO C CH 2H 2C OH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CCH3H2CH2CC OCH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2H2CCH 2CholinePhosphoricacidGlycerolFatty acid

22 Distribution in the Body External Barriers <strong>of</strong> the BodyPrior to its uptake into the blood (i. e., duringabsorption), the drug has to overcome barriersthat demarcate the body from its surroundings,that is, that separate the internalfrom the external milieu. These boundariesare formed by the skin and mucous membranes.When absorption takes place in the gut(enteral absorption), the intestinal epitheliumis the barrier. This single-layered epitheliumis made up <strong>of</strong> enterocytes and mucus-producinggoblet cells. On their luminalside, these cells are joined together by zonulaeoccludentes (indicated by black dots inthe inset, bottom left). A zonula occludens,ortight junction, is a region in which the phospholipidmembranes <strong>of</strong> two cells establishclose contact and become joined via integralmembrane proteins (semicircular inset, leftcenter). The region <strong>of</strong> fusion surrounds eachcell like a ring such that neighboring cells arewelded together in a continuous belt. In thismanner, an unbroken phospholipid layer isformed (yellow area in the schematic drawing,bottom left) and acts as a continuousbarrier between the two spaces separatedby the cell layer—in the case <strong>of</strong> the gut, theintestinal lumen (dark blue) and interstitialspace (light blue). The ef ciency with whichsuch a barrier restricts exchange <strong>of</strong> substancescan be increased by arranging these occludingjunctions in multiple arrays, as forinstance in the endothelium <strong>of</strong> cerebralblood vessels. The connecting proteins (connexins)furthermore serve to restrict mixing<strong>of</strong> other functional membrane proteins (carriermolecules, ion pumps, ion channels) thatoccupy specific apical or basolateral areas <strong>of</strong>the cell membrane.This phospholipid bilayer represents theintestinal mucosa–blood barrier that a drugmust cross during its enteral absorption. Eligibledrugs are those whose physicochemicalproperties allow permeation through thelipophilic membrane interior (yellow) orthat are subject to a special inwardly directedcarrier transport mechanism. Conversely,drugs can undergo backtransport intothe gut by means <strong>of</strong> ef ux pumps (P-glycoprotein)located in the luminal membrane<strong>of</strong> the intestinal epithelium. Absorption <strong>of</strong>such drugs proceeds rapidly because the absorbingsurface is greatly enlarged owing tothe formation <strong>of</strong> the epithelial brush border(submicroscopic foldings <strong>of</strong> the plasmalemma).The absorbability <strong>of</strong> a drug is characterizedby the absorption quotient, thatis,theamount absorbed divided by the amount inthegutavailableforabsorption.In the respiratory tract, cilia-bearing epithelialcells are also joined on the luminalside by zonulae occludentes, so that thebronchial space and the interstitium are separatedby a continuous phospholipid barrier.With sublingual or buccal application, thedrug encounters the nonkeratinized, multilayeredsquamous epithelium <strong>of</strong> the oralmucosa. Here, the cells establish punctatecontacts with each other in the form <strong>of</strong> desmosomes(not shown); however, these donot seal the intercellular clefts. Instead, thecells have the property <strong>of</strong> sequestering polarlipids that assemble into layers within theextracellular space (semicircular inset, centerright). In this manner, a continuous phospholipidbarrier arises also inside squamousepithelia, although at an extracellular location,unlike that <strong>of</strong> intestinal epithelia. Asimilar barrier principle operates in the multilayeredkeratinized squamous epithelium<strong>of</strong> the skin.Thepresence<strong>of</strong>acontinuousphospholipidlayer again means that only lipophilicdrugs can enter the body via squamous epithelia.Epithelial thickness, which in turndependsonthedepth<strong>of</strong>thestratumcorneum,determines the extent and speed <strong>of</strong>absorption. Examples <strong>of</strong> drugs that can beconveyed via the skin into the blood includescopolamine (p.110), nitroglycerin (p.124),fentanyl (p. 212) and the gonadal hormones(p. 250).

External Barriers <strong>of</strong> the Body 23A. External barriers <strong>of</strong> the bodyCiliated epitheliumNonkeratinizedsquamous epitheliumEpithelium withbrush borderKeratinized squamousepithelium

24 Distribution in the Body Blood–Tissue BarriersDrugs are transported in the blood to differenttissues <strong>of</strong> the body. In order to reachtheir sites <strong>of</strong> action, they must leave thebloodstream. Drug permeation occurslargely in the capillary bed, where both surfacearea and time available for exchange aremaximal (extensive vascular branching, lowvelocity <strong>of</strong> flow). The capillary wall forms theblood–tissue barrier. Basically, this consists<strong>of</strong> an endothelial cell layer and a basementmembrane enveloping the latter (solid blackline in the schematic drawings). The endothelialcells are “riveted” to each other bytight junctions or occluding zonulae (labeledZ in the electron micrograph, upper left)such that no clefts, gaps, or pores remainthat would permit drugs to pass unimpededfrom the blood into the interstitial fluid.Theblood–tissuebarrierisdevelopeddifferentlyin the various capillary beds. Permeability<strong>of</strong> the capillary wall to drugs is determinedby the structural and functional characteristics<strong>of</strong> the endothelial cells. In manycapillary beds, e. g., those <strong>of</strong> cardiac muscle,endothelial cells are characterized by pronouncedendocytotic and transcytotic activity,as evidenced by numerous invaginationsand vesicles (arrows in the electronmicrograph, upper right). Transcytotic activityentails transport <strong>of</strong> fluid or macromoleculesfrom the blood into the interstitiumand vice versa. Any solutes trapped in thefluid, including drugs, may traverse theblood–tissue barrier. In this form <strong>of</strong> transport,the physicochemical properties <strong>of</strong>drugs are <strong>of</strong> little importance.In some capillary beds (e. g., in the pancreas),endothelial cells exhibit fenestrations.Although the cells are tightly connectedby continuous junctions, they possesspores (arrows in electron micrograph, lowerleft) that are closed only by diaphragms.Both the diaphragm and basement membranecan be readily penetrated by substances<strong>of</strong> low molecular weight—the majority <strong>of</strong>drugs—but less so by macromolecules, e. g.,proteins such as insulin (G: insulin storagegranule). Penetrability <strong>of</strong> macromolecules isdetermined by molecular size and electriccharge. Fenestrated endothelia are found inthe capillaries <strong>of</strong> the gut and endocrineglands.In the central nervous system (brain andspinal cord), capillary endothelia lack poresand there is little transcytotic activity. Inorder to cross the blood–brain barrier,drugs must diffuse transcellularly, i. e., penetratethe luminal and basal membrane <strong>of</strong>endothelial cells. Drug movement along thispath requires specific physicochemical properties(p. 26) or the presence <strong>of</strong> a transportmechanism (e. g., L-dopa, p.188). Thus, theblood–brain barrier is permeable only to certaintypes <strong>of</strong> drugs.Drugs exchange freely between blood andinterstitium in the liver, where endothelialcells exhibit large fenestrations (100 nm indiameter) facing Disse’s spaces (D) andwhere neither diaphragms nor basementmembranes impede drug movement.Diffusion barriers are also present beyondthe capillary wall; e. g., placental barrier <strong>of</strong>fused syncytiotrophoblast cells; blood–testiclebarrier, junctions interconnecting Sertolicells; brain choroid plexus–blood barrier,occluding junctions between ependymalcells.(Vertical bars in the electron micrographsrepresent 1 µm; E, cross-sectioned erythrocyte;AM, actomyosin; G, insulin-containinggranules.)

Blood–Tissue Barriers 25A. Blood-tissue barriersCNSHeart muscleEAMZDGLiverPancreas

26 Distribution in the Body Membrane PermeationAn ability to penetrate lipid bilayers is aprerequisite for the absorption <strong>of</strong> drugs,their entry into cell or cellular organelles,and passage across the blood–brain barrier.Owing to their amphiphilic nature, phospholipidsform bilayers possessing a hydrophilicsurface and a hydrophobic interior (p. 20).Substances may traverse this membrane inthree different ways.Diffusion (A). Lipophilic substances (reddots) may enter the membrane from theextracellular space (area shown in ochre),accumulate in the membrane, and exit intothe cytosol (blue area). Direction and speed<strong>of</strong> permeation depend on the relative concentrationsin the fluid phases and the membrane.The steeper the gradient (concentrationdifference), the more drug will be diffusingper unit <strong>of</strong> time (Fick’s law). The lipidmembrane represents an almost insurmountableobstacle for hydrophilic substances(blue triangles).Transport (B). Some drugs may penetratemembrane barriers with the help <strong>of</strong> transportsystems (carriers), irrespective <strong>of</strong> theirphysicochemical properties, especially lipophilicity.As a prerequisite, the drug musthave af nity for the carrier (blue trianglematching recess on “transport system”)and, when bound to the carrier, be capable<strong>of</strong> being ferried across the membrane. Membranepassage via transport mechanisms issubject to competitive inhibition by anothersubstance possessing similar af nity for thecarrier. Substances lacking in af nity (bluecircles) are not transported. Drugs utilizecarriers for physiological substances: e. g.,L-dopa uptake by L-amino acid carrier acrossthe blood–intestine and blood–brain barriers(p.188); uptake <strong>of</strong> aminoglycosides bythe carrier transporting basic polypeptidesthrough the luminal membrane <strong>of</strong> kidneytubular cells (p. 280). Only drugs bearing sufficientresemblance to the physiological substrate<strong>of</strong> a carrier will exhibit af nity to it.The distribution <strong>of</strong> drugs in the body canbe greatly changed by transport glycoproteinsthat are capable <strong>of</strong> moving substancesout <strong>of</strong> cells against concentration gradients.The energy needed is produced by hydrolysis<strong>of</strong> ATP. These P-glycoproteins occur in theblood–brain-barrier, intestinal epithelia, andtumor cells, and in pathogens (e. g., malarialplasmodia). On the one hand, they functionto protect cells from xenobiotics; on the other,they can cause drug resistance by preventingdrugs from reaching effective concentrationsat intracellular sites <strong>of</strong> action.Transcytosis (vesicular transport, C). Whennew vesicles are pinched <strong>of</strong>f, substances dissolvedin the extracellular fluid are engulfedand then ferried through the cytoplasm, unlessthe vesicles (phagosomes) undergo fusionwith lysosomes to form phagolysosomesand the transported substance is metabolized.Receptor-mediated endocytosis (C). Thedrug first binds to membrane surface receptors(1, 2) whose cytosolic domains contactspecial proteins (adaptins, 3). Drug–receptorcomplexes migrate laterally in the membraneand aggregate with other complexesby a clathrin-dependent process (4). The affectedmembrane region invaginates andeventually pinches <strong>of</strong>f to form a detachedvesicle (5). The clathrin and adaptin coatsare shed (6), resulting in formation <strong>of</strong> the“early” endosome (7). Inside this, protonconcentration rises and causes the drug–receptorcomplex to dissociate. Next, the receptor-bearingmembrane portions separatefrom the endosome (8). These membranesections recirculate to the plasmalemma(9), while the endosome is delivered to thetarget organelles (10).

Membrane Permeation 27A. Membrane permeation: diffusion B. Membrane permeation: transportC. Membrane permeation: vesicular uptake, and transport19238pH 5456710LigandPlasmalemmaReceptorClathrinAdaptinsVesicular transportLysosomePhagolysosomeExtracellularIntracellularExtracellular

28 Distribution in the Body Possible Modes <strong>of</strong> Drug DistributionSolid substances andstructurally bound water40%40%Intracellular water20%Extracellular waterand erythrocytesFollowing its uptake into the body, the drugis distributed in the blood (1) andthroughitto the various tissues <strong>of</strong> the body. Distributionmay be restricted to the extracellularspace (plasma volume plus interstitial space)(2) or may also extend into the intracellularspace (3). Certain drugs may bind strongly totissue structures so that plasma concentrationsfall significantly even before eliminationhas begun (4).After being distributed in blood, macromolecularsubstances remain largely confinedto the vascular space, because theirpermeation through the blood–tissue barrier,orendothelium,isimpeded,evenwherecapillaries are fenestrated. This property isexploited therapeutically when loss <strong>of</strong> bloodnecessitates refilling <strong>of</strong> the vascular bed, forinstance by infusion <strong>of</strong> dextran solutions(p.156). The vascular space is, moreover,predominantly occupied by substancesboundwithhighaf nitytoplasmaproteins(p. 30; determination <strong>of</strong> the plasma volumewith protein-bound dyes). Unbound, freedrug may leave the bloodstream, albeit withvarying ease, because the blood–tissue barrier(p. 24) is differently developed in differentsegments <strong>of</strong> the vascular tree. These regionaldifferences are not illustrated in theaccompanying figures.Distribution in the body is determined bythe ability to penetrate membranous barriers(p.20).Hydrophilicsubstances(e.g.,inulin)are neither taken up into cells norbound to cell surface structures and can thusbe used to determine the extracellular fluidvolume (2). Lipophilic substances diffusethrough the cell membrane and, as a result,achieve a uniform distribution in body fluids(3).Bodyweightmaybebrokendownasillustratedin the pie-chart. Further subdivisionsare shown in the panel opposite.The volume ratio <strong>of</strong> interstitial: intracellularwater varies with age and body weight.On a percentage basis, interstitial fluid volumeis large in premature or normal neonates(up to 50% <strong>of</strong> body water), and smallerin the obese and the aged.The concentration (c) <strong>of</strong> a solution correspondsto the amount (D) <strong>of</strong> substance dissolvedin a volume (V); thus, c = D/V. Ifthedose <strong>of</strong> drug (D) and its plasma concentration(c) are known, a volume <strong>of</strong> distribution(V) can be calculated from V = D/c. However,this represents an apparent (notional) volume<strong>of</strong> distribution (V app ), because an evendistribution in the body is assumed in itscalculation. Homogeneous distribution willnot occur if drugs are bound to cell membranes(5) or to membranes <strong>of</strong> intracellularorganelles (6) or are stored within organelles(7). In these cases, plasma concentration cbecomes small and V app can exceed the actualsize <strong>of</strong> the available fluid volume. Conversely,if a major fraction <strong>of</strong> drug moleculesis bound to plasma proteins, c becomes largeand the calculated value for V app may then besmaller than that attained biologically.

Possible Modes <strong>of</strong> Drug Distribution 29A. Compartments for drug distribution1 2 34IntravascularIntravascular andinterstitialExtra- andintracellularTissue bindingPlasma6%4%Interstitium25%65%ErythrocytesIntracellular spaceAqueous spaces <strong>of</strong> the organismLysosomesMitochondriaNucleus5 6 7Cellmembrane

30 Distribution in the Body Binding to Plasma ProteinsHaving entered the blood, drugs may bind tothe protein molecules that are present inabundance, resulting in the formation <strong>of</strong>drug–protein complexes.Protein binding involves primarily albuminand, to a lesser extent, β-globulins andacidic glycoproteins. Other plasma proteins(e. g., transcortin, transferrin, thyroxin-bindingglobulin) serve specialized functions inconnection with specific substances. The degree<strong>of</strong> binding is governed by the concentration<strong>of</strong> the reactants and the af nity <strong>of</strong> adrug for a given protein. Albumin concentrationin plasma amounts to 4.6 g/100 ml, or0.6 mM, and thus provides a very high bindingcapacity (two sites per molecule). As arule, drugs exhibit much lower af nity (K D~ 10 -5 –10 -3 M) for plasma proteins than fortheir specific binding sites (receptors). In therange <strong>of</strong> therapeutically relevant concentrations,protein binding <strong>of</strong> most drugs increaseslinearly with concentration (exceptions:salicylate and certain sulfonamides).The albumin molecule has different bindingsites for anionic and cationic ligands, butvan der Waals forces also contribute (p. 58).The extent <strong>of</strong> binding correlates with drughydrophobicity (repulsion <strong>of</strong> drug by water).Binding to plasma proteins is instantaneousand reversible, i. e., any change in theconcentration <strong>of</strong> unbound drug is immediatelyfollowed by a corresponding change inthe concentration <strong>of</strong> bound drug. Proteinbinding is <strong>of</strong> great importance because it isthe concentration <strong>of</strong> free drug that determinesthe intensity <strong>of</strong> the effect. At a giventotal plasma concentration (say, 100 ng/ml)the effective concentration will be 90 ng/mlfor a drug 10% bound to protein, but 1 ng/mlfor a drug 99% bound to protein. The reductionin concentration <strong>of</strong> free drug resultingfrom protein binding affects not only theintensity <strong>of</strong> the effect but also biotransformation(e. g., in the liver) and eliminationfrom the kidney, because only free drug willenter hepatic sites <strong>of</strong> metabolism or undergoglomerular filtration. When concentrations<strong>of</strong> free drug fall, drug is resupplied frombinding sites on plasma proteins. Bindingto plasma protein is equivalent to a depotin prolonging the duration <strong>of</strong> the effect byretarding elimination, whereas the intensity<strong>of</strong> the effect is reduced. If two substanceshave af nity for the same binding site onthe albumin molecule, they may competeforthatsite.Onedrugmaydisplaceanotherfrom its binding site and thereby elevate thefree (effective) concentration <strong>of</strong> the displaceddrug (a form <strong>of</strong> drug interaction).Elevation <strong>of</strong> the free concentration <strong>of</strong> thedisplaced drug means increased effectivenessandacceleratedelimination.A decrease in the concentration <strong>of</strong> albumin(in liver disease, nephrotic syndrome,poor general condition) leads to alteredpharmacokinetics <strong>of</strong> drugs that are highlybound to albumin.Plasma protein-bound drugs that are substratesfor transport carriers can be clearedfrom blood at high velocity; e. g., p-aminohippurateby the renal tubule and sulfobromophthaleinby the liver. Clearance rates<strong>of</strong> these substances can be used to determinerenal or hepatic blood flow.

Binding to Plasma Proteins 31A. Importance <strong>of</strong> protein binding for intensity and duration <strong>of</strong> drug effectDrug is notboundto plasmaproteinsDrug isstrongly boundto plasmaproteinsEffector cellEffectEffector cellEffectBiotransformationBiotransformationRenal eliminationRenal eliminationPlasma concentrationPlasma concentrationFree drugBound drugFree drugTimeTime

32 Drug Elimination The Liver as an Excretory OrganAsthemajororgan<strong>of</strong>drug biotransformation,the liver is richly supplied with blood, <strong>of</strong>which1100mlisreceivedeachminutefromthe intestines through the portal vein and350 ml through the hepatic artery, comprisingnearly 1/3 <strong>of</strong> cardiac output. The bloodcontent <strong>of</strong> hepatic vessels and sinusoidsamounts to 500 ml. Owing to the widening<strong>of</strong> the portal lumen, intrahepatic blood flowdecelerates (A). Moreover, the endotheliallining <strong>of</strong> hepatic sinusoids (p. 24) containspores large enough to permit rapid exit <strong>of</strong>plasma proteins. Thus, blood and hepatic parenchymaare able to maintain intimate contactand intensive exchange <strong>of</strong> substances,which is further facilitated by microvilli coveringthe hepatocyte surfaces abutting Disse’sspaces.Thehepatocytesecretesbiliaryfluidintothe bile canaliculi (dark green), tubular intercellularclefts that are sealed <strong>of</strong>f the bloodspaces by tight junctions. Secretory activityin the hepatocytes results in movement <strong>of</strong>fluid toward the canalicular space (A).The hepatocyte is endowed with numerousmetabolically important enzymes thatare localized in part in mitochondria and inpart on membranes <strong>of</strong> the rough (rER) andsmooth (sER) endoplasmic reticulum. Enzymes<strong>of</strong> the sER play a most important rolein drug biotransformation. At this site, directconsumption <strong>of</strong> molecular oxygen (O 2 )takesplace in oxidative reactions. Because theseenzymes can catalyze either hydroxylationor oxidative cleavage <strong>of</strong> –N–C– or –O–C–bonds, they are referred to as “mixed-function”oxidases or hydroxylases. Theintegralcomponent <strong>of</strong> this enzyme system is theiron-containing cytochrome P450 (seep. 38). Many P450 isozymes are known andthey exhibit different patterns <strong>of</strong> substratespecificity. Interindividual genetic differencesin isozyme make-up (e. g., CYP2D6)underlie subject-to-subject variations indrug biotransformation. The same holds forother enzyme systems; hence, the phenomenonis generally referred to as genetic polymorphism<strong>of</strong> biotransformation.Compared with hydrophilic drugs notundergoing transport, lipophilic drugs aremore rapidly taken up from the blood intohepatocytes and more readily gain access tomixed-function oxidases embedded in sERmembranes.Forinstance,adrughavinglipophilicityby virtue <strong>of</strong> an aromatic substituent(phenyl ring) (B) canbehydroxylatedand thus become more hydrophilic (phase Ireaction, p. 36). Besides oxidases, sER alsocontains reductases and glucuronyltransferases.The latter conjugate glucuronic acidwith hydroxyl, carboxyl, amine, and amidegroups and hence also phenolic products <strong>of</strong>phase I metabolism (phase II conjugation).Phase I and phase II metabolites can be transportedback into the blood—probably via agradient-dependent carrier—or actively secretedinto bile via the ABC transporter(ATP-binding cassette transporter). Differenttransport proteins are available: for instance,MRP2 (the multidrug resistance associatedprotein 2) transports anionic conjugates intothe bile canaliculi, whereas MRP3 can routethese via the basolateral membrane <strong>of</strong> thehepatocyte toward the general circulation.Prolonged exposure to substrates <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong>the membrane-bound enzymes results in aproliferation <strong>of</strong> sER membranes in the liver(cf. C and D). The molecular mechanism <strong>of</strong>this sER “hypertrophy” has been elucidatedfor some drugs: thus, phenobarbital binds toa nuclear receptor (constitutive androstanereceptor) that regulates the expression <strong>of</strong> cytochromesCYP2C9 and CYP2D6. Enzyme inductionleads to accelerated biotransformation,not only <strong>of</strong> the inducing agent but also <strong>of</strong>other drugs (a form <strong>of</strong> drug interaction).With continued exposure, it develops in afew days, resulting in an increase in reactionvelocity, maximally 2–3-fold, that disappearsafter removal <strong>of</strong> the inducing agent.

Biotransformation <strong>of</strong> Drugs 33A. Flow patterns in portal vein, Disse’s space, and hepatocyteHepatocyte Biliary capillaryDisse’s spacePortal veinIntestineGallbladderB. Fate <strong>of</strong> drugs undergoinghepatic hydroxylationRC . HepatocyteRPhase ImetaboliteBiliarycapillaryrERsEROHRABCtransportera) NormalCarrierO-GlucuronidePhase IImetaboliterERsERb) After phenobarbital administration

34 Drug Elimination Biotransformation <strong>of</strong> DrugsMany drugs undergo chemical modificationin the body (biotransformation). Most <strong>of</strong>tenthis process entails a loss <strong>of</strong> biological activityand an increase in hydrophilicity (watersolubility), thereby promoting eliminationvia the renal route (p. 40). Since rapid drugelimination improves accuracy in titratingthe therapeutic concentration, drugs are<strong>of</strong>tendesignedwithbuilt-inweaklinks.Esterbonds are such links, being subject tohydrolysis by the ubiquitous esterases.Hydrolytic cleavages, alongwithoxidations,reductions, alkylations, and dealkylations,constitute phase I reactions <strong>of</strong> drug metabolism.These reactions subsume all metabolicprocesses apt to alter drug molecules chemicallyand take place chiefly in the liver. Inphase II (synthetic) reactions, conjugationproducts <strong>of</strong> either the drug itself or its phase Imetabolites are formed, for instance, withglucuronic or sulfuric acidThe special case <strong>of</strong> the endogenous transmitteracetylcholine illustrates well the highvelocity <strong>of</strong> ester hydrolysis. Acetylcholine isbroken down so rapidly at its sites <strong>of</strong> releaseand action by acetylcholinesterase (p.106) asto negate its therapeutic use. Hydrolysis <strong>of</strong>other esters catalyzed by various esterases isslower; though relatively fast in comparisonwith other biotransformations. The localanesthetic procaine is a case in point; it exertsits action at the site <strong>of</strong> application whilebeing largely devoid <strong>of</strong> undesirable effects atother locations because it is inactivated byhydrolysis during absorption from the site <strong>of</strong>application.Esterhydrolysisdoesnotinvariablyleadto inactive metabolites, as exemplified byacetylsalicylic acid. The cleavage product,salicylic acid, retains pharmacological activity.In certain cases, drugs are administeredin the form <strong>of</strong> esters in order to facilitateuptake into the body (enalapril–enalaprilat,p.128; testosterone decanoate–testosterone,p. 248) or to reduce irritation <strong>of</strong> the gastric orintestinal mucosa (acetylsalicylic acid–salicylicacid; erythromycin succinate–erythromycin).In these cases the ester itself is notactive but its hydrolytic product is. Thus, aninactive precursor or prodrug is administeredand formation <strong>of</strong> the active moleculeoccurs only after hydrolysis in the blood.Some drugs possessing amide bonds, suchas prilocaine and <strong>of</strong> course peptides, can behydrolyzed by peptidases and inactivated inthis manner. Peptidases are also <strong>of</strong> pharmacologicalinterest because they are responsiblefor the formation <strong>of</strong> highly reactive cleavageproducts (fibrin, p.150) and potent mediators(angiotensin II, p.128; bradykinin,enkephalin,p.208)frombiologicallyinactivepeptides.Peptidases exhibit some substrate selectivityand can be selectively inhibited, asexemplified by the formation <strong>of</strong> angiotensinII, whose actions inter alia include vasoconstriction.Angiotensin II is formed from angiotensinI by cleavage <strong>of</strong> the C-terminaldipeptide histidylleucine. Hydrolysis is catalyzedby “angiotensin-converting enzyme”(ACE). Peptide analogues such as captopril(p.128) block this enzyme. Angiotensin II isdegraded by angiotensinase A, which cleaves<strong>of</strong>f the N-terminal asparagine residue. Theproduct angiotensin III lacks vasoconstrictoractivity.

Biotransformation <strong>of</strong> Drugs 35A. Examples <strong>of</strong> chemical reactions in drug biotransformation (hydrolysis)Esterases Ester Peptidases Amides AnilidesAcetylcholineOCH 3+H 3 C C O CH 2 CH 2 N CH 3CH 3OH 3 C C OHAcetic acidCH 3+HO CH 2 CH 2 N CH 3HProcaineN 2OC O CH 2 CH 2 N C 2 H 5N H 2COOHp-Aminobenzoic acidCholineCH 3C 2 H 5AspArgValO LeuLeuCCH 2HisH NCNHOC N HCH 2 C ConvertingH enzymeNHProTyrAngiotensin IIleHisAngiotensin IINH O ValCC (CH 2 ) 3H 2 N NCHHOC N HCH 2HOOC CHNH2TyrIleHisArgProValPheTyrIleHisAngiotensin IIIAngiotensinaseProPheHO CH 2 CH 2 N C 2 H 5C 2 H 5DiethylaminoethanolAspOH3CC OAcetylsalicylic acidOCOHHPrilocaineCH 3 ON CH C NHC 3 H CH73OH3CC OHAcetic acidO OHCHOSalicylic acidHCH 3 ON CH C OHHN 2C 3 H 7 CH3N-PropylalanineToluidine

36 Drug EliminationOxidation reactions can be divided into twokinds: those in which oxygen is incorporatedinto the drug molecule, and those in whichprimary oxidation causes part <strong>of</strong> the moleculeto be lost. The former include hydroxylations,epoxidations, andsulfoxidations.Hydroxylations may involve alkyl substituents(e. g., pentobarbital) or aromatic ringsystems (e. g., propranolol). In both cases,products are formed that are conjugated toan organic acid residue, e. g., glucuronic acid,in a subsequent phase II reaction.Hydroxylation may also take place at nitrogens,resulting in hydroxylamines (e. g.,acetaminophen). Benzene, polycyclic aromaticcompounds,(e.g.,benzopyrene),andunsaturated cyclic carbohydrates can beconverted by monooxygenases to epoxides,highly reactive electrophiles that are hepatotoxicand possibly carcinogenic.The second type <strong>of</strong> oxidative biotransformationcomprises dealkylations. In the case<strong>of</strong> primary or secondary amines, dealkylation<strong>of</strong> an alkyl group starts at the carbonadjacent to the nitrogen; in the case <strong>of</strong> tertiaryamines, with hydroxylation <strong>of</strong> the nitrogen(e. g., lidocaine). The intermediaryproducts are labile and break up into thedealkylatedamineandaldehyde<strong>of</strong>thealkylgroup removed. O-dealkylation and S-dearylationproceed via an analogous mechanism(e. g., phenacetin and azathioprine, respectively).Oxidative deamination basically resemblesthe dealkylation <strong>of</strong> tertiary amines, beginningwith the formation <strong>of</strong> a hydroxylaminethat then decomposes into ammoniaand the corresponding aldehyde. The latteris partly reduced to an alcohol and partlyoxidized to a carboxylic acid.Reduction reactions may occur at oxygenor nitrogen atoms. Keto oxygens are convertedinto a hydroxyl group, as in the reduction<strong>of</strong> the prodrugs cortisone and prednisoneto the active glucocorticoids cortisoland prednisolone, respectively. N-reductionsoccur in azo or nitro compounds (e. g., nitrazepam).Nitro groups can be reduced toamine groups via nitroso and hydroxylaminointermediates. Likewise, dehalogenation is areductive process involving a carbon atom(e. g., halothane, p. 216).Methylations are catalyzed by a family <strong>of</strong>relatively specific methyltransferases involvingthe transfer <strong>of</strong> methyl groups to hydroxylgroups (O-methylation as in norepinephrine[noradrenaline]) or to amino groups (Nmethylation<strong>of</strong> norepinephrine, histamine,or serotonin).In thio compounds, desulfuration resultsfrom substitution <strong>of</strong> sulfur by oxygen (e. g.,parathion). This example again illustratesthat biotransformation is not always to beequated with bioinactivation. Thus, paraoxon(E600) formed in the organism fromparathion (E605) is the actual active agent(bioactivation, “toxification”, p.106)

Biotransformation <strong>of</strong> Drugs 37A. Examples <strong>of</strong> chemical reactions in drug biotransformationCH 3ON 2 NO-MethylationOOHC 2 H 5HON CH CH 2 CH 2 CH 3PropranololH OPentobarbitalOHO CH 2 CH CH 2 NH CH CH 3OHCH 3HydroxylationLidocainePhenacetinParathionOCCHO2 H 53S POC 2 H5HN CO OC 2 H 5NH C CH 2 NCH 3OCH 3C 2 H5O C 2 H 5N-DealkylationNO 2O-DealkylationDesulfurationDealkylationNorepinephrineHON NHS-DealkylationNNH3CHO C CH 2 NH2HS CH OH3NAzathioprineMethylationCH 2 CH CH 2 N2 CH 3H OClNCH 3H NNSON 2 NOOAcetaminophenSulfoxidation OH2NNitrazepamBenzpyreneChlorpromazineReductionEpoxidationOxidationHydroxylamineHOHNCOCH 3

38 Drug Elimination Drug Metabolism by CytochromeP450Cytochrome P450 enzyme. A major part <strong>of</strong>phase I reactions is catalyzed by hemoproteins,the so-called cytochrome P450 (CYP)enzymes (A). To date about 40 genes forcytochrome P450 proteins have been identifiedin the human; among these, the proteinfamilies CYP1, CYP2, and CYP3 are importantin drug metabolism (B). The bulk <strong>of</strong> CYPenzymes are located in the liver and theintestinal wall, which explains why theseorgans are responsible for the major part <strong>of</strong>drug metabolism.Substrates, inhibitors, and inducers. Cytochromesareenzymeswithbroadsubstratespecificities. Accordingly, pharmaceuticals <strong>of</strong>diverse chemical structure can be metabolizedby a given enzyme protein. When severaldrugs are metabolized by the same isozyme,clinically important interactions mayresult. In these, substrates (drugs metabolizedby CYP) can be distinguished frominhibitors (drugs that are bound to CYP withhigh af nity, interfere with the breakdown<strong>of</strong> substrates, and are themselves metabolizedslowly) (A). The amount <strong>of</strong> hepaticCYP enzymes is a major determinant <strong>of</strong>metabolic capacity. An increase in enzymeconcentration usually leads to accelerateddrug metabolism. Numerous endogenousand exogenous substances, such as drugs,can augment the expression <strong>of</strong> CYP enzymesand thus act as CYP inducers (p. 32). Many <strong>of</strong>these inducers activate specific transcriptionfactors in the nucleus <strong>of</strong> hepatocytes, leadingto activation <strong>of</strong> mRNA synthesis and subsequentproduction <strong>of</strong> CYP isozyme protein.Some inducers also increase the expression<strong>of</strong> P-glycoprotein transporters; as a result,enhanced metabolism by CYP and increasedmembrane transport by P-glycoprotein canact in concert to render a drug ineffective.The table in (B) provides an overview <strong>of</strong>different CYP isozymes along with their substrates,inhibitors, and inducers. Obviously,when a patient is to be exposed to polypharmaceuticregimens (especially multimorbidsubjects), it would be imprudent to starttherapy without checking whether the drugsbeing contemplated include CYP inducers orinhibitors, some <strong>of</strong> which may dramaticallyalter pharmacokinetics.Drug interaction due to CYP induction orinhibition. Life-threatening interactionshave been observed in patients taking inducers<strong>of</strong> CYP3A4 isozyme during treatmentwith ciclosporin for the prevention <strong>of</strong> kidneyand liver transplant rejection. Intake <strong>of</strong> rifampin[rifampicin] and also <strong>of</strong> St. John’swort preparations (available without prescription)may increase expression <strong>of</strong> CY-P3A4 to such an extent as to lower plasmalevels <strong>of</strong> ciclosporin below the therapeuticrange (C). As immunosuppression becomesinadequate, the risk <strong>of</strong> transplant rejectionwill be enhanced. In the presence <strong>of</strong> rifampin,other drugs that are substrates <strong>of</strong> CY-P3A4 may become ineffective. For this reason,the intake <strong>of</strong> rifampin is contraindicatedin HIV patients being treated with proteaseinhibitors. As a rule, inhibitors <strong>of</strong> CYP enzymeselevate plasma levels <strong>of</strong> drugs thataresubstrates<strong>of</strong>thesameCYPenzymes;inthis manner, they raise the risk <strong>of</strong> undesirabletoxic effects. The antifungal agent ketoconazoleenhances the nephrotoxicity <strong>of</strong> ciclosporinbysuchamechanism(C).

Drug Metabolism by Cytochrome P450 39A. Cytochrome P450 in the liverSubstratesInducerProteinsynthesisCYPInhibitorsmRNATranscriptionfactorsRXRAhRCYP geneRetinoid-XreceptorArylhydrocarbonreceptorConstitutiveandrostane receptorPregnane-X-receptorB. Cytochrome P450 isozymesInducers Cytochrome Substrates InhibitorsBarbecued meat,tobacco smoke,omeprazoleAhRArylhydrocarbonreceptorPhenobarbital,RifampicinCARConstitutiveandrostanereceptorRifampicin, carbamazepine,dexamethasone,phenytoin,St. John’s wortPXRPregnane X-receptorCYP1A2CYP2C9CYP2D6CYP3A4C. Drug interactions and cytochrome P450Clozapine, estradiol,haloperidol, theophyllineIbupr<strong>of</strong>en, LosartanCarvedilol, metoprolol,tricyclic antidepressants,neuroleptics, SSRI, codeineCiclosporin, tacrolimus,nifedipine, verapamil, statins,estradiol, progesterone,testosterone, haloperidolFluoroquinoloneIsoniazid, VerapamilQuinidine, fluoxetineHIV protease inhibitors,amiodarone, macrolides,azole antimycotics,grapefruit juiceRifampicin,St. John’s wortCiclosporinItraconazoleTransplantrejectionInduction<strong>of</strong> CYP3A4Inhibition<strong>of</strong> CYP3A4CiclosporinnephrotoxicityAcceleratedciclosporineliminationDelayedciclosporinelimination

40 Drug Elimination The Kidney as an Excretory OrganMost drugs are eliminated in urine eitherchemically unchanged or as metabolites.The kidney permits elimination because thevascular wall structure in the region <strong>of</strong> theglomerular capillaries (B) allows unimpededpassage into urine <strong>of</strong> blood solutes havingmolecular weights (MW) < 5000. Filtration isrestricted at MW < 50 000 and ceases at MW> 70 000. With few exceptions, therapeuticallyused drugs and their metabolites havemuch smaller molecular weights and cantherefore undergo glomerular filtration,i. e., pass from blood into primary urine. Separatingthe capillary endothelium from thetubular epithelium, thebasal membranecontains negatively charged macromoleculesand acts as a filtration barrier forhigh-molecular-weight substances. The relativedensity <strong>of</strong> this barrier depends on theelectric charge <strong>of</strong> molecules that attempt topermeate it. In addition, the diaphragmaticslits between podophyte processes play apart in glomerular filtration.Apart from glomerular filtration (B),drugs present in blood may pass into urineby active secretion (C). Certain cations andanions are secreted by the epithelium <strong>of</strong> theproximal tubules into the tubular fluid viaspecial energy-consuming transport systems.These transport systems have a limitedcapacity. When several substrates arepresent simultaneously, competition for thecarrier may occur (see p. 326).During passage down the renal tubule,primary urinary volume shrinks to about1%; accordingly, there is a correspondingconcentration <strong>of</strong> filtered drug or drug metabolites(A). The resulting concentrationgradient between urine and interstitial fluidis preserved in the case <strong>of</strong> drugs incapable <strong>of</strong>permeating the tubular epithelium. However,with lipophilic drugs the concentrationgradient will favor reabsorption <strong>of</strong> the filteredmolecules. In this case, reabsorption isnot based on an active process but resultsinstead from passive diffusion. Accordingly,for protonated substances, the extent <strong>of</strong> reabsorptionis dependent upon urinary pH orthe degree <strong>of</strong> dissociation. The degree <strong>of</strong>dissociation varies as a function <strong>of</strong> the urinarypH and the pK a , which represents thepH value at which half <strong>of</strong> the substance existsin protonated (or unprotonated) form.This relationship is illustrated graphically(D) with the example <strong>of</strong> a protonated aminehaving a pK a <strong>of</strong> 7. In this case, at urinary pH 7,50% <strong>of</strong> the amine will be present in the protonated,hydrophilic, membrane-impermeantform (blue dots), whereas the other half,representing the uncharged amine (reddots), can leave the tubular lumen in accordancewith the resulting concentration gradient.If the pK a <strong>of</strong> an amine is higher (pK a=7.5)orlower(pK a = 6.5), a correspondinglysmallerorlargerproportion<strong>of</strong>theaminewill be present in the uncharged, reabsorbableform.LoweringorraisingurinarypHbyhalf a pH unit would result in analogouschanges.The same considerations hold for acidicmolecules, with the important differencethat alkalinization <strong>of</strong> the urine (increasedpH) will promote the deprotonization <strong>of</strong>–COOH groups and thus impede reabsorption.Intentional alteration <strong>of</strong> urinary pH canbe used in intoxications with proton-acceptorsubstances in order to hasten elimination<strong>of</strong> the toxin (e. g., alkalinization † phenobarbital;acidification † methamphetamine).

The Kidney as an Excretory Organ 41A. Filtration and concentration B. Glomerular filtration180 lPrimary urineGlomerularfiltration<strong>of</strong> drugBloodPlasmaproteinEndotheliumBasalmembraneSlitdiaphragmEpitheliumDrugPodocyteprocessesPrimaryurineD. Tubular reabsorptionpH = 7,0pK a <strong>of</strong> substance10050pK a = 7,0+R N H1,2 lFinalurineConcentration<strong>of</strong> drugin tubule%R N6 6,5 7 7,5 8100pK a = 7,5C. Active secretion50+++++ +++++++++++++ ++++%1006 6,5 7 7,5 8pK a = 6,5Tubulartransportsystem for+ Cations–Anions----- -- - --------------pH = 7,050%6 6,5 7 7,5 8pH <strong>of</strong> urine

42 Drug Elimination Presystemic EliminationThe morphological barriers <strong>of</strong> the body areillustrated on pp. 22–25. Depending on thephysicochemical properties <strong>of</strong> drugs, intendedtargets on the surface or the inside<strong>of</strong> cells, or <strong>of</strong> bacterial organisms, may bereached to varying degrees or not at all.Whenever a drug cannot be applied locallybut must be given by the systemic route, itspharmacokinetics will be subject to yet anotherprocess. This becomes very obvious ifwe follow the route <strong>of</strong> an orally administereddrug from its site <strong>of</strong> absorption to thegeneral circulation. Any <strong>of</strong> the following mayoccur.1. The drug permeates through the epithelialbarrier <strong>of</strong> the gut into the enterocyte;however, a P-glycoprotein transports itback into the intestinal lumen. As a result,the amount actually absorbed can begreatly diminished. This counter-transportcan vary interindividually for anidentical substance and moreover maybe altered by other drugs.2. En route from the intestinal lumen to thegeneral circulation, the ingested substanceis broken down enzymatically,e. g., by cytochrome P450 oxidases.(a) Degradation may start already in theintestinal mucosa. Other drugs oragents may inhibit or stimulate theactivity <strong>of</strong> enteral cytochrome oxidases.A peculiar example is grapefruitjuice, which inhibits CYP3A4 oxidasein the gut wall and thereby causesblood concentrations <strong>of</strong> other importantdrugstorisetotoxiclevels.(b) Metabolism in the liver, throughwhich the drug must pass, plays thebiggest role. Here, many enzymes areat work to alter endogenous and exogenoussubstanceschemicallysoastopromote their elimination. Examples<strong>of</strong> different metabolic reactions arepresented on pp. 34–39. Dependingon the quantity <strong>of</strong> drug being takenup and metabolized by the hepatocytes,only a fraction <strong>of</strong> the amountabsorbed may reach the blood in thehepatic vein. Importantly, an increasein enzyme activity (increase insmooth endoplasmic reticulum) canbe induced by other drugs.The processes referred to under (2a, b)above are subsumed under the term “presystemicelimination.”3. Parenteral administration <strong>of</strong> a drug <strong>of</strong>course circumvents presystemic elimination.After i.v., s.c., or i.m. injection, thedrug travels via the vena cava, the rightheart ventricle, and the lungs to the leftventricle and, thence, to the systemic circulationand the coronary system. As alipid-rich organ with a large surface, thelungs can take up lipophilic or amphiphilicagents to a considerable extentand release them slowly after blood levelsfall again. During fast delivery <strong>of</strong> drug, thelungs act as a buffer and protect the heartagainst excessive concentrations afterrapid i.v. injection.In certain therapeutic situations, rapid presystemicelimination may be desirable. Animportantexampleistheuse<strong>of</strong>glucocorticoidsin the treatment <strong>of</strong> asthma. Because asignificant portion <strong>of</strong> inhaled drug is swallowed,glucocorticoids with complete presystemicelimination entail only a minimalsystemic load for the organism (p. 340). Theuse <strong>of</strong> acetylsalicylic acid for inhibition <strong>of</strong>thrombocyte aggregation (see p.155) providesan example <strong>of</strong> a desirable presystemicconversion.

Presystemic Elimination 43A. Presystemic eliminationExamples <strong>of</strong> presystemic eliminationFraction <strong>of</strong> oral dose that does not reachsystemic circulation:DrugMetaboliteEstradiolTestosteroneSumatriptanBudesonideVerapamilFurosemideNifedipineAtenololDicl<strong>of</strong>enacPropranolol>95%>95%~ 85%>80%~ 80%50–70%~ 50%40–50%~ 40%20–50%Systemic bioavailability(fraction <strong>of</strong> oral dose)Lung:StorageLiver:BiotransformationIntestinal wall:BiotransformationBack-transport intolumen byefflux pumps

44 Pharmacokinetics Drug Concentration in the Body as aFunction <strong>of</strong> Time—First Order(Exponential) Rate ProcessesProcessessuchasdrugabsorptionandeliminationdisplay exponential characteristics.For absorption, this follows from the simplefact that the amount <strong>of</strong> drug being movedper unit <strong>of</strong> time depends on the concentrationdifference (gradient) between two bodycompartments (Fick’s law). In drug absorptionfrom the alimentary tract, the intestinalcontent and blood would represent the compartmentscontaining initially high and lowconcentrations, respectively. In drug eliminationvia the kidney, excretion <strong>of</strong>ten dependson glomerular filtration, i. e., the filteredamount <strong>of</strong> drug present in primaryurine. As the blood concentration falls, theamount <strong>of</strong> drug filtered per unit <strong>of</strong> timediminishes. The resulting exponential declineis illustrated in (A). The exponentialtime course implies constancy <strong>of</strong> the intervalduring which the concentration decreases byone-half. This interval represents the halflife(t ½ ) and is related to the elimination rateconstant k by the equation t ½ =(ln2)/k. Thetwo parameters, together with the initialconcentration c 0 , describe a first-order (exponential)rate process.The constancy <strong>of</strong> the process permits calculation<strong>of</strong> the plasma volume that would becleared <strong>of</strong> drug, if the remaining drug werenot to assume a homogeneous distributionin the total volume (a condition not met inreality). The notional plasma volume freed<strong>of</strong> drug per unit <strong>of</strong> time is termed theclearance. Depending on whether plasmaconcentration falls as a result <strong>of</strong> urinary excretionor <strong>of</strong> metabolic alteration, clearanceis considered to be renal or hepatic. Renaland hepatic clearances add up to total clearance(Cl tot ) in the case <strong>of</strong> drugs that areeliminated unchanged via the kidney andbiotransformed in the liver. Cl tot representsthe sum <strong>of</strong> all processes contributing toelimination; it is related to the half-life (t ½ )and the apparent volume <strong>of</strong> distribution V app(p. 28) by the equation:t1/2=Vappln 2CltotThe smaller the volume <strong>of</strong> distribution or thelarger the total clearance, the shorter is thehalf-life.Inthecase<strong>of</strong>drugsrenallyeliminatedinunchanged form, the half-life <strong>of</strong> eliminationcan be calculated from the cumulative excretionin urine; the final total amount eliminatedcorresponds to the amount absorbed.Hepatic elimination obeys exponentialkinetics because metabolizing enzymes operatein the quasi-linear region <strong>of</strong> their concentration–activitycurve, and hence theamount <strong>of</strong> drug metabolized per unit timediminishes with decreasing blood concentration.The best-known exception to exponentialkinetics is the elimination <strong>of</strong> alcohol (ethanol),which obeys a linear time course (zeroorderkinetics), at least at blood concentrations> 0.02%. It does so because therate-limiting enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase,achieves half-saturation at very low substrateconcentrations, i. e., at about 80 mg/l(0.008%). Thus, reaction velocity reaches aplateau at blood ethanol concentrations <strong>of</strong>about0.02%,andtheamount<strong>of</strong>drugeliminatedper unit time remains constant at concentrationsabove this level.

DrugConcentrationintheBody 45A. Exponential elimination <strong>of</strong> drugConcentration (c o ) <strong>of</strong> drug [amount/vol]Plasma half-lifet 1 2c t = c o· e -kt= 1 2c 1 2ln 2t 1 =2 kc oc t : Drug concentration at time tc o : Initial drug concentration afteradministration <strong>of</strong> drug dosee: base <strong>of</strong> natural logarithmk: elimination constantUnit <strong>of</strong> timeTime (t)Notional plasma volume per unit <strong>of</strong> time freed <strong>of</strong> drug = clearance [vol/t]Amount excreted per unit <strong>of</strong> time [amount/t]Totalamount<strong>of</strong> drugexcreted(Amount administered) = DoseTime (t)

46 Pharmacokinetics Time Course <strong>of</strong> Drug Concentrationin Plasma(A). Drugs are taken up into and eliminatedfrom the body by various routes. The bodythus represents an open system wherein theactual drug concentration reflects the interplay<strong>of</strong> intake (ingestion) and egress (elimination).When orally administered drug isabsorbed from the stomach and intestine,speed <strong>of</strong> uptake depends on many factors,including the speed <strong>of</strong> drug dissolution (inthe case <strong>of</strong> solid dosage forms) and <strong>of</strong> gastrointestinaltransit; the membrane penetrability<strong>of</strong> the drug; its concentration gradientacross the mucosa–blood barrier; and mucosalblood flow. Absorption from the intestinecauses the drug concentration in bloodto increase. Transport in blood conveys thedrug to different organs (distribution), intowhich it is taken up to a degree compatiblewith its chemical properties and rate <strong>of</strong>bloodflowthroughtheorgan.Forinstance,well-perfused organs such as the brain receivea greater proportion than do less wellperfusedones.Uptakeintotissuecausestheblood concentration to fall. Absorption fromthe gut diminishes as the mucosa–blood gradientdecreases. Plasma concentrationreaches a peak when the amount <strong>of</strong> drugleaving the blood per unit <strong>of</strong> time equals thatbeing absorbed.Drug entry into hepatic and renal tissueconstitutes movement into the organs <strong>of</strong>elimination. The characteristic phasic timecourse <strong>of</strong> drug concentration in plasma representsthe sum <strong>of</strong> the constituent processes<strong>of</strong> absorption, distribution, and elimination,which overlap in time. When distributiontakes place significantly faster thanelimination, there is an initial rapid and thena greatly retarded fall in the plasma level, theformer being designated the α-phase (distributionphase), the latter the β-phase (eliminationphase). When the drug is distributedfaster than it is absorbed, the time course <strong>of</strong>the plasma level can be described in mathematicallysimplified form by the Batemanfunction (k 1 and k 2 represent the rate constantsfor absorption and elimination, respectively).(B). The velocity <strong>of</strong> absorption depends onthe route <strong>of</strong> administration. The more rapidthe absorption, the shorter will be the time(t max ) required to reach the peak plasmalevel (c max ), the higher will be the c max ,andthe earlier will the plasma level begin to fallagain.The area under the plasma level–time curve(AUC) is independent <strong>of</strong> the route <strong>of</strong> administration,provided the doses and bioavailabilityare the same (law <strong>of</strong> correspondingareas). The AUC can thus be used to determinethe bioavailability F <strong>of</strong> a drug. Theratio <strong>of</strong> AUC values determined after oraland intravenous administrations <strong>of</strong> a givendose <strong>of</strong> a particular drug corresponds to theproportion <strong>of</strong> drug entering the systemiccirculation after oral administration. Thus,F =AUCAUCoral administrationiv administrationThe determination <strong>of</strong> plasma levels affords acomparison <strong>of</strong> different proprietary preparationscontaining the same drug in the samedosage. Identical plasma level–time curves<strong>of</strong> different manufacturers’ products withreference to a standard preparation indicatebioequivalence with the standard <strong>of</strong>the preparation under investigation.

DrugConcentrationinPlasma 47A. Time course <strong>of</strong> drug concentrationAbsorptionUptake fromstomach andintestinesinto bloodDistributioninto bodytissues:α-phaseEliminationfrom body bybiotransformation(chemical alteration)excretion via kidney:β-phaseDrug concentration in blood (c)Bateman functionDose kc = x 1x (e -k 1t -e-k 2 t )V app k 2 - k 1Time (t)B. Mode <strong>of</strong> application and time course <strong>of</strong> drug concentrationDrug concentration in blood (c)IntravenousIntramuscularSubcutaneousOralTime (t)

48 Pharmacokinetics Time Course <strong>of</strong> Drug Plasma Levelsduring Repeated Dosing (A)When a drug is administered at regular intervalsover a prolonged period, the rise andfall <strong>of</strong> drug concentration in blood will bedetermined by the relationship between thehalf-life <strong>of</strong> elimination and the time intervalbetween doses. If the amount <strong>of</strong> drug administeredin each dose has been eliminatedbefore the next dose is applied, repeatedintake at constant intervals will result insimilar plasma levels. If intake occurs beforethe preceding dose is eliminated completely,the next dose will add to the residualamount still present in the body—i. e., thedrug accumulates. The shorter the dosinginterval relative to the elimination half-life,the larger will be the residual amount <strong>of</strong>drug to which the next dose is added andthemoreextensivelywillthedrugaccumulatein the body. However, at a given dosingfrequency, the drug does not accumulate infinitelyand a steady state (concentrationC ss )oraccumulation equilibrium is eventuallyreached. This is so because the activity<strong>of</strong> elimination processes is concentrationdependent.The higher the drug concentrationrises, the greater is the amount eliminatedper unit time. After several doses, theconcentration will have climbed to a level atwhich the amounts eliminated and taken inper unit <strong>of</strong> time become equal, i. e., a steadystateis reached. Within this concentrationrange, the plasma level will continue to rise(peak)andfall(trough)asdosingiscontinuedat regular intervals. The height <strong>of</strong> thesteady state (C ss ) depends upon the amount(D) administered per dosing interval (τ) andthe clearance (Cl):90% <strong>of</strong> the concentration plateau is about 3times the t ½ <strong>of</strong> elimination. Time Course <strong>of</strong> Drug Plasma Levelsduring Irregular Intake (B)In practice, it proves dif cult to achieve aplasma level that undulates evenly aroundthe desired effective concentration. For instance,if two successive doses are omitted(“?” in B), the plasma level will drop belowthe therapeutic range and a longer periodwill be required to regain the desired plasmalevel. In everyday life, patients will be apt toneglect to take drugs at the scheduled time.Patient compliance means strict adherenceto the prescribed regimen. Apart from poorcompliance, the same problem may occurwhen the total daily dose is divided intothree individual doses (t.i.d.) and the firstdose is taken at breakfast, the second atlunch, and the third at supper. Under theseconditions, the nocturnal dosing interval willbe twice the diurnal one. Consequently, plasmalevels during the early morning hoursmay have fallen far below the desired, orpossibly urgently needed, range.CssD= τ⋅ClThe speed at which the steady state isreached corresponds to the speed <strong>of</strong> elimination<strong>of</strong>thedrug.Thetimeneededtoreach

Plasma Levels during Repeated/Irregular Dosing 49A. Time course <strong>of</strong> drug concentration in blood during regular intakeDosing intervalDrug concentrationDosing intervalTime (t)Time (t)Accumulation:administered drug isnot completely eliminatedduring intervalSteady state:drug intake equalselimination duringdosing intervalDrug concentrationTime (t)B. Time course <strong>of</strong> drug concentration with irregular intakeDrug concentrationDesiredtherapeuticlevel? ? ?Time (t)

50 Pharmacokinetics Accumulation: Dose, Dose Interval,and Plasma Level Fluctuation (A)Successful drug therapy in many illnesses isaccomplished only if the drug concentrationis maintained at a steady high level. Thisrequirement necessitates regular drug intakeand a dosage schedule that ensures thatthe plasma concentration neither falls belowthe therapeutically effective range nor exceedsthe minimal toxic concentration. Aconstant plasma level would, however, beundesirable if it accelerated a loss <strong>of</strong> effectiveness(development <strong>of</strong> tolerance), or if thedrug were required to be present at specifiedtimes only.A steady plasma level can be achieved bygiving the drug in a constant intravenousinfusion, the height <strong>of</strong> the steady state plasmalevel being determined by the infusionrate. This procedure is routinely used in hospitalsettings, but is generally impracticable.With oral administration, dividing the totaldaily dosage into several individual doses,e. g., four, three, or two, <strong>of</strong>fers a practicalcompromise. When the daily dose is givenin several divided doses, the mean plasmalevel shows little fluctuation.In practice, it is found that a regimen <strong>of</strong>frequent regular drug ingestion is not welladhered to by patients (unreliability or lack<strong>of</strong> “compliance” by patients). The degree <strong>of</strong>fluctuation in plasma level over a given dosinginterval can be reduced by a dosage formpermitting slow (sustained) release (p.12).The time required to reach steady-stateaccumulation during multiple constant dosingdepends on the rate <strong>of</strong> elimination. As arule <strong>of</strong> thumb, a plateau is reached afterapproximately three elimination half-lives(t ½ ).For slowly eliminated drugs, which tendto accumulate extensively (phenprocoumon,digitoxin, methadone), the optimal plasmalevel is attained only after a long period.Here, increasing the initial doses (loadingdose) will speed up the attainment <strong>of</strong> equilibrium,which is subsequently maintainedwith a lower dose (maintenance dose). Forslowly eliminated substances, single dailydosing may suf ce to maintain a steady plasmalevel. Change in Elimination Characteristicsduring Drug Therapy (B)With any drug taken regularly and accumulatingto the desired plasma level, it is importantto consider that conditions for biotransformationand excretion do not necessarilyremain constant. Elimination may behastened due to enzyme induction (p. 38) orto a change in urinary pH (p. 40). Consequently,the steady-state plasma level declinesto a new value corresponding to thenew rate <strong>of</strong> elimination. The drug effect maydiminish or disappear. Conversely, whenelimination is impaired (e. g., in progressiverenal insuf ciency), the mean plasma level<strong>of</strong> renally eliminated drugs rises and mayenter a toxic concentration range.

Accumulation 51A. Accumulation: dose, dose interval, and fluctuation <strong>of</strong> plasma levelDrug concentration in blood4 x daily 50 mg2 x daily 100 mg1 x daily 200 mgDesired plasma levelSingle 50 mg612 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12hB. Changes in elimination kinetics in the course <strong>of</strong> drug therapyInhibition <strong>of</strong> eliminationDrug concentration in bloodAcceleration<strong>of</strong> eliminationDesired plasma level6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 h

52 Quantification <strong>of</strong> Drug Action Dose–Response RelationshipThe effect <strong>of</strong> a substance depends on theamount administered, i. e., the dose. If thedose chosen is below the critical threshold(subliminal dosing), an effect will be absent.Depending on the nature <strong>of</strong> the effect to bemeasured, increasing doses may cause theeffect to increase in intensity. Thus, the effect<strong>of</strong> an antipyretic or hypotensive drug can bequantified in a graded fashion, in that theextent <strong>of</strong> fall in body temperature or bloodpressure is being measured. A dose–effectrelationship is then encountered, as discussedon p. 54.The dose–effect relationship may vary dependingon the sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the individualperson receiving the drug: i. e., for the sameeffect, different doses may be required indifferent individuals. The interindividualvariation in sensitivity is especially obviouswith effects <strong>of</strong> the “all-or-none” kind.To illustrate this point, we consider anexperiment in which the subjects individuallyrespond in all-or-none fashion, as in theStraub tail phenomenon (A). Mice react tomorphine with excitation, evident in theform <strong>of</strong> an abnormal posture <strong>of</strong> the tail andlimbs. The dose dependence <strong>of</strong> this phenomenonis observed in groups <strong>of</strong> animals (e. g.,10 mice per group) injected with increasingdoses <strong>of</strong> morphine. At the low dose only themost sensitive, at increasing doses a growingproportion, and at the highest dose all <strong>of</strong> theanimals are affected (B). There is a relationshipbetween the frequency <strong>of</strong> respondinganimals and the dose given. At 2 mg/kg, 1out<strong>of</strong>10animalsreacts;at10mg/kg,5out<strong>of</strong> 10 respond. The dose–frequency relationshipresults from the different sensitivity<strong>of</strong>individuals,which,asarule,exhibitsalog-normal distribution (C, graph at right,linear scale). If the cumulative frequency (totalnumber <strong>of</strong> animals responding at a givendose) is plotted against the logarithm <strong>of</strong> thedose (abscissa), a sigmoidal curve results (C,graph at left, semi-logarithmic scale). Theinflection point <strong>of</strong> the curve lies at the doseat which one half <strong>of</strong> the group has responded.The dose range encompassing thedose–frequency relationship reflects the variationin individual sensitivity to the drug.Although similar in shape, a dose–frequencyrelationship has, thus, a meaning differentfrom that <strong>of</strong> a dose–effect relationship.The latter can be evaluated in one individualand results from an intraindividual dependency<strong>of</strong> the effect on drug concentration.The evaluation <strong>of</strong> a dose–effect-relationshipwithin a group <strong>of</strong> human subjects ismade more dif cult by interindividual differencesin sensitivity. To account for thebiological variation, measurements have tobe carried out on a representative sampleand the results averaged. Thus, recommendedtherapeutic doses will be appropriatefor the majority <strong>of</strong> patients, but not necessarilyfor each individual.The variation in sensitivity may be basedon pharmacokinetic differences (same dose† different plasma levels) or on differencesin target organ sensitivity (same plasma level† different effects).To enhance therapeutic safety, clinicalpharmacology has led efforts to discoverthe causes responsible for interindividualdrug responsiveness in patients. This field<strong>of</strong> research is called pharmacogenetics.Oftenthe underlying reason is a difference in enzymeproperty or activity. Ethnic variationsare additionally observed. Prudent physicianswill attempt to determine the metabolicstatus <strong>of</strong> a patient before prescribing aparticular drug.

Dose–Response Relationship 53A. Abnormal posture in mouse given morphineB. Incidence <strong>of</strong> effect as a function <strong>of</strong> doseDose = 0 = 2 mg/kg = 10 mg/kg= 20 mg/kg = 100 mg/kg= 140 mg/kgC. DoseÐfrequency relationship%Cumulative frequency100Frequency <strong>of</strong> dose needed806040204321mg/kg2 10 20100 1402 10 20100 140mg/kg

54 Quantification <strong>of</strong> Drug Action Concentration–Effect Relationship(A)As a rule, the therapeutic effect or toxic action<strong>of</strong> a drug depends critically on the response<strong>of</strong> a single organ or a limited number<strong>of</strong> organs; for example, blood flow is affectedby a change in vascular luminal width. Byisolating critical organs or tissues from alarger functional system, these actions canbe studied with more accuracy; for instance,vasoconstrictor agents can be examined inisolated preparations from different regions<strong>of</strong> the vascular tree, e. g., the portal or saphenousveins, or the mesentery, coronary, orbasilar arteries. In many cases, isolated organsor organ parts can be kept viable forhours in an appropriate nutrient mediumsuf ciently supplied with oxygen and heldat a suitable temperature. Responses <strong>of</strong> thepreparation to a physiological or pharmacologicalstimulus can be determined by a suitablerecording apparatus. Thus, narrowing <strong>of</strong>a blood vessel is recorded with the help <strong>of</strong>twowireloopsbywhichthevesselissuspendedunder tension.Experimentation on isolated organs <strong>of</strong>fersseveral advantages:1. The drug concentration in the tissue isusually known.2. Reduced complexity and ease <strong>of</strong> relatingstimulus and effect.3. It is possible to circumvent compensatoryresponses that may partially cancel theprimary effect in the intact organism; forexample, the heart rate-increasing action<strong>of</strong> norepinephrine cannot be demonstratedin the intact organism because asimultaneous rise in blood pressure elicitsa counterregulatory reflex that slows cardiacrate.4. The ability to examine a drug effect overits full range <strong>of</strong> intensities; for example, itwouldbeimpossibleintheintactorganismto follow negative chronotropic effectsto the point <strong>of</strong> cardiac arrest.Disadvantages are:1. Unavoidable tissue injury during dissection.2. Loss <strong>of</strong> physiological regulation <strong>of</strong> functionin the isolated tissue.3. The artificial milieu imposed on the tissue.These drawbacks are less important if isolatedorgan systems are used merely forcomparing the potency <strong>of</strong> different substances.The use <strong>of</strong> isolated cells <strong>of</strong>fers a furthersimplification <strong>of</strong> the test system. Thus, quantitation<strong>of</strong> certain drug effects can beachieved with particular ease in cell cultures.A more marked “reduction” consists in theuse <strong>of</strong> isolated subcellular structures, such asplasma membranes, endoplasmic reticulum,or lysosomes. With increasing reduction, extrapolationto the intact organism becomesmore dif cult and less certain. Concentration–Effect Curves (B)As the concentration is raised by a constantfactor, the increment in effect diminishessteadily and tends asymptotically towardzero the closer one comes to the maximallyeffective concentration. The concentration atwhich a maximal effect occurs cannot bemeasured accurately; however, that elicitinga half-maximal effect (EC 50 ) is readily determined.This typically corresponds to the inflectionpoint <strong>of</strong> the concentration–responsecurve in a semi-logarithmic plot (log concentrationon abscissa). Full characterization <strong>of</strong> aconcentration–effect relationship requiresdetermination <strong>of</strong> the EC 50 , the maximallypossible effect (E max ), and the slope at thepoint <strong>of</strong> inflection.

Concentration–Effect Relationship 55A. Measurement <strong>of</strong> effect as a function <strong>of</strong> concentrationPortal veinMesenteric arteryCoronaryarteryBasilararterySaphenousveinVasoconstrictionActive tension1 min1251020Drug concentration304050100B. Concentration–effect relationship5040302010Effect(in mm <strong>of</strong> registration unit,e.g., tension developed%10080604020Effect(% <strong>of</strong> maximum effect)10 20 30 40 50Concentration (linear)110 100Concentration (logarithmic)

56 Drug–Receptor Interaction Concentration–Binding CurvesIn order to elicit their effect, drug moleculesmust be bound to the cells <strong>of</strong> the effectororgan. Binding commonly occurs at specificcell structures, namely, the receptors. Theanalysis <strong>of</strong> drug binding to receptors aimsto determine the af nity <strong>of</strong> ligands, the kinetics<strong>of</strong> interaction, and the characteristics<strong>of</strong> the binding site itself.In studying the af nity and number <strong>of</strong>such binding sites, use is made <strong>of</strong> membranesuspensions <strong>of</strong> different tissues. This approachis based on the expectation thatbinding sites will retain their characteristicproperties during cell homogenization.Provided that binding sites are freely accessiblein the medium in which membranefragments are suspended, drug concentrationat the “site <strong>of</strong> action” will equal that inthe medium. The drug under study is radiolabeled(enabling low concentrations to bemeasured quantitatively), added to themembrane suspension, and allowed to bindto receptors. Membrane fragments and mediumare then separated, e. g., by filtration,and the amount <strong>of</strong> bound drug (ligand) ismeasured. Binding increases in proportionto concentration as long as there is a negligiblereduction in the number <strong>of</strong> free bindingsites (c ≈ 1and B ≈ 10% <strong>of</strong> maximumbinding; c ≈ 2andB ≈ 20%). As binding sitesapproach saturation, the number <strong>of</strong> free sitesdecreases and the increment in binding is nolonger proportional to the increase in concentration(in the example illustrated, anincrease in concentration by 1 is needed toincrease binding from 10% to 20%; however,an increase by 20 is needed to raise it from70% to 80%).The law <strong>of</strong> mass action describes the hyperbolicrelationship between binding (B)andligandconcentration(c). This relationshipis characterized by the drug’s af nity (1/K D ) and the maximum binding (B max ), i. e.,the total number <strong>of</strong> binding sites per unit <strong>of</strong>weight <strong>of</strong> membrane homogenate.B = Bmaxcc + KDK D is the equilibrium dissociation constantand corresponds to that ligand concentrationat which 50% <strong>of</strong> binding sites are occupied.The values given in (A) andusedforplotting the concentration–binding graph(B) resultwhenK D =10.The differing af nity <strong>of</strong> different ligandsfor a binding site can be demonstrated elegantlyby binding assays. Although simple toperform, these binding assays pose the dif -culty <strong>of</strong> correlating unequivocally the bindingsites concerned with the pharmacologicaleffect; this is particularly dif cult whenmore than one population <strong>of</strong> binding sites ispresent. Therefore, receptor binding mustnotbeassumeduntilitcanbeshownthat: Binding is saturable (saturability). The only substances bound are those possessingthe same pharmacological mechanism<strong>of</strong> action (specificity). Binding af nity <strong>of</strong> different substances iscorrelated with their pharmacological potency.Binding assays provide information aboutthe af nity <strong>of</strong> ligands, but they do not giveany clue as to whether a ligand is an agonistor antagonist (p. 60).Radiolabeled drugs bound to their receptorsmay be <strong>of</strong> help in purifying and analyzingfurther the receptor protein.

Concentration–Binding Curves 57A. Measurement <strong>of</strong> binding (B) as a function <strong>of</strong> concentration (c)OrgansAddition <strong>of</strong>radiolabeleddrug indifferentconcentrationsHomogenizatonMembranesuspensionMixing and incubationCentrifugationDetermination<strong>of</strong> radioactivityc = 1 c = 2 c = 5B = 10% B = 20% B = 30%c = 10 c = 20 c = 40B = 50% B = 70% B = 80%B. Concentration–binding relationship% Binding (B)100%100Binding (B)808060604040202010 20 30 40 50Concentration (linear)110Concentration (logarithmic)100

58 Drug–Receptor Interaction Types <strong>of</strong> Binding ForcesUnless a drug comes into contact with intrinsicstructures <strong>of</strong> the body, it cannot affectbody function.Covalent BondingTwo atoms enter a covalent bond if eachdonatesanelectrontoasharedelectronpair(cloud). This state is depicted in structuralformulas by a dash. The covalent bond is“firm,” that is, not reversible or poorly so.Few drugs are covalently bound to biologicalstructures. The bond, and possibly the effect,persist for a long time after intake <strong>of</strong> a drughas been discontinued, making therapy difficultto control. Examples include alkylatingcytostatics (p. 300) or organophosphates(p. 311). Conjugation reactions occurring inbiotransformation also represent covalentlinkages (e. g., to glucuronic acid).Noncovalent BondingIn noncovalent bonding there is no formation<strong>of</strong> a shared electron pair. The bond isreversible and is typical <strong>of</strong> most drug–receptorinteractions. Since a drug usually attachesto its site <strong>of</strong> action by multiple contacts,several <strong>of</strong> the types <strong>of</strong> bonds describedbelow may participate.Electrostatic attraction (A). A positive and anegative charge attract each other.Ionic interaction: An ion is a particlecharged either positively (cation) or negatively(anion), i. e., the atom is deficient inelectrons or has surplus electrons, respectively.Attraction between ions <strong>of</strong> oppositecharge is inversely proportional to thesquare <strong>of</strong> the distance between them; it isthe initial force drawing a charged drug to itsbinding site. Ionic bonds have a relativelyhigh stability.Dipole–ion interaction: When bondingelectrons are asymmetrically distributedover the atomic nuclei involved, one atomwill bear a negative (δ – ), and its partner apositive (δ + ) partial charge. The moleculethuspresentsapositiveandanegativepole,i. e., it has polarity or is a dipole. A partialcharge can interact electrostatically with anion <strong>of</strong> opposite charge.Dipole-dipole interaction is the electrostaticattraction between opposite partialcharges. When a hydrogen atom bearing apartial positive charge bridges two atomsbearing partial negative charges, a hydrogenbond is created.van der Waals bonds (B) are formed betweenapolar molecular groups that havecome into close proximity. Spontaneoustransient distortion <strong>of</strong> electron clouds (momentaryfaint dipole, δδ) mayinduceanoppositedipole in the neighboring molecule.The van der Waals bond, therefore, is also aform <strong>of</strong> electrostatic attraction, albeit <strong>of</strong> verylow strength (inversely proportional to 7thpower <strong>of</strong> distance).Hydrophobic interaction (C). The attractionbetween the water dipoles is strong enoughto hinder intercalation <strong>of</strong> any apolar (uncharged)molecules. By tending toward eachother, H 2 O molecules squeeze apolar particlesfrom their midst. Accordingly, in theorganism, apolar particles such as fatty acidchains <strong>of</strong> cell membranes or apolar regions<strong>of</strong> a receptor have an increased probability <strong>of</strong>remaining in nonaqueous, apolar surroundings.

Types <strong>of</strong> Binding Forces 59A. Electrostatic attractionDrug + Binding site ComplexHOD + N50 nm– O P OH HOHHOD + N – O P OH H OHIonIonIonic bondDOHδ – δ + δ – δ + δ – δ + δ – δ + δ +1,5 nm– OOPODOH– OOPOOHOHDipole (permanent)IonD O HD = DrugDipoleB. van der Waals’ bondingδ –0,5 nm Oδ + HDipoleDOHHydrogen bondδ –OH− Oapolar particle in polar solvent ( H O) 2 CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2δδ + CH 2δδ – CH 2δδ – CH 2δδ + CH 2CH δδ – 2CH δδ + 2CH δδ +2CH δδ –2DDInducedtransientfluctuating dipolesC. Hydrophobic interactionδ +H H“Repulsion” <strong>of</strong> apolarδpolarPhospholipid membraneApolaracyl chainInsertion in apolar membrane interiorAdsorptionto apolar surface

60 Drug–Receptor Interaction Agonists—AntagonistsAn agonist (A) has af nity (tendency to adhere)for a receptor and affects the receptorprotein in such a manner as to cause achange in cell function—“intrinsic activity.”The biological effect <strong>of</strong> the agonist (i. e., thechange in cell function) depends on the effectiveness<strong>of</strong> signal transduction steps(p. 66) associated with receptor activation.The maximal effect <strong>of</strong> an agonist may alreadyoccur when only a fraction <strong>of</strong> the availablereceptors is occupied (B, agonist A).Another agonist (agonist B), possessingequal af nity but less ability to activate thereceptor and the associated signal transductionsteps (i. e., less intrinsic activity), willproduce a smaller maximal effect even if allreceptors are occupied—smaller ef cacy.Agonist B is a partial agonist. Thepotency<strong>of</strong> an agonist is characterized by the concentration(EC 50 ) at which a half-maximal effectis attained.Antagonists (A) attenuate the effect <strong>of</strong>agonists: they act “antiagonistically.” Competitiveantagonists possess af nity for thereceptors, but their binding does not elicit achange in cell function. In other words, theyare devoid <strong>of</strong> intrinsic activity. When presentsimultaneously, an agonist and a competitiveantagonist vie for occupancy <strong>of</strong> the receptor.The af nities and concentrations <strong>of</strong>both competitors determine whether binding<strong>of</strong> agonist or antagonist predominates.By increasing the concentration <strong>of</strong> the agonist,blockade induced by an antagonist canbe surmounted (C): that is, the concentration–effectcurve <strong>of</strong> the agonist is shifted“right”—to higher concentrations—withpreservation <strong>of</strong> the maximal effect. Models <strong>of</strong> the Molecular Mechanism<strong>of</strong> Agonist/Antagonist Action (A)Agonist induces an active conformation.The agonist binds to the inactive receptorand thereby causes the resting conformationto change into the active state. The antagonistattaches to the inactive receptor withoutaltering its conformation.Agonist stabilizes spontaneously occurringactive conformation. The receptor mayspontaneously “flip” into the active conformation.Usually, however, the statisticalprobability<strong>of</strong>suchaneventissosmallthata spontaneous excitation <strong>of</strong> the cells remainsundetectable. Selective binding <strong>of</strong> the agonistcan occur only to the active conformationand thus favors the existence <strong>of</strong> thisstate. The antagonist shows af nity only forthe inactive state, promoting existence <strong>of</strong> thelatter. If the system has little spontaneousactivity, no measurable effect will resultfrom adding an antagonist. However, if thesystem displays high spontaneous activity,the antagonist is liable to produce an effectopposite to that <strong>of</strong> an agonist: inverse agonist.A “true” antagonist without intrinsicactivity (“neutral antagonist”) displays equalaf nity for the active and inactive conformations<strong>of</strong> the receptor and does not interferewith the basal activity <strong>of</strong> the cell. Accordingto this model, a partial agonist haslessselectivityfor the active state; however, to acertainextentitbindsalsototheinactivestate. Other Forms <strong>of</strong> AntagonismAllosteric antagonism. The antagonist isbound outside the agonist’s site <strong>of</strong> attachmentat the receptor and induces a decreasein agonist af nity. The latter is increased inthecase<strong>of</strong>allosteric synergism.Functional antagonism. Two agonists actingvia different receptors affect the same variable(e. g., luminal diameter <strong>of</strong> bronchi) inopposite directions (epinephrine † dilation;histamine † constriction).

EC 50EC 50Agonists—Antagonists 61A. Molecular mechanisms <strong>of</strong> drug–receptor interactionAgonistAntagonist AntagonistAgonistRare spontaneoustransitionReceptorinactiveactiveAgonistinduces activeconformation <strong>of</strong>receptor proteinAntagonistoccupiesreceptorwithout effectsAntagonistselects inactivereceptorconformationAgonistselects activereceptorconformationB. Potency and efficacy <strong>of</strong> agonistsAgonist AReceptorsIncrease in tensionReceptor occupationEfficacyConcentration (log) <strong>of</strong> agonistSmooth-muscle cellAgonist BPotencyC. Competitive antagonismAgonist effect0 1 10 100 1000 10 000Concentration<strong>of</strong>antagonistAgonist concentration (log)

62 Drug–Receptor Interaction Enantioselectivity <strong>of</strong> Drug ActionMany drugs are racemates, including β-blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatoryagents, as well as the anticholinergic benzetimide(A). A racemate consists <strong>of</strong> a moleculeand its corresponding mirror image which,like the left and right hands, cannot besuperimposed. Such chiral (“handed”) pairs<strong>of</strong> molecules are referred to as enantiomers.Typically, chirality is due to a single carbon(C) atom bonded to four different substituents(asymmetric carbon atom). Enantiomerismis a special case <strong>of</strong> stereoisomerism.Nonchiral stereoisomers are called diastereomers(e. g., quinidine/quinine).Bond lengths in enantiomers, but not necessarilydiastereomers, are the same. Therefore,enantiomers possess similar physicochemicalproperties (e. g., solubility, meltingpoint) and both forms are usuallyobtained in equal amounts by chemical synthesis.As a result <strong>of</strong> enzymatic activity, however,only one <strong>of</strong> the enantiomers is usuallyfound in nature.In solution, enantiomers rotate the plane<strong>of</strong> oscillation <strong>of</strong> linearly polarized light inopposite directions; hence they are referredto as “dextro-rotatory” or “levo-rotatory,”designated by the prefixes d- or(+)-andlor(–)-, respectively. The direction <strong>of</strong> rotationgives no clue concerning the spatial structure<strong>of</strong> enantiomers. The absolute configuration,as determined by certain rules, isdescribed by the prefixes (S)- and (R)-. Insome compounds, designation as the D-and L-forms is possible by reference to thestructure <strong>of</strong> D- andL-glyceraldehyde.For drugs to exert biological actions, contactwith reaction partners in the body isrequired. When the reaction favors one <strong>of</strong>the enantiomers, enantioselectivity is observed.<strong>of</strong> the enantiomers will have optimal fit. Itsaf nity will then be higher. Thus, dexetimidedisplays an af nity at the muscarinic AChreceptors almost 10 000 times (p.104) that<strong>of</strong> levetimide;andatβ-adrenoceptors (S)-(–)-propranolol has an af nity 100 times that <strong>of</strong>the (R)-(+) form.Enantioselectivity <strong>of</strong> intrinsic activity. Themode <strong>of</strong> attachment at the receptor also determineswhether an effect is elicited; andwhether or not a substance has intrinsic activity,i. e., acts as an agonist or antagonist.For instance, (–)-dobutamine is an agonist atβ-adrenoceptors, whereas the (+)-enantiomeris an antagonist.Inverse enantioselectivity at another receptor.An enantiomer may possess an unfavorableconfiguration at one receptor thatmay, however, be optimal for interactionwith another receptor. In the case <strong>of</strong> dobutamine,the (+)-enantiomer has af nity at β-adrenoceptors that is 10 times higher thanthat <strong>of</strong> the (–)-enantiomer, both having agonistactivity. However, the α-adrenoceptorstimulant action is due to the (–)-form (seeabove).As described for receptor interactions,enantioselectivity may also be manifestedin drug interactions with enzymes andtransport proteins. Enantiomers may displaydifferent af nities and reaction velocities.Conclusion. The enantiomers <strong>of</strong> a racematecan differ suf ciently in their pharmacodynamicand pharmacokinetic properties toconstitute two distinct drugs.Enantioselectivity <strong>of</strong> af nity. If a receptorhas sites for three <strong>of</strong> the substituents (symbolizedin B by a cone, sphere, and cube) onthe asymmetric carbon to attach to, only one

Enantioselectivity <strong>of</strong> Drug Action 63A. Example <strong>of</strong> an enantiomeric pair with different affinitiesfor a stereoselective receptorRACEMATEBenzetimideENANTIOMERDexetimideHO N ON CH 2Ratio1 : 1CH 2ENANTIOMERLevetimideHO N ONPhysicochemical properties:Equal+ 125°(Dextrorotatory)Defection <strong>of</strong> polarized light:[α] 20D– 125°(Levorotatory)S = sinisterAbsolute configurationR = rectusca. 10 000 Potency (rel. affinity at m-ACh-receptors)1B. Reasons for different pharmacological properties <strong>of</strong> enantiomersCCEnzymeTransport proteinAffinityA ffinityReceptorReceptorEnzymeTransportproteinPharmacodynamicpropertiesIntrinsicactivityTurnoverratePharmacokineticproperties

64 Drug–Receptor Interaction Receptor TypesReceptors are macromolecules that operateto bind mediator substances and transducethis binding into an effect, i. e., a change incell function. Receptors differ in terms <strong>of</strong>their structure and the manner in whichthey translate occupancy by a ligand into acellular response (signal transduction).G-Protein coupled receptors (A) consist<strong>of</strong> an amino acid chain that weaves in andout <strong>of</strong> the membrane in serpentine fashion.The extramembranal loop regions <strong>of</strong> themolecule may possess sugar residues at differentN-glycosylation sites. The seven α-helical membrane-spanning domains probablyform a circle around a central pocketthat carries the attachment sites for the mediatorsubstance. Binding <strong>of</strong> the mediatormolecule or <strong>of</strong> a structurally related agonistmolecule induces a change in the conformation<strong>of</strong> the receptor protein, enabling thelattertointeractwithaG-protein(=guanylnucleotide-binding protein). G-proteins lieat the inner leaf <strong>of</strong> the plasmalemma andconsist <strong>of</strong> three subunits designated α, β,and γ. There are various G-proteins that differmainly with regard to their α-unit. Associationwith the receptor activates theG-protein,leadinginturntoactivation<strong>of</strong>another protein (enzyme, ion channel). Alarge number <strong>of</strong> mediator substances actvia G-protein-coupled receptors (see p. 66for more details).An example <strong>of</strong> a ligand-gated ion channel(B) is the nicotinic cholinoceptor <strong>of</strong> themotor end plate. The receptor complex consists<strong>of</strong> five subunits, each <strong>of</strong> which containsfour transmembrane domains. Simultaneousbinding <strong>of</strong> two acetylcholine (ACh) moleculesto the two α-subunits results in opening<strong>of</strong> the ion channel with entry <strong>of</strong> Na + (andexit <strong>of</strong> some K + ), membrane depolarization,and triggering <strong>of</strong> an action potential (p.186).The neuronal N-cholinoceptors apparentlyconsist only <strong>of</strong> α- andβ-subunits. Some <strong>of</strong>the receptors for the transmitter γ-aminobutyricacid (GABA) belong to this receptorfamily: the GABA A subtype is linked to achloride channel (and also to a benzodiazepinebinding site, see p. 223). Glutamate andglycine both act via ligand-gated ion channels.The insulin receptor protein represents aligand-operated enzyme (C), a catalytic receptor.When insulin binds to the extracellularattachment site, a tyrosine kinase activityis “switched on” at the intracellularportion. Protein phosphorylation leads to alteredcell function via the assembly <strong>of</strong> othersignal proteins. Receptors for growth hormonesalso belong to the catalytic receptorclass.Protein synthesis regulating receptors(D) for steroids and thyroid hormone arefound in the cytosol and in the cell nucleus,respectively. The receptor proteins are locatedintracellularly; depending on the hormone,either in the cytosol (e. g., glucocorticoids,mineralocorticoids, androgens, andgestagens) or in the cell nucleus (e. g., estrogens,thyroid hormone). Binding <strong>of</strong> hormoneexposes a normally hidden domain <strong>of</strong> thereceptor protein, thereby permitting the latterto bind to a particular DNA nucleotidesequence on a gene and to regulate its transcription.The ligand–receptor complexesthus function as transcription regulating factors.Transcription is usually initiated or enhanced,rarely blocked.The hormone–receptor complexes interactpairwise with DNA. These pairs (dimers)may consist <strong>of</strong> two identical hormone–receptorcomplexes (homodimeric form, e. g.,with adrenal or gonadal hormones). The thyroidhormone–receptor complex occurs inheterodimeric form and combines with acis-retinoic acid-receptor complex.

Receptor Types 65A. G-Protein-coupled receptorAmino acids-NH 2AgonistH 2 N3 4 5 6 7COOH34576G-ProteinCOOHEffector proteinα-HelicesTransmembrane domainsEffectB. Ligand-gated ion channel C. Ligand-regulated enzymeNa +InsulinAChγαδαβK +Na + K +AChNicotinicacetylcholinereceptorSubunitconsisting <strong>of</strong>four transmembranedomainsD. Protein synthesis-regulating receptorSS S S SSTyrosine kinasePhosphorylation <strong>of</strong>tyrosine residues in proteinsSteroidHormoneCytosolDNAReceptorNucleusmRNATranscriptionTranslationProteinHomodimericreceptors:glucocorticoidsmineralocorticoidsandrogensgestagensestrogensHeterodimericreceptors withcis-retinoic acid:triiodothyroninevitamin Dall-trans-retinoic acideicosanoids

66 Drug–Receptor Interaction Mode <strong>of</strong> Operation <strong>of</strong> G- ProteincoupledReceptorsSignal transduction at G-protein coupled receptorsuses essentially the same basicmechanism (A). Agonist binding to the receptorleads to a change in receptor proteinconformation. This change propagates to theG-protein: the α-subunit exchanges GDP forGTP, then dissociates from the two othersubunits, associates with an effector proteinand alters its functional state. In principle,the β-andγ-subunits are also able to interactwith effector proteins. The α-subunit slowlyhydrolyses bound GTP to GDP. G α -GDP hasno af nity for the effector protein and reassociateswith the β- andγ-subunits (A). G-proteins can undergo lateral diffusion in themembrane; they are not assigned to individualreceptor proteins. However, a relationexists between receptor types and G-proteintypes (B). Furthermore, the α-subunits <strong>of</strong> individualG-proteins are distinct in terms <strong>of</strong>their af nity for different effector proteins,as well as the kind <strong>of</strong> influence exerted onthe effector protein. G α -GTP <strong>of</strong> the G s -proteinstimulates adenylate cyclase, while G α -GTP <strong>of</strong> the G i -protein is inhibitory. TheG-protein-coupled receptor family includesmuscarinic cholinoceptors, adrenoceptorsfor norepinephrine and epinephrine, as wellas receptors for dopamine, histamine, serotonin,glutamate, GABA, morphine, prostaglandins,leukotrienes, and many other mediatorsand hormones.Major effector proteins for G-proteincoupledreceptors include adenylate cyclase(ATP † intracellular messenger cAMP),phospholipase C (phosphatidylinositol †intracellular messengers inositol trisphosphateand diacylglycerol) as well as ionchannel proteins (B). Numerous cell functionsare regulated by cellular cAMP concentration,because cAMP enhances activity <strong>of</strong>protein kinase A, which catalyzes the transfer<strong>of</strong> phosphate groups onto functional proteins.Elevation <strong>of</strong> cAMP levels leads interalia to relaxation <strong>of</strong> smooth muscle tonus,enhanced contractility <strong>of</strong> cardiac muscle, aswell as increased glycogenolysis and lipolysis(p. 88). Phosphorylation <strong>of</strong> cardiac calciumchannel proteins increases the probability<strong>of</strong> channel opening during membranedepolarization. It should be noted that cAMPis inactivated by phosphodiesterase. Inhibitors<strong>of</strong> this enzyme elevate intracellularcAMP concentration and elicit effects resemblingthose <strong>of</strong> epinephrine.The receptor protein itself may undergophosphorylation, with a resultant loss <strong>of</strong> itsability to activate the associated G-protein.This is one <strong>of</strong> the mechanisms that contributeto a decrease in sensitivity <strong>of</strong> a cell duringprolonged receptor stimulation by anagonist (desensitization).Activation <strong>of</strong> phospholipase C leads tocleavage <strong>of</strong> the membrane phospholipidphosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate intoinositol trisphosphate (IP 3 )anddiacylglycerol(DAG). IP 3 promotes release <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+from storage organelles, whereby contraction<strong>of</strong> smooth muscle cells, breakdown <strong>of</strong>glycogen, or exocytosis may be initiated.DAG stimulates protein kinase C, whichphosphorylates certain serine- or threonine-containingenzymes.Certain G-proteins can induce opening <strong>of</strong>channel proteins. In this way, potassiumchannels can be activated (e. g., acetylcholineeffect on sinus node, p.104; opioid effect onneural impulse transmission, p. 208).

G-Protein-coupled Receptors 67A. G-Protein-mediated effect <strong>of</strong> an agonistReceptor G-Protein Effector protein Agonistαβ βγ α γGDPGTPβγαβγαB. G-Proteins, cellular messenger substances, and effectsG sATPAdenylate cyclase+ -cAMPProtein kinase APhosphorylation <strong>of</strong>functional proteinsG ie.g., Relaxation<strong>of</strong> smooth muscle,glycogenolysis,lipolysis, Ca-channelactivationCa 2+Phospholipase CActivationIP 3PPPPhosphorylation<strong>of</strong> enzymesDAGProtein kinase Ce.g., Contraction<strong>of</strong> smooth muscle,glandularsecretionFacilitation<strong>of</strong> ionchannelopeningTransmembraneion movementsEffect on:e.g., Membraneaction potential,homeostasis <strong>of</strong>cellular ions

68 Drug–Receptor Interaction Time Course <strong>of</strong> Plasma Concentrationand EffectAfter the administration <strong>of</strong> a drug, its concentrationin plasma rises, reaches a peak,and then declines gradually to the startinglevel, owing to the processes <strong>of</strong> distributionand elimination (p. 46). Plasma concentrationat a given point in time depends onthe dose administered. Many drugs exhibita linear relationship between plasma concentrationand dose within the therapeuticrange (dose-linear kinetics [A]; note differentscales on ordinate). However, the samedoes not apply to drugs whose eliminationprocesses are already suf ciently activatedat therapeutic plasma levels so as to precludefurther proportional increases in therate <strong>of</strong> elimination when the concentrationis increased further. Under these conditions,a smaller proportion <strong>of</strong> the dose administeredis eliminated per unit time.A model example <strong>of</strong> this behavior is theelimination <strong>of</strong> ethanol (p. 44). Because themetabolizing enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase,is already saturated at low ethanolconcentrations, only the same amount perunit time is broken down despite rising concentrations.The time courses <strong>of</strong> the effect and <strong>of</strong> theconcentration in plasma are not identical,because the concentration–effect relationshipis complex (e. g., with a threshold phenomenon)and <strong>of</strong>ten obeys a hyperbolicfunction (B; cf. p. 54). This means that thetime course <strong>of</strong> the effect exhibits dose dependencealso in the presence <strong>of</strong> dose-linearkinetics (C).Inthelowerdoserange(example1),theplasma level passes through a concentrationrange (0–0.9) in which the change in concentrationstill correlates quasi-linearly withthechangeineffect.Thetimecourses<strong>of</strong>theconcentration in plasma and the effect (Aand C, left graphs) are very similar. However,after a high dose (100), the plasma level willremain in a concentration range (between90 and 20) where changes in concentrationdo not evoke significant changes in effect.Accordingly, the time–effect curve displaysa kind <strong>of</strong> plateau after high doses (100). Theeffect only begins to wane after the plasmalevel has fallen to a range (below 20) inwhich changes in plasma level are reflectedin the intensity <strong>of</strong> the effect.The dose-dependence <strong>of</strong> the time course<strong>of</strong> the drug effect is exploited when the duration<strong>of</strong> the effect is to be prolonged byadministration <strong>of</strong> a dose in excess <strong>of</strong> thatrequired for the effect. This is done in thecase <strong>of</strong> penicillin G (p. 270), when a dosinginterval <strong>of</strong> 8 hours is recommended althoughthe drug is eliminated with a halflife<strong>of</strong> 30 minutes. This procedure is, <strong>of</strong>course, feasible only if supramaximal dosingis not associated with toxic effects.It follows that a nearly constant effect canbe achieved, although the plasma level mayfluctuate greatly during the interval betweendoses.The hyperbolic relationship between plasmaconcentration and effect explains whythetimecourse<strong>of</strong>theeffect,unlikethat<strong>of</strong>the plasma concentration, cannot be describedin terms <strong>of</strong> a simple exponentialfunction. A half-life can only be given forthe processes <strong>of</strong> drug absorption and elimination,hence the change in plasma levels,butgenerallynotfortheonsetordecline<strong>of</strong>the effect.

Plasma Concentration and Effect 69A. Dose-linear kinetics (note different ordinates)1,00,5Concentrationt 1 2105Concentration50t 1 2100Concentrationt 1 20,1110Dose = 1TimeDose = 10TimeDose = 100TimeB. Concentration–effect relationship100Effect500Concentration110 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100C. Dose dependence <strong>of</strong> the time course <strong>of</strong> effectEffect100100Effect100Effect505050101010TimeTimeTimeDose = 1Dose = 10Dose = 100

70 Adverse Drug Effects Undesirable Drug Effects,Side EffectsThe desired (or intended) principal effect <strong>of</strong>anydrugistomodifybodyfunctioninsuchamanner as to alleviate symptoms caused bythe patient’s illness. In addition, a drug mayalso elicit unwanted effects that in turn maycause complaints, provoke illness, or evenlead to death.Causes <strong>of</strong> Adverse EffectsOverdosage (A). The drug is administered ina higher dose than is required for the principaleffect; this directly or indirectly affectsother body functions.For instance, morphine (p. 208), given inthe appropriate dose, affords excellent painrelief by influencing nociceptive pathways inthe CNS. In excessive doses, it inhibits therespiratory center and makes apnea imminent.The dose-dependence <strong>of</strong> both effectscanbegraphedintheform<strong>of</strong>dose–responsecurves (DRCs). The distance between the twoDRCs indicates the difference between thetherapeutic and toxic doses. This margin <strong>of</strong>safety (“therapeutic index”) indicates therisk <strong>of</strong> toxicity when standard doses are exceeded.It should be noted that, apart from theamount administered, the rate <strong>of</strong> drug deliveryis important. The faster blood levels rise,the higher concentrations will climb (p. 49).Rather than being required therapeutically,the initial concentration peak following i.v.injection <strong>of</strong> morphinelike agents causes sideeffects (intoxication and respiratory depression,p. 208).“Thedosealonemakesthepoison”(Paracelsus).This holds true for both medicinesand environmental poisons. No substance assuch is toxic! In order to assess the risk <strong>of</strong>toxicity, knowledge is required <strong>of</strong>: (1) theeffective dose during exposure; (2) the doselevel at which damage is likely to occur.Increased sensitivity (B). If certain bodyfunctions develop hyperreactivity, unwantedeffects can occur even at normaldose levels. Increased sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the respiratorycenter to morphine is found in patientswith chronic lung disease, in neonates,or during concurrent exposure to other respiratorydepressant agents. The DRC isshifted to the left and a smaller dose <strong>of</strong> morphineis suf cient to paralyze respiration.Genetic anomalies <strong>of</strong> metabolism may alsolead to hypersensitivity (pharmacogenetics,p. 78). The above forms <strong>of</strong> hypersensitivitymust be distinguished from allergies involvingthe immune system (p. 72).Lack <strong>of</strong> selectivity (C). Despite appropriatedosing and normal sensitivity, undesired effectscan occur because the drug does notspecifically act on the targeted (diseased)tissue or organ. For instance, the anticholinergicatropine is bound only to acetylcholinereceptors<strong>of</strong>themuscarinictype;however,these are present in many different organs.Moreover, the neuroleptic chlorpromazine isable to interact with several different receptortypes. Thus, its action is neither organspecificnor receptor-specific.The consequences <strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> selectivity can<strong>of</strong>ten be avoided if the drug does not requirethe blood route to reach the target organ butis, instead, applied locally, as in the administration<strong>of</strong> parasympatholytics in the form<strong>of</strong> eye drops or in an aerosol for inhalation.Side effects that arise as a consequence <strong>of</strong>aknownmechanism<strong>of</strong>actionareplausibleand the connection with drug ingestion issimple to recognize. It is more dif cult todetect unwanted effects that arise from anunknown action. Some compelling examples<strong>of</strong> these include fetal damage after intake <strong>of</strong>a hypnotic (thalidomide), pulmonary hypertensionafter appetite depressants, and fibrosisafter antimigraine drugs.With every drug use, unwanted effectsmust be taken into account. Before prescribinga drug, the physician should therefore doa risk–benefit analysis.

Undesirable Drug Effects 71A. Adverse drug effect: overdosingDecrease in painperception(nociception)MorphineEffectDecrease inNociception RespiratoryactivitySafetymarginRespiratory depressionMorphineoverdoseDoseB. Adverse drug effect: increased sensitivityIncreasedsensitivity <strong>of</strong>respiratorycenterEffectSafetymarginNormaldoseDoseC. Adverse drug effect: lacking selectivityAtropinee.g., Chlorpromazine5-HTreceptormAChreceptorReceptor specificitybut lackingorgan selectivitymAChreceptorAtropineDopaminereceptorα 1 -adrenoceptorHistaminereceptorLacking receptorspecificity

72 Adverse Drug Effects Drug AllergyThe immune system normally functions toinactivate and remove high-molecularweight“foreign” matter taken up by the organism.Immune responses can, however,occur without appropriate cause or with exaggeratedintensity and may harm the organism;for instance, when allergic reactionsare caused by drugs (active ingredient orpharmaceutical excipients). Only a fewdrugs, e. g., (heterologous) proteins, have amolecular weight large enough to act as effectiveantigens or immunogens, capableby themselves <strong>of</strong> initiating an immune response.Most drugs or their metabolites (socalledhaptens) must first be converted to anantigen by linkage to a body protein. In thecase <strong>of</strong> penicillin G, a cleavage product (penicilloylresidue) probably undergoes covalentbinding to protein.During initial contact with the drug, theimmune system is sensitized: antigen-specificlymphocytes <strong>of</strong> the T-type and B-type(antibody formation) proliferate in lymphatictissue and some <strong>of</strong> them remain asso-called memory cells. Usually, these processesremain clinically silent.During the second contact,antibodiesarealready present and memory cells proliferaterapidly. A detectable immune response—theallergic reaction—occurs. This can be <strong>of</strong> severeintensity, even at a low dose <strong>of</strong> theantigen. Four types <strong>of</strong> reactions can be distinguished:Type 1, anaphylactic reaction. Drug-specificantibodies <strong>of</strong> the IgE type combine via theirFc moiety with receptors on the surface <strong>of</strong>mast cells. Binding <strong>of</strong> the drug provides thestimulus for the release <strong>of</strong> histamine andother mediators. In the most severe form, alife-threatening anaphylactic shock develops,accompanied by hypotension, bronchospasm(asthma attack), laryngeal edema, urticaria,stimulation <strong>of</strong> gut musculature, andspontaneous bowel movements (p.118).Type 2, cytotoxic reaction. Drug–antibody(IgG) complexes adhere to the surface <strong>of</strong>blood cells, where either circulating drugmolecules or complexes already formed inblood accumulate. These complexes mediatethe activation <strong>of</strong> complement, a family <strong>of</strong>proteins that circulate in the blood in aninactive form, but can be activated in a cascadelikesuccession by an appropriate stimulus.“Activated complement,” normally directedagainst microorganisms, can destroythe cell membranes and thereby cause celldeath; it also promotes phagocytosis, attractsneutrophil granulocytes (chemotaxis),and stimulates other inflammatory responses.Activation <strong>of</strong> complement on bloodcells results in their destruction, evidencedby hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, andthrombocytopenia.Type 3, immune-complex vasculitis (serumsickness, Arthus reaction). Drug–antibodycomplexes precipitate on vascular walls, complementis activated, and an inflammatoryreaction is triggered. Attracted neutrophils,in a futile attempt to phagocytose the complexes,liberate lysosomal enzymes thatdamage the vascular walls (inflammation,vasculitis). Symptoms may include fever, exanthema,swelling <strong>of</strong> lymph nodes, arthritis,nephritis, and neuropathy.Type 4, contact dermatitis. Acutaneouslyapplied drug is bound to the surface <strong>of</strong>T-lymphocytes directed specifically againstit. The lymphocytes release signal molecules(lymphokines) into their vicinity that activatemacrophages and provoke an inflammatoryreaction.Remarkably, virtually no drug group iscompletely free <strong>of</strong> allergic side effects. However,some chemical structures are prone tocause allergic reactions.

Drug Allergy 73A. Adverse drug effect: allergic reactionReaction <strong>of</strong> immune system to first drug exposureProteinMacromoleculeMW > 10 000Drug(= hapten)AntigenImmunesystem(lymphatictissue)recognizes:“Non-self”Production <strong>of</strong>antibodies(Immunoglobulins)e.g., IgE,IgG, etc.Proliferation <strong>of</strong>antigenspecificlymphocytesDistributionin bodyImmune reaction with repeated drug exposureIgEe.g., NeutrophilicgranulocyteReceptorfor IgEHistamine and other mediatorsUrticaria, asthma, shockType 1 reaction:acute anaphylactic reactionMast cell(tissue)basophilicgranulocyte(blood)IgGComplementactivationType 2 reaction:cytotoxic reactionMembraneinjuryCelldestructionDeposition onvessel wallFormation <strong>of</strong>immune complexesActivation<strong>of</strong>:ContactdermatitisAntigenspecificT-lymphocyteType 3 reaction:Immune complexcomplementandneutrophilsInflammatoryreactionInflammatoryreactionLymphokinesType 4 reaction:lymphocytic delayed reaction

74 Adverse Drug Effects Cutaneous ReactionsUpon systemic distribution, many drugsevoke skin reactions that are caused on animmunological basis. Moreover, cutaneousinjury can also arise from nonimmunologicalmechanisms. Cutaneous side effects vary inseverity from harmless to lethal. Cutaneousreactions are a common form <strong>of</strong> drug adversereaction. Nearly half <strong>of</strong> them are attributedto antibiotics or sulfonamides, and onethirdto nonsteroidal anti-inflammatoryagents, with many other pharmaceuticalsjoining the list.The following clinical pictures are noted: Toxic erythema with a maculopapularrash similar to that <strong>of</strong> measles and scarletfever (B, left).Urticaria with itchy swellingsas part <strong>of</strong> a Type 1 reaction includinganaphylactic shock. Fixed eruptions (drug exanthemas) withmostly few demarcated, painful lesions,usually located in intertriginous skin regions(genital area, mucous membranes).With repeated exposure, these typicallyrecur at the same sites. Steven–Johnson syndrome (SJS, erythemamultiforme) and toxic epidermal necrolysis(TEN or Lyell syndrome) withapoptosis <strong>of</strong> keratinocytes and bullous detachment<strong>of</strong> the epidermis from the dermis.When more than 30% <strong>of</strong> the bodysurface is affected, TEN is present. Itscourse is dramatic and the outcome notrarely fatal.The aforementioned reactions are thought toinvolve the following pathogenetic mechanisms. With penicillins, opening <strong>of</strong> the β-lactambond is possible. The resulting penicilloylgroup binds as a hapten to a protein. Thismay lead to an Ig-E mediated anaphylacticreaction, manifested on the skin asurticaria. Biotransformation via cytochrome oxidasemay yield reactive products. Presumablykeratinocytes are capable <strong>of</strong> suchmetabolic reactions. In this way, thepara-amino group <strong>of</strong> sulfonamides canbe converted into a hydroxyl aminegroup, which then acts as a hapten toinduce a Type 4 reaction in the skin. Fixedmaculopapular lesions are thought toarise on this basis. Pemphiguslike manifestations with formation<strong>of</strong> blisters. The development <strong>of</strong>cutaneous manifestations is not as ominousas in SJS or TEN, the blisters beinglocated intraepidermally. This conditioninvolves the formation <strong>of</strong> autoantibodiesdirected against adhesion proteins (desmogelin)<strong>of</strong> desmosomes, which link keratinocytesto each other. D-Penicillamineand rifampin are inducers <strong>of</strong> the raredrug-associated pemphigus (p. 308). Photosensitivity reactions result fromexposure to sunlight, in particular theUVA component. In phototoxic reactions,drug molecules absorb photic energy andturn into reactive compounds that damageskin cells at their site <strong>of</strong> production. Inphotoallergic reactions, photoreactionproducts bind covalently to proteins ashaptens and trigger Type 4 allergic responses.The type and localization are difficultto predict.

Cutaneous Reactions 75A. Adverse drug effect: cutaneous reactionSunlight (UVA)EpidermalkeratinocytesDermisDrugormetaboliteDrugMetaboliteRadical formationImmune reactionImmune reactionPhototoxicity,SunburnreactionPhotoallergy,Type 4reactionUrticariaPenicilloylgroupe.g., penicillinEdema <strong>of</strong> upper dermisType 1 reactionCH2OC NHS CH3ONHCH3COOHProteinProduction <strong>of</strong> metabolitesin keratinocytesPhotosensitizationPemphiguslikereactionIntraepidermalblistersAutoantibody againstdesmosomal adhesion proteinse.g., penicillamineStevens–Johnson syndrome, TENBlisters at the epidermis/dermisboundarye.g., sulfonamide??Type 4 reactionApoptosis <strong>of</strong> keratinocytesMaculopapular drug exanthema,fixed eruptionCell-mediated immune reactione.g., sulfonamideDrug exanthemaToxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)

76 Adverse Drug Effects Drug Toxicity in Pregnancyand LactationDrugs taken by the mother can be passed ontransplacentally or via breast milk and canadversely affect the unborn or the neonate.Pregnancy (A). Limb malformations inducedby the hypnotic thalidomide (Contergan)first focused attention on the potential <strong>of</strong>drugs to cause malformations (teratogenicity).Drug effects on the unborn fall into twobasic categories:1. Predictable effects that derive from theknown pharmacological drug properties.Examples include masculinization <strong>of</strong> thefemale fetus by androgenic hormones;brain hemorrhage due to oral anticoagulants;bradycardia due to β-blockers.2. Effects that specifically affect the developingorganism and that cannot be predictedon the basis <strong>of</strong> the known pharmacologicalactivity pr<strong>of</strong>ile.In assessing the risks attending drug useduring pregnancy, the following points haveto be considered:a Time <strong>of</strong> drug use. Thepossiblesequelae<strong>of</strong>exposure to a drug depend on the stage <strong>of</strong>fetal development, as shown in (A). Thus,the hazard posed by a drug with a specificaction is limited in time, as illustrated bythe tetracyclines, which produce effectson teeth and bones only after the thirdmonth <strong>of</strong> gestation, when mineralizationbegins.b Transplacental passage. Most drugs canpass in the placenta from the maternalinto the fetal circulation. The syncytiotrophoblastformed by the fusion <strong>of</strong> cytotrophoblastcells represents the major diffusionbarrier. It possesses a higher permeabilityto drugs than suggested by theterm “placental barrier.” Accordingly, allcentrally-acting drugs administered to apregnant woman can easily reach the fetalorganism. Relevant examples includeantiepileptics, anxiolytics, hypnotics, antidepressants,and neuroleptics.c Teratogenicity. Statistical risk estimatesare available for familiar, frequently useddrugs. For many drugs, teratogenic potencycannot be demonstrated; however,inthecase<strong>of</strong>noveldrugsitisusuallynotyet possible to define their teratogenichazard.Drugs with established human teratogenicityinclude derivatives <strong>of</strong> vitamin A (etretinate,isotretinoic acid [used internally in skindiseases]). A peculiar type <strong>of</strong> damage resultsfrom the synthetic estrogenic agent diethylstilbestrolfollowing its use during pregnancy:daughters <strong>of</strong> treated mothers havean increased incidence <strong>of</strong> cervical and vaginalcarcinoma at the age <strong>of</strong> about 20 years.Use <strong>of</strong> this substance in pregnancy wasbanned in the United States in 1971.In assessing the risk–benefit ratio, it is alsonecessary to consider the benefit for thechild resulting from adequate therapeutictreatment <strong>of</strong> its mother. For instance, therapywith antiepileptic drugs is indispensable,because untreated epilepsy endangersthe unborn child at least as much as doesadministration <strong>of</strong> anticonvulsants.Drug withdrawal reactions are liable tooccur in neonates whose mothers are ingestingdrugs <strong>of</strong> abuse or antidepressants <strong>of</strong> theSSRI type (p. 228).Lactation (B). Drugs present in the maternalorganism can be secreted in breast milk andthus be ingested by the infant. Evaluation <strong>of</strong>risksshouldbebasedonfactorslistedinB.Incase <strong>of</strong> doubt, potential danger to the infantcan be averted only by weaning.

Drug Toxicity in Pregnancy and Lactation 77A. Pregnancy: fetal damage due to drugsOvumSpermcells1 day~ 3 daysEndometriumBlastocystAge <strong>of</strong> fetus(weeks)1 21 21238DevelopmentstageNidation Embryo: organdevelopmentFetus:growthandmaturationFetal deathMalformationFunctional disturbancesArteryUterus wallVeinSequelae<strong>of</strong>damageby drugPlacental transfer <strong>of</strong> metabolitesB. Lactation: maternal intake <strong>of</strong> drugsTransfer <strong>of</strong>metabolitesCapillaryFetusSyncytiotrophoblast“Placentalbarrier”To umbilical cordMotherIntervillous spaceDrugTherapeuticeffect inmother?Unwantedeffectin childExtent <strong>of</strong>transfer <strong>of</strong>drug intomilkInfant doseDrug concentration ininfant’s bloodSensitivity <strong>of</strong> site <strong>of</strong> actionDistribution<strong>of</strong> drugin infantRate <strong>of</strong>elimination<strong>of</strong> drugfrom infantEffect

78 Genetic Variation <strong>of</strong> Drug Effects PharmacogeneticsPharmacogenetics is concerned with the geneticvariability <strong>of</strong> drug effects. Differencesin genetic sequences that occur at a frequency<strong>of</strong> at least 1% are designated as polymorphisms.Rare variants are observed inless than 1% <strong>of</strong> a population. Polymorphismsmay either influence the pharmacokinetics<strong>of</strong> a drug (A) or occur in the target genes thatmediate the therapeutic effect <strong>of</strong> drugs (B).Genetic variants <strong>of</strong> pharmacokinetics. Polymorphismscan occur in all genes that participatein the absorption, distribution, biotransformation,and elimination <strong>of</strong> drugs.Subjects who break down a drug moreslowly owing to a genetic defect are classifiedas “slow metabolizers” or poor metabolizers”in contrast to “normal metabolizers.”When delayed biotransformation causes anexcessive rise in plasma levels, the incidence<strong>of</strong>toxiceffectsincreases,asevidencedbytheexample <strong>of</strong> the immunosuppressants azathioprineand mercaptopurine. Both substancesare converted to inactive methylthiopurinesby the enzyme thiopurinemethyltransferase (TMPT). About 10% <strong>of</strong>patients carry a genetic polymorphism thatleads to reduced TMPT activity and in < 1%enzyme activity is undetectable. As a result<strong>of</strong> the diminished purine methylation, theplasma level <strong>of</strong> active drug rises and, hence,the risk <strong>of</strong> toxic bone marrow damage rises.To avoid unwanted toxic effects, TMPT activitycan be determined in erythrocytes beforetherapy with mercaptopurine is started. Infact, TMPT polymorphism is the first pharmacogenetictest to be introduced into clinicalpractice. In patients with complete TMPTdeficiency, the dose <strong>of</strong> azathioprine shouldbe reduced by 90%.Other genetic variants <strong>of</strong> drug metabolismmay have a similar impact: a defect <strong>of</strong> N-acetyltransferase 2 impedes the N-acetylation<strong>of</strong> diverse drugs, including isoniazid,hydralazine, sulfonamides, clonazapam, andnitrazepam. “Slow acetylators” (50–60% <strong>of</strong>the population) are more likely than “fastacetylators” to develop toxic reactions andneuropathy. A genetic defect <strong>of</strong> the cytochromeP450 isozyme CYP2D6 (originallydescribed as debrisoquine–sparteine polymorphism)occurs in ~ 8% <strong>of</strong> Europeans andresults in delayed elimination <strong>of</strong> a variousdrugs, including metoprolol, flecainide, nortriptyline,desipramine, and amitriptyline.Genetic variants <strong>of</strong> pharmacodynamics. Geneticpolymorphisms can also involve genesthat directly or indirectly mediate the effects<strong>of</strong> drugs and, hence, alter pharmacodynamics(B). In these cases, the biological effects <strong>of</strong>a drug are changed, rather than its plasmalevels. The genetic variants <strong>of</strong> β-adrenoceptorsprovide an example. For instance, hypertensivepatients carrying an arginine atamino acid position 389 <strong>of</strong> the β 1 -receptorrespond to metoprolol with a more markedfall in blood pressure than do patients carryinga glycine residue at this position. Sinceβ 1 -blockers have a relatively large margin <strong>of</strong>safety and, as a rule, dosage is determined bythe observed effect, genotyping <strong>of</strong> patientsprior to administration <strong>of</strong> β-blockers wouldappear unnecessary.Future research may be expected to identifynumerous genetic polymorphisms in thetarget molecules <strong>of</strong> drugs. A genetic examinationbefore the start <strong>of</strong> drug therapy willbe a sensible precaution, particularly whendrugs with a narrow margin <strong>of</strong> safety or along half-life are to be used on a fixed dosageregimen.

Pharmacogenetics 79A. Genetic variants <strong>of</strong> pharmacokineticsDrug in plasmaAzathioprine,mercaptopurineTPMTgeneThiopurinemethyltransferaseTPMTmutantTimeEffectDamage tobonemarrowToxic“Normal”metabolizer“Slow”metabolizerTimeB. Genetic variants <strong>of</strong> pharmacodynamicsDrug in plasmaβ 1 -ReceptorantagonistTimeβ 1 -Receptor geneTimeArg389Gly389Desired hypotensiveeffectHypotensive effecttoo smallHypotensive effect

80 Drug- independent Effects Placebo (A)A placebo is a dosage form devoid <strong>of</strong> anactive ingredient—a dummy medication. Administration<strong>of</strong> a placebo may elicit the desiredeffect (relief <strong>of</strong> symptoms) or undesiredeffects that reflect a change in the patient’spsychological situation brought aboutby the therapeutic setting.Physicians may consciously or unconsciouslycommunicate to the patientwhether or not they are concerned aboutthe patient’s problem, or are certain aboutthe diagnosis and about the value <strong>of</strong> prescribedtherapeutic measures. In the care <strong>of</strong>a physician who projects personal warmth,competence, and confidence, the patient inturnfeelscomfortandlessanxietyandoptimisticallyanticipates recovery. The physicalcondition determines the psychic dispositionand vice versa. Consider gravelywounded combatants in war, oblivious totheir injuries while fighting to survive, onlyto experience severe pain in the safety <strong>of</strong> thefield hospital; or the patient with a pepticulcer caused by emotional stress.Clinical trials. In the individual case, it maybe impossible to decide whether therapeuticsuccess is attributable to the drug or to thetherapeutic situation. What is therefore requiredis a comparison <strong>of</strong> the effects <strong>of</strong> adrug and <strong>of</strong> a placebo in matched groups <strong>of</strong>patients by means <strong>of</strong> statistical procedures,i. e., a placebo-controlled trial. For seriousdiseases, the comparison group has to betreated with the best therapy known to date,rather than a placebo. To be acceptable, thetest group receiving the new medicine mustshow a result superior to that <strong>of</strong> the comparisongroup.A prospective trial is planned in advance.A retrospective (case–control) study followspatients backward in time, the decision toanalyze being made only after completion <strong>of</strong>therapy. Patients are randomly allotted totwo groups, namely, the placebo and theactive or test drug group. In a double-blindtrial, neither the patients nor the treatingphysicians know which patient is given drugand which placebo. Finally, a switch fromdrug to placebo and vice versa can be madein a successive phase <strong>of</strong> treatment, the crossovertrial. In this fashion, drug vs. placebocomparisons can be made not only betweentwo patient groups but also within eithergroup.Homeopathy (B) is an alternative method <strong>of</strong>therapy, developed in the 1800s by SamuelHahnemann. His idea was this: when givenin normal (allopathic) dosage, a drug (in thesense<strong>of</strong>medicament)willproduceaconstellation<strong>of</strong> symptoms; however, in a patientwhose disease symptoms resemble justthis mosaic <strong>of</strong> symptoms, the same drug(simile principle) would effect a cure whengiven in a very low dosage (“potentiation”).The body’s self-healing powers were to beproperly activated only by minimal doses <strong>of</strong>the medicinal substance. The homeopath’stask is not to diagnose the causes <strong>of</strong> morbidity,but to find the drug with a “symptompr<strong>of</strong>ile” most closely resembling that <strong>of</strong> thepatient’s illness. This requires in-depth probinginto the patient’s complaints. With theaccompaniment <strong>of</strong> a prescribed (“ritualized”)shaking procedure, the drug is thenhighlydiluted(in10-foldor100-foldseries).No direct action or effect on body functionscan be demonstrated for homeopathicmedicines. Therapeutic success is due to thesuggestive powers <strong>of</strong> the homeopath and theexpectancy <strong>of</strong> the patient. When an illness isstrongly influenced by emotional (psychic)factors and cannot be treated well by allopathicmeans, a case can be made in favor <strong>of</strong>exploiting suggestion as a therapeutic tool.Homeopathy is one <strong>of</strong> several possible methods<strong>of</strong> doing so.

Placebo 81A. Therapeutic effects resulting from physican’s power <strong>of</strong> suggestionConsciousandunconscioussignals:language,facialexpression,gesturesConsciousandunconsciousexpectationsWellbeingcomplaintsMindPlaceboEffect:– wanted– unwantedBodyPhysicianPatientB. Homeopathy: concepts and procedure“Similia similibus curentur”“Drug”Normal, allopathic dosesymptom pr<strong>of</strong>ileDilution“effect reversal”Very low homeopathicdose elimination<strong>of</strong> disease symptomscorresponding to allopathicsymptom “pr<strong>of</strong>ile”“Potentiation”increase in efficacywith progressive dilutionHomeopathPatientPr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> disease symptomsSymptom“pr<strong>of</strong>ile”“Drug diagnosis”StocksolutionDilution1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10Homeopathicremedy (“simile”)D91 1000 000 000

Systems <strong>Pharmacology</strong>Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System 84Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System 102Nicotine 112Biogenic Amines 116Vasodilators 122Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> the Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System 128Drugs Acting on Smooth Muscle 130Cardiac Drugs 132Antianemics 140Antithrombotics 144Plasma Volume Expanders 156Drugs Used in Hyperlipoproteinemias 158Diuretics 162Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Peptic Ulcers 170Laxatives 174Antidiarrheals 180Drugs Acting on the Motor System 182Drugs for the Suppression <strong>of</strong> Pain 194Antipyretic Analgesics 196Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs 200Local Anesthetics 202Opioids 208General Anesthetics 214Psychopharmacologicals 220Hormones 238Antibacterial Drugs 268Antifungal Drugs 284Antiviral Drugs 286Antiparasitic Drugs 292Anticancer Drugs 298Immune Modulators 304Antidotes 308

84 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous SystemInthecourse<strong>of</strong>phylogenyanef cientcontrolsystem evolved that enabled the functions<strong>of</strong> individual organs to be orchestratedin increasingly complex life forms and permittedrapid adaptation to changing environmentalconditions. This regulatory systemconsists <strong>of</strong> the central nervous system(CNS) (brain plus spinal cord) and two separatepathways for two-way communicationwith peripheral organs, namely, the somaticand the autonomic nervous systems. Thesomatic nervous system, comprising exteroceptiveand interoceptive afferents, specialsense organs, and motor efferents, serves toperceive external states and to target appropriatebody movement (sensory perception:threat † response: flight or attack). Theautonomic (vegetative) nervous system(ANS) together with the endocrine systemcontrols the milieu interieur. It adjusts internalorgan functions to the changing needs <strong>of</strong>the organism. Neural control permits veryquick adaptation, whereas the endocrinesystem provides for a long-term regulation<strong>of</strong> functional states. The ANS operates largelybeyond voluntary control: it functionsautonomously. Its central components residein the hypothalamus, brainstem, and spinalcord. The ANS also participates in the regulation<strong>of</strong> endocrine functions.The ANS has sympathetic and parasympathetic(p.102) branches. Both are made up<strong>of</strong> centrifugal (efferent) and centripetal (afferent)nerves. In many organs innervated byboth branches, respective activation <strong>of</strong> thesympathetic and parasympathetic inputevokes opposing responses.In various disease states (organ malfunctions),drugs are employed with the intention<strong>of</strong> normalizing susceptible organ functions.To understand the biological effects <strong>of</strong>substances capable <strong>of</strong> inhibiting or excitingsympathetic or parasympathetic nerves, onemust first envisage the functions subservedby the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions(A, Response to sympathetic activation).In simplistic terms, activation <strong>of</strong> thesympathetic division can be considered ameansbywhichthebodyachievesastate<strong>of</strong> maximal work capacity as required infight-or-flight situations.In both cases, there is a need for vigorousactivity <strong>of</strong> skeletal musculature. To ensureadequate supply <strong>of</strong> oxygen and nutrients,blood flow in skeletal muscle is increased;cardiac rate and contractility are enhanced,resulting in a larger blood volume beingpumped into the circulation. Narrowing <strong>of</strong>splanchnic blood vessels diverts blood intovascular beds in muscle.Because digestion <strong>of</strong> food in the intestinaltract is dispensable and essentially counterproductive,the propulsion <strong>of</strong> intestinal contentsis slowed to the extent that peristalsisdiminishes and sphincters are narrowed.However, in order to increase nutrient supplyto heart and musculature, glucose fromtheliverandfreefattyacidsfromadiposetissue must be released into the blood. Thebronchi are dilated, enabling tidal volumeand alveolar oxygen uptake to be increased.Sweat glands are also innervated by sympatheticfibers (wet palms due to excitement);however, these are exceptional asregards their neurotransmitter (ACh, p.110).The lifestyles <strong>of</strong> modern humans are differentfrom those <strong>of</strong> our hominid ancestors,but biological functions have remained thesame: a “stress”-induced state <strong>of</strong> maximalwork capacity, albeit without energy-consumingmuscle activity.

Sympathetic Nervous System 85A. Response to sympathetic activationCNS:drivealertnessEyes:pupillary dilationSaliva:little, viscousBronchi:dilationSkin:perspiration(cholinergic)Heart:rateforceblood pressureFat tissue:lipolysisfatty acidliberationLiver:glycogenolysisglucose releaseBladder:sphincter tonedetrusor muscleGI tract:peristalsissphincter toneblood flowSkeletal muscle:blood flowglycogenolysis

86 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System Structure <strong>of</strong> the SympatheticNervous SystemThe sympathetic preganglionic neurons(first neurons) project from the intermediolateralcolumn <strong>of</strong> the spinal gray matter tothe paired paravertebral ganglionic chain lyingalongside the vertebral column and tounpaired prevertebral ganglia. Thesegangliarepresent sites <strong>of</strong> synaptic contact betweenpreganglionic axons (1st neurons) andnerve cells (2nd neurons or sympathocytes)that emit axons terminating at postganglionicsynapses (or contacts) on cells invarious end organs. In addition, there arepreganglionic neurons that project either toperipheral ganglia in end organs or to theadrenal medulla.Sympathetic transmitter substances.Whereas acetylcholine (see p.104) servesas the chemical transmitter at ganglionicsynapses between first and second neurons,norepinephrine (noradrenaline) isthe mediator at synapses <strong>of</strong> the second neuron(B). This second neuron does not synapsewith only a single cell in the effectororgan; rather it branches out, each branchmaking en passant contacts with severalcells. At these junctions the nerve axonsform enlargements (varicosities) resemblingbeads on a string. Thus, excitation <strong>of</strong>the neuron leads to activation <strong>of</strong> a largeraggregate <strong>of</strong> effector cells, although the action<strong>of</strong> released norepinephrine may be confinedto the region <strong>of</strong> each junction. Excitation<strong>of</strong> preganglionic neurons innervatingthe adrenal medulla causes liberation <strong>of</strong> acetylcholine.This, in turn, elicits secretion <strong>of</strong>epinephrine (adrenaline) into the blood, bywhich it is distributed to body tissues as ahormone (A). Adrenergic SynapseWithin the varicosities, norepinephrine isstored in small membrane-enclosed vesicles(granules, 0.05–0.2 µm in diameter). In theaxoplasm, norepinephrine is formed by stepwiseenzymatic synthesis from L-tyrosine,which is converted by tyrosine hydroxylaseto L-Dopa (see p.188). L-Dopainturnisdecarboxylatedto dopamine, which is taken upinto storage vesicles by the vesicular monoaminetransporter (VMAT). In the vesicle,dopamine is converted to norepinephrineby dopamine β-hydroxylase. In the adrenalmedulla, the major portion <strong>of</strong> norepinephrineundergoes enzymatic methylation toepinephrine.When stimulated electrically, the sympatheticnerve discharges the contents <strong>of</strong> part<strong>of</strong> its vesicles, including norepinephrine, intothe extracellular space. Liberated norepinephrinereacts with adrenoceptors locatedpostjunctionally on the membrane <strong>of</strong>effector cells or prejunctionally on the membrane<strong>of</strong> varicosities. Activation <strong>of</strong> pre-synapticα 2 -receptors inhibits norepinephrinerelease. Through this negative feedback, releasecan be regulated.The effect <strong>of</strong> released norepinephrinewanes quickly, because ~ 90% is transportedback into the axoplasm by a specific transportmechanism (norepinephrine transporter,NAT) and then into storage vesicles by thevesicular transporter (neuronal reuptake).The NAT can be inhibited by tricyclic antidepressantsand cocaine. Moreover, norepinephrineis taken up by transporters intothe effector cells (extraneuronal monoaminetransporter, EMT). Part <strong>of</strong> the norepinephrineundergoing reuptake is enzymaticallyinactivated to normetanephrine via catecholamineO-methyltransferase (COMT,present in the cytoplasm <strong>of</strong> postjunctionalcells) and to dihydroxymandelic acid viamonoamine oxidase (MAO, present in mitochondria<strong>of</strong> nerve cells and postjunctionalcells).The liver is richly endowed with COMTand MAO; it therefore contributes significantlyto the degradation <strong>of</strong> circulating norepinephrineand epinephrine. The end product<strong>of</strong> the combined actions <strong>of</strong> MAO andCOMT is vanillylmandelic acid.

Structure <strong>of</strong> the Sympathetic Nervous System 87A. Epinephrine as hormone, norepinephrine as transmitterPsychicstressor physicalstressFirst neuronFirst neuronAdrenalmedullaSecond neuronEpinephrineNorepinephrineB. Second neuron <strong>of</strong> sympathetic system, varicosity, norepinephrine releaseNorepinephrineEpinephrineSynthesisTyrosineL-DopaDopamineSympathetic nerveα 1G q/11Adrenal chromaffin cellVMATNorepinephrineVMAT–G iα 2α 2G iReceptorsTransport, degradationβ 1G sMAONATβ 2G sEMTCOMTMAOEffector cell

88 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System Adrenoceptor Subtypes andCatecholamine ActionsThe biological effects <strong>of</strong> epinephrine andnorepinephrine are mediated by nine differentadrenoceptors (α 1A,B,D , α 2A,B,C , β 1 , β 2 , β 3 ).To date, only the classification into α 1 , α 2 ,β 1 and β 2 receptors has therapeutic relevance. Smooth Muscle EffectsThe opposing effects on smooth muscle (A)<strong>of</strong> α- andβ-adrenoceptor activation are dueto differences in signal transduction. α 1 -Receptorstimulation leads to intracellular release<strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ via activation <strong>of</strong> the inositoltrisphosphate (IP 3 ) pathway. In concert withthe protein calmodulin, Ca 2+ can activatemyosin kinase, leading to a rise in tonus viaphosphorylation <strong>of</strong> the contractile proteinmyosin († vasoconstriction). α 2 -Adrenoceptorscan also elicit a contraction <strong>of</strong> smoothmuscle cells by activating phospholipase C(PLC) via the βγ-subunits <strong>of</strong> G 1 proteins.cAMP inhibits activation <strong>of</strong> myosin kinase.Via stimulatory G-proteins (G s ), β 2 -receptorsmediateanincreaseincAMPproduction(†vasodilation).Vasoconstriction induced by local application<strong>of</strong> α-sympathomimetics can be employedin infiltration anesthesia (p. 204) orfor nasal decongestion (naphazoline, tetrahydrozoline,xylometazoline; p. 94, 336,338). Systemically administered epinephrineis important in the treatment <strong>of</strong> anaphylacticshock and cardiac arrest.Bronchodilation. β 2 -Adrenoceptor-mediatedbronchodilation plays an essential partin the treatment <strong>of</strong> bronchial asthma andchronic obstructive lung disease (p. 340).For this purpose, β 2 -agonists are usually givenby inhalation; preferred agents beingthose with low oral bioavailability and lowrisk <strong>of</strong> systemic unwanted effects (e. g., fenoterol,salbutamol, terbutaline).Tocolysis. The uterine relaxant effect <strong>of</strong> β 2 -adrenoceptor agonists, such as fenoterol, canbe used to prevent premature labor. β 2 -Vasodilationin the mother with an imminentdrop in systemic blood pressure results inreflex tachycardia, which is also due in partto the β 1 -stimulant action <strong>of</strong> these drugs. CardiostimulationBy stimulating β-receptors, and hence cAMPproduction, catecholamines augment allheart functions including systolic force, velocity<strong>of</strong> myocyte shortening, sinoatrial rate,conduction velocity, and excitability. In pacemakerfibers, cAMP-gated channels (“pacemakerchannels”) are activated, whereby diastolicdepolarization is hastened and thefiring threshold for the action potential isreached sooner (B). cAMP activates proteinkinase A, which phosphorylates differentCa 2+ transport proteins. In this way, contraction<strong>of</strong> heart muscle cells is accelerated, asmore Ca 2+ enters the cell from the extracellularspace via L-type Ca 2+ channels and release<strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum(via ryanodine receptors, RyR) is augmented.Faster relaxation <strong>of</strong> heart musclecells is effected by phosphorylation <strong>of</strong> troponinand phospholamban.In acute heart failure or cardiac arrest, β-mimetics are used as a short-term emergencymeasure; in chronic failure they arenot indicated. Metabolic EffectsVia cAMP, β 2 -receptors mediate increasedconversion <strong>of</strong> glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis)in both liver and skeletal muscle.From the liver, glucose is released into theblood. In adipose tissue, triglycerides are hydrolyzedto fatty acids (lipolysis mediated byβ 2 -andβ 3 -receptors), which then enter theblood.

+Adrenoceptor Subtypes and Catecholamine Actions 89A. Effects <strong>of</strong> catecholamines on vascular smooth muscleRelaxationContractionβ 2G sαAd-cyclaseα 1G qαPhospholipase Cα 2βγG icAMPInhibitionIP 3Ca 2+ /CalmodulinMyosin-KinaseMyosinMyosin- PB. Cardiac effects <strong>of</strong> catecholaminesCa channelPacemakerchannelsβcAMPG sProteinkinase AAd-cyclasePhosphorylationPRyRPCa 2+PPCa 2+ TroponinCa-ATPasePPhospholambanPositive chronotropicPositive inotropicC. Metabolic effects <strong>of</strong> catecholaminesβG sAd-cyclasecAMPGlycogenolysisGlycogenolysisGlucoseFatty acidsLipolysisGlucose

90 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System Structure–Activity Relationships<strong>of</strong> SympathomimeticsOwing to its equally high af nity for all α-and β-receptors, epinephrine does not permitselective activation <strong>of</strong> a particular receptorsubtype. Like most catecholamines, it isalso unsuitable for oral administration (catecholeis a trivial name for o-hydroxyphenol).Norepinephrine differs from epinephrineby its high af nity for α-receptors andlow af nity for β 2 -receptors. The converseholds true for the synthetic substance, isoproterenol(isoprenaline) (A).Norepinephrine † α, β 1Epinephrine † α, β 1 β 2Isoproterenol † β 1 , β 2Knowledge <strong>of</strong> structure–activity relationshipshas permitted the synthesis <strong>of</strong> sympathomimeticsthat display a high degree <strong>of</strong>selectivity at adrenoceptor subtypes.Direct-acting sympathomimetics (i. e.adrenoceptor agonists) typically share aphenlethylamine structure. The side chain β-hydroxyl group confers af nity for α- andβreceptors.Substitution on the amino groupreduces af nity for α-receptors, but increasesit for β-receptors (exception: α-agonistphenylephrine), with optimal af nitybeing seen after the introduction <strong>of</strong> onlyone isopropyl group. Increasing the bulk <strong>of</strong>amino substituents favors af nity for β 2 -receptors(e. g., fenoterol, salbutamol). Bothhydroxyl groups on the aromatic nucleuscontribute to af nity; high activity at α-receptorsis associated with hydroxyl groups atthe 3 and 4 positions. Af nity for β-receptorsis preserved in congeners bearing hydroxylgroups at positions 3 and 5 (orciprenaline,terbutaline, fenoterol).The hydroxyl groups <strong>of</strong> catecholaminesare responsible for the very low lipophilicity<strong>of</strong> these substances. Polarity is increased atphysiological pH owing to protonation <strong>of</strong> theamino group. Deletion <strong>of</strong> one or all hydroxylgroups improves the membrane penetrabilityat the intestinal mucosa–blood barrierand the blood–brain barrier. Accordingly,these noncatecholamine congeners can begiven orally and can exert CNS actions; however,this structural change entails a loss inaf nity.Absence <strong>of</strong> one or both aromatic hydroxylgroups is associated with an increase in indirectsympathomimetic activity, denotingthe ability <strong>of</strong> a substance to release norepinephrinefrom its neuronal stores withoutexerting an agonist action at the adrenoceptor(p. 92).A change in position <strong>of</strong> aromatic hydroxylgroups (e. g., in orciprenaline, fenoterol, orterbutaline) or their substitution (e. g., salbutamol)protects against inactivation by COMT(p. 87). Introduction <strong>of</strong> a small alkyl residueat the carbon atom adjacent to the aminogroup (ephedrine, methamphetamine) confersresistance to degradation by MAO (p. 87);replacement on the amino groups <strong>of</strong> themethyl residue with larger substituents(e. g., ethyl in etilefrine) impedes deaminationby MAO. Accordingly, the congeners areless subject to presystemic inactivation.Since structural requirements for high affinityon the one hand and oral applicabilityon the other do not match, choosing a sympathomimeticis a matter <strong>of</strong> compromise. Ifthe high af nity <strong>of</strong> epinephrine is to be exploited,absorbability from the intestinemust be foregone (epinephrine, isoprenaline).If good bioavailability with oral administrationis desired, losses in receptor af nitymust be accepted (etilefrine).

Structure–Activity Relationships <strong>of</strong> Sympathomimetics 91A. Interaction between epinephrine and the β 2 -adrenoceptorβ 2 Adrenoceptor6Phe 290Asn 293Ser20712PheAspSerAsn3 4 5 6 75HOHO CHCH 2+NH 2 CH 3Asp11334EpinephrineSer204Ser203OHEpinephrineB. Structure–activity relationship <strong>of</strong> epinephrineCatecholamineO-methyltransferase(COMT)Lack <strong>of</strong> penetrabilitythrough membranebarriersHOHO CHCH 2+NH 2CH 3OHMetabolicreaction sites(poor enteral absorbabilityand CNS penetrability)Monoamine oxidase(MAO)C . Direct sympathomimeticsReceptor subtype selectivity <strong>of</strong> direct sympathomimeticsα 1 α 2 β 1 β 2EpinephrineNorepinephrineDobutaminePhenylephrineClonidineBrimonidineNaphazolineOxymetazolineXylometazolineFenoterolSalbutamolTerbutalineSalmeterolFormoterol

92 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System Indirect SympathomimeticsRaising the concentration <strong>of</strong> norepinephrinein the synaptic space intensifies the stimulation<strong>of</strong> adrenoceptors. In principle, this canbe achieved by: Promoting the neuronal release <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine Inhibiting processes operating to lower itsintrasynaptic concentration, in particularneuronal reuptake with subsequent vesicularstorage or breakdown by monoamineoxidase (MAO)Chemically altered derivatives differ fromnorepinephrine with regard to the relativeaf nity for these systems and affect thesefunctions differentially.Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> MAO (A) block enzyme locatedin mitochondria, which serves to scavengeaxoplasmic free norepinephrine (NE). Inhibition<strong>of</strong> the enzyme causes free NE concentrationsto rise. Likewise, dopamine catabolismis impaired, making more <strong>of</strong> it availablefor NE synthesis. In the CNS, inhibition <strong>of</strong>MAO affects neuronal storage not only <strong>of</strong>NE but also <strong>of</strong> dopamine and serotonin. Thefunctional sequelae <strong>of</strong> these changes includea general increase in psychomotor drive(thymeretic effect) and mood elevation (A).Moclobemide reversibly inhibits MAO A and isused as an antidepressant. The MAO B inhibitorselegiline (deprenyl) retards the catabolism<strong>of</strong>dopamine,aneffectusedinthetreatment<strong>of</strong> Parkinsonism (p.188).Indirect sympathomimetics (B) in the narrowsense comprise amphetamine-like substancesand cocaine. Cocaine blocks the norepinephrinetransporter (NAT), besides actingas a local anesthetic. Amphetamine istaken up into varicosities via NAT, and fromthere into storage vesicles (via the vesicularmonoamine transporter), where it displacesNE into the cytosol. In addition, amphetamineblocks MAO, allowing cytosolic NEconcentration to rise unimpeded. This inducesthe plasmalemmal NAT to transportNE in the opposite direction, that is, toliberate it into the extracellular space. Thus,amphetamine promotes a nonexocytoticrelease <strong>of</strong> NE. The effectiveness <strong>of</strong> suchindirect sympathomimetics diminishesquickly or disappears (tachyphylaxis) withrepeated administration.Indirect sympathomimetics can penetratethe blood–brain barrier and evoke such CNSeffects as a feeling <strong>of</strong> well-being, enhancedphysical activity and mood (euphoria), anddecreased sense <strong>of</strong> hunger or fatigue. Subsequently,the user may feel tired and depressed.These after-effects are partly responsiblefortheurgetoreadministerthedrug (high abuse potential). To prevent theirmisuse, these substances are subject to governmentalregulations (e. g., Food and DrugsAct, Canada; Controlled Drugs Act, USA) restrictingtheir prescription and distribution.When amphetamine-like substances aremisused to enhance athletic performance(“doping”), there is a risk <strong>of</strong> dangerous physicaloverexertion. Because <strong>of</strong> the absence <strong>of</strong> asense<strong>of</strong>fatigue,adruggedathletemaybeable to mobilize ultimate energy reserves. Inextreme situations, cardiovascular failuremay result (B).Closely related chemically to amphetamineare the so-called appetite suppressantsor anorexiants (p. 329). These may alsocausedependenceandtheirtherapeuticvalueand safety are questionable. Some <strong>of</strong>these (D-norpseudoephedrine, amfepramone)have been withdrawn.Sibutramine inhibits neuronal reuptake <strong>of</strong>NE and serotonin (similarly to antidepressants,p. 226). It diminishes appetite and isclassified as an antiobesity agent (p. 328).

MAOMAOIndirect Sympathomimetics 93A. Monoamine oxidase inhibitorInhibitor: Moclobemide MAO-ASelegiline MAO-BNorepinephrineMAOMAONorepinephrinetransport systemEffector organB. Indirect sympathomimetics with central stimulant activityB. and abuse potentialH2C CH NH 2CH 3Amphetamine§§ControlledSubstancesAct regulatesuse <strong>of</strong>cocaine andamphetaminePain stimulusH3CNCocaineLocalanestheticeffectOC O CH3OCO“Doping”Runner-up

94 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System α- Sympathomimetics,α-Sympatholyticsα-Sympathomimetics can be used systemicallyincertaintypes<strong>of</strong>hypotension(p.324)and locally for nasal or conjunctival decongestion(p. 336) or as adjuncts in infiltrationanesthesia (p. 204) for the purpose <strong>of</strong> delayingthe removal <strong>of</strong> local anesthetic. Withlocal use, underperfusion <strong>of</strong> the vasoconstrictedarea results in a lack <strong>of</strong> oxygen (A).In the extreme case, local hypoxia can lead totissue necrosis. The appendages (e. g., digits,toes, ears) are particularly vulnerable in thisregard, thus precluding vasoconstrictor adjunctsin infiltration anesthesia at these sites.Vasoconstriction induced by an α-sympathomimeticis followed by a phase <strong>of</strong> enhancedblood flow (reactive hyperemia, A).This reaction can be observed after applyingα-sympathomimetics (naphazoline, tetrahydrozoline,xylometazoline) to the nasal mucosa.Initially, vasoconstriction reduces mucosalblood flow and, hence, capillary pressure.Fluid exuded into the interstitial spaceis drained through the veins, thus shrinkingthe nasal mucosa. Owing to the reducedsupply <strong>of</strong> fluid, secretion <strong>of</strong> nasal mucus decreases.In coryza, nasal patency is restored.However, after vasoconstriction subsides, reactivehyperemia causes renewed exudation<strong>of</strong> plasma fluid into the interstitial space, thenose is “stuffy” again, and the patient feels aneed to reapply decongestant. In this way, avicious cycle threatens. Besides reboundcongestion, persistent use <strong>of</strong> a decongestantentails the risk <strong>of</strong> atrophic damage caused bythe prolonged hypoxia <strong>of</strong> the nasal mucosa.α-Sympatholytics (B). The interaction <strong>of</strong>norepinephrine with α-adrenoceptors canbe inhibited by α-sympatholytics (α-adrenoceptorantagonists, α-blockers). This inhibitioncan be put to therapeutic use in antihypertensivetreatment (vasodilation † peripheralresistance ø, blood pressure ø,p.122). The first α-sympatholytics blockedthe action <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine not only atpostsynaptic α 1 -adrenoceptors but also atpresynaptic α 2 -receptors (nonselective α-blockers, e. g., phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine).Presynaptic α 2 -adrenoceptors functionlike sensors that enable norepinephrine concentrationoutside the axolemma to bemonitored, thus regulating its release via alocal feedback mechanism. When presynapticα 2 -receptors are stimulated, furtherrelease <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine is inhibited. Conversely,their blockade leads to uncontrolledrelease <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine with an overt enhancement<strong>of</strong> sympathetic effects at β 1 -adrenoceptor-mediated myocardial neuroeffectorjunctions, resulting in tachycardia andtachyarrhythmia.Selective α 1 -Sympatholytics (α 1 -blockers,e. g., prazosin, or the longer-acting terazosinand doxazosin) do not disinhibit norepinephrinerelease.α 1 -Blockers may be used in hypertension(p. 315). Because they prevent reflex vasoconstriction,they are likely to cause posturalhypotension with pooling <strong>of</strong> blood in lowerlimb capacitance veins during change fromthesupinetotheerectposition(orthostaticcollapse, p. 324).In benign hyperplasia <strong>of</strong> the prostate, α 1 -blockers (terazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin)may serve to lower tonus <strong>of</strong> smooth musculaturein the prostatic region and therebyimprove micturition. Tamsulosin shows enhancedaf nity for the α 1A subtype; the risk<strong>of</strong> hypotension is therefore supposedly diminished.

α-Sympathomimetics, α-Sympatholytics 95A. Reactive hyperemia due to α-sympathomimetics, e.g., following decongestion<strong>of</strong> nasal mucosaBeforeα-AgonistAfterO 2supply = O 2demandNaphazolinNCH 2NHO 2supply < O 2demandO 2supply < O 2demandB. Autoinhibition <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine release and α-sympatholyticsα 2 α 2 α 2NENonselectiveα-blockerα 1 -blockerα 1 β 1 α 1 β 1 α 1β 1C. Indications for α 1 -sympatholyticsHigh blood pressureα 1 -blockere.g., terazosinBenignprostatic hyperplasiaONH 3 CONNOH 3 CONH 2NResistancearteriesInhibition <strong>of</strong>α 1 -adrenericstimulation <strong>of</strong>smooth muscleNeck <strong>of</strong> bladder,prostate

96 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System β-Sympatholytics (β-Blockers)β-Sympatholytics are antagonists <strong>of</strong> norepinephrineand epinephrine at β-adrenoceptors;they lack af nity for α-receptors.Therapeutic effects. β-Blockers protect theheart from the oxygen-wasting effect <strong>of</strong>sympathetic inotropism by blocking cardiacβ-receptors; thus, cardiac work can no longerbe augmented above basal levels (theheart is “coasting”). This effect is utilizedprophylactically in angina pectoris to preventmyocardial stress that could trigger an ischemicattack (p. 316). β-Blockers also serve tolower cardiac rate (sinus tachycardia, p.136)and protect the failing heart against excessivesympathetic drive (p. 322). β-Blockers lowerelevated blood pressure. The mechanismunderlying their antihypertensive action isunclear. Applied topically to the eye, β-blockers are used in the management <strong>of</strong>glaucoma; they lower production <strong>of</strong> aqueoushumor (p. 346).Undesired effects. β-Blockers are used veryfrequently and are mostly well tolerated ifrisk constellations are taken into account.The hazards <strong>of</strong> treatment with β-blockersbecome apparent particularly when continuousactivation <strong>of</strong> β-receptors is needed inorder to maintain the function <strong>of</strong> an organ.Congestive heart failure. For a long time, β-blockers were considered generally contraindicatedin heart failure. Increased release<strong>of</strong> norepinephrine gives rise to an increase inheart rate and systolic muscle tension, enablingcardiac output to be maintained despiteprogressive cardiac disease. Whensympathetic drive is eliminated during β-receptor-blockade, stroke volume and cardiacrate decline, a latent myocardial insuf -ciency is unmasked, and overt insuf ciencyis exacerbated. Sympathoactivation not onlyhelps for some time to maintain pump functionin chronic congestive failure but itselfalso contributes to the progression <strong>of</strong> insufficiency:triggering <strong>of</strong> arrhythmias, increasedO 2 -consumption, enhanced cardiachypertrophy (A).On the other hand, convincing clinical evidencedemonstrates that, under appropriateconditions (prior testing <strong>of</strong> tolerability, lowdosage), β-blockers are able to improveprognosis in congestive heart failure. Protectionagainst heart rate increases and arrhythmiasmay be important underlying factors.Bradycardia, AV block. Elimination <strong>of</strong> sympatheticdrive can lead to a marked fall incardiacrateaswellastodisorders<strong>of</strong>impulseconduction from the atria to the ventricles.Bronchial asthma. Increasedsympatheticactivity prevents bronchospasm in patientsdisposed to paroxysmal constriction <strong>of</strong> thebronchial tree (bronchial asthma, bronchitisin smokers). In this condition, β 2 -receptorblockade may precipitate acute respiratorydistress (B).Hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus. Whentreatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemicsin the diabetic patient lowers bloodglucose below a critical level, epinephrineis released, which then stimulates hepaticglucose release via activation <strong>of</strong> β 2 -receptors.β-Blockerssuppressthiscounterregulation,besides masking other epinephrinemediatedwarning signs <strong>of</strong> imminent hypoglycemia,such as tachycardia and anxiety.The danger <strong>of</strong> hypoglycemic shock is thereforeaggravated.Altered vascular responses: Whenβ 2 -receptorsare blocked, the vasodilating effect<strong>of</strong> epinephrine is abolished, leaving the α-receptor-mediated vasoconstriction unaffected:“cold hands and feet.”β-Blockers exert an “anxiolytic” actionthat may be due to the suppression <strong>of</strong> somaticresponses (palpitations; trembling) toepinephrine release that is induced by emotionalstress; in turn, these responses wouldexacerbate “anxiety” or “stage-fright.” Becausealertness is not impaired by β-blockers,these agents are occasionally taken byorators and musicians before a major performance(C).

β-Sympatholytics (β-Blockers) 97A. β-Sympatholytics: effect on cardiac functionβ-Blockerblocksreceptorβ-Receptor100 mlStrokevolume1 secβ 1 -Stimulationβ 1 -BlockadeHeart is“coasting“ExercisecapacityB. β-Sympatholytics: effect on bronchial and vascular toneHealthyAsthmaticαα β 2 α β 2β 2 -Blockadeβ 2 -Stimulationβ 2 -Blockadeβ 2 -StimulationC. “Anxiolytic” effect <strong>of</strong> β-sympatholyticsβ-Blockade

98 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System Types <strong>of</strong> β-BlockersThebasicstructuresharedbymostβ-sympatholytics(p.11) is the side chain <strong>of</strong> β-sympathomimetics(cf. isoproterenol with the β-blockers propranolol, pindolol, atenolol). Asa rule, this basic structure is linked to anaromatic nucleus by a methylene and oxygenbridge. The side chain C-atom bearingthe hydroxyl group forms the chiral center.With some exceptions (e. g., timolol, penbutolol),all β-sympatholytics exist as racemates(p. 62).Compared with the dextrorotatory form,the levorotatory enantiomer possesses agreater than 100-fold higher af nity for theβ-receptor, and is, therefore, practicallyalone in contributing to the β-blocking effect<strong>of</strong>theracemate.Thesidechainandsubstituentson the amino group critically affect affinityfor β-receptors, whereas the aromaticnucleus determines whether the compoundpossesses intrinsic sympathomimetic activity(ISA),thatis,actsasapartial agonistor partial antagonist. A partial agonism orantagonism is present when the intrinsicactivity <strong>of</strong> a drug is so small that, even withfull occupancy <strong>of</strong> all available receptors, theeffect obtained is only a fraction <strong>of</strong> that elicitedby a full agonist. In the presence <strong>of</strong> apartial agonist (e. g., pindolol), the ability <strong>of</strong> afull agonist (e. g., isoprenaline) to elicit amaximal effect would be attenuated, becausebinding <strong>of</strong> the full agonist is impeded.Partial agonists thus also act antagonistically,although they maintain a certain degree <strong>of</strong>receptor stimulation. It remains an openquestion whether ISA confers a therapeuticadvantage on a β-blocker. At any rate, patientswith congestive heart failure shouldbe treated with β-blockers devoid <strong>of</strong> ISA.As cationic amphiphilic drugs, β-blockerscan exert a membrane-stabilizing effect,asevidenced by the ability <strong>of</strong> the more lipophiliccongeners to inhibit Na + channel functionand impulse conduction in cardiac tissues.At the usual therapeutic dosage, thehigh concentration required for these effectswill not be reached.Some β-sympatholytics possess higher affinityfor cardiac β 1 -receptors than for β 2 -receptors and thus display cardioselectivity(e. g., metoprolol, acebutolol, atenolol,bisoprolol, β 1 : β 2 selectivity 20–50-fold).None <strong>of</strong> these blockers is suf ciently selectiveto permit use in patients with bronchialasthma or diabetes mellitus (p. 96).The chemical structure <strong>of</strong> β-blockers alsodetermines their pharmacokinetic properties.Except for hydrophilic representatives(atenolol), β-sympatholytics are completelyabsorbed from the intestines and subsequentlyundergo presystemic eliminationto a major extent (A).All the above differences are <strong>of</strong> little clinicalimportance. The abundance <strong>of</strong> commerciallyavailable congeners would thus appearall the more curious (B). Propranolol was thefirst β-blocker to be introduced into therapyin 1965. Thirty years later, about 20 differentcongeners were marketed in different countries(analogue preparations). This questionabledevelopment is unfortunately typical <strong>of</strong>any drug group that combines therapeuticwith commercial success, in addition to havinga relatively fixed active structure. Variation<strong>of</strong> the molecule will create a new patentablechemical, not necessarily a drug witha novel action. Moreover, a drug no longerprotected by patent is <strong>of</strong>fered as a generic bydifferent manufacturers under dozens <strong>of</strong> differentproprietary names. Propranolol alonehas been marketed in 2003 by 12 manufacturersin Germany under nine differentnames. In the USA, the drug is at present<strong>of</strong>fered by ~ 40 manufacturers, mostly underits generic designation, and in Canada by sixmanufacturers, mostly under a hyphenatedbrand name containing its INN with a prefix.

Types <strong>of</strong> β-Blockers 99A. Types <strong>of</strong> β-sympatholyticsIsoproterenol Pindolol Propranolol Atenolol OHOHCH 2 C NH 2NHO+ OHC CH 2 NH 2CH 2OH HC CH 3HC CH 2+NH 2CH 3OH HC CH 3CH 3OCH 2+HC CH 2 NH 2OH HC CH 3CH 3OCH 2+HC CH 2 NH 2OH HC CH 3CH 3Agonistββ 1β 1β 1β 1β 1 2β 2 β 2 βCardio-2 β 2 selectivityβ-Receptor β-Receptor β-ReceptorpartialAntagonistEffectAgonistNo effectAntagonistSodium channel“membraneNa + Na +Na +blockadestabilizing”Presystemic100%50%B. Avalanche-like increase in commercially available β-sympatholytics1965 1970AlprenololPropranololOxprenololPindololBupranolol*Year introducedTertatolol NebivololCarvedilolEsmololBopindololBisoprololCeliprololBetaxololBefunololCarteololMepindololPenbutololCarazololNadololAcebutololBunitrolol*AtenololMetipranolMetoprololTimololSotalolTalinolol*No longer available commercially1975 1980 1985 1990eliminationAs <strong>of</strong> 20001995 2000

100 Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System AntiadrenergicsAntiadrenergics are drugs capable <strong>of</strong> loweringtransmitter output from sympatheticneurons, i. e., the “sympathetic tone.” Theiraction is hypotensive (indication: hypertension,p. 314); however, being poorly tolerated,they enjoy only limited therapeuticuse.Clonidine is an α 2 -agonist whose highlipophilicity (dichlorophenyl ring) permitsrapid penetration through the blood–brainbarrier. The activation <strong>of</strong> postsynaptic α 2 -receptorsdampens the activity <strong>of</strong> vasomotorneurons in the medulla oblongata, resultingin a resetting <strong>of</strong> systemic arterial pressure ata lower level. In addition, activation <strong>of</strong> presynapticα 2 -receptors in the periphery(pp. 86, 94) leads to a decreased release <strong>of</strong>both norepinephrine (NE) and acetylcholine.Beside its main use as an antihypertensive,clonidine is also employed to manage withdrawalreactions in subjects being treatedfor opioid addiction.Side effects. Lassitude, dry mouth; reboundhypertension after abrupt cessation <strong>of</strong> clonidinetherapy.Methyldopa (dopa = dihydroxyphenylalanine),being an amino acid, is transportedacross the blood–brain barrier, decarboxylatedin the brain to α-methyldopamine,andthenhydroxylatedtoα-methyl-NE. Thedecarboxylation <strong>of</strong> methyldopa competes fora portion <strong>of</strong> the available enzymatic activityso that the rate <strong>of</strong> conversion <strong>of</strong> L-dopa to NE(via dopamine) is decreased. The false transmitterα-methyl-NE can be stored; however,unlike the endogenous mediator, it has ahigher af nity for α 2 - than for α 1 -receptorsand therefore produces effects similar tothose <strong>of</strong> clonidine. The same events takeplace in peripheral adrenergic neurons.Adverse effects. Fatigue,orthostatichypotension,extrapyramidal Parkinson-likesymptoms (p.188), cutaneous reactions,hepatic damage, immune-hemolytic anemia.Reserpine, analkaloidfromtheclimbingshrub Rauwolfia serpentina (native to theIndian subcontinent), abolishes the vesicularstorage <strong>of</strong> biogenic amines (NE, dopamine[DA], serotonin [5-HT]) by inhibiting the(nonselective) vesicular monoamine transporterlocated in the membrane <strong>of</strong> storagevesicles. Since the monoamines are not takenup into vesicles, they become subject tocatabolism by MAO; the amount <strong>of</strong> NE releasedper nerve impulse is decreased. To alesser degree, release <strong>of</strong> epinephrine fromthe adrenal medulla is also impaired. Athigher doses, there is irreversible damageto storage vesicles (“pharmacological sympathectomy”),days to weeks being requiredfor their re-synthesis. Reserpine readily entersthe brain, where it also impairs vesicularstorage <strong>of</strong> biogenic amines.Adverse effects. Disorders <strong>of</strong> extrapyramidalmotor function with development <strong>of</strong>pseudo-parkinsonism (p.188), sedation, depression,stuffy nose, impaired libido, impotence;and increased appetite.Guanethidine possesses high af nity forthe axolemmal and vesicular amine transporters.It is stored instead <strong>of</strong> NE, but is unableto mimic functions <strong>of</strong> the latter. In addition,it stabilizes the axonal membrane,thereby impeding the propagation <strong>of</strong> impulsesinto the sympathetic nerve terminals.Storageandrelease<strong>of</strong>epinephrinefromtheadrenal medulla are not affected, owing tothe absence <strong>of</strong> a reuptake process. The drugdoes not cross the blood–brain barrier.Adverse effects. Cardiovascular crises are apossible risk: emotional stress <strong>of</strong> the patientmay cause sympathoadrenal activation withepinephrine release from the adrenal medulla.The resulting rise in blood pressurecanbeallthemoremarkedaspersistentdepression <strong>of</strong> sympathetic nerve activity inducessupersensitivity <strong>of</strong> effector organs tocirculating catecholamines.

Antiadrenergics 101A. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> sympathetic toneSuppression<strong>of</strong> sympatheticimpulses invasomotorcenterTyrosineDOPADopamineNAFalse transmitterStimulation <strong>of</strong> central α 2 -receptorsα-Methyl-NAin brainInhibition<strong>of</strong> DOPAdecarboxylaseα-Methyl-NAClClonidineOHHOα-MethyldopaClNNH NHCH 3αCH 2 C NH 2COOHNA5HTDACNSInhibition <strong>of</strong>biogenic aminestoragePeripheralsympathetic activityH 3 COReserpineNNHH 3 CO COOCH 3O C OH 3 CO OCH 3OCH 3No epinephrine fromadrenal medullaVaricosityInhibition <strong>of</strong> impulsepropagation inperipheral sympatheticnervesActive uptake andstorage instead <strong>of</strong>norepinephrine;not a transmitterNHN CH 2 CH 2 NH CNH 2GuanethidineRelease from adrenal medullaunaffectedVaricosity

102 Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System Parasympathetic Nervous SystemResponses to activation <strong>of</strong> the parasympatheticsystem. Parasympathetic nerves regulateprocesses connected with energy assimilation(food intake, digestion, absorption)and storage. These processes operatewhen the body is at rest, allowing a decreasedtidal volume (increased bronchomotortone) and decreased cardiac activity. Secretion<strong>of</strong> saliva and intestinal fluids promotesthe digestion <strong>of</strong> food stuffs; transport<strong>of</strong> intestinal contents is speeded up because<strong>of</strong> enhanced peristaltic activity and loweredtone <strong>of</strong> sphincteric muscles. To empty theurinary bladder (micturition), wall tensionis increased by detrusor activation with aconcurrent relaxation <strong>of</strong> sphincter tonus.Activation <strong>of</strong> ocular parasympathetic fibers(see below) results in narrowing <strong>of</strong> thepupil and increased curvature <strong>of</strong> the lens,enabling near objects to be brought into focus(accommodation).Anatomy <strong>of</strong> the parasympathetic system.The cell bodies <strong>of</strong> parasympathetic preganglionicneurons are located in the brainstemand the sacral spinal cord. Parasympatheticoutflow is channeled from the brainstem (1)through the third cranial nerve (oculomotorn.) via the ciliary ganglion to the eye; (2)through the seventh cranial nerve (facial n.)via the pterygopalatine and submaxillaryganglia to lachrymal glands and salivaryglands (sublingual, submandibular), respectively;(3) through the ninth cranial nerve(glossopharyngeal n.) via the otic ganglionto the parotid gland; and (4) via the tenthcranial nerve (vagus n.) to intramural gangliain thoracic and abdominal viscera. Approximately75% <strong>of</strong> all parasympathetic fibers arecontained within the vagus nerve. The neurons<strong>of</strong> the sacral division innervate the distalcolon, rectum, bladder, the distal ureters,and the external genitalia.Acetylcholine (ACh) as a transmitter. AChserves as mediator at terminals <strong>of</strong> all postganglionicparasympathetic fibers, in additionto fulfilling its transmitter role at ganglionicsynapses within both the sympatheticand parasympathetic divisions andthe motor end plates on striated muscle(p.182). However, different types <strong>of</strong> receptorsare present at these synaptic junctions(see table). The existence <strong>of</strong> distinct cholinoceptorsat different cholinergic synapses allowsselective pharmacological interventions.Localization <strong>of</strong> Receptors Agonist Antagonist Receptor TypeTarget tissues <strong>of</strong> 2nd parasympatheticneurons; e. g.,smooth muscle, glandsAChMuscarineAtropineMuscarinic (M) cholinoceptor;G-protein-coupledreceptor protein with 7transmembrane domainsSympathetic & parasympatheticgangliocytesMotor end plate in skeletalmuscleAChNicotineAChNicotineTrimethaphand-Tubocurarine¸ÔÔ˝ÔÔ˛Ganglionic typeNicotinic (N) cholinoceptorligand-gated cationchannelMuscle type

Parasympathetic Nervous System 103A. Responses to parasympathetic activationEyes:Accommodationfor near vision,miosisSaliva:copious, liquidBronchi:constrictionsecretionHeart:rateblood pressureGI tract:secretionperistaltissphincter toneBladder:sphincter tonedetrusor

104 Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System Cholinergic SynapseAcetylcholine (ACh) is the transmitter atpostganglionic synapses <strong>of</strong> parasympatheticnerve endings. It is highly concentrated insynaptic storage vesicles densely present inthe axoplasm <strong>of</strong> the presynaptic terminal.ACh is formed from choline and activatedacetate (acetylcoenzyme A), a reaction catalyzedby the cytosolic enzyme choline acetyltransferase.The highly polar choline istaken up into the axoplasm by the specificcholine-transporter (CHT) localized to membranes<strong>of</strong> cholinergic axons terminals and asubset <strong>of</strong> storage vesicles. During persistentor intensive stimulation, the CHT ensuresthat ACh synthesis and release are sustained.The newly formed ACh is loaded into storagevesicles by the vesicular ACh transporter(VAChT). The mechanism <strong>of</strong> transmitter releaseisnotknowninfulldetail.Thevesiclesare anchored via the protein synapsin to thecytoskeletal network. This arrangement permitsclustering <strong>of</strong> vesicles near the presynapticmembrane while preventing fusionwith it. During activation <strong>of</strong> the nerve membrane,Ca 2+ is thought to enter the axoplasmthrough voltage-gated channels and to activateprotein kinases that phosphorylate synapsin.As a result, vesicles close to the membraneare detached from their anchoring andallowed to fuse with the presynaptic membrane.During fusion, vesicles discharge theircontents into the synaptic gap and simultaneouslyinsert CHT into the plasma membrane.ACh quickly diffuses through the synapticgap (the acetylcholine molecule is alittle longer than 0.5 nm; the synaptic gapas narrow as 20–30 nm). At the postsynapticeffector cell membrane, ACh reacts with itsreceptors. As these receptors can also beactivated by the alkaloid muscarine, theyare referred to as muscarinic (M-) ACh receptors.In contrast, at ganglionic and motorend plate (p.182) ACh receptors, the action<strong>of</strong> ACh is mimicked by nicotine and, hence,mediated by nicotinic ACh receptors.Released ACh is rapidly hydrolyzed andinactivated by a specific acetylcholinesterase,localized to pre- and postjunctionalmembranes (basal lamina <strong>of</strong> motor endplates), or by a less specific serum cholinesterase(butyrylcholinesterase), a soluble enzymepresent in serum and interstitial fluid.M-ACh receptors can be divided into fivesubtypes according to their molecular structure,signal transduction, and ligand af nity.Here, the M 1, M 2 and M 3 receptor subtypesare considered. M 1 receptors are present onnerve cells, e. g., in ganglia, where they enhanceimpulse transmission from preganglionicaxon terminals to ganglion cells. M 2receptors mediate acetylcholine effects onthe heart: opening <strong>of</strong> K + channels leads toslowing <strong>of</strong> diastolic depolarization in sinoatrialpacemaker cells and a decrease inheart rate. M 3 receptors play a role in theregulation <strong>of</strong> smooth muscle tone, e. g., inthe gut and bronchi, where their activationcauses stimulation <strong>of</strong> phospholipase C,membrane depolarization, and increase inmuscle tone. M 3 receptors are also found inglandular epithelia, which similarly respondwith activation <strong>of</strong> phospholipase C and increasedsecretory activity. In the CNS, whereall subtypes are present, ACh receptors servediverse functions ranging from regulation <strong>of</strong>cortical excitability, memory and learning,pain processing, and brainstem motor control.In blood vessels, the relaxant action <strong>of</strong> AChon muscle tone is indirect, because it involvesstimulation <strong>of</strong> M 3 -cholinoceptors onendothelial cells that respond by liberatingNO (nitrous oxid = endothelium-derivedrelaxing factor). The latter diffuses into thesubjacent smooth musculature, where itcauses a relaxation <strong>of</strong> active tonus (p.124).

Cholinergic Synapse 105A. Acetylcholine: release, effects, and degradationAcetyl-coenzyme A + cholineCholine acetyltransferaseOH 3 C CCH 3+O CH 2 CH 2 N CH 3Acetylcholine CH 3Action potentialCa 2+ influxStorage <strong>of</strong>acetylcholinein vesiclesCa 2+activereuptake <strong>of</strong>cholineVesiclereleaseExocytosisestericcleavageReceptoroccupationSerumcholinesteraseAcetylcholineesterase:membraneassociatedSmooth muscle cellM 3 -receptorHeart pacemaker cellM 2 -receptorSecretory cellM 3 -receptorPhospholipase C K + -channel activation Phospholipase CCa 2+ in cytosolSlowing <strong>of</strong>diastolicdepolarizationCa 2+ in cytosolTone Rate Secretion-30ACheffectmV0-45-70mVTimemNControlcondition-90Time

106 Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System ParasympathomimeticsAcetylcholine (ACh) is too rapidly hydrolyzedand inactivated by acetylcholinesterase(AChE) to be <strong>of</strong> any therapeutic use;however, its action can be replicated byother substances, namely, direct or indirectparasympathomimetics.Direct parasympathomimetics. The cholineester <strong>of</strong> carbamic acid, carbachol, activatesM-cholinoceptors, but is not hydrolyzed byAChE. Carbachol can thus be effectively employedfor local application to the eye (glaucoma)and systemic administration (bowelatonia, bladder atonia). The alkaloids pilocarpine(from Pilocarpus jaborandi) andarecoline(from Areca catechu; betel nut) also actas direct parasympathomimetics. As tertiaryamines, they moreover exert central effects.The central effect <strong>of</strong> muscarine-like substancesconsists in an enlivening, mild stimulationthat is probably the effect desired inbetel chewing, a widespread habit in SouthAsia. Of this group, only pilocarpine enjoystherapeutic use, which is almost exclusivelybylocalapplicationtotheeyeinglaucoma(p. 346).Indirect parasympathomimetics inhibit localAChE and raise the concentration <strong>of</strong> AChat receptors <strong>of</strong> cholinergic synapses. Thisaction is evident at all synapses where AChis the mediator. Chemically, these agents includeesters <strong>of</strong> carbamic acid (carbamatessuch as physostigmine, neostigmine) and<strong>of</strong>phosphoric acid (organophosphates such asparaoxon =E600,andnitrostigmine =parathion= E605, its prodrug).Members<strong>of</strong>bothgroupsreactlikeAChwith AChE. The esters are hydrolyzed uponformation <strong>of</strong> a complex with the enzyme.The rate-limiting step in ACh hydrolysis isdeacetylation <strong>of</strong> the enzyme, which takesonly milliseconds, thus permitting a highturnover rate and activity <strong>of</strong> AChE. Decarbaminoylationfollowing hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> a carbamatetakes hours to days, the enzyme remaininginhibited as long as it is carbaminoylated.Cleavage <strong>of</strong> the phosphate residue,i. e., dephosphorylation, is practically impossible;enzyme inhibition is irreversible.Uses. The quaternary carbamate neostigmineis employed as an indirect parasympathomimeticin postoperative atonia <strong>of</strong> thebowel or bladder. Applied topically to theeye, neostigmine is used in the treatment<strong>of</strong> glaucoma. Furthermore, it is needed toovercome the relative ACh-deficiency at themotor end plate in myasthenia gravis or toreverse the neuromuscular blockade (p.184)caused by nondepolarizing muscle relaxants(decurarization before discontinuation <strong>of</strong>anaesthesia). Pyridostigmine has a similaruse. The tertiary carbamate physostigminecan be used as an antidote in poisoning withparasympatholytic drugs, becauseithasaccessto AChE in the brain. Carbamates andorganophosphates also serve as insecticides.Although they possess high acute toxicity inhumans, they are more rapidly degradedthan is DDT following their release into theenvironment.In the early stages <strong>of</strong> Alzheimer disease,administration <strong>of</strong> centrally acting AChE inhibitorscan bring about transient improvementin cognitive function or slow downdeterioration in some patients. Suitabledrugs include rivastigmine, donezepil, andgalantamine, which require slowly increasingdosage. Peripheral side effects (inhibition<strong>of</strong> ACh breakdown) limit therapy. Donezepiland galantamine are not esters <strong>of</strong> carbamicacid and act by a different molecular action.Galantamine is also thought to promote theaction <strong>of</strong> ACh at nicotinic cholinoceptors byan allosteric mechanism.

Parasympathomimetics 107A. Direct and indirect parasympathomimeticsOOCH 3H 3 CO C+H 2 N C O CH 2 CH 2 N CH 3N CH3CarbacholCH 3ArecolineDirect parasympathomimeticsArecoline=OCH 3ingredient <strong>of</strong>+H 3 C C O CH 2 CH 2 N CH betel nut:3betelAcetylcholineCH 3chewingAChEH 3 CAChN CH CH 3H 3 CCH 3 IndirectOC 2 H 5H 3 CCH 3O C NRivastigmine O CH 2 CH 3CH 3O CHNH 3 CNNO CH 3H 3 CPhysostigmineAChEInhibitors <strong>of</strong>OCH 3 C OH 3 C2 H 5+N C ON CH acetylcholinesterase3(AChE)O P ONO 2Neostigmine parasympathomimeticsParaoxon (E 600)Effector organAcetylcholine+AChECholineNeostigmine+AChEParaoxon+AChEAcetylmsCarbaminoylPhosphorylDeacetylationHoursDecarbaminoylationNitrostigmine =Parathion =E 605Dephosphorylation impossible

108 Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System ParasympatholyticsExcitation <strong>of</strong> the parasympathetic divisioncauses release <strong>of</strong> acetylcholine at neuroeffectorjunctionsindifferenttargetorgans.The major effects are summarized in (A)(blue arrows). Some <strong>of</strong> these effects havetherapeutic applications, as indicated bythe clinical uses <strong>of</strong> parasympathomimetics(p.106).Substances acting antagonistically at theM-cholinoceptor are designated parasympatholytics(prototype: the alkaloid atropine;actions marked red in the panels).Therapeuticuse<strong>of</strong>theseagentsiscomplicatedby their low organ selectivity. Possibilitiesfor a targeted action include: Local application Selection <strong>of</strong> drugs with favorable membranepenetrability Administration <strong>of</strong> drugs possessing receptorsubtype selectivity.Parasympatholytics are employed for thefollowing purposes:1. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> glandular secretion.Bronchial secretion. Premedication withatropine before inhalation anesthesia preventsa possible hypersecretion <strong>of</strong> bronchialmucus, which cannot be expectorated bycoughing during anesthesia.Gastric secretion. Atropine displays aboutequally high af nity for all muscarinic cholinoceptorsubtypes and thus lacks organspecificity. Pirenzepine has preferentialaf nity for the M 1 subtype and was used toinhibit production <strong>of</strong> HCl in the gastricmucosa, because vagally mediated stimulation<strong>of</strong> acid production involves M 1 receptors.This approach has proved inadequatebecause the required dosage <strong>of</strong> pirenzepineproduced too many atropine-like sideeffects. Also, more effective pharmacologicalmeans are available to lower HCl productionin a graded fashion (H 2 -antihistaminics, protonpump inhibitors).2. Relaxation <strong>of</strong> smooth musculature. As arule, administration <strong>of</strong> a parasympatholyticagent by inhalation is quite effective inchronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Ipratropium has a relatively short lastingeffect; four aerosol puffs usually being requiredper day. The newly introduced substancetiotropium needs to be applied onlyonce daily because <strong>of</strong> its “adhesiveness.” Tiotropiumis effective in chronic obstructivelung disease; however, it is not indicated inthe treatment <strong>of</strong> bronchial asthma.Spasmolysis by N-butylscopolamine inbiliary or renal colic (p.130). Because <strong>of</strong> itsquaternary nitrogen atom, this drug does notenter the brain and requires parenteral administration.Its spasmolytic action is especiallymarked because <strong>of</strong> additional ganglionicblocking and direct muscle-relaxantactions.Lowering <strong>of</strong> pupillary sphincter tonus andpupillary dilation by local administration <strong>of</strong>homatropine or tropicamide (mydriatics)allows observation <strong>of</strong> the ocular fundus. Fordiagnostic uses, only short-term pupillarydilation is needed. The effect <strong>of</strong> both agentssubsides quickly in comparison with that <strong>of</strong>atropine (duration <strong>of</strong> several days).3. Cardioacceleration. Ipratropium is usedin bradycardia and AV-block, respectively,to raise heart rate and to facilitate cardiacimpulse conduction. As a quaternary substance,it does not penetrate into the brain,which greatly reduces the risk <strong>of</strong> CNS disturbances(see below). However, it is alsopoorly absorbed from the gut (absorptionrate < 30%). To achieve adequate levels intheblood,itmustbegiveninsignificantlyhigher dosage than needed parenterally.Atropine may be given to prevent cardiacarrest resulting from vagal reflex activation,incidental to anaesthetic induction, gastriclavage, or endoscopic procedures.

Parasympatholytics 109A. Effects <strong>of</strong> parasympathetic stimulation and blockadeN. oculomotoriusN. facialisN. glossopharyngeusN. vagusDeadlynightshadeAtropabelladonnaCNCH 2 OHH 3O C CHNn. sacralesAtropineAcetylcholineOMuscarinic acetylcholine receptorSchlemmÕscanal wideIncreased blood flowfor increasingheat dissipationCiliary musclecontracted+++PhotophobiaNear vision impossibleDrainage <strong>of</strong> aqueoushumor impairedEvaporative heatlossSweat productionPupil narrowPupil wideRateAV conductionRateAV conductionÒFlusheddry skinÒ-+Bronchial secretionBronchoconstrictionBronchial secretiondecreasedBronchodilationSympatheticnerves+++++Salivary secretionGastricacidPancreatic juiceproductionBowel peristalsisBladder toneRestlessnessIrritabilityHallucinationsAntiparkinsonianeffectAntiemetic effectDry mouthAcid productiondecreasedPancreaticsecretory activitydecreasedBowel peristalsisdecreasedBladder tonedecreased

110 Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System4. CNS damping effects. Scopolamine is effectivein the prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> kinetosis (motionsickness, sea sickness, see p. 342); it ismostly applied by a transdermal patch. Scopolamine(pK a = 7.2) penetrates the blood–brain barrier faster than does atropine (pK a =9), because at physiological pH a larger proportionis present in the neutral, membranepermeantform.In psychotic excitement (agitation), sedationcan be achieved with scopolamine. Unlikeatropine, scopolamine exerts a calmingand amnesiogenic action that can also beused to advantage in anesthetic premedication.Symptomatic treatment in parkinsonismfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> restoring a dopaminergic-cholinergicbalance in the corpus striatum.Antiparkinsonian agents, such as benztropine(p.188) readily penetrate theblood–brain barrier. At centrally equieffectivedosages, their peripheral effects are lessmarked than those <strong>of</strong> atropine.Contraindications for parasympatholytics.Closed angle glaucoma. Since drainage <strong>of</strong>aqueous humor is impeded during relaxation<strong>of</strong> the pupillary sphincter, intraocularpressure rises.Prostatic hyperplasia with impaired micturition:loss <strong>of</strong> parasympathetic control <strong>of</strong>the detrusor muscle exacerbates dif cultiesin voiding urine.Atropine poisoning. Parasympatholyticshave a wide therapeutic margin. Rarely lifethreatening,poisoning with atropine is characterizedby the following peripheral andcentral effects.Peripheral. Tachycardia; dry mouth; hyperthermiasecondary to the inhibition <strong>of</strong>sweating. Although sweat glands are innervatedby sympathetic fibers, these are cholinergicin nature. When sweat secretion isinhibited, the body loses the ability to dissipatemetabolic heat by evaporation <strong>of</strong>sweat. There is a compensatory vasodilationin the skin, allowing increased heat exchangethrough increased cutaneous bloodflow. Decreased peristaltic activity <strong>of</strong> the intestinesleads to constipation.Central. Motor restlessness, progressing tomaniacal agitation, psychic disturbances,disorientation and hallucinations. Itmaybe noted that scopolamine-containing herbalpreparations (especially from Datura stramonium)served as hallucinogenic intoxicantsin the Middle Ages. Accounts <strong>of</strong>witches’ rides to satanic gatherings and similarexcesses are likely the products <strong>of</strong> CNSpoisoning. Recently, Western youths havebeen reported to make “recreational” use <strong>of</strong>Angel’s Trumpet flowers (several Brugmansiaspecies grown as ornamental shrubs).Plants <strong>of</strong> this genus are a source <strong>of</strong> scopolamineused by South American natives sincepre-Columbian times.Elderly subjects have an enhanced sensitivity,particularly toward the CNS toxicmanifestations. In this context, the diversity<strong>of</strong> drugs producing atropine-like side effectsshould be borne in mind: e. g., tricyclic antidepressants,neuroleptics, antihistaminics,antiarrhythmics, antiparkinsonian agents.Apart from symptomatic, general measures(gastric lavage, cooling with icewater), therapy <strong>of</strong> severe atropine intoxicationincludes the administration <strong>of</strong> theindirect parasympathomimetic physostigmine(p.106). The most common instances<strong>of</strong> “atropine”-intoxication are observed afteringestion <strong>of</strong> the berrylike fruits <strong>of</strong> belladonna(in children). A similar picture may beseen after intentional overdosage with tricyclicantidepressants in attempted suicide.

Parasympatholytics 111A. ParasympatholyticsH 3 CNO C C OHOHHomatropineMM 1 1M 1M 1M 3M 3M3M 3H 3O C HCNBenzatropineM 2H 3 CH3OCOC+NOTiotropiumHO SCSM 1M 1MM 31M 1M 1H 3 CN“Patch”OCH 2 OHScopolamine O C CH0.2–2 mgOCH 3+NH 9 C4OO HO C C CH 2 OHN-ButylscopolamineH 3O C C CH 2 OHCC H 3CH+NCH 3ED0.5–1 mgOHIpratropiumED 10 mg+ ganglioplegic+ direct muscle relaxant

112 Nicotine Actions <strong>of</strong> NicotineAcetylcholine (ACh) is a mediator in the ganglia<strong>of</strong> the sympathetic and parasympatheticdivisions <strong>of</strong> the autonomic nervous system.Here, ACh receptors are considered that areactivated by nicotine (nicotinic receptors;NAChR, p.102) and that play a leading partin fast ganglionic neurotransmission. Thesereceptors represent ligand-gated ion channelswith a structure and mode <strong>of</strong> operationas described on p. 64. Opening <strong>of</strong> the ionpore induces Na + influx followed by membranedepolarization and excitation <strong>of</strong> thecell. NAChR tend to desensitize rapidly; thatis, during prolonged occupation by an agonistthe ion pore closes spontaneously andcannot reopen until the agonist detachesitself. Localization <strong>of</strong> Nicotinic AChReceptorsAutonomic nervous system (A, middle). Inanalogy to autonomic ganglia, NAChR arefound also on epinephrine-releasing cells <strong>of</strong>the adrenal medulla, which are innervatedby spinal first neurons. At all these synapses,the receptor is located postsynaptically in thesomatodendritic region <strong>of</strong> the gangliocyte.Motor end plate. Here the ACh receptorsare <strong>of</strong> the motor type (p.182).Central nervous system (CNS; A, top).NAChR are involved in various functions.They have a predominantly presynaptic locationand promote transmitter release frominnervated axon terminals by means <strong>of</strong> depolarization.Together with ganglionicNAChR they belong to the neuronal type,which differs from the motor type in terms<strong>of</strong> the composition <strong>of</strong> its five subunits.enjoyment <strong>of</strong> its central stimulant action.Nicotine activates the brain’s reward system,thereby promoting dependence. Regular intakeleads to habituation, which is advantageousin some respects (e. g., stimulation <strong>of</strong>the area postrema, p. 342). In habituatedsubjects, cessation <strong>of</strong> nicotine intake resultsin mainly psychological withdrawal symptoms(increased nervousness, lack <strong>of</strong> concentration).Prevention <strong>of</strong> these is an additionalimportant incentive for continuingnicotine intake. Peripheral effects caused bystimulation <strong>of</strong> autonomic ganglia may beperceived as useful (“laxative” effect <strong>of</strong> thefirst morning cigarette). Sympathoactivationwithout corresponding physical exertion(“silent stress”) may in the long term leadto grave cardiovascular damage (p.114). Aids for Smoking CessationAdministration <strong>of</strong> nicotine by means <strong>of</strong> skinpatch,chewinggum,ornasalsprayisintendedto eliminate craving for cigarettesmoking. Breaking <strong>of</strong> the habit is to beachieved by stepwise reduction <strong>of</strong> the nicotinedose. Initially this may happen; however,the long-term relapse rate is disappointinglyhigh.Bupropion (amfebutamon) shows structuralsimilarity with amphetamine (p. 329)and inhibits neuronal reuptake <strong>of</strong> dopamineand norepinephrine. It is supposed to aidsmokers in “kicking the habit,” possibly becauseit evokes CNS effects resembling those<strong>of</strong> nicotine. The high relapse rate after termination<strong>of</strong> the drug and substantial sideeffects put its therapeutic value in doubt. Effects <strong>of</strong> Nicotine on Body FunctionNicotine served as an experimental tool forthe classification <strong>of</strong> acetylcholine receptors.As a tobacco alkaloid, nicotine is employeddailybyavastpart<strong>of</strong>thehumanraceforthe

Actions <strong>of</strong> Nicotine 113A. Effects <strong>of</strong> nicotine in bodyAttentivenessVigilanceAbility to concentrateStimulation<strong>of</strong> reward systemDependenceAvoidance <strong>of</strong> withdrawalsymptoms:Irritability, impatienceDifficulty concentratingDysphoriaExcitation <strong>of</strong>area postremaNausea, vomitingRelease <strong>of</strong>transmittersMainly presynapticreceptorsRelease <strong>of</strong> vasopressinPostsynapticreceptors <strong>of</strong>motor end plateSensitization <strong>of</strong>receptors for pressure,temperature andpain sensationNNCH 3NicotineAdrenalmedullaPostsynapticreceptors <strong>of</strong>autonomicgangliocytes andadrenal medullarycellsNorepinephrineEpinephrineAcetylcholineVasoconstrictionHeart rateBlood pressureGlycogenolysisLipolysis“Silent stress”Bowel peristalsisDefecationDiarrheaPresynaptic receptorsNeurotransmittersPostsynaptic receptorsNicotineNicotine

114 Nicotine Consequences <strong>of</strong> Tobacco SmokingThe dried and cured leaves <strong>of</strong> the nightshadeplant Nicotiana tabacum are known as tobacco.Tobacco is mostly smoked, less frequentlychewed or taken as dry snuff. Combustion <strong>of</strong>tobacco generates ~ 4000 chemical compoundsin detectable quantities. The xenobioticburden on the smoker depends on arange <strong>of</strong> parameters, including tobacco quality,presence <strong>of</strong> a filter, rate and temperature<strong>of</strong> combustion, depth <strong>of</strong> inhalation, and duration<strong>of</strong> breath holding.Tobacco contains 0.2–5% nicotine. In tobaccosmoke, nicotine is present as a constituent<strong>of</strong> small tar particles. The amount <strong>of</strong>nicotine absorbed during smoking dependson the nicotine content, the size <strong>of</strong> membranearea exposed to tobacco smoke (N.B.:inhalation), and the pH <strong>of</strong> the absorbing surface.It is rapidly absorbed through bronchiand lung alveoli when present in free baseform. However, protonation <strong>of</strong> the pyrrolidinenitrogen renders the correspondingpart <strong>of</strong> the molecule hydrophilic and absorptionis impeded. To maximize the yield <strong>of</strong>nicotine, tobaccos <strong>of</strong> some manufacturersare made alkaline. Smoking <strong>of</strong> a single cigaretteproduces peak plasma levels in therange <strong>of</strong> 25–50 ng/ml. The effects describedon p.113 become evident. When intakestops, nicotine concentration in plasmashows an initial rapid fall, due to distributioninto tissues, and a terminal eliminationphase with a half-life <strong>of</strong> 2 hours. Nicotine isdegraded by oxidation.The enhanced risk <strong>of</strong> vascular disease(coronary stenosis, myocardial infarction,and central and peripheral ischemic disorders,such as stroke and intermittent claudication)is likely to be a consequence <strong>of</strong>chronic exposure to nicotine. At the least,nicotine is under discussion as a factor favoringthe progression <strong>of</strong> atherosclerosis. Byreleasing epinephrine, it elevates plasmalevels <strong>of</strong> glucose and free fatty acids in theabsence <strong>of</strong> an immediate physiological needfor these energy-rich metabolites. Furthermore,it promotes platelet aggregability,lowers fibrinolytic activity <strong>of</strong> blood, and enhancescoagulability.The health risks <strong>of</strong> tobacco smoking are,however, attributable not only to nicotinebut also to various other ingredients <strong>of</strong> tobaccosmoke. Some <strong>of</strong> these promote formation<strong>of</strong> thrombogenic plaques; others possessdemonstrable carcinogenic properties(e. g., the tobacco-specific nitrosoketone).Dust particles inhaled in tobacco smoke,together with bronchial mucus, must be removedby the ciliated epithelium from theairways. However, ciliary activity is depressedby tobacco smoke and mucociliarytransport is impaired. This favors bacterialinfection and contributes to the chronicbronchitis associated with regular smoking(smoker’s cough). Chronic injury to thebronchial mucosa could be an importantcausative factor in increasing the risk insmokers <strong>of</strong> death from bronchial carcinoma.Statistical surveys provide an impressivecorrelation between the numbers <strong>of</strong> cigarettessmoked per day and the risk <strong>of</strong> deathfrom coronary disease or lung cancer. On theother hand, statistics also show that, on cessation<strong>of</strong> smoking, the increased risk <strong>of</strong>death from coronary infarction or other cardiovasculardisease declines over 5–10 yearsalmost to the level <strong>of</strong> nonsmokers. Similarly,the risk <strong>of</strong> developing bronchial carcinoma isreduced.An association with tobacco use has alsobeen established for cancers <strong>of</strong> the larynx,pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney,and bladder.

Consequences <strong>of</strong> Tobacco Smoking 115A. Sequelae <strong>of</strong> tobacco smokingN-H ++NHCH 3+H +NNicotianatabacumCHN3Nicotine free base“Tar”Nitrosamines,acrolein,polycyclichydrocarbons, e.g.,benzopyreneheavy metalsSum <strong>of</strong> noxiousstimuliPlateletaggregationDamage tovascularendotheliumDamage tobronchialepitheliumInhibition <strong>of</strong>mucociliarytransportFibrinolyticactivityEpinephrineYearsDuration<strong>of</strong>exposureMonthsFreefatty acidsChronicbronchitisBronchitisCoronary diseaseAnnual deaths/1000 peopleBronchial carcinomaAnnual cases/1000 people543210 –10 –20 –40 >40 0 –15 –40 >40Number <strong>of</strong> cigarettes per dayEx-smoker

116 Biogenic Amines DopamineAs a biogenic amine, dopamine belongs to agroup <strong>of</strong> substances produced in the organismby decarboxylation <strong>of</strong> amino acids. Besidesdopamine and norepinephrine formedfrom it, this group includes many other messengermolecules such as histamine, serotonin,and γ-aminobutyric acid.Dopamine actions and pharmacologicalimplications (A). In the CNS, dopamineserves as a neuromediator. Dopamine receptorsare also present in the periphery. Neuronallyreleased dopamine can interact withvarious receptor subtypes, all <strong>of</strong> which arecoupled to G-proteins. Two groupings can bedistinguished: the family <strong>of</strong> D 1 -like receptors(comprising subtypes D 1 and D 5 )andthe family <strong>of</strong> D 2 -like receptors (comprisingsubtypes D 2 ,D 3 ,andD 4 ). The subtypes differin their signal transduction pathways. Thus,synthesis <strong>of</strong> cAMP is stimulated by D 1 -likereceptors but inhibited by D 2 -like receptors.Released dopamine can be reutilized byneuronal reuptake and re-storage in vesiclesor can be catabolized like other endogenouscatecholamines by the enzymes MAO andCOMT (p. 86).Various drugs are employed therapeuticallyto influence dopaminergic signal transmission.Antiparkinsonian agents. InParkinsondisease,nigrostriatal dopamine neurons degenerate.To compensate for the lack <strong>of</strong> dopamine,useismade<strong>of</strong>L-dopaas the dopamineprecursor and <strong>of</strong> D 2 receptor agonists (cf.p.188).Prolactin inhibitors. Dopamine releasedfrom hypothalamic neurosecretory nervecells inhibits the secretion <strong>of</strong> prolactin fromthe adenohypophysis (p. 238). Prolactin promotesproduction <strong>of</strong> breast milk during thelactation period; moreover it inhibits thesecretion <strong>of</strong> gonadorelin. D 2 receptor agonistsprevent prolactin secretion and can beused for weaning and the treatment <strong>of</strong> femaleinfertility resulting from hyperprolactinemia.The D 2 agonists differ in their duration <strong>of</strong>action and, hence, their dosing interval; e. g.,bromocriptine 3 times daily, quinagolideonce daily, and cabergoline once to twiceweekly.Antiemetics. Stimulation <strong>of</strong> dopamine receptorsin the area postrema can elicit vomiting.D 2 receptor antagonists such as metoclopramideand domperidone are used asantiemetics (p. 342). In addition they promotegastric emptying.Neuroleptics.VariousCNS-permeantdrugsthat exert a therapeutic action in schizophreniadisplay antagonist properties at D 2receptors; e. g., the phenothiazines and butyrophenoneneuroleptics (p. 232).Dopamine as a therapeutic agent (B). Whengiven by infusion, dopamine causes a dilation<strong>of</strong> renal and splanchnic arteries thatresults from stimulation <strong>of</strong> D 1 receptors. Thislowers cardiac afterload and augments renalblood flow, effects that are exploited in thetreatment <strong>of</strong> cardiogenic shock. Because <strong>of</strong>the close structural relationship betweendopamine and norepinephrine, it is easy tounderstand why, at progressively higherdoses, dopamine is capable <strong>of</strong> activating β 1 -adrenoceptors and finally α 1 -receptors. Inparticular, α-mediated vasoconstrictionwould be therapeutically undesirable (symbolizedby red warning sign).Apomorphine is a dopamine agonist with avariegated pattern <strong>of</strong> usage. Given parenterallyas an emetic agent to aid elimination <strong>of</strong>orally ingested poisons, it is not withouthazards (hypotension, respiratory depression).In akinetic motor disturbances, it is aback-up drug. Taken orally, it supposedly isbeneficial in erectile dysfunction.

Dopamine 117A. Dopamine actions as influenced by drugsDopaminergic neuronRelease andinactivationH 3 C–ONeuronalreuptake–COOHReceptorsubtypesCOMTCatecholO-methyltransferaseHOHOCH 2 CH2NH 2DopamineD 1 -likeD 2 -likeD 1 D 5 D 2 D 3 D 4MAOMonoamineoxidaseDrugsAntiparkinson agentsInhibitors <strong>of</strong>neurosecretionAntiemeticsNeurolepticsL-Dopa(precursor)DopamineD 2 -agonistsStriatumD 2 -agonistsAHD 2 -antagonistsAreapostremaD 2 -antagonistsS. nigraProlactin D 2 EmesisSchizophreniaB. Dopamine as a therapeutic agentCirculatoryshock withimpairedrenal bloodflowDopamineToxicDoseReceptorsD 1 β 1 α 1EffectBlood flowStimulationVasoconstriction

118 Biogenic Amines Histamine Effects and TheirPharmacological PropertiesFunctions. IntheCNShistamineservesasaneurotransmitter/modulator, promoting interalia wakefulness. In the gastric mucosa, itacts as a mediator substance that is releasedfrom enterochromaf n-like (ECL) cells tostimulate gastric acid secretion in neighboringparietal cells (p.170). Histamine stored inbloodbasophilsandtissuemastcellsplaysamediator role in IgE-mediated allergic reactions(p. 72). By increasing the tone <strong>of</strong> bronchialsmooth muscle, histamine may triggeran asthma attack. In the intestines, it promotesperistalsis, which is evidenced in foodallergies by the occurrence <strong>of</strong> diarrhea. Inblood vessels, histamine increases permeabilityby inducing the formation <strong>of</strong> gapsbetween endothelial cells <strong>of</strong> postcapillaryvenules, allowing passage <strong>of</strong> fluid into thesurrounding, tissue (e. g., wheal formation).Blood vessels are dilated because histamineinduces release <strong>of</strong> nitric oxide from the endothelium(p.124) and because <strong>of</strong> a directvasorelaxant action. By stimulating sensorynerve endings in the skin, histamine canevoke itching.Receptors. Histaminereceptorsarecoupledto G-proteins. The H 1 and H 2 receptors aretargets for substances with antagonistic actions.The H 3 receptor is localized on nervecells and may inhibit release <strong>of</strong> varioustransmitter substances, including histamineitself.Metabolism. Histamine-storing cells formhistamine by decarboxylation <strong>of</strong> the aminoacid histidine. Released histamine is degraded;no reuptake system exists as fornorepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.Antagonists. The H 1 and H 2 receptors can beblocked by selective antagonists.H 1 -Antihistaminics. Older substances inthis group (first generation) are rather nonspecificand also block other receptors (e. g.,muscarinic cholinoceptors). These agents areused for the symptomatic relief <strong>of</strong> allergies(e. g., bamipine, clemastine, dimetindene,mebhydroline, pheniramine); as antiemetics(meclizine, dimenhydrinate; p. 342); and asprescription-free sedatives/hypnotics (seep. 220). Promethazine represents the transitionto psychopharmaceuticals <strong>of</strong> the type <strong>of</strong>neuroleptic phenothiazines (p. 232).Unwanted effects <strong>of</strong> most H 1 -antihistaminicsare lassitude (impaired driving skills)and atropine-like reactions (e. g., dry mouth,constipation). Newer substances (secondgenerationH 1 -antihistaminics) do not penetrateinto the CNS and are therefore practicallydevoid <strong>of</strong> sedative effects. Presumablythey are transported back into the blood by aP-glycoprotein located in the endothelium <strong>of</strong>the blood–brain barrier. Furthermore, theyhardly have any anticholinergic activity.Members <strong>of</strong> this group are cetirizine (a racemate)and its active enantiomer levocetirizine,aswellasloratadineanditsactivemetabolitedesloratadine. Fex<strong>of</strong>enadine is theactive metabolite <strong>of</strong> terfenadine, whichmay reach excessive blood levels when biotransformation(via CYP3A4) is too slow; andwhich can then cause cardiac arrhythmias(prolongation <strong>of</strong> QT-interval). Ebastine andmizolastine are other new agents.H 2 -Blockers (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine,nizatidine) inhibit gastric acid secretion,and thus are useful in the treatment <strong>of</strong>peptic ulcers (p.172). Cimetidine may lead todrug interactions because it inhibits hepaticcytochrome oxidases. The successor drugs(e. g., ranitidine) are <strong>of</strong> less concern in thisrespect.Mast cell stabilizers. Cromoglycate (cromolyn)and nedocromil decrease, by an as yetunknown mechanism, the capacity <strong>of</strong> mastcells to release <strong>of</strong> histamine and other mediatorsduring allergic reactions. Both agentsare applied topically (p. 338).

Histamine 119A. Histamine actions as influenced by drugsEnterochromaffinlikecellAlertnessNNHC 2 C 2 NH 2H HH 1H 2HistamineHClsecretionParietalcellHistamineCNSStomachMast cellInhibition <strong>of</strong> release:“Mast cell stabilization”;e.g., cromolynH 1 H 1 H 1 H 2 H 1BronchoconstrictionPeristalsisvia directNODilationPermeabilityItchingBronchial tree Bowel VasculatureSkinReceptor antagonistsH 1 - AntihistaminicsH 2 -Antihistaminics1. GenerationCH 3CH O CH 2 CH 2 NCH 3CNSSedationDiphenhydraminemAChreceptorantagonistHNNCH 3CimetidineInhibition <strong>of</strong>cytochromeoxidasesCH2S(CH 2 ) 2NHC NHCH 3N C NCaution:DruginteractionCl2. GenerationH 3 CH 3 CNCH 2OCH 2S(CH 2 ) 2HCN N CH 2 CH 2 O CH 2 COOHNHCetirizineRanitidineC NHCH 3CH NO2

120 Biogenic Amines SerotoninOccurrence. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT) is synthesized from L-tryptophanin enterochromaf n cells <strong>of</strong> the intestinalmucosa. 5-HT-synthesizing neurons occuralso in the enteric nerve plexus and theCNS, where the amine fulfills a neuromediatorfunction. Blood platelets are unable tosynthesize 5-HT, but are capable <strong>of</strong> takingup,storing,andreleasingit.Serotonin receptors. Based on biochemicaland pharmacological criteria, seven receptorsclasses can be distinguished. Of majorpharmacotherapeutic importance are thosedesignated: 5-HT 1 ,5-HT 2 , each with differentsubtypes, 5-HT 4 ,and5-HT 7 ,all<strong>of</strong>whichare G-protein-coupled, whereas the 5-HT 3subtype represents a ligand-gated nonselectivecation channel (p. 64).Serotonin actions—cardiovascular system.The responses to 5-HT are complex, becausemultiple, in part opposing, effects are exertedvia the different receptor subtypes.Thus, 5-HT 2A receptors on vascular smoothmuscle cells mediate direct vasoconstriction.Vasodilation and lowering <strong>of</strong> blood pressurecan occur by several indirect mechanisms:5-HT 1A receptors mediate sympathoinhibition(† decrease in neurogenic vasoconstrictortonus) both centrally and peripherally;5-HT 1 -like receptors on vascular endotheliumpromote release <strong>of</strong> vasorelaxant mediators(NO; prostacyclin). 5-HT released fromplatelets plays a role in thrombogenesis, hemostasis,and the pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> preeclamptichypertension.Sumatriptan is an antimigraine drug thatpossesses agonist activity at 5-HT receptors<strong>of</strong> the 1D and 1B subtypes (p. 334). It causesa constriction <strong>of</strong> cranial blood vessels, whichmay result from a direct vascular action orfrom inhibition <strong>of</strong> the release <strong>of</strong> neuropeptidesthat mediate “neurogenic inflammation.”A sensation <strong>of</strong> chest tightness mayoccur and be indicative <strong>of</strong> coronary vasospasm.Other “triptans” are naratriptan, zolmitriptan,and rizatriptan.Gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin releasedfrom myenteric neurons or enterochromaffin(EC) cells acts on 5-HT 4 receptors to enhancebowel motility, enteral fluid secretion,and thus propulsive activity. To date, attemptsat modifying the influence <strong>of</strong> serotoninon intestinal motility by agonistic or antagonisticdrugs have not been very successful.Although the 5-HT 4 agonist cisapridewas shown to be effective in increasing propulsiveactivity <strong>of</strong> the intestinal tract, its adverseeffects were very pronounced. Since itis degraded via CYP3A4, it is liable to interactwith numerous drugs. In particular, arrhythmias(in part severe) associated with QT prolongationwere noted; the arrhythmogenicaction is caused by blockade <strong>of</strong> K + channels.Thedrugisnolongeravailable.Central nervous system. Serotoninergicneurons play a part in various brain functions,as evidenced by the effects <strong>of</strong> drugslikely to interfere with serotonin.Fluoxetine is an antidepressant which, byblocking reuptake, retards inactivation <strong>of</strong> releasedserotonin. Its activity spectrum includessignificant psychomotor stimulationand depression <strong>of</strong> appetite.Sibutramine, an inhibitor <strong>of</strong> the neuronalreuptake <strong>of</strong> 5-HT and norepinephrine, ismarketed as an antiobesity drug (pp. 329).Ondansetron, an antagonist at the 5-HT 3receptor, possesses striking effectivenessagainst cytotoxic drug-induced emesis, evidentboth at the start <strong>of</strong> and during cytostatictherapy. Tropisetron and granisetronproduce analogous effects.LSD and other psychedelics (psychotomimetics)such as mescaline and psilocybin caninduce states <strong>of</strong> altered awareness, or inducehallucinations and anxiety, probably mediatedby 5-HT 2A receptors.

Serotonin 121A. Serotonin actions as influenced by drugsSerotoninergic neuronLSDLysergic acid diethylamidePsychedelicHNH 3CSO2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 2 CH 2 NNHHallucination5-HT 2A5-HT 1DSumatriptanAntimigraineFluoxetine5-HT-reuptake inhibitorOndansetronAntidepressant5-HT 3AntiemeticHCH CH2 CH2NOCH3EmesisNOCH CH 2 3NNF 3 C5-Hydroxy-tryptamineCH 3HONHCH 2CH2NH 2SerotoninBlood vesselIntestineEndotheliummediated Dilatation5-HT 2B5-HT 4PlateletsConstrictionPropulsivemotility5-HT 2Enterochromaffincell

122 Vasodilators Vasodilators—OverviewThe distribution <strong>of</strong> blood within the circulationis a function <strong>of</strong> vascular caliber. Venoustone regulates the volume <strong>of</strong> blood returnedto the heart and, hence, stroke volume andcardiac output. The luminal diameter <strong>of</strong> thearterial vasculature determines peripheralresistance. Cardiac output and peripheral resistanceare prime determinants <strong>of</strong> arterialblood pressure (p. 324).In (A), the clinically most important vasodilatorsare presented. Some <strong>of</strong> these agentspossess different ef cacy in affecting the venousand arterial limbs <strong>of</strong> the circulation.Possible uses. Arteriolar vasodilators are givento lower blood pressure in hypertension(p. 314), to reduce cardiac work in anginapectoris (p. 318), and to reduce ventricularafterload (pressure load) in cardiac failure(p. 322). Venous vasodilators are used to reducevenous filling pressure (preload) in anginapectoris (p. 318) or congestive heart failure(p. 322). Practical uses are indicated foreach drug group.Counterregulation in acute hypotensiondue to vasodilators (B). Increased sympatheticdrive raises heart rate (reflex tachycardia)and cardiac output and thus helps toelevate blood pressure. The patients experiencepalpitations. Activation <strong>of</strong> the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone (RAA) system servesto increase blood volume, hence cardiac output.Fluid retention leads to an increase inbody weight and, possibly, edemas.These counterregulatory processes aresusceptible to pharmacological inhibition(β-blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics).Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> action. The tonus <strong>of</strong> vascularsmooth muscle can be decreased by variousmeans.Protection against vasoconstricting mediators.ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptorantagonists protect against angiotensin II(p.128); α-adrenoceptor antagonists interferewith (nor)epinephrine (p. 94); bosentan(see below) is an antagonist at receptors forendothelin, a powerful vasoconstrictor releasedby the endothelium.Substitution <strong>of</strong> vasorelaxant mediators.Analogues <strong>of</strong> prostacyclin (from vascular endothelium),such as iloprost, or <strong>of</strong> prostaglandinE 1 , such as alprostadil, stimulatethe corresponding receptors; organic nitrates(p.124) substitute for endothelial NO.Direct action on vascular smooth musclecells. Ca 2+ -channel blockers (p.126) and K +channel openers (diazoxide, minoxidil) actat the level <strong>of</strong> channel proteins to inhibitmembrane depolarization and excitation <strong>of</strong>vascular smooth muscle cells. Phosphodiesterase(PDE) inhibitors retard the degradation<strong>of</strong> intracellular cGMP, which lowers contractiletonus. Several PDE isozymes withdifferent localization and function areknown.The following sections deal with specialaspects:Erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil, vardenafil,and tardalafil are inhibitors <strong>of</strong> PDE-5 andare used to promote erection. During sexualarousal NO is released from nerve endings inthe corpus cavernosum <strong>of</strong> the penis, whichstimulates the formation <strong>of</strong> cGMP in vascularsmooth muscle. PDE-5, which is important inthis tissue, breaks down cGMP, thus counteractingerection. Blockers <strong>of</strong> PDE-5 “conserve”cGMP.Pulmonary hypertension. This condition involvesa narrowing <strong>of</strong> the pulmonary vascularbed resulting mostly from unknowncauses. The disease <strong>of</strong>ten is progressive, associatedwith right ventricular overload, andall but resistant to treatment with conventionalvasodilators. The endothelin antagonist,bosentan, <strong>of</strong>fers a new therapeutic approach.Administration <strong>of</strong> NO by inhalationis under clinical trial.

Vasodilators—Overview 123A. VasodilatorsCerebral bloodflow not subjectto specific interventionsVenous bed Vasodilation Arterial bedNitratesCa-antagonistsACE inhibitors, angiotensin antagonistsDihydralazineBosentanα 1 -AntagonistsNitroprusside sodiumB. Counter-regulatory responses in hypotension due to vasodilatorsSympathetic nervesVasoconstrictionVasodilationBloodpressureVasomotorcenterHeart rateBlood volumeβ-BlockerCardiacoutputBloodpressureAngiotensinconvertingenzyme(ACE)ReninAngiotensinogenAngiotensin IAldosteroneACE-inhibitorsAngiotensin IIVasoconstrictionAngiotensin II antagonistsRenin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

124 Vasodilators Organic NitratesVarious esters <strong>of</strong> nitric acid (HNO 3 )andpolyvalentalcohols relax vascular smoothmuscle, e. g., nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate)and isosorbide dinitrate. The effect ismore pronounced in venous than in arterialbeds.These vasodilator effects produce hemodynamicconsequencesthatcanbeputtotherapeutic use. Owing to a decrease in bothvenous return (preload) and arterial afterload,cardiac work is decreased (p. 318). Asa result, the cardiac oxygen balance improves.Spasmodic constriction <strong>of</strong> larger coronaryvessels (coronary spasm) is prevented.Uses. Organic nitrates are used chiefly inangina pectoris (p. 316), less frequently insevere forms <strong>of</strong> chronic and acute congestiveheart failure. Continuous intake <strong>of</strong> higherdoses with maintenance <strong>of</strong> steady plasmalevels leads to loss <strong>of</strong> ef cacy, inasmuch asthe organism becomes refractory (tachyphylactic).This “nitrate tolerance” can beavoided if a daily “nitrate-free interval” ismaintained, e. g., overnight.At the start <strong>of</strong> therapy, unwanted reactionsoccur frequently in the form <strong>of</strong> a throbbingheadache, probably caused by dilation<strong>of</strong> cephalic vessels. This effect also exhibitstolerance, even when daily “nitrate pauses”are observed. Excessive dosages give rise tohypotension, reflex tachycardia, and circulatorycollapse.Mechanism <strong>of</strong> action. The reduction in vascularsmooth muscle tone is due to activation<strong>of</strong> guanylate cyclase and elevation <strong>of</strong>cyclic GMP levels. The causative agent is nitricoxide (NO) generated from the organicnitrate. NO is a physiological messengermolecule that endothelial cells release ontosubjacent smooth muscle cells (“endothelium-derivedrelaxant factor,” EDRF). Organicnitrates thus utilize a physiological pathway;hence their high ef cacy. The enzymaticallymediated generation <strong>of</strong> NO fromorganicnitrates(viaamitochondrialaldehydedehydrogenase) within the smoothmuscle cell depends on a supply <strong>of</strong> free sulfhydryl(–SH) groups; “nitrate-tolerance” isattributed to a cellular exhaustion <strong>of</strong> SH donors.Nitroglycerin (NTG) is distinguished by ahigh membrane penetrability and very lowstability. It is the drug <strong>of</strong> choice in the treatment<strong>of</strong> angina pectoris attacks. For this purpose,it is administered as a spray, or in sublingualor buccal tablets for transmucosaldelivery. The onset <strong>of</strong> action is between 1and 3 minutes. Due to a nearly completepresystemic elimination, it is poorly suitedfor oral administration. Transdermal delivery(nitroglycerin patch) also avoids presystemicelimination.Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) penetrateswell through membranes, is more stable thanNTG, and is partly degraded into the weaker,but much longer acting, 5-isosorbide mononitrate(ISMN). ISDN can also be applied sublingually;however, it is mainly administeredorally in order to achieve a prolonged effect.ISMN is not suitable for sublingual use because<strong>of</strong> its higher polarity and slower rate <strong>of</strong>absorption. Taken orally, it is absorbed and isnot subject to first-pass elimination.Molsidomine itself is inactive. After oralintake, it is slowly converted into an activemetabolite, linsidomine. The differential effectivenessin arterial vs. venous beds is lessevident compared to the drugs mentionedabove. Moreover, development <strong>of</strong> “nitratetolerance” is <strong>of</strong> less concern. These differencesin activity pr<strong>of</strong>ile appear to reflect a differentmechanism <strong>of</strong> NO release. The same appliesto the following sodium nitroprusside.Sodium nitroprusside contains a nitroso(–NO) group, but is not an ester. It dilatesvenous and arterial beds equally. It is administeredby infusion to achieve controlled hypotensionunder continuous close monitoring.Cyanide ions liberated from nitroprussidecan be inactivated with sodium thiosulfate(p. 310).

Organic Nitrates 125A. Vasodilators: NitratesPreloadO 2 -supplyAfterloadO 2 -demandBlood pressureVenous blood returnto heartPrevention <strong>of</strong>coronary arteryspasmPeripheralresistanceVenous bed“Nitratetolerance”Arterial bedRoute:e.g., sublingual,transdermalRoute:e.g., sublingual,oral, transdermalH 2 C O NO 2VasodilationO 2 N OHC O NO 25 OH“Nitrates”4 3 HH 2 C O NO 2 O 21Glyceryl trinitrateHO NO 2NitroglycerinIsosorbide dinitrateNO t 1 2 ~ 2 min t 1 ~ 30 min NO2Inactivation5-Isosorbide mononitrate,an active metabolitet 1 2 ~ 240 minR – O – NO 2SH-donatorse.g., glutathioneConsumption<strong>of</strong> SH donorsGTPSmooth mucle cellRelease <strong>of</strong> NOActivation <strong>of</strong>guanylate cyclasecGMPRelaxationActivemetaboliteMolsidomine(precursor)N– +N NO2N1C OOC 2 H 5

126 Vasodilators Calcium AntagonistsDuring electrical excitation <strong>of</strong> the cell membrane<strong>of</strong> heart or smooth muscle, differentioniccurrentsareactivated,includinganinwardCa 2+ current. The term Ca 2+ antagonistis applied to drugs that inhibit the influx <strong>of</strong>Ca 2+ ions without affecting inward Na + oroutward K + currents to a significant degree.Other labels are calcium entry blocker orCa 2+ -channel blocker. Ca 2+ antagonists usedtherapeutically can be divided into threegroups according to their effects on heartand vasculature.I. Dihydropyridine DerivativesThe dihydropyridines, e. g., nifedipine, areuncharged hydrophobic substances. Theyparticularly induce a relaxation <strong>of</strong> vascularsmooth muscle in arterial beds. An effect oncardiac function is practically absent at therapeuticdosage. (In pharmacological experimentson isolated cardiac muscle preparations,a clear negative inotropic effect is,however, demonstrable at high concentrations.)They are thus regarded as vasoselectiveCa 2+ antagonists. Because <strong>of</strong> the dilation<strong>of</strong> resistance vessels, blood pressure falls.Cardiac afterload is diminished (p. 318) and,therefore, also oxygen demand. Spasms <strong>of</strong>coronary arteries are prevented.Indications. An indication for nifedipine isangina pectoris (p. 318). In angina pectoris,it is effective when given either prophylacticallyor during acute attacks. Adverse effectsare palpitation (reflex tachycardia due to hypotension),headache, and pretibial edema.The successor substances principally exertthe same effects, but have different kineticproperties (slow elimination and, hence,steady plasma levels).Nitrendipine, isradipine, andfelodipine areused in the treatment <strong>of</strong> hypertension. Nicardipineand nisoldipine are also used inangina pectoris. Nimodipine is given prophylacticallyafter subarachnoidal hemorrhageto prevent vasospasms. On its dihydropyridinering, amlodipine possesses a side chainwith a protonatable nitrogen and can thereforeexist in a positively charged state. Thisinfluences its pharmacokinetics, as evidencedby the very long half-life <strong>of</strong> elimination(~ 40 hours).II. Verapamil and Other CatamphiphilicCa 2+ AntagonistsVerapamil contains a nitrogen atom bearinga positive charge at physiological pH andthus represents a cationic amphiphilic molecule.It exerts inhibitory effects not only onarterial smooth muscle, but also on heartmuscle. Intheheart,Ca 2+ inward currentsare important in generating depolarization<strong>of</strong> sinoatrial node cells (impulse generation),in impulse propagation through the AVjunction(atrioventricular conduction), andin electromechanical coupling in the ventricularcardiomyocytes. Verapamil thus producesnegative chronotropic, dromotropic, andinotropic effects.Indications. Verapamil is used as an antiarrhythmicdrug in supraventricular tachyarrhythmias.In atrial flutter or fibrillation, itis effective in reducing ventricular rate byvirtue <strong>of</strong> inhibiting AV conduction. Verapamilis also employed in the prophylaxis <strong>of</strong>angina pectoris attacks (p. 318) and the treatment<strong>of</strong> hypertension (p. 314).Adverse effects. Because <strong>of</strong> verapamil’s effectson the sinus node, a drop in bloodpressure fails to evoke a reflex tachycardia.Heart rate hardly changes; bradycardia mayeven develop. AV-block and myocardial insufciency can occur. Patients frequentlycomplain <strong>of</strong> constipation, because verapamilalso inhibits intestinal musculature.Gallopamil (= methoxyverapamil) is closelyrelated to verapamil in terms <strong>of</strong> bothstructure and biological activity.Diltiazem is a catamphiphilic benzothiazepinederivative with an activity pr<strong>of</strong>ile resemblingthat <strong>of</strong> verapamil.

Calcium Antagonists 127A. Vasodilators: calcium antagonistsSmooth muscle cellAfterloadO 2 -demandContractionCa 2+Inhibition <strong>of</strong>coronary spasmArterialblood vesselBlood pressurePeripheralresistanceVasodilation in arterial bedNa + Ca 2+ 10 -3 MNO H2H 3C O CC O CH 3OOH 3C N CH 3HNifedipine(dihydropyridine derivative)Membrane depolarizationCa 2+ 10 -7 MSelectiveinhibition <strong>of</strong>calcium influxK +H 3COOCH 3O CH 3CH 3H 3COO CH 3HC C C NH 3C H 2CH 2CC C CH2H 2 + N H 2H 3CHVerapamil(cationic-amphiphilic)Inhibition <strong>of</strong> cardiac functionsSinus nodeImpulsegenerationHeart rateReflex tachycardiawith nifedipineCa 2+Ca 2+AV-nodeImpulseconductionAVconductionCa 2+ Ca 2+VentricularmuscleElectromechanicalcouplingContractilityHeart muscle cell

128 Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> the RAA System ACE InhibitorsAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is acomponent <strong>of</strong> the antihypotensive renin–angiotensin–aldosterone (RAA) system. Reninis produced by specialized smoothmuscle cells in the wall <strong>of</strong> the afferent arteriole<strong>of</strong> the renal glomerulus. These cellsbelong to the juxtaglomerular apparatus,the site <strong>of</strong> contact between afferent arterioleand distal tubule, which plays an importantpart in controlling nephron function. Stimulieliciting release <strong>of</strong> renin are: drop in renalperfusion pressure, decreased rate <strong>of</strong> delivery<strong>of</strong> Na + or Cl – to the distal tubules, as wellas β-adrenoceptor-mediated sympathoactivation.The glycoprotein renin enzymaticallycleaves the decapeptide angiotensin I fromits circulating precursor substrate angiotensinogen.The enzyme ACE, in turn, producesbiologically active angiotensin II from angiotensinI.ACE is a rather nonspecific peptidase thatcan cleave C-terminal dipeptides from variouspeptides (dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase).As “kininase II,” it contributes to the inactivation<strong>of</strong> kinins, such as bradykinin. ACE isalso present in blood plasma; however, enzymelocalized in the luminal side <strong>of</strong> vascularendothelium is primarily responsible forthe formation <strong>of</strong> angiotensin II.Angiotensin II can raise blood pressure indifferent ways, including (1) vasoconstrictionin both the arterial and venous limb <strong>of</strong>the circulation; (2) stimulation <strong>of</strong> aldosteronesecretion, leading to increased renalreabsorption <strong>of</strong> NaCl and water, hence anincreased blood volume; (3) a central increasein sympathotonus and, peripherally,enhanced release and effects <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine.Chronically elevated levels <strong>of</strong> angiotensinII can increase muscle mass inheart and arteries (trophic effect).ACE inhibitors,suchascaptopril and enalaprilat,the active metabolite <strong>of</strong> enalapril, occupythe enzyme as false substrates. Af nitysignificantly influences ef cacy and rate <strong>of</strong>elimination. Enalaprilat has a stronger andlonger-lasting effect than captopril.Indications are hypertension and cardiacfailure.Lowering <strong>of</strong> elevated blood pressure ispredominantly brought about by diminishedproduction <strong>of</strong> angiotensin II. Impaired degradation<strong>of</strong> kinins that exert vasodilating actionsmay contribute to the effect.In heart failure, cardiac output rises againafter administration <strong>of</strong> an ACE inhibitor becauseventricular afterload diminishes owingto a fall in peripheral resistance. Venouscongestion abates as a result <strong>of</strong> (1) increasedcardiac output and (2) reduction in venousreturn (decreased aldosterone secretion, decreasedtonus <strong>of</strong> venous capacitance vessels).Undesired effects. The magnitude <strong>of</strong> theantihypertensive effect <strong>of</strong> ACE inhibitors dependson the functional state <strong>of</strong> the RAAsystem. When the latter has been activatedby loss <strong>of</strong> electrolytes and water (resultingfrom treatment with diuretic drugs), by cardiacfailure, or by renal arterial stenosis, administration<strong>of</strong> ACE inhibitors may initiallycause an excessive fall in blood pressure. Drycough is a fairly frequent side effect, possiblycaused by reduced inactivation <strong>of</strong> kinins inthe bronchial mucosa. In most cases, ACEinhibitors are well tolerated and effective.Newer analogues include lisinopril, perindopril,ramipril, quinapril, fosinopril, benazepril,cilazapril, and trandolapril.Antagonists at angiotensin II receptors.Two receptor subtypes can be distinguished:AT 1 , which mediates the above actions <strong>of</strong>angiotensin II; and AT 2 ,whosephysiologicalrole is still unclear. Losartan is an AT 1 receptorantagonist whose main (antihypertensive)and side effects resemble those <strong>of</strong> ACEinhibitors. However, because it does not inhibitdegradation <strong>of</strong> kinins, it does not causedry cough. Losartan is used in the therapy <strong>of</strong>hypertension. Other analogues are valsartan,irbesartan, eprosartan, and candesartan.

ACE Inhibitors 129A. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and inhibitorsKidneyRRACE inhibitorsO OHO C C CH CH 2 SHNCH 3CaptoprilOOHOCCNNH CH CH CH 2 CH 2CH 3 C OAngiotensinogen(α 2 -globulin)COOHReninAngiotensin I (Ang I)(biologically inactive)Ang IEnalaprilatACEAngiotensinI-convertingenzymeO CH 2 CH 3EnalaprilKininaseIIDipeptidyl carboxypeptidaseKininsACEVascularendotheliumAngiotensin IIH 2 NReceptorsAng IILosartanH 3 CClNCH 2 OHNDegradationproductsHN NN NAT 1 -receptor antagonistsVenoussupplyHMVRRVenouscapacitance vesselsVasoconstrictionResistance vesselsPeripheralresistanceNaClH 2 OAldosteronesecretionSympathoactivationK +

130 Drugs Acting on Smooth Muscle Drugs Used to Influence SmoothMuscle OrgansBronchodilators. Narrowing <strong>of</strong> bronchiolesraises airway resistance, e. g., in bronchial orbronchitic asthma. Several substances thatare employed as bronchodilators are describedelsewhere in more detail: β 2 -sympathomimetics(p. 88; given by pulmonary, parenteral,or oral route), the methylxanthinetheophylline (p. 338; given parenterally ororally), and the parasympatholytics ipratropiumand tiotropium (p.108).Spasmolytics. N-butylscopolamine (p.108) isused for the relief <strong>of</strong> painful spasms <strong>of</strong> thebiliary or ureteral ducts. Its poor absorption(N.B. quaternary N; absorption rate < 10%)necessitates parenteral administration. Becausethe therapeutic effect is usually weak,a potent analgesic is given concurrently, e. g.,the opioid meperidine. Note that somespasms <strong>of</strong> intestinal musculature can be effectivelyrelieved by organic nitrates (in biliarycolic) or by nifedipine (esophageal hypertensionand achalasia).Myometrial relaxants (tocolytics). β 2 -Sympathomimeticssuch as fenoterol, given orallyor parenterally, can prevent premature laboror interrupt labor in progress when dangerouscomplications necessitate caesarean section.Tachycardia is a side effect producedreflexly because <strong>of</strong> β 2 -mediated vasodilationor a direct stimulation <strong>of</strong> cardiac β 1 -receptors.Recently, atosiban, a structurally alteredoxytocin derivative, has become available. Itacts as an antagonist at oxytocin receptors, isgiven parenterally, and lacks the cardiovascularside effects <strong>of</strong> β 2 -sympathomimetics,but <strong>of</strong>ten causes nausea and vomiting.Myometrial stimulants. The neurohypophysealhormone oxytocin (p. 238) is given parenterally(or by the nasal or buccal route)before, during, or after labor in order toprompt uterine contractions or to enhancethem. Certain prostaglandins or analogues <strong>of</strong>them (p.196; F 2 α, dinoprost; E 2 , dinoprostone,sulprostone) are capable <strong>of</strong> inducingrhythmic uterine contractions and cervicalrelaxation at any time. They are mostly employedas abortifacients (local or parenteralapplication).Ergot alkaloids are obtained from Secale cornutum(ergot), the sclerotium <strong>of</strong> a fungus(Claviceps purpurea) parasitizing rye. Consumption<strong>of</strong> flour from contaminated grainwas once the cause <strong>of</strong> epidemic poisonings(ergotism) characterized by gangrene <strong>of</strong> theextremities (St. Anthony’s fire) and CNS disturbances(hallucinations).Ergot alkaloids contain lysergic acid (seeergotamine formula in A). They act on uterineand vascular muscle. Ergometrine particularlystimulates the uterus. It readilyinduces a tonic contraction <strong>of</strong> the myometrium(tetanus uteri). This jeopardizes placentalblood flow and fetal oxygen supply.Ergometrine is not used therapeutically. Thesemisynthetic derivative methylergometrineis used only after delivery for uterine contractionsthat are too weak.Ergotamine, as well as the ergotoxinealkaloids (ergocristine, ergocryptine, ergocornine),have a predominantly vascular action.Depending on the initial caliber, constrictionor dilation may be elicited. Themechanism <strong>of</strong> action is unclear; a partialagonism at α-adrenoceptors may be important.Ergotamine is used in the treatment <strong>of</strong>migraine (p. 334). Its derivative, dihydroergotamine,is furthermore employed in orthostaticcomplaints (p. 324).Other lysergic acid derivatives are the 5-HTantagonist methysergide, the dopamineagonist bromocriptine (p.116), and the hallucinogenlysergic acid diethylamide (LSD,p. 236).

Drugs Acting on Smooth Muscle 131A. Drugs used to alter smooth-muscle functionBronchial asthmaBiliary/renal colicO 2Spasmsmooth muscleBronchodilationβ 2 -Sympathomimeticse.g., salbutamolOH3CNO NCH3TheophyllineIpratropiumHNNSpasmolysisN-ButylscopolamineCH3H3C CH2 CH2 CH2 N +ScopolamineNitratese.g., nitroglycerinInhibition <strong>of</strong> laborβ 2 -Sympathomimeticse.g., fenoterolOxytocin antagonistAtosibanInduction <strong>of</strong> laborOxytocinProstaglandinsF 2α , E 2Secale cornutum(ergot)Fungus:Claviceps purpureaSecale alkaloidsTonic contraction <strong>of</strong> uteruse.g., ergometrineOxygen supplydiminishedContraindicationbefore deliveryIndication:postpartumuterine atoniaEffect onvasomotor tonee.g., ergotamineOH C NH RNCH 3HNFixation <strong>of</strong> lumen at intermediate caliber

132 Cardiac Drugs Cardiac DrugsPossible ways <strong>of</strong> influencing heart function(A). The pumping capacity <strong>of</strong> the heart dependson different factors: with increasingheart rate, the force <strong>of</strong> contraction increases(“positive staircase”); the degree <strong>of</strong> diastolicfilling regulates contraction amplitude (Starling’slaw <strong>of</strong> the heart). The sympathetic innervationwith its transmitter norepinephrineand the hormone epinephrine promotecontractile force generation (but also oxygenconsumption), and raise beating rate andexcitability (p. 88). The parasympathetic innervationlowers beat frequency becauseacetylcholine inhibits pacemaker cells(p.104).From the influence <strong>of</strong> the autonomic nervoussystem it follows that all sympatholyticor sympathomimetic and parasympatholyticor parasympathomimetic drugs can producecorresponding effects on cardiac performance.These possibilities are exploited therapeutically:for instance, β-blockers for suppressingexcessive sympathetic drive (p. 96);ipratropium for treating sinus bradycardia(p.108). An unwanted activation <strong>of</strong> the sympatheticsystem can result from anxiety,pain, and other emotional stress. In thesecases, the heart can be protected from harmfulstimulation by psychopharmaceuticalssuch as benzodiazepines (diazepam andothers; important in myocardial infarction).Cardiac work furthermore dependsstrongly on the state <strong>of</strong> the circulation system:physical rest or work demand appropriatecardiac performance; the level <strong>of</strong>mean blood pressure is an additional decisivefactor. Chronic elevation <strong>of</strong> afterloadleads to myocardial insuf ciency. Therefore,all blood pressure-lowering drugs can havean important therapeutic influence on themyocardium. Vasodilator substances (e. g.,nitrates) lower the venous return and/or peripheralresistance and, hence, exert a favorableeffect in angina pectoris or heart failure.The heart muscle cells can also be reacheddirectly. Thus, cardiac glycosides bind to theNa + /K + -ATPases,(p.134),theCa-antagoniststo Ca 2+ channels (p.126), and antiarrhythmics<strong>of</strong> the local anaesthetic type to Na +channels (p.136) in the plasmalemma.Events underlying contraction and relaxation(B). The signal triggering contraction isa propagated action potential (AP) generatedin the sinoatrial node. Depolarization <strong>of</strong> theplasmalemma leads to a rapid rise in cytosolicCa 2+ levels, which causes contraction(electromechanical coupling). The level <strong>of</strong>Ca 2+ concentration attained determines thedegree <strong>of</strong> shortening, i. e., the force <strong>of</strong> contraction.Sources <strong>of</strong> calcium are: (a) extracellularcalcium entering the cell throughvoltage-gated Ca 2+ channels; (b) calciumstored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR);(c) calcium bound to the inside <strong>of</strong> the plasmalemma.The plasmalemma <strong>of</strong> cardiomyocytesextends into the cell interior in theform <strong>of</strong> tubular invaginations (transverse tubuli).The trigger signal for relaxation is the return<strong>of</strong> the membrane potential to its restinglevel. During repolarization Ca 2+ levels fallbelow the threshold for activation <strong>of</strong> themy<strong>of</strong>ilaments (3 × 10 –7 M): the plasmalemmalCa binding sites regain their Ca-bindingcapacity; calcium ions are pumped back intothe SR lumen and the plasmalemmal ATPasesmove Ca 2+ that entered during systole backout <strong>of</strong> the cell under expenditure <strong>of</strong> energy.Additionally, Ca 2+ is extruded from the cell inexchange for Na + (Na/Ca exchanger).

Cardiac Drugs 133A. Possible mechanisms for influencing heart functionDrugs withindirect actionDrugs with direct actionNutrient solutionPsychotropicdrugsParasympatheticForceRateSympatheticEpinephrineDrugs alteringpre- and afterloadB. Processes in myocardial contraction and relaxationβ-SympathomimeticsCardiac Phosphodiesterase inhibitorsglycosidesForceRateParasympathomimeticsCatamphiphilicCa-antagonistsLocal anestheticsContractionElectricalexcitationCa-channelSarcoplasmicreticulumTransverse tubulePlasmalemmalbinding sitesRelaxationNa/CaexchangePlasmalemmalbinding sitesNa+Ca 2 +10 -3 M0Ca 2+10 -5 M-80Na +Ca 2+ Ca-ATPaseCa 2 +10 -3 MCa 2+Ca 2+10 -7 MCa2+Na+Heart muscle cellHeart muscle cellMembrane potential[mV]ForceAction potentialtContraction300 mst

134 Cardiac Drugs Cardiac GlycosidesDiverse plants are sources <strong>of</strong> sugar-containingcompounds (glycosides) that also containa steroid ring system (structural formulas,A) and augment the contractile force <strong>of</strong>heart muscle: cardiotonic glycosides, cardiosteroids,“digitalis.”The cardiosteroids possess a small therapeuticmargin, signs <strong>of</strong> intoxication are arrhythmiaand contracture (B). This therapeuticdrawback can be explained by the mechanism<strong>of</strong>action.Cardiac glycosides (CG) bindtotheextracellulardomain <strong>of</strong> Na + /K + -ATPases andexclude this enzyme molecule for a timefrom further ion transport activity. Thehigh-af nity binding <strong>of</strong> CG is restricted to aparticular conformation that the enzymeadopts during its transport cycle. In the restingstate, Na + /K + -ATPase molecules are notbinding partners. Under normal conditionsonly a fraction <strong>of</strong> the Na + /K + -ATPase transportactivity is required to maintain the highgradients <strong>of</strong> Na + and K + across the plasmalemma.Low therapeutic concentrations <strong>of</strong>CG occupy only a fraction <strong>of</strong> Na + /K + -ATPases;the decrease <strong>of</strong> the resulting pump activitycan easily be compensated for by recruitment<strong>of</strong> resting ATPase molecules via a smallincrease <strong>of</strong> the intracellular Na + concentration.Attached to the ATPases there are Na +channels which, upon binding <strong>of</strong> CG to theenzyme, lose their specificity for Na + and areconverted to nonselective, promiscuouschannels: during systole, Ca 2+ will easilypass through this channel owing to its hugegradient (almost 4 orders <strong>of</strong> magnitude!).This results in an increased Ca 2+ -influx andaugmented contractile force. It should, however,benotedthatthemode<strong>of</strong>action<strong>of</strong>cardiosteroids is still a matter <strong>of</strong> debate.Mobilization <strong>of</strong> edema (weight loss) andlowering <strong>of</strong> heart rate are simple but decisivecriteria for achieving optimal dosing. IfATPase activity is inhibited too much, K + andNa + homeostasisisdisturbed:themembranepotential declines, arrhythmias occur. Intracellularflooding with Ca 2+ prevents relaxationduring diastole: contracture.The CNS effects <strong>of</strong> CGs (C) arealsoduetobinding to Na + /K + -ATPases. Enhanced vagalnerve activity causes a decrease in sinoatrialbeating rate and velocity <strong>of</strong> atrioventricularconduction. In patients with heart failure,improved circulation also contributes to thereduction in heart rate. Stimulation <strong>of</strong> thearea postrema leads to nausea and vomiting.Indications for CGs are:1 chronic congestive heart failure,2 atrial fibrillation or flutter, whereinhibition<strong>of</strong> AV conduction protects the ventriclesfrom excessive atrial impulse activityand thereby improves cardiac performance(D).Signs <strong>of</strong> intoxication are:1 Cardiac arrhythmias, whichundercertaincircumstances are life-threatening, e. g., sinusbradycardia, AV-block, ventricular extrasystoles,ventricular fibrillation (ECG);2 CNS disturbances: characteristically, alteredcolor vision (xanthopsia), and als<strong>of</strong>atigue, disorientation, hallucinations;3 anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;4 renal: loss <strong>of</strong> electrolytes and water; thismust be differentiated from mobilization<strong>of</strong> edema fluid accumulated in front <strong>of</strong> theheart during congestive failure, an effectexpected with therapeutic dosage.Therapy <strong>of</strong> intoxication: administration <strong>of</strong>K + ,whichinter alia reduces binding <strong>of</strong> CG,but may impair AV-conduction; administration<strong>of</strong> antiarrhythmics, such as phenytoin orlidocaine (p.136); oral administration <strong>of</strong> colestyramine(p.160) for binding and preventingabsorption <strong>of</strong> digitoxin present in theintestines (enterohepatic cycle), and mostimportantly injection <strong>of</strong> antibody (Fab) fragmentsthat bind and inactivate digitoxin anddigoxin. Compared with full antibodies, fragmentshave superior tissue penetrability,more rapid renal elimination, and lowerantigenicity.

Cardiac Glycosides 135A. Cardiac glycosidesEnteral absorptionEliminationDigoxinCH 3OHOOH3COHOCH 3OHO~ 80%t1 2: 2–3 daysprolonged withdecreased renalfunctionbetter controlOH3ODigitoxinCH 3OHOOHH3CO 33CH 314OHO100%t1 2: 5–7 daysindependent<strong>of</strong> renalfunctionSlow waning<strong>of</strong> intoxicationB. Therapeutic and toxic effects <strong>of</strong> cardiac glycosides (CG)ContractionArrhythmiaContractureTime “therapeutic” “toxic” Dose <strong>of</strong> cardiac glycoside (CG)Na/K-ATPaseNa + CGCGNa + Na + Na +Coupling-Ca 2+K + K +K + Ca 2+K + Ca 2+CGHeart muscle cellCGCGC. Cardiac glycoside effects on the CNSDisturbance<strong>of</strong> color visionD. Cardiac glycoside effects inatrial fibrillation“Re-entrant”excitation inatrialfibrillationArea postrema:nausea, vomitingExcitation <strong>of</strong>N. vagus:Heart rateCardiacglycosideDecrease inventricularrate

136 Cardiac Drugs Antiarrhythmic DrugsThe electrical impulse for contraction(propagated action potential; p.138) originatesin pacemaker cells <strong>of</strong> the sinoatrialnode and spreads through the atria, atrioventricular(AV) node, and adjoining parts<strong>of</strong> the His–Purkinje fiber system to the ventricles(A). Irregularities <strong>of</strong> heart rhythm caninterfere dangerously with cardiac pumpingfunction.I. Drugs for Selective Control <strong>of</strong> Sinoatrialand AV NodesIn some forms <strong>of</strong> arrhythmia, certain drugscan be used that are capable <strong>of</strong> selectivelyfacilitating and inhibiting (green and red arrows,respectively) the pacemaker function<strong>of</strong> sinoatrial or atrioventricular cells.Sinus bradycardia. An abnormally low sinoatrialimpulse rate (< 60/min) can beraised by parasympatholytics. The quaternaryipratropium is preferable to atropine,becauseitlacksCNSpenetrability(p.108).Sympathomimetics also exert a positivechronotropic action; they have the disadvantage<strong>of</strong> increasing myocardial excitability(and automaticity) and, thus, promoting ectopicimpulse generation (tendency to extrasystolicbeats). In cardiac arrest, epinephrine,given by intrabronchial instillation orintracardiac injection, can be used to reinitiateheart beat.Sinus tachycardia (resting rate > 100 beats/min). β-Blockers eliminate sympatho-excitationand lower cardiac rate. Sotalol is noteworthybecause <strong>of</strong> its good antiarrhythmicaction (caution: QT-prolongation)Atrial flutter or fibrillation. An excessiveventricular rate can be decreased by verapamil(p.126) or cardiac glycosides (p.134).These drugs inhibit impulse propagationthrough the AV node, so that fewer impulsesreach the ventricles.II. Nonspecific Drug Actions on ImpulseGeneration and PropagationIn some types <strong>of</strong> rhythm disorders, antiarrhythmics<strong>of</strong> the local anesthetic, Na + -channel blocking type are used for bothprophylaxis and therapy. These substancesblock the Na + channel responsible for thefast depolarization <strong>of</strong> nerve and muscle tissues.Therefore, the elicitation <strong>of</strong> action potentialsis impeded and impulse conductionis delayed. This effect may exert a favorableinfluence in some forms <strong>of</strong> arrhythmia, butcan itself act arrhythmogenically. Unfortunately,antiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> the local anesthetic,Na + -channel blocking type lack suf -cient specificity in two respects: (1) otherion channels <strong>of</strong> cardiomyocytes, such as K +and Ca + channels, are also affected (abnormalQT prolongation); and (2) their action isnot restricted to cardiac muscle tissue butalso impacts on neural tissues and braincells. Adverse effects on the heart includeproduction <strong>of</strong> arrhythmias and lowering <strong>of</strong>heart rate, AV conduction, and systolic force.CNS side effects are manifested by vertigo,giddiness, disorientation, confusion, motordisturbances, etc.Some antiarrhythmics are rapidly degradedinthebodybycleavage(seearrowsin B); these substances are not suitable fororal administration but must be given intravenously(e. g., lidocaine).Irrespective <strong>of</strong> the cause underlying atrialfibrillation, formation <strong>of</strong> a thrombus mayoccur in the atria, because blood stagnatesin the auricles. From such a thrombus anembolus may be dislodged and carried intothe arterial supply <strong>of</strong> the brain, precipitatinga stroke. It is therefore imperative to instituteanticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation.For immediate effect, heparin preparationsare indicated; subsequently, changeover tovitamin K antagonists (e. g., phenprocoumon)may be made. As long as episodes <strong>of</strong>arrhythmia occur, therapy must be continued.

Antiarrhythmic Drugs 137A. Cardiac impulse generation and conductionSinus nodeAtriumAV-nodeParasympatholyticsβ-SympathomimeticsBundle <strong>of</strong> HisTawara (AV node)bundle branchesPurkinjefibersVentricleβ-BlockerVerapamilCardiacglycosideVagalstimulationB. Antiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> the Na+-channel blocking typeMain effectAntiarrhythmiceffectAntiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> the local anesthetic(Na+-channel blocking) type:Inhibition <strong>of</strong> impulse generation and conductionEsterasesProcaineO C 2 H 5+H 2 NC O CH 2 CH 2 NHC 2 H 5Adverse effectsProcainamideO C 2 H 5+H 2 NC N CH 2 CH 2 NHHC 2 H 5CNS disturbancesCH 3CH 3NHOCCH 2LidocaineC 2 H 5+NHC 2 H 5ArrhythmiaCardiodepressionCH 3H+O CH 2 CH NHHCHCH 33Mexiletine

138 Cardiac Drugs Electrophysiological Actions <strong>of</strong>Antiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> the Na + - ChannelBlocking TypeAction potential and ionic currents. Thetransmembrane electrical potential <strong>of</strong>cardiomyocytes can be recorded throughan intracellular microelectrode. Upon electricalexcitation, the resting potential showsa characteristic change—the action potential(AP). Its underlying cause is a sequence <strong>of</strong>transient ionic currents. During rapid depolarization(phase 0), there is a short-livedinflux <strong>of</strong> Na + through the membrane. A subsequenttransient influx <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ (aswellas<strong>of</strong>Na + ) maintains the depolarization (phase 2,plateau <strong>of</strong> AP). A delayed ef ux <strong>of</strong> K + returnsthe membrane potential (phase 3, repolarization)to its resting value (phase 4). Thevelocity <strong>of</strong> depolarization determines thespeed at which the AP propagates throughthe myocardial syncytium.The transmembrane ionic currents involveproteinaceous membrane pores: Na + ,Ca 2+ , and K + channels. In (A), the phasicchange in the functional state <strong>of</strong> Na + channelsduring an action potential is illustrated.Na+-channel blocking antiarrhythmics reducethe probability <strong>of</strong> Na + channels to openupon membrane depolarization (“membranestabilization”). The potential consequencesare (A, bottom): (1) A reduction inthe velocity <strong>of</strong> depolarization and a decreasein the speed <strong>of</strong> impulse propagation; aberrantimpulse propagation is impeded. (2)Depolarization is entirely absent; pathologicalimpulse generation, e. g., in the marginalzone <strong>of</strong> an infarction, is suppressed. (3) Thetime required until a new depolarization canbe elicited, i. e., the refractory period, is increased;prolongation <strong>of</strong> the AP (see below)contributes to the increase in refractory period.Consequently, premature excitationwith risk <strong>of</strong> fibrillation is prevented.Mechanism <strong>of</strong> action. Na + -channel blockingantiarrhythmics resemble most local anestheticsin being cationic amphiphilic molecules(p. 206; exception: phenytoin, p.191).Possible molecular mechanisms <strong>of</strong> their inhibitoryeffects are outlined on p. 202 inmore detail. Their low structural specificityis reflected by a low selectivity toward differentcation channels. Besides the Na + channel,Ca 2+ and K + channels are also likely to beblocked. Accordingly, cationic amphiphilicantiarrhythmics affect both the depolarizationand repolarization phases. Dependingon the substance, AP duration can be increased(Class IA), decreased (Class IB), orremain the same (Class IC). Antiarrhythmicsrepresentative <strong>of</strong> these categories include:Class IA—quinidine, procainamide, ajmaline,disopyramide; Class IB—lidocaine, mexiletine,tocainide; Class IC—flecainide, propafenone.K 2+ –channel blocking antiarrhythmics. Thedrug amiodarone and the β-blocker sotalolhave been assigned to Class III, comprisingagents that cause marked prolongation <strong>of</strong> APwith less effect on the velocity <strong>of</strong> depolarization.Note that Class II is representedby β-blockersandClassIVbytheCa 2+ -channelblockers verapamil and diltiazem (seep.126).Therapeutic uses. Because <strong>of</strong> their narrowtherapeutic margin, antiarrhythmics are onlyemployed when rhythm disturbances are <strong>of</strong>such severity as to impair the pumping action<strong>of</strong> the heart, or when there is a threat <strong>of</strong>other complications. Combinations <strong>of</strong> differentantiarrhythmics are not recommended(e. g., quinidine plus verapamil). Someagents, such as amiodarone, are reservedfor special cases. This iodine-containing substancehas unusual properties: its eliminationhalf-life is 50–70 days; depending on itselectrical charge, it is bound to apolar andpolar lipids, stored in tissues (corneal opacification,pulmonary fibrosis); and it interfereswith thyroid function.

Antiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> Na+-Channel Blocking Type 139A. Effects <strong>of</strong> antiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> the Na+-channel blocking typeMembrane potential [mV]0-80001Action potential2Rate <strong>of</strong>depolarizationRefractory period32504Time [ms]Heart muscle cellNa + Ca 2+ (+Na + )K +Phase 0 Phases 1,2Phase 3 Phase 4FastNa + Slow Ca-entry2+ -entryIonic currents during action potentialNa +Na+-channelsOpen (active)ClosedOpening impossible(inactivated)States <strong>of</strong> Na+-channels during an action potentialClosedOpening possible(resting, can beactivated)Inhibition <strong>of</strong>Na+-channel openingAntiarrhythmics <strong>of</strong> theNa+-channel blocking typeInexcitabilityStimulusRate <strong>of</strong>depolarizationSuppression<strong>of</strong> AP generationProlongation <strong>of</strong> refractory period =duration <strong>of</strong> inexcitability

140 Antianemics Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> AnemiasAnemia denotes a reduction in red blood cellcount or hemoglobin content, or both.Erythropoiesis (A)Blood corpuscles develop from stem cellsthrough several cell divisions (n =17!).Hemoglobinis then synthesized and the cellnucleus is extruded. Erythropoiesis is stimulatedby the hormone erythropoietin (a glycoprotein),which is released from the kidneyswhen renal oxygen tension declines. Anephrogenic anemia can be ameliorated byparenteral administration <strong>of</strong> recombinanterythropoietin (epoetin alfa) or hyperglycosylatederythropoietin (darbepoetin; longerhalf-life than epoetin).Even in healthy humans, formation <strong>of</strong> redblood cells and, hence, the oxygen transportcapacity <strong>of</strong> blood, is augmented by erythropoietin,.This effect is equivalent to high-altitudetraining and is employed as a dopingmethod by high-performance athletes.Erythropoietin is inactivated by cleavage <strong>of</strong>sugar residues, with a biological half-life <strong>of</strong>~ 5 hours after intravenous injection and a t ½> 20 hours after subcutaneous injection.Given adequate production <strong>of</strong> erythropoietin,a disturbance <strong>of</strong> erythropoiesis isdue to two principal causes. (1) Cell multiplicationis inhibited because DNA synthesisis insuf cient. This occurs in deficiencies<strong>of</strong> vitamin B 12 or folic acid (macrocytic hyperchromicanemia). (2) Hemoglobin synthesisis impaired. This situation arises in iron deficiency,sinceFe2+ is a constituent <strong>of</strong> hemoglobin(microcytic hypochromic anemia).Vitamin B 12 (B)Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) isproducedby bacteria; vitamin B 12 generated in thecolon, however, is unavailable for absorption.Liver, meat, fish, and milk productsare rich sources <strong>of</strong> the vitamin. The minimalrequirement is about 1 µg/day. Enteral absorption<strong>of</strong> vitamin B 12 requires the so-called“intrinsic factor” from parietal cells <strong>of</strong> thestomach. The complex formed with this glycoproteinundergoes endocytosis in theileum. Bound to its transport protein, transcobalamin,vitamin B 12 is destined for storagein the liver or uptake into tissues.A frequent cause <strong>of</strong> vitamin B 12 deficiencyis atrophic gastritis leading to a lack<strong>of</strong> intrinsic factor. Besides megaloblastic anemia,damage to mucosal linings and degeneration<strong>of</strong> myelin sheaths with neurologicalsequelae will occur (pernicious anemia).The optimal therapy consists in parenteraladministration <strong>of</strong> cyanocobalamin or hydroxycobalamin(vitamin B 12a ;exchange<strong>of</strong>–CN for –OH group). Adverse effects, in theform <strong>of</strong> hypersensitivity reactions, are veryrare.Folic Acid (B)Leafy vegetables and liver are rich in folicacid (FA). The minimal requirement is~ 50 µg/day. Polyglutamine-FA in food is hydrolyzedto monoglutamine-FA prior tobeing absorbed. Causes <strong>of</strong> deficiency includeinsuf cient intake, malabsorption,and increased requirements during pregnancy(hence the prophylactic administrationduring pregnancy). Antiepileptic drugsand oral contraceptives may decrease FA absorption,presumably by inhibiting the formation<strong>of</strong> monoglutamine-FA. Inhibition <strong>of</strong>dihydro-FA reductase (e. g., by methotrexate,p. 300) depresses the formation <strong>of</strong> the activespecies, tetrahydro-FA. Symptoms <strong>of</strong> deficiencyare megaloblastic anemia and mucosaldamage. Therapy consists in oral administration<strong>of</strong> FA.Administration <strong>of</strong> FA can mask a vitaminB 12 deficiency. Vitamin B 12 is required for theconversion <strong>of</strong> methyltetrahydro-FA to tetrahydro-FA,which is important for DNA-synthesis(B). Inhibition <strong>of</strong> this reaction due tovitamin B 12 deficiency can be compensatedby increased FA intake. The anemia is readilycorrected; however, nerve degenerationprogresses unchecked and its cause is mademore dif cult to diagnose by the absence <strong>of</strong>hematological changes. Indiscriminate use <strong>of</strong>FA-containing multivitamin preparationscan, therefore, be harmful.

Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Anemias 141A. Erythropoiesis in bone marrowInhibition <strong>of</strong> DNAsynthesis(cell multiplication)Vit. B 12 deficiencyFolate deficiencyErythropoetinInhibition <strong>of</strong>hemoglobin synthesisIron deficiencyVery few largehemoglobin-richerythrocytesFew smallhemoglobin-poorerythrocytesB. Vitamin B 12 and folate metabolismFolic acid H 4DNAsynthesisVit. B 12Folic acidH 3C- Folic acid H 4H 3C- Vit. B 12Vit. B 12H 3C-Storage supply for3 yearsVit. B 12TranscobalaminIIIntrinsicfactorHClParietal celli.m.Streptomycesgriseus

142 Antianemics Iron CompoundsNot all iron ingested in food is equally absorbable.Trivalent Fe 3+ is virtually not takenup from the neutral milieu <strong>of</strong> the small bowel,where the divalent Fe 2+ is markedly betterabsorbed. Uptake is particularly ef cientin the form <strong>of</strong> heme (present in hemoglobinand myoglobin). Within the mucosal cells <strong>of</strong>the gut, iron is oxidized and either depositedas ferritin (see below) or passed on to thetransport protein, transferrin. The amountabsorbed does not exceed that needed tobalance losses due to epithelial sheddingfrom skin and mucosae or hemorrhage (socalled“mucosal block”). In men this amountis ~ 1mg/day,inwomenitis~ 2mg/day(because<strong>of</strong> menstrual blood loss); it correspondsto about 10% <strong>of</strong> the dietary intake.The transferrin–iron complex undergoes endocytoticuptake into erythrocyte precursorsto be utilized for hemoglobin synthesis.About 70% <strong>of</strong> the total body store <strong>of</strong> iron(~ 5 g) is contained within erythrocytes.When these are degraded by macrophages<strong>of</strong> the mononuclear phagocyte system, ironis liberated from hemoglobin. Fe 3+ can bestored as ferritin (= protein ap<strong>of</strong>erritin+Fe 3+ )orbereturnedtoerythropoiesissitesvia transferrin.A frequent cause <strong>of</strong> iron deficiency ischronic blood loss due to gastric/intestinalulcers or tumors. One liter <strong>of</strong> blood contains500mg<strong>of</strong>ironinhealthycondition.Despitea significant increase in absorption rate, absorptionis unable to keep up with losses andthe body store <strong>of</strong> iron falls. Iron deficiencyresults in impaired synthesis <strong>of</strong> hemoglobinand anemia.The treatment <strong>of</strong> choice (after the cause<strong>of</strong> bleeding has been found and eliminated)consists in the oral administration <strong>of</strong> Fe 2+compounds,e. g., ferrous sulfate (daily dose100 mg <strong>of</strong> iron, equivalent to 300 mg <strong>of</strong>FeSO 4 , divided into multiple doses). Replenishing<strong>of</strong> iron stores may take severalmonths. Oral administration, however, is advantageousin that it is impossible to overloadthe body with iron through an intactmucosa because <strong>of</strong> its demand-regulated absorption(mucosal block).Adverse effects. The frequent gastrointestinalcomplaints (epigastric pain, diarrhea,constipation) necessitate intake <strong>of</strong> iron preparationswith or after meals, although absorptionis higher from the empty stomach.Interactions. Antacids inhibit iron absorption.Combination with ascorbic acid (vitaminC) to protect Fe 2+ from oxidation to Fe 3+is theoretically sound but practically is notneeded.Parenteral administration <strong>of</strong> Fe 3+ salts isindicated only when adequate oral replacementis not possible. There is a risk <strong>of</strong> overdosage,with iron deposition in tissues(hemosiderosis). The binding capacity <strong>of</strong>transferrin is limited and free Fe 3+ is toxic.Therefore, Fe 3+ complexes are employed thatcan donate Fe 3+ directly to transferrin or canbe phagocytosed by macrophages, enablingiron to be incorporated into the ferritinstore. Possible adverse effects are: with i.m.injection, persistent pain at the injection siteand skin discoloration; with i.v. injection,flushing, hypotension, anaphylactic shock.

Iron Compounds 143A. Iron: possible routes <strong>of</strong> administration and fate in the organismFe(III) salts nonabsorbableOralintakeFe(II) saltsHeme-FeFe(III)AbsorptionDuodenumupper jejunumFe(III)FerritinTransportPlasmaFe(III)TransferrinFe(III)Parenteraladministrationi.v.i.m.Uptake intoerythroblastbone marrowHemoglobinFe(III) complexesFe(III)ErythrocytebloodFerritinHemosiderin= aggregatedferritinLoss throughbleedingUptake into macrophagesspleen, liver, bone marrow

144 Antithrombotics Prophylaxis and Therapy <strong>of</strong>ThrombosesUpon vascular injury, the coagulation systemis activated: thrombocytes and fibrin moleculescoalesce into a “plug” that seals thedefect and halts bleeding (hemostasis). Unnecessaryformation <strong>of</strong> an intravascularclot—a thrombosis—can be life-threatening.If the clot forms on an atheromatous plaquein a coronary artery, myocardial infarction isimminent; a thrombus in a deep leg vein canbe dislodged and carried into a lung arteryand can cause pulmonary embolism.Drugs that decrease the coagulability <strong>of</strong>blood, suchascoumarins and heparin (A)are employed for the prophylaxis <strong>of</strong>thromboses. In addition, attempts are directed,by means <strong>of</strong> acetylsalicylic acid, atinhibiting the aggregation <strong>of</strong> blood platelets,which are prominently involved in intra-arterialthrombogenesis (p.152). For thetherapy <strong>of</strong> thrombosis, drugs are used thatdissolve the fibrin meshwork—fibrinolytics(p.150).An overview <strong>of</strong> the coagulation cascadeand sites <strong>of</strong> action for coumarins and heparinis shown in (A). There are two ways to initiatethe cascade (B): (1) conversion <strong>of</strong> factorXII into its active form (XII a , intrinsic system)at intravascular sites denuded <strong>of</strong> endothelium;(2) conversion <strong>of</strong> factor VII into VII a(extrinsic system) under the influence <strong>of</strong> atissue-derived lipoprotein (tissue thromboplastin).Both mechanisms converge via factorX into a common final pathway.The clotting factors are protein molecules.“Activation” mostly means proteolysis(cleavage <strong>of</strong> protein fragments) and, with theexception <strong>of</strong> fibrin, conversion into proteinhydrolyzingenzymes (proteases). Some activatedfactors require the presence <strong>of</strong> phospholipids(PL) and Ca 2+ for their proteolyticactivity. Conceivably, Ca 2+ ions cause the adhesion<strong>of</strong> factor to a phospholipid surface, asdepicted in (B). Phospholipids are containedin platelet factor 3 (PF3), which is releasedfrom aggregated platelets, and in tissuethromboplastin (A). The sequential activation<strong>of</strong> several enzymes allows the aforementionedreactions to “snowball” (symbolizedin C by increasing number <strong>of</strong> particles),culminating in massive production <strong>of</strong> fibrin.Ca 2+ -chelators (B) prevent the enzymaticactivity <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ -dependent factors; they containCOO – groups that bind Ca 2+ ions (C):citrate and EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid) form soluble complexes with Ca 2+ ;oxalate precipitates Ca 2+ as insoluble calciumoxalate. Chelation <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ cannot be usedin vivo for therapeutic purposes becauseCa 2+ concentrations would have to be loweredto a level incompatible with life (hypocalcemictetany). These compounds (sodiumsalts) are, therefore, used only for renderingblood incoagulable outside the body. Thiseffect can be reversed at any time by addition<strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ ions.In vivo, the progression <strong>of</strong> the coagulationcascade can be inhibited as follows (C):1. Coumarin derivatives decrease the bloodconcentrations <strong>of</strong> inactive factors II, VII, IXand X, by inhibiting their synthesis in theliver.2. The complex consisting <strong>of</strong> heparin andantithrombin III neutralizes the proteaseactivity <strong>of</strong> activated factors; unlike unfractionatedheparin, low-molecular-weightheparin fragments or the “minimal molecularsubunit <strong>of</strong> heparin,” fondaparinux,inhibitonly activated factor Xa when complexedwith antithrombin III.3. Hirudin and its derivatives (bivalirudin,lepirudin) block the active center <strong>of</strong>thrombin.

Prophylaxis and Therapy <strong>of</strong> Thromboses 145A. Activation <strong>of</strong> clotting B. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> clotting by removal <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+PlateletsEndothelial defectClotting factorCOO –XIICOO –Tissue+thrombokinase+XIIa–PF 3 VIIa VII– – – – –CaVesselrupturePhospholipids,e.g., PF 3FibrinCa 2+ chelationCitrateEDTAOxalateonly in vitroC. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> clotting cascade in vivoXIIXIIaXIXIaSynthesis susceptible toinhibition by coumarinsReaction susceptible toinhibition by heparin–antithrombin complexIXVIII + Ca 2+ + PlIXaVIIaCa 2+ + Pl (phospholipids)VIIXV + Ca 2+ + PlXaSusceptible to inhibition alsoby low-molecular-weightheparin and fondaparinuxProthrombin IIIIa ThrombinHirudinFibrinogen IIa Fibrin

146 Antithrombotics Vitamin K Antagonists and Vitamin KVitamin K promotes the hepatic γ-carboxylation<strong>of</strong> glutamate residues on the precursors<strong>of</strong> factors II, VII, IX, and X. Carboxylgroups are required for Ca 2+ -mediated bindingto phospholipid surfaces (p.144). Thereare several vitamin K derivatives <strong>of</strong> differentorigins: K 1 (phytomenadione) from chlorophyllousplants; K 2 from gut bacteria; and K 3(menadione) synthesized chemically. All arehydrophobic and require bile acids for absorption.Oral anticoagulants. Structurally related tovitamin K, 4-hydroxycoumarins act as”false” vitamin K and prevent regeneration<strong>of</strong> reduced (active) vitamin K from vitamin Kepoxide, hence the synthesis <strong>of</strong> vitamin K-dependent clotting factorsCoumarins are well absorbed after oraladministration. Their duration <strong>of</strong> actionvaries considerably. Synthesis <strong>of</strong> clotting factorsdepends on the intrahepatocytic concentrationratio between coumarins and vitaminK. The dose required for an adequateanticoagulant effect must be determined individuallyfor each patient (monitoring <strong>of</strong>the International Normalized Ratio, INR).Indications. Hydroxycoumarins are used forthe prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> thromboembolism as, forinstance, in atrial fibrillation or after heartvalve replacement.The most important adverse effect isbleeding. With coumarins, this can be counteractedby giving vitamin K 1 . However, coagulability<strong>of</strong> blood returns to normal onlyafter hours or days, when the liver has resumedsynthesis and restored suf cientblood levels <strong>of</strong> carboxylated clotting factors.In urgent cases, deficient factors must bereplenished directly (e. g., by transfusion <strong>of</strong>whole blood or <strong>of</strong> prothrombin concentrate).Other notable adverse effects include: atthe start <strong>of</strong> therapy, hemorrhagic skin necrosesand alopecia; with exposure in utero,disturbances <strong>of</strong> fetal cartilage and bone formationand CNS injury (due to bleeding);enhanced risk <strong>of</strong> retroplacental bleeding. Possibilities for Interference (B)Adjusting the dosage <strong>of</strong> a hydroxycoumarincalls for a delicate balance between the opposingrisks <strong>of</strong> bleeding (effect too strong)and <strong>of</strong> thrombosis (effect too weak). Afterthe dosage has been titrated successfully,loss <strong>of</strong> control may occur if certain interferingfactors are ignored. If the patient changesdietary habits and consumes more vegetables,vitamin K may predominate over thevitamin K antagonist. If vitamin K-producinggut flora is damaged in the course <strong>of</strong> antibiotictherapy, the antagonist may prevail.Drugs that increase hepatic biotransformationvia enzyme induction (p. 38) may accelerateelimination <strong>of</strong> a hydroxycoumarin andthus lower its blood level. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> hepaticbiotransformation (e. g., the H 2 blockercimetidine) augment the action <strong>of</strong> hydroxycoumarins.Apart from pharmacokinetic alterations,pharmacodynamic interactionsmust be taken into account. Thus, acetylsalicylicacid is contraindicated because (a) itretards hemostasis by inhibiting platelet aggregationand (b) it may cause damage to thegastric mucosa with erosion <strong>of</strong> blood vessels.

Vitamin K Antagonists and Vitamin K 147A. Vitamin K-antagonists <strong>of</strong> the coumarin type and vitamin KDuration <strong>of</strong> action/daysVit. K 1CH 3 CH 3R =3PhytomenadioneCH3R =CHCH 2 CH 3PhenprocoumonVit. K 2R =CH 3 CH 3CH 31–12R =CHCH 2 C CH 3OWarfarinVit. K 3R = HMenadioneR =CHNO 2CH 2 C CH 3OAcenocoumarolOCarboxylation <strong>of</strong> glutamine residuesH 2 NCCHII, VII, IX, XCH 2OCHHOOC COOHCH 3Vit. K-EpoxidOOOHRVit. K derivatesVit. K4-HydroxycoumarinderivativesOHRB. Possible interactionsRisk <strong>of</strong> thrombosisOptimal adjustmentRisk <strong>of</strong> bleedingIncreased intake <strong>of</strong>vitamin K-rich foodIncreaseVitamin KeffectDamage to vitamin K-producingintestinal bacteria by antibioticsDecreaseDecreaseInhibition <strong>of</strong> enteral coumarin absorptionby adsorbents, e.g., antacids, medicinalcharcoalAcceleration <strong>of</strong> hepatic coumarinmetabolism: enzyme induction, e.g.,by carbamazepine, rifampicinHydroxycoumarineffectInhibition <strong>of</strong> hepatic coumarinmetabolism, e.g., by cimetidine,metronidazoleIncrease

148 Antithrombotics Heparin (A)Occurrence and structure. Heparin can beobtained from porcine gut, where it ispresent (together with histamine) in storagevesicles <strong>of</strong> mast cells. Heparin molecules arechains <strong>of</strong> amino sugars bearing –COO – and–SO 3 – groups. Chain length is not constantand anticoagulant ef cacy varies with chainlength. The potency <strong>of</strong> a preparation isstandardized in international units <strong>of</strong> activity(IU)bybioassayandcomparisonwithareference preparation. The molecular weight(MW) for unfractionated heparin ranges from4000 to 40 000, with a peak around 15 000.Low-molecular-weight fractionated heparincanbeproducedbycleavage<strong>of</strong>nativeheparin;molecular size is less heterogeneous,withameanMW<strong>of</strong>5000(e.g.,certoparin,dalteparin, enoxaparin).The synthetic fondaparinux(MW 1728) resembles the basic pentasaccharidesubunit <strong>of</strong> heparin, essential foractivity. The numerous negative charges aresignificant in several respects: (1) they contributeto complex formation with antithrombinIII that underlies the anticoagulanteffect; (2) they permit binding <strong>of</strong> heparin toits antidote, protamine (a polycationic proteinfrom salmon sperm); (3) they conferpoor membrane penetrability, necessitatingadministration <strong>of</strong> heparin by injection.Mechanism <strong>of</strong> action. Antithrombin III (ATIII) is a circulating glycoprotein capable <strong>of</strong>inhibiting activated clotting factors by occupationand irreversible blockade <strong>of</strong> the activecenter. Heparin acts to inhibit clotting byaccelerating formation <strong>of</strong> this complex morethan 1000-fold. Activated clotting factorshave differing requirements for optimalchain length <strong>of</strong> heparin. For instance, to inactivatethrombin, the heparin moleculemust simultaneously contact the factor andAT III. With factor Xa, however, contact betweenheparin and AT III is suf cient forspeeding up inactivation.Indications. Heparin is used for the prophylaxisand therapy <strong>of</strong> thrombosis. For theformer, low dosages, given subcutaneously,are suf cient. Unfractionated heparin mustbe injected about three time daily, fractionatedheparins and fondaparinux can beadministered once daily. For treatment <strong>of</strong>thrombosis, heparin must be infused intravenouslyin an increased daily dose.Adverse effects. When bleeding is inducedby heparin, the heparin action can be instantlyreversed by protamine. Against fractionatedheparins and fondaparinux, protamineislessornoteffective.Heparin-inducedthrombocytopenia type II (HIT II) is adangerous complication. It results from formation<strong>of</strong> antibodies that precipitate withbound heparin on platelets. The plateletsaggregate and give rise to vascular occlusions.Because <strong>of</strong> the thrombocytopenia,hemorrhages may occur. Fondaparinux is alsocontraindicated in HIT II.The drug danaparoid consists mostly <strong>of</strong>the heparinoid heparan sulfate. Its chainsare composed <strong>of</strong> a part <strong>of</strong> the heparin molecule(indicated by blue color underlay). Itseffect is mediated by AT III. Hirudin and Derivatives (B)The polypeptide hirudin from the saliva <strong>of</strong>the European medicinal leech inhibits clotting<strong>of</strong> the leech’s blood meal by blockade <strong>of</strong>theactivecenter<strong>of</strong>thrombin.Thisactionisindependent<strong>of</strong>ATIIIandthusalsooccursinpatients with AT III deficiency. Lepirudin anddesrudin are yeast-derived recombinant analogues.They can be used in patients withHIT II.Ximelagatran is a modified thrombin antagonistsuitable for oral use.

Heparin 149A. Heparins: origin, structure, and mechanism <strong>of</strong> actionMast cellOCH2 OSO3 –OCOO –OOHOOHHN C CH3 OHOPentasaccharide basic unitOCH2 OSO3 –OOHN SO3 –OSO3 –OCOO –OH OOSO3 –CH2 OSO3 –OOHOHN SO3 –Standard heparinunfractionatedmeanMW ~ 15 000Low-MW heparinfractionatedmean MW ~ 5000Antidote protamine~ 3x daily s.c. ~once daily s.c.ActivatedclottingfactorIIaThrombinAcceleration<strong>of</strong> inactivationXaInactivationAntithrombin IIIStandard heparinrequiredLow-MW heparinsufficientHeparin-induced thrombocytopenia type IIAntibodyHeparinPlateletaggregationPlateletThromboembolismB. Hirudin and derivativesLeucine Isoleucine: LepirudinH 2 NHirudinIIaThrombinDirectselectiveinhibitionHirudo medicinalis

150 Antithrombotics FibrinolyticsThe fibrin meshwork <strong>of</strong> a blood clot can becleaved by plasmin. As a protease, plasmincan break down not only fibrin but also fibrinogenand other proteins. Plasmin derivesfrom an inactive precursor, plasminogen,present in blood. Under physiological conditions,specificity <strong>of</strong> action for fibrin isachieved because, among other things, activationtakes place on the fibrin clot.The tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)is released into the blood from endothelialcells when blood flow stagnates. Next to itscatalytic center, this protease possesses otherfunctional domains, including dockingsites for fibrin. During contact with fibrin,plasminogen–plasmin conversion rate isseveral-fold higher than in streaming blood.Plasminogen also contains a binding domainfor fibrin.Plasminogen activators available fortherapeutic use are designated as fibrinolytics;they are infused intravenously inmyocardial infarction, stroke, deep leg veinthrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and otherthrombotic vascular occlusions. The earliertreatment is started after thrombus formation,the better is the chance <strong>of</strong> achievingpatency <strong>of</strong> the occluded vessel.The desired effect carries with it the risk <strong>of</strong>bleeding as the most important adverse effect,because, apart from the intravascularfibrin clot forming the thrombus, other fibrincoagula sealing defects in the vascular wallare dissolved as well. Moreover, use <strong>of</strong> fibrinolyticsentails the risk that fibrinogen andother clotting factors circulating in blood willundergo cleavage (“systemic lytic state”).Streptokinase is the oldest available fibrinolytic.By itself it lacks enzymatic activity;only after binding to a plasminogen moleculeis a complex formed that activates plasminogen.Streptokinase is produced bystreptococcal bacteria. Streptokinase antibodiesmay be present as a result <strong>of</strong> previousstreptococcal infections and may lead to incompatibilityreactions.Urokinase is an endogenous plasminogenactivator that occurs in different organs. Urokinaseused therapeutically is obtained fromhuman cultured kidney cells. Circulatingantibodies are not expected. The substanceis more expensive than streptokinase andalso does not depend on fibrin in its action.Alteplase is a recombinant tissue plasminogenactivator (rt-PA). As a result <strong>of</strong> itsproduction in eukaryotic Chinese hamsterovary (CHO) cells, carbohydrate residuesarepresentasinthenativesubstance.Atthe therapeutically used dosage, alteplaseloses its “fibrin dependence” and thus alsoactivates circulating plasminogen. In freshmyocardial infarctions, alteplase appears toproduce better results than does streptokinase.Tenecteplase is a variant <strong>of</strong> alteplase thathas been altered by six point mutations, resultingin a significant prolongation <strong>of</strong> itsplasma half-life (tenecteplase t ½ = 20 minutes;alteplase t ½ = 3–4 minutes). Tenecteplaseis dosed according to body weight andgiven by intravenous bolus injection.Reteplase is a deletion variant <strong>of</strong> t-PA thatlacks both fibrin-binding domains and oligosaccharideside chains (manufactured inprokaryotic E. coli). It is eliminated moreslowly than alteplase. Whereas alteplase isgiven by infusion, reteplase can be administeredintwobolusinjectionsspaced30minutesapartPlasmin inhibitors. ε-Aminocaproic acid aswell as tranexamic acid and p-aminomethylbenzoicacid (PAMBA) are plasmin inhibitorsthat can be useful in bleeding complications.They exert an inhibitory effect by occupyingthe fibrin binding site <strong>of</strong> plasminogen orplasmin.

Fibrinolytics 151A. FibrinolyticsFibrint-PAFibrinolysisPlasminogenPlasminEndotheliumt-PA: tissueplasminogen activatorPlasminogen activatorsActive centerAlteplase =recombinant t-PACHOcellsStreptokinaseStreptococciFevers, chills,inactivationUrokinaseAntibodiesfrom priorinfectionsPlasmin inhibitorH 2 NCOOHε-Aminocaproic acidcDNATenecteplase =t-PA with 6 aminoacid mutationsReteplase =nonglycosylatedvariant <strong>of</strong> t-PAHuman kidney cell cultureBlockade <strong>of</strong>plasminogen/plasminbinding site on fibrinE. coliTruncated cDNA

152 Antithrombotics Intra- arterial ThrombusFormation (A)Activation <strong>of</strong> platelets, e. g., upon contactwith collagen <strong>of</strong> the extracellular matrixafter injury to the vascular wall, constitutesthe immediate and decisive step in initiatingthe process <strong>of</strong> primary hemostasis,i.e.,cessation<strong>of</strong> bleeding. However in the absence<strong>of</strong> vascular injury, platelets can be activatedas a result <strong>of</strong> damage to the endothelial celllining <strong>of</strong> blood vessels. Among the multiplefunctions <strong>of</strong> the endothelium, the production<strong>of</strong> prostacyclin and nitric oxide (NO)plays an important role because both substancesinhibit the tendency <strong>of</strong> platelets toadhere to the endothelial surface. Impairment<strong>of</strong> endothelial function, e. g., due tochronic hypertension, chronic elevation <strong>of</strong>plasma LDL levels or <strong>of</strong> blood glucose, andcigarette smoking, increases the probability<strong>of</strong> adhesion between thrombocytes and endothelium.The deceleration <strong>of</strong> fast flowingplateletsoccursthroughaninteractionbetweenthe glycoprotein Ibα (GP I) in the plateletmembrane and von Willebrand factorin the endothelium and basal membrane(denuded after endothelial injury). For theproper activation <strong>of</strong> the platelet, interactionwith subendothelial collagen <strong>of</strong> an additionalplatelet glycoprotein (GP IV) is necessary.As soon as platelets are activated (see p.154),they change their shape and gain af nity forfibrinogen. This results from a conformationalchange <strong>of</strong> glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in the plateletmembrane. Platelets can now be linkedto each other via fibrinogen bridges (A).Platelet aggregation proceeds like an avalanchebecause, once activated, one plateletcan activate other platelets. On the injuredendothelial cell a thrombus is formed, whichobstructs blood flow. Ultimately, the vascularlumen is occluded by the thrombus as thelatter is solidified by vasoconstriction promotedby the release <strong>of</strong> serotonin andthromboxane A 2 from the aggregated plateletsand by locally activated thrombin.Thrombin plays a tw<strong>of</strong>old part in thrombusformation: as a protease, thrombin cleavesfibrinogen and thus initiates the formation<strong>of</strong> fibrin clot (blood coagulation, p.144). Theeffects <strong>of</strong> thrombin on platelets and endothelialcells, however, involve a proteolyticactivation <strong>of</strong> receptors coupled to G-proteins(so-called protease-activated receptors).When these events occur in a larger, functionallyimportant artery, myocardial infarctionor stroke may be the result.Von Willebrand factor plays a key role inthrombogenesis. Lack <strong>of</strong> this factor is thecause <strong>of</strong> thrombasthenia, the inability tostaunch bleeding by platelet aggregation. Arelative deficiency <strong>of</strong> von Willebrand factorcan be transiently relieved by injection <strong>of</strong>the vasopressin analogue desmopressin, becausethis substance makes factor availablefrom stored supplies. Formation, Activation, andAggregation <strong>of</strong> Platelets (B)Platelets are fragments <strong>of</strong> multicellularmegakaryocytes. They constitute the smallestformed elements <strong>of</strong> blood (diameter1–4 µm) and, devoid <strong>of</strong> a cell nucleus, areno longer capable <strong>of</strong> protein synthesis.Platelets can be activated by various stimuli,leading to: Change in shape Conversion <strong>of</strong> integrin GP IIb/IIIa into itsactive conformation Release<strong>of</strong>activesubstancessuchasserotonin,platelet-activating factor (PAF),ADP, and thromboxane A 2 .Allthesesubstancesactivate other platelets.

Intra-arterial Thrombus Formation 153A. Thrombogenesis1. Adhesion2. Activation 3. AggregationEndothelial defectPlateletnot activatedActivatedplateletvon WillebrandfactorCollagenFibrinogenB. Aggregation <strong>of</strong> platelets by the integrin GPIIb/IIIaMegakaryocyteActivationFibrinogenbinding:GlycoproteinIIb/IIIaContact withcollagenADPThrombinThromboxane A 2SerotoninPlateletPlateletFibrinogenGlycoproteinIIb/IIIaAggregationimpossiblepossible

154 Antithrombotics Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> PlateletAggregation (A)Collagen, thrombin, ADP, and thromboxaneA 2 are the most important mediators thatinduce maximal activation and aggregation<strong>of</strong> platelets. The first essential step in plateletactivation is mediated by direct contact withcollagen, which can bind to different proteinsin the platelet membrane. The mostimportant “collagen receptor” in the plateletmembrane is glycoprotein VI (GP VI). Activationinduces a change in platelet shape andtriggers secretion <strong>of</strong> substances stored inintracellular platelet granula (e. g., ADP, serotonin).In addition, GP VI stimulates cyclooxygenase(COX-1), causing thromboxane A 2to be produced and released from arachidonicacid (p.196).The propensity <strong>of</strong> platelets to aggregatecan be inhibited by various pharmacologicalinterventions.Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) prevents COX-1-mediated synthesis <strong>of</strong> thromboxane. Lowdaily doses (75–100 mg) may be suf cient.Indications include prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> re-infarctionafter myocardial infarction and <strong>of</strong>stroke. Despite the low dosage, adverse effectssuch as gastric mucosal damage orprovocation <strong>of</strong> asthma attacks cannot beruled out.Available alternatives to ASA are the ADPreceptor antagonists ticlopidine and clopidrogel,which can also be given orally. Similarlyto ASA, ticlopidine and clopidrogelcause an irreversible inhibition <strong>of</strong> plateletfunction. Both substances are inactive precursorsthat are converted by hepatic cytochromeP450 to an active metabolite thatbinds covalently to a subtype (P2Y 12 ) <strong>of</strong>ADP receptors on platelets. Consequently,ADP-mediated platelet aggregation is inhibitedfor the duration <strong>of</strong> the platelet life cycle(~ 7–10 days). Ticlopidine may cause seriousadverse effects, including neutropenia andthrombopenia. The successor substance, clopidrogel,is better tolerated.Antagonists at the integrin glycoproteinIIb/IIIa. Available agents are suitable onlyfor parenteral administration and, in clinicalsettings, are used in percutaneous coronaryballoon distension or in unstable angina pectoris.They block the fibrinogen cross-linkingprotein and thus decrease fibrinogen-mediatedmeshing <strong>of</strong> platelets independently <strong>of</strong>the precipitating cause. Abciximab is a chimericFab-antibody fragment directedagainst GP IIb/IIIa protein. Tir<strong>of</strong>iban and eptifibatideact as competitive antagonists atthe fibrinogen binding site. Because abciximabadheres to GPIIb/IIIa for a long time,24–48 hours are required after injection <strong>of</strong>thedrugbeforeplateletaggregationagainbecomes possible. The effects <strong>of</strong> eptifibatideand tir<strong>of</strong>iban dissipate within a few hours.Because GP IIb/IIIa antagonists inhibit thecommon final pathway in platelet activation,they pose a risk <strong>of</strong> bleeding during treatment. Presystemic Effect <strong>of</strong> ASAThe inhibition <strong>of</strong> platelet aggregation by ASAresults from acetylation and blockade <strong>of</strong> plateletCOX-1 (B). The specificity <strong>of</strong> this reactionis achieved in the following manner:irreversible acetylation <strong>of</strong> the enzyme alreadyoccurs in the blood <strong>of</strong> the splanchnicregion, that is, before the liver is reached.Since ASA is subject to extensive presystemicdeacetylation, cyclooxygenases located posthepatically(e. g., in endothelial cells) arehardly affected. Confinement <strong>of</strong> COX-1 inhibitionto platelets is further accentuatedbecause enzyme can be re-synthesized innormal cells having a nucleus but not inthe anuclear platelets.

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Platelet Aggregation 155A. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> platelet aggregationASAAbciximabAcetylsalicylic acidEptifibatide,a peptideThromboxaneA 2Tir<strong>of</strong>iban,nonpeptideGPIIb/IIIa antagonistsTPFibrinogenGPIIb/IIIaCox1CH 3SecretionClopidogrelADPG iP2Y 12GPVIOOCollagenNS ClADP-receptor antagonistsB. Presystemic inhibition <strong>of</strong> platelet aggregation by acetylsalicylic acidPlateletsLow doseOHCOOHH 3 COCOAcetylsalicylicacidCOOHAcetylation <strong>of</strong>COX in platelets

156 Plasma Volume Expanders Plasma Volume ExpandersMajor blood loss entails the danger <strong>of</strong> lifethreateningcirculatory failure, i. e., hypovolemicshock. The immediate threat resultsnot so much from the loss <strong>of</strong> erythrocytes,i. e., oxygen carriers, as from the reduction involume <strong>of</strong> circulating blood.To eliminate the threat <strong>of</strong> shock, replenishment<strong>of</strong> the circulation is essential. Withmoderate loss <strong>of</strong> blood, administration <strong>of</strong> aplasma volume expander may be suf cient.Blood plasma consists basically <strong>of</strong> water,electrolytes, and plasma proteins. However,aplasmasubstituteneednotcontainplasmaproteins. These can be suitably replacedwith macromolecules (“colloids”) that, likeplasma proteins, (1) do not readily leave thecirculation and are poorly filtrable in the renalglomerulus; and (2) bind water along with itssolutes owing to their colloid osmotic properties.In this manner, they will maintain circulatoryfilling pressure for many hours. Onthe other hand, complete elimination <strong>of</strong>these colloids from the body is clearly desirable.Compared with whole blood or plasma,plasma substitutes <strong>of</strong>fer several advantages:they can be produced more easily and atlower cost, have a longer shelf-life, and arefree <strong>of</strong> pathogens such as hepatitis B and C orAIDS viruses.Three colloids are currently employed asplasma volume expanders—the two polysaccharidesdextran and hydroxyethyl starch,and the polypeptide gelatin.Dextran is a polymer formed by bacteriaand consisting <strong>of</strong> atypically linked (1†6 instead<strong>of</strong> 1†4 bond) glucose molecules. Commerciallyavailable plasma substitutes containdextran <strong>of</strong> a mean molecular weight(MW) <strong>of</strong> 70 or 75 kDa (dextran 70 or 75)or 40 kDa (dextran 40 or low-molecularweightdextran). The chain length <strong>of</strong> singlemolecules varies widely, however. Smallerdextran molecules can be filtered at the glomerulusand slowly excreted in urine; thelarger ones are eventually taken up and degradedby cells <strong>of</strong> the mononuclear phagocytesystem. Apart from restoring blood volume,dextran solutions are used for hemodilutionin the management <strong>of</strong> blood flow disorders.As for microcirculatory improvement, it isoccasionally emphasized that low -molecular-weightdextran, unlike dextran 70, maydirectly reduce the aggregability <strong>of</strong> erythrocytesby way <strong>of</strong> altering their surface properties.With prolonged use, larger moleculeswill accumulate owing to the more rapidrenal excretion <strong>of</strong> the smaller ones. Consequently,the molecular weight <strong>of</strong> dextrancirculating in blood will tend toward a highermean molecular weight with the passage<strong>of</strong> time.The most important adverse effect resultsfrom the antigenicity <strong>of</strong> dextrans, which maylead to an anaphylactoid reaction. Dextranantibodies can be intercepted without animmuneresponsebyinjection<strong>of</strong>smalldextranmolecules (MW 1000), thus obviatingany incompatibility reaction to subsequentinfusion <strong>of</strong> the dextran plasma substitutesolution.Hydroxyethyl starch (hetastarch) is producedfrom starch. By virtue <strong>of</strong> its hydroxyethylgroups, it is metabolized more slowlyand retained significantly longer in bloodthan would be the case with infused starch.Hydroxyethyl starch resembles dextrans interms <strong>of</strong> its pharmacological properties andtherapeutic applications. A particular adverseeffect is pruritus <strong>of</strong> prolonged durationwith deposition <strong>of</strong> the drug in peripheralnerves.Gelatin colloids consist <strong>of</strong> cross-linkedpeptide chains obtained from collagen. Theyare employed for blood replacement but notfor hemodilution in circulatory disturbances.

Plasma Volume Expanders 157A. Plasma subtitutesCirculationGelatin colloids= cross-linked peptide chainsMW 35 000Peptides MW ~ 15 000Gelatin MW ~ 100 000Collagen MW ~ 300 000Blood lossPlasmaDanger <strong>of</strong> shockOCH 2OCH 2OHOHOOOHO HO OCH 2OHROOHCH 2OHOOOHO RO ORO OCH 2OHOR = HO–CH 2 –CH 2 –Hydroxyethyl starchRO O(hetastarch)mean MW 670 000Plasmasubstitutewith colloidsHOCH2OOHOHHOODextranMW 70 000MW 40 000CH2OOHErythrocytesOOH CH2OOHO6HOOH CH25 O4 OH3 1HOOHOPlasmaproteinsHydroxyethylationstarchSucroseFructoseBacteriumLeuconostocmesenteroides

158 Drugs Used in Hyperlipoproteinemias Lipid- lowering AgentsTriglycerides and cholesterol are essentialconstituents <strong>of</strong> the organism. Among otherthings, triglycerides represent a form <strong>of</strong> energystore and cholesterol is a basic buildingblock <strong>of</strong> biological membranes. Both lipidsarewaterinsolubleandrequireappropriate“packaging” for transport in the aqueousmedia <strong>of</strong> lymph and blood. To this end, smallamounts <strong>of</strong> lipid are coated with a layer <strong>of</strong>phospholipids, embedded in which are additionalproteins—the apolipoproteins (A). Accordingto the amount and the composition<strong>of</strong> stored lipids, as well as the type <strong>of</strong> apolipoprotein,one distinguishes four transportforms (see table).Origin Density (g/ml) Mean time inblood plasma (h)Diameter (nm)Chylomicron Gut epithelium > 1.006 0.2 500 or moreVLDL particle Liver 0.95–1.006 3 100–200LDL particle (Blood) 1.006–1.063 50 25HDL particle Liver 1.063–1.210 — 5–10Lipoprotein metabolism. Enterocytes releaseabsorbed lipids in the form <strong>of</strong> triglyceride-richchylomicrons. Bypassing the liver,these enter the circulation mainly via thelymph and are hydrolyzed by extrahepaticendothelial lipoprotein lipases to liberatefatty acids. The remnant particles move oninto liver cells and supply these with cholesterol<strong>of</strong> dietary origin.The liver meets the larger part (60%) <strong>of</strong> itsrequirement for cholesterol by synthesis denovo from acetyl-coenzyme A. Synthesisrate is regulated at the step leading fromhydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) tomevalonic acid (p.161A), with HMG-CoA reductaseas the rate-limiting enzyme.The liver requires cholesterol for synthesizingVLDL particles and bile acids. Triglyceride-richVLDL particles are released intothe blood and, like the chylomicrons, supplyother tissues with fatty acids. Left behind areLDL particles that either return into the liveror supply extrahepatic tissues with cholesterol.LDL particles carry the apolipoprotein B-100, by which they are bound to receptorsthat mediate uptake <strong>of</strong> LDL into the cells,including the hepatocytes (receptor-mediatedendocytosis, p. 26).HDL particles are able to transfer cholesterolfrom tissue cells to LDL particles. In thisway, cholesterol is transported from tissuesto the liver.Hyperlipoproteinemias can be causedgenetically (primary hyperlipoproteinemia)or can occur in obesity and metabolic disorders(secondary hyperlipoproteinemia). ElevatedLDL-cholesterol serum concentrationsare associated with an increased risk <strong>of</strong> atherosclerosis,especially when there is a concomitantdecline in HDL concentration (increasein LDL : HDL quotient).Treatment. Various drugs are available thathave different mechanisms <strong>of</strong> action and effectson LDL (cholesterol) and VLDL (triglycerides)(A). Their use is indicated in thetherapy <strong>of</strong> primary hyperlipoproteinemias.In secondary hyperlipoproteinemias, the immediategoalshouldbetolowerlipoproteinlevels by dietary restriction, treatment <strong>of</strong> theprimary disease, or both.

Lipid-lowering Agents 159A. Lipoprotein metabolismDietary fatsCell metabolismCholesterolChylomicronFat tissueLDLHDLHeartSkeletal muscleVLDLHDLLDLChylomicronremnantLipoproteinsynthesisCholesterolTriglyceridesCholesterolFatty acidsLipoproteinLipaseLiver cellCholesterolesterTriglyceridesApolipoproteinOHOHOHCholesterolB. Cholesterol metabolism in liver cell and cholesterol-lowering drugsColestyramineGut: bindingandexcretion<strong>of</strong> bileacids (BA)Liver:BA synthesisCholesterolconsumptionBile acidsCholesterolstoreLipoproteinsLiver cellEzetimibGut:CholesterolabsorptionSynthesisLDLHMG-CoA-Reductase inhibitors

160 Drugs Used in HyperlipoproteinemiasDrugs. As nonabsorbable anion-exchangeresins, colestyramine and colestipol can bindbile acids in the gut lumen, which are thusremoved from cholesterol metabolism. Therequired dosage is rather high (15–30 g/day)and liable to produce gastrointestinal disturbances.Consequently, patient compliance islow. Moreover, the resins trap needed drugsand vitamins. A more promising approach tolowering absorption <strong>of</strong> cholesterol derivesfrom a novel mechanism <strong>of</strong> action probablybased on the specific inhibition <strong>of</strong> intestinalcholesterol transporters that are required forabsorption <strong>of</strong> cholesterol. An inhibitor <strong>of</strong> thistype is ezetimibe.β-Sitosterin is a plant steroid that is notabsorbed after oral administration; in suf -ciently high dosage it impedes enteral absorption<strong>of</strong> cholesterol. Treatment with sitosterinhas become obsolete. The drug is nolonger on the market.The statins lovastatin and fluvastatin inhibitHMG-CoA reductase. They contain amolecular moiety that chemically resemblesthe physiological substrate <strong>of</strong> the enzyme(A). Lovastatin is a lactone that is rapidlyabsorbed by the enteral route, subjected toextensive first-pass extraction in the liver,and there hydrolyzed to active metabolites.Fluvastatin represents the active form and,as an acid, is actively transported by a specificanion carrier that moves bile acids frombloodintoliverandalsomediatestheselectiveuptake <strong>of</strong> the mycotoxin amanitin (A).Normally viewed as presystemic elimination,ef cient hepatic extraction serves toconfine the action <strong>of</strong> statins to the liver. Despitethe inhibition <strong>of</strong> HMG-CoA reductase,hepatic cholesterol content does not fall becausehepatocytes compensate any drop incholesterol levels by increasing the synthesis<strong>of</strong> LDL receptor protein (along with the reductase).Since, in the presence <strong>of</strong> statins, thenewly-formed reductase is inhibited as well,the hepatocyte must meet its cholesteroldemand entirely by uptake <strong>of</strong> LDL from theblood (B). Accordingly, the concentration <strong>of</strong>circulating LDL falls. As LDL remains in bloodfor a shorter time, the likelihood <strong>of</strong> LDL beingoxidized to its proatherogenic degradationproduct decreases pari passu.Other statins include simvastatin (also alactone prodrug), pravastatin, atorvastatin,and cerivastatin (activeformwithopenring).The statins are the most important therapeuticsfor lowering cholesterol levels. Theirnotable cardiovascular protective effect,however, appears to involve additional actions.The combination <strong>of</strong> a statin with an inhibitor<strong>of</strong> cholesterol absorption (e. g., ezetimibe)can lower LDL levels even further.A rare but dangerous adverse effect <strong>of</strong>statins is damage to skeletal muscle (rhabdomyolysis).This risk is increased by combineduse <strong>of</strong> fibric acid agents (see below).Cerivastatin has proved particularly toxic.Besides muscle damage associated withmyoglobinuria and renal failure, severehepatotoxicity has also been noted, promptingwithdrawal <strong>of</strong> the drug.Nicotinic acid and its derivatives (pyridylcarbinol,xanthinol nicotinate, andacipimox)activate endothelial lipoprotein lipase andthereby mainly lower triglyceride levels. Atthe start <strong>of</strong> therapy, a prostaglandin-mediatedvasodilation occurs (flushing, hypotension)that can be prevented by low doses <strong>of</strong>acetylsalicylic acid.Cl<strong>of</strong>ibrate and derivatives (bezafibrate, fen<strong>of</strong>ibrate,and gemfibrozil) lower concentrations<strong>of</strong> VLDL (triglycerides) along with LDL(cholesterol). They may cause damage to liverand skeletal muscle (myalgia, myopathy,rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinemia andrenal failure). The mechanism <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong>fibrates is not completely understood. Theybind to a peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor (PPARα) and thereby influencegenes regulating lipid metabolism.

Lipid-lowering Agents 161A. Accumulation and effect <strong>of</strong> HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in liverLow systemic availabilityHO–COOCH3OSCoA3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoAHMG-CoA-ReductaseMevalonateHO–COOCH3OHCholesterolBioactivationHOR–COOOHActive formExtraction<strong>of</strong> lipophiliclactoneActiveuptake <strong>of</strong>anionH 3 CHOOOH 3 COOCH 3OraladministrationFHOCOO –OHCH 3N CH 3H 3 CLovastatinFluvastatinB. Regulation by cellular cholesterol concentration <strong>of</strong> HMG-CoA reductase andLDL-receptorsInhibition <strong>of</strong>HMG-CoA reductaseLDL-ReceptorHMG-CoAreductaseGeneexpressionGeneexpressionCholesterolLDLin bloodIncreased receptormediateduptake <strong>of</strong> LDL

162 Diuretics Diuretics—An OverviewDiuretics (saluretics) elicit increased production<strong>of</strong> urine (diuresis). In the strict sense,the term is applied to drugs with a directrenal action. The predominant action <strong>of</strong> suchagents is to augment urine excretion by inhibitingthe reabsorption <strong>of</strong> NaCl and water.The most important indications for diureticsare the following.Mobilization <strong>of</strong> edemas (A). In edemathere is swelling <strong>of</strong> tissues owing to accumulation<strong>of</strong> fluid, chiefly in the extracellular(interstitial) space. When a diuretic is given,increased renal excretion <strong>of</strong> Na + and H 2 Ocauses a reduction in plasma volume withhemoconcentration. As a result, plasma proteinconcentration rises along with oncoticpressure. As the latter operates to attractwater, fluid will shift from interstitium intothecapillarybed.Thefluidcontent<strong>of</strong>tissuesthus falls and the edemas recede. The decreasein plasma volume and interstitial volumemeans a diminution <strong>of</strong> the extracellularfluid volume (EFV). Depending on the condition,use is made <strong>of</strong> thiazides, loop diuretics,aldosterone antagonists, and osmoticdiuretics.Antihypertensive therapy. Diuretics havebeen used as drugs <strong>of</strong> first choice for loweringelevated blood pressure (p. 314). Evenat low dosage, they decrease peripheral resistance(without significantly reducing EFV)and thereby normalize blood pressure.Therapy <strong>of</strong> congestive heart failure. Bylowering peripheral resistance, diuretics aidthe heart in ejecting blood (reduction inafterload, p. 322); cardiac output and exercisetolerance are increased. Owing to theincreased excretion <strong>of</strong> fluid, EFV and venousreturn decrease (reduction in preload).Symptoms <strong>of</strong> venous congestion, such as ankleedema and hepatic enlargement, subside.The drugs principally used are thiazides(possibly combined with K + -sparing diuretics)and loop diuretics.Prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> renal failure. In circulatoryfailure (shock), e. g., secondary to massivehemorrhage, renal production <strong>of</strong> urinemay cease (anuria). By means <strong>of</strong> diuretics, anattempt is made to maintain urinary flow.Use <strong>of</strong> either osmotic or loop diuretics isindicated.Massive use <strong>of</strong> diuretics entails a hazard <strong>of</strong>adverse effects (A):1. Thedecreaseinbloodvolumecanleadtohypotension and collapse.2. Blood viscosity rises owing to the increasein erythrocyte and thrombocyte concentrations,bringing an increased risk <strong>of</strong> intravascularcoagulation or thrombosis.When depletion <strong>of</strong> NaCl and water (EFV reduction)occurs as a result <strong>of</strong> diuretictherapy, the body can initiate counterregulatoryresponses (B), namely, activation <strong>of</strong>the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system(p.128). Because <strong>of</strong> the diminished bloodvolume, renal blood flow is jeopardized. Thisleads to release from the kidneys <strong>of</strong> the hormonerenin, which enzymatically catalyzesthe formation <strong>of</strong> angiotensin I. Angiotensin Iis converted to angiotensin II by the action <strong>of</strong>“angiotensin-converting enzyme” (ACE). AngiotensinII stimulates release <strong>of</strong> aldosterone.The mineralocorticoid promotes renalreabsorption <strong>of</strong> NaCl and water and thuscounteracts the effect <strong>of</strong> diuretics. ACE inhibitors(p.128) and angiotensin II antagonistsaugment the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> diuretics bypreventing this counterregulatory response.

Diuretics—An Overview 163A. Mechanism <strong>of</strong> edema fluid mobilization by diureticsProtein moleculesEdemaHemoconcentrationColloidosmoticpressureMobilization <strong>of</strong>edema fluidCollapse,danger <strong>of</strong>thrombosisDiureticB. Possible counter-regulatory responses during long-term diuretic therapySalt andfluid retentionDiureticDiureticEFV:Na + , Cl - ,H 2 OAngiotensinogenReninAngiotensin IACEAngiotensin IIAldosterone

164 Diuretics NaCl Reabsorption in the Kidney (A)The smallest functional unit <strong>of</strong> the kidney isthe nephron. In the glomerular capillaryloops, ultrafiltration <strong>of</strong> plasma fluid intoBowman’s capsule yields primary urine. Inthe proximal tubules (pT), ~ 70% <strong>of</strong> the ultrafiltrateis retrieved by iso-osmotic reabsorption<strong>of</strong> NaCl and water. Downstream, in thethick portion <strong>of</strong> the ascending limb <strong>of</strong>Henle’s loop, NaCl is absorbed unaccompaniedby water. The differing properties <strong>of</strong> thelimbs <strong>of</strong> Henle’s loop, together with the parallelarrangement <strong>of</strong> vasa recta, are the prerequisitesfor the hairpin countercurrentmechanism that allows build-up <strong>of</strong> a veryhigh NaCl concentration in the renal medulla.NaCl is again reabsorbed in the distalconvoluted tubules, the connecting segment,and the collecting ducts, accompanied by acompensatory secretion <strong>of</strong> K + in the (cortical)collecting tubules. In the connecting tubulesand collecting ducts, vasopressin (antidiuretichormone, ADH) increases the epithelialpermeability for water by insertion<strong>of</strong> aquaporin molecules into the luminalplasmalemma. The driving force for the passage<strong>of</strong> water comes from the hyperosmolarmilieu <strong>of</strong> the renal medulla. In this manner,water is retained in the body, and concentratedurine can leave the kidney. The ef -cient mechanisms <strong>of</strong> reabsorption permitthe production <strong>of</strong> ~ 1 l/day <strong>of</strong> final urinefrom 150–180 l/day <strong>of</strong> primary urine.Na + transport through the tubular cellsbasically occurs in similar fashion in all segments<strong>of</strong> the nephron. The intracellular concentration<strong>of</strong> Na + is significantly below thatin primary urine because the Na + /K + -ATPase<strong>of</strong> the basolateral membrane continuouslypumps Na + fromthecell into the interstitium.Along the resulting luminal–intracellularconcentration gradient, movement <strong>of</strong> sodiumions across the membrane proceeds by a carriermechanism. All diuretics inhibit Na + reabsorption.This effect is based on two mechanisms:either the inward movement is diminishedor the outward transport impaired. Aquaporins (AQP)By virtue <strong>of</strong> their structure, cell membranesare water-impermeable. Therefore, specialpores are built into the membrane to allowpermeation <strong>of</strong> water. These consist <strong>of</strong> proteinscalled aquaporins that, <strong>of</strong> necessity,occur widely and with many variations inboth the plant and animal kingdoms. In thehuman kidney, the following types exist: AQP-1 localized in the proximal tubulusand the descending limb <strong>of</strong> Henle’s loop. AQP-2 localized in the connecting tubuliand collecting ducts; its density in theluminal plasmalemma is regulated byvasopressin. AQP-3 and AQP-4 present in the basolateralmembrane region to allow passage <strong>of</strong>water into the interstitium. Osmotic Diuretics (B)These include mannitol and sorbitol whichact mainly in the proximal tubules to preventreabsorption <strong>of</strong> water. These polyhydricalcohols cannot be absorbed and thereforebind a corresponding volume <strong>of</strong> water. Sincebody cells lack transport mechanisms forthese substances (structure on p.175), theyalso cannot be absorbed through the intestinalepithelium and thus need to be givenby intravenous infusion. The result <strong>of</strong> osmoticdiuresisisalargevolume<strong>of</strong>diluteurine, as in decompensated diabetes mellitus.Osmotic diuretics are indicated in theprophylaxis <strong>of</strong> renal hypovolemic failure,the mobilization <strong>of</strong> brain edema, and thetreatment <strong>of</strong> acute glaucoma attacks (p. 346).

NaCl Reabsorption in the Kidney 165A. Renal actions <strong>of</strong> diureticsReabsorption<strong>of</strong> Na + , H 2 O andmany otherconstituents <strong>of</strong>primary urineNa + , Cl - transport(thiazide diuretics)21546Inward Na +current linkedto K + channel(amiloride)outward currentAldosteroneincreasessynthesis <strong>of</strong>channels12 Prox. tubule3 Distal tubulepars recta456GlomerulusDist. tubulepars contortaConnecting tubuleCollecting ductCarbonic anhydrasemechanism(acetazolamide)Na + , K + ,2Cl - cotransport(loop diuretics)3Aquaporin 2(vasopressin increasesexpression): H 2 O uptakeLumenInterstitiumNa + , Cl -Na+“carrier”Na +Na+Na/K-ATPaseNa + , Cl - + H 2 OH 2 ODiureticsB. NaCl reabsorption in proximal tubule and effect <strong>of</strong> mannitolMannitol[Na + ] inside = [Na + ] outside[Na + ] inside < [Na + ] outside

166 Diuretics Diuretics <strong>of</strong> the Sulfonamide TypeThese drugs contain the sulfonamide group–SO 2 NH 2 and are suitable for oral administration.In addition to being filtered at theglomerulus, they are subject to tubular secretion.Their concentration in urine is higherthan in blood. They act on the tubule cellsfrom the luminal side. Loop diuretics havethe highest ef cacy. Thiazides are most frequentlyused. The carbonic anhydrase inhibitorsno longer serve as diuretics but haveimportant other therapeutic uses; accordingly,their mode <strong>of</strong> action is considered here.Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase(CAH) inhibitor that acts predominantly inthe proximal convoluted tubules. Its mechanism<strong>of</strong> action can be summarized as follows.Reabsorption <strong>of</strong> Na + is decreased becausefewer H + ions are available for the Na + /H +antiporter. As a result, excretion <strong>of</strong> Na + andH 2 O increases. CAH accelerates attainment<strong>of</strong>equilibrium<strong>of</strong>CO 2 hydration/dehydrationreactions:(1) (2)H + +HCO 3 – ⇌ H 2 CO 3 ⇌ H 2 O+CO 2Cytoplasmic enzyme is used in tubulus cellsto generate H + (reaction1),whichissecretedinto the tubular fluid in exchange for Na + .There, H + captures HCO 3 − . CAH localized inthe luminal membrane catalyzes reaction 2(dehydration) to yield again H 2 OandCO 2 ,which can easily permeate through the cellmembrane. In the tubulus cell, H + and HCO 3−are regenerated. When the enzyme is inhibited,these reactions occur too slowly, so thatless Na + ,HCO 3 – and water are reabsorbedfrom the fast-flowing tubular fluid. Loss <strong>of</strong>HCO 3 – leads to acidosis. The diuretic effectiveness<strong>of</strong> CAH inhibitors decreases withprolonged use. CAH is also involved in theproduction <strong>of</strong> ocular aqueous humor.Present indications for drugs in this classinclude: acute glaucoma, acute mountainsickness, and epilepsy.Dorzolamide can be applied topically tothe eye to lower intraocular pressure in glaucoma(p. 346).Loop diuretics include furosemide (frusemide),piretanide, and others. After oral administration<strong>of</strong> furosemide, a strong diuresisoccurs within 1 hour but persists for onlyabout 4 hours. The site <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> theseagents is the thick ascending limb <strong>of</strong> Henle’sloop, where they inhibit Na + /K + /2Cl − cotransport.As a result, these electrolytes, togetherwith water, are excreted in largeramounts. Excretion <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ alsoincreases. Special adverse effects include (reversible)hearing loss and enhanced sensitivityto nephrotoxic agents. Indications:pulmonaryedema (added advantage <strong>of</strong> i.v. injectionin left ventricular failure: immediatedilation <strong>of</strong> venous capacitance vessels, †preload reduction); refractoriness to thiazidediuretics; e. g., in renal failure with creatinineclearance reduction (< 30 ml/min);prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> acute renal hypovolemic failure.Ethacrynic acid is classed in this groupalthough it is not a sulfonamide.Thiazide diuretics (benzothiadiazines)include hydrochlorothiazide, trichlormethiazideand butizide. Chlorthalidone is a longactinganalogue. These drugs affect the distalconvoluted tubules, where they inhibit Na + /Cl − cotransport in the luminal membrane <strong>of</strong>tubulus cells. Thus, reabsorption <strong>of</strong> NaCl andwater is inhibited. Renal excretion <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+decreases, that <strong>of</strong> Mg 2+ increases. Indicationsare hypertension, congestive heart failure,and mobilization <strong>of</strong> edema. Frequently, theyare combined with the K + sparing diureticstriamterene or amiloride (p.168)Unwanted effects <strong>of</strong> sulfonamide-typediuretics: (a) hypokalemia is a consequence<strong>of</strong> an increased secretion <strong>of</strong> K + in the connectingtubule and the collecting duct becausemoreNa+ becomes available for exchangeagainst K + ;(b)hyperglycemia; (c)increasein serum urate levels (hyperuricemia),which may precipitate gout in predisposedpatients. Sulfonamide diuretics competewithurateforthetubularorganicanionsecretorysystem.

Diuretics <strong>of</strong> the Sulfonamide Type 167A. Diuretics <strong>of</strong> the sulfonamide typeSulfonamidediureticsK +NormalstateNa + Na +AnionsecretorysystemNa +Na + K +K + lossinducedbydiureticUric acidCollectingductThiazidesGoutNa +Cl -e.g., hydrochlorothiazideHNClHNSOS NH 2O OOCarbonic anhydrase inhibitorsLoop diureticsNa +H +HCO - 3H 2 OCO 2H + HCO - 3CAHCO 2 H 2 ONa +HCO - 3Na +K +2 Cl –e.g., acetazolamidee.g., furosemideCH 3 N N OO N S S NH 2HOOCH 2NHHOOCClOS NH 2O

168 Diuretics Potassium-sparing Diuretics (A)Theseagentsactintheconnectingtubulesand the proximal part <strong>of</strong> the collecting ductswhere Na + is reabsorbed and K + is secreted.Their diuretic effectiveness is relatively minor.In contrast to sulfonamide diuretics(p.166), there is no increase in K + secretion;rather, there is a risk <strong>of</strong> hyperkalemia. Thesedrugs are suitable for oral administration.a Triamterene and amiloride, in addition toglomerular filtration, undergo secretion inthe proximal tubule. They act on corticalcollecting tubule cells from the luminalside. Both inhibit the entry <strong>of</strong> Na + intothe cell, whereby K + secretion is diminished.They are mostly used in combinationwith thiazide diuretics, e. g., hydrochlorothiazide,because the opposing effectson K + excretion cancel each other,while the effects on secretion <strong>of</strong> NaCland water complement each other.b Aldosterone antagonists. The mineralocorticoidaldosterone increases synthesis <strong>of</strong>Na-channel proteins and Na + /K + -ATPasesin principal cells <strong>of</strong> the connecting tubulesand the cortical collecting ducts, therebypromoting the reabsorption <strong>of</strong> Na + (Cl –and H 2 O follow), and simultaneously enhancingsecretion <strong>of</strong> K + . Spironolactone,aswell as its metabolite canrenone, areantagonistsat the aldosterone receptor andattenuate the effect <strong>of</strong> the hormone. Thediuretic effect <strong>of</strong> spironolactone developsfully only with continuous administrationfor several days. Two possible explanationsare: (1) the conversion <strong>of</strong> spironolactoneinto and accumulation <strong>of</strong> the moreslowly eliminated metabolite canrenone;(2) an inhibition <strong>of</strong> aldosterone-stimulatedprotein synthesis would become noticeableonly if existing proteins had becomenonfunctional and needed to be replacedby de-novo synthesis.Aparticularadverse effect results from interferencewith gonadal hormones, as evidencedby the development <strong>of</strong> gynecomastia.Clinical uses include conditions <strong>of</strong>increased aldosterone secretion (e. g., livercirrhosis with ascites) and congestive heartfailure. Vasopressin and Derivatives (B)Vasopressin (ADH), a nonapeptide, is releasedfrom the posterior pituitary glandand promotes reabsorption <strong>of</strong> water in thekidney.Thisresponseismediatedbyvasopressinreceptors <strong>of</strong> the V 2 subtype. AVP enhancesthe permeability <strong>of</strong> connecting tubulesand medullary collecting duct epitheliumfor H 2 O (but not electrolytes) in thefollowing manner: H 2 O-channel proteins(type 2 aquaporins) are stored in tubuluscells within vesicles. When AVP binds to V 2receptors,thesevesiclesfusewiththeluminalcell membrane, allowing influx <strong>of</strong> H 2 Oalong its osmotic gradient (the medullaryzone is hyperosmolar). AVP thus causesurine volume to shrink from 15 l/day at thispoint <strong>of</strong> the nephron to the final 1.5 l/day.This aquaporin type can be reutilized afterinternalization into the cell. Nicotine augments(p.112) and ethanol decreases release<strong>of</strong> AVP. At concentrations above those requiredfor antidiuresis, AVP stimulatessmooth musculature, including that <strong>of</strong> bloodvessels (“vasopressin”). The latter responseis mediated by V 1 receptors. Blood pressurerises; coronary vasoconstriction can precipitateangina pectoris.Lypressin (8-L-lysine-vasopressin) acts likeAVP. Other derivatives may display only one<strong>of</strong> the two actions.Desmopressin is used for the therapy <strong>of</strong>diabetes insipidus (AVP deficiency), primarynocturnal enuresis and von Willebrand disease(p.152); it is given by injection or viathe nasal mucosa (as “snuff”).Felypressin and ornipressin serve as adjunctivevasoconstrictors in infiltration localanesthesia (p. 204).

Potassium- sparing Diuretics and Vasopressin 169A. Potassium-sparing diureticsH 2 NNNNa + K + Na +NNNH 2HOOHCCH 2 OHC ONH 2TriamtereneAmilorideH 2HH 2 N NNH 2OK + orH +Protein synthesisTransport capacitySpironolactoneAldosteroneAldosteroneantagonistsOCanrenoneOClNNNNHOO76SCCH 3OB. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and derivativesNicotineNeurohypophysisEthanolVasoconstrictionH 2Opermeability<strong>of</strong> collectingductV 2 Adiuretin = VasopressinV 1Cys Tyr Phe Gln Asn Cys Pro Arg Gly NH 2DesmopressinOrnipressinOrnCH2 CCH2 OSD-ArgFelypressinPheLys

170 Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Peptic Ulcers Drugs for Gastric and DuodenalUlcersIn the area <strong>of</strong> a gastric or duodenal pepticulcer, the mucosa has been attacked by digestivejuices to such an extent as to exposethe subjacent connective tissue layer (submucosa).This “self-digestion” occurs whenthe equilibrium between the corrosive hydrochloricacid and acid-neutralizing mucus,which forms a protective cover on the mucosalsurface, is disturbed. Mucosal damagecan be promoted by Helicobacter pylori bacteriathat colonize the gastric mucus.Drugs are employed with the followingtherapeutic aims: (a) to relieve pain; (b) toaccelerate healing; and (c) to prevent ulcerrecurrence. Therapeutic approaches arethreefold : (I) to reduce aggressive forcesby lowering H + output,(II)toincreaseprotectiveforces by means <strong>of</strong> mucoprotectants;and (III) to eradicate Helicobacter pylori.I. Lowering <strong>of</strong> Acid ConcentrationIa. Agents for acid neutralization (A). H + -bindinggroupssuchasCO 3 2- ,HCO 3 − or OH − ,together with their counter ions, are containedin antacid drugs. Neutralization reactionsoccurring after intake <strong>of</strong> CaCO 3 andNaHCO 3 ,respectively,areshownin(A). Withnonabsorbable antacids, the counter ion isdissolved in the acidic gastric juice in theprocess <strong>of</strong> neutralization. Upon mixture withthe alkaline pancreatic secretion in the duodenum,it is largely precipitated again bybasic groups, e. g., as CaCO 3 or AlPO 4 ,andexcreted in feces. Therefore, systemic absorption<strong>of</strong> counter ions or basic residues isminor. In the presence <strong>of</strong> renal insuf ciency,however, absorption <strong>of</strong> even small amountsmay cause an increase in plasma levels <strong>of</strong>counter ions (e. g., magnesium intoxicationwith paralysis and cardiac disturbances).Precipitation in the gut lumen is responsiblefor other side effects, such as reduced absorption<strong>of</strong> other drugs due to their adsorptionto the surface <strong>of</strong> precipitated antacid; orphosphate depletion <strong>of</strong> the body with excessiveintake <strong>of</strong> Al(OH) 3 .Na + ions remain in solution even in thepresence <strong>of</strong> HCO 3 − -rich pancreatic secretionsand are subject to absorption, like HCO 3 − .Because <strong>of</strong> the uptake <strong>of</strong> Na + ,use<strong>of</strong>NaHCO 3must be avoided in conditions requiring restriction<strong>of</strong> NaCl intake, such as hypertension,cardiac failure, and edema.Since food has a buffering effect, antacidsare taken between meals (e. g., 1 and 3 hoursafter meals and at bedtime). Nonabsorbableantacids are preferred. Because Mg(OH) 2produces a laxative effect (cause: osmoticaction, p.174, release <strong>of</strong> cholecystokinin byMg 2+ , or both) and Al(OH) 3 produces constipation(cause: astringent action <strong>of</strong> Al 3+ ,p.180), these two antacids are frequentlyused in combination (e. g., magaldrate).Ib. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> acid production (B). Actingon their respective receptors, the transmitteracetylcholine, the hormone gastrin, and histaminereleased intramucosally stimulatethe parietal cells <strong>of</strong> the gastric mucosa toincrease output <strong>of</strong> HCl. Histamine comesfrom enterochromaf n-like (ECL) cells; itsrelease is stimulated by the vagus nerve(via M 1 receptors) and hormonally by gastrin.The effects <strong>of</strong> acetylcholine and histaminecan be abolished by orally applied antagoniststhat reach parietal cells via theblood. Proton pump inhibitors are drugs <strong>of</strong>first choice for promoting healing <strong>of</strong> ulcers.Infection with H. pylori should be treatedresolutely (p.172) to lower the risk <strong>of</strong> ulcerrecurrence, chronic gastritis, gastric carcinomas,and gastric lymphomas.The cholinoceptor antagonist pirenzepinepreferentially blocks cholinoceptors <strong>of</strong> theM 1 type; its use in peptic ulcer therapy isnow obsolete.

Drugs for Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers 171A. Drugs used to neutralize gastric acidNaHCO 3AbsorbableAntacidsNonabsorbableCaCO 3Mg(OH) 2Al(OH) 3Na + HCO- 3H +H +H 2 CO 3H 2 CO 3H 2 OH 2 OCO 2CO 2Na +PancreasPancreasCaCO 3CaCO 3Ca 2+ H + M 1HCO 3-AbsorptionNa + HCO 3-HCO - 3B. Drugs used to lower gastric acid productionN. vagusAcid-resistantcoatingInactive formATPaseParietal cellM 3AChActive form<strong>of</strong> omeprazoleH+K+H 2HistamineECL cellGastrinProton pump inhibitorsH 3 COHNNOSCH 2H 2 -AntihistaminicsH 3 CN CH 2 OH 3 CCH 2S(CH 2 ) 2OmeprazoleH 3 CNCH 3OCH 3RanitidineNHC NHCH 3CH NO 2

172 Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Peptic UlcersHistamine receptors on the parietal cells belongto the H 2 typeandareblockedbyH 2antihistaminics (p.118). Because histamineplays a pivotal role in the activation <strong>of</strong> parietalcells, H 2 antihistaminics also diminishresponsivity to other stimulants, e. g., gastrin(in gastrin-producing pancreatic tumors,Zollinger–Ellison syndrome). The first H 2 -blocker used clinically, cimetidine, onlyrarely produces adverse effects (CNS disturbancessuch as confusion; endocrine effectsinthemalesuchasgynecomastia,decreasedlibido, impotence); however, it inhibits thehepatic biotransformation <strong>of</strong> many otherdrugs. The more recently introduced substancesranitidine, nizatidine, and famotidineare effective at lower dosages. Evidently,inhibition <strong>of</strong> microsomal enzymesdecreases with reduced drug load; thus,these substances are less likely to interferewith the therapeutic use <strong>of</strong> other pharmaceuticals.Omeprazole (p.171) can cause maximal inhibition<strong>of</strong> HCl secretion. Given orally in gastricjuice-resistant capsules, it reaches parietalcells via the blood. In the acidic milieu <strong>of</strong>the mucosa, an active metabolite is formedand binds covalently to the ATP-driven protonpump (H + /K + -ATPase) that transports H +in exchange for K + into the gastric juice.Lansoprazole, pantoprazole, andrabeprazoleproduce analogous effects. Omeprazole is aracemate. With respect to dosage, the nowavailable (S)-omeprazole (esomeprazole) representsthe more potent enantiomer, butthis <strong>of</strong>fers no therapeutic advantage.II. Protective DrugsSucralfate (A) contains numerous aluminumhydroxide residues. However, it is not anantacid because it fails to lower the overallacidity <strong>of</strong> gastric juice. After oral intake, sucralfatemolecules undergo cross-linking ingastric juice, forming a paste that adheres tomucosal defects and exposed deeper layers.Here sucralfate intercepts H + .Protectedfromacid, and also from pepsin, trypsin, and bileacids, the mucosal defect can heal more rapidly.Sucralfate is taken on an empty stomach(1 hour before meals and at bedtime). It iswell tolerated, but released Al 3+ ions cancause constipation.Misoprostol (B) isasemisyntheticprostaglandinderivative with greater stabilitythan natural prostaglandin, permitting absorptionafter oral administration. Locallyreleased prostaglandins (PGF 2α, PGE 2 )promotemucus production in superficial cellsandinhibitacidsecretion<strong>of</strong>parietalcells(B).Inhibition <strong>of</strong> physiological PG synthesis bydrugs (e. g., NSAIDS, p. 200) explains the mucosalinjury from these pharmaceuticals:protection by the mucus layer is diminishedand acid production is enhanced. Misoprostolmimics the action <strong>of</strong> the prostaglandinson the mucosal tunic and thus can attenuatethe adverse effects produced by inhibitors <strong>of</strong>PG synthesis, at least as regards the gastricmucosa. Additional systemic effects (frequentdiarrhea; risk <strong>of</strong> precipitating contractions<strong>of</strong> the gravid uterus) significantly restrictits therapeutic utility.III. Eradication <strong>of</strong> Helicobacter pylori (C)This organism plays an important role in thepathogenesis <strong>of</strong> chronic gastritis and pepticulcer disease. The combination <strong>of</strong> antibacterialdrugs and omeprazole has proved effective.If amoxicillin (p. 272) or clarithromycin(p. 278) cannot be tolerated, metronidazole(p. 276) may serve as a substitute. Colloidalbismuth compounds are also effective; however,as they entail the problem <strong>of</strong> heavymetalexposure, this treatment can no longerbe recommended.

Drugs for Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers 173A. Chemical structure and protective effect <strong>of</strong> sucralfateHROCH 2 ORHORHOHORORH 2 CHOROOHROCH 2 ORHSucralfate– SO 3-R = – SO 3 [Al 2 (OH) 5 ]H +R = – SO 3 [Al 2 (OH) 4 ] +Conversionin acidicenvironmentpH < 4Cross-linkingand formation<strong>of</strong> pasteCoating <strong>of</strong>mucosaldefectsB. Structure and protective effect <strong>of</strong> misoprostolMucusSurface epithelial cellsOOSupporting cellsCH 3OCH 3CH 3H+Cl-HOOOHMisoprostolCOOHCH 3LumenParietal cellswith protonpumpsPepsinproducingchiefcellsHOOHProstaglandin E 2C. Helicobacter eradicationHelicobacterpyloriEradicatione.g., short-term triple therapyRefluxesophagitisGastritisPeptic ulcerAmoxicillin*Clarithromycin*Omeprazole(2 x 1000 mg/day) 7 days(2 x 500 mg/day) 7 days(2 x 20 mg/day) 7 days*if intolerable,metronidazole (2 x 500 mg/day) 7 days

174 Laxatives LaxativesLaxatives promote and facilitate bowel evacuationby acting locally to stimulate intestinalperistalsis, to s<strong>of</strong>ten bowel contents, or both.1. Bulk LaxativesDistension <strong>of</strong> the intestinal wall by bowelcontents stimulates propulsive movements<strong>of</strong> the gut musculature (peristalsis). Activation<strong>of</strong> intramural mechanoreceptors inducesa neurally mediated ascending reflexcontraction (red in A) and descending relaxation(blue) whereby the intraluminal bolusis moved in the anal direction.Hydrophilic colloids or bulk gels (B)comprise insoluble and nonabsorbable substancesthat expand on taking up water inthe bowel. Vegetable fibers in the diet act inthis manner. They consist <strong>of</strong> the indigestibleplant cell walls containing homoglycans thatare resistant to digestive enzymes, e. g., cellulose(1 † 4β-linked glucose molecules vs.1 † 4α-glucoside bond in starch; p.157).Bran, a grain milling waste product, and linseed(flaxseed) are both rich in cellulose.Other hydrophilic colloids derive from theseeds <strong>of</strong> Plantago species or karaya gum. Ingestion<strong>of</strong> hydrophilic gels for the prophylaxis<strong>of</strong> constipation usually entails a low risk<strong>of</strong> side effects. However, when fluid intake isvery low and a pathological stenosis exists inthe bowel, mucilaginous viscous materialscould cause an ileus.Osmotically active laxatives (C) aresolublebut nonabsorbable particles that retainwater in the bowel by virtue <strong>of</strong> their osmoticaction. The osmotic pressure <strong>of</strong> bowel contentsalways corresponds to that <strong>of</strong> the extracellularspace because the intestinal mucosais unable to maintain a higher or lowerosmotic pressure <strong>of</strong> the luminal contents.Therefore, absorption <strong>of</strong> molecules (e. g., glucose,NaCl) occurs iso-osmotically, i. e., solutemolecules are followed by a correspondingamount <strong>of</strong> water. Conversely, water remainsin the bowel when molecules cannot be absorbed.With Epsom salt (MgSO 4 ) and Glauber’ssalt (Na 2 SO 4 ), the SO 4 2- anion is hardly absorbableand retains cations to maintainelectroneutrality. Mg 2+ ions are also believedto promote release <strong>of</strong> cholecystokinin/pancreozymin,a polypeptide that also stimulatesperistalsis, from the duodenal mucosa.These so-called saline cathartics elicit awatery bowel discharge 1–3 hours after administration(preferably in isotonic solution).They are used to purge the bowel(e. g., before bowel surgery) or to hastenthe elimination <strong>of</strong> ingested poisons. Contraindicationsarise because a small part <strong>of</strong> cationsis absorbed. Thus, Glauber’s salt is contraindicatedin hypertension, congestiveheart failure, and edema because <strong>of</strong> its highNa + content. Epsom salt is contraindicated inrenal failure (risk <strong>of</strong> Mg 2+ intoxication).Osmotic laxative effects are also producedby the polyhydric alcohols mannitol and sorbitol,which unlike glucose cannot be transportedthrough the intestinal mucosa.Since the disaccharide lactulose cannot behydrolyzed by digestive enzymes, it also actsas an osmotic laxative. Fermentation <strong>of</strong> lactuloseby colon bacteria leads to acidification<strong>of</strong> bowel contents and a reduced number <strong>of</strong>bacteria. Lactulose is used in liver failure t<strong>of</strong>orestall hepatic coma by preventing bacterialproduction <strong>of</strong> ammonia and its subsequentabsorption (absorbable NH 3 † nonabsorbableNH 4 + ). Another disaccharide, lactitol,produces a similar effect.

Laxatives 175A. Stimulation <strong>of</strong> persistalsis by an intraluminal bolusStretch receptorsContractionRelaxationB. Bulk laxativesH 2 OH 2 OCellulose, agar-agar, bran, linseedC. Osmotically active laxativesH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OIso-osmoticabsorptionGH 2 OH 2 O GHHOCHCHCHCCHOOHOHOHH 2C OHG = GlucoseH 2 OGH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OH 2 ONa + , Cl -H 2 OGH 2 OG H 2OGH 2 OH 2C OHH 2 O2 Na + 2-SO 4 H2 O H 2 OH 2 OHO CHHO CHHC OHHC OHH 2C OHMannitolH 2 O

176 Laxatives2. Irritant LaxativesLaxativesinthisgroupexertanirritantactionon the enteric mucosa (A). Consequently,less fluid is absorbed than is secreted.The increased filling <strong>of</strong> the bowelpromotes peristalsis; excitation <strong>of</strong> sensorynerve endings elicits enteral hypermotility.According to the site <strong>of</strong> irritation, one distinguishesthe small-bowel irritant castor oilfrom the large-bowel irritants anthraquinoneand diphenylmethane derivatives (fordetails see p.178).Misuse <strong>of</strong> laxatives. It is a widely held beliefthat at least one bowel movement per day isessential for health; yet three bowel evacuationsper week is quite normal. The desire forfrequent bowel emptying probably stemsfrom the time-honored, albeit mistaken, notionthat absorption <strong>of</strong> colon contents isharmful. Thus, purging has long been part<strong>of</strong> standard therapeutic practice. Nowadaysit is known that intoxication from intestinalsubstances is impossible as long as the liverfunctions normally. Nonetheless, purgativescontinue to be sold as remedies to “cleansethe blood” or to rid the body <strong>of</strong> “corrupthumors.”There can be no objection to the ingestion<strong>of</strong> bulk substances for the purpose <strong>of</strong> supplementinglow-residue “modern diets.” However,use <strong>of</strong> irritant purgatives or cathartics isnot without hazards. Specifically, there is arisk <strong>of</strong> laxative dependence, i. e., the inabilityto do without them. Chronic intake <strong>of</strong> irritantpurgatives disrupts the water and electrolytebalance <strong>of</strong> the body and can thuscause symptoms <strong>of</strong> illness (e. g., cardiac arrhythmiassecondary to hypokalemia).Accordingly, a longer period is needed untilthe next natural defecation can occur. Fearingconstipation, the user becomes impatientand again resorts to the laxative, whichthen produces the desired effect as a result<strong>of</strong> emptying out the upper colonic segments.Thus, a “compensatory pause” following cessation<strong>of</strong> laxative use must not give cause forconcern (B).In the colon, semifluid material enteringfrom the small bowel is thickened by absorption<strong>of</strong> water and salts (from about 1000 mlto 150 ml per day). If, owing to the action <strong>of</strong>an irritant purgative, the colon empties prematurely,anenteralloss<strong>of</strong>NaCl,KClandwater will be incurred. In order to forestalldepletion <strong>of</strong> NaCl and water, the bodyresponds with an increased release <strong>of</strong> aldosterone(p.168), which stimulates theirreabsorption in the kidney. However, theaction <strong>of</strong> aldosterone is associated with increasedrenal excretion <strong>of</strong> KCl. The enteraland renal K + losses add up to K + depletion <strong>of</strong>the body, evidenced by a fall in serum K +concentration (hypokalemia). This conditionis accompanied by a reduction in intestinalperistalsis (bowel atonia). The affected individualinfers “constipation” and again partakes<strong>of</strong> the purgative, and the vicious circleis closed.Causes <strong>of</strong> purgative dependence (B). Thedefecation reflex is triggered when the sigmoidcolon and rectum are filled. A naturaldefecation empties the descending colon.The interval between natural stool evacuationsdepends on the speed with which thiscolon segment is refilled. A large-bowel irritantpurgativeclearsouttheentirecolon.

Laxatives 177A. Stimulation <strong>of</strong> peristalsis by mucosal irritationReflexIrritation<strong>of</strong> mucosaFillingPeristalsisAbsorption Secretion<strong>of</strong> fluidB. Causes <strong>of</strong> laxative habituationIntervalneeded torefill colonNormal fillingdefecation reflexAfter normalevacuation <strong>of</strong> colonLonger interval neededto refill rectum1Laxative“Constipation”Renal retention<strong>of</strong> Na + , H 2 OLaxativeBowel inertiaAldosteroneHypokalemiaEnteralloss <strong>of</strong> K +Renalloss<strong>of</strong> K +2Na + , H 2 O

178 Laxatives2a. Small-Bowel Irritant PurgativeRicinoleic acid. Castor oil comes from Ricinuscommunis (castor bean; panel A: sprig,panicle, seed). The oil is obtained from thefirst cold-pressing <strong>of</strong> the seed (shown innatural size). Oral administration <strong>of</strong>10–30 ml <strong>of</strong> castor oil is followed within0.5–3 hours by discharge <strong>of</strong> a watery stool.Ricinoleic acid, but not the oil itself, is active.Theacidarisesasaresult<strong>of</strong>theregularprocesses involved in fat digestion: the duodenalmucosa releases the enterohormonecholecystokinin/pancreozymin into theblood. The hormone elicits contraction <strong>of</strong> thegallbladder and discharge <strong>of</strong> bile acids viathe bile duct, as well as release <strong>of</strong> lipase fromthe pancreas (intestinal peristalsis is alsostimulated). Lipase liberates ricinoleic acidsfrom castor oil; these irritate the small boweland thus stimulate peristalsis. Because <strong>of</strong> itsmassive effect, castor oil is hardly suitablefor the treatment <strong>of</strong> ordinary constipation. Itcan be employed after oral ingestion <strong>of</strong> atoxin in order to hasten elimination and toreduce absorption <strong>of</strong> toxin from the gut.Castor oil is not indicated after the ingestion<strong>of</strong> lipophilic toxins likely to depend on bileacids for their absorption.2b. Large-Bowel Irritant PurgativesAnthraquinone derivatives are <strong>of</strong> plant origin.They occur in the leaves (Folia sennae)orfruits (Fructus sennae)<strong>of</strong>thesenna plant, thebark <strong>of</strong> Rhamnus frangulae and Rh. purshiana(Cortex frangulae, Cascara sagrada), the roots<strong>of</strong> rhubarb (Rhizoma rhei), or the leaf extractfrom Aloë species. The structural features <strong>of</strong>anthraquinone derivatives are illustrated bythe prototype structure depicted in panel(B). Amongothersubstituents, theanthraquinonenucleus contains hydroxyl groups, one<strong>of</strong> which is bound to a sugar (glucose, rhamnose).Following ingestion <strong>of</strong> galenical preparationsor <strong>of</strong> the anthraquinone glycosides,discharge <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t stool occurs after a latency <strong>of</strong>6–8 hours. The anthraquinone glycosidesthemselvesareinactivebutareconvertedbycolon bacteria to the active free aglycones.Diphenolmethane derivatives were developedfrom phenolphthalein, an accidentallydiscovered laxative, use <strong>of</strong> which hadbeen noted to result in rare but severe allergicreactions. Bisacodyl and sodium picosulfateare converted by gut bacteria into theactive colon-irritant principle. Given by theenteral route, bisacodyl is subject to hydrolysis<strong>of</strong> acetyl residues, absorption, conjugationin liver to glucuronic acid (or also tosulfate), and biliary secretion into the duodenum.Oral administration is followed after~ 6–8 hours by discharge <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t formedstool. When given by suppository, bisacodylproduces its effect within one hour.Indications for colon-irritant purgativesare the prevention <strong>of</strong> straining at stool followingsurgery, myocardial infarction, orstroke; and provision <strong>of</strong> relief in painful diseases<strong>of</strong>theanus,e.g.,fissure,hemorrhoids.Purgatives must not be given in abdominalcomplaints <strong>of</strong> unclear origin.3. Lubricant laxativesLiquid paraf n (paraf num subliquidum) isalmost nonabsorbable and makes fecess<strong>of</strong>ter and passed easier. It interferes withthe absorption <strong>of</strong> fat-soluble vitamins bytrapping them. The few absorbed paraf nparticles may induce formation <strong>of</strong> foreignbodygranulomas in enteric lymph nodes(paraf nomas). Aspiration into the bronchialtract can result in lipoid pneumonia. Because<strong>of</strong> these adverse effects, its use is not advisable.Antiflatulents (carminatives) serve to alleviatemeteorism (excessive accumulation <strong>of</strong>gas in the gastrointestinal tract). Aboral propulsion<strong>of</strong> intestinal contents is impededwhen these are mixed with gas bubbles. Defoamingagents, such as dimeticone (dimethylpolysiloxane)and simethicone,incombinationwith charcoal, are given orally to promoteseparation <strong>of</strong> gaseous and semisolidcontents.

Laxatives 179A. Plants containing laxative substancesRicinuscommunsChineseRhubarbSennaB. Large-bowel irritant laxatives: anthraquinone derivativesOOH O O-sugare.g., 1,8-DihydroxyanthraquinoneglycosideOH O OH1,8-DihydroxyanthroneOH OH OHAnthranolReductionSugar cleavageBacteriaAnthraquinoneglycoside

180 Antidiarrheals Antidiarrheal AgentsCauses <strong>of</strong> diarrhea. Many bacteria (e. g., Vibriocholerae) secrete toxins that inhibit theability <strong>of</strong> mucosal enterocytes to absorb NaCland water and, at the same time, stimulatemucosal secretory activity. Bacteria or virusesthat invade the gut wall cause inflammationcharacterized by increased fluid secretioninto the lumen. The enteric musculaturereacts with increased peristalsis.The aims <strong>of</strong> antidiarrheal therapy are (1) toprevent dehydration and electrolyte depletion(exsiccosis) <strong>of</strong> the body, and (2) to preventthe distressing, though nonthreatening,frequent bowel movements. The differenttherapeutic approaches listed are variouslysuited for these purposes.Adsorbent powders are nonabsorbablematerials with a large surface area. Thesebind diverse substances including toxins,permitting them to be inactivated and eliminated.Medicinal charcoal has a particularlylarge surface because <strong>of</strong> the preserved cellstructures. The recommended effective antidiarrhealdoseisintherange<strong>of</strong>4–8g.Kaolin(hydrated aluminum silicate) is another adsorbent.Oral rehydration solution (in g/l <strong>of</strong> boiledwater: NaCl 3.5, glucose 20, NaHCO 3 2.5, KCl1.5). Oral administration <strong>of</strong> glucose-containingsalt solutions enables fluids to be absorbedbecause toxins do not impair theco-transport <strong>of</strong> Na + and glucose (as well as<strong>of</strong> H 2 O) through the mucosal epithelium. Inthis manner, although frequent discharge <strong>of</strong>stool is not prevented, dehydration is successfullycorrected (important in therapy <strong>of</strong>cholera).respiratory depression, physical dependence),derivatives with mainly peripheralactions have been developed. Whereasdiphenoxylate can still produce clear CNS effects,loperamide does not affect brain functionsat normal dosage because it is pumpedback into the blood by a P-glycoprotein locatedin capillary endothelial cells <strong>of</strong> theblood–brain barrier.Loperamide is, therefore, the opioid antidiarrheal<strong>of</strong> first choice. The prolonged contacttime for intestinal contents and mucosamay also improve absorption <strong>of</strong> fluid. Withoverdosage, there is a hazard <strong>of</strong> ileus. Thedrug is contraindicated in infants below age2years.Antibacterial drugs. Use <strong>of</strong> these agents(e. g., co-trimoxazole, p. 274) is only rationalwhen bacteria are the cause <strong>of</strong> diarrhea. Thisis rarely the case. Note that antibiotics alsodamage the intestinal flora, which in turncan give rise to diarrhea.Astringents such as tannic acid (home remedy:black tea) or metal salts precipitate surfaceproteins and are thought to help “seal”the mucosal epithelium. Protein denaturationmust not include cellular proteins, forthis would mean cell death. Although astringentsinduce constipation (cf. Al 3+ salts,p.170), a therapeutic effect in diarrhea isdoubtful.Demulcents, e. g., pectin (home remedy:grated apples) are carbohydrates that expandon absorbing water. They improve theconsistency <strong>of</strong> bowel contents; beyond thatthey are devoid <strong>of</strong> any favorable effect.Opioids. Activation <strong>of</strong> opioid receptors in theenteric nerve plexus results in inhibition <strong>of</strong>propulsive motor activity and enhancement<strong>of</strong> segmentation activity. This antidiarrhealeffect was formerly induced by application<strong>of</strong> opium tincture (paregoric) containing morphine.Because <strong>of</strong> the CNS effects (sedation,

Antidiarrheal Agents 181A. Antidiarrheals and their sites <strong>of</strong> actionToxinsNa +Cl -Fluid secretionNa +GlucoseAdsorptione.g., tomedicinalcharcoalToxinsOralrehydrationsolution:salts andglucoseAntibacterialdrugs: e.g., cotrimoxazoleResidentmicr<strong>of</strong>loraPathogenicbacteriaMucosal injuryVirusesOpium tincturewith morphineDiphenoxylateCNSEnhanced peristalsisProteincontainingmucusAstringents:e.g., tannic acidLoperamideInhibition <strong>of</strong>propulsiveperistalsisOpioidreceptorsPrecipitation <strong>of</strong>surface proteins,sealing <strong>of</strong>mucosaDiarrheaFluid loss

182 Drugs Acting on the Motor System Drugs Affecting Motor FunctionThe smallest structural unit <strong>of</strong> skeletal musculatureis the striated muscle fiber. It contractsin response to an impulse <strong>of</strong> “its” motornerve. In executing motor programs, thebrain sends impulses to the spinal cord.These converge on α-motoneurons in theanterior horn <strong>of</strong> the spinal medulla. Bundledin motor nerves, efferent axons course toskeletal muscles. Simple reflex contractionsto sensory stimuli, conveyed via the dorsalroots to the motoneurons, occur withoutparticipation <strong>of</strong> the brain. Neural circuitsthat propagate afferent impulses into thespinal cord contain inhibitory interneurons.These serve to prevent a possible overexcitation<strong>of</strong> motoneurons (or excessive musclecontractions) due to the constant barrage <strong>of</strong>sensory stimuli.Neuromuscular transmission (B) <strong>of</strong> motornerve impulses to the striated muscle fibertakes place at the motor end plate. The nerveimpulse liberates acetylcholine (ACh) fromthe axon terminal. ACh binds to nicotiniccholinoceptors at the motor end plate. Thiscauses depolarization <strong>of</strong> the postsynapticmembrane, which in turn elicits a propagatedaction potential (AP) in the surroundingsarcolemma. The AP triggers a release <strong>of</strong>Ca 2+ from its storage organelles, the sarcoplasmicreticulum (SR), within the musclefiber; the rise in Ca 2+ concentration inducesa contraction (electromechanical coupling).Meanwhile, ACh is hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase(p.104); excitation <strong>of</strong> the endplate subsides. If no AP follows, Ca 2+ is takenup again by the SR and the my<strong>of</strong>ilamentsrelax.Centrally-acting muscle relaxants (A)lowermuscletonebyaugmentingtheactivity<strong>of</strong> intraspinal inhibitory interneurons.They are used in the treatment <strong>of</strong> painfulmuscle spasms, e. g., in spinal disorders. Benzodiazepinesenhance the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> theinhibitory transmitter GABA (p. 222) at *$%$ $receptors, which are ligand-gated ion channels.Bacl<strong>of</strong>en stimulates GABA B receptors,which are G-protein coupled.The convulsants toxins tetanus toxin(cause <strong>of</strong> wound tetanus) and strychnine,diminish the ef cacy <strong>of</strong> interneuronal synapticinhibition mediated by the amino acidglycine (A). As a consequence <strong>of</strong> an unrestrainedspread <strong>of</strong> impulses in the spinalcord, motor convulsions develop. Spasms <strong>of</strong>respiratory muscle groups endanger life.Botulinus toxin from Clostridium botulinumis the most potent poison known. Theestimated lethal dose for 50% <strong>of</strong> an exposedhuman population is ~ 1 × 10 –9 g/kg (i. e.,about 75 nanograms for an adult individual).The toxin, a zinc endopeptidase, blocks exocytosis<strong>of</strong> ACh in motor (and also parasympathetic)nerve endings. Death is caused byparalysis <strong>of</strong> respiratory muscles.Targeted intramuscular injection <strong>of</strong> thetoxin can produce a long-lasting localizedparalysis. This procedure is used to treatpathological or painful muscle spasms (e. g.,blepharospasm, esophageal achalasia, cervicaldystonia). The same method is increasinglypracticed in cosmetic surgery for removal<strong>of</strong>facialwrinkles(“facelift”).Infocalhyperhidrosis (palmar, axillary, plantar), localinjection <strong>of</strong> the toxin disrupts cholinergicsympathetic innervation, the effect <strong>of</strong> a singletreatment lasting for several weeks.Apathologicalriseinserum Mg 2+ levelsalso causes inhibition <strong>of</strong> neuromusculartransmission.Dantrolene interferes with electromechanicalcoupling in the muscle cell by inhibitingCa 2+ release from the SR. It is used totreat painful muscle spasms attending spinaldiseases and skeletal muscle disorders involvingexcessive release <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ (malignanthyperthermia).

Drugs Affecting Motor Function 183A. Mechanisms for influencing skeletal muscle toneAntiepilepticsAntiparkinsonian drugsMyotonolytics DantroleneMuscle relaxantsMyotonolyticsIncreased inhibitionInhibitoryneuronBenzodiazepinesallostericenhancement <strong>of</strong>GABAGlycineGABA effectAgonistStrychnineCl – Bacl<strong>of</strong>en Receptorantagonist Cl -ConvulsantsAttenuatedinhibitionInhibitoryinterneuronTetanusToxinInhibition<strong>of</strong> releaseGABA A receptor GABA B receptor Glycine receptorB. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> neuromuscular transmission and electromechanical couplingMotoraxonMg 2+Botulinum toxininhibitACh-releaseMuscle relaxantsinhibit generation<strong>of</strong> actionpotentialAction potentialSarcoplasmicreticulumt-TubuleMotorend plateAChDepolarizationMembrane potentialDantroleneinhibitsCa 2+ releaseMy<strong>of</strong>ilamentsACh receptor(nicotinic)Muscle tonems 10 20Ca2+Contraction

184 Drugs Acting on the Motor System Muscle RelaxantsMuscle relaxants cause a flaccid paralysis <strong>of</strong>skeletal musculature by binding to motor endplate cholinoceptors, thus blocking neuromusculartransmission (p.182). According towhether receptor occupancy leads to ablockade or an excitation <strong>of</strong> the end plate,one distinguishes nondepolarizing from depolarizingmuscle relaxants (p.186). As adjunctsto general anesthetics, muscle relaxantshelp to ensure that surgical proceduresare not disturbed by muscle contractions <strong>of</strong>the patient (p. 214). Nondepolarizing Muscle RelaxantsCurare is the term for plant-derived arrowpoisons <strong>of</strong> South American natives. Whenstruck by a curare-tipped arrow, an animalsuffers paralysis <strong>of</strong> skeletal musculaturewithin a short time after the poison spreadsthrough the body; death follows becauserespiratory muscles fail (“peripheral respiratoryparalysis”). Killed game can be eatenwithout risk because absorption <strong>of</strong> the poisonfrom the gastrointestinal tract is virtuallynil. The curare ingredient <strong>of</strong> greatestmedicinal importance is d-tubocurarine.This compound contains a quaternary nitrogenatom (N) and, at the opposite end <strong>of</strong> themolecule, a tertiary N that is protonated atphysiological pH. These two positivelycharged N atoms are common to all othermuscle relaxants. The fixed positive charge<strong>of</strong> the quaternary N accounts for the poorenteral absorbability. d-Tubocurarine is givenby i.v. injection (average dose ~ 10 mg). Itbinds to the end-plate nicotinic cholinoceptorswithout exciting them, acting as a competitiveantagonist toward ACh. By preventingthe binding <strong>of</strong> released ACh, it blocksneuromuscular transmission. Muscular paralysisdevelops within about 4 minutes. d-Tubocurarine does not penetrate into theCNS. The patient would thus experience motorparalysis and inability to breathe, whileremaining fully conscious but incapable <strong>of</strong>expressing anything. For this reason, caremust be taken to eliminate consciousnessby administration <strong>of</strong> an appropriate drug(general anesthesia) before using a musclerelaxant. The effect <strong>of</strong> a single dose lastsabout 30 minutes.The duration <strong>of</strong> the effect <strong>of</strong> d-tubocurarinecan be shortened by administering anacetylcholinesterase inhibitor, such as neostigmine(p.106). Inhibition <strong>of</strong> ACh breakdowncauses the concentration <strong>of</strong> ACh releasedat the end plate to rise. Competitive“displacement” by ACh <strong>of</strong> d-tubocurarinefrom the receptor allows transmission to berestored.Unwanted effects produced by d-tubocurarineresult from a non-immune-mediatedrelease <strong>of</strong> histamine from mast cells leadingto bronchospasm, urticaria, and hypotension.More commonly, a fall in blood pressurecan be attributed to ganglionic blockadeby d-tubocurarine.Pancuronium is a synthetic compoundnowfrequentlyusedandnotlikelytocausehistamine release or ganglionic blockade. Increasedheart rate and blood pressure areattributed to blockade <strong>of</strong> cardiac M 2 -cholinoceptors.Other nondepolarizing muscle relaxantsinclude the pancuronium congeners vecuroniumand rocuronium, inadditionto alcuroniumderived from the alkaloid toxiferin.Atracurium is remarkable because itundergoes spontaneous nonenzymaticcleavage; termination <strong>of</strong> its effect thereforedoes not depend on hepatic or renal elimination.Mivacurium is structurally related toalcuronium; it is rapidly cleaved by cholinesterasesand, hence, is short-acting like thedepolarizing blocker succinylcholine(p.186). Rocuronium possesses the fastestonset <strong>of</strong> action (90 seconds) in this group<strong>of</strong> substances. The onset <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> nondepolarizingmuscle relaxants can be shortenedby giving a small nonrelaxant dose minutesbefore the intubation dose (“primingprinciple”).

Nondepolarizing Muscle Relaxants 185A. Nondepolarizing muscle relaxantsArrow poison <strong>of</strong> indigenous South Americansd-Tubocurarine(no enteral absorption)PancuroniumOCCH 3OHCH 3H CHO3C+ 3N CH ON+2HC 3OOOCH 3+NOOHCH 3CH2+NCH3HOCCH 3AChBlockade <strong>of</strong> ACh receptorsNo depolarization <strong>of</strong>end plateRelaxation <strong>of</strong> skeletal muscles(Respiratory paralysis)Artificialventilationnecessary(plus generalanesthesia!)Antidote:cholinesteraseinhibitorse.g., neostigmine

186 Drugs Acting on the Motor System Depolarizing Muscle RelaxantsIn this drug class, only succinylcholine (succinyldicholine,suxamethonium, A)is<strong>of</strong>clinicalimportance. Structurally, it can be describedas a double ACh molecule. Like ACh,succinylcholine acts as agonist at end-platenicotinic cholinoceptors, yet it producesmuscle relaxation. Unlike ACh, it is not hydrolyzedby acetylcholinesterase. However,it is a substrate <strong>of</strong> nonspecific plasma cholinesterase(serum cholinesterase, p.104).Succinylcholine is degraded more slowlythan is ACh and therefore remains in thesynaptic cleft for several minutes, causingan end plate depolarization <strong>of</strong> correspondingduration. This depolarization initially triggersa propagated action potential (AP) inthe surrounding muscle cell membraneleading to contraction <strong>of</strong> the muscle fiber.After i.v. injection, fine muscle twitches (fasciculations)can be observed. A new AP canbe elicited near the end plate only if themembrane has been unexcited for a suf -cient interval and allowed to repolarize.TheAPisduetoopening<strong>of</strong>voltage-gatedNa-channel proteins, allowing Na + ions t<strong>of</strong>low through the sarcolemma and to causedepolarization. After a few milliseconds, theNa + channels close automatically (“inactivation”),the membrane potential returns toresting levels, and the AP is terminated. Aslong as the membrane potential remains incompletelyrepolarized, renewed opening <strong>of</strong>Na + channels, hence a new AP, is impossible.In the case <strong>of</strong> released ACh, rapid breakdownby ACh esterase allows repolarization <strong>of</strong> theendplateandthusareturn<strong>of</strong>Na + channelexcitability in the adjacent sarcolemma.With succinylcholine, however, there is apersistent depolarization <strong>of</strong> the end plateand adjoining membrane regions. Becausethe Na + channels remain inactivated, an APcannot be triggered in the adjacent membrane.The effect <strong>of</strong> a standard dose <strong>of</strong> succinylcholinelasts only about 10 minutes. It is<strong>of</strong>ten given at the start <strong>of</strong> anesthesia to facilitateintubation <strong>of</strong> the patient. As expected,cholinesterase inhibitors are unable to counteractthe effect <strong>of</strong> succinylcholine. In thefew patients with a genetic deficiency inpseudocholinesterase (= nonspecific cholinesterase),the succinylcholine effect is significantlyprolonged.Since the persistent depolarization <strong>of</strong> endplates is associated with an ef ux <strong>of</strong> K + ions,hyperkalemia can result (risk <strong>of</strong> cardiac arrhythmias).Only in a few muscle types (e. g.,extraocular muscle) are muscle fibers suppliedwith multiple end plates and thereforecapable <strong>of</strong> a graded response. Here succinylcholinecauses depolarization distributedovertheentirefiber,whichrespondswitha contracture. Intraocular pressure rises,which must be taken into account duringeye surgery.In skeletal muscle fibers whose motornerve has been severed, ACh receptorsspreadovertheentirecellmembraneaftera few days. In this case, succinylcholinewould evoke a persistent depolarizationwith contracture and hyperkalemia. Theseeffects are likely to occur in polytraumatizedpatients undergoing follow-up surgery. Theuse <strong>of</strong> succinylcholine is waning because <strong>of</strong>its marked adverse effects (rhabdomyolysis;hyperkalemia; cardiac arrest)Clinical use <strong>of</strong> muscle relaxants. Among theavailable neuromuscular blockers, succinylcholinedisplays the fastest onset <strong>of</strong> action.The patient can be intubated as early as30–60 seconds after intravenous injection(“rapid sequence intubation”), which is importantin emergency situations with an increasedrisk <strong>of</strong> aspiration (e. g., ileus, fullstomach, head trauma). Postoperativemuscle pain due to succinylcholine can beprevented by preinjection <strong>of</strong> a small dose <strong>of</strong>a nondepolarizing blocker (“precurarization”).In combination with prop<strong>of</strong>ol p. 218),rocuronium (p.184) creates intubation conditionscomparable to those obtained withsuccinylcholine.

Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants 187A. Action <strong>of</strong> the depolarizing relaxant succinylcholineOCH 3+C O CH 2 CH 2 N CH 3H 3 CCH 3AcetylcholineH 3 C CHN + 3H 3 C CH2OH 2 C O C CH 2 CH 2 CSuccinylcholineOO CH 2H 2 C CHN + 3H 3 C CH3DepolarizationDepolarizationAChPropagation <strong>of</strong>action potential (AP)Succinylcholine1ContractionRapid ACh cleavage byacetylcholine esterasesSkeletalmusclecellContractionSuccinylcholine not degradedby acetylcholine esterases2Repolarization <strong>of</strong> end platePersistent depolarization <strong>of</strong> end plateACh3New APand contraction elicitedNew AP andcontraction cannot be elicitedMembrane potentialNa+-channelMembrane potential0 [mV]OpenClosed(opening not possible)RepolarizationClosed(opening possible)Membrane potential0 [mV]Persistent depolarizationNo repolarization,renewed opening <strong>of</strong>Na+-channelimpossible

188 Drugs Acting on the Motor System Antiparkinsonian DrugsThe central nervous programming <strong>of</strong> purposivemovements depends on neuronal circuitsinterconnecting cortical regions, thethalamus, the cerebellum, and the basal ganglia(corpus striatum; subthalamic nucleus).The basal ganglia, in particular, play an importantpart in the initiation and scaling <strong>of</strong>movement as well as the programming <strong>of</strong>target acquisition. A disorder primarily involvingbasal ganglionic motor function isknown as idiopathic Parkinson disease(shaking palsy). The disease typically manifestsat an advanced age and is characterizedby poverty <strong>of</strong> movement (akinesia), musclestiffness (rigidity), tremor at rest, posturalinstability, gait disturbance, and a progressiveimpairment in the quality <strong>of</strong> life. Theprimary cause <strong>of</strong> this disease and its syndromalforms is a degeneration <strong>of</strong> dopamineneurons in the substantia nigra that projectto the corpus striatum (specifically, the caudatenucleus and putamen) and exert an inhibitoryinfluence. Cholinergic interneuronsin the striatum promote neuronal excitation.Pharmacotherapeutic measures are aimedat compensating striatal dopamine deficiencyor suppressing unopposed cholinergicactivity.L-Dopa. Dopamine itself cannot penetratethe blood–brain barrier; however, its naturalprecursor, L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (levodopa),is effective in replenishing striataldopamine levels, because it is transportedacross the blood–brain barrier via an aminoacid carrier and is subsequently decarboxylatedby dopa decarboxylase, present instriatal tissue. Decarboxylation also takesplace in peripheral organs where dopamineis not needed and is likely to cause undesirableeffects (vomiting; hypotension; p.116).Extracerebral production <strong>of</strong> dopamine canbe prevented by inhibitors <strong>of</strong> dopa decarboxylase(carbidopa, benserazide) that do notpenetrate the blood–brain barrier, leavingintracerebral decarboxylation unaffected.Excessive elevation <strong>of</strong> brain dopamine levelsmay lead to undesirable reactions such asinvoluntary movements (dyskinesias) andmental disturbances.Dopamine receptor agonists. Striatal dopaminedeficiency can be compensated by lysergicacid derivatives such as bromocriptine(p.116), lisuride, cabergoline, and pergolideand by the non-ergot compounds ropiniroleand pramipexole.Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> monoamine oxidase-B(MAO B ). Monoamine oxidase occurs in theform <strong>of</strong> two isozymes: MAO A and MAO B .Thecorpus striatum is rich in MAO B .Thisisozymecan be inhibited by selegiline. Degradation <strong>of</strong>biogenic amines in peripheral organs is notaffected because MAO A remains functional.Inhibitor <strong>of</strong> catecholamine O-methyltransferase(COMT). The CNS-impermeant entacaponeinhibits peripheral degradation <strong>of</strong> L-dopa and thus enhances availability <strong>of</strong> L-dopa for the brain. Accordingly, it is suitablyonly for combination therapy with L-dopa.Anticholinergics. Antagonists at muscariniccholinoceptors such as benztropine and biperiden(p.110) can be used to suppress thesequelae <strong>of</strong> the relative predominance <strong>of</strong>cholinergic activity in the striatum (in particular,tremor). Atropine-like peripheral sideeffects and impairment <strong>of</strong> cognitive functionlimit the tolerable dosage. Complete disappearance<strong>of</strong> symptoms cannot be achieved.Amantadine. Early or mild parkinsonianmanifestations may be relieved temporarilyby amantadine. The underlying mechanisms<strong>of</strong> action may involve, inter alia, blockade <strong>of</strong>ligand-gated ion channels <strong>of</strong> the glutamate/NMDA subtype, ultimately leading to diminishedrelease <strong>of</strong> acetylcholine.Treatment <strong>of</strong> advanced Parkinson diseaserequires combined administration <strong>of</strong>the above drugs for ameliorating the symptoms<strong>of</strong> this grave condition. Commonly, additionalsigns <strong>of</strong> central degeneration developas the disease progresses.

Antiepileptics 189A. Antiparkinsonian drugsSelegilineCH 2CH 3N CH 2 C CHCH CH 3Inhibition <strong>of</strong>dopamine degradationby MAO-B in CNSCortexMotorcontrolloopGABAergicCholinergicPallidumAmantadineNH 2NMDA receptor:Blockade<strong>of</strong> ionophore:attenuation <strong>of</strong>cholinergic neuronsDopaminergicS. nigraStriatumDegeneration inParkinson diseaseInhibition <strong>of</strong> cholinergictransmissionBlood-brain barrierHOCarbidopaHOCH3CH2 C NH NH2COOHInhibition <strong>of</strong> dopadecarboxylaseDOPAdecarboxylaseDopamineStimulation <strong>of</strong>peripheral dopaminereceptorsAdverse effectsDopamine substitution2000 mg 200 mgEntacaponeHOHOCOMTNO 2OCN 2 H 5C 2 HCN5Inhibition <strong>of</strong> theperipheral catechol-O-methyltransferaseBromocriptineCH 3C H CH 3L-DOPABenzatropineOOHH 3 CONNH C NHHONOO H CH 2HOCH2 CH NHN2CH3CHCOOHO C HH 3C CH 3MuscarinicHN Dopamine-receptoracetylcholineBr agonistDopamine precursorantagonist

190 Drugs Acting on the Motor System AntiepilepticsEpilepsy is a chronic brain disease <strong>of</strong> diverseetiology; it is characterized by recurrent paroxysmalepisodes <strong>of</strong> uncontrolled excitation<strong>of</strong> brain neurons. Involving larger or smallerparts <strong>of</strong> the brain, the electrical discharge isevident in the electroencephalogram (EEG)as synchronized rhythmic activity and manifestsitself in motor, sensory, psychic, andvegetative (visceral) phenomena. As boththe affected brain region and the cause <strong>of</strong>abnormal excitability may differ, epilepticseizurescantakeonmanyforms.Fromapharmacotherapeutic viewpoint, these maybe classified as: Generalized vs. partial (focal) seizures Seizures with or without loss <strong>of</strong> consciousness Seizures with or without specific modes <strong>of</strong>precipitationThe brief duration <strong>of</strong> a single epileptic fitmakes acute drug treatment unfeasible. Instead,antiepileptics are used to prevent seizuresand therefore need to be given chronically.Only in the case <strong>of</strong> status epilepticus(succession <strong>of</strong> several tonic-clonic seizures),is acute anticonvulsant therapy indicated—usually with benzodiazepines given i.v. or, ifneeded, rectally.The initiation <strong>of</strong> an epileptic attack involves“pacemaker” cells; these differ fromother nerve cells by their unstable restingmembrane potential; i. e., a depolarizingmembrane current persists after the actionpotential terminates.Therapeutic interventions aim to stabilizeneuronal resting potential and, hence, tolower excitability. In specific forms <strong>of</strong> epilepsy,initially a single drug is tried toachieve control <strong>of</strong> seizures, valproate usuallybeing the drug <strong>of</strong> first choice in generalizedseizures, and carbamazepine being preferredfor partial (focal), especially partial complex,seizures. Dosage is increased until seizuresare no longer present or adverse effects becomeunacceptable. Only when monotherapywith different agents proves inadequatecan change-over to a second-line drug orcombined use (“add on”) be recommended(B), provided that the possible risk <strong>of</strong> pharmacokineticinteractions is taken into account(see below). The precise mode <strong>of</strong> action<strong>of</strong> antiepileptic drugs remains unknown.Some agents appear to lower neuronalexcitability by several mechanisms <strong>of</strong>action. In principle, responsivity can be decreasedby inhibiting excitatory or activatinginhibitory neurons. The transmitters utilizedby most excitatory and inhibitory neuronsare glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GA-BA), respectively (p.193A).Glutamate receptors comprise three subtypes,<strong>of</strong> which the NMDA subtype has thegreatest therapeutic importance. (N-methyl-D-aspartate is a synthetic selective agonist.)This receptor is a ligand-gated ion channelthat, upon stimulation with glutamate, permitsentry <strong>of</strong> both Na + and Ca 2+ into the cell.Valproic acid inhibits both Na + and Ca 2+channels. The antiepileptics lamotrigine,phenytoin, andphenobarbital inhibit, amongother things, the release <strong>of</strong> glutamate. Felbamateis a glutamate antagonist.Benzodiazepines and phenobarbital augmentthe activation <strong>of</strong> the GABA A receptorby physiologically released amounts <strong>of</strong> GABA(B) (see pp.193, 222). Chloride influx is increased,counteracting depolarization. Progabideis a direct GABA-mimetic but not anapproved drug. Tiagabine blocks removal <strong>of</strong>GABA from the synaptic cleft by decreasingits reuptake. Vigabatrin inhibits GABA catabolism.Gabapentin augments the availability<strong>of</strong> glutamate as a precursor in GABA synthesis(B).

Antiepileptics 191A. Epileptic attack, EEG, and antiepilepticsDrugs used in the treatment <strong>of</strong> status epilepticus:Benzodiazepines, e.g., diazepamWaking statemV15010050EEGEpileptic attackmV1501005001 s01 sDrugs used in the prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> epileptic seizuresOHHNOCH 3N CCCN 5 C 2 H 2 H 55 O CO CO CCNNOCN CHHHO NH 2OCarbamazepine PhenobarbitalPhenytoin EthosuximideCH 2H 3 C CH 3H2CCH 2H 2 C H CH 2CCOOHValproic acidCH 2 NH 2CCH 2COOHGabapentinHCHC NH 2CH 2CH 2COOHVigabatrinH 2 C NH 2CH 2CH 2COOHGABAB. Indications for antiepilepticsFocalseizuresGeneralizedattacksSimpleseizuresComplex orsecondarilygeneralizedTonic-clonicattack (grand mal)Tonic attackClonic attackMyoclonic attackAbsenceseizureCarbamazepineValproic acidI. II.Valproic acid,PhenytoinCarbamazepine,PhenytoinEthosuximideIII. ChoicePrimidone,Phenobarbital+ Lamotrigine or Vigabatrin or GabapentinLamotrigine,Primidone,Phenobarbital+ Lamotrigine or Vigabatrin or Gabapentin+ Lamotrigine or Clonazepam

192 Drugs Acting on the Motor SystemThe tricyclic carbamazepine, its analogueoxycarbazepine, andphenytoin enhance inactivation<strong>of</strong> voltage-gated sodium and calciumchannels and limit the spread <strong>of</strong> electricalexcitation by inhibiting sustainedhigh-frequency firing <strong>of</strong> neurons.Ethosuximide blocks a neuronal T-type Ca 2+channel (A); and represents a special classbecauseit iseffectiveonlyin absenceseizures.All antiepileptics are likely, albeit in differentdegrees, to produce adverse effects. Sedation,dif culty concentrating, and slowing<strong>of</strong> psychomotor drive encumber practically allantiepileptic therapy. Moreover, cutaneous,hematological, and hepatic changes may necessitatea change in medication. Phenobarbital,primidone, and phenytoin may lead toosteomalacia (vitamin D prophylaxis) ormegaloblastic anemia (folate prophylaxis).During treatment with phenytoin, gingivalhyperplasia may develop in ~ 20% <strong>of</strong> patients.Valproic acid (VPA) islesssedatingthan other anticonvulsants. Tremor, gastrointestinalupset, and weight gain are frequentlyobserved; reversible hair loss is ararer occurrence. Its hepatotoxicity shouldbe kept in mind.Adverse reactions to carbamazepine includenystagmus, ataxia, and diplopia, particularlyif the dosage is raised too fast. Gastrointestinalproblems and skin rashes arefrequent. It exerts an antidiuretic effect (sensitization<strong>of</strong> collecting ducts to vasopressin).Valproate, carbamazepine, and other anticonvulsantspose teratogenic risks. Despitethis, treatment should continue during pregnancy,as the potential threat to the fetus bya seizure is greater. However, it is mandatoryto apply the lowest dose affording safe andeffective prophylaxis. Concurrent high-doseadministration <strong>of</strong> folate may prevent neuraltube defects.Carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital,and other anticonvulsants induce hepaticenzymes responsible for drug biotransformation;valproate is a potent inhibitor. Combinationsbetween anticonvulsants or withother drugs may result in clinically importantinteractions (plasma level monitoring!).Carbamazepine is also used to treat trigeminalneuralgia and neuropathic pain.For the <strong>of</strong>ten intractable childhood epilepsies,various other agents are used includingACTH and the glucocorticoid dexamethasone.Multiple (mixed) seizures associatedwith the slow spike-wave (Lennox–Gastaut) syndrome may respond to valproate,lamotrigine, and felbamate, the lastbeing restricted to drug resistant seizuresowingtoitspotentiallyfatalliverandbonemarrow toxicity.Benzodiazepines are the drugs <strong>of</strong> choicefor status epilepticus (see above); however,development <strong>of</strong> tolerance renders them lesssuitable for long-term therapy. Clonazepamis used for myoclonic and atonic seizures.Clobazam, a 1,5-benzodiazepine exhibitingan increased anticonvulsant/sedative activityratio, has a similar range <strong>of</strong> clinical uses.Personality changes and paradoxical excitementare potential side effects.Clomethiazole can also be effective forcontrolling status epilepticus but is usedmainly to treat agitated states, especiallyalcoholic delirium tremens and associatedseizures.Topiramate, derived from D-fructose, hascomplex, long-lasting anticonvulsant actionsthat cooperate to limit the spread <strong>of</strong> seizureactivity; it is effective in partial and generalizedseizures and as add-on in Lennox–Gastautsyndrome.It should be noted that certain drugs (e. g.,neuroleptics, isoniazid, and high-dose β-lactamantibiotics) lower seizure threshold andare therefore contraindicated in epileptic patients.Outlook: Among the newer antiepileptics,gabapentin, oxycarbazepine, lamotrigine,andtopiramatearenowendorsedasprimarymonotherapeutics for both partial and generalizedseizures. Their pharmacokinetic characteristicsare generally more desirable thanthose <strong>of</strong> the older drugs.

Antiepileptics 193A. Neuronal sites <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> antiepilepticsNa + Ca 2+Ca 2+ -channelNMDAreceptorNMDA-receptorantagonistfelbamate,valproic acidExcitatory neuronGlutamateInhibition <strong>of</strong>glutamaterelease:phenytoin,lamotriginephenobarbitalT-Typecalciumchannel blockerethosuximide,(valproic acid)GABAAreceptorCI -InhibitoryneuronGABAVoltagedependentNa + -channelGabamimetics:benzodiazepinebarbituratesvigabatrintiagabinegabapentinInhibition <strong>of</strong>actionpotentialscarbamazepinevalproic acidphenytoinB. Sites <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> antiepileptics in GABAergic synapseBenzodiazepinesAllostericenhancement<strong>of</strong>GABAactionαγβαβGABA A -receptorαγβαβChloridechannelTiagabineInhibition<strong>of</strong> GABAreuptakeBarbituratesEnding <strong>of</strong>inhibitoryneuronGlutamicacidVigabatrinInhibitor<strong>of</strong> GABAtransaminaseProgabideGABAmimeticGABAGlutamic aciddecarboxylaseGABAtransaminaseSuccinicsemialdehydeSuccinic acidGabapentinImproved utilization<strong>of</strong> GABA precursor:glutamate

194 Drugs for the Suppression <strong>of</strong> Pain (Analgesics) Pain Mechanisms and PathwaysPain is a designation for a spectrum <strong>of</strong> sensations<strong>of</strong> highly divergent character and intensityranging from unpleasant to intolerable.Pain stimuli are detected by physiologicalreceptors (sensors, nociceptors) leastdifferentiated morphologically, viz., freenerve endings. The body <strong>of</strong> the bipolar afferentfirst-order neuron lies in the dorsal rootganglia. Nociceptive impulses are conductedvia unmyelinated (C-fibers, conductionvelocity 0.2–2 m/s) and myelinated axons(Aδ-fibers,10–30m/s).Thefreeendings<strong>of</strong>Aδ-fibers respond to intense pressure orheat, those <strong>of</strong> C-fibers respond to chemicalstimuli (H + ,K + ,histamine,bradykinin,etc.)arising from tissue trauma.Irrespective <strong>of</strong> whether chemical, mechanical,or thermal stimuli are involved,they become significantly more effective inthe presence <strong>of</strong> prostaglandins (p.196).Chemical stimuli also underlie painsecondary to inflammation or ischemia (anginapectoris, myocardial infarction). The intensepain that occurs during overdistensionor spasmodic contraction <strong>of</strong> smooth muscleabdominal organs may be maintained bylocal anoxemia developing in the area <strong>of</strong>spasm (visceral pain).Aδ- and C-fibers enter the spinal cord viathe dorsal root, ascend in the dorsolateralfuniculus, and then synapse on second-orderneurons in the dorsal horn. The axons <strong>of</strong> thesecond-order neurons cross the midline andascend to the brain as the anterolateral pathwayor spinothalamic tract. Based on phylogeneticage, a neospinothalamic tract and apalaeospinothalamic tract are distinguished.The second-order (projection) neurons <strong>of</strong>both tracts lie in different zones (laminae)<strong>of</strong> the dorsal horn. Lateral thalamic nucleireceiving neospinothalamic input project tocircumscribed areas <strong>of</strong> the postcentral gyrus.Stimuli conveyed via this path are experiencedas sharp, clearly localizable pain. Themedial thalamic regions receiving palaeospinothalamicinput project to the postcentralgyrus as well as the frontal, limbic cortex andmost likely represent the pathway subservingpain<strong>of</strong>adull,aching,orburningcharacter,i. e., pain that can be localized onlypoorly.Impulse traf c in the neospinothalamicand palaeospinothalamic pathways is subjectto modulation by descending projectionsthat originate from the reticular formationand terminate at second-order neurons,at their synapses with first-order neurons orspinal segmental interneurons (descendingantinociceptive system). This system caninhibit substance P-mediated impulse transmissionfrom first- to second-order neuronsvia release <strong>of</strong> endogenous opiopeptides (enkephalins)or monoamines (norepinephrine,serotonin).Pain sensation can be influenced ormodified as follows: Elimination <strong>of</strong> the cause <strong>of</strong> pain Lowering <strong>of</strong> the sensitivity <strong>of</strong> nociceptors(antipyretic analgesics, local anesthetics) Interrupting nociceptive conduction insensory nerves (local anesthetics) Suppression <strong>of</strong> transmission <strong>of</strong> nociceptiveimpulses in the spinal medulla(opioids) Inhibition <strong>of</strong> pain perception (opioids,general anesthetics) Altering emotional responses to pain, i. e.,pain behavior (antidepressants as co-analgesics)

Pain Mechanisms and Pathways 195A. Pain mechanisms and pathwaysGyrus postcentralisPerception:sharpquicklocalizablePerception:dulldelayeddiffuseAnestheticsThalamusAntidepressantsLocal anestheticsOpioidsNeospinothalamictractPaleospinothalamictractReticularformationDescendingantinociceptivepathwayOpioidsNitrous oxideNociceptorsCyclooxygenaseinhibitorsProstaglandinsInflammationCausation <strong>of</strong> pain

196 Antipyretic Analgesics EicosanoidsUnder the influence <strong>of</strong> cyclooxygenases(COX-1, COX-2, and their splice variants),the extended molecule <strong>of</strong> arachidonic acid(eicosatetraenoic acid 1 ) is converted intocompounds containing a central ring withtwo long substituents: prostaglandins, prostacyclin,and thromboxanes. Via the action <strong>of</strong>a lipoxygenase, arachidonic acid yields leukotrienes,in which ring closure in the center<strong>of</strong>themolecule(A) does not occur. The productsformed from arachidonic acid are inactivatedvery rapidly; they act as local hormones.The groups <strong>of</strong> prostaglandins andleukotrienes each comprise a large number<strong>of</strong> closely related compounds. In the presentcontext, only the most important prostaglandinsand their constitutive actions areconsidered.Prostaglandin (PG)E 2 inhibits gastric acidsecretion, increases production <strong>of</strong> mucus(mucosa-protective action), and elicits bronchoconstriction.PGF 2α stimulates uterinemotility. PGI 2 (prostacyclin) produces vasodilatationand promotes renal excretion <strong>of</strong>Na + . In addition, prostaglandins synthesizedby COX-2 participate in inflammatory processesby sensitizing nociceptors, thus loweringpain threshold; by promoting inflammatoryresponses by release <strong>of</strong> mediatorssuch as interleukin-1 and tumor-necrosisfactor α; and by evoking fever.Prostacyclin is produced in vascular endotheliumand plays a role in the regulation<strong>of</strong> blood flow. It elicits vasodilation and preventsaggregation <strong>of</strong> platelets (functional antagonist<strong>of</strong> thromboxane).Thromboxane A 2 is a local hormone <strong>of</strong>platelets; it promotes their aggregation.Small defects in the vascular or capillary wallelicit the formation <strong>of</strong> thromboxane._1 Name derived from Greek eikosi =twentyforthe number <strong>of</strong> carbon atoms and tetra =4forthenumber <strong>of</strong> double bondsLeukotrienes 2 are produced mainly inleukocytes and mast cells. Newly formedleukotrienes can bind to glutathione. Fromthis complex, glutamine and glycine can becleaved, resulting in a larger number <strong>of</strong> localhormones. Leukotrienes are pro-inflammatory;they stimulate invasion <strong>of</strong> leukocytesand enhance their activity. In anaphylacticreactions, they produce vasodilation,increase vascular permeability, and causevasoconstriction.Therapeutic uses <strong>of</strong> synthetic eicosanoids.Efforts to synthesize stable derivatives <strong>of</strong>prostaglandins for therapeutic applicationshave not been very successful to date. Dinoprostone(PGE 2 ), carboprost (15-methyl-PGF 2α) and mifeprostone are uterine stimulants(p.130, 254). Misoprostol is meant toafford protection <strong>of</strong> the gastric mucosa buthas pronounced systemic side effects. Allthese substances lack organ specificity._2 Note the change in chemical nomenclature: -triene (tri=three), although leukotrienes possessfour double bonds; however, <strong>of</strong> these only theconjugated ones are counted

Eicosanoids 197A. Origin and actions <strong>of</strong> prostaglandinsPhospholipase A 2H 3 CH 3 CProstaglandin F 2αand othersCOOHArachidonic acidThromboxane A 2COOHProstacyclin Leukotriene A 4CyclooxygenasesLipoxygenasesand othersCH3H 3 CH 3 CCOOHHOHOHOOCHOHOOHHOOO OStomach[H + ]MucusInhibition<strong>of</strong> plateletaggregationStimulation<strong>of</strong> plateletaggregationOKidneyBlood flowAdaptation to:salt loadlack <strong>of</strong> H 2 OVasodilationVasoconstrictionCOOHUterusMotilityImplantationNociceptionSensitizationInflammatoryprocessesincreasedThermoregulatorycenterFever producingconstitutiveinducibleInflammatoryprocessesaugmentedVascularpermeabilityincreasedBronchoconstriction

198 Antipyretic Analgesics Antipyretic AnalgesicsThe large and important family <strong>of</strong> drugs forthe treatment <strong>of</strong> pain, inflammation, andfever has to be subdivided into two groupsthat differ in their mechanism <strong>of</strong> action andspectrum <strong>of</strong> activity, namely,1. Antipyretic analgesics2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs)all <strong>of</strong> which have the chemical character <strong>of</strong>acids.Antipyretic analgesics represent p-aminophenolor pyrazolone derivatives withclinically useful analgesic and antipyretic efficacy.Their mechanism <strong>of</strong> action is not completelyunderstood but thought to be mediatedvia inhibition <strong>of</strong> prostanoid formationby variants <strong>of</strong> COX enzymes. Acetaminophen(paracetamol), phenazone, and dipyrone belongin this group.Acetaminophen has good analgesic ef -cacy in commonplace pain, such as toothacheand headaches, but is <strong>of</strong> less use ininflammatory and visceral pain. It exerts astrong antipyretic effect. The adult dosage is0.5–1.0 g up to 4 times daily; the eliminationhalf-life is about 2 hours. Acetaminophen iseliminated renally after conjugation to sulfuricor glucuronic acid. A small portion <strong>of</strong>thedoseisconvertedbyhepaticCYP450toareactive metabolite that requires detoxificationby coupling to glutathione. In suicidal oraccidental poisoning with acetaminophen(10 g), the depleted store <strong>of</strong> thiol groupsmust be replaced by administration <strong>of</strong> acetylcysteine.This measure can be life-saving.Long-term therapy with pure acetaminophenpreparations does not cause renaldamage, reported earlier after use <strong>of</strong> stimulantcombination preparations. Fixed combinationswith codeine may be used withhardly any reservation.Dipyrone (metamizole) is a pyrazolonederivative. It produces strong analgesia, evenin pain <strong>of</strong> colic, and has an additional spasmolyticeffect. The antipyretic effect ismarked. The usual dosage is about 500 mgorally. Higher doses (up to 2.5 g) are neededfor biliary colic. The effect <strong>of</strong> a standard doselasts ~ 6hours.Use <strong>of</strong> dipyrone is compromised by a veryrare but serious adverse reaction, viz., bonemarrow depression. The incidence <strong>of</strong> agranulocytosisremains controversial; probably,one case occurs in > 100 000 treatments.Hypotension may occur after intravenousinjection. Dipyrone is not for routine use;however, short-term administration is recommendedfor appropriate individual cases. Nonsteroidal Anti- inflammatoryDrugs (NSAIDs)This term subsumes drugs other than COX-2inhibitors that (a) are characterized chemicallyby an acidic moiety linked to an aromaticresidue; and that (b) by virtue <strong>of</strong> inhibitingcyclooxygenases, are effective insuppressing inflammation, alleviating pain,and lowering fever. Cyclooxygenases (COX)localized to the endoplasmic reticulum areresponsible for the formation from arachidonicacid <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> local hormones comprisingthe prostaglandins, prostacyclin, andthromboxanes. NSAIDs (except ASA) are reversibleinhibitors <strong>of</strong> COX enzymes. Theseenzymes possess an elongated pore intowhich the substrate arachidonic acid is insertedand converted to an active product.NSAIDs penetrate into this pore and thusprevent access for arachidonic acid, leadingto reversible blockade <strong>of</strong> the enzyme.

Antipyretic Analgesics vs. NSAIDs 199A. Comparison <strong>of</strong> antipyretic analgesics with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugToothacheHeadacheFeverInflammatorypainEffectiveLess effectivePain <strong>of</strong> colicAcetaminophen Acetylsalicylic acid DipyroneOOHCOOHH 2 C S OHO C CH 3H 3 C NOCH 3OOHN CON N CH 3CH 3AcutemassiveoverdoseonlywithChronicabuseveryrarely>10gAgranulocytosisBronchoconstrictionImpairedhemostasis withrisk <strong>of</strong> bleedingIrritation<strong>of</strong>gastrointestinalmucosaHepatotoxicityNephrotoxicityRisk <strong>of</strong>anaphylactoidshock

200 Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Cyclooxygenase (COX) InhibitorsTwo principal types <strong>of</strong> COX can be distinguished:COX-1 is constitutive, that is, always presentand active; it contributes to the physiologicalfunction <strong>of</strong> organs. Inhibition inevitably producesunwanted effects, such as mucosal injury,renaldamage,hemodynamicchanges,and disturbances <strong>of</strong> uterine function.COX-2 is induced by inflammatory processesand produces prostaglandins that sensitizenociceptors, evoke fever, and promote inflammationby causing vasodilation and anincrease in vascular permeability. However,in some organs, COX-2 is also expressed constitutively(kidney, vascular endothelium,uterus, and CNS).Nonselective COX inhibitors derive fromsalicylic acid. The majority are carbonicacids, such as ibupr<strong>of</strong>en, naproxene, dicl<strong>of</strong>enac,indometacin, and many more; or enolicacids, such as azapropazone and meloxicam.All these drugs inhibit both COX enzymes.The molecules <strong>of</strong> COX-1 and COX-2 reveala pharmacologically important difference:the enzymatic pore width <strong>of</strong> COX-2 exceedsthat <strong>of</strong> COX-1. The nonselective COX inhibitorscan also enter the narrower pores andthus inhibit both cyclooxygenases.Efforts have succeeded to develop inhibitorsthat readily enter the slightly widerpores <strong>of</strong> COX-2 but not the COX-1 pores,giving rise to the specific COX-2 inhibitors(denoted coxibs). These drugs consist <strong>of</strong> ahetero-aromatic ring bearing two phenylring substituents, one <strong>of</strong> which contains a−SO 2 group (see formulas in A). The advantage<strong>of</strong>coxibsliesintheirlesserpropensitytocause mucosal injury. This effect has beenreported in large clinical trials (but subsequentlyqueried). However, a number <strong>of</strong> adversereactions are now known that are consistentwith COX-2 also serving constitutivefunctions. Furthermore, one needs to considerthat COX-1 functions may be more or lessaffected at suf ciently large dosages. Selectivityfactors (COX-1/COX-2 ratio) determinedbiochemically in vitro range from 30to 400.Coxibs available at present include: celecoxib(daily dosage 200–400 mg), valdecoxib(10–20 mg) (no longer available in the US)and its prodrug parecoxib (40 mg i.v.!).Coxibs are not drugs for routine use andshould only be employed in a targeted manner,in particular when antiarthritis treatmentwith nonselective NSAIDs has led togastrointestinal mucosal damage (bleeding,gastritis, ulcerations). Contraindicationsmust be heeded, in particular, advanced congestiveheart failure, hepatic and renal diseases,inflammatory bowel diseases, andasthma. Concern over an increased risk <strong>of</strong>stroke and myocardial infarction in vulnerablepatient populations has led to withdrawal<strong>of</strong> r<strong>of</strong>ecoxib (Sept. 2004), raisingstrong suspicion that this represents a coxibclass effect.Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) meritsaseparatecomment. Acetylation <strong>of</strong> salicylic acidsignificantly reduces its ability to induce mucosalinjury. After absorption <strong>of</strong> ASA, theacetyl moiety is cleaved with a t ½ <strong>of</strong> 15–20minutes, salicylic acid then being present invivo. For anti-inflammatory therapy, the requireddosage <strong>of</strong> ASA lies above 3 g daily. Fortreatment <strong>of</strong> ordinary pain, a dose <strong>of</strong>~ 500 mg is needed. At low dosage(100–200 mg daily), following absorptioninto the portal circulation, ASA causes along-lasting blockade <strong>of</strong> COX-1-mediatedthromboxane synthesis in platelets because<strong>of</strong> an irreversible acetylation <strong>of</strong> the enzyme.Since platelets represent anuclear cell fragments,theyareunabletosynthesizenewCOX molecules.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs 201A. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)0.3 – 6.0 gNonselective COX inhibitors200 – 400 mgAcetylsalicylicacidCOO –OHSalicylic acidCOO –Cl–CH 2 COONHCl0.05 – 0.15 gOH 2 NSOCelecoxibO C CH3ON N CF 3CH 3HDicl<strong>of</strong>enac3 C CH CH 2CH 3CHCOOHH 3 CIbupr<strong>of</strong>enH 3 COSR<strong>of</strong>ecoxib*NaproxenCH3CH– COOOOH3CO0.6 – 2.4 g12.5 – 25 mgOCOX-2 inhibitors0.5 – 1.0 g daily dosesB. Adverse effects <strong>of</strong> nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsCyclooxygenasesNonselectiveCOX inhibitorsCOX -2inhibitorsArachidonic acidLipoxygenasesProstaglandins decreasedLeukotrienes increasedGastric mucosaldamage withulcer formation,bleeding, andperforationLowerincidence <strong>of</strong>gastropathy(depending onsupply <strong>of</strong> arachidonicacid)Nephropathy, decreased excretion <strong>of</strong> NaCl andH 2 O, edemas, increased blood pressure, impairedwound healing, diarrhea, disturbed uterine motilityBronchoconstriction,bronchial asthma,proinflammatory effect

202 Local Anesthetics Local AnestheticsLocal anesthetics reversibly inhibit impulsegeneration and propagation in nerves. Insensory nerves, such an effect is desiredwhen painful procedures must be performed,e. g., surgical or dental operations.Mechanism <strong>of</strong> action. Axonal impulse conductionoccurs in the form <strong>of</strong> an action potential.The change in potential involves arapid influx <strong>of</strong> Na + (A) throughamembranechannel protein that, upon being opened(activated), permits rapid inward movement<strong>of</strong> Na + down a chemical gradient ([Na + ] outside~ 150 mM, [Na + ] inside ~ 7 mM). Local anestheticsare capable <strong>of</strong> inhibiting this rapidinflux <strong>of</strong> Na + ; initiation and propagation <strong>of</strong>excitation are therefore blocked (A).Most local anesthetics exist in part in thecationic amphiphilic form (cf. p. 206). Thisphysicochemical property favors incorporationinto membrane interphases betweenpolar and apolar domains. These are foundin phospholipid membranes and also in ionchannel proteins. Some evidence suggeststhat Na + -channel blockade results frombinding <strong>of</strong> local anesthetics to the channelprotein. It appears certain that the site <strong>of</strong>action is reached from the cytosol, implyingthat the drug must first penetrate the cellmembrane (p. 204).Local anesthetic activity is also shown byuncharged substances, suggesting a bindingsite in apolar regions <strong>of</strong> the channel proteinor the surrounding lipid membrane.Mechanism-specific adverse effects. Sincelocal anesthetics block Na + influx not onlyin sensory nerves but also in other excitabletissues (A and p. 206), they are applied locally.Depression <strong>of</strong> excitatory processes inthe heart, while undesired during local anesthesia,can be put to therapeutic use in cardiacarrhythmias (p.138).Forms <strong>of</strong> local anesthesia. Local anestheticsare applied via different routes, includinginfiltration <strong>of</strong> the tissue (infiltration anesthesia)or injection next to the nerve branchcarrying fibers from the region to be anesthetized(conduction anesthesia <strong>of</strong> thenerve, spinal anesthesia <strong>of</strong> segmental dorsalroots), or by application to the surface <strong>of</strong> theskin or mucosa (surface anesthesia). In eachcase, the local anesthetic drug is required todiffuse to the nerves concerned from a depotplacedinthetissueorontheskin.High sensitivity <strong>of</strong> sensory, low sensitivity<strong>of</strong> motor nerves. Impulse conduction in sensorynerves is inhibited at a concentrationlower than that needed for motor fibers. Thisdifference may be due to the higher impulsefrequency and longer action potential durationin nociceptive as opposed to motor fibers.Alternatively, it may relate to the thickness<strong>of</strong> sensory and motor nerves, as well asthe distance between nodes <strong>of</strong> Ranvier. Insaltatory impulse conduction, only the nodalmembrane is depolarized. Because depolarizationcan still occur after blockade <strong>of</strong> threeor four nodal rings, the area exposed to adrug concentration suf cient to cause blockademustbelargerformotorfibers(p.203B).This relationship explains why sensorystimuli that are conducted via myelinatedAδ-fibers are affected later and to a lesserdegree than are stimuli conducted via unmyelinatedC-fibers. Since autonomic postganglionicfibers lack a myelin sheath, theyare susceptible to blockade by local anesthetics.As a result, vasodilation ensues inthe anesthetized region, because sympatheticallydriven vasomotor tone decreases.This local vasodilation is undesirable (seeopposite).

Local Anesthetics 203A. Effects <strong>of</strong> local anestheticsLocal anestheticNa + -entryPropagatedimpulseActivatedNa + -channelNa +insideinsidePeripheral nerveCNSBlockedNa + -channelNa +PerineuriumConductionblockRestlessness,convulsions,respiratoryparalysisBlockedNa + -channelNa +HeartLocalapplicationImpulseconductioncardiac arrestpolar+apolarCationicamphiphiliclocalanestheticUnchargedlocalanestheticB. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> impulse conduction in different types <strong>of</strong> nerve fibersLocal anestheticAα motor0.8–1.4 mmAδ sensory0.3–0.7 mmC sensory andpostganglionic

204 Local AnestheticsDiffusion and effect. During diffusion fromthe injection site (i. e., the interstitial space <strong>of</strong>connective tissue) to the axon <strong>of</strong> a sensorynerve, the local anesthetic must traverse theperineurium. The multilayered perineuriumis formed by connective tissue cells linked byzonulae occludentes (p. 22) and thereforeconstitutes a closed lipophilic barrier.Local anesthetics in clinical use are usuallytertiary amines; at the pH <strong>of</strong> interstitial fluidthese exist partly as the neutral lipophilicbase (symbolized by particles marked withtwo red dots) and partly as the protonatedform, i. e., amphiphilic cation (symbolized byparticles marked with one blue and one reddot). The uncharged form can penetrate theperineurium and enters the endoneuralspace, where a fraction <strong>of</strong> the drug moleculesregains a positive charge in keepingwith the local pH. The same process repeatsitself when the drug penetrates through theaxonal membrane (axolemma) into the axoplasmfrom which it exerts its action on thesodium channel; and again when it diffusesout <strong>of</strong> the endoneural space through theunfenestrated endothelium <strong>of</strong> capillaries intothe blood.The concentration <strong>of</strong> local anesthetic atthe site <strong>of</strong> action is, therefore, determinedby the speed <strong>of</strong> penetration into the endoneuriumand axoplasm and the speed <strong>of</strong> diffusioninto the capillary blood. To enable asuf ciently fast build-up <strong>of</strong> drug concentrationatthesite<strong>of</strong>action,theremustbeacorrespondingly large concentration gradientbetween drug depot in the connectivetissue and the endoneural space. Injection <strong>of</strong>solutions <strong>of</strong> low concentration will fail toproduce an effect; however, too high concentrationsmust also be avoided because<strong>of</strong> the danger <strong>of</strong> intoxication resulting fromtoo rapid systemic absorption into the blood.To ensure a reasonably long-lasting localeffect with minimal systemic action, a vasoconstrictor(epinephrine, less frequentlynorepinephrine or vasopressin derivatives)is <strong>of</strong>ten co-administered in an attempt toconfine the drug to its site <strong>of</strong> action. As bloodflow is diminished, diffusion from the endoneuralspace into the capillary blood decreases.Addition <strong>of</strong> a vasoconstrictor, moreover,helps to create a relative ischemia inthe surgical field. Potential disadvantages <strong>of</strong>catecholamine-type vasoconstrictors includethe reactive hyperemia followingwashout <strong>of</strong> the constrictor agent (p. 94) andcardiostimulation when epinephrine entersthe systemic circulation. In lieu <strong>of</strong> epinephrine,the vasopressin analogue felypressincan be used as adjunctive vasoconstrictor(less pronounced reactive hyperemia, noarrhythmogenic action, but danger <strong>of</strong> coronaryconstriction). Vasoconstrictors must notbe applied in local anesthesia involving theappendages (e. g., fingers, toes).

Local Anesthetics 205A. Disposition <strong>of</strong> local anesthetics in peripheral nerve tissue0.1 mmCross section through peripheralnerve (light microscope)PerineuriumAxonEndoneuralspaceCapillarywallInterstitiumAxolemmaAxoplasmVasoconstrictione.g., with epinephrinelipophilicamphiphilicAxolemmaAxoplasm

206 Local AnestheticsCharacteristics <strong>of</strong> chemical structure. Localanesthetics possess a uniform structure.Generally they are secondary or tertiaryamines. The nitrogen is linked through anintermediary chain to a lipophilic moiety—most <strong>of</strong>ten an aromatic ring system.The amine function means that local anestheticsexist either as the neutral amine or asthe positively charged ammonium cation,depending upon their dissociation constant(pK a value) and the actual pH value. The pK a<strong>of</strong> typical local anesthetics lies between 7.5and 9. In its protonated form, the moleculepossesses both a polar hydrophilic moiety(protonated nitrogen) and an apolar lipophilicmoiety (ring system)—it is amphiphilic.Depending on the pK a ,from50%to5%<strong>of</strong>the drug may be present at physiological pHin the uncharged lipophilic form. This fractionis important because it represents thelipid membrane-permeable form <strong>of</strong> the localanesthetic (p. 26), which must take on itscationic amphiphilic form in order to exertits action (p. 202).Clinically used local anesthetics are eitheresters or amides. Even drugs containing amethylene bridge, such as chlorpromazine(p. 233) or imipramine (p. 229) would exerta local anesthetic effect with appropriateapplication. Ester-type local anesthetics aresubject to inactivation by tissue esterases.This is advantageous because <strong>of</strong> the diminisheddanger <strong>of</strong> systemic intoxication. On theother hand, the high rate <strong>of</strong> bioinactivationand, therefore, shortened duration <strong>of</strong> actionis a disadvantage.Procaine cannot be used as surface anestheticbecause it is inactivated faster than itcan penetrate the dermis or mucosa. In mepivacaine,the nitrogen atom usually locatedat the end <strong>of</strong> the side chain forms part <strong>of</strong> acyclohexane ring.Lidocaine is broken down primarily in theliver by oxidative N-dealkylation. This stepcan occur only to a restricted extent in prilocaineand carticaine because both carry asubstituent on the C-atom adjacent to thenitrogen group. Carticaine possesses a carboxymethylgroup on its thiophene ring. Atthis position, ester cleavage can occur, resultingin the formation <strong>of</strong> a polar COO –group, loss <strong>of</strong> the amphiphilic character,and conversion to an inactive metabolite.Benzocaine is a member <strong>of</strong> the group <strong>of</strong>local anesthetics lacking a nitrogen atomthat can be protonated at physiological pH.It is used exclusively as a surface anesthetic.Other agents employed for surface anesthesiainclude the uncharged polidocanoland the catamphiphilic tetracaine and lidocaine(e. g. as a 5% gel).Adverse effects <strong>of</strong> local anesthetics (LAs).The cellular point <strong>of</strong> attack <strong>of</strong> LAs is a “fast“Na + channel, opening <strong>of</strong> which initiates theaction potential. LAs block this channel. Fastsodium channels also operate in other excitabletissues including nerve cells <strong>of</strong> the brainand muscle or specialized conducting tissues<strong>of</strong>theheart.Theaction<strong>of</strong>LAsisthusnotconfined to nerve tissue; it is not organ-specific.Accordingly, serious adverse effects occurwhenLAsenterthecirculationtoorapidlyor in too high concentrations. In theheart, impulse conduction is disrupted, asevidenced by atrioventricular block or, atworst, ventricular arrest. In the CNS, differentregions are perturbed with a resultantloss <strong>of</strong> consciousness and development <strong>of</strong>seizures. Since no specific LA antidote isavailable, symptomatic countermeasuresneed to be taken immediately. If signs <strong>of</strong>cardiac inhibition predominate, epinephrinemust be given intravenously. If CNS toxicityis present, anticonvulsant drugs have to beadministered (e. g., diazepam i.v.).

Local Anesthetics 207A. Local anesthetics and pH valueH 2 NCOOH 5 C 2+NC 2 H 5(CH 2 ) 2HCH3 H 5 C 2CNH OCH2CH3+ C 2 H 5NHNHCH3COHN + C 3 H 7CH HCH3Procaine Lidocaine PrilocaineCH 3 HC 3 HC7N +SNH OCH HC CH3O OCH 3CH3N C HN+H OCH3 H3CH2NCOOCH2 CH3Carticaine Mepivacaine Benzocaine[H + ] Proton concentration1008060402002040608001006 7 8 9 10pH valueActive formcationicamphiphilicMembranepermeablelipophilic formR'+R N HR''RR'NR''PoorAbility to penetratelipophilicbarriers andcell membranesGood

208 Opioids Opioid Analgesics—Morphine TypeSources <strong>of</strong> opioids. Morphine is an opiumalkaloid (p. 4). Besides morphine, opiumcontains alkaloids devoid <strong>of</strong> analgesic activity,e. g., the spasmolytic papaverine. Allsemisynthetic derivatives (hydromorphone)and fully synthetic derivatives (pentazocine,pethidine = meperidine, l-methadone, andfentanyl) that possess the analgesic effect<strong>of</strong> morphine are collectively referred to asopiates and opioids, respectively.Thehighanalgesic effectiveness <strong>of</strong> xenobiotic opioidsderives from their af nity for receptors normallyacted upon by endogenous opioids(enkephalins, β-endorphin, dynorphins; A).Opioid receptors occur on nerve cells. Theyare found in various brain regions and thespinal medulla, as well as in intramural nerveplexuses that regulate the motility <strong>of</strong> thealimentary and urogenital tracts. There areseveral types <strong>of</strong> opioid receptors, designatedµ, δ, κ, which mediate the various opioideffects, and all belong to the superfamily <strong>of</strong>G-protein coupled receptors (p. 66).Endogenous opioids are peptides that arecleaved from the precursors, proenkephalin,pro-opiomelanocortin, and prodynorphin.All contain the amino acid sequence <strong>of</strong> thepentapeptides [Met]- or [Leu]-enkephalin(A). The effects <strong>of</strong> the opioids can be abolishedby antagonists (e. g., naloxone; A), withthe exception <strong>of</strong> buprenorphine.Mode <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> opioids. Most neuronsreact to opioids with a hyperpolarization,reflecting an increase in K + conductance.Ca 2+ influx into nerve terminals during excitationis decreased, leading to a decreasedrelease <strong>of</strong> transmitters and decreased synapticactivity (A). Depending on the cell populationaffected, this synaptic inhibition translatesinto a depressant or excitant effect (B).Effects <strong>of</strong> opioids (B). The analgesic effectresults from actions at the level <strong>of</strong> the spinalcord (inhibition <strong>of</strong> nociceptive impulsetransmission) and the brain (disinhibition<strong>of</strong> the descending antinociceptive system,attenuation<strong>of</strong>impulsespread,andinhibition<strong>of</strong> pain perception). Attention and abilityto concentrate are impaired. There is amood change, thedirection<strong>of</strong>whichdependson the initial condition. Aside fromthe relief associated with the abatement <strong>of</strong>strong pain, there is a feeling <strong>of</strong> detachment(floating sensation) and a sense <strong>of</strong> wellbeing(euphoria), particularly after intravenousinjection and, hence, rapid build-up <strong>of</strong>drug levels in the brain. The desire to reexperiencethis state by renewed administration<strong>of</strong> drug may become overpowering: development<strong>of</strong> psychological dependence.The attempt to quit repeated use <strong>of</strong> thedrug results in withdrawal signs <strong>of</strong> bothphysical (e. g., cardiovascular disturbances)and psychological (e. g., restlessness, anxiety,depression) nature.Opioids meet the criteria <strong>of</strong> drugs producingdependence, that is, a psychological andphysiological need to continueuse<strong>of</strong> the drugas wellas the compulsion to increase the dose.For these reasons, prescription <strong>of</strong> opioidsis subject to special rules (Controlled SubstancesAct, USA; Narcotic Control Act, Canada;etc). Certain opioid analgesics such ascodeine and tramadol may be prescribed inthe usual manner, because <strong>of</strong> their lesserpotential for abuse and development <strong>of</strong> dependence.Differences among opioids in ef -cacy and liability to cause dependence probablyreflect differing patterns <strong>of</strong> af nity andintrinsic activity at individual receptor subtypes,as well as genetic variation <strong>of</strong> opioidreceptors. A given substance does not necessarilyact as an agonist or antagonist at eachsubtype; instead, it may behave as an agonistat one subtype and as a partial agonist/antagonistat another, or even as a pure antagonist(p. 212). In particular, the addictive potentialis determined by kinetic properties;only with rapid drug entry into the brain canthe euphoriant “rush” be experienced. Allhigh-potency opioids pose the risk <strong>of</strong> respiratorydepression (paralysis <strong>of</strong> the respiratorycenter) after overdosage. The maximally

Opioid Analgesics 209A. Action <strong>of</strong> endogenous and exogenous opioids at opioid receptorsProopiomelanocortinProenkephalinMorphineNCH 336β-LipotropinHOO OHEnkephalinβ-EndorphinOpioid receptorsCH 2 CH CH 2K+-permeabilityCa 2+ -influxExcitabilityNRelease <strong>of</strong>transmittersHOHOOOAntagonistnaloxoneB. Effects <strong>of</strong> opioidsStimulant effectsMediated byopioid receptorsDampening effectsVagal centers,Chemoreceptors<strong>of</strong> area postremaOculomotorcenter (Edinger–Westphal nucleus)Pain sensationMoodalertnessAnalgesicAnalgesicAntinociceptivesystemSmooth musculaturestomachbowelspasticconstipationRespiratory centerCough centerEmetic centerAntitussiveAntidiarrhealUrinary tractpossibleimpairment <strong>of</strong>micturition

210 Opioidspossible extent <strong>of</strong> respiratory depression isthought to be less for partial agonists/antagonists(pentazocine, nalbuphine).The cough-suppressant (antitussive) effectproduced by inhibition <strong>of</strong> the cough reflexis independent <strong>of</strong> the effects on nociceptionor respiration (antitussives: codeine, noscapine).Stimulation <strong>of</strong> chemoreceptors in the areapostrema (p. 342) results in vomiting, particularlyafter first-time administration or in theambulant patient. The emetic effect disappearswith repeated use because a direct inhibition<strong>of</strong> the emetic center then predominates.Opioids elicit pupillary narrowing (miosis)by stimulating the parasympathetic portion(Edinger–Westphal nucleus) <strong>of</strong> the oculomotornucleus.The peripheral effects concern the motilityand tonus <strong>of</strong> gastrointestinal smooth muscle;segmentation is enhanced but propulsiveperistalsisisinhibited.Thetonus<strong>of</strong>sphinctermuscles is markedly raised (spastic constipation).The antidiarrhetic effect is usedtherapeutically (loperamide, p.180).Gastricemptying is delayed (pyloric spasm) anddrainage <strong>of</strong> bile and pancreatic juice is impededbecause the sphincter <strong>of</strong> Oddi contracts.Likewise, bladder function is affected;specifically bladder emptying is impairedowing to an increased tone <strong>of</strong> the vesicularsphincter.Kinetics <strong>of</strong> opioids. The endogenous opioids(e. g., metenkephalin, leuenkephalin, β-endorphin)cannot be used therapeutically because,owing to their peptide nature, theyare rapidly degraded or excluded from passagethrough the blood–brain barrier, thuspreventing access to their sites <strong>of</strong> actioneven after parenteral administration (A).Morphine can be given orally or parenterally,as well as epidurally or intrathecally in thespinal cord. Fentanyl is <strong>of</strong> such potency andhigh tissue penetrability as to permit applicationin the form <strong>of</strong> a patch (transdermaldelivery system) (A). In opiate abuse, drug(“stuff,” “junk,” “smack,” “jazz,” “Chinawhite”; mostly heroin = diacetylmorphine)is injected intravenously (“mainlining”) toachievethefastestpossiblerate<strong>of</strong>riseinbrain concentration. Evidently, psychic effects(“kick,” “buzz,” “rush”) are especiallyintense with this route <strong>of</strong> delivery. The usermay also resort to other more unusualroutes: opium is smoked; heroin can be takenas snuff (B).Metabolism (C). Like other opioids bearing afree hydroxyl group, morphine is conjugatedto glucuronic acid and excreted renally. Glucuronidation<strong>of</strong> the OH group at position 6,unlike that at position 3, does not affectaf nity for the receptors.Tolerance. With repeated administration <strong>of</strong>opioids, their CNS effects undergo habituation(adaptation). In the course <strong>of</strong> therapy,progressively larger doses are thus neededto achieve the same degree <strong>of</strong> pain relief. Theperipheral effects are less altered by the development<strong>of</strong> tolerance, so that persistentconstipation during prolonged use may forcea discontinuation <strong>of</strong> analgesic therapy howeverurgently needed. Frequently laxativesmust be prescribed.Morphine antagonists and partial agonists.The effects <strong>of</strong> opioids can be abolished by theantagonists naloxone or naltrexone (A), irrespective<strong>of</strong> the receptor type involved. Givenby itself, neither has any effect in normalsubjects; however, in opioid-dependent subjects,both precipitate acute withdrawalsigns. Because <strong>of</strong> its rapid presystemic elimination,naloxone is only suitable for parenteraluse. Naltrexone is metabolically morestable and can be given orally. Naloxone iseffective as antidote in the treatment <strong>of</strong>opioid-induced respiratory paralysis. Sinceit is more rapidly eliminated than mostopioids, repeated doses may be needed. Naltrexonemay be used as adjunct in withdrawaltherapy.

Opioids 211A. Opioids: mode <strong>of</strong> application and bioavailabilityMet-EnkephalinTyr Gly Gly Phe MetMorphineNCH 3FentanylCarfentanylCH 2 CH 2O NH 3 C CHOOOHN CH 3C CH 2OB. Application and rate <strong>of</strong> dispositionC. Metabolism <strong>of</strong> morphineNasalmucosa,e.g., heroinsniffingOpioidOralapplicationMorphineIntravenousapplication“Mainlining”Morphine 6-glucuronideMorphine 3-glucuronideBronchialmucosae.g., opiumsmoking

212 OpioidsBuprenorphine behaves like a partial agonist/antagonistat µ-receptors. Pentazocineis an antagonist at µ-receptors and an agonistat κ-receptors (A). Both are classified as“low-ceiling” opioids (B), because neither iscapable <strong>of</strong> eliciting the maximal analgesiceffect obtained with morphine or meperidine.Intoxication with buprenorphine cannotbe reversed with antagonists, becausethe drug dissociates too slowly from theopioid receptors. Tramadol is a moderatelypotent opioid with supposedly less potentialfor abuse. Its dosage (oral or parenteral) isabout 10 times that <strong>of</strong> morphine (i. e.,50–100 mg; maximum 400 mg/day). Respiratorydepression is unlikely to occur at thisdose level. The mechanism <strong>of</strong> its analgesiceffect is complex and extends beyond agonismat opioid receptors. Tramadol is a racemate.The (+)-enantiomer has preferentialaf nity for µ-receptors and is more potentin this regard than the (–)-enantiomer. TheO-desmethyl metabolite possesses still higheraf nity. Moreover, transport systems forthe neuronal reuptake <strong>of</strong> norepinephrineand serotonin are inhibited—actually withinverse enantioselectivity. The most prominentadverse effect is vomiting (~ 10% <strong>of</strong>cases). Tramadol cannot alleviate cravingfor morphine in addicts but can reinitiatephysical dependence.Fentanyl merits special mention, being~ 20-times more potent than morphine. Itis administered in the form <strong>of</strong> a skin patch(transdermal delivery system) for chronicpain management. Specific effectiveness isgreatly augmented by introduction into themolecule <strong>of</strong> a side chain (see p. 211A), leadingto carfentanyl. Carfentanyl has a potency5000 times that <strong>of</strong> morphine and along duration <strong>of</strong> action. The drug is approvedfor veterinary tranquilization <strong>of</strong> large animals.In aqueous solution it can be appliedas an aerosol. Its action can be surmountedby morphine antagonists; however, unusuallyhigh doses are required.Uses. Two conditions must be distinguished:(1) Acute severe pain after trauma (accidents),myocardial infarction, etc. and lifethreateningpulmonary edema requiring inhibition<strong>of</strong> the respiratory center. For theseindications, administration <strong>of</strong> morphine (intravenouslyor subcutaneously) in suf cientamounts is appropriate. With short-termuse, development <strong>of</strong> tolerance or dependenceis <strong>of</strong> no concern.(2) Severe chronic pain, especially in cancerpatients. In these cases, the aim is to establisha constant plasma level <strong>of</strong> opioid for aprolonged period. Drug must be given beforethe appearance <strong>of</strong> pain, not after the patienthas begun to suffer from intolerable pain.Like some <strong>of</strong> the other opioids (hydromorphone,meperidine, pentazocine, codeine),morphine is rapidly eliminated; its duration<strong>of</strong> action is about 4 hours. To achieve continuousanalgesia, these substances wouldhave to be given every 4 hours. For treatment<strong>of</strong> severe chronic pain states, use <strong>of</strong>morphine (or oxycodone) in controlled releaseform isthemostadvantageousregimenbecause (a) the slow rise in serum levelsavoids the subjective “rush” sensation and,hence, the development <strong>of</strong> “addiction” (psychologicaldependence); (b) the effect is prolonged;(c) under this condition, an increasedproportion <strong>of</strong> morphine is converted to the 6-glucuronide and contributes to the centraleffect; and (d) the patient can independentlycontrolintake<strong>of</strong>morphine(i.e.,nextsustained-releasetablet before severe pain reemerges).If a cancer patient has reached aterminal state, development <strong>of</strong> tolerance isquite acceptable and can easily be compensated.In a moribund person, a certain degree<strong>of</strong> euphoria, possibly associated with diminishedvigilance, appears ethically acceptable.Under special conditions (oral routeunavailable; intolerable peripheral side effects),opioids may be administered by continuousinfusion (pump) or applied near thespinal cord under control by the patient. Theadvantage is much lower dosage (300-fold)and constant therapeutic level; the disadvantageis the need for a catheter.

Opioids 213A. Opioids: µ- and κ-receptor ligands B. Opiods: dose-response relationshipHONCOCH 3NO OHCH 2 CH 2NCH 3CH 2µκMorphineMeperidineFentanylNCOH 3 CCH 3 CCH 3CH 2OCHCH 2NCH 3Analgesic effectFentanylBuprenorphineMorphinePentazocine MeperidineH 2 CCHCH 2NPentazocineHOCH 3HOµκµκµκµκCH 30.1 1 10 100HOOONaloxoneDose (mg)C. Enantioselective effects <strong>of</strong> tramadolRacemate <strong>of</strong> tramadolAgonistat µ-opioidreceptorsSerotoninreuptakeinhibitorH 3COHOCH 2CH 3NCH 3Norepinephrinereuptake inhibitor,α 2 -AgonistD. Morphine and methadone during chronic intakeMorphineReleaseMorphineHigh doseevery 12 hLow doseevery 4 hTimedreleaseformulationDrug concentration in plasmaIntoxicationAnalgesia12 24 36 hours4 8 12 16 20 24 hoursMethadonet 1/2 = 55 hhigh doseMethadonelow dose1 2 3 45 days

214 General Anesthetics General Anesthesia and GeneralAnesthetic DrugsGeneral anesthesia is a state <strong>of</strong> drug-inducedreversible inhibition <strong>of</strong> central nervous function,during which surgical procedures canbe carried out in the absence <strong>of</strong> consciousness,responsiveness to pain, defensive orinvoluntary movements, and significantautonomic reflex responses (A).The required level <strong>of</strong> anesthesia dependson the intensity <strong>of</strong> the pain-producing stimuli,i. e., the degree <strong>of</strong> nociceptive stimulation.The skillful anesthetist, therefore, dynamicallyadapts the plane <strong>of</strong> anesthesia tothedemands<strong>of</strong>thesurgicalsituation.Originally,anesthesia was achieved with a singleanesthetic agent (e. g., diethyl ether, firstsuccessfully demonstrated in 1846 by W. T.G. Morton, Boston). To suppress defensivereflexes, such a “monoanesthesia” necessitatesa dosage in excess <strong>of</strong> that needed tocause unconsciousness, thereby increasingthe risk <strong>of</strong> paralyzing vital functions, suchas cardiovascular homeostasis (B). Modernanesthesia employs a combination <strong>of</strong> differentdrugs to achieve the goals <strong>of</strong> surgicalanesthesia (balanced anesthesia). This approachreduces the hazards <strong>of</strong> anesthesia. In(C) are listed examples <strong>of</strong> drugs that are usedconcurrently or sequentially as anesthesiaadjuncts. Neuromuscular blocking agentsare covered elsewhere in more detail. Recallthat “curarization” <strong>of</strong> the patient necessitatesartificial ventilation. However, the use<strong>of</strong> neuromuscular blockers is making an essentialcontribution to risk reduction inmodern anesthesia. In the following, somespecial methods <strong>of</strong> anesthesia are consideredbefore presentation <strong>of</strong> the anestheticagents.Neuroleptanalgesia can be considered aspecial form <strong>of</strong> combination anesthesia: theshort-acting opioid analgesic fentanyl iscombined with a strongly sedating and affect-bluntingneuroleptic. Because <strong>of</strong> majordrawbacks, including insuf cient elimination<strong>of</strong> consciousness and extrapyramidalmotor disturbances, this procedure has becomeobsolete.In regional anesthesia (spinal anesthesia)with a local anesthetic (p. 202), nociceptiveconduction is interrupted. Since consciousnessis preserved, this procedure does notfall under the definition <strong>of</strong> anesthesia.According to their mode <strong>of</strong> application,general anesthetics in the narrow senseare divided into inhalational (gaseous, volatile)and injectable agents.Inhalational anesthetics are administeredin and, for the most part, eliminated viarespired air. They serve especially to maintainanesthesia (p. 216)Injectable anesthetics (p. 218) are frequentlyemployed for induction. Intravenousinjection and rapid onset <strong>of</strong> action are clearlymore agreeable to the patient than is breathinga stupefying gas. The effect <strong>of</strong> most injectableanesthetics is limited to a few minutes.This allows brief procedures to becarried out or preparation <strong>of</strong> the patient forinhalational anesthesia (intubation). Administration<strong>of</strong> the volatile anesthetic must thenbe titrated in such a manner as to counterbalancethe waning effect <strong>of</strong> the injectableagent. Increasing use is now being made <strong>of</strong>injectable, instead <strong>of</strong> inhalational, anestheticsduring prolonged combined anesthesia(e. g., prop<strong>of</strong>ol; total intravenous anaesthesia—TIVA).

General Anesthesia and General Anesthetic Drugs 215A. Goals <strong>of</strong> surgical anesthesiaMuscle relaxation Loss <strong>of</strong> consciousness Automatic stabilizationMotorreflexesPain andsufferingAutonomicreflexesNociceptionAnalgesiaPain stimulusB. Traditional monoanesthesia vs. modern balanced anesthesiaMonoanesthesiae.g., diethyl etherReduced pain sensitivity,analgesiaLoss <strong>of</strong> consciousnessMuscle relaxationParalysis <strong>of</strong>vital centersFormusclerelaxatione.g., pancuroniumForunconsciousness:e.g., halothaneor prop<strong>of</strong>olForanalgesiae.g., N 2 Oor fentanylIf needed,autonomicstabilization:atropine,esmololC. Regimen for balanced anesthesiaPremedicationInduction Maintenance RecoveryNeostigmine reversal <strong>of</strong>neuromuscular blockFentanyl analgesiaMuscle relaxation, intubationMidazolam unconsciousnessN2OIs<strong>of</strong>luranePancuroniumFentanyl AnalgesiaDiazepam anxiolysisMuscle relaxationAnalgesiaUnconsciousness

216 General Anesthetics Inhalational AnestheticsThe mechanism <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> inhalationalanesthetics is not known in detail. In the firstinstance, the diversity <strong>of</strong> chemical structures(inert gas xenon; hydrocarbons; halogenatedhydrocarbons) possessing anestheticactivity appeared to argue against the involvement<strong>of</strong> specific sites <strong>of</strong> action. Thecorrelation between anesthetic potency andlipophilicity <strong>of</strong> anesthetic drugs (A) pointedto a nonspecific uptake into the hydrophobicinterior <strong>of</strong> the plasmalemma, with a resultantimpairment <strong>of</strong> neuronal function.Meanwhile, several lines <strong>of</strong> evidence supportan interaction with membrane proteins;among these ligand-gated ion channel proteinsassume special importance. Experimentalstudies favor the idea that anestheticsenhance the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> inhibitoryGABA and glycine receptors, while attenuatingresponsiveness to stimulation <strong>of</strong>excitatory glutamate receptors.Anesthetic potency can be expressed interms <strong>of</strong> the minimal alveolar concentration(MAC) at which 50% <strong>of</strong> patients remain immobilefollowing a defined painful stimulus(skin incision). Whereas the poorly lipophilicnitrous oxide must be inhaled in high concentrations,much smaller concentrationsare required in the case <strong>of</strong> the more lipophilichalothane.The rates <strong>of</strong> onset and cessation <strong>of</strong> actionvary widely among different inhalationalanesthetics and also depend on the degree<strong>of</strong> lipophilicity. In the case <strong>of</strong> nitrous oxide,elimination from the body is rapid when thepatient is ventilated with normal air. Owingto the high partial pressure in blood, thedriving force for transfer <strong>of</strong> the drug intoexpired air is large and, since tissue uptakeis minor, the body can be quickly cleared <strong>of</strong>nitrous oxide. In contrast, with halothane,partial pressure in blood is low and tissueuptake is high, resulting in a much slowerelimination.Given alone, nitrous oxide (N 2 O, “laughinggas”) is incapable <strong>of</strong> producing anesthesia <strong>of</strong>suf cient depth for surgery, even when takingup 80% <strong>of</strong> the inspired air volume (O 220% vol. is necessary!). It has good analgesicef cacy that can be exploited when it is usedin conjunction with other anesthetics. As agas, N 2 O can be administered directly; it isnot metabolized appreciably and is clearedentirely by exhalation (B).Halothane (boiling point [BP] 50 ο C), enflurane(BP 56 ο C), is<strong>of</strong>lurane (BP 48 ο C) andthe newer substances, desflurane and sev<strong>of</strong>lurane,have to be vaporized by specialdevices. Part <strong>of</strong> the administered halothane(up to 20%) is converted into hepatotoxicmetabolites (B). Liver damage may resultfrom halothane anesthesia. With a singleexposure, the risk involved is unpredictable;however, the risk increases with the frequency<strong>of</strong> exposure and the shortness <strong>of</strong>the interval between successive exposures(estimated incidence 1 in 35 000 procedures).Degradation products <strong>of</strong> enflurane or is<strong>of</strong>lurane(fraction biotransformed < 2%) probablydo not play any role in anesthetic action.Halothane exerts a hypotensive effect(vasodilation and negative inotropic effect).Enflurane and is<strong>of</strong>lurane cause less circulatorydepression. Halothane sensitizes themyocardium to catecholamines. This effectis much less pronounced with enflurane andis<strong>of</strong>lurane. Unlike halothane, enflurane andis<strong>of</strong>lurane have a muscle-relaxant effect thatis additive with that <strong>of</strong> nondepolarizing neuromuscularblockers.Desflurane is a close structural relative <strong>of</strong>is<strong>of</strong>lurane, but has low lipophilicity and alow rate <strong>of</strong> biotransformation (0.02%). Thispermits rapid induction and recovery as wellas good control <strong>of</strong> anesthetic depth. Thenewest member <strong>of</strong> this group, sev<strong>of</strong>lurane,is similarly fast-acting and convenient tocontrol but has a higher rate <strong>of</strong> biotransformation(up to 5%) and lower incidence <strong>of</strong>laryngospasm and cough.

Inhalational Anesthetics 217A. Lipophilicity, potency and elimination <strong>of</strong> N 2 O and halothaneLow potencyhigh partial pressure neededrelatively little binding to tissueAnesthetic potencyNitrous oxideN 2 OXenonHalothaneChlor<strong>of</strong>ormIs<strong>of</strong>luraneEnfluraneDiethyl etherCyclopropaneLipophilicityN 2 OPotential effectsEnhancementInhibitionCl - Cl - Na+, Ca 2+GABA AreceptorGlycinereceptorNMDAreceptorPartial pressure in tissueHalothaneTermination <strong>of</strong> intakeHigh potencylow partial pressure sufficientrelatively high binding in tissueTimeB. Elimination routes <strong>of</strong> different volatile anestheticsMetaboliteMetabolite15 – 20% 0.2%F BrF H FN 2 O Nitrous oxideF C C HF C C O C HH 5 C 2 OC 2 H 5 EtherF Cl HalothaneF Cl F Is<strong>of</strong>lurane

218 General Anesthetics Injectable AnestheticsSubstances from different chemical classessuspend consciousness when given intravenouslyand can be used as injectable anesthetics(A). Like inhalational agents, most <strong>of</strong>these drugs affect consciousness only and aredevoid <strong>of</strong> analgesic activity (exception: ketamine).The effect appears to arise from aninteraction with ligand-gated ion channels.Channels mediating neuronal excitation(NMDA receptor, see below) are blocked,while the function <strong>of</strong> channels dampeningexcitation (GABA A receptor, p. 222; and, forthree drugs, additionally also the glycine receptor)is enhanced allosterically.Most injectable anesthetics are characterizedby a short duration <strong>of</strong> action. The rapidcessation <strong>of</strong> action is largely due to redistribution:after intravenous injection, brainconcentration climbs rapidly to effectiveanesthetic levels because <strong>of</strong> the high cerebralblood flow; the drug then distributesevenly in the body, i. e., concentration risesin the periphery, but falls in the brain—redistributionand cessation <strong>of</strong> anesthesia (A).Thus, the effect subsides before the drughas left the body. A second injection <strong>of</strong> thesame drug would encounter “presaturated”body compartments and thus be dif cult topredict in terms <strong>of</strong> effect intensity. Only etomidateand prop<strong>of</strong>ol may be given by infusionover a longer period to maintain unconsciousness.If no additional inhalationalagent is employed, the procedure is referredto as total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA).Thiopental and methohexital belong to thebarbiturates, which, depending on dose, producesedation, sleepiness, or anesthesia. Barbiturateslower pain threshold and therebyfacilitate defensive reflex movements; theyalso depress central inspiratory drive. Barbituratesare frequently used for induction <strong>of</strong>anesthesia.Ketamine has analgesic activity that persistsup to 1 hour after injection, well beyondthe initial period <strong>of</strong> unconsciousness (~ 15minutes only). On regaining consciousness,the patient may experience a disconnectionbetween outside reality and inner mentalstate (dissociative anesthesia). Frequentlythere is memory loss for the duration <strong>of</strong> therecovery period; however, adults in particularcomplain about distressing dreamlike experiences.These can be counteracted by administration<strong>of</strong> a benzodiazepine (e. g., midazolam).The CNS effects <strong>of</strong> ketamine arise, inpart, from an interference with excitatoryglutamatergic transmission via ligand-gatedcation channels <strong>of</strong> the NMDA subtype, atwhich ketamine acts as a channel blocker.The nonnatural excitatory amino acid N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) is a selectiveagonistatthisreceptor.Ketaminecaninducerelease <strong>of</strong> catecholamines with a resultantincrease in heart rate and blood pressure.Prop<strong>of</strong>ol has a remarkably simple structureresembling that <strong>of</strong> phenol disinfectants.Because the substance is water-insoluble, aninjectable emulsion is prepared by means <strong>of</strong>soy oil, phosphatide, and glycerol. The effecthas a rapid onset and decays quickly, beingexperienced by the patient as fairly pleasant.The intensity <strong>of</strong> the effect can be well controlledduring prolonged administration.Possible adverse reactions include hypotensionand respiratory depression, and a potentiallyfatal syndrome <strong>of</strong> bronchospasm,hypotension, and erythema.The anesthetic effect <strong>of</strong> (+)-etomidate subsideswithin a few minutes owing to redistribution<strong>of</strong> the drug. Etomidate can provokemyoclonic movements that can be preventedby premedication with a benzodiazepineor an opioid. Because it has little effecton the autonomic nervous system, it is suitablefor induction in combination anesthesia.Etomidate inhibits cortisol synthesis insubanesthetic doses and can therefore beused in the long-term treatment <strong>of</strong> adrenocorticaloveractivity (Cushing disease).Midazolam is a rapidly metabolized benzodiazepine(p. 224) that is used for induction<strong>of</strong> anesthesia. The longer-acting lorazepamis preferred as an adjunctive anestheticin prolonged cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonarybypass; its amnesiogenic effect ispronounced.

Injectable Anesthetics 219A. Termination <strong>of</strong> drug effect by redistributionCNS:relativelyhighblood flowHigh concentrationin tissueRelatively largeamount <strong>of</strong> drugi.v. injectionPeriphery:relativelylow blood flowml bloodmin x g tissueRelatively smallamount <strong>of</strong> drugmg drugmin x g tissue1. Initial situation2. Preferential accumulation<strong>of</strong> drug in brainDecreasein tissueconcentrationLow concentrationin peripheryFurtherincreasein tissueconcentration3. Redistribution 4. Steady state <strong>of</strong> distributionB. Intravenous anestheticsON CH2 CH3NaSN CH (CH 2)2 CH3H O CH3Sodium thiopentalNNaONH3COCH2CHO CH3CH CH2C C CH2Sodium methohexitalCH3ClONHCH3NMDA receptorblockadeKetamineCH3OHCH3H3C CHCH CH3Activation <strong>of</strong>glycine receptorsProp<strong>of</strong>olOCCH3NCHOCH2NActivation <strong>of</strong>GABA A receptorsCH3EtomidateClH3CNNNMidazolamF

220 Psychopharmacologicals Sedatives, HypnoticsDuring sleep, the brain generates a patternedrhythmic activity that can be monitoredby means <strong>of</strong> the electroencephalogram(EEG). Internal sleep cycles recur 4–5 timespernight,eachcyclebeinginterruptedbyarapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase (A).The REM stage is characterized by EEG activitysimilar to that seen in the waking state,rapid eye movements, vivid dreams, and occasionaltwitches <strong>of</strong> individual musclegroups against a background <strong>of</strong> generalizedatonia <strong>of</strong> skeletal musculature. Normally, theREM stage is entered only after a precedingnon-REM cycle. Frequent interruption <strong>of</strong>sleep will, therefore, decrease the REM portion.Shortening <strong>of</strong> REM sleep (normally~ 25% <strong>of</strong> total sleep duration) results in increasedirritability and restlessness duringthe daytime. With undisturbed night rest,REM deficits are compensated by increasedREM sleep on subsequent nights (B).Hypnotic drugs can shorten REM sleepphases (B). With repeated ingestion <strong>of</strong> a hypnoticon several successive days, the proportion<strong>of</strong> time spent in REM vs. non-REM sleepreturns to normal despite continued drugintake. Withdrawal <strong>of</strong> the hypnotic drug resultsin REM rebound, which tapers <strong>of</strong>f onlyover many days (B). Since REM stages areassociated with vivid dreaming, sleep withexcessively long REM episodes is experiencedas unrefreshing. Thus, the attempt todiscontinue use <strong>of</strong> hypnotics may result inthe impression that refreshing sleep calls fora hypnotic, probably promoting hypnoticdrug dependence.Benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-likesubstances are the hypnotics <strong>of</strong> greatesttherapeutic importance. They display a positiveallosteric action at the GABA A receptor(p. 222). The formerly popular barbiturateshave become obsolete because <strong>of</strong> their narrowmargin <strong>of</strong> safety (respiratory arrest afteroverdosage). Barbiturates can also activateGABA A receptors allosterically; however, thisaction does not occur at benzodiazepinebinding sites. At high dosage, barbituratescan apparently produce an additional directGABA agonist effect.Depending on their blood levels, bothbenzodiazepines and barbiturates producecalming and sedative effects. At higher dosage,both groups promote the onset <strong>of</strong> sleepor induce it (C). At low doses, benzodiazepineshave a predominantly anxiolytic effect.Unlike barbiturates, benzodiazepine derivativesadministered orally lack a generalanesthetic action; cerebral activity is notglobally inhibited (the virtual impossibility<strong>of</strong> respiratory paralysis negates suicidal misuse)and autonomic functions, such as bloodpressure, heart rate, or body temperature,are unimpaired. Thus, benzodiazepines possessa therapeutic margin considerablywider than that <strong>of</strong> barbiturates.Zolpidem (an imidazopyridine), zaleplone(a pyrazolopyrimidine) and zopiclone(a cyclopyrrolone) are hypnotics that,despite their different chemical structure,can bind to the benzodiazepine site on theGABA A receptor (p. 222). However, their effectsdo not appear to be identical to those <strong>of</strong>benzodiazepines. Thus, compared with benzodiazepines,zolpidem exerts a weaker effecton sleep phases, supposedly carries alower risk <strong>of</strong> dependence, and appears tohave less anxiolytic activity. Heterogeneity<strong>of</strong> GABA A receptors may explain these differencesin activity. GABA A receptors consist <strong>of</strong>five subunits that exist in several subtypes.Antihistaminics are popular as nonprescription(over-the-counter) sleep remedies(e. g., diphenhydramine, doxylamine, p.118),in which case their sedative side effect isused as the principal effect. The hypnoticeffect is weak; adverse effects (e. g., atropine-like)and corresponding contraindicationsneed to be taken into account.

Benzodiazepines 221A. Succession <strong>of</strong> different sleep phases during night restWakingstateSleepstage IREMSleepstage IISleepstage IIISleepstage IVREM-sleep = Rapid Eye Movement sleepB. Influence <strong>of</strong> hypnotics on sleep phasesNREM = No Rapid Eye Movement sleepREMNREMProportionNightswithouthypnotic5 10 15 20 25 30Nights Nights afterwithwithdrawalhypnotic <strong>of</strong> hypnoticC. Concentration dependence <strong>of</strong> effectsBarbiturates:PentobarbitalON C2H5HON CH CH3H O C3H7BrotizolamH3CBrSNNNNEffectPentobarbitalZolpidemParalyzingAnesthetizingHypnogenicBenzodiazepines:Imidazopyridines:ZolpidemNNCH3ClCH2C ON CH3CH3 CH3TriazolamHypnagogicSedatingAnxiolyticConcentration in blood

222 Psychopharmacologicals BenzodiazepinesBalanced CNS activity requires inhibitoryand excitatory mechanisms. Spinal and cerebralinhibitory interneurons chiefly utilizeγ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as transmittersubstance, which decreases the excitability<strong>of</strong> target cells via GABA A receptors. Binding<strong>of</strong> GABA to the receptor leads to opening <strong>of</strong> achloride (Cl – )ion channel, chloride influx,neuronal hyperpolarization, and decreasedexcitability. The pentameric subunit assemblymaking up the receptor/ion channel containsa high-af nity binding site for benzodiazepines,in addition to the GABA bindinglocus. Binding <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepine agonistsallosterically enhances binding <strong>of</strong> GABAand its action on the channel. The prototypicalbenzodiazepine is diazepam. Barbituratesalso possess an allosteric binding siteon the Cl − -channel protein; their effect is toincrease the channel mean open-time duringGABA stimulation.Benzodiazepines exhibit a broad spectrum<strong>of</strong> activity: they exert sedating, sleep-inducing,anxiolytic, myorelaxant, and anticonvulsanteffects and can be used for induction <strong>of</strong>anesthesia. Of special significance for the use<strong>of</strong> benzodiazepines is their wide margin <strong>of</strong>safety. At therapeutic dosages, neither centralrespiratory control nor cardiovascularregulation are affected. By virtue <strong>of</strong> thesefavorable properties, benzodiazepines haveproved themselves for a variety <strong>of</strong> indications.At low dosage, they calm restless oragitated patients and allay anxiety, thoughwithout solving problems. Use <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepinesas sleep remedies is widespread.Here, preference is given to substances thatare completely eliminated during the nighthours(tetracycliccompoundssuchastriazolam,brotizolam, alprazolam). For longerlastinganxiolytic therapy, compoundsshould be selected that are eliminatedslowly and ensure a constant blood level(e. g., diazepam).In psychosomatic reactions, benzodiazepinescan exert an uncoupling effect. Theyare therefore <strong>of</strong> great value in hyperacutedisease states (e. g., myocardial infarction,p. 320) or severe accidents. Status epilepticusisanecessaryindicationforparenteraladministration (p.190); however, benzodiazepinescan also be used for the long-termtreatment <strong>of</strong> certain forms <strong>of</strong> epilepsy, ifnecessary in combination with other anticonvulsants.Rapidly eliminated benzodiazepinesare suitable for the intravenous induction<strong>of</strong> anesthesia.Use <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepines may lead to personalitychanges characterized by flattening<strong>of</strong> affect. Subjects behave with indifferenceand fail to react adequately. Any tasks requiringprompt and target-directed action—notonly driving a motor vehicle—should be leftundone.Benzodiazepine AntagonistThe drug flumazenil binds with high af nityto the benzodiazepine receptor but lacks anyagonist activity. Consequently, the receptoris occupied and unavailable for binding <strong>of</strong>benzodiazepine agonists. Flumazenil is aspecific antidote and is used with successfor reversal <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepine toxicity or toterminate benzodiazepine sedation. Whenpatients suffering from benzodiazepine dependenceare given flumazenil, withdrawalsymptoms are precipitated.Flumazenil is eliminated relatively rapidlywith a t ½ <strong>of</strong> ~ 1 hour. Therefore, the requireddose <strong>of</strong> 0.2–1.0 mg i.v. must be repeated acorresponding number <strong>of</strong> times when toxicityis due to long-acting benzodiazepines.

Benzodiazepines 223A. Action <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepinesGABAergicneuronBenzodiazepinebinding siteαCl -βGABAbindingsiteBarbituratebinding siteAnxiolyisβγαPlasmalemmaCl -Plus anticonvulsant effect,sedation, muscle relaxationGABAbindingsiteBinding site forBenzodiazepinesBarbituratesPositive allosteric modulators <strong>of</strong> GABA effect increasein Cl - conductance hyperpolarizationdecreased excitabilityGABA A receptorwith allosteric binding sitesBenzodiazepinesCH 3ONCH 2OCNNCH 3OFFlumazenilBenzodiazepine antagonistNormalGABAergic inhibitionEnhancedGABAergic inhibition

224 Psychopharmacologicals Pharmacokinetics <strong>of</strong>BenzodiazepinesA typical metabolic pathway for benzodiazepines,as exemplified by the drug diazepam,is shown in panel (A): first the methyl groupon the nitrogen atom at position 1 is removed,with a concomitant or subsequenthydroxylation <strong>of</strong> the carbon at position 3.The resulting product is the drug oxazepam.These intermediary metabolites are biologicallyactive. Only after the hydroxyl group(position 3) has been conjugated to glucuronicacid is the substance rendered inactiveand, as a hydrophilic molecule, readily excretedrenally. The metabolic degradation <strong>of</strong>desmethyldiazepam (nordiazepam) is theslowest step (t ½ = 30–100 hours). This sequence<strong>of</strong> metabolites encompasses otherbenzodiazepines that may be consideredprecursors <strong>of</strong> desmethyldiazepam, e. g., prazepamand chlordiazepoxide (the first benzodiazepine= Librium®). A similar metabolitepattern is seen in benzodiazepines inwhich an −NO 2 group replaces the chlorineatom on the phenyl ring and in which thephenyl substituent on carbon 5 carries a fluorineatom (e. g., flurazepam). With the exception<strong>of</strong> oxazepam, all these substancesare long-acting. Oxazepam represents thosebenzodiazepines that are inactivated in asingle metabolic step; nevertheless, itshalf-life is still as long as 8 ± 2hours.Substanceswith a short half-life result only fromintroduction <strong>of</strong> an additional nitrogen-containingring (see A) bearing a methyl groupthat can be rapidly hydroxylated. Midazolam,brotizolam, and triazolam are members<strong>of</strong> such tetracyclic benzodiazepines; the lattertwo are used as hypnotics, whereas midazolamgiven intravenously is employed foranesthesia induction.Another possible way <strong>of</strong> obtaining compoundswith an intermediate duration <strong>of</strong>action is to replace the chlorine atom indiazepam with an NO 2 residue (rapidly reducedto an amine group with immediateacetylation) or with a bromine atom (whichcauses ring cleavage in the organism). Inthese cases, biological inactivation againconsists <strong>of</strong> a one-step reaction.Dependence potential. Prolonged regularuse <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepines can lead to physicaldependence. With the long-acting substancesmarketed initially, this problem was lessobvious in comparison with other dependence-producingdrugs, because <strong>of</strong> the delayedappearance <strong>of</strong> withdrawal symptoms(the decisive criterion for dependence).Symptoms manifested during withdrawalinclude restlessness, irritability, nervousness,anxiety, insomnia, and, occasionally orin susceptible patients, convulsions. Thesesymptoms are hardly distinguishable fromthose considered indications for the use <strong>of</strong>benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepine withdrawalreactions are more likely to occurafter abrupt cessation <strong>of</strong> prolonged or excessivedosage and are more pronounced inshorter-acting substances, but may also beevident after discontinuance <strong>of</strong> therapeuticdosages administered for no longer than 1–2weeks.Administration <strong>of</strong> a benzodiazepine antagonistwould abruptly provoke abstinencesigns. Benzodiazepines exhibit cross-dependencewith ethanol and can thus be usedin the management <strong>of</strong> delirium tremens.There are indications that substances withintermediate elimination half-lives have thehighest abuse potential. Withdrawal <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepinesshould be done gradually andcautiously. A long-acting substance such asdiazepam is the drug <strong>of</strong> choice for controlledtapering <strong>of</strong> withdrawal.

Pharmacokinetics <strong>of</strong> Benzodiazepines 225A. Biotransformation <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepinesClH 3 CNNNMidazolamDiazepamClH 3 C1 ON35 NFHOH 2 C NNNInactiveOHas glucuronideHNNOOGlucHNNOOHHNNNordiazepamOOxazepamActive metabolitesB. Rate <strong>of</strong> elimination <strong>of</strong> benzodiazepinesPrecursorTriazolamBrotizolamOxazepamLormetazepamBromazepamFlunitrazepamLorazepamCamazepamNitrazepamClonazepamDiazepamTemazepamPrazepam0 10 20 30 40 50 60>60 hoursRange <strong>of</strong> plasma t 1/2i.v. induction <strong>of</strong> anesthesiaApplied drugHypnagogic effectAnxiolysisActive metaboliteMidazolam

226 Psychopharmacologicals Therapy <strong>of</strong> Depressive IllnessThe term “depression” is used for a variety <strong>of</strong>states that are characterized by downswingsin mood varying from slight to most severe.The principal types are: Endogenous depression, ranging from itssevere form (major depression) to lightercases (minor depression) Dysthymia (neurotic depression) Reactive depression as (overshooting) reactionto psychic insults or somatic illnessEndogenous depression generally follows aphasic course with intervals <strong>of</strong> normal mood.When mood swings do not change direction,unipolar depression is said to be present.Bipolar illness designates an alternation betweendepressive states and manic episodes.Besides devitalizing melancholia with its attendantburden <strong>of</strong> suffering, the behavior <strong>of</strong>patients in depression may vary fromstrongly inhibited to anxious, agitated,guilt-ridden, presuicidal, and so on. Depressivestates are frequently associated withsomatic symptoms; the patients projecttheir mood disturbance into a physical ailment.Accordingly, many depressive patientsinitially visit a family physician or internist.The pharmacotherapy <strong>of</strong> depression is adif cult undertaking. At the outset, it is necessaryto determine the type <strong>of</strong> depression.For instance, in neurotic depression, psychotherapymay be suf cient. A reactive mooddisorder calls for attempts to establish thecausal link. In either condition, temporaryuse <strong>of</strong> antidepressants may be warranted.The proper indication for thymoleptics isendogenous depression. However, even forthis endogenous psychosis, it is dif cult toevaluate the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> this drug class.One fundamental reason is the lack <strong>of</strong> experimentalanimal models <strong>of</strong> depression: theef cacy <strong>of</strong> drugs cannot be tested in experimentson animals. Moreover, depression isperiodic in nature; spontaneous remissionnearly always occurs. Intensive psychologicalsupport may also sometimes be effectivein improving the condition <strong>of</strong> patients. Accordingto some estimates, one-third <strong>of</strong> therapeuticsuccess in moderately severe depressioncan be attributed to a placebo effect,one-third to intensive support, and theremaining one-third to use <strong>of</strong> antidepressantagents. In severe depression, pharmacotherapymay achieve somewhat more favorableresults. Because objective documentation <strong>of</strong>therapeutic success is extraordinarily dif -cult, it is hardly surprising that no specificantidepressant has proved superior in comparisonwith others. About 30% <strong>of</strong> patientsare resistant to currently available drugtreatments. A workable general rule wouldbe to prescribe tricyclic compounds (andvenlafaxine) for severe depression, and selectiveserotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)for moderately severe to mild cases. No scientificallyconvincing evidence is availablefor the “alternative” phytomedicinal, St.John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum),although drug interactions are well documented.It would be a major therapeutic error toadminister a drive-enhancing drug such asamphetamine to a depressed patient withpsychomotor inhibition (A). Suicide wouldbe an expected consequence.The antidepressant effect <strong>of</strong> thymolepticsmanifests after a prolonged latency; usually1–3 weeks pass before subjective or objectiveimprovement becomes noticeable (A). Incontrast, somatic effects are immediatelyevident; specifically, the interference withneuronal transmitter/modulator systems(norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine,histamine, dopamine). Reuptake <strong>of</strong> releasedserotonin, norepinephrine, or both is impaired(† elevated concentration in synapticcleft) and/or receptors are blocked (examplein A).Theseeffectsaredemonstrableinanimalstudies and are the cause <strong>of</strong> acute adverseeffects.The importance <strong>of</strong> these phenomena forthe antidepressant effect remains unclear.Presumably, adaptation <strong>of</strong> receptor systemsto altered concentrations or actions <strong>of</strong> transmitter/modulatorsubstances plays a role.

Therapy <strong>of</strong> Depressive Illness 227A. Effect <strong>of</strong> antidepressantsEndogenousdepressionDeficient driveWeek 9 Week 7 Week 5 Week 3ImipramineNCH 3CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 N5 HT orNAInhibition <strong>of</strong>re-uptakeCH 3M, H1, α1Blockade <strong>of</strong>receptorsAmphetamineImmediateNormalmoodNormal drive

228 PsychopharmacologicalsThe thymoleptic mechanism <strong>of</strong> action remainsto be elucidated.Antidepressants can be divided into fourgroups:1. Tricyclic antidepressants (A), suchasdesipramine,amitriptyline, and many analoguesubstances, possess a hydrophobic ring system.The central 7-membered ring increasesthe annelation angle between the outerflanking rings. This moiety can also be tetracyclic(e. g., maprotiline). The ring systembears a side chain with a secondary or tertiaryamine that can be protonated dependingon its pK a value. These substances canthus take on an amphiphilic character, permittinginsertion into lipid membranes andenrichment in cellular structures. The basicstructure <strong>of</strong> tricyclic antidepressants also explainstheir af nity for receptors and transmittertransport mechanisms. Receptorblockade is the chief cause <strong>of</strong> the adverseeffectsinthisdruggroup,including:tachycardia,inhibition <strong>of</strong> glandular secretion (drymouth), constipation, dif culty in micturition,blurred vision, and orthostatic hypotension(A upper). A sedative action probablyarising from antagonism at CNS H 1 histaminereceptors, as obtained with amitriptyline,can be desirable.2. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRI). These substances (e. g., fluoxetine)also possess a protonatable nitrogen atomand, instead <strong>of</strong> a larger ring system, containsimpler aromatic moieties. They also haveamphiphilic character. Because their af nityfor receptors is much less (no blockade <strong>of</strong>acetylcholine or norepinephrine receptors),acute adverse effects are less marked thanthose <strong>of</strong> tricyclic thymoleptics. Blockade <strong>of</strong>reuptake is confined to serotonin (5-HT).Antidepressant potency is equal to orslightly inferior to that <strong>of</strong> tricyclics. Fluoxetinehas a long duration <strong>of</strong> action. Togetherwith its active metabolite, it is eliminatedwith a half-life <strong>of</strong> several days. The SSRIgroup includes several other substancessuch as citalopram, paroxetine, sertralineand fluvoxamine. Besides depression, thesesubstances are also marketed for variousother psychiatric indications, including anxietydisorders, posttraumatic stress, and obsessive-compulsivedisorder.Labeling <strong>of</strong> most drugs in this group wasrecently revised to include a warning statementconcerning a worsening <strong>of</strong> depressionand treatment-emergent suicidality in bothadult and pediatric patients.3. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> monoamine oxidase A (thymeretics).Moclobemide is the only representative<strong>of</strong> this group. It produces a reversibleinhibition <strong>of</strong> MAO A , which is responsiblefor inactivation <strong>of</strong> the amines norepinephrine,dopamine, and serotonin (A).Enzyme inhibition results in an increasedconcentration <strong>of</strong> these neurotransmitters inthe synaptic cleft. Moclobemide is less effectiveas an antidepressant than as a psychomotorstimulant. It is indicated only in depressionswith extreme psychomotor slowingand is contraindicated in patients at risk<strong>of</strong> suicide.Tranylcypromine causes irreversible inhibition<strong>of</strong> the two isozymes MAO A and 0$2 %Therefore, presystemic elimination in theliver <strong>of</strong> biogenic amines, such as tyramine,that are ingested in food (e. g., in aged cheeseand Chianti) is impaired (with danger <strong>of</strong> adiet-induced hypertensive crisis). The compoundisobsoleteinsomecountries.4. Atypical antidepressants represent a heterogeneousgroup comprising agents thatinterfere only weakly or not at all withmonoamine reuptake (trazodone, nefazodone,bupropion, mirtazapine), preferentiallyblock reuptake <strong>of</strong> norepinephrine (reboxetine),or act as dual inhibitors <strong>of</strong> 5-HTand norepinephrine reuptake (venlafaxine,milnacipran, duloxetine). Venlafaxine appearstobeaseffectiveastricyclicantidepressantsin severe depression.

Antidepressant Drugs 229A. Antidepressants: activity pr<strong>of</strong>ilesSerotonin5-HT-ReceptorDopamine D-ReceptorIndicationAdverse effectsNorepinephrineα-AdrenoceptorTricyclic AntidepressantsAmitriptylinePatient:Parasympatholyticeffects:Psychomotordampening,anxiolyticHistaminecentralH 1 -ReceptorCH3HC CH2 CH2NCH3Anxious,agitatede.g., tachycardia,dry mouth,constipation,difficult urinationCaution: closedangleglaucomaImipraminePatient:α1-Blockade:NCH3H2C CH2 CH2NCH3DrivenormalorthostatichypotensionDesipraminePatient:PsychomotoractivationNHH2C CH2 CH2NCH3PsychomotorinhibitionIn high dose:cardiodepressionSelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)F3COFluoxetineCH CH2CH2HNCH3Patient:PsychomotorinhibitionAkathisia,insomnia,loss <strong>of</strong> appetite,weight loss,suicidal ideationMAO A InhibitorsMAOMAOMAOClOCNHMoclobemideCH2CH2NOPatient:PsychomotorinhibitionIn hypertonicpatients:Caution: biogenicamines in food

230 Psychopharmacologicals ManiaThe manic phase is characterized by exaggeratedelation,flight<strong>of</strong>ideas,andapathologicallyincreased psychomotor drive. Thisis symbolically illustrated in (A) byadisjointedstructure and aggressive color tones.The patients are overconfident, continuouslyactive, show progressive incoherence <strong>of</strong>thought and loosening <strong>of</strong> associations, andact irresponsibly (financially, sexually, etc.).Lithium. Lithium is the lightest <strong>of</strong> the alkalimetal atoms (A), <strong>of</strong> which family sodium andpotassium have special significance for theorganism. Lithium ions (Li + )distributenearlyevenly in the extracellular and intracellularfluid compartments and thus build up only asmall concentration gradient across the cellmembrane. The lithium ion cannot be transportedby the membranal Na + /K + -ATPase. Intracellularly,lithium ions interfere in transductionmechanisms. For instance, they reducethe hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> inositol phosphate,leading to a reduced sensitivity to transmitter<strong>of</strong> nerve cells. In addition, the metabolism<strong>of</strong> transmitters is thought to be alteredin the presence <strong>of</strong> lithium ions. These andother biochemical findings observed afteradministration <strong>of</strong> lithium do not provide asatisfactory explanation for the therapeuticeffect <strong>of</strong> this “simple” pharmaceutical, particularlyso because the somatic disturbanceunderlying mania remains unknown. As inendogenous depression, it is surmised thatimbalances between different transmittersystems are at fault. Remarkably, Li + ionsdo not exert psychotropic effects in healthyhumans, although they elicit the typical adverseeffects.Indications for lithium therapy.1. Acute treatment <strong>of</strong> manic phase; therapeuticresponse develops only in thecourse <strong>of</strong> several days (A).2. Long-term administration (6–12 monthsuntil full effect reached) for the prophylaxis<strong>of</strong> both manic and depressive phases<strong>of</strong> bipolar illness (A).3. Adjunctive therapy in severe therapy-resistantdepressions.Lithium therapy <strong>of</strong> acute mania is dif cultbecause <strong>of</strong> the narrow margin <strong>of</strong> safety andbecause the patient being treated lacks insight.Therapeutic levels should be closelymonitored and kept between 0.8 and1.2 mM in fasting morning blood samples.For prevention <strong>of</strong> relapse, slightly lowerblood levels <strong>of</strong> 0.6–0.8 mM are recommended.Adverse effects that occur at therapeuticserum concentration during longtermintake <strong>of</strong> lithium salts include renal(diabetes insipidus) and endocrine manifestations(goiter and/or hypothyroidism,glucose intolerance, hyperparathyroidism,sexual dysfunction). At concentrations> 1.2–1.5 mM, signs <strong>of</strong> mild toxicity are evident,including a fine hand tremor, weakness,fatigue, and abdominal complaints. Asblood levels rise further, decreased ability toconcentrate, agitation, confusion, and cerebellarsigns are noted. In the most severecases <strong>of</strong> poisoning, seizures may occur andthe patient may lapse into a comatose state.During lithium therapy, fluctuations in bloodlevel are quasi expected because changes indietary daily intake <strong>of</strong> NaCl or fluid losses(diarrhea, diuretics) can markedly alter renalelimination <strong>of</strong> lithium. Lithium therapy thusrequires special diligence on the part <strong>of</strong> thephysician and cooperation on the part <strong>of</strong> thepatientorhisorherrelatives.

Therapy <strong>of</strong> Manic States 231A. Effect <strong>of</strong> lithium salts in maniaManiaHDay 8 Day 6 Day 4 Day 2DepressionLi+LithiumNaKRbCsManiaBeMgCaSrBaNormalstateNormal driveDay 10Normal state

232 Psychopharmacologicals Therapy <strong>of</strong> SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is an endogenous psychosis <strong>of</strong>episodic character; in most cases, recovery isincomplete (residual defects, burned-outend stage). The different forms <strong>of</strong> schizophrenicillness will not be considered here.From a therapeutic perspective, it is relevantto differentiate between Positive signs including delusions, hallucinations,disorganized speech, behaviordisturbance; and Negative signs, such as social isolation,affective flattening, avolition, poverty <strong>of</strong>speech, and anhedoniasince both symptom complexes respond differentlyto antipsychotic drugs.NeurolepticsAfter neuroleptic treatment <strong>of</strong> a psychoticepisode is initiated, the antipsychotic effectproper manifests following a latent period.Acutely, psychomotor damping with anxiolysisand distancing is noted. Tormentingparanoid ideas and hallucinations lose theirsubjective importance (A, dimming <strong>of</strong> flashycolors); initially, however, the psychoticprocess persists but then wanes graduallyoverthecourse<strong>of</strong>severalweeks.Complete normalization <strong>of</strong>ten cannot beachieved. Even though a “cure” is unrealizable,these changes signify success because(a) the patient obtains relief from the torment<strong>of</strong> psychotic personality changes; (b) care <strong>of</strong>the patient is facilitated; and (c) return into afamiliar community environment is accelerated.Neuroleptic therapy utilizes differentdrug classes, namely phenothiazines, butyrophenones,and the atypical neuroleptics.The phenothiazines were developedfrom the H 1 -antihistamine promethazine:prototype chlorpromazine and congenerswith a tricyclic ring system and a side chaincontaining a protonatable nitrogen atom.Phenothiazines exhibit af nity for variousreceptors and exert corresponding antagonisticactions. Blockade <strong>of</strong> dopamine receptors,specifically in the mesolimbic prefrontalsystem, appears important for the antipsychoticeffect. The latency <strong>of</strong> the antipsychoticeffect suggests that adaptiveprocesses induced by receptor blockade playa role in the therapeutic response. Besidesaf nity for D 2 dopamine receptors, neurolepticsalso exhibit varying af nity to otherreceptors, including M-ACh receptors, α 1 -adrenoceptors, and histamine H 1 and 5-HTreceptors. Antagonism at these receptorscontributes to the adverse effects. Af nitypr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> “classical” neuroleptics (phenothiazineand butyrophenone derivatives)differ significantly from those <strong>of</strong> newer atypicaldrugs (see p. 235B), in which af nity for5-HT receptors predominates.Neuroleptics do not have anticonvulsantactivity. Because they inhibit the thermoregulatorycenter, neuroleptics can be employedfor controlled hypothermia (“artificial hibernation”).Chronic use <strong>of</strong> neuroleptics can on occasiongive rise to hepatic damage associated withcholestasis. A very rare, but dramatic, adverseeffect is the malignant neuroleptic syndrome(skeletal muscle rigidity, hyperthermia,stupor),whichcanhaveafataloutcomein the absence <strong>of</strong> intensive countermeasures(including treatment with dantrolene).With other phenothiazines (e. g., fluphenazinewith a piperazine side chain substituent),antagonism at other receptor typestends to recede into the background vis-àvisthe blockade <strong>of</strong> D 2 dopamine receptors.In panel (B)onp.235theD 2 receptor af nity<strong>of</strong> the drugs concerned is defined as ++,while the differences in absolute af nity forthe other receptors are ignored.The butyrophenones (prototype haloperidol)were introduced after the phenothiazines.With these agents, blockade <strong>of</strong> D 2 receptorspredominates entirely (p. 235B).Antimuscarinic and antiadrenergic effectsare attenuated. The “extrapyramidal” motordisturbances that result from D 2 receptorblockade are, however, preserved and constitutethe clinically most important adversereactions that <strong>of</strong>ten limit therapy.

Therapy <strong>of</strong> Schizophrenia 233A. Effects <strong>of</strong> neuroleptics in schizophreniaNeurolepticsWeek 3after start <strong>of</strong> therapySNCl CH 3H 2 C CH 2 CH 2 NCH 3DesiredPhenothiazine type:ChlorpromazineUndesired effectAntipsychotic effectD 2ProlactinWeek 9 Week 7 Week 5D2MDyskinesiasGlaucomaMMMα 1SedationAntiemeticInhibition <strong>of</strong> salivarysecretionHypotensionTachycardiaArrhythmiaCholestasisBowel atoniaH 1D 2MDisturbance <strong>of</strong>micturitionButyrophenone type:Antipsychotic effectDyskinesiasD 2Antiemetic D 2

234 PsychopharmacologicalsEarly dyskinesias occur immediately afterneuroleptization and are manifested by involuntaryabnormal movements in the headneck and shoulder region. After treatment <strong>of</strong>several weeks to months, a parkinsoniansyndrome (pseudoparkinsonism) (p.188) orakathisia (motor restlessness) may develop.All these disturbances can be treated by administration<strong>of</strong> antiparkinsonian drugs <strong>of</strong>the anticholinergic type, such as biperiden.As a rule, these disturbances disappear afterwithdrawal <strong>of</strong> neuroleptic medication. Tardivedyskinesia may become evident afterchronic neuroleptization for several years,particularly when the drug is discontinued.Its postulated cause is a hypersensitivity <strong>of</strong>the dopamine receptor system. The conditionis exacerbated by administration <strong>of</strong>anticholinergics.The butyrophenones carry an increasedrisk <strong>of</strong> adverse motor reactions because theylack anticholinergic activity and, hence, areprone to upset the balance between striatalcholinergic and dopaminergic activity.Atypical neuroleptics differ in structure andpharmacological properties from the aforementioneddrug groups. Extrapyramidalmotor reactions are absent or less prevalent.The antipsychotic effect involves not onlythepositivebutalsothenegativesymptoms.Inthecase<strong>of</strong>clozapine, it was assumed atfirst that the drug acted as a selective antagonistat D 4 dopamine receptors. Subsequently,however, the drug was recognizedas a high-af nity ligand and antagonist atother receptors (B). Clozapine can be usedwhenotherneurolepticshavetobediscontinuedbecause <strong>of</strong> extrapyramidal motor reactions.Clozapine may cause agranulocytosis,necessitating close hematological monitoring.It produces marked sedation.Olanzapine is structurally related to clozapine;thus far the risk <strong>of</strong> agranulocytosisappears to be low or absent.Risperidone differs in structure from theaforementioned drugs; it possesses relativelylower af nity for all “non–D 2 -receptors.”Ziprasidone shows high af nity for 5-HT 2A receptors. Remarkably, this new substancealso stimulates 5-HT 1A receptors,which translates into an antidepressant effect.Ziprasidone particularly influences negativesymptoms, its effect on positive symptomsreportedly being equivalent to that <strong>of</strong>classical neuroleptics. Adverse effects due toblockade <strong>of</strong> M-ACh, H 1 and α 1 -receptors arecomparatively weak. Central disturbances(giddiness, ataxia, etc.) may occur. Moreover,QT interval prolongation has been observed;concurrent administration <strong>of</strong> QT-prolongingdrugs must therefore be avoided.Uses. Management <strong>of</strong> acute psychotic phasesrequires high-potency neuroleptics. Inhighly agitated patients, i.v. injection <strong>of</strong> haloperidolmay be necessary. The earlier therapyis started, the better is the clinical outcome.Most schizophrenic patients requiremaintenance therapy for which a low dosagecan be selected. For stabilization and prevention<strong>of</strong> relapse, atypical neuroleptics are especiallysuited since they improve negativesymptoms in responsive patients. The patientsneed good care and, if possible, integrationinto a suitable milieu. Dif cultiesarise because patients do not take their prescribedmedication (N.B.: counseling <strong>of</strong> bothpatient and caregivers). To circumvent lack<strong>of</strong> compliance, depot preparations have beendeveloped, e. g., fluphenazine decanoate(i.m. every 2 weeks) and haloperidol decanoate(i.m. every 4 weeks), which yield stableblood levels for the period indicated.

Therapy <strong>of</strong> Schizophrenia 235A. Conventional and atypical neurolepticsPositive symptoms– Hallucinations– Delusions– DisorganizedthoughtsSchizophreniaNegative symptoms– Avolition– Affective flattening– Social isolationButyrophenone derivativeHHFONOHClClNNNNN SNNNCH 3HaloperidolCH 3ClozapineCH 3OlanzapinePhenothiazine derivativeSN CH 3NCF 3NNFluphenazineOHNONNORisperidoneFB. Receptor affinity pr<strong>of</strong>ile with reference to D 2 -dopamine receptorD 2MACh α 1 H 1 5-HT 2A5-HT 1AChlorpromazine+++++++++++Fluphenazine+++++Haloperidol++++++ClozapineOlanzapineRisperidoneZiprasidone++ +++ +++ +++ +++++ ++ ++ +++ +++++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ + +++ !++!The receptor affinities <strong>of</strong> each drug are compared in relation to its D 2 -receptor affinity,arbitrarily set at (++); antagonistic effects, except for ziprasidone (5-HT 1A agonism)

236 Psychopharmacologicals Psychotomimetics (Psychedelics,Hallucinogens)Psychotomimetics are able to elicit psychicchanges like those manifested in the course<strong>of</strong> a psychosis, such as illusionary distortion<strong>of</strong> perception and hallucinations. Thisexperiencemay be dreamlike in character; itsemotionalorintellectualtranspositionappearsincomprehensible to the outsider.A psychotomimetic effect is pictorially recordedin the series <strong>of</strong> portraits drawn by anartist under the influence <strong>of</strong> lysergic aciddiethylamide (LSD). As the intoxicated statewaxes and wanes wavelike, he reports seeingthe face <strong>of</strong> the portrayed subject turninto a grimace, phosphoresce bluish-purple,and fluctuate in size as if viewed through amoving zoom lens, creating the illusion <strong>of</strong>abstruse changes in proportion and grotesquemotion sequences. The diabolic caricatureis perceived as threatening.Illusions also affect the senses <strong>of</strong> hearingand smell; sounds (tones) are “experienced”as floating beams and visual impressions asodors(“synesthesia”). Intoxicated individualssee themselves temporarily from the outsideand pass judgment on themselves and theircondition. The boundary between self and theenvironment becomes blurred. An elatingsense <strong>of</strong> being one with the other and thecosmos sets in. The sense <strong>of</strong> time is suspended;there is neither present nor past. Objectsare seen that do not exist, and experiencesare felt that transcend explanation, hencethe term “psychedelic” (Greek delosis = revelation)implying expansion <strong>of</strong> consciousness.The contents <strong>of</strong> such illusions and hallucinationscan occasionally become extremelythreatening (a “bad trip” or “bum trip”); theindividual may feel provoked to turn violentor to commit suicide. Intoxication is followedby a phase <strong>of</strong> intense fatigue, feelings<strong>of</strong> shame, and humiliating emptiness.The mechanism <strong>of</strong> the psychotogenic effectremains unclear. LSD and some naturalhallucinogens such as psilocin, psilocybin(from fungi), bufotenin (the cutaneous glandsecretion <strong>of</strong> a toad), and mescaline (from theMexican cactus Anhalonium lewinii—peyote)bear structural resemblance to 5HT (p.120)and chemically synthesized amphetaminederivedhallucinogens (4-methyl-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine,3,4-dimethoxyamphetamine,2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylamphetamine)that are thought to interact withthe agonist recognition site <strong>of</strong> the 5-HT 2Areceptor. Conversely, most <strong>of</strong> the psychotomimeticeffects are annulled by neurolepticshaving 5-HT 2A antagonist activity (e. g., clozapine,risperidone). The structures <strong>of</strong> otheragents such as tetrahydrocannabinol (fromthe hemp plant, Cannabis sativa—hashish,marihuana), muscimol (from the fly agaric,Amanita muscaria), or phencyclidine (formerlyused as injectable general anesthetic)do not reveal a similar connection. Hallucinationsmay also occur as adverse effects afterintake <strong>of</strong> other substances, e. g., scopolamine(medieval witches’ ointment) and other centrally-activeparasympatholytics. Naturallyoccurring hallucinogens are employed bypriests (shamans) <strong>of</strong> nature religions toachieve a trance state. SyntheticLSDwaspopular among artists in the 1960s; “psychedelicart” denotes pictorial representation <strong>of</strong>experiential spaces and hallucinatory signsthat elude rational comprehension.In addition, other drugs that do not act asprimary hallucinogens, such as methylenedioxyamphetaminederivatives (e. g., 3,4-dimethylene-dioxymethamphetamine, “Ecstasy”)and cocaine pose a health risk. Theacute intoxication is associated with a misperception<strong>of</strong> reality, a period <strong>of</strong> exhaustionfollows. After prolonged use, dependencedevelops associated with intellectual degradationand physical decay. Withdrawal therapyisverydifcult.Marihuanafrequentlyserves as an entry-level recreational substancefor hard drugs.Psychotomimetics are devoid <strong>of</strong> therapeuticvalue; however, since their use leads totoxic effects and permanent damage, theirmanufacture and commercial distributionare prohibited (Schedule I, Controlled Drugs).

Psychotomimetics 237A. Psychotomimetic effect <strong>of</strong> LSD in a portrait artistOCC 2 H 5NC 2 H 5NCH 3Lysergic aciddiethylamide0.0001 g/70 kgHN

238 Hormones Hypothalamic and HypophysealHormonesThe endocrine system is controlled by thebrain. Nerve cells <strong>of</strong> the hypothalamussynthesize and release messenger substancesthat regulate adenohypophyseal (AH)hormone release or that are themselvessecreted into the body as hormones. Thelatter comprise the so-called neurohypophyseal(NH) hormones.The axonal processes <strong>of</strong> hypothalamicneurons project to the neurohypophysis,where they store the nonapeptides vasopressin(= antidiuretic hormone, ADH) and oxytocinand release them on demand into theblood. Therapeutically (ADH, p.168, oxytocin,p.130), these peptide hormones are givenparenterally or via the nasal mucosa.The hypothalamic releasing hormonesare peptides. They reach their target cells inthe AH lobe by way <strong>of</strong> a portal vascular routeconsisting <strong>of</strong> two serially connected capillarybeds. The first <strong>of</strong> these lies in the hypophysealstalk, the second corresponds to thecapillary bed <strong>of</strong> the AH lobe. Here, the hypothalamichormones diffuse from the blood totheir target cells, whose activity they control.Hormones released from the AH cells enterthe blood, in which they are distributed toperipheral organs (1).Nomenclature <strong>of</strong> releasing hormones.(RH – releasing hormone; RIH – release-inhibitinghormone.)GnRH, gonadotropin-RH = gonadorelin:stimulates the release <strong>of</strong> FSH (follicle-stimulatinghormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).TRH, thyrotropin-RH (protirelin): stimulatesthe release <strong>of</strong> TSH (thyroid-stimulatinghormone = thyrotropin).CRH, corticotropin-RH: stimulates the release<strong>of</strong> ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone= corticotropin).GRH, growth hormone-RH = somatorelin:stimulates the release <strong>of</strong> GH (growth hormone= STH, somatotropic hormone).GRIH = somatostatin: inhibits release <strong>of</strong>STH (and also other peptide hormones includinginsulin, glucagon and gastrin).PRIH inhibits the release <strong>of</strong> prolactin andis identical with dopamine.Therapeutic control <strong>of</strong> AH cells. GnRH isused in hypothalamic infertility in women tostimulate FSH and LH secretion and to induceovulation. For this purpose, it is necessaryto mimic the physiological intermittentrelease (“pulsatile,” approximately every 90minutes) by means <strong>of</strong> a programmed infusionpump.Gonadorelin superagonists are GnRHanalogues that bind with very high aviditytoGnRHreceptors<strong>of</strong>AHcells.Asaresult<strong>of</strong>the nonphysiological uninterrupted receptorstimulation, initial augmentation <strong>of</strong> FSH andLH output is followed by a prolonged decrease.Buserelin, leuprorelin, goserelin, andtriptorelin are used to shut down gonadalfunction in this manner (“chemical castration,”e. g., in advanced prostatic carcinoma).Gonadorelin receptor antagonists,such as cetrorelix and ganirelix, block theGnRHreceptors<strong>of</strong>AHcellsandthuscausecessation <strong>of</strong> gonadotropin release (2).The dopamine D 2 agonists, bromocriptineand cabergoline (p.116), inhibit prolactin-releasingAH cells (indications: suppression<strong>of</strong> lactation, prolactin-producing tumors).Excessive, but not normal, growthhormone release can also be inhibited (indication:acromegaly).Octreotide is a somatostatin analogue; itis used in the treatment <strong>of</strong> somatostatinsecretingpituitary tumors.Growth hormone requires mediation bysomatomedins for many <strong>of</strong> its actions. Theseare chiefly formed in the liver, including theimportant somatomedin C (= insulin-likegrowth factor 1, IGF-1). Pegvisomant is anewly developed antagonist at the GH receptorand inhibits the production <strong>of</strong> IGF-1.

Hypothalamic and Hypophyseal Hormones 239A. Hypothalamic and hypophyseal hormonesHypothalamicreleasing hormonesSynthesisReleaseintobloodHypothalamusADHOxytocinSynthesisReleaseintobloodControl<strong>of</strong>synthesisandrelease<strong>of</strong>AHhormonesGnRH TRH CRH GRHGRIHPRIHApplicationparenteralNeurohypophysisAdenohypophysis (AH)AH-cellsnasalFSH, LHTSHACTHSTH(GH)ProlactinADHOxytocinOvummaturation;Estradiol,ProgesteroneSomatomedinsH 2 O1Spermatogenesis;TestosteroneThyroxineCortisolGrowthLactationLaborMilk ejectionAltered AAReleased amountGnRHPulsatile releaseBuserelinSuperagonistCetrorelixGnRH receptorantagonist90 minRhythmic stimulationAHcellPersistent stimulationGnRH receptor sensitivity2FSHLHCessation <strong>of</strong> hormone secretion

240 Hormones Thyroid Hormone TherapyThyroid hormones accelerate metabolism.Their release (A) isregulatedbythehypophysealglycoprotein TSH, whose release, inturn, is controlled by the hypothalamic tripeptideTRH. Secretion <strong>of</strong> TSH declines as theblood level <strong>of</strong> thyroid hormones rises; bymeans <strong>of</strong> this negative feedback mechanism,hormone production is “automatically” adjustedto demand.The thyroid releases predominantly thyroxine(T 4 ). However, the active form appearstobetriiodothyronine(T3 ); T 4 is convertedin part to T 3 , receptor af nity in targetorgans being 10-fold higher for T 3 .Theeffect<strong>of</strong> T 3 develops more rapidly and has a shorterduration than does that <strong>of</strong> T 4 . Plasmaelimination t ½ for T 4 is about 7 days; thatfor T 3 , however, is only 1.5 days. Conversion<strong>of</strong> T 4 to T 3 releases iodide; 150 µgT 4 contains100 µg <strong>of</strong>iodine.For therapeutic purposes, T 4 is chosen,although T 3 is the active form and betterabsorbed from the gut. With T 4 administration,more constant blood levels can beachieved because T 4 degradation is so slow.Since T 4 absorption is maximal from anempty stomach, T 4 is taken about half anhour before breakfast.Replacement therapy <strong>of</strong> hypothyroidism.Whether primary, i. e., caused by thyroid disease,or secondary, i. e., resulting from TSHdeficiency, hypothyroidism is treated by oraladministration <strong>of</strong> T 4 . Since too rapid activation<strong>of</strong> metabolism entails the hazard <strong>of</strong> cardiacoverload (angina pectoris, myocardialinfarction), therapy is usually started withlowdosesandgraduallyincreased.Thefinalmaintenance dose required to restore a euthyroidstate depends on individual needs(~ 150 µg/day).Thyroid suppression therapy <strong>of</strong> euthyroidgoiter (B). The cause <strong>of</strong> goiter (struma) isusually a dietary deficiency <strong>of</strong> iodine. Owingto increased TSH action, the thyroid is activatedto raise utilization <strong>of</strong> the little iodineavailable to a level at which hypothyroidismis averted. Accordingly, the thyroid increasesin size. In addition, intrathyroid depletion <strong>of</strong>iodine stimulates growth.Because <strong>of</strong> the negative feedback regulation<strong>of</strong> thyroid function, thyroid activationcan be inhibited by administration <strong>of</strong> T 4doses equivalent to the endogenous dailyoutput (~ 150 µg/day). Deprived <strong>of</strong> stimulation,the inactive thyroid regresses in size.If a euthyroid goiter has not persisted fortoo long, increasing iodine supply (with potassiumiodide tablets) can also be effectivein reversing overgrowth <strong>of</strong> the gland.In older patients with goiter due to iodinedeficiency, there is a risk <strong>of</strong> provoking hyperthyroidismby increasing iodine intake(p. 243B). During chronic maximal stimulation,thyroid follicles can become independent<strong>of</strong> TSH stimulation (“autonomic tissue”containing TSH receptor mutants with spontaneous“constitutive activity”). If the iodinesupply is increased, thyroid hormone productionincreases while TSH secretion decreasesowing to feedback inhibition. Theactivity <strong>of</strong> autonomic tissue, however, persistsat a high level; thyroxine is released inexcess, resulting in iodine-induced hyperthyroidism.Iodized salt prophylaxis. Goiter is endemicin regions where soils are deficient in iodine.Use <strong>of</strong> iodized table salt allows iodine requirements(150–300 µg/day) to be metand effectively prevents goiter.

Thyroid Hormone Therapy 241A. Thyroid hormones – release, effects, degradationHypothalamusTRHHypophysisDecrease insensitivityto TRHII5' 6' 5 64'4HO O CH1'1 2 CH COOH3' 2'3 2NH2IIL-Thyroxine, Levothyroxine,3,5,3´,5´-Tetraiodothyronine, T 4IThyroidTSHHO O CH2CH COOHNH2IILiothyronine3,5,3´-Triiodothyronine, T 3~ 90 µg/day ~ 9 µg/dayThyroxineTriiodothyronineEffector cell:receptor affinityT 3 10=T 4 1Deiodinase~ 25 µg/dayDuration2. 9.DayI - I - I - I -Deiodinationcoupling“reverse T 3 ”3,3´,5´-Triiodothyronine Urine FecesT 3T 410 20 30 40 DaysB. Endemic goiter and its treatment with thyroxineHypophysisTSHTSHInhibitionNormalI - stateT 4 , T 3 T 4 , T 3 T 4Therap.administration

242 Hormones Hyperthyroidism and AntithyroidDrugsThyroid overactivity in Graves disease (A)results from formation <strong>of</strong> IgG antibodies thatbind to and activate TSH receptors. Consequently,there is overproduction <strong>of</strong> hormonewith cessation <strong>of</strong> TSH secretion. Graves diseasecan abate spontaneously after 1–2years; therefore, initial therapy consists inreversible suppression <strong>of</strong> thyroid activity bymeans <strong>of</strong> antithyroid drugs. In other forms <strong>of</strong>hyperthyroidism, such as hormone-producing(morphologically benign) thyroid adenoma,the preferred therapeutic method is removal<strong>of</strong> tissue, either by surgery or by administration<strong>of</strong> iodine-131 ( 131 I) in suf cientdosage. Radioiodine is enriched in thyroidcells and destroys tissue within a sphere <strong>of</strong>a few millimeters by emitting β-particles(electrons) during its radioactive decay.Antithyroid drugs inhibit thyroid function.Release <strong>of</strong> thyroid hormone (C) isprecededby a chain <strong>of</strong> events. A membrane Na + /I − symporter actively accumulates iodide inthyroid cells (the required energy comesfrom a Na + /K + -ATPaselocatedinthebasolateralmembrane region); this is followedby oxidation to iodine, iodination <strong>of</strong> tyrosineresidues in thyroglobulin, conjugation <strong>of</strong> twodiiodotyrosine groups, and formation <strong>of</strong> T 4moieties. These reactions are catalyzed bythyroid peroxidase, which is localized inthe apical border <strong>of</strong> the follicular cell membrane.T 4 -containing thyroglobulin is storedinside the thyroid follicles in the form <strong>of</strong>thyrocolloid. Upon endocytotic uptake, colloidundergoes lysosomal enzymatic hydrolysis,enabling thyroid hormone to be releasedas required. A “thyrostatic” effectcan result from inhibition <strong>of</strong> synthesis orrelease.Whensynthesisisarrested,theantithyroideffect develops after a delay, asstored colloid continues to be utilized.Antithyroid drugs for long-term therapy(C). Thiourea-derivatives (thioamides) inhibitperoxidase and, hence, hormone synthesis.To restore a euthyroid state, two therapeuticprinciples can be applied in Gravesdisease: (a) monotherapy with a thioamide,with gradual dose reduction as the diseaseabates; (b) administration <strong>of</strong> high doses <strong>of</strong> athioamide, with concurrent administration<strong>of</strong> thyroxine to <strong>of</strong>fset diminished hormonesynthesis. Adverse effects <strong>of</strong> thioamides arerare, but the possibility <strong>of</strong> agranulocytosishas to be kept in mind.Perchlorate, given orally as the sodiumsalt, inhibits the iodide pump. Adverse reactionsinclude aplastic anemia. Comparedwith thioamides, its therapeutic importanceis low.Short-term thyroid suppression (C). Iodinein high dosage (> 6000 µg/day) exerts a transient“thyrostatic” effect in hyperthyroid, butusually not in euthyroid, individuals. Sincerelease is also blocked, the effect developsmore rapidly than does that <strong>of</strong> thioamides.Clinical applications include preoperativesuppression <strong>of</strong> thyroid secretion accordingto Plummer with Lugol’s solution (5% iodine+ 10% potassium iodide, 50–100 mg iodine/dayforamaximum<strong>of</strong>10days).Inthyrotoxiccrisis, Lugol’s solution is given together withthioamides and β-blockers. Adverse effects:allergies. Contraindications: iodine-inducedthyrotoxicosis.Lithium ions inhibit thyroxine release.Lithium salts can be used instead <strong>of</strong> iodinefor rapid thyroid suppression in iodine-inducedthyrotoxicosis. Regarding administration<strong>of</strong> lithium in manic-depressive illness,see p. 230.

Hyperthyroidism and Antithyroid Drugs 243A. Graves' disease B. Iodine hyperthyroidosis in endemic goiterHypophysisTSHAutonomoustissueTSHlikeantibodiesI -I -T 4 , T 3T 4 , T 3 T 4 , T 3C. Antithyroid drugs and their modes <strong>of</strong> actionThioamidesH3C CH2CH2N SNHOHPropylthiouracilCH3NSNHThiamazoleMethimazoleConversionduringabsorptionCH3NSNC O CH2 CH3OCarbimazoleI - T 4 -ClO 4-SynthesisPeroxidaseI -eTyrosineI TGIIodine inhigh doseReleaseTyrosineIT 4 -T 4Storagein colloidLysosomeLithiumions

244 Hormones Glucocorticoid TherapyI. Replacement TherapyThe adrenal cortex (AC) produces the glucocorticoidcortisol (hydrocortisone) in the zonafasciculata and the mineralocorticoid aldosteronein the zona glomerulosa. Both steroidhormones are vitally important in adaptationresponses to stress situations, such asdisease, trauma, or surgery. Cortisol secretionis stimulated by hypophyseal ACTH; aldosteronesecretion by angiotensin II in particular(p.128). In AC failure (primary adrenocorticalinsuf ciency; Addison disease),both cortisol and aldosterone must be replaced;whenACTHproductionisdeficient(secondary adrenocortical insuf ciency), cortisolalone needs to be replaced. Cortisol iseffective when given orally (30 mg/day, 2/3a.m., 1/3 p.m.). In stress situations, the dose israised 5- to 10-fold. Aldosterone is poorly effectivevia the oral route; instead, the mineralocorticoidfludrocortisone (0.1 mg/day) isgiven.II. Pharmacodynamic Therapy withGlucocorticoids (A)In unphysiologically high concentrations,cortisol or other glucocorticoids suppressall phases (exudation, proliferation, scar formation)<strong>of</strong> the inflammatory reaction, i. e.,the organism’s defensive measures againstforeign or noxious matter. This effect ismediated by multiple components, all <strong>of</strong>which involve alterations in gene transcription(p. 64) Thus, synthesis <strong>of</strong> the anti-inflammatoryprotein lipocortin (macrocortin)is stimulated. Lipocortin inhibits the enzymephospholipase A 2 .Consequently,release<strong>of</strong>arachidonic acid is diminished, along withthe formation <strong>of</strong> inflammatory mediators <strong>of</strong>the prostaglandin and leukotriene series(pp.196, 200). Conversely, glucocorticoidsinhibit synthesis <strong>of</strong> several proteins that participatein the inflammatory process, includinginterleukins (p. 304) and other cytokines,phospholipase A 2 (p.196), and cyclooxygenase-2(p. 200). At very high dosage, nongenomiceffects via membrane-bound receptorsmay also contribute.Desired effects. As antiallergics, immunosuppressants,oranti-inflammatorydrugs, glucocorticoidsdisplay excellent ef cacy against“undesired” inflammatory reactions, such asallergy, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.Unwanted effects. With short-term use,glucocorticoidsare practically free <strong>of</strong> adverseeffects, even at the highest dosage. Longtermuse islikelytocausechangesmimickingthe signs <strong>of</strong> Cushing syndrome (endogenousoverproduction <strong>of</strong> cortisol). Sequelae <strong>of</strong> theanti-inflammatory action are lowered resistancetoinfectionanddelayedwoundhealing.Sequelae<strong>of</strong>exaggeratedglucocorticoidactionare (a) increased gluconeogenesis and release<strong>of</strong> glucose, insulin-dependent conversion <strong>of</strong>glucose to triglycerides (adiposity mainly noticeablein the face, neck, and trunk), and “steroid-diabetes”ifinsulin releaseisinsuf cient;(b)increasedproteincatabolismwithatrophy<strong>of</strong> skeletal musculature (thin extremities), osteoporosis,growth retardation in infants, andskin atrophy. Sequelae <strong>of</strong> the intrinsicallyweak, but now manifest, mineralocorticoidaction <strong>of</strong> cortisol are salt and fluid retention,hypertension, edema; and KCl loss with danger<strong>of</strong> hypokalemia. Psychic changes, chieflyintheform<strong>of</strong>euphoricormanicmoodswings,also need to be taken into account duringchronic intake <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoids.Measures for attenuating or preventingdrug-induced Cushing syndrome. (a) Use<strong>of</strong> cortisol derivatives with less (e. g.,prednisolone) or negligible mineralocorticoidactivity (e. g., triamcinolone, dexamethasone).Glucocorticoid activity <strong>of</strong> these congenersis more pronounced. Glucocorticoid,anti-inflammatory, and feedback-inhibitory(p. 246) actions on the hypophysis are correlated.An exclusively anti-inflammatorycongener does not exist. The “glucocorticoid”-relatedCushinglike symptoms cannotbe avoided. The table opposite lists relative

Glucocorticoid Therapy 245A. Glucocorticoids: principal and adverse effectsInflammationredness,swelling heat,pain;scarUnwantedWantede.g., allergyautoimmune disease,transplant rejectionHealing <strong>of</strong>tissue injurydue to bacteria,viruses, fungi, traumaHypertensionNa +H 2 OMineralocorticoidactionK +Unphysiologicallyhigh concentrationCortisolOHOCH OH 2COOHGlucocorticoidactionDiabetesmellitusGlucoseGluconeogenesisAmino acidsProtein catabolismPotency10.8003000CortisolPrednisoloneTriamcinoloneDexamethasoneAldosterone147.5300.3MuscleweaknessOsteoporosisGrowth inhibitionTissue atrophySkinatrophyHOOHCCH OH 2COHHOCH OH 2COOHOAldosteroneOPrednisoloneCH OH 2CH OH 2HOCOOHOHHOCOOHCH 3OFTriamcinoloneOFDexamethasone

246 Hormonesactivity (potency) with reference to cortisol,whose mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoidactivities are assigned a value <strong>of</strong> 1.0. Alllisted glucocorticoids are effective orally.(b) Local application. This enables therapeuticallyeffective concentrations to be builtup at the site <strong>of</strong> application without a correspondingsystemic exposure. Glucocorticoidsthat are subject to rapid biotransformationand inactivation following diffusion fromthesite<strong>of</strong>actionarethepreferredchoice.Thus, inhalational administration employsglucocorticoids with a high presystemicelimination such as beclomethasone dipropionate,budesonide, flunisolide, or fluticasonepropionate (p.14). Adverse effects, however,also occur locally: e. g., with inhalationaluse, oropharyngeal candidiasis (thrush) andhoarseness; with cutaneous use, skin atrophy,striae, telangiectasias and steroid acne;and with ocular use, cataracts and increasedintraocular pressure (glaucoma).(c) Lowest dosage possible. Forlong-termmedication, a just-suf cient dose should begiven. However, in attempting to lower thedose to the minimally effective level, it isnecessary to take into account that administration<strong>of</strong> exogenous glucocorticoids willsuppress production <strong>of</strong> endogenous cortisolowing to activation <strong>of</strong> an inhibitory feedbackmechanism. In this manner, a very low dosecould be “buffered,” so that unphysiologicallyhigh glucocorticoid activity and theanti-inflammatory effect are both prevented.Effect <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoid administration onadrenocortical cortisol production (A). Release<strong>of</strong> cortisol depends on stimulation byhypophyseal ACTH, which in turn is controlledby hypothalamic corticotropin-releasinghormone (CRH). In both in the hypophysisand hypothalamus there are cortisolreceptors through which cortisol can exert afeedback inhibition <strong>of</strong> ACTH or CRH release.By means <strong>of</strong> these cortisol “sensors,” theregulatory centers can monitor whetherthe actual blood level <strong>of</strong> the hormone correspondsto the “set-point.” If the blood levelexceeds the set-point, ACTH output is decreasedand thus also the cortisol production.In this way, cortisol level is maintainedwithin the required range. The regulatorycenters respond to synthetic glucocorticoidsas they do to cortisol. Administration <strong>of</strong>exogenous cortisol or any other glucocorticoidreduces the amount <strong>of</strong> endogenous cortisolneeded to maintain homeostasis. Release<strong>of</strong> CRH and ACTH declines (“inhibition<strong>of</strong> higher centers by exogenous glucocorticoid”)and, hence, cortisol secretion (“adrenocorticalsuppression”). After weeks <strong>of</strong>exposure to unphysiologically high glucocorticoiddoses, the cortisol-producing portions<strong>of</strong> the adrenal cortex shrink (“adrenocorticalatrophy”). Aldosterone-synthesizing capacityremains unaffected, however. Whenglucocorticoid medication is suddenly withheld,the atrophic cortex is unable to producesuf cient cortisol and a potentially lifethreateningcortisol deficiency may develop.Therefore, glucocorticoid therapy should alwaysbe tapered <strong>of</strong>f by gradual reduction <strong>of</strong>the dosage.Regimens for prevention <strong>of</strong> adrenocorticalatrophy. Cortisol secretion is high in theearly morning and low in the late evening(circadian rhythm). Accordingly, sensitivityto feedback inhibition must be high in thelate evening.(a) Circadian administration: The dailydose <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoid is given in the morning.Endogenous cortisol production will alreadyhave begun, the regulatory centersbeing relatively insensitive to inhibition. Inthe early morning hours <strong>of</strong> the next day, CRF/ACTH release and adrenocortical stimulationwill resume.(b) Alternate day therapy: Twicethedailydose is given on alternate mornings. On the“<strong>of</strong>f” day, endogenous cortisol production isallowed to occur.The disadvantage with either regimen is arecrudescence <strong>of</strong> disease symptoms duringthe glucocorticoid-free interval.

Glucocorticoid Therapy 247A. Cortisol release and its modification by glucocorticoidsHypothalamusCRHHypophysisACTHAdrenocorticalatrophyAdrenalcortexCortisol30 mg/dayExogenousadministrationCortisolproduction undernormalconditionsDecrease incortisol productionwith cortisol dose< daily productionCessation <strong>of</strong>cortisol productionwith cortisol dose> daily productionCortisol deficiencyafter abruptcessation <strong>of</strong>administrationCortisolconcentrationGlucocorticoid-inducedinhibition <strong>of</strong> cortisol productionnormal circadian time-course0 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8hMorning doseInhibition <strong>of</strong>endogenouscortisolproductionElimination <strong>of</strong>exogenousglucocorticoidduring daytimeStart <strong>of</strong> earlymorningcortisolproductionGlucocorticoidconcentration0 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8h

248 Hormones Androgens, Anabolic Steroids,AntiandrogensAndrogens are masculinizing substances.The endogenous male gonadal hormone isthe steroid testosterone from the interstitialLeydig cells <strong>of</strong> the testis. Testosterone secretionis stimulated by hypophyseal luteinizinghormone (LH), whose release is controlledby hypothalamic GnRH (gonadorelin,p. 238). Release <strong>of</strong> both hormones is subjectto feedback inhibition by circulating testosterone.Reduction <strong>of</strong> testosterone to dihydrotestosteroneoccurs in most target organs(e. g., the prostate gland); the latter possesseshigher af nity for androgen receptors.Rapid intrahepatic degradation (plasmat ½ ~ 15 minutes) yields androsterone amongother metabolites (17-ketosteroids) that areeliminated as conjugates in the urine. Because<strong>of</strong> rapid hepatic metabolism, testosteroneis unsuitable for oral use. Although it iswell absorbed, it undergoes virtually completepresystemic elimination.Testosterone (T.) derivatives for clinicaluse. Because <strong>of</strong> its good tissue penetrability,testosterone is well suited for percutaneousadministration in the form <strong>of</strong> a patch (transdermaldelivery system, p.18). T. esters for i.m. depot injection are T. propionate and T.heptanoate (or enanthate). These are givenin oily solution by deep intramuscular injection.Upondiffusion<strong>of</strong>theesterfromthedepot, esterases quickly split <strong>of</strong>f the acylresidue to yield free T. With increasing lipophilicity,esters will tend to remain in thedepot, and the duration <strong>of</strong> action thereforelengthens. A T. ester for oral use is the undecanoate.Owing to the fatty acid nature <strong>of</strong>undecanoic acid, this ester is absorbed intothelymph,enablingittobypasstheliverandenter the general circulation via the thoracicduct. 17-α Methyltestosterone is effective bythe oral route owing to its increased metabolicstability, but because <strong>of</strong> the hepatotoxicity<strong>of</strong> C17-alkylated androgens (cholestasis,tumors) its use should be avoided.Orally active mesterolone is 1-α-methyldihydrotestosterone.Indication: for hormone replacement indeficiency <strong>of</strong> endogenous T. production.Anabolics are testosterone derivatives(e. g., clostebol, metenolone, nandrolone, stanozolol)that are used in debilitated patients,and are misused by athletes, because <strong>of</strong> theirprotein anabolic effect. They act via stimulation<strong>of</strong> androgen receptors and, thus, alsodisplay androgenic actions (e. g., virilizationin females, suppression <strong>of</strong> spermatogenesis).Inhibitory PrinciplesGnRH superagonists (p. 238), such as buserelin,leuprolin, goserelin, and triptorelin, areused in patients with metastasizing prostatecancer to inhibit production <strong>of</strong> testosteronewhich promotes tumor growth. Following atransient stimulation, gonadotropin releasesubsides within a few days and testosteronelevels fall as low as after surgical removal <strong>of</strong>the testes.Androgen receptor antagonists. The antiandrogencyproterone is a competitive antagonist<strong>of</strong> testosterone. By virtue <strong>of</strong> an additionalprogestin action, it decreases secretion<strong>of</strong> gonadotropins. Indications: in themale, dampening <strong>of</strong> sexual drive in hypersexuality,prostatic cancer; in the female,treatment <strong>of</strong> virilization phenomena, if necessary,with concomitant utilization <strong>of</strong> thegestagen contraceptive effect.Flutamide and bicalutamide are structurallydifferent androgen receptor antagonistslacking progestin activity.Finasteride and dutasteride inhibit 5αreductase,theenzymeresponsibleforconvertingT. to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).Thus, androgenic stimulation is reduced inthosetissueswhereDHTistheactivespecies(e. g., the prostate). T.-dependent tissues andfunctions are not or hardly affected: e. g.,skeletal musculature, feedback inhibition <strong>of</strong>gonadotropin release, or libido. Both can beused in benign prostatic hyperplasia toshrink the gland and to improve micturition.

Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, Antiandrogens 249A. TestosteroneHypothalamusGnRHSubstitutiontransdermalOOCTestosteroneundecanoatep.o.HypophysisLHi.m.Testosterone esterIntestinal lymphTestosteroneOHe.g., skeletal muscle fiberAndrogen receptorOGene expressione.g., Prostaticgland cell5α-ReductaseOConjugation withsulfate, glucuronate17-KetosteroidODihydrotestosteroneH HHOHHAndrosteroneInhibitory PrinciplesReceptor antagonistsGnRH superagonists5α-Reductase inhibitorOCNHCH 3CH 3 CCH 3H 2COClCH 3C OO C CH 3OCyproteroneacetateONHFinasterideF 3CO 2NFlutamideCH 3NH C C HO CH 3

250 Hormones Follicular Growth and Ovulation,Estrogen and Progestin ProductionFollicular maturation and ovulation, as wellas the associated production <strong>of</strong> female gonadalhormones, are controlled by the hypophysealgonadotropins FSH (follicle-stimulatinghormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).In the first half <strong>of</strong> the menstrualcycle, FSH promotes growth and maturation<strong>of</strong> ovarian tertiary follicles that respond withaccelerating synthesis <strong>of</strong> estradiol. Estradiolstimulates endometrial growth and increasesthe permeability <strong>of</strong> cervical mucusfor sperm cells. When the estradiol bloodlevel approaches a predetermined set-point,FSH release is inhibited owing to feedbackaction on the anterior hypophysis. Since folliclegrowth and estrogen production arecorrelated, hypophysis and hypothalamuscan “monitor” the follicular phase <strong>of</strong> theovariancyclethroughtheirestrogenreceptors.Immediately prior to ovulation, whenthenearlymaturetertiaryfolliclesareproducinga high concentration <strong>of</strong> estradiol, thecontrol loop switches to positive feedback.LH secretion transiently surges to peak levelsand triggers ovulation. Within hours afterovulation, the tertiary follicle develops intothe corpus luteum, which then also releasesprogesterone in response to LH. This initiatesthesecretoryphase<strong>of</strong>theendometrialcycleand lowers the permeability <strong>of</strong> cervical mucus.Nonruptured follicles continue to releaseestradiol under the influence <strong>of</strong> FSH.After two weeks, production <strong>of</strong> progesteroneand estradiol subsides, causing the secretoryendometrial layer to be shed (menstruation).The natural hormones are unsuitable fororal application because they are subject topresystemic hepatic elimination. Estradiol isconverted via estrone to estriol; by conjugation,all three can be rendered water-solubleand amenable to renal excretion. The majormetabolite <strong>of</strong> progesterone is pregnanediol,which is also conjugated and eliminated renally.Estrogen preparations. Depot preparationsfor i.m. injection are oily solutions <strong>of</strong> esters<strong>of</strong> estradiol (3- or 17-OH group). The hydrophobicity<strong>of</strong> the acyl moiety determines therate <strong>of</strong> absorption, hence the duration <strong>of</strong>effect. Released ester is hydrolyzed to yieldfree estradiol.Orally used preparations. Ethinylestradiol(EE) is more stable metabolically, passes theliver after oral intake and mimics estradiol atestrogen receptors. Mestranol itself is inactive;however, cleavage <strong>of</strong> the C3 methoxygroup again yields EE. In oral contraceptives,one <strong>of</strong> the two agents forms the estrogencomponent (p. 252). (Sulfate-) Conjugated estrogens(excretory products) can be extractedfrom equine urine and are used inthe therapy <strong>of</strong> climacteric complaints. Theireffectiveness is a matter <strong>of</strong> debate. Estradioltransdermal delivery systems are available.Progestin preparations. Depot formulationsfor i.m. injection are 17-α-hydroxyprogesteronecaproate and medroxyprogesteroneacetate. Preparations for oral useare derivatives <strong>of</strong> ethinyltestosterone =ethisterone (e. g., norethisterone, dimethisterone,lynestrenol, desogestrel, gestoden),or <strong>of</strong> 17α-hydroxyprogesterone acetate(e. g., chlormadinone acetate or cyproteroneacetate).Indications for estrogens and progestins includehormonal contraception (p. 252); hormonereplacement, as in postmenopausalwomen for prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> osteoporosis;bleeding anomalies; menstrual and severeclimacteric complaints.Adverse effects. After long-term intake <strong>of</strong>estrogen/progestin preparations, increasedrisks have been reported for breast cancer,coronary heart disease, stroke, and thromboembolism.Although the incidence <strong>of</strong> bonefractures also decreases, the risk–benefit relationshipis unfavorable. Concerning the adverseeffects <strong>of</strong> oral contraceptives, see p. 252.

Estrogens and Progestins 251A. Estradiol, progesterone, and derivativesO EstradiolO C-valerate173 weeksOC O 3-benzoate1 2 weekDuration <strong>of</strong> effectHypothalamusGnRHHypophysisFSH LHOvaryHydroxyprogesteronecaproateH3COC O17OCMedroxyprogesteroneacetate1 week8 – 12 weeksDuration <strong>of</strong> effectOHH3CC17OHO3EstradiolOProgesteroneCH3HCOHOHOOHOHHOEstriol Estrone EstradiolPregnanediolConjugation with sulfate, glucuronateConjugationInactivationInactivationEstradiolOHC CHProgesteroneOHCCHEthinylestradiol (EE)OEthinyltestosterone,a gestagenConjugatedestrogensH3C3OMestranol =3-Methylether <strong>of</strong> EE

252 Hormones Oral ContraceptivesInhibitors <strong>of</strong> ovulation. Negative feedbackcontrol <strong>of</strong> gonadotropin release can be utilizedto inhibit the ovarian cycle. Administration<strong>of</strong> exogenous estrogens (ethinylestradiolor mestranol) during the first half <strong>of</strong>the cycle permits FSH production to be suppressed(as it is by administration <strong>of</strong> progestinsalone). Owing to the reduced FSH stimulation<strong>of</strong> tertiary follicles, maturation <strong>of</strong>follicles and hence ovulation are prevented.In effect, the regulatory brain centersare deceived, as it were, by the elevatedestrogen blood level, which signals normalfollicular growth and a decreased requirementfor FSH stimulation. If estrogens alonearegivenduringthefirsthalf<strong>of</strong>thecycle,endometrial and cervical responses, as wellas other functional changes, will occur in thenormal fashion. By adding a progestin(p. 250) during the second half <strong>of</strong> the cycle,the secretory phase <strong>of</strong> the endometrium andassociated effects can be elicited. Discontinuance<strong>of</strong> hormone administration would befollowed by menstruation.The physiological time course <strong>of</strong> estrogenprogesteronerelease is simulated in the socalledbiphasic (sequential) preparations(A). In monophasic preparations, estrogenand progestin are taken concurrently. Earlyadministration <strong>of</strong> progestin reinforces theinhibition <strong>of</strong> CNS regulatory mechanisms,prevents both normal endometrial growthand conditions for ovum implantation, anddecreases penetrability <strong>of</strong> cervical mucus tosperm cells. The two latter effects also act toprevent conception. According to the staging<strong>of</strong> progestin administration, one distinguishes(A): one-, two-, and three-stagepreparations. Even with one-stage preparations,“withdrawal bleeding” occurs whenhormone intake is discontinued (if necessary,by substituting dummy tablets).Unwanted effects. An increased risk <strong>of</strong>thromboembolism is attributed to the estrogencomponent in particular but is also associatedwith certain progestins (gestodenand desogestrel). The risk <strong>of</strong> myocardial infarction,stroke, and benign liver tumors iselevated. Nonetheless, the absolute prevalence<strong>of</strong> these events is low. Predisposingfactors (family history, cigarette smoking,obesity,andage)havetobetakenintoaccount.The overall risk <strong>of</strong> malignant tumorsdoes not appear to be increased. In addition,hypertension, fluid retention, cholestasis,nausea, and chest pain, are reported.Minipill. Continuous low-dose administration<strong>of</strong> progestin alone can prevent pregnancy.Ovulations are not suppressed regularly;the effect is then due to progestininducedalterations in cervical and endometrialfunction. Because <strong>of</strong> the need for constantintake at the same time <strong>of</strong> day, a lowersuccess rate, and relatively frequent bleedinganomalies, these preparations are nowrarely employed.“Morning- after” pill. This refers to administration<strong>of</strong> a high dose <strong>of</strong> estrogen and progestin,preferably within 12–24 hours, butno later than 72 hours after coitus. Themechanism <strong>of</strong> action is unclear.Stimulation <strong>of</strong> ovulation. Gonadotropin secretioncan be increased by pulsatile delivery<strong>of</strong> GnRH (p. 238). Regarding clomifene, seep. 254; whereas this substance can be givenorally, the gonadotropins presented belowmust be given parenterally. HMG is humanmenopausal gonadotropin extracted fromthe urine <strong>of</strong> postmenopausal women. Owingto the cessation <strong>of</strong> ovarian function, gonadotropinsshow elevated blood levels and passinto urine in utilizable quantities. HMG (menotropins)consists <strong>of</strong> FSH and LH. HCG ishuman chorionic gonadotropin; it is obtainedfrom the urine <strong>of</strong> pregnant womenand acts like LH. Recombinant FSH (follitropin)and LH are available.

Oral Contraceptives 253A. Oral contraceptivesHypophysisHypophysisFSHLH17 14 21 28InhibitionMinipillOvulationOvaryOvulationOvaryEstradiolEstradiolProgesteroneIntake <strong>of</strong>estradiolderivativeIntake <strong>of</strong>progestinProgesteronePenetrabilityby sperm cells17 14 21 28Day <strong>of</strong> cycleReadinessfornidationNo ovulationBiphasic preparationDays <strong>of</strong> cycle7 14 21 28Monophasic preparationsOne-stage regimenTwo-stage regimenThree-stage regimen

254 Hormones Antiestrogen and AntiprogestinActive PrinciplesSelective estrogen receptor modulators(SERMs) (A). Estrogen receptors belong tothe group <strong>of</strong> transcription-regulating receptors(p. 64). The female gonadal hormoneestradiol is an agonist at these receptors.Several drugs are available that can produceestrogen-antagonistic effects. Interestingly,these are associated with estrogen-agonisticeffects in certain tissues. A tentative explanationderives from the idea that each ligandinduces a specific conformation <strong>of</strong> the estrogenreceptor. The ligand–estrogen receptorcomplexes combine with co-activators or repressorsat specified gene sequences. Thepattern <strong>of</strong> co-regulators differs from tissueto tissue, allowing each SERM to generate atissue-specific activity. It is <strong>of</strong> therapeuticsignificance that the patterns <strong>of</strong> estrogenicand antiestrogenic effects differ in a substance-specificmanner among the drugs <strong>of</strong>this class.It is useful to compare the activity pr<strong>of</strong>ile<strong>of</strong> a SERM with that <strong>of</strong> estradiol, particularlyin relation to effects seen postmenopausally.During chronic administration <strong>of</strong> estradiol,the risk <strong>of</strong> endometrial cancer rises; co-administration<strong>of</strong> a progestin prevents this effect.Breast cancers occur more frequently,likewise thromboembolic diseases. Estradioleffectively alleviates climacteric hot flashesand sweating. After chronic treatment it reducesthe incidence <strong>of</strong> osteoporotic bonefractures by preventing the loss <strong>of</strong> an estrogen-dependentportion <strong>of</strong> bone mass. Nonetheless,estrogens can no longer be recommendedfor this purpose because <strong>of</strong> the unfavorablebenefit–risk constellation (p. 330).Clomifene is a stilbene derivative usedorally for the therapy <strong>of</strong> female infertility.Owing to its antagonistic action at estrogenreceptors in the adenohypophysis, feedbackinhibition by estradiol <strong>of</strong> gonadotropin secretionis suppressed. The resulting increasein release <strong>of</strong> FSH induces augmented maturation<strong>of</strong> oocyte follicles. For instance, clomifenecan be used for the treatment <strong>of</strong> lutealphase defects associated with disturbances<strong>of</strong> follicular maturation or the treatment <strong>of</strong>polycystic ovary syndrome. Since its use isconfined to a few selected days during theovarian cycle, chronic effects need not beconsidered.Tamoxifen is a stilbene derivative that isused in metastasizing breast cancer to blockthe estrogenic stimulus for tumor cellgrowth. As a mixed estrogenic antagonist/partial agonist, tamoxifen promotes ratherthan ameliorates climacteric complaints; atthe same time it displays agonistic featuresthat are <strong>of</strong> concern as a potential risk factorwhen use <strong>of</strong> the drug for the prophylaxis <strong>of</strong>breast cancer is being considered.Raloxifene is approved for use in thetreatment and prophylaxis <strong>of</strong> osteoporosis.Asshowninthetableopposite,ithasotherbeneficial as well as adverse effects.The estrogen receptor antagonist fulvestrantis devoid <strong>of</strong> agonist activities and, givenas a monthly injection may be used todelay progression <strong>of</strong> breast cancer. It causesdownregulation and degradation <strong>of</strong> the estrogenreceptor protein.Progestin receptor antagonist (B). Approximatelyone week after conception, the embryoimplants itself into the endometrium inthe form <strong>of</strong> the blastocyst. By secreting humanchorionic gonadotropin (HCG, mainlyLH), the trophoblast maintains the corpusluteum and secretion <strong>of</strong> progesterone andthereby prevents menstrual bleeding. Mifepristoneis an antagonist at progestin receptorsand prevents maintenance <strong>of</strong> the endometriumduring early pregnancy. Consequently,it acts as an abortifacient in earlypregnancy. Its use has provoked medical debates(comparison <strong>of</strong> adverse reactions tomifepristone vs. surgical intervention) andaroused ethical-ideological conflicts.

Antiestrogens and Antiprogestins 255A. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM)ClClomifeneO CH2 CH2CH3C 2HNCH2NOHORaloxifeneOOHSCH3TamoxifenHypophysisFSHCH2CH3EstrogenCH3O CH2 CH2 NCH3OvaryEstradiolif no gestagen addedEndometrialcancer riskBreast cancer riskOvulationEstradiolAdvanced breast cancerTamoxifenQuestionable therapyand prophylaxis<strong>of</strong> osteoporosis inpostmenopauseRaloxifeneThromboembolismRelief <strong>of</strong> climactericcomplaintsBone massB. Gestagen receptor antagonistH 3 CCH 3NMifepristoneCH 3CCOHEmbryoHCGProgesteroneCorpusluteumMaintenance <strong>of</strong> endometriumOAbortion

256 Hormones Aromatase InhibitorsAromatase inhibitors constitute an additionalantiestrogenic principle that is basedupon inhibition <strong>of</strong> estrogen formation. Theyare used chiefly in the therapy <strong>of</strong> advancedbreast cancer when the tumor has becomeinsensitive to estrogen and the patient hascompleted menopause. However, one agentin this class (anastrozole) was recently licensedfor use in early breast cancer.Aromatase. The enzyme converts androgenssuch as testosterone and androstenedioneinto the estrogens estradiol and estrone. Thisreaction involves cleavage <strong>of</strong> the methylgroup at C10 and aromatization <strong>of</strong> ring A.Aromatase is a cytochrome P450-containingenzyme (isozyme CYP19). During the femalereproductive phase, the major portion <strong>of</strong> circulatingestrogens originates from the ovaries,where estradiol is synthesized in thegranulosa cells <strong>of</strong> the maturing tertiary follicles.Theca cells surrounding the granulosacells supply androgen precursors. FSH stimulatesformation <strong>of</strong> estrogens by inducingthe synthesis <strong>of</strong> aromatase in granulosa cells.An is<strong>of</strong>orm <strong>of</strong> the enzyme 17β-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase (17β-HSD 1) catalyzesthe conversion <strong>of</strong> androstenedione to testosteroneand <strong>of</strong> estrone to estradiol. Aftermenopause, ovarian function ceases. However,estrogens do not disappear completelyfrom the blood because they continue toenter the circulation from certain other tissues,in particular the subcutaneous adiposetissue, which produces estrone. In hormonedependentbreast cancers, tumor growth isthereby promoted. In addition, breast cancercells themselves may be capable <strong>of</strong> producingestrogens via aromatase.gonadal hormones. A drop in blood estradiolconcentration would lead to increased release<strong>of</strong> FSH with a compensatory increasein synthesis <strong>of</strong> aromatase and estrogens.Two groups <strong>of</strong> inhibitors can be distinguishedon the basis <strong>of</strong> chemical structureand mechanism <strong>of</strong> action. Steroidal inhibitors(formestane, exemestane) attach to the androgenbinding site on the enzyme and intheform<strong>of</strong>intermediaryproductsgiveriseto an irreversible inhibition <strong>of</strong> the enzyme.Nonsteroidal inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole)attach to a different binding site <strong>of</strong>the enzyme; via their triazole ring they interactreversibly with the heme iron <strong>of</strong> cytochromeP450.Among the adverse effects, climacteric-likecomplaints predominate, reflecting the declineinestrogenlevels.UnliketheSERMs,tamoxifen, which is used for the same indication,aromatase inhibitors do not promoteendometrial growth and do not increase therisk <strong>of</strong> thromboembolic complications.Aromatase inhibitors serve to eliminate extraovariansynthesis <strong>of</strong> estrogens in breastcancer patients. This can be achieved effectivelyonly in postmenopause because, as anFSH-dependent enzyme, ovarian aromataseis subject to feedback regulation <strong>of</strong> female

Aromatase Inhibitors 257A. Aromatase inhibitorsTestosteroneOHOvariesFeedback-regulatedgonadotropin-dependentexpression in granulosa cellsEstradiolOHOAromataseHOOCYP 19OOAndrostenedioneExtragonadaltissues;expression also aftermenopauseHOEstroneBreast carcinomae.g.,Subcutaneousadipose tissueEstrogenstimulatedgrowthI n h i b i t o r si.m.FormestaneSteroidalONonsteroidalNAnastrozoleN N C NC CH 3CH 3OOHH 3 CC CCH 3NExemestaneONN NLetrozolep.o.OCH 2NCCN

258 Hormones Insulin FormulationsInsulin is synthesized in the B- (or β-) cells <strong>of</strong>the pancreatic islets <strong>of</strong> Langerhans. It is aprotein (MW 5800) consisting <strong>of</strong> two peptidechains linked by two disulfide bridges;the A chain has 21 and the B chain 30 aminoacids. Upon ingestion <strong>of</strong> carbohydrates, insulinis released into the blood and promotesuptake and utilization <strong>of</strong> glucose in specificorgans, namely, the heart, adipose tissue,and skeletal muscle.Insulin is used in the replacement therapy<strong>of</strong> diabetes mellitus.Sources <strong>of</strong> therapeutic insulin preparations(A). Porcine insulin differs from human insulinbyoneB-chainaminoacid.Owingtotheslightness <strong>of</strong> this difference, its biologicalactivity is similar to that <strong>of</strong> human hormone.Human insulin is produced by two methods:biosynthetically from porcine insulin,by exchanging the wrong amino acid; or bygene technology involving synthesis in E. colibacteria.Recombinant insulin is produced to modifypharmacokinetic properties (see below). It isimportant in these insulin analogues thatspecificity for the insulin receptor is preserved(e. g., also toward the receptor forIGF-1 = somatomedin C, which promotesproliferation <strong>of</strong> cells; p. 238).Control <strong>of</strong> delivery from injection site intoblood (B). As a peptide, insulin is unsuitablefor oral administration (owing to destructionby gastrointestinal proteases) and thusneeds to be given parenterally. Usually, insulinpreparations are injected subcutaneously.The duration <strong>of</strong> action depends onthe rate <strong>of</strong> absorption from the injection site.Variations in Dosage FormInsulin solution. Dissolved insulin is dispensedas a clear neutral solution known asregular (R) insulin or crystalline zinc insulin.In emergencies, such as hyperglycemic coma,it can be given intravenously (mostly by infusionbecause i.v. injections have too shortan action; plasma t ½ ~ 9 minutes). With theusual subcutaneous application, the effect isevident within 15–20 minutes, reaches apeak after ~ 3hours,andlastsfor~ 6hours.Insulin suspensions. When it is injected as asuspension <strong>of</strong> insulin-containing particles,dissolution and release <strong>of</strong> the hormone insubcutaneous tissue is retarded (extendedactioninsulins). Suitable particles can beobtained by precipitation <strong>of</strong> apolar, poorlywater-soluble complexes consisting <strong>of</strong>anionic insulin and cationic partners, e. g.,the polycationic protein protamine. In thepresence <strong>of</strong> zinc ions, insulin crystallizes;crystal size determines the rate <strong>of</strong> dissolution.Intermediate-acting insulin preparations(NPH or isophane; Lente) act for 18–26hours, slow-acting preparations (protaminezinc, ultralente) for up to 36 hours.Variation in Amino Acid SequenceRapidly acting insulin analogues. After injection<strong>of</strong> a regular insulin solution, insulinmolecules exist at the injection site in theform <strong>of</strong> hexameric aggregates. Only afterdisintegration into monomers can rapid diffusioninto the bloodstream occur. In insulinlispro, two amino acids are exchanged, resultingin a diminished propensity towardaggregate formation. Thus, diffusion fromthe injection site is faster, with rapid onsetand short duration <strong>of</strong> action. Insulin asparthassimilarproperties. Fast-actinginsulinsareinjected immediately before a meal, whereasregular insulin requires a 15–30 minute intervalbetween injection and food intake.Long-acting insulin analogues. The moreextensive alteration <strong>of</strong> amino acids in insulinglargine changes the electric charge <strong>of</strong> themolecule. At pH 4 <strong>of</strong> the injectate, it is dissolved;however, at the pH <strong>of</strong> tissue it ispoorly water-soluble and precipitates. Resolubilizationand diffusion into the bloodstreamtake about one day.

Insulin Formulations 259A. Human insulinB-chainPro Lys Thr29 3028C-terminusSubcutaneous insulin injectionSSAsn 21A-chainB. Control <strong>of</strong> release from injection site into bloodstreamHuman insulin solutionBloodstreamVariation in amino acid sequenceThr30Lys29Pro28InsulinsolutionHexamerDimersInsulin lisprosolutionThr30Pro29Lys28MonomersNo aggregateformationInsulin concentration in bloodInsulin concentration in blood0 6 12 18 h 0 6 12 18 hVariation in formulationVariation in amino acid sequenceInsulinsuspensionCrystalformationAddition<strong>of</strong> zinc ionsInsulin concentration in bloodPrecipitation<strong>of</strong> crystalsTissue(pH 7)Insulinglarginesolution(pH 4)Gly21Arg32Arg31Thr30Lys29Pro280 6 12 18 h

260 Hormones Treatment <strong>of</strong> Insulin-dependentDiabetes MellitusPathogenesis and complications (A). Type Idiabetes mellitus typically manifests in childhoodor adolescence (juvenile onset diabetesmellitus); it is caused by the destruction <strong>of</strong>insulin-producing B cells in the pancreas. Agenetic predisposition together with a precipitatingfactor (viral infection) could startan autoimmune reaction against B-cells. Replacement<strong>of</strong> insulin (daily dose ~ 40 U,equivalent to ~ 1.6 mg) becomes necessary.Therapeutic objectives. (1) prevention <strong>of</strong>life-threatening hyperglycemic (diabetic)coma; (2) prevention <strong>of</strong> diabetic sequelaearising from damage to small and largeblood vessels, precise “titration” <strong>of</strong> the patientbeing essential to avoid even shorttermspells <strong>of</strong> pathological hyperglycemia;(3) prevention <strong>of</strong> insulin overdosage leadingto life-threatening hypoglycemic shock (CNSdisturbance due to lack <strong>of</strong> glucose).Therapeutic principles. In healthy subjects,the amount <strong>of</strong> insulin is “automatically”matched to carbohydrate intake, hence toblood glucose concentration. The critical secretorystimulusistheriseinplasmaglucoselevel. Food intake and physical activity (increasedglucose uptake into musculature, decreasedinsulin demand) are accompanied bycorresponding changes in insulin secretion.Methods <strong>of</strong> insulin replacement (B). In thediabetic, insulin can be administered as it isnormally secreted. For instance, administration<strong>of</strong> a long-acting insulin in the late eveninggenerates a basal level, whereas a fastacting insulin is used before meals. The doseneeded is determined on the basis <strong>of</strong> theactual blood glucose concentration measuredby the patient and the meal-dependentdemand. This regimen (so-called intensifiedinsulin therapy) provides the patient withmuch flexibility in planning daily activities.A well-educated, cooperative, and competentpatient is a precondition. In other cases,a fixed-dosage schedule (conventional insulintherapy) will be needed, e. g., with morningand evening injections <strong>of</strong> a combinationinsulin (a mixture <strong>of</strong> regular insulin plus insulinsuspension) in constant respective dosage(A). To avoid hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia,dietary carbohydrate (CH) intakemust be synchronized with the time course<strong>of</strong> insulin absorption from the s.c. depot: dietcontrol!Caloricintakeistobedistributed(50% CH, 30% fat, 20% protein) in smallmealsoverthedaysoastoachieveasteadyCH supply—snacks, late night meal. Rapidlyabsorbable CH (sweets, cakes) must beavoided (hyperglycemic peaks) and replacedwith slowly digestible ones.Undesirable EffectsHypoglycemia is heralded by warning signs:tachycardia, unrest, tremor, pallor, pr<strong>of</strong>usesweating. Some <strong>of</strong> these are due to the release<strong>of</strong> glucose-mobilizing epinephrine.Counter-measures: glucose administration,rapidly absorbed CH orally (diabetics shouldalways have a suitable preparation withinreach) or 10–20 g glucose i.v. in case <strong>of</strong> unconsciousness;if necessary, injection <strong>of</strong> glucagon,the pancreatic hyperglycemic hormone.Allergic reactions are rare; locally, rednessmay occur at the injection site and atrophy <strong>of</strong>adipose tissue; lipodystrophy). A possible locallipohypertrophy can be avoided by alternatinginjection sites.Even with optimal control <strong>of</strong> blood sugar, s.c. administration <strong>of</strong> insulin cannot fully replicatethe physiological situation. In healthysubjects, absorbed glucose and insulin releasedfrom the pancreas simultaneouslyreach the liver in high concentrations,whereby effective presystemic elimination<strong>of</strong> both substances is achieved. In the diabetic,s.c. injected insulin is uniformly distributedin the body. Since insulin concentrationin blood supplying the liver cannot rise,less glucose is extracted from portal blood. Asignificant amount <strong>of</strong> glucose enters extrahepatictissues, where it has to be utilized.

Treatment <strong>of</strong> IDDM 261A. Diabetes mellitus type I: pathogenesis and complicationsGeneticdispositionEnvironmentalfactors, e.g.,viral infectionDiabetic comaDiabetic micro- andmacroangiopathyLate organ damageRetinopathyStroke!Autoimmunedestruction <strong>of</strong>B-cells in islets<strong>of</strong> LangerhansAbsolute insulindeficiencyHyperglycemiaNephropathyNeuropathyMyocardialinfarctionPeripheral obliteratingarterial diseaseB. Methods <strong>of</strong> insulin replacementExtended-actioninsulinBlood glucose measurementRapid-acting insulin:flexible time and dose22 244 8 121620 22Breakfast Lunch DinnerFood intake:flexible1. Intensified insulin therapyCombinationinsulinInsulin administration:fixed schedule4 8 12 16 20 244Breakfast Lunch Dinner& snacks2. Conventional insulin therapySupper8Food intake:fixed scheduleC. Presystemic and systemic insulin action in healthy and diabetic subjectsInsulinGlucoseHealthy subjectGlucoseDiabeticInsulin

262 Hormones Treatment <strong>of</strong> Maturity-Onset(Type II) Diabetes MellitusIn overweight adults, a diabetic metaboliccondition may develop (type II or non-insulin-dependentdiabetes) whenthereisarelativeinsulin deficiency—enhanced demandcannot be met by a diminishing insulin secretion.The cause <strong>of</strong> increased insulin requirementis an insulin resistance <strong>of</strong> target organs.The decrease in the effectiveness <strong>of</strong>insulin is due to a reduction in the density<strong>of</strong> insulin receptors in target tissues and adecreased ef ciency <strong>of</strong> signal transduction <strong>of</strong>insulin-receptor complexes. Conceivably,obesity with increased storage <strong>of</strong> triglyceridescauses a decrease in insulin sensitivity<strong>of</strong> target organs. The loss in sensitivity can becompensated by enhancing insulin concentration.In panel (A), this situation is representedschematically by the decreased receptordensity. In the obese patient, themaximum binding possible (plateau <strong>of</strong>curve) is displaced downward, indicative <strong>of</strong>the reduction in receptor numbers. At lowinsulin concentrations, correspondingly lessbinding <strong>of</strong> insulin occurs, compared with thecontrol condition (normal weight). For a givenmetabolic effect (say, utilization <strong>of</strong> carbohydratescontained in a piece <strong>of</strong> cake), acertain number <strong>of</strong> receptors must be occupied.As shown by the binding curves(dashed lines), this can still be achieved witha reduced receptor number; although only ata higher concentration <strong>of</strong> insulin.Development <strong>of</strong> adult diabetes (B). Asubjectwith normal body weight (left) ingests aspecified amount <strong>of</strong> carbohydrate; to maintainblood glucose concentration within thephysiological range, the necessary amount <strong>of</strong>insulin is released into the blood. Comparedwith a normal subject, the overweight patientwith insulin resistance requires a continuallyelevated output <strong>of</strong> insulin (orangecurves) to avoid an excessive rise <strong>of</strong> bloodglucose levels (green curves) during anequivalent carbohydrate load. When the insulinsecretory capacity <strong>of</strong> the pancreasdecreases,thisisfirstnotedasariseinbloodglucose during glucose loading (latent diabetesmellitus). As insulin secretory capacitydeclines further, not even the fasting bloodlevel can be maintained (manifest, overt diabetes).Treatment. Caloric restriction to restorebody weight to normal is associated withan increase in insulin responsiveness, evenbefore a normal weight is reached. Moreover,physical activity is important becauseit enhances peripheral utilization <strong>of</strong> glucose.When changes in lifestyle are insuf cient incorrecting the diabetic condition, therapywith oral antidiabetics is indicated (p. 264).Therapy <strong>of</strong> first choice is weight reduction,not administration <strong>of</strong> drugs!A metabolic syndrome is said to bepresentwhenatleastthree<strong>of</strong>thefollowingfive risk factors can be identified in a patient:1. Elevated blood glucose levels2. Elevated blood lipid levels3. Obesity4. Lowered HDL levels5. HypertensionOverweight and resistance to insulin appearto play pivotal roles in the pathophysiologicalprocess. The resulting hyperinsulinemiainduces a rise in systemic arterial blood pressureand probably also a hyperglyceridemiaassociated with an unfavorable LDL/HDLquotient. This combination <strong>of</strong> risk factorslowers life expectancy and calls for therapeuticintervention. The metabolic syndromehas a high prevalence; in industrializedcountries, up to 20% <strong>of</strong> adults are believedto suffer from it.

Treatment <strong>of</strong> Maturity-Onset Diabetes Mellitus 263A. Insulin concentration and binding in normal and overweight subjectsInsulin bindingNormal receptor numberInsulin receptorbindingneededfor euglycemiaNormaldietDecreasedreceptornumberInsulin concentrationObesityB. Development <strong>of</strong> maturity-onset diabetesOralantidiabeticGlucose in blood Insulin releaseTimeWeight reductionTherapy <strong>of</strong> 1st choiceDiagnosis:latentovertDiabetes mellitusTherapy <strong>of</strong> 2nd choice

264 Hormones Oral AntidiabeticsIn principle, the blood concentration <strong>of</strong> glucoserepresents a balance between influxinto the bloodstream (chiefly from liverandintestines)andegressfrombloodintoconsuming tissues and organs. In (A), drugsavailable for lowering an elevated level <strong>of</strong>glucose are grouped schematically in relationto these two processes.Metformin is a biguanide derivative thatcan normalize an elevated blood glucose level,provided that insulin is present. Themechanism underlying this effect is notcompletely understood. Decreased glucoserelease from the liver appears to play anessential part. Metformin does not increaserelease <strong>of</strong> insulin and therefore does notpromote hyperinsulinemia. The risk <strong>of</strong> hypoglycemiais relatively less common. Triglycerideconcentrations can decrease. Metforminhas proved itself as a monotherapeuticinobesetypeIIdiabetics.Itcanbecombinedwith other oral antidiabetics as well as insulin.Frequent adverse effects include anorexia,nausea, and diarrhea. Overproduction<strong>of</strong> lactic acid (lactate acidosis) is a rare, potentiallyfatal reaction. It is contraindicatedin renal insuf ciency and therefore shouldbe avoided in elderly patients.Oral antidiabetics <strong>of</strong> the sulfonylureatype increase the release <strong>of</strong> insulin frompancreatic B-cells. They inhibit ATP-gatedK + channels and thereby cause depolarization<strong>of</strong> the B-cell membrane. Normally, thesechannels are closed when intracellular levels<strong>of</strong> glucose, and hence <strong>of</strong> ATP, increase. Thisdrug class includes tolbutamide (500–2000 mg/day) and glyburide (glibenclamide)(1.75–10.5 mg/day). In some patients,it is not possible to stimulate insulin secretionfrom the outset; in others, therapy failslater. Matching <strong>of</strong> dosage <strong>of</strong> the oral antidiabeticandcaloricintakeisnecessary.Hypoglycemiais the most important unwantedeffect. Enhancement <strong>of</strong> the hypoglycemic effectcan result from drug interactions: displacement<strong>of</strong> antidiabetic drug from plasmaprotein binding sites, for example, by sulfonamidesor acetylsalicylic acid.Repaglinide possesses the same mechanism<strong>of</strong> action as the sulfonylureas but differsin chemical structure. After oral administration,the effect develops rapidly andfades away quickly. Therefore, repaglinidecan be taken immediately before a meal.“Glitazone” is an appellation referring tothiazolidinedione derivatives such as rosiglitazoneand pioglitazone. These substancesaugment the insulin sensitivity <strong>of</strong> target tissues.They are agonists at the peroxisomeproliferator-activated receptor <strong>of</strong> the γ subtype(PPARγ), a transcription-regulating receptor.As a result, they (a) promote thematuration <strong>of</strong> preadipocytes into adipocytes,(b) increase insulin sensitivity, and (c) enhancecellular glucose uptake. Besides fattissue, skeletal muscle is also affected.Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are approvedonly for combination therapy whenadequate glycemic control cannot beachieved with either metformin or a sulfonylureaalone. A combination with insulin iscontraindicated. Adverse effects includeweight gain and fluid retention (thus contraindicationfor any stage <strong>of</strong> congestive heartfailure). Hepatic function requires closemonitoring (withdrawal <strong>of</strong> troglitazone because<strong>of</strong> fatal liver failure).Acarbose is an inhibitor <strong>of</strong> α-glucosidase(localized in the brush border <strong>of</strong> intestinalepithelium), which liberates glucose fromdisaccharides. It retards breakdown <strong>of</strong> carbohydrates,and hence absorption <strong>of</strong> glucose.Owing to increased fermentation <strong>of</strong> carbohydratesby gut bacteria, flatulence and diarrheamay develop. Miglitol has a similar effectbut is absorbed from the intestine.

Oral Antidiabetics 265A. Oral antidiabeticsMetformin, a biguanide derivativeLiverH 3CNCH 3HN CNHC NHNH 2Inhibition <strong>of</strong>hepatic glucose releaseLactic acidosisOCGlibenclamide, a sulfonylurea derivativeONHNHB-cells<strong>of</strong> pancreasK+HypoglycemiaSO 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH CBlockadeInsulin secretionInsulinATPH 3COGlucoseClATP-gatedK+-channelK+Membranepotential depolarizedInfluxGlucoseconcentrationin bloodEgressIntestinesAcarbose, a “false”tetrasaccharideDisaccharideGlucoseα-GlucosidaseRosiglitazone, a thiazolidinedione derivativeNNH 3CCH 2CH 2PPARγOC 2HOSPre-adipocytesNHAdipocytesInsulin sensitivityOretards enteralabsorption <strong>of</strong> glucoseFatty tissueDNAGlucose uptakeIntestinal complaintsWeight gainContraindication in congestiveheart failure, NYHA 1–4

266 Hormones Drugs for Maintaining CalciumHomeostasisAt rest, the intracellular concentration <strong>of</strong> freecalcium ions (Ca 2+ )iskeptat0.1µm (seep.132 for mechanisms involved). During excitation,a transient rise <strong>of</strong> up to 10 µm elicitscontraction in muscle cells (electromechanicalcoupling) and secretion in glandular cells(electrosecretory coupling). The cellular content<strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ is in equilibrium with the extracellularCa 2+ concentration (~ 1000 µm), as isthe plasma protein-bound fraction <strong>of</strong> calciumin blood. Ca 2+ may crystallize with phosphateto form hydroxyapatite, the mineral <strong>of</strong> bone.Osteoclasts are phagocytes that mobilize Ca 2+by resorption <strong>of</strong> bone. Slight changes in extracellularCa 2+ concentration can alter organfunction: thus, excitability <strong>of</strong> skeletal muscleincreases markedly as Ca 2+ is lowered (e. g., inhyperventilationtetany).Threehormonesareavailable to the body for maintaining a constantextracellular Ca 2+ concentration.Vitamin D hormone is derived from vitaminD (cholecalciferol).VitaminDcanalsobeproduced in the body; it is formed in the skinfrom dehydrocholesterol during irradiationwith UV light. When there is lack <strong>of</strong> solarradiation, dietary intake becomes essential,cod liver oil being a rich source. Metabolicallyactive vitamin D hormone results from twosuccessive hydroxylations: in the liver at position25 (†calcifediol) and in the kidney atposition 1 (†calcitriol = vitamin D hormone).1-Hydroxylation depends on the level <strong>of</strong> calciumhomeostasis and is stimulated byparathormone and a fall in plasma levels <strong>of</strong>Ca 2+ and phosphate. Vitamin D hormone promotesenteral absorption and renal reabsorption<strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ and phosphate. As a result <strong>of</strong> theincreased Ca 2+ and phosphate concentrationin blood, there is an increased tendency forthese ions to be deposited in bone in the form<strong>of</strong> hydroxyapatite crystals. In vitamin D deficiency,bone mineralization is inadequate(rickets, osteomalacia). Therapeutic useaims at replacement. Mostly, vitamin D is given;in liver disease, calcifediol may be indicated,in renal disease, calcitriol. Effectiveness,aswellasrate<strong>of</strong>onsetandcessation<strong>of</strong>action increase in the order vitamin D < 25-OH-vitamin D < 1,25-di-OH vitamin D. Overdosagemay induce hypercalcemia with deposits<strong>of</strong> calcium salts in tissues (particularlyin kidney and blood vessels): calcinosis.The polypeptide parathormone is releasedfrom the parathyroid glands whenthe plasma Ca 2+ level falls. It stimulates osteoclaststo increase bone resorption; in thekidneys it promotes calcium reabsorption,while phosphate excretion is enhanced. Asblood phosphate concentration diminishes,the tendency <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ to precipitate as bonemineral decreases. By stimulating the formation<strong>of</strong> vitamin D hormone, parathormonehas an indirect effect on the enteral uptake<strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ and phosphate. In parathormone deficiency,vitamin D can be used as a substitutethat, unlike parathormone, is effectiveorally. Teriparatide is a recombinant shortenedparathormone derivative containingthe portion required for binding to the receptor.It can be used in the therapy <strong>of</strong> postmenopausalosteoporosis and promotesbone formation. While this effect seems paradoxicalin comparison with hyperparathyroidism,it obviously arises from the specialmode <strong>of</strong> administration: the once daily s.c.injection generates a quasi-pulsatile stimulation.Additionally, adequate intake <strong>of</strong> calciumand vitamin D must be ensured.The polypeptide calcitonin is secreted bythyroid C-cells during imminent hypercalcemia.It lowers elevated plasma Ca 2+ levels byinhibiting osteoclast activity. Its uses includehypercalcemia and osteoporosis. Remarkably,calcitonin injection may produce a sustainedanalgesic effect that alleviates painassociated with bone diseases (Paget disease,osteoporosis, neoplastic metastases)or Sudek syndrome.Hypercalcemia can be treated by (1) administering0.9% NaCl solution plus furosemide(if necessary) † renal excretion ⁄; (2)the osteoclast inhibitors calcitonin and clodronate(a biphosphonate) † bone Ca mobilizationø;(3) glucocorticoids.

Drugs for Maintaining Calcium Homeostasis 267A. Calcium homeostasis <strong>of</strong> the bodyMuscle cellCa 2+Electricalexcitability~ 1 x 10-7 MGland cell~ 10-5 MEffect on cell function1 x 10 -3 M Ca 2+ + PO 43-Ca~ 1 x 10-3 MBone trabeculaeHydroxyapatite crystalsCa 10 (PO 4 ) 6 (OH) 2Osteoclast2525OHOHCa 2+ Ca 2+ContractionSecretionAlbuminGlobulinSkinParathyroid hormone, Ca 2 + , PO 43-17HO7-DehydrocholesterolCH 2CH 2H 2 CHO1HOOHCholecalciferol(vitamin D 3 )50 – 5000 µg/day25-Hydroxycholecalciferol(calcifediol)50 – 2000 µg/day1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol(calcitriol)0.5 – 2 µg/dayCod liver oilVit. D-HormoneParafollicularcells <strong>of</strong>thyroidParathyroidglandsCalcitoninParathyroidhormoneCa 2 + + PO43-

268 Antibacterial Drugs Drugs for Treating BacterialInfectionsWhen bacteria overcome the cutaneous ormucosal barriers and penetrate into bodytissues, a bacterial infection is present. Frequentlythe body succeeds in removing theinvaders, without outward signs <strong>of</strong> disease,by mounting an immune response. However,certain pathogens have evolved a sophisticatedcounterstrategy. Although they aretaken up into host cells via the regularphagocytotic pathway, they are able to forestallthe subsequent fusion <strong>of</strong> the phagosomewith a lysosome and in this mannercan escape degradation. Since the wall <strong>of</strong> thesheltering vacuole is permeable to nutrients(amino acids, sugars), the germs are able togrow and multiply until the cell dies and thereleased pathogens can infect new host cells.This strategy is utilized, e. g., by Chlamydiaand Salmonella species, Mycobacterium tuberculosis,Legionella pneumophila, Toxoplasmagondii, andLeishmania species. It is easyto see that targeted pharmacotherapy is especiallydif cult in such cases because thedrug cannot reach the pathogen until it hassurmounted first the cell membrane andthen the vacuolar membrane. If bacteriamultiply faster than the body’s defensescan destroy them, infectious disease develops,with inflammatory signs, e. g., purulentwound infection or urinary tract infection.Appropriate treatment employs substancesthat injure bacteria and thereby preventtheir further multiplication, without harmingcells <strong>of</strong> the host organism (1).Specific damage to bacteria is particularlyfeasible when a substance interferes with ametabolic process that occurs in bacterialbut not in host cells. Clearly this applies toinhibitors <strong>of</strong> cell wall synthesis, since humanor animal cells lack a cell wall. The points <strong>of</strong>attack <strong>of</strong> antibacterial agents are schematicallyillustrated in a grossly simplified bacterialcell, as depicted in (2).In the following sections, plasmalemmadamagingpolymyxins and tyrothricin arenot considered further. Because <strong>of</strong> their poortolerability, they are suitable only for topicaluse.The effect <strong>of</strong> antibacterial drugs can beobserved in vitro (3). Bacteria multiply in agrowth medium under controlled conditions.If the medium contains an antibacterialdrug, two results can be discerned: (a)bacteria are killed—bactericidal effect; or(b) bacteria survive, but do not multiply—bacteriostatic effect. Although variationsmay occur under therapeutic conditions,the different drugs can be classified accordingto their primary mode <strong>of</strong> action (colortone in 2 and 3).When bacterial growth remains unaffectedby an antibacterial drug, bacterial resistanceis present. This may occur because<strong>of</strong> certain metabolic characteristics that confera natural insensitivity to the drug on aparticular strain <strong>of</strong> bacteria (natural resistance).Dependingonwhetheradrugaffectsonly few or numerous types <strong>of</strong> bacteria, theterms narrow-spectrum (e. g., penicillin G)or broad-spectrum (e. g., tetracyclines)antibiotic are applied. Naturally susceptiblebacterial strains can be transformed underthe influence <strong>of</strong> antibacterial drugs into resistantones (acquired resistance), when arandom genetic alteration (mutation) givesrise to a resistant bacterium. Under the influence<strong>of</strong> the drug, the susceptible bacteriadie<strong>of</strong>f,whereasthemutantmultipliesunimpeded.The more frequently a given drugisapplied,themoreprobabletheemergence<strong>of</strong> resistant strains (e. g., hospital strains withmultiple resistance)!Resistance can also be acquired when DNAresponsible for nonsusceptibility (so-calledresistance plasmid) ispassedonfromotherresistant bacteria by conjugation or transduction.

Drugs for Treating Bacterial Infections 269A. Principles <strong>of</strong> antibacterial therapyBacterialinvasion:infectionAntibacterialdrugs1.ImmunedefensesSelectiveantibacterialtoxicityBody cellsBacteriaPenicillinsCephalosporinsBacitracinVancomycinPolymyxinsTyrothricinCell wallTetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olatesynthesisDNARNAProteinCellmembrane2.BacteriumSulfonamidesTrimethoprim“Gyrase-inhibitors”NitroimidazolesRifampicinTetracyclinesAminoglycosidesChloramphenicolErythromycinClindamycin1 dayResistanceAntibioticInsensitive strainBactericidal3.BacteriostaticSensitive strain withresistant mutantSelection

270 Antibacterial Drugs Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Cell Wall SynthesisIn most bacteria, a cell wall surrounds thecell like a rigid shell that protects againstnoxious outside influences and preventsrupture <strong>of</strong> the plasma membrane from ahigh internal osmotic pressure. The structuralstability <strong>of</strong> the cell wall is due mainly tothe murein (peptidoglycan) lattice. Thisconsists <strong>of</strong> basic building blocks linked togetherto form a large macromolecule. Eachbasic unit contains the two linked aminosugarsN-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramicacid; the latter bears a peptidechain. The building blocks are synthesizedin the bacterium, transported outwardthrough the cell membrane, and assembledas illustrated schematically. The enzymetranspeptidase cross-links the peptidechains <strong>of</strong> adjacent aminosugar chains.Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> cell wall synthesis are suitableantibacterial agents because animal, includinghuman, cells lack a cell wall. Theseagents exert a bactericidal action on growingormultiplyinggerms.Members<strong>of</strong>thisclass include β-lactam antibiotics such as thepenicillins and cephalosporins, in addition tobacitracin and vancomycin.Penicillins (A). The parent substance <strong>of</strong> thisgroup is penicillin G (benzylpenicillin).Itisobtained from cultures <strong>of</strong> mold fungi, originallyfrom Penicillium notatum. Penicillin Gcontains the basic structure common to allpenicillins, 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA; p. 273) comprising a thiazolidine anda4-memberedβ-lactam ring. 6-APAitselflacks antibacterial activity. Penicillins disruptcell wall synthesis by inhibiting transpeptidase.When bacteria are in theirgrowth and replication phase, penicillinsare bactericidal; as a result <strong>of</strong> cell wall defects,the bacteria swell and burst.Penicillins are generally well tolerated;with penicillin G, the daily dose can rangefrom approx. 0.6 g i.m. (= 10 6 internationalunits, 1 Mega IU [MIU]) to 60 g by infusion.The most important adverse effects are dueto hypersensitivity (incidence up to 5%), withmanifestations ranging from skin eruptionsto anaphylactic shock (in less than 0.05% <strong>of</strong>patients). Known penicillin allergy is a contraindicationfor these drugs. Because <strong>of</strong> anincreased risk <strong>of</strong> sensitization, penicillinsmust not be used locally. Neurotoxic effects,mostly convulsions due to GABA antagonism,may occur if the brain is exposed toextremely high concentrations, e. g., afterrapid i.v. injection <strong>of</strong> a large dose or intrathecalinjection.Penicillin G undergoes rapid renal eliminationmainly in unchanged form (plasmat ½ ~ 0.5 hours). The duration <strong>of</strong> the effectcan be prolonged by:1. Use <strong>of</strong> higher doses, enabling plasma levelsto remain above the minimally effectiveantibacterial concentration.2. Combination with probenecid. Renal elimination<strong>of</strong> penicillin occurs chiefly via theanion (acid)-secretory system <strong>of</strong> the proximaltubule (–COOH <strong>of</strong> 6-APA). The acidprobenecid (p. 326) competes for thisroute and thus retards elimination <strong>of</strong> penicillin.3. Intramuscular administration in depotform. In its anionic form (–COO – )penicillinG forms poorly water-soluble saltswith substances containing a positivelycharged amino group (procaine; clemizole,an antihistaminic; benzathine, dicationic).Depending on the substance, release<strong>of</strong>penicillinfromthedepotoccursover a variable interval.

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Cell Wall Synthesis 271A. Penicillin G: structure and origin; mode <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> penicillins; methodsfor prolonging duration <strong>of</strong> actionCell wallCell membraneBacteriumCross-linked bytranspeptidaseInhibition <strong>of</strong>cell wall synthesisAmino acidchainSugarCell wallbuilding blockOHumanC 2 CHNHSCH 3AntibodyPenicillin GONCH 3COOHPenicillinallergyFungusPenicillium notatumNeurotoxicityat veryhigh dosagePlasma concentration3 x DosePenicillinProcainePenicillin+-MinimalbactericidalconcentrationTimeIncreasing the doseProbenecidAnionsecretorysystemCombination with probenecidDuration <strong>of</strong> action (d)+-~ 1 ~ 2~ 7–28ClemizolePenicillin++-Benzathine2 PenicillinsDepot preparations

272 Antibacterial DrugsAlthough very well tolerated, penicillin Ghas disadvantages (A) that limit its therapeuticusefulness: (1) it is inactivated bygastric acid, which cleaves the β-lactam ring,necessitating parenteral administration. (2)The β-lactam ring can also be opened bybacterial enzymes (β-lactamases); in particular,penicillinase, which can be produced bystaphylococcal strains, renders them resistantto penicillin G. (3) The antibacterialspectrum is narrow; although it encompassesmany Gram-positive bacteria, Gramnegativecocci, and spirochetes, many Gramnegativepathogens are unaffected.Derivatives with a different substituenton 6-APA possess advantages (B):1. Acid resistance permits oral administration,provided that enteral absorption ispossible. All derivatives shown in (B) canbe given orally. Penicillin V (phenoxymethylpenicillin)exhibits antibacterial propertiessimilar to those <strong>of</strong> penicillin G.2. Owing to their penicillinase resistance,isoxazolylpenicillins (oxacillin, dicloxacillin,floxacillin) are suitable for the (oral) treatment<strong>of</strong> infections caused by penicillinase-producingstaphylococci.3. Extended-activity spectrum: The aminopenicillinamoxicillin is active againstmany Gram-negative organisms, e. g.,colibacteria or Salmonella typhi. Itcanbeprotected from destruction by penicillinaseby combination with inhibitors <strong>of</strong>penicillinase (clavulanic acid, sulbactam,tazobactam).The structurally close congener ampicillin(no 4-hydroxy group) has a similar activityspectrum. However, because it is poorly absorbed(

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Cell Wall Synthesis 273A. Disadvantages <strong>of</strong> penicillin G6-Aminopenicillanic acidOPenicillin GAcid sensitivityCH 2CNHONSCH 3CH 3COOHPenicillinasesensitivityPenicillinaseStaphylococciSalmonella typhiNarrow-action spectrumE. coliTreponemapallidumActiveGram-positive Gram-negativeNot activeGonococciPneumococciStreptococciB. Derivatives <strong>of</strong> penicillin GAcidPenicillinaseSpectrumConcentration neededto inhibit penicillin G-sensitive bacteriaOO CH2 C NHPenicillin VOS CH3NCH3COOHResistantSensitiveNarrowNOCH3OC NHOxacillinONSCH3CH3COOHResistantResistantNarrowHOOCH C NHNH 2OAmoxicillinNSCH3CH3COOHH + Cl - Resis-ResistantSensitiveBroadC. CephalosporinOCH CNH 2CefalexinNHOSNCH3COOHtantResistant,but sensitive tocephalosporinaseBroad

274 Antibacterial Drugs Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olateSynthesisTetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olic acid (THF) is a coenzyme inthe synthesis <strong>of</strong> purine bases and thymidine.These are constituents <strong>of</strong> DNA and RNA andare required for cell growth and replication.Lack <strong>of</strong> THF leads to inhibition <strong>of</strong> cell proliferation.Formation <strong>of</strong> THF from dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate(DHF) is catalyzed by the enzyme dihydr<strong>of</strong>olatereductase. DHF is made from folicacid, a vitamin that cannot be synthesized inthe body but must be taken up from exogenoussources. Most bacteria do not have arequirement for folate, because they are capable<strong>of</strong> synthesizing it—more preciselyDHF—from precursors. Selective interferencewith bacterial biosynthesis <strong>of</strong> THF canbe achieved with sulfonamides and trimethoprim.Sulfonamides structurally resemble p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), a precursor inbacterial DHF synthesis. As false substrates,sulfonamides competitively inhibit utilization<strong>of</strong> PABA, and hence DHF synthesis. Becausemostbacteriacannottakeupexogenousfolate, they are depleted <strong>of</strong> DHF. Sulfonamidesthus possess bacteriostatic activityagainst a broad spectrum <strong>of</strong> pathogens.Sulfonamides are produced by chemical synthesis.The basic structure is shown in (A).Residue R determines the pharmacokineticproperties <strong>of</strong> a given sulfonamide. Most sulfonamidesare well absorbed via the enteralroute. They are metabolized to varying degreesand eliminated through the kidney.Rates <strong>of</strong> elimination, hence duration <strong>of</strong> effect,may vary widely. Some members arepoorly absorbed from the gut and are thussuitable for the treatment <strong>of</strong> bacterial bowelinfections. Adverse effects may include allergicreactions, sometimes with severe skindamage (p. 74), and displacement <strong>of</strong> otherplasma protein-bound drugs or bilirubin inneonates (danger <strong>of</strong> kernicterus, hence contraindicationfor the last weeks <strong>of</strong> gestationand in the neonate). Because <strong>of</strong> the frequentemergence <strong>of</strong> resistant bacteria, sulfonamidesare now rarely used. Introduced in1935, they were the first broad-spectrumchemotherapeutics.Trimethoprim inhibits bacterial DHF reductase,the human enzyme being significantlyless sensitive than the bacterial one(rarely, bone marrow depression). A 2,4-diaminopyrimidine, trimethoprim has bacteriostaticactivity against a broad spectrum<strong>of</strong> pathogens. It is used mostly as a component<strong>of</strong> co-trimoxazole.Co-trimoxazole is a combination <strong>of</strong> trimethoprimand the sulfonamide sulfomethoxazole.Since THF synthesis is inhibited at twosuccessive steps, the antibacterial effect <strong>of</strong>co-trimoxazole is better than that <strong>of</strong> the individualcomponents. Resistant pathogensare infrequent; a bactericidal effect may occur.Adverse effects correspond to those <strong>of</strong>the components.Sulfasalazine. Although originally developedas an antirheumatic agent (p. 332),sulfasalazine (salazosulfapyridine) is usedmainly in the treatment <strong>of</strong> inflammatorybowel disease (ulcerative colitis and terminalileitis or Crohn disease). Gut bacteriasplit this compound into the sulfonamidesulfapyridine and mesalazine (5-aminosalicylicacid). The latter is probably the antiinflammatoryagent (inhibition <strong>of</strong> prostaglandinand leukotriene synthesis, <strong>of</strong> chemotacticsignals for granulocytes, and <strong>of</strong> H 2 O 2formationinmucosa),butmustbepresenton the gut mucosa in high concentrations.Coupling to the sulfonamide prevents prematureabsorption in upper small-bowelsegments. The cleaved-<strong>of</strong>f sulfonamide canbe absorbed and may produce typical adverseeffects (see above). Delayed release(prodrug) formulations <strong>of</strong> mesalazine withoutthe sulfonamide moiety are available.

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olate Synthesis 275A. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olate synthesisHOHOHNCNSNHOHHORp-Aminobenzoic acidSulfonamidesFolic acidR determinespharmacokinetics(Vitamin)Dihydr<strong>of</strong>olicacid(DHF)HONCH H 2 CNHH N NHOOC CHCH 2N OHHOOCNCH 2H 2 NOCH 3H 3 COOCH 3Duration <strong>of</strong> effectSulfisoxazole6 hoursSulfamethoxazole12 hoursSulfalene7 daysDosing intervalDHF-ReductaseCH 2Co-trimoxazole =Tetrahydro- folic acidHHNH H 2 CHNNH 2 NSynthesis <strong>of</strong>purinesThymidineNNHOHNH 2 NBacteriumNNH 2TrimethoprimCombination <strong>of</strong>Trimethoprim andSulfamethoxazoleSulfasalazine(not absorbable)HOOCO HHO N N S NOCleavage byintestinal bacteriaNHuman cellMesalamine Sulfapyridine(absorbable)

276 Antibacterial Drugs Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> DNA FunctionDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) serves as atemplate for the synthesis <strong>of</strong> nucleic acids.Ribonucleic acid (RNA) executes protein synthesisand thus permits cell growth. Synthesis<strong>of</strong> new DNA is a prerequisite for celldivision. Substances that inhibit reading <strong>of</strong>genetic information at the DNA templatedamage the regulatory center <strong>of</strong> cell metabolism.The substances listed below are usefulas antibacterial drugs because they do notaffect human cells.Gyrase inhibitors. Theenzymegyrase(topoisomeraseII) permits the orderly accommodation<strong>of</strong> a ~ 1000 µmlongbacterialchromosomein a bacterial cell <strong>of</strong> ~ 1 µm. Withinthe chromosomal strand, double-strandedDNA has a double helical configuration. Theformer, in turn, is arranged in loops that areshortened by supercoiling. The gyrase catalyzesthisoperation,asillustrated,byopening,underwinding, and closing <strong>of</strong> the DNAdouble strand such that the full loop neednot be rotated.Derivatives <strong>of</strong> 4-quinolone-3-carboxylicacid (green portion <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>loxacin formula)are inhibitors <strong>of</strong> bacterial gyrases. They appearto prevent specifically the resealing <strong>of</strong>opened strands and thereby act bactericidally.These agents are absorbed after oralingestion. The older drug nalidixic acid affectsexclusively Gram-negative bacteriaand attains effective concentrations only inurine; it is used as a urinary tract antiseptic.Norfloxacin has a broader spectrum. Ofloxacin,cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin, enoxacin, and others, alsoyield systemically effective concentrationsand are used for infections <strong>of</strong> internal organs.Besides gastrointestinal problems and allergy,adverse effects particularly involve theCNS (confusion, hallucinations, and seizures).Since they can damage epiphysealchondrocytes and joint cartilages in laboratoryanimals, gyrase inhibitors should not beused during pregnancy, lactation, and periods<strong>of</strong> growth. Tendon damage includingrupture may occur in elderly or glucocorticoid-treatedpatients. In addition, hepaticdamage, prolongation <strong>of</strong> the QT-intervalwith risk <strong>of</strong> arrhythmias, and phototoxicityhave been observed.Nitroimidazole derivatives, suchasmetronidazole,damage DNA by complex formationor strand breakage. This occurs in obligateanaerobic bacteria. Under these conditions,conversion to reactive metabolitesthat attack DNA takes place (e. g., the hydroxylamineshown). The effect is bactericidal.A similar mechanism is involved in theantiprotozoal action on Trichomonas vaginalis(causative agent <strong>of</strong> vaginitis and urethritis)and Entamoeba histolytica (causativeagent <strong>of</strong> large-bowel inflammation, amebicdysentery, and hepatic abscesses). Metronidazoleis well absorbed via the enteral route;it is also given i.v. or topically (vaginal insert).Because metronidazole is consideredpotentially mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenicin humans, it should not be used forlongerthan10days,ifpossible,andshouldbe avoided during pregnancy and lactation.Timidazole may be considered equivalent tometronidazole.Rifampin (rifampicin) inhibits the bacterialenzyme that catalyses DNA template-directedRNA transcription, i. e., DNA-dependentRNA polymerase. Rifampin acts bactericidallyagainst mycobacteria (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis, M. leprae), as well as manyGram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.It is well absorbed after oral ingestion. Becauseresistancemaydevelopwithfrequentusage, it is restricted to the treatment <strong>of</strong>tuberculosis and leprosy (p. 282). Rifampinis contraindicated in the first trimester <strong>of</strong>gestation and during lactation.Rifabutin resembles rifampin but may beeffective in infections resistant to rifampin.

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> DNA Function 277A. Antibacterial drugs acting on DNA1234Twisting byopening, underwinding,and closure<strong>of</strong> DNA strandH3 CNFNOONCH 3COOHGyrase inhibitors4-Quinolone-3-carboxylatederivatives, e.g.,<strong>of</strong>loxacinGyraseDNA double helixIndication: TBBacterialchromosomeDNA-dependentRNA polymeraseRifampicinStreptomycesspeciesDamageto DNARNATrichomonas infectionHOHNNNCH 3CH 2 CH 2OHNitroimidazoleNO 2 NNCH 3CH 2 CH 2Amebic infectionAnaerobicbacteriaOHe. g., metronidazole

278 Antibacterial Drugs Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Protein SynthesisProtein synthesis means translation into apeptide chain <strong>of</strong> a genetic message first transcribedinto mRNA. Amino acid (AA) assemblyoccurs at the ribosome. Delivery <strong>of</strong> aminoacidstomRNAinvolvesdifferenttransferRNAmolecules (tRNA), each <strong>of</strong> which binds a specificAA. Each tRNA bears an “anticodon” nucleobasetriplet that is complementary to aparticular mRNA coding unit (codon, consisting<strong>of</strong> three nucleobases).Incorporation <strong>of</strong> an AA normally involvesthe following steps (A):1. The ribosome “focuses” two codons onmRNA; one (at the left) has bound itstRNA–AA complex, the AA having alreadybeen added to the peptide chain; the other(at the right) is ready to receive thenext tRNA–AA complex.2. After the latter attaches, the AAs <strong>of</strong> the twoadjacent complexes are linked by the action<strong>of</strong> the enzyme peptide synthetase(peptidyltransferase). Concurrently, AAand tRNA <strong>of</strong> the left complex disengage.3. The left tRNA dissociates from mRNA. Theribosome can advance along the mRNAstrand and focus on the next codon.4. Consequently, the right tRNA–AA complexshifts to the left, allowing the next complexto be bound at the right.Theseindividualstepsaresusceptibletoinhibitionby antibiotics <strong>of</strong> different groups.The examples shown originate primarilyfrom Streptomyces species, some <strong>of</strong> the aminoglycosidesalso being derived from Micromonosporabacteria. 11a. Tetracyclines inhibit the binding <strong>of</strong>tRNA–AA complexes. Their action is bacteriostaticand affects a broad spectrum <strong>of</strong>pathogens._1 A note on spelling: the termination -mycindenotes origin from Streptomyces species; -micin(e. g., gentamicin) denotes origin from Micromonosporaspecies.1b. Aminoglycosides induce the binding <strong>of</strong>“wrong” tRNA–AA complexes, resulting insynthesis <strong>of</strong> false proteins. Aminoglycosidesare bactericidal. Their activity spectrum encompassesmainly Gram-negative organisms.Streptomycin and kanamycin are usedpredominantly in the treatment <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis.2. Chloramphenicol inhibits peptide synthetase.It has bacteriostatic activity against abroadspectrum<strong>of</strong>pathogens.Thechemicallysimple molecule is now produced synthetically.3. Macrolides suppresses advancement <strong>of</strong>the ribosome. Their action is predominantlybacteriostatic and is directed mainly againstGram-positive organisms. Intracellulargerms such as chlamydias and mycoplasmsare also affected. Macrolides are effectiveorally. The prototype <strong>of</strong> this group is erythromycin.Among other uses, it is suitable as asubstitute in allergy or resistance to penicillin.Clarithromycin, roxithromycin and azithromycinare erythromycin derivatives withsimilar activity; however, their elimination isslower and, therefore, permits reduction indosage and less frequent administration.Gastrointestinal disturbances may occur. Because<strong>of</strong> inhibition <strong>of</strong> CYP isozymes (CY-P3A4) the risk <strong>of</strong> drug interactions ispresent. Telithromycin is a semisyntheticmacrolide with a modified structure (“ketolide”).Ithasadifferentpattern<strong>of</strong>resistancethat is attributed to interaction with an additionalribosomal binding site.Lincosamides. Clindamycin has antibacterialactivity similar to that <strong>of</strong> erythromycin. Itexerts a bacteriostatic effect mainly onGram-positive aerobic, as well as on anaerobicpathogens. Clindamycin is a semisyntheticchloro analogue <strong>of</strong> lincomycin, whichderives from a Streptomyces species. Takenorally, clindamycin is better absorbed thanlincomycin, has greater antibacterial ef cacyandisthuspreferred.Bothpenetratewellinto bone tissue.

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Protein Synthesis 279A. Protein synthesis and modes <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> antibacterial drugsRibosomemRNATetracyclinesH3CCH3H3CHO NOHOCOH O HO O H ONH 2DoxycyclinetRNAAmino acidInsertion <strong>of</strong>incorrectamino acidHOH2CNH2OOH2NOHHOOONH2NH2OHCH2OHPeptide chainAminoglycosidesNH2TobramycinOHO2NCHCH CH2 OHNHOCCHCl2ChloramphenicolPeptidesynthetaseChloramphenicolCH3HOH3CNCH3MacrolidesH3C OCH3 OOHOOHOHH3C O CH3H3COCH3H3C H2C O O H3C OHCH3 OCH3ErythromycinStreptomyces species

280 Antibacterial Drugs4. Oxazolidinones, suchaslinezolide, areanewly discovered drug group (p. 281). Theyinhibit initiation <strong>of</strong> synthesis <strong>of</strong> a new peptidestrand at the point where ribosome,mRNA, and the “start-tRNA–AA” complexaggregate. Oxazolidinones exert a bacteriostaticeffect on Gram-positive bacteria. Sincebone marrow depression has been reported,hematological monitoring is necessary.Tetracyclines are absorbed from the gastrointestinaltract to differing degrees, dependingon the substance, absorption beingnearly complete for doxycycline and minocycline.Intravenous injection is rarely needed(rolitetracycline is available only for i.v. administration).The most common unwantedeffect is gastrointestinal upset (nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, etc.) due to (1) a direct mucosalirritant action <strong>of</strong> these substances and(2) damage to the natural bacterial gut flora(broad-spectrum antibiotics) allowing colonizationby pathogenic organisms, includingCandida fungi. Concurrent ingestion <strong>of</strong> antacidsor milk would, however, be inappropriatebecause tetracyclines form insolublecomplexes with plurivalent cations (e. g., Ca 2+ ,Mg 2+ ,Al 3+ ,Fe 2+/3+ ) resulting in their inactivation;that is, absorbability, antibacterialactivity, and local irritant action are abolished.The ability to chelate Ca 2+ accountsfor the propensity <strong>of</strong> tetracyclines to accumulatein growing teeth and bones. As aresult, there occurs an irreversible yellowbrowndiscoloration <strong>of</strong> teeth and a reversibleinhibition <strong>of</strong> bone growth. Because <strong>of</strong> theseadverse effects, tetracycline should not begiven after the second month <strong>of</strong> pregnancyand not prescribed to children aged 8 yearsand under. Other adverse effects are increasedphotosensitivity <strong>of</strong> the skin and hepaticdamage, mainly after i.v. administration.brain barrier. Despite these advantageousproperties, use <strong>of</strong> chloramphenicol is onlyrarely indicated (e. g., in CNS infections) because<strong>of</strong> the danger <strong>of</strong> bone marrow damage.Two types <strong>of</strong> bone marrow depression canoccur: (1) a dose-dependent, toxic, reversibleform manifested during therapy, and (2)a frequently fatal form that may occur after alatency <strong>of</strong> weeks and is not dose-dependent.Owing to high tissue penetrability, the danger<strong>of</strong> bone marrow depression must be takeninto account even after local use (e. g., eyedrops).Aminoglycoside antibiotics consist <strong>of</strong> glycoside-linkedamino sugars (cf. gentamicin C 1a ,a constituent <strong>of</strong> the gentamicin mixture).They contain numerous hydroxyl groupsand amino groups that can bind protons.Hence,thesecompoundsarehighlypolar,poorly membrane permeable and not absorbedenterally. Neomycin and paromomycinare given orally in order to eradicateintestinal bacteria (prior to bowel surgeryorforreducingNH 3 formation by gut bacteriain hepatic coma). Aminoglycosides for thetreatment <strong>of</strong> serious infections must beinjected (e. g., gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin,netilmicin, sisomycin). In addition, localinlays <strong>of</strong> a gentamicin-releasing carriercan be used in infections <strong>of</strong> bone or s<strong>of</strong>ttissues. Aminoglycosides gain access to thebacterial interior via bacterial transport systems.In the kidney, they enter the cells <strong>of</strong> theproximal tubules via an uptake system foroligopeptides. Tubular cells are susceptibleto damage (nephrotoxicity, mostly reversible).In the inner ear, sensory cells <strong>of</strong> thevestibular apparatus and Corti’s organ maybe injured (ototoxicity, in part irreversible).Chloramphenicol. The broad-spectrum antibioticchloramphenicol is completely absorbedafter oral ingestion. It undergoeseven distribution in the body and readilycrossesdiffusionbarrierssuchastheblood–

Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Protein Synthesis 281A. Aspects <strong>of</strong> the therapeutic use <strong>of</strong> tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, and aminoglycosidesTetracyclinesChloramphenicolInactivation bychelation <strong>of</strong>Ca 2+ , Al 3+ etc.Advantage:good penetrationthrough barriersIrritation <strong>of</strong>mucousmembranesAbsorptionAntibacterialeffect ongut floracomplex formationONFDisadvantage:bone marrowtoxicityLinezolideNOH 3 C COONHe.g.,neomycinAminoglycoside2 CNHH + 22ONH + HOONHH + CH 3NHOHCHH +NH HOHOO3H H 2 2Gentamicin C 1aHigh hydrophilicityno passive diffusionthrough membranes,therefore parenteraluseH +H +HBasic+oligopeptidesTransport systemCochlear andvestibularototoxicityBacteriumNephrotoxicityNo absorption“bowel sterilization”

282 Antibacterial Drugs Drugs for Treating MycobacterialInfectionsIn the past 100 years, advances in hygienehave led to a drastic decline in tuberculardiseases in central Europe. Infection withMycobacterium tuberculosis could be diagnosedincreasingly earlier and in most casesbe cured by a systematic long-term therapy(6–12 months) with effective chemotherapeutics.Worldwide, however, tuberculosishas remained one <strong>of</strong> the most threateningdiseases. In developing countries, long-termcombination therapy is scarcely realizable.Therapeutic success is thwarted by a lack <strong>of</strong>adequate (medical) infrastructure and financialresources, and insuf cient compliance <strong>of</strong>patients; as a result, millions <strong>of</strong> persons dieannually <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis infections. The insufcient treatment entails an additionalbad consequence: more and more mycobacterialstrains develop resistance and cannotbe adequately treated. Patients sufferingfrom immune deficiency are affected moreseverely by infections with M. tuberculosis.Antitubercular drugs (1)Drugs <strong>of</strong> choice are isoniazid, rifampin, andethambutol, along with streptomycin andpyrazinamide. Less well tolerated, secondlineagents include p-aminosalicylic acid, cycloserine,viomycin, kanamycin, amikacin,capreomycin, and ethionamide.Isoniazid is bactericidal against growingM. tuberculosis. Itsmechanism<strong>of</strong>actionremainsunclear. In the bacterium it is convertedto isonicotinic acid, which is membraneimpermeable and hence likely to accumulateintracellularly. Isoniazid is rapidlyabsorbed after oral administration. In theliver, it is inactivated by acetylation. Notableadverse effects are peripheral neuropathy,optic neuritis preventable by administration<strong>of</strong> vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), and liver damage.Rifampin. Source, antibacterial activity,and routes <strong>of</strong> administration are describedon p. 276. Although mostly well tolerated,this drug may cause several adverse effectsincluding hepatic damage, hypersensitivitywith flulike symptoms, disconcerting butharmless red/orange discoloration <strong>of</strong> bodyfluids, and enzyme induction (failure <strong>of</strong> oralcontraceptives). Concerning rifabutin, seep. 276.Pyrazinamide exerts a bactericidal actionby an unknown mechanism. It is given orally.Pyrazinamide may impair liver function; hyperuricemiaresults from inhibition <strong>of</strong> renalurate elimination.Streptomycin must be given i.v. like otheraminoglycoside antibiotics (p. 280). It damagesthe inner ear and the labyrinth. Itsnephrotoxicity is comparatively minorEthambutol. The cause <strong>of</strong> ethambutol’sspecific antitubercular action is unknown. Itis given orally. It is generally well tolerated,but may cause dose-dependent reversibledisturbances <strong>of</strong> vision (red/green blindness,visual field defects).Antileprotic drugs (2)Rifampin is frequently given in combinationwith one or both <strong>of</strong> the following two agents.Dapsone is a sulfone that, like sulfonamides,inhibits dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate synthesis(p. 274). It is bactericidal against susceptiblestrains <strong>of</strong> M. leprae. Dapsone is given orally.The most frequent adverse effect is methemoglobinemiawith accelerated erythrocytedegradation (hemolysis).Cl<strong>of</strong>azimine is a dye with bactericidal activityagainst M. leprae and anti-inflammatoryproperties. It is given orally but is incompletelyabsorbed. Because <strong>of</strong> its highlipophilicity, it accumulates in adipose andother tissues and leaves the body only ratherslowly (t ½ ~ 70 days). Red-brown skin pigmentationis an unwanted effect, particularlyin fair-skinned patients.

Drugs for Treating Mycobacterial Infections 283A. Drugs used to treat infections with mycobacteria (1. tuberculosis, 2. leprosy)Combination therapyReduced risk <strong>of</strong>bacterial resistanceReduction <strong>of</strong> dose and <strong>of</strong>risk <strong>of</strong> adverse reactionsIsoniazidOCNHN (CH2)2 NHH3C OHH3CCOOOHH3C OH OH O CH3CH3H3CONHONHCH3CH2HO CH2 CHOCH3NH2CNS damageand peripheralneuropathy(Vit. B 6 administration)Liver damageEthambutolOptic nerve damageRifampicinH3CCH3O OHHCCH3CH2Liver damageand enzyme inductionCHCH2OHN N N CH3MycobacteriumtuberculosisNIsonicotinic acidNH 2 NOCOCOHOHNicotinic acidCOOHp-Aminobenzoic acid1.2.PyrazinamideNNLiver damageH2NCNHNHHOOHNH2HON C NHHOHN CH3OOOHH3CH C OH OOHOCH2OHClOCStreptomycinan aminoglycosideantibioticVestibular andcochlearototoxicityCl<strong>of</strong>azimineNH2CH3DapsoneOFolatesynthesisNNN CHCH3NHH2N S NH2HemolysisOMycobacteriumlepraeSkin discolorationCl

284 Antifungal Drugs Drugs Used in the Treatment <strong>of</strong>Fungal InfectionsInfections due to fungi are usually confinedto the skin or mucous membranes: local orsuperficial mycosis. However, in immune deficiencystates, internal organs may also beaffected: systemic or deep mycosis.Mycoses are most commonly due to dermatophytes,which affect the skin, hair, andnails following external infection, and toCandida albicans, a yeast organism normallyfound on body surfaces, which may causeinfections <strong>of</strong> mucous membranes, less frequently<strong>of</strong> the skin or internal organs whennatural defenses are impaired (immunosuppression,or damage <strong>of</strong> micr<strong>of</strong>lora by broadspectrumantibiotics).Imidazole derivatives inhibit synthesis <strong>of</strong>ergosterol, an integral constituent <strong>of</strong> cytoplasmicmembranes <strong>of</strong> fungal cells. Fungistop growing (fungistatic effect) or die (fungicidaleffect). The spectrum <strong>of</strong> affected fungiis very broad. Because they are poorly absorbedand poorly tolerated systemically,most imidazoles are suitable only for topicaluse (clotrimazole, econazole, oxiconazole andother azoles). Fluconazole and itroconazoleare newer orally effective triazole derivatives.Owing to its hydroxyl group, fluconazoleis suf ciently water-soluble to allowformulation as an injectable solution. Bothsubstances are slowly eliminated (plasma t ½~ 30 hours). The topically active allyl aminenaftidine and the morpholine amorolfine alsoinhibit ergosterol synthesis, albeit at adifferent step. Both are for topical use.The polyene antibiotics amphotericin Band nystatin are <strong>of</strong> bacterial origin. They insertthemselves into fungal cell membranes(probably next to ergosterol molecules) andcause formation <strong>of</strong> hydrophilic channels.Amphotericin B is active against most organismsresponsible for systemic mycoses. Becausepolyene antimycotics are nonabsorbable,itmustbegivenbyinfusion,whichis,however, poorly tolerated (chills, fever, CNSdisturbances, impaired renal function, andphlebitis at the infusion site). Applied topicallyto skin or mucous membranes, amphotericinB is useful in the treatment <strong>of</strong> candidalmycosis. Because <strong>of</strong> the low rate <strong>of</strong> enteralabsorption, oral administration in intestinalcandidiasis can be considered a topicaltreatment. Likewise, nystatin is only usedtopically (e. g., oral cavity, gastrointestinaltract) against candidiasis.Flucytosine is converted in candidal fungito 5-fluorouracil by the action <strong>of</strong> a specificfungal cytosine deaminase. As an antimetabolite,thiscompounddisruptsDNAandRNAsynthesis (p. 300), resulting in a fungicidaleffect. Given orally, flucytosine is rapidly absorbed.It is <strong>of</strong>ten combined with amphotericinB to allow dose reduction <strong>of</strong> the latter.Casp<strong>of</strong>ungin is a cyclic polypeptide thatinhibits synthesis <strong>of</strong> the fungal cell wall. Itcan be used in systemic mycoses due to aspergillusfungi when amphotericin B or itroconazolecannot be employed. It is given byinfusion and causes various adverse effects.Grise<strong>of</strong>ulvin originates from molds andhas activity only against dermatophytes. Itpresumably acts as a spindle poison to inhibitfungal mitosis. Although targetedagainst local mycoses, grise<strong>of</strong>ulvin must beused systemically. It is incorporated intonewly-formed keratin. “Impregnated” in thismanner, keratin becomes unsuitable as afungal nutrient. The time required for theeradication <strong>of</strong> dermatophytes correspondsto the renewal period <strong>of</strong> skin, hair, or nails.Grise<strong>of</strong>ulvin may cause uncharacteristic adverseeffects. Because <strong>of</strong> its cumbersome application,this antimycotic is becoming obsolete.

Drugs Used in the Treatment <strong>of</strong> Fungal Infections 285A. Antifungal drugsCell wallCytoplasmic membraneErgosterolCasp<strong>of</strong>unginAzolesImidazoles topical,e.g., clotrimazoleInhibition <strong>of</strong>cell wall synthesisSynthesisNNCClTriazoles systemic,e.g., fluconazoleNNNOHCH 2 C CH 2FNNNMitotic spindleDNA/RNAmetabolismGrise<strong>of</strong>ulvinFOHFNHO NHO5-FluorouracilOHNNUracilIncorporation intogrowing skin, hair, nails“Impregnation effect”Mold fungiFungal cellCytosinedeaminasePolyene AntibioticsNH 2NH 2NFNHONHONStreptomyces bacteriaAmphotericin BNystatinFlucytosine

286 Antiviral Drugs Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> Viral InfectionsViruses essentially consist <strong>of</strong> genetic material(nucleic acids) and a capsular envelopemade up <strong>of</strong> proteins, <strong>of</strong>ten with a coat <strong>of</strong> aphospholipid (PL) bilayer with embeddedproteins. They lack a metabolic system anddepend on the infected cell for their growthand replication. Targeted therapeutic suppression<strong>of</strong> viral replication requires selectiveinhibition <strong>of</strong> those metabolic processesthat specifically serve viral replication in infectedcells.Viral replication as exemplified by herpessimplex viruses (A).1. The viral particle attaches to the host cellmembrane (adsorption) viaenvelopeglycoproteinsthat make contact with specificstructures <strong>of</strong> the cell membrane.2. The viral coat fuses with the plasmalemma<strong>of</strong> host cells and the nucleocapsid (nucleicacidpluscapsule)entersthecellinterior(penetration).3. The capsule opens (“uncoating”) near thenuclear pores and viral DNA moves intothe cell nucleus. The genetic material <strong>of</strong>the virus can now direct the cell’s metabolicsystem.4a. Nucleic acid synthesis: The genetic material(DNA in this instance) is replicatedand RNA is produced for the purpose<strong>of</strong> protein synthesis.4b. The proteins are used as “viral enzymes”catalyzing viral multiplication(e. g., DNA polymerase and thymidinekinase), as capsomers, or as coat components,or are incorporated into thehost cell membrane.5. Individual components are assembled intonew virus particles (maturation).6. Release <strong>of</strong> daughter viruses results inspread <strong>of</strong> virus inside and outside the organism.With herpesviruses, replication entails hostcell destruction and development <strong>of</strong> diseasesymptoms.Antiviral mechanisms (A). The organism candisrupt viral replication with the aid <strong>of</strong> cytotoxicT-lymphocytes that recognize and destroyvirus-producing cells (presenting viralproteins on their surface, p. 304) or by means<strong>of</strong> antibodies that bind to and inactivate extracellularvirus particles. Vaccinations aredesigned to activate specific immunedefenses.Interferons (IFN) are glycoproteins that,among other products, are released fromvirus-infected cells. In neighboring cells, interferonstimulates the production <strong>of</strong> “antiviralproteins.” These inhibit the synthesis <strong>of</strong>viral proteins by (preferential) destruction <strong>of</strong>viral DNA or by suppressing its translation.Interferons are not directed against a specificvirus, but have a broad spectrum <strong>of</strong> antiviralaction that is, however, species-specific.Thus, interferon for use in humans must beobtained from cells <strong>of</strong> human origin, such asleukocytes (IFN-α), fibroblasts (IFN-β), orlymphocytes (IFN-γ). Interferons are usedin the treatment <strong>of</strong> certain viral diseases, aswell as malignant neoplasias and autoimmunediseases; e. g., IFN-α for the treatment<strong>of</strong> chronic hepatitis C and hairy cell leukemia;and IFN-β in severe herpes virus infectionsand multiple sclerosis.Virustatic antimetabolites are “false”DNA building blocks (B) ornucleosides.Anucleoside (e. g., thymidine) consists <strong>of</strong> anucleobase (e. g., thymine) and the sugar deoxyribose.In antimetabolites, one <strong>of</strong> thecomponents is defective. In the body, theabnormal nucleosides undergo bioactivationby attachment <strong>of</strong> three phosphate residues(p. 289).Idoxuridine and congeners are incorporatedinto DNA with deleterious results. Thisalso applies to the synthesis <strong>of</strong> human DNA.Therefore, idoxuridine and analogues aresuitable only for topical use (e. g., in herpessimplex keratitis).

Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> Viral Infections 287A. Virus multiplication and modes <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> antiviral agentsVirusinfectedcell1. AdsorptionGlycoproteinInterferonProteins withantigenic propertiesSpecific immunedefensee.g., cytotoxicT-lymphocytes2. Penetration3. UncoatingDNAAntiviralproteins4a. Nucleic acidsynthesisRNA4b. Protein synthesisViral DNApolymerase6. ReleaseCapsuleEnvelopeDNA5. MaturationB. Chemical structure <strong>of</strong> virustatic antimetabolitesCorrect:ThymidineThymineDesoxyriboseOHNO NHOCH 2 OOHCH3Antimetabolites = incorrect DNA building blocksOincorrect base HNO NHOCH 2 Oincorrect sugarOHRR: -I Idoxuridine-CF 3 TrifluridineInsertion intoDNA instead<strong>of</strong> thymidineNH 2 O CH 2 OH3C CH CH C H2CCH 2CH 3Valaciclovir,prodrugOGuanineAcyclovirHNOH2NNHOCH 2 OH2NInhibition <strong>of</strong> viral DNA polymeraseNNHNONHOCH 2 OOHGanciclovirNNGuanine

288 Antiviral DrugsAmong virustatic antimetabolites, aciclovir(A) has both specificity <strong>of</strong> the highest degreeand optimal tolerability because it undergoesbioactivation only in infected cells,where it preferentially inhibits viral DNAsynthesis. (1) A virally coded thymidine kinase(specific to herpes simplex and varicella-zosterviruses) performs the initial phosphorylationstep; the remaining two phosphateresidues are attached by cellular kinases.(2) The polar phosphate residuesrender aciclovir triphosphate membraneimpermeableand cause it to accumulate ininfected cells. (3) Aciclovir triphosphate is apreferred substrate <strong>of</strong> viral DNA polymerase;it inhibits enzyme activity and, following itsincorporation into viral DNA, induces strandbreakagebecauseitlacksthe3′-OH group <strong>of</strong>deoxyribose that is required for the attachment<strong>of</strong> additional nucleotides. The hightherapeutic value <strong>of</strong> aciclovir is evident insevere infections with herpes simplex viruses(e. g., encephalitis, generalized infection)and varicella-zoster viruses (e. g., severeherpes zoster). In these cases, it can begiven by i.v. infusion. Aciclovir may also begiven orally despite its incomplete (15–30%)enteral absorption. In addition, it has topicaluses. Because host DNA synthesis remainsunaffected, adverse effects do not includebone marrow depression.In valaciclovir, thehydroxylgroupisesterifiedwith the amino acid L-valine(p. 287B). This allows utilization <strong>of</strong> an enteraldipeptide transporter, leading to an enteralabsorption rate almost double that <strong>of</strong> aciclovir.Subsequent cleavage <strong>of</strong> the valine residueyields aciclovir.Famciclovir is an antiherpetic prodrug(active species penciclovir) with good oralbioavailability.Ganciclovir (structure on p. 287B) isusedin the treatment <strong>of</strong> severe infections withcytomegaly viruses (also belonging to theherpes group); these do not form thymidinekinase, phosphorylation being initiated by adifferent viral enzyme. Ganciclovir is lesswell tolerated and, not infrequently, producesleukopenia and thrombopenia. It is infusedor administered orally as a valine ester(valganciclovir).Foscarnet represents a diphosphate analogue.Incorporation <strong>of</strong> nucleotide into aDNA strand entails cleavage <strong>of</strong> a diphosphateresidue. Foscarnet inhibits DNA polymeraseby interacting with its binding site for thediphosphate group. Indications: systemictherapy in severe cytomegaly infections inAIDS patients; local therapy <strong>of</strong> herpes simplexinfections.Drugs against influenza viruses (C). Amantadinespecifically affects the replication <strong>of</strong>influenza A (RNA) viruses, the causativeagents <strong>of</strong> true influenza. These viruses areendocytosed into the cell. Release <strong>of</strong> viralRNA requires protons from the acidic content<strong>of</strong> endosomes to penetrate into the virus.Amantadine blocks a channel protein inthe viral coat that permits influx <strong>of</strong> protons.Thus, “uncoating” is prevented. The drug isused for prophylaxis and, hence, must betaken before the outbreak <strong>of</strong> symptoms. Itis also an antiparkinsonian drug (p.188).Neuraminidase inhibitors prevent the release<strong>of</strong> influenza A and B viruses. Normally,the viral neuraminidase splits <strong>of</strong>f N-acetylneuraminic(sialic) acid residues on the cellularsurface coat, thereby enabling newlyformed viral particles to be detached fromthe host cell. Zanamivir is given by inhalation;oseltamivir is suitable for oral administrationbecause it is an ester prodrug. Possibleuses include treatment and prophylaxis<strong>of</strong> influenza virus infections.

Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> Viral Infections 289A. Activation <strong>of</strong> acyclovir and inhibition <strong>of</strong> viral DNA synthesisAcyclovirInfected cell:herpes simplexor varicella-zosterCellular kinasesViralthymidinekinaseHOOPO –OViral DNA templateOO OHNH2NNP O PO CH 2OO – O – H 2 CActive antimetaboliteNNCH 2OBase5'CH 2 OOBaseCH 2 OOBaseCH 2 ODNA-chainterminationP 3' P3'PODNAsynthesisHOPPViralDNA polymeraseInhibitionB. Inhibitor <strong>of</strong> DNA-polymerase:B. FoscarnetC. Prophylaxis for viral fluInfluenza A virusBaseOPOPO CH2O3´HOOEndosomeViral channelproteinH +ONH 2OPOOOCOViralDNA polymeraseInhibition <strong>of</strong>uncoatingAmantadineOPOOFoscarnetInhibition <strong>of</strong>releaseNeuraminidaseinhibitors

290 Antiviral Drugs Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> AIDSReplication <strong>of</strong> the human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV), the causative agent <strong>of</strong>AIDS, is susceptible to targeted interventionsbecause it entails several obligatory steps invirus-specific metabolism (A). First, the virusdocks at the CD4 complex <strong>of</strong> T-helper lymphocytesby means <strong>of</strong> a glycoprotein in theviral coat (p. 304). A fusion protein is thenextruded from the viral coat, by which fusion<strong>of</strong> the latter and the cell membrane is initiated.Next, viral RNA is transcribed into DNA,a step catalyzed by viral “reverse transcriptase.”Double-stranded DNA is incorporatedinto the host genome with the help <strong>of</strong> viralintegrase. Under control by viral DNA, viralreplication can then be initiated, with synthesis<strong>of</strong> viral RNA and proteins (includingenzymessuchasreversetranscriptaseandintegrase, and structural proteins such as thematrix protein lining the inside <strong>of</strong> the viralenvelope). These proteins are not assembledindividually but in the form <strong>of</strong> polyproteins.An N-terminal fatty acid (myristoyl) residuepromotes their attachment to the interiorface <strong>of</strong> the plasmalemma. As the virus particlebuds<strong>of</strong>fthehostcell,itcarrieswithitthe affected membrane area as its envelope.During this process, a protease containedwithin the polyprotein cleaves the latter intoindividual functionally active proteins.I. Inhibitors <strong>of</strong> Reverse Transcriptase—Nucleoside AgentsRepresentatives <strong>of</strong> this group include zidovudine,stavudine, zalcitabine, didanosine,and lamivudine. They are nucleosides containingan abnormal sugar moiety and requirebioactivation by phosphorylation (cf.zidovudine in A). As triphosphates, they inhibitreverse transcriptase and cause strandbreakage following incorporation into viralDNA. The substances are administered orally.In part, they differ in their spectrum <strong>of</strong>adverse effects (e. g., leukopenia with zidovudine;peripheral neuropathy and pancreatitiswith the others) and in the mechanismsresponsible for development <strong>of</strong> resistance.AIDS therapy mostly employs combinations<strong>of</strong> two members <strong>of</strong> this group plus either anonnucleoside inhibitor (see below) or oneto two protease inhibitors (see below).Nonnucleoside InhibitorsNevirapine and efavirenz areactiveinhibitors<strong>of</strong> reverse transcriptase, that is, they donot require phosphorylation. Adverse reactionsinclude rashes and interactions involvingcytochrome P450 isozymes (CYP).II. HIV protease InhibitorsInhibitors <strong>of</strong> viral protease prevent cleavage<strong>of</strong> inactive precursor proteins, and henceviral maturation. They are administeredorally.Saquinavir could be considered an abnormalpeptide. Its bioavailability is low. Ritonavir,indinavir, nelfinavir, andamprenavirare other protease inhibitors that in partexhibit markedly higher bioavailability. Biotransformation<strong>of</strong> these drugs involves CYPenzymes and is therefore subject to interactionwith various other drugs metabolizedvia this route. Prolonged administrationmay be associated with a peculiar redistribution<strong>of</strong> adipose tissue and metabolicdisturbances (hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance,hyperglycemia).III. Fusion InhibitorsEnfuvirtide is a peptide that binds to theviral fusion protein in such a manner as toprevent the necessary change in conformation.It is a reserve drug.

Drugs for the Treatment <strong>of</strong> AIDS 291A. AIDS drugsRNAEnvelopeFusion glycoproteinMatrix proteinReversetranscriptaseIntegraseFusion inhibitor Enfuvirtide,a peptide, s.c. administrationViral RNAInhibitors <strong>of</strong>reversetranscriptaseODNAOH NNCH 3HOCH 2ONN+ N –e.g., zidovudineViral RNAPolyproteinsInhibitors <strong>of</strong>HIV proteaseONNHH 2NOH NOProteaseHOPolyproteincleavageNOH 3CN HCH 3Mature viruse.g., saquinavirCH 3

292 Antiparasitic Drugs Drugs for Treating Endoparasiticand Ectoparasitic InfestationsAdverse hygienic conditions favor human infestationwith multicellular organisms (referredto here as parasites). Skin and hairare colonization sites for arthropod ectoparasites,such as insects (lice, fleas) and arachnids(mites). Against these, insecticidal andarachnicidal agents, respectively, can be used.Endoparasites invade the intestines or eveninternal organs and are mostly members <strong>of</strong>the phyla <strong>of</strong> flatworms and roundworms.They are combated with anthelmintics.Antihelmintics. As shown in the table, thenewer agents, praziquantel and mebendazole,are adequate for the treatment <strong>of</strong> diverseworm diseases. They are generally welltolerated, as are the other agents listed.Insecticides. Whereas fleas can be effectivelydealt with by disinfection <strong>of</strong>clothesand livingquarters, lice and mites require the topicalapplication <strong>of</strong> insecticides tothe infested subject.The following agents act mainly by interferingwith the activation or inactivation <strong>of</strong>neural voltage-gated insect sodium channels.Chlorphenothane (DDT) kills insects afterabsorption <strong>of</strong> a very low amount, e. g., via footcontact with sprayed surfaces (contact insecticide).The cause <strong>of</strong> death is nervous systemdamage and seizures. In humans DDT causesacute neurotoxicity only after absorption <strong>of</strong>very large amounts. DDT is chemically stableand is degraded in the environment and thebody at extremely slow rates. As a highlylipophilic substance, it accumulates in fat tissues.Widespread use <strong>of</strong> DDT in pest controlhas led to its accumulation in food chains toalarming levels. For this reason its use hasnow been banned in many countries.Lindane is the active γ-isomer <strong>of</strong> hexachlorocyclohexane.It also exerts a neurotoxicactiononinsects(aswellashumans).Irritation <strong>of</strong> skin or mucous membranes mayoccur after topical use. Lindane is active alsoagainst intradermal mites (Sarcoptes scabiei,causative agent <strong>of</strong> scabies), besides lice andfleas. Although it is more readily degradedthan DDT, it should be used only as a secondlineagent with appropriate precautions. Inthe United Kingdom its use for head lice hasbeen banned; in the United States it is notrecommended in young children and is contraindicatedin premature infants.Permethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, exhibitssimilar antiectoparasitic activity andmay be the drug <strong>of</strong> choice owing to its slowercutaneous absorption, fast hydrolytic inactivation,and rapid renal elimination.Therapy <strong>of</strong> Worm InfestationsWorms (helminths)Flatworms (platyhelminths)Tape worms (cestodes)Flukes (trematodes),e. g., Schistosoma species (bilharziasis)Roundworms (nematodes)Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura)Ascaris lumbricoidesTrichinella spiralis bStrongyloides stercoralisHookworms (Necator americanus,Ancylostoma duodenale)Anthelminthic Drug <strong>of</strong> ChoicePraziquantel a or niclosamidePraziquantelMebendazole or pyrantel pamoateMebendazoleMebendazole or pyrantel pamoateMebendazole and thiabendazoleThiabendazoleMebendazole or pyrantel pamoatea Not for ocular or spinal cord cysticercosis.b Thiabendazole in intestinal phase; mebendazole in tissue phase.

Drugs against Endo- and Ectoparasites 293A. Endoparasites and ectoparasites: therapeutic agentsTapewormse.g., beeftapewormLouseSpasm,injury <strong>of</strong>integumentClRoundworms,e.g.,ascarisOCOCNNMebendazoleOPinwormPraziquantelNHN NH COOCH3Damage to nervous system: convulsions, deathChlorphenothane(DDT)FleaClClClHC C ClClClClClClClHexachlorocyclohexane(Lindane)TrichinellalarvaeScabies mite

294 Antiparasitic Drugs AntimalarialsThe causative agents <strong>of</strong> malaria are plasmodia,unicellular organisms (Order Hemosporidia,Class Protozoa). The infective form, thesporozoite, is inoculated into skin capillarieswhen infected female Anopheles mosquitoes(A) suck blood from humans. The sporozoitesinvade liver parenchymal cells, wherethey develop into primary tissue schizonts.Thesegiverisetonumerousmerozoitesthatenter the blood. The preerythrocytic stage isasymptomatic. In blood, the parasite enterserythrocytes (erythrocytic stage), where itagain multiplies by schizogony, resulting inthe formation <strong>of</strong> more merozoites. Rupture<strong>of</strong> the infected erythrocytes releases themerozoites and pyrogens. A fever attack ensuesand more erythrocytes are infected. Thegeneration period for the next crop <strong>of</strong> merozoitesdetermines the interval between feverattacks. With Plasmodium vivax and P.ovale, there can be a parallel multiplicationin the liver (paraerythrocytic stage). Moreover,some sporozoites may become dormantin the liver as “hypnozoites” beforeentering schizogony.Different antimalarials selectively kill theparasite’s different developmental forms.The mechanism <strong>of</strong> action is known for someagents: Chloroquine and quinine accumulatewithin the acidic vacuoles <strong>of</strong> blood schizontsand inhibit polymerization <strong>of</strong> heme releasedfrom digested hemoglobin, free heme beingtoxic for the schizonts. Pyrimethamine inhibitsprotozoal dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductase(p. 274), as does chlorguanide (proguanil)via its active metabolite cycloguanil. The sulfonamidesulfadoxine inhibits synthesis <strong>of</strong>dihydr<strong>of</strong>olic acid (p. 274). Dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductaseis also blocked by cycloguanil, theactive form <strong>of</strong> proguanil. Atoquavone suppressessynthesis <strong>of</strong> pyrimidine bases, probablyby interfering with mitochondrial electrontransport. Artemesinin derivatives (artemether,artesunate) originate from the EastAsian plant Qinghaosu (Artemisia sp.) Itsantischizontal effect appears to involve a reactionbetween heme iron and the epoxidegroup <strong>of</strong> these compounds.Antimalarial drug choice takes tolerabilityand plasmodial resistance into account.Tolerability. The oldest antimalarial, quinine,has the smallest therapeutic margin.All newer agents are rather well tolerated.Plasmodium falciparum, responsibleforthemostdangerousform<strong>of</strong>malaria,isparticularlyprone to develop drug resistance. Theprevalence <strong>of</strong> resistant strains rises with increasingfrequency<strong>of</strong> drug use. Resistance hasbeen reported for chloroquine and also thecombination pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine.Drug choice for antimalarial chemoprophylaxis.In areas with a risk <strong>of</strong> malaria, continuousintake <strong>of</strong> antimalarials affords the bestprotection against the disease, though notagainst infection. Primaquine would be effectiveagainst primary tissue schizonts <strong>of</strong> allplasmodial species; however, it is not usedfor long-term prophylaxis because <strong>of</strong> unsatisfactorytolerability and the risk <strong>of</strong> plasmodialresistance. Instead, prophylactic regimensemploy agents against blood schizonts.Depending on the presence <strong>of</strong> resistantstrains, use can be made <strong>of</strong> chloroquine,and/or proguanil, mefloquine, the tetracyclinedoxycycline, as well as the combination<strong>of</strong> atoquavone and proguanil.These drugs do not prevent the (symptom-free)hepatic infection but only the disease-causinginfection <strong>of</strong> erythrocytes (“suppressiontherapy”). On a person’s returnfrom an endemic malaria region, a two-weekcourse <strong>of</strong> primaquine is adequate for eradication<strong>of</strong> the late hepatic stages (P. vivax andP. ovale).Protection from mosquito bites (with nets,skin-covering clothes, etc.) is a very importantprophylactic measure.Therapy. Antimalarial therapy employs thesame agents, in addition to the combinations<strong>of</strong> artemether plus lumefantrine or pyrimethamineplus sulfadoxine.

Antimalarials 295A. Malaria: stages <strong>of</strong> the plasmodial life cycle in the human: therapeutic optionsSporozoitesHepatocytePrimary tissue schizontPrimaquineHypnozoitePreerythrocytic cycle1-4 weeksP. falciparumMerozoitesProguanilPyrimethamineOnlyP. vivaxP. ovaleErythrocytic cycleErythrocyteBloodschizontChloroquineMefloquineQuinineLumefantrineArtemetherAtovaquoneProguanilPyrimethamineSulfadoxineFeverFeverPrimaquine2 days :Tertian malariaP. vivax, P. ovale3 days:Quartan malariaP. malariaeNo feverperiodicity:Pernicious malaria:P. falciparumnot P. falciparumGametocytesChloroquineQuinineFever

296 Antiparasitic Drugs Other Tropical DiseasesIn addition to malaria, other tropical diseasesand their treatment will be considered forthe following reasons. (1) Owing to the tremendousgrowthinglobaltravel,inhabitants<strong>of</strong> temperate climatic zones have becomeexposed to the hazard <strong>of</strong> infection with tropicaldisease pathogens. (2) The spread <strong>of</strong>some tropical diseases is <strong>of</strong> unimaginabledimensions, with humans victims numberingin the millions. The pharmacotherapeuticpossibilities known to date will be presented.Amebiasis. The causative agent, Entamoebahistolytica, livesandmultipliesinthecolon(symptom: diarrhea), its cyst form residingalso in the liver among other sites. In tropicalregions, up to half the population can beinfested, transmission occurring by the fecal–oralroute. The most effective treatmentagainst both intestinal infestation and systemicdisease is administration <strong>of</strong> metronidazole.If monotherapy fails, combinationtherapy with chloroquine, emetine or tetracyclinesmay be indicated.Leishmaniasis. The causative agents are flagellatedprotozoa that are transmitted bysand flies to humans. The parasites are takenup into phagocytes, where they remain inphagolysosomes and multiply until the celldies and the parasites can infect new cells.Symptoms: A visceral form, known as kalaazar,and cutaneous or mucocutaneousforms exist (A). An estimated 12 million humansare affected. Therapy is dif cult; pentavalentantimonial compounds, such as stibogluconate,must be given for extendedperiods. Adverse effects are pronounced.Trypanosomiasis. The pathogens, Trypanosomabrucei (sleeping sickness) and T. cruzi(Chagas disease), are flagellated protozoa. T.brucei (C) is transmitted by the tsetse fly,distributed in West and East Africa. An initialstage (swelling <strong>of</strong> lymph nodes, malaise,hepatosplenomegaly, among others) is followedby invasion <strong>of</strong> the CNS with lethargy,extrapyramidal motor disturbances, Parkinson-likesigns, coma, and death. Therapy:Long-term suramine i.v. or pentamidine (lesseffective); arsenicals (e. g., melarsoprol,highly toxic), when the CNS is involved.T. cruzi is confined to Central and SouthAmerica and transmitted by blood-suckingreduviid bugs. These parasites preferentiallyinfiltrate the cardiac musculature, wherethey cause damage to muscle fibers and thespecialized conducting tissue. Death resultsfrom cardiac failure. Therapy: unsatisfactory.Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) (see alsop. 292). The causative organisms are trematodeswith a complex life cycle that need(aquatic)snailsasintermediatehosts.Freeswimminglarval cercariae penetrate the intactskin <strong>of</strong> humans. The adult worms (Schistosomamansoni, D) live in the venous vasculature.Occurrence: tropical countries rich inaquatic habitats. About 200 million humansare af icted. Therapy: praziquantel, 10–40 mg/kg, single dose, is highly effective withminimal adverse effects. Substances releasedfrom decaying worms may cause problems.Filariasis. In its micr<strong>of</strong>orm, Wuchereria bancr<strong>of</strong>tiis transmitted by mosquitoes; the adultparasites live in the lymph system and causeinflammations and blockage <strong>of</strong> lymph drainageleading to elephantiasis in extreme cases(B). Therapy: diethylcarbamazepine for severalweeks; adverse reactions are chiefly dueto products from disintegrating worms.Onchocerciasis (“River Blindness”). Thecausative organism is Onchocerca volvulus,a filaria transmitted by black flies (genusSimulium). The adult parasites (several centimeterslong) form tangles and proliferatingnodules (onchocercomas) in the skin andhave a particular propensity for invadingthe eyeball, resulting in blindness. About 20million people inhabiting banks <strong>of</strong> fast-flowingrivers are af icted with river blindness.Therapy: ivermectin (0.15 mg/kg, singledose); adverse reactions are in part causedby disintegrating worms.

Other Tropical Diseases 297A. Cutaneous leishmaniasisCausative agent: Leishmania majorB. ElephantiasisCausative agent: Wuchereria bancr<strong>of</strong>tiC. Trypanosoma bruceiCausative agent <strong>of</strong> sleeping sicknessD. Schistosoma mansoniCausative agent <strong>of</strong> bilharziasis

298 Anticancer Drugs Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> MalignantTumorsA tumor (neoplasm) consists <strong>of</strong> cells thatproliferate independently <strong>of</strong> the body’s inherent“building plan.” A malignant tumor(cancer) is present when the tumor tissuedestructively invades healthy surroundingtissue or when dislodged tumor cells formsecondary tumors (metastases) in other organs.A cure requires the elimination <strong>of</strong> allmalignant cells (curative therapy). Whenthis is not possible, attempts can be madeto slow tumor growth and thereby prolongthe patient’s life or improve quality <strong>of</strong> life(palliative therapy). Chemotherapy is facedwith the problem that the malignant cellsare endogenous and almost lacking in specificmetabolic properties.Cytostatics (A) are cytotoxic substances thatparticularly affect proliferating or dividing(mitotic) cells. Rapidly dividing malignantcells are preferentially injured. Damage tomitotic processes not only retards tumorgrowth but also may initiate apoptosis (programmedcell death). Tissues with a lowmitosis rate are largely unaffected; likewise,most healthy tissues. This, however, also appliesto malignant tumors consisting <strong>of</strong>slowly dividing differentiated cells.Tissues that have a physiologically highmitosis rate are bound to be affected bycytostatic therapy. Thus, typical adverse effectsoccur. Loss <strong>of</strong> hair results from injury tohair follicles; gastrointestinal disturbances,such as diarrhea, from inadequate replacement<strong>of</strong> enterocytes whose lifespan is limitedto a few days; nausea and vomiting fromstimulation <strong>of</strong> area postrema chemoreceptors(p. 342); and lowered resistance to infectionfrom weakening <strong>of</strong> the immune system(p. 304). In addition, cytostatics cause bonemarrow depression. Resupply <strong>of</strong> blood cellsdepends on the mitotic activity <strong>of</strong> bone marrowstem and daughter cells. When myeloidproliferation is arrested, the short-livedgranulocytes are the first to be affected (neutropenia),then blood platelets (thrombopenia)and, finally, the more long-lived erythrocytes(anemia). Infertility is caused by suppression<strong>of</strong> spermatogenesis or follicle maturation.Most cytostatics disrupt DNAmetabolism. This entails the risk <strong>of</strong> a potentialgenomic alteration in healthy cells (mutageniceffect). Conceivably, the latteraccounts for the occurrence <strong>of</strong> leukemiasseveral years after cytostatic therapy (carcinogeniceffect). Furthermore, congenitalmalformations are to be expected when cytostaticsmust be used during pregnancy(teratogenic effect).Cytostatics possess different mechanisms<strong>of</strong> action.Damagetothemitoticspindle(B).The contractileproteins <strong>of</strong> the spindle apparatusmust draw apart the replicated chromosomesbefore the cell can divide. This processis prevented by the so-called spindle poisons(see also colchicine, p. 326) that arrest mitosisat metaphase by disrupting the assemblyinto spindle threads <strong>of</strong> microtubuli. Theseconsist <strong>of</strong> the proteins α-and β-tubulin. Surplustubuli are broken down, enabling thetubulin subunits to be recycled.The vinca alkaloids, vincristine and vinblastine(from the periwinkle plant, Vincarosea), inhibit the polymerization <strong>of</strong> tubulinsubunits into microtubuli. Damage to thenervoussystemisapredictedadverseeffectarising from injury to microtubule-operatedaxonal transport mechanisms.Paclitaxel,fromthebark<strong>of</strong>thepacificyew(Taxus brevifolia), inhibits disassembly <strong>of</strong> microtubulesand induces formation <strong>of</strong> atypicalones, and thus impedes the reassemblage <strong>of</strong>tubulins into properly functioning microtubules.Docetaxel is a semisynthetic derivative.

Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> Malignant Tumors 299A. Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> tumors: principal and adverse effectsMalignant tissuewith numerous mitosesCytostatics inhibitcell divisionHealthy tissuewith few mitosesWanted effect:inhibition <strong>of</strong>tumor growthLittle effectHealthy tissue withnumerous mitosesLymph nodeDamage to hair follicleHair lossInhibition <strong>of</strong>ephithelial renewalUnwanted effectsInhibition <strong>of</strong>lymphocytemultiplication:immuneweaknessLowered resistanceto infectionBone marrowInhibition <strong>of</strong>granulo-,thrombocyto-,and erythropoiesisDiarrheaGerminal cell damageB. Cytostatics: inhibition <strong>of</strong> mitosisInhibition <strong>of</strong>formationVinca alkaloids,e.g., vinblastineMicrotubules<strong>of</strong> mitotic spindleTaxoids,e.g., paclitaxelInhibition <strong>of</strong>degradationVinca roseaWestern yew tree

300 Anticancer DrugsInhibition <strong>of</strong> DNA and RNA synthesis (A).Mitosis is preceded by replication <strong>of</strong> chromosomes(DNA synthesis) and increasedprotein synthesis (RNA synthesis). ExistingDNA(gray)servesasatemplateforthesynthesis<strong>of</strong> new (blue) DNA or RNA. De-novosynthesis may be inhibited by the followingmechanisms.Damagetothetemplate(1).Alkylating cytostaticsarereactivecompoundsthattransferalkyl residues into a covalent bond withDNA. For instance, mechlorethamine (nitrogenmustard) is able to cross-link doublestrandedDNA on giving <strong>of</strong>f its chlorineatoms. Correct reading <strong>of</strong> genetic informationis thereby rendered impossible. Otheralkylating agents are chlorambucil, melphalan,thio-TEPA, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide,lomustine, and busulfan. Specificadverse reactions include irreversible pulmonaryfibrosis due to busulfan and hemorrhagiccystitis caused by the cyclophosphamidemetabolite acrolein (preventable bythe uro-protectant mesna = sodium 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate).The platinum-containingcompounds cisplatin and carboplatinrelease platinum, which binds to DNA.Cystostatic antibiotics insert themselvesinto the DNA double strand; this may lead tostrand breakage (e. g., with bleomycin). Theanthracycline antibiotics daunorubicin andadriamycin (doxorubicin) may induce cardiomyopathy.Bleomycin can also cause pulmonaryfibrosis.Induction <strong>of</strong> strand breakage may resultfrom inhibition <strong>of</strong> topoisomerase. The epipodophyllotoxinsetoposide and tenoposideinteract with topoisomerase II, which functionsto split, transpose, and reseal DNAstrands (p. 276); these agents cause strandbreakage by inhibiting resealing. The “tecans”topotecan and irinotecan are derivatives<strong>of</strong>camptothecinfromthefruits<strong>of</strong>aChinesetree(Camptotheca acuminata). Theyinhibit topoisomerase I, which inducesbreaks in single-strand DNA.Inhibition <strong>of</strong> nucleobase synthesis (2). Tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olicacid (THF) is required for thesynthesis <strong>of</strong> both purine bases and thymidine.Formation <strong>of</strong> THF from folic acid involvesdihydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductase (p. 274). Thefolate analogues aminopterin and methotrexate(amethopterin) inhibit enzyme activity.Cellular stores <strong>of</strong> THF are depleted. The effect<strong>of</strong> these antimetabolites can be reversed byadministration <strong>of</strong> folinic acid (5-formyl-THF,leucovorin, citrovorum factor). Hydroxyurea(hydroxycarbamide) inhibits ribonucleotidereductase that normally converts ribonucleotidesinto deoxyribonucleotides subsequentlyused as DNA building blocks.Incorporation <strong>of</strong> false building blocks (3).Unnatural nucleobases (6-mercaptopurine;5-fluorouracil) or nucleosides with incorrectsugars (cytarabine) act as antimetabolites.They inhibit DNA/RNA synthesis or lead tosynthesis <strong>of</strong> missense nucleic acids.6-Mercaptopurine results from biotransformation<strong>of</strong> the inactive precursor azathioprine(p. 37). The uricostatic allopurinol(p. 327) inhibits the degradation <strong>of</strong> 6-mercaptopurinesuch that coadministration <strong>of</strong>the two drugs requires dose reduction <strong>of</strong>the latter.Combination therapy. Cytostatics are frequentlyadministered in complex therapeuticregimens designed to improve ef cacyand tolerability <strong>of</strong> treatment.Supportive therapy. Cancer chemotherapycan be supported by adjunctive medications.Thus, 5-HT 3 serotonin receptor antagonists(e. g., ondansetron, p. 342) afford effectiveprotection against vomiting induced byhighly emetogenic drugs such as cisplatin.Bone marrow depression can be counteractedby granulocyte and granulocyte/macrophagecolony-stimulating factors (filgrastimand lenograstim and molgramostim, respectively).

Chemotherapy <strong>of</strong> Malignant Tumors 301A. Cytostatics: alkylating agents and cytostatic antibiotics (1),inhibitors <strong>of</strong> tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olate synthesis (2), antimetabolites (3)DNADamageto templatePtAlkylation,e.g., bymechlorethamineBinding<strong>of</strong> platinumInsertioninto DNA, e.g.,doxorubicinH 2 NNNCl CH 2 CH 2N CH 3Cl CH 2 C 2NHMechlorethamineHO+NCH 2 CH 2 CH 3NH 2 C1Induction <strong>of</strong>strand breaksTopoisomeraseinhibitors:epipodophyllotoxins,tecansH 2 C +NOHNNNNH 2Inhibition <strong>of</strong> nucleotide synthesisBuilding blocksPurinesThyminenucleotideTetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olateDihydr<strong>of</strong>olatereductaseFolic acidRNAInhibition byH 2N NNOHNNCH 2NHMethotrexateNH 2CH 32DNADNAPurine antimetaboliteSHHNNN N6-Mercaptopurinefrom azathioprineInsertion <strong>of</strong> incorrect building blocksinstead <strong>of</strong>NH2HNNN NAdenine3Pyrimidine antimetabolite5-Fluorouracilinstead <strong>of</strong> UracilCytarabine Cytosine CytosineArabinoseinstead <strong>of</strong> Desoxyribose

302 Anticancer Drugs Targeting <strong>of</strong> Antineoplastic DrugAction (A)When degenerating neoplastic cells displayspecial metabolic properties which are differentfrom those <strong>of</strong> normal cells, targetedpharmacotherapeuticintervention becomes possible.Imatinib. Chronic myelogenous leukemia(CML) results from a genetic defect in thehematopoietic stem cells <strong>of</strong> the bone marrow.Nearly all CML patients possess thePhiladelphia chromosome. It results fromtranslocation between chromosomes 9 and22 <strong>of</strong> the c-abl protooncogene, leading to thehybrid bcr-abl fusion gene on chromosome22. The recombinant gene encodes a tyrosinekinase mutant with unregulated (constitutive),enhanced activity that promotes cellproliferation. Imatinib is a tyrosine kinaseinhibitor that specifically affects this mutantbut also interacts with some other kinases. Itcan be used orally in Philadelphia chromosome-positiveCML.Asparaginase cleaves the amino acid asparagineinto aspartate and ammonia. Certaincells, in particular the tumor cells inacute lymphatic leukemia, require asparaginefor protein synthesis and must take itup from the extracellular space, whereasmany other cell types are themselves ableto synthesize asparagine. Supply <strong>of</strong> the aminoacid can be disrupted by administration<strong>of</strong> the asparagine-hydrolyzing enzyme. Consequently,protein synthesis and proliferation<strong>of</strong> neoplastic cells are inhibited. Asparaginaseis obtained from E. coli bacteria ormay be <strong>of</strong> plant origin (Erwinia chrysanthemi),when it is also named crisantaspase.Allergic reactions against the exogenousprotein occur after parenteral administration.Trastuzumab exemplifies a growingnumber <strong>of</strong> monoclonal antibodies that havebecome available for antineoplastic therapy.These are directed against cell surface proteinsthat are strongly expressed by cancercells. Trastuzumab binds to HER2, the receptorfor epidermal growth factor. The density<strong>of</strong> this receptor is greatly increased in sometypes <strong>of</strong> breast cancer. When the tumor cellshave bound antibody, immune cells can recognizethem as elements to be eliminated.Trastuzumab is indicated in advanced casesunder certain conditions. The antibody iscardiotoxic; it is likely that cardiomyocytesalso express HER2. Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> Resistance toCytostatics (B)Initial success can be followed by loss <strong>of</strong>effect because <strong>of</strong> the emergence <strong>of</strong> resistanttumor cells. Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> resistance aremultifactorial. Diminished cellular uptake may resultfrom reduced synthesis <strong>of</strong> a transport proteinthat may be needed for membranepenetration (e. g., methotrexate). Augmented drug extrusion: increased synthesis<strong>of</strong> the P-glycoprotein that extrudesdrugs from the cell (e. g., anthracyclines,vinca alkaloids, epipodophyllotoxins, andpaclitaxel) is responsible for multidrugresistance (mdr1 gene amplification). Diminished bioactivation <strong>of</strong> a prodrug,e.g.,cytarabine, which requires intracellularphosphorylation to become cytotoxic. Change in site <strong>of</strong> action: e. g., increasedsynthesis <strong>of</strong> dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductase mayoccur as a compensatory response to methotrexate. Damage repair: DNA repair enzymes maybecome more ef cient in repairing defectscaused by cisplatin. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> apoptosisdue to activation <strong>of</strong> antiapoptotic cellularmechanisms.

Targeting <strong>of</strong> Antineoplastic Drugs 303A. Targeting <strong>of</strong> antineoplastic drug actionChronic myelogenousleukemiaPhiladelphiachromosomeAcute lymphatic leukemiaNormal cellsBreast carcinomain 1/4 <strong>of</strong> cases:Overexpression<strong>of</strong> HER2Tyrosinekinasemutant withconstitutivelyenhancedactivityCell proliferationImatinibUptake <strong>of</strong>L-asparagineNH 3L-AspartateEndogenoussynthesis<strong>of</strong> L-asparagineAsparaginaseH HumanE Epidermal growth factorR ReceptorTrastuzumabB. Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> cytostatic resistanceCytostatic drugUptakeDecreaseMutationand selection<strong>of</strong> resistantcellsEfflux pumpingIncreaseBioactivationDecreaseSite <strong>of</strong> actionChangeEffectDamageRepairApoptosisInhibition

304 Immune Modulators Inhibition <strong>of</strong> Immune ResponsesBoth the prevention <strong>of</strong> transplant rejectionand the treatment <strong>of</strong> autoimmune disorderscall for a suppression <strong>of</strong> immune responses.However, immune suppression also entailsweakened defenses against infectious pathogensand a long-term increase in the risk <strong>of</strong>neoplasms.A specific immune response begins withthe binding <strong>of</strong> antigen by lymphocytes carryingspecific receptors with the appropriateantigen-binding site. B-lymphocytes “recognize”antigen surface structures by means <strong>of</strong>membrane receptors that resemble the antibodiesformed subsequently. T-lymphocytes(and naive B cells) require the antigen to bepresented on the surface <strong>of</strong> macrophages orother cells in conjunction with the majorhistocompatibility complex (MHC); the latterpermits recognition <strong>of</strong> antigenic structuresby means <strong>of</strong> the T-cell receptor. T-helper(T H ) cells carry adjacent CD3 and CD4complexes, cytotoxic T cells a CD8 complex.The CD proteins assist in docking to theMHC. Besides recognition <strong>of</strong> antigen, stimulationby cytokines plays an essential part inthe activation <strong>of</strong> lymphocytes. Interleukin-1is formed by macrophages, and various interleukins(IL), including IL-2, are made by T-helper cells. As antigen-specific lymphocytesproliferate, immune defenses are set intomotion.I. Interference with antigen recognition.Muromonab CD3 is a monoclonal antibodydirected against mouse CD3 that blocks antigenrecognition by T-lymphocytes (use ingraft rejection).Glatirameracetate consists <strong>of</strong> peptides <strong>of</strong>varying lengths, polymerized in random sequencefrom the amino acids glutamine, lysine,alanine, and tyrosine. It can be used inthe treatment <strong>of</strong> multiple sclerosis besides β-interferon. This disease is caused by a T-lymphocyte-mediatedautoaggression directedagainst oligodendrocytes that form myelinsheaths <strong>of</strong> CNS axons. The culprit antigenappears to be myelin basic protein. Glatiramerresembles the latter; by blocking antigenreceptors, it interferes with antigen recognitionby lymphocytes.II. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> cytokine production andaction. Glucocorticoids modulate the expression<strong>of</strong> numerous genes; thus, the production<strong>of</strong> IL-1 and IL-2 is inhibited, whichexplains the suppression <strong>of</strong> T-cell-dependentimmune responses. In addition, glucocorticoidsinterfere with inflammatory cytokinesand signaling molecules at various othersites. Glucocorticoids are used in organtransplantations, autoimmune diseases, andallergic disorders. Systemic use carries therisk <strong>of</strong> iatrogenic Cushing syndrome (p. 244).Ciclosporin and related substances inhibitthe production <strong>of</strong> cytokines, in particularinterleukin-2. In contrast to glucocorticoids,the plethora <strong>of</strong> accompanying metabolic effectsisabsent(seep.306formoredetails).Daclizumab and basiliximab are monoclonalantibodies against the receptor for IL-2. They consist <strong>of</strong> murine Fab fragments andahumanFc-segment.Theyareusedtosuppresstransplant rejection reactions.Anakinra is a recombinant form <strong>of</strong> anendogenous antagonist at the interleukin-1receptor; it is used in rheumatoid arthritis(p. 332).III. Disruption <strong>of</strong> cell metabolism with inhibition<strong>of</strong> proliferation. At dosages belowthose needed to treat malignancies, somecytostatics are also employed for immunosuppression;e. g., azathioprine, methotrexate,and cyclophosphamide. The antiproliferativeeffect is not specific for lymphocytesand involves both T and B cells.Mycophenolate m<strong>of</strong>etil has a more specificeffect on lymphocytes than on other cells. Itinhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase,which catalyzes purine synthesis inlymphocytes. It is used in acute tissue rejectionresponses.

Inhibition <strong>of</strong> Immune Responses 305A. Immune reaction and immunosuppressivesAntigenMacrophagePhagocytosisDegradationPresentationVirus-infected cell,transplanted cell.tumor cellSynthesis <strong>of</strong>"foreign" proteinsPresentationGlucocorticoidsInhibition <strong>of</strong>cytokinesynthesis,e. g.,IL-1IL-2UptakeDegradationPresentationMHC IIMHC IICD4T-HelpercellIL-1CD3MHC IT-cellreceptorCD8CD3Muromonab-CD3monoclonalantibodyCalcineurininhibitorsB-LymphocyteInterleukinsIL-2T-LymphocyteInhibition <strong>of</strong>cytokinesynthesisIL-2ProliferationandDaclizumabBasiliximabIL-2 receptorblockadedifferentiationinto plasma cellsSirolimusSuppression<strong>of</strong> IL-2 effectCytotoxicT-lymphocytesAntibody-mediatedimmune reactionLymphokinesChemotaxisImmune reaction:delayedhypersensitivityElimination <strong>of</strong>“foreign” cellsCytotoxicantiproliferativesubstancesAzathioprineMethotrexateCyclophosphamideMycophenolatem<strong>of</strong>etil

306 Immune ModulatorsIV. Anti-T-cell immune serum is obtainedfrom animals immunized with human T-lymphocytes. The antibodies bind to anddamage T cells and can thus be used to attenuatetissue rejection.Ciclosporin is <strong>of</strong> fungal origin; it is a cyclicpeptide composed <strong>of</strong> 11, in part atypical,amino acids. Therefore, orally administeredciclosporin is not degraded by gastrointestinalproteases. In T-helper cells, it inhibits theproduction <strong>of</strong> interleukin-2 by interfering atthe level <strong>of</strong> transcriptional regulation. Normally,“nuclear factor <strong>of</strong> activated T cells,”(NFAT) promotes the expression <strong>of</strong> interleukin-2.This requires dephosphorylation <strong>of</strong> theprecursor, phosphorylated NFAT, by the phosphatasecalcineurin, enabling NFAT to enterthe cell nucleus from the cytosol. Ciclosporinbinds to the protein cyclophilin in the cellinterior; the complex inhibits calcineurin,hence the production <strong>of</strong> interleukin-2.The breakthroughs in modern transplantationmedicine are largely attributable to theintroduction <strong>of</strong> ciclosporin. It is now alsoemployed in certain autoimmune diseases,atopic dermatitis, and other disorders.The predominant adverse effect <strong>of</strong> ciclosporinis nephrotoxicity. Its dosage must betitrated so that blood levels are neither toohigh (risk <strong>of</strong> renal injury) nor too low (rejectionreaction). To complicate the problem,ciclosporin is a substance dif cult to managetherapeutically. Oral bioavailability is incomplete.Back-transport <strong>of</strong> the drug into the gutlumen occurs via the P-glycoprotein ef uxpump, in addition to metabolization by cytochromeoxidases <strong>of</strong> the 3A subfamily. HepaticCYP3A4 enzymes contribute to presystemicelimination and are responsible forelimination <strong>of</strong> systemically available ciclosporin.Diverse drug interactions may occurby interference with CYP3A and P-glycoprotein.For optimal dosage adjustment, monitoring<strong>of</strong> plasma levels is mandatory.Drug-mediated suppression <strong>of</strong> transplantrejection entails long-term treatment. Protractedimmunosuppression carries an increasedrisk <strong>of</strong> malignomas. Risk factors forcardiovascular diseases may be adversely affected—acritical and important concern inlong-term prognosis.Tacrolimus is a macrolide antibiotic fromStreptomyces tsukubaensis. In principle, itacts like ciclosporin. At the molecular level,however, its “receptor” is not cyclophilin buta so-called FK-binding protein. Tacrolimus islikewise used to prevent allograft rejection.Its epithelial penetrability is superior to that<strong>of</strong> ciclosporin, allowing topical application inatopic dermatitis.Sirolimus (rapamycin) isanothermacrolide,produced by Streptomyces hydroscopicus.Its immunosuppressant action, evidently,does not appear to involve inhibition<strong>of</strong> calcineurin. It forms a complex with theFK protein, imparting a special conformationon it; and the complex then inhibits themTOR (mammalian target <strong>of</strong> rapamycin)phosphatase. The latter operates in the signalingpath leading from the interleukin-2receptor to activation <strong>of</strong> mitosis in lymphocytes.Thus, sirolimus inhibits lymphocyteproliferation. It is approved for the prevention<strong>of</strong> transplant rejection.

Inhibition <strong>of</strong> Immune Responses 307A. Calcineurin inhibitors and sirolimus (rapamycin)Activated T-helper lymphocyteCyclophilinCiclosporinCalcineurinNFATPImmunophilin/drugcomplexH3CH3CH 3CNCOCH CH 2 CHCH 3CHCH 2CHCOH 3CH 3CNCH 3CHCHCOHCHCHOH3CCH 3CH 2CH CH 3CHCH 3CH 2N CH CO N CH CH OCH 3CH 2NCON CH 3PH 3CNOCDCHCH 3NHCOHCH N CO CHCH 3H 3 CCH 2CHON CCH 3CHHN COCH CH 3CH 3CHCH 2CH CH3CH 3CH 3DNANFATSynthesisCiclosporinMeasurement!IL-2and otherlymphokinesIL-2receptorCYP3AP-glycoproteinPlasmaconcentrationCYP3AInhibition <strong>of</strong>transplantrejectionNephrotoxicitymTORFK-binding proteinSirolimusLong-term adverse effectsNeoplasia, hypertension,hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemiaLymphocyteproliferationFK-binding proteinTacrolimus

308 Antidotes Antidotes and Treatment <strong>of</strong>PoisoningsDrugs used to counteract drug overdosageareconsideredundertheappropriateheadings;e. g., physostigmine with atropine; naloxonewith opioids; flumazenil with benzodiazepines;antibody (Fab fragments) withdigitalis; and N-acetylcysteine with acetaminophenintoxication.Chelating agents (A) serve as antidotes inpoisoning with heavy metals. They act tocomplex and, thus, “inactivate” heavy metalions. Chelates (from Greek: chele =pincer[<strong>of</strong>crayfish]) represent complexes between ametal ion and molecules that carry severalbinding sites for the metal ion. Because <strong>of</strong>their high af nity, chelating agents “attract”metal ions present in the organism. The chelatesare nontoxic, are excreted predominantlyvia the kidney, and maintain a tightorganometallic bond in the concentrated,usually acidic, milieu <strong>of</strong> tubular urine andthus promote the elimination <strong>of</strong> metal ions.Na 2 Ca-EDTA is used to treat lead poisoning.This antidote cannot penetrate throughcell membranes and must be given parenterally.Because <strong>of</strong> its high binding af nity,the lead ion displaces Ca 2+ from its bond.The lead-containing chelate is eliminated renally.Nephrotoxicity predominates amongthe unwanted effects. Na 3 Ca-pentetate is acomplex <strong>of</strong> diethylenetriaminopentaaceticacid (DPTA) and serves as antidote in leadand other metal intoxications.Dimercaprol (BAL, British Anti-Lewisite)was developed in World War II as an antidoteagainst vesicant organic arsenicals (B).It is able to chelate various metal ions. Dimercaprolforms a liquid, rapidly decomposingsubstance that is given intramuscularlyin an oily vehicle. A related compound, bothin terms <strong>of</strong> structure and activity, is dimercaptopropanesulfonicacid, whosesodiumsalt is suitable for oral administration. Shivering,fever, and skin reactions are potentialadverse effects.Deferoxamine derives from Streptomycespilosus. The substance possesses a very highiron-binding capacity but does not withdrawiron from hemoglobin or cytochromes. It ispoorly absorbed enterally and must be givenparenterally to cause increased excretion <strong>of</strong>iron. Oral administration is indicated only ifenteralabsorption<strong>of</strong>ironistobecurtailed.Unwanted effects include allergic reactions.It should be noted that bloodletting is themost effective means <strong>of</strong> removing iron fromthe body; however, this method is unsuitablefor treating conditions <strong>of</strong> iron overloadassociated with anemia.D-Penicillamine can promote the elimination<strong>of</strong> copper (e. g., in Wilson disease)and <strong>of</strong> lead ions. It can be given orally. Twoadditional indications are cystinuria andrheumatoid arthritis. In cystinuria, formation<strong>of</strong> cystine stones in the urinary tract isprevented because the drug can form a disulfidewith cysteine that is readily soluble.In rheumatoid arthritis, penicillamine can beused as a basal regimen (p. 332). The therapeuticeffect may result in part from a reactionwith aldehydes, whereby polymerization<strong>of</strong> collagen molecules into fibrils is inhibited.Unwanted effects are cutaneousdamage (diminished resistance to mechanicalstress with a tendency to form blisters;p. 74), nephrotoxicity, bone marrow depression,and taste disturbances.Apart from specific antidotes (if they exist),the treatment <strong>of</strong> poisonings also calls forsymptomatic measures (control <strong>of</strong> bloodpressure and blood electrolytes; monitoring<strong>of</strong> cardiac and respiratory function; prevention<strong>of</strong> toxin absorption by activated charcoal).An important step is early emptying <strong>of</strong>thestomachbygastriclavageand,ifnecessary,administration <strong>of</strong> an osmotic laxative.Use <strong>of</strong> emetics (saturated NaCl solution, ipecacsyrup, apomorphine s.c.) is inadvisable.

Antidotes and Treatment <strong>of</strong> Poisonings 309A. Chelation <strong>of</strong> lead ions by EDTANa 2 Ca-EDTA2Na +Ca2+CH 2CH 2N CH 2CO - ONCH 2COO -O -CH 2COCH 2EDTA: Ethylenediamine tetra acetateCOO -B. ChelatorsH 2 CDimercaprol (i.m.)H 2 CCHSH SHCHSH SHCH 2CH 2Arsenic, mercury,gold ionsDMPSOSOOHDimercaptopropanesulfonateDeferoxamineNCO–O O HND-PenicillamineCH*CH 3NHHS NH2OFe 3 +–OONβ, β-DimethylcysteineC –OOC chelation withNCHNH 3Cu 2+ and Pb 2+3H +2O – Na +H 3 CCCOOHDissolution <strong>of</strong> cystinestones:Cysteine-S-S-CysteineInhibition <strong>of</strong>collagenpolymerization

310 AntidotesReactivators <strong>of</strong> phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase(AChE). Certain organic phosphoricacid compounds bind with high af n-ity to a serine OH group in the active center<strong>of</strong> AChE and thus block the hydrolysis <strong>of</strong>acetylcholine. As a result, the organism ispoisoned with its own transmitter substance,acetylcholine. This mechanism operatesnot only in humans and warm-bloodedanimals but also in lower animals, ACh havingbeen “invented” early in evolution. Thus,organophosphates enjoy widespread applicationas insecticides. Time and again, theiruse has led to human poisoning becausethese toxicants can enter the body throughthe intact skin or inhaled air. Depending onthe severity, signs <strong>of</strong> poisoning include excessiveparasympathetic tonus, ganglionicblockade, and inhibition <strong>of</strong> neuromusculartransmission leading to peripheral respiratoryparalysis. Specific treatment <strong>of</strong> the intoxicationconsists in administration <strong>of</strong> extremelyhigh doses <strong>of</strong> atropine and reactivation<strong>of</strong> acetylcholinesterase with pralidoximeor obidoxime (A).Unfortunately, the organophosphateshave been misused as biological weapons.In World War II, they were stockpiled on bothsides but not deployed. The ef cacy <strong>of</strong> thepoisons was subsequently “demonstrated” insmaller local armed conflicts in developingcountries. In the present global situation, thefear has arisen that organophosphates maybe used by terrorist groups. Thus, understandingthe signs <strong>of</strong> poisoning and the principles<strong>of</strong> treatment are highly important.Tolonium chloride (toluidine blue). Browncoloredmethemoglobin, containing trivalentinstead <strong>of</strong> divalent iron, is incapable <strong>of</strong>carrying O 2 . Under normal conditions,methemoglobin is produced continuously,but reduced again with the help <strong>of</strong> glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Substancesthat promote formation <strong>of</strong> methemoglobin(B) may cause a lethal deficiency <strong>of</strong> O 2 . Toloniumchloride is a redox dye that can begiven i.v. to reduce methemoglobin.Antidotes for cyanide poisoning (B). Cyanideions (CN – )entertheorganismintheform <strong>of</strong> hydrocyanic acid (HCN); the lattercan be inhaled, released from cyanide saltsin the acidic stomach juice, or enzymaticallyliberated from bitter almonds in the gastrointestinaltract. The lethal dose <strong>of</strong> HCN canbe as low as 50 mg. CN – binds with highaf nity to trivalent iron and thereby arrestsutilization <strong>of</strong> oxygen via mitochondrial cytochromeoxidases <strong>of</strong> the respiratory chain.Internal asphyxiation (histotoxic hypoxia)ensues while erythrocytes remain chargedwith O 2 (venous blood colored bright red).In small amounts, cyanide can be convertedto the relatively nontoxic thiocyanate(SCN – ) by hepatic “rhodanese” or sulfurtransferase.As a therapeutic measure, sodiumthiosulfate can be given i.v. to promoteformation <strong>of</strong> thiocyanate, which is eliminatedin urine. However, this reaction is slowin onset. A more effective emergency treatmentis the i.v. administration <strong>of</strong> the methemoglobinforming agent 4-dimethylaminophenol,which rapidly generates trivalentiron from divalent iron in hemoglobin. Competitionbetween methemoglobin and cytochromeoxidase for CN – ions favors the formation<strong>of</strong> cyanmethemoglobin. Hydroxycobalamin(= vitamin B 12a )isanalternative,very effective antidote because its centralcobalt atom binds CN – with high af nity togenerate cyanocobalamin (= vitamin B 12 ).Ferric ferrocyanide (“Berlin blue” [B]) isused to treat poisoning with thallium salts(e. g., in rat poison), initial symptoms <strong>of</strong>which are gastrointestinal disturbances, followedbynerveandbraindamage,aswellashair loss. Thallium ions present in the organismare secreted into the gut but undergoreabsorption. The insoluble, nonabsorbablecolloidal Berlin blue binds thallium ions. It isgiven orally to prevent absorption <strong>of</strong> acutelyingested thallium or to promote clearancefrom the organism by intercepting thalliumthat is secreted into the intestines (B).

Antidotes and Treatment <strong>of</strong> Poisonings 311A. Reactivation <strong>of</strong> ACh-esterase by an oximeC H 3O Acetylcholine CH 3C O CH 2 CH 2+N CH 3CH 3HONH 3 CHCPralidoximeN+CH 3 CH 3CH 2 CH 2O OCH 3 CH 3CH 2 CH 2O OP OOParaoxon residueHOPOONHCH 3 CN+AldoximeSerineACh-esterasemoleculeInhibition <strong>of</strong>ACh-esteraseby paraoxonSerineACh-esteraseOxime-phosphonateformationRelease <strong>of</strong>active centerB. Poisons and antidotesH 2 NO 2 NSubstances formingmethemoglobine.g., NO 2Fe III -HbNitriteAnilineNitrobenzeneFe II -HbSCNsynthetaseNa 2 S 2 O 3CN - Fe III -HbHCNDMAPTolonium chlorideFe III 4 [Fe II (CN) 6 ] 3(toluidine blue)Tl + =ThalliumionTl + Tl +CH3NH3C+SNNH2Cl –CH3Fe3+Vitamin B 12Tolonium chloride(toluidine blue)Arrest <strong>of</strong> O 2utilizationVitamin B 12aTl excretion

Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected DiseasesHypertension 314Angina Pectoris 316Antianginal Drugs 318Myocardial Infarction 320Congestive Heart Failure 322Hypotension 324Gout 326Obesity 328Osteoporosis 330Rheumatoid Arthritis 332Migraine 334Common Cold 336Atopy and Antiallergic Therapy 338Bronchial Asthma 340Emesis 342Alcohol Abuse 344Local Treatment <strong>of</strong> Glaucoma 346

314 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases HypertensionCardiovascular diseases are the leadingcause <strong>of</strong> death in the Western world. Basically,atherosclerosis manifests itself in threemajor organs and thereby leads to severesecondary diseases. Coronary disease resultsfrom atherosclerosis <strong>of</strong> the coronary arteriesand culminates in myocardial infarctionwhen vessels are occluded by a thrombus.In the brain, atherosclerosis gives rise to arterialthrombi or ruptures that result in astroke. Atherosclerosis in the kidney leadsto renal failure. Since these diseases significantlylower life expectancy, early recognitionand elimination <strong>of</strong> risk factors (hypertension,diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia,and smoking) that promote atherosclerosisare essential.Hypertension is considered to be presentwhen systolic blood pressure exceeds140 mmHg and the diastolic value liesabove 90 mmHg. Since cardiovascular riskincreases over a wide range with increasingblood pressure, no “threshold value” existsthat defines hypertension unequivocally. Ifother risk factors are present, blood pressureshould be brought down to an evenlower level (in diabetes mellitus below130/80 mmHg). Therapeutic objectives comprisethe prevention <strong>of</strong> organ damage andreduction <strong>of</strong> mortality. Because these targetparameters cannot be measured in individualpatients, the “surrogate parameter” <strong>of</strong> lowering<strong>of</strong> blood pressure is defined as theimmediate goal. Before drug therapy is instituted,the patient has to be instructed tolower body weight (BMI < 30), to reduceconsumption <strong>of</strong> alcohol (in men < 20–30 gethanol/day; in women 10–20 g/day), to stopsmoking, and to restrict the daily intake <strong>of</strong>NaCl (to 6 g/day).The drugs <strong>of</strong> first choice in antihypertensivetherapy are those that have been unambiguouslyshown in clinical studies to reducemortality <strong>of</strong> hypertension—diuretics, ACE inhibitorsand AT 1 antagonist, β-blockers, andcalcium antagonists.Among the diuretics, thiazides are particularlyrecommended for treatment <strong>of</strong> hypertension.To avoid undue loss <strong>of</strong> K + ,combinationwith triamterene or amiloride is <strong>of</strong>tenadvantageous.ACE inhibitors prevent the formation <strong>of</strong>angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE) and thereby reduce peripheralvascular resistance and blood pressure. Inaddition, ACE inhibitors prevent the effect<strong>of</strong> angiotensin II on protein synthesis inmyocardial and vascular muscle cells, andthus diminish ventricular hypertrophy. Asadverse effects, ACE inhibitors may provokedry cough, impaired renal function, and hyperkalemia.When ACE inhibitors are poorlytolerated, an AT 1 -receptor antagonist can begiven.From the group <strong>of</strong> antagonists at β-adrenoceptors,β 1 -selective blockers are mainlyused (e. g., metoprolol). Owing to blockade <strong>of</strong>β 2 -receptors, β-blockers can impair pulmonaryfunction, particularly in patients withchronic obstructive lung disease.Among calcium antagonists, dihydropyridineswith long half-lives are advantageousbecause short-acting drugs, which rapidlylower blood pressure, are prone to elicit reflextachycardia.Fewer that 50% <strong>of</strong> hypertensive patientsare adequately managed by monotherapy. Ifthe monotherapy fails, either the drugshould be discontinued or two agents shouldbe combined in reduced dosage (thiazideand β-blocker, or/and ACE inhibitor, or/andcalcium-antagonist). Combinations thatabolish the counterregulation against theprimary antihypertensive drug are especiallyeffective. For instance, diuretic-induced loss<strong>of</strong> Na + and water leads to a compensatoryactivation <strong>of</strong> the renin–angiotensin systemthat can be eliminated by ACE inhibitors orAT 1 -antagonists.

Hypertension 315A. Risk factors <strong>of</strong> atherosclerosis and secondary diseasesBrainR i s k f a c t o r sHypertension, hypercholesterolemia,diabetes mellitus, smokingAtherosclerosisHeartStroke:InfarctionHemorrhageKidneyRenalfailureCoronaryheart diseaseMyocardialinfarctionCongestiveheart failureDiminished life expectancyB. Therapy <strong>of</strong> hypertensionHypertension > 140/90 mmHgHealthy diet (low NaCl),weight reduction, no smoking,alcohol restriction, exerciseThiazide diureticsIf antihypertensive effect insufficient, add:β-Blocker or ACE inhibitor,angiotensin receptor antagonist or calcium antagonistIf still not sufficient:Combination therapy:+ clonidine or α 1 -antagonists or vasodilatorsTherapeutic aim:Lowering <strong>of</strong> blood pressure(< 140/90, in diabetes < 130/80 mmHg);and, hence, reduction in cardiovascular mortality

316 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Angina PectorisAn anginal pain attack signals a transienthypoxia<strong>of</strong>themyocardium.Asarule,theoxygen deficit results from inadequate myocardialblood flow due to narrowing <strong>of</strong> largercoronary arteries. The underlying causes aremost commonly an atherosclerotic change <strong>of</strong>the vascular wall (coronary sclerosis withexertional angina); very infrequently a spasmodicconstriction <strong>of</strong> a morphologicallyhealthy coronary artery (coronary spasmwith angina at rest; variant angina); or more<strong>of</strong>ten a coronary spasm occurring in an atheroscleroticvascular segment.The goal <strong>of</strong> treatment is to prevent myocardialhypoxia either by raising blood flow(oxygen [O 2 ] supply) orbyloweringmyocardialoxygen demand (O 2 demand) (A).Factors determining oxygen supply. Theforce driving myocardial blood flow is thepressure difference between the coronary ostia(aortic pressure) and the opening <strong>of</strong> thecoronary sinus (right atrial pressure). Bloodflow is opposed by coronary flow resistance,which includes three components:1. Owing to their large caliber, the proximalcoronary segments do not normally contributesignificantly to flow resistance.However, in coronary sclerosis or spasm,pathological obstruction <strong>of</strong> flow occurshere. Whereas the more common coronarysclerosis cannot be overcome pharmacologically,the less common coronaryspasm can be relieved by appropriate vasodilators(nitrates, nifedipine).2. The caliber<strong>of</strong>arteriolarresistancevesselscontrols blood flow through the coronarybed. Arteriolar caliber is determined bymyocardial O 2 tension and local concentrations<strong>of</strong> metabolic products, and is “automatically”adjusted to the requiredblood flow (B, healthysubject).Thismetabolicautoregulation explains why anginalattacks in coronary sclerosis occur onlyduring exercise (B, patient). At rest, thepathologically elevated flow resistance iscompensated by a corresponding decreasein arteriolar resistance, ensuringadequate myocardial perfusion. Duringexercise, further dilation <strong>of</strong> arterioles isimpossible. As a result, there is ischemiaassociated with pain. Pharmacologicalagents that act to dilate arterioles wouldthus be inappropriate because at rest theymay divert blood from underperfused intohealthy vascular regions on account <strong>of</strong>redundant arteriolar dilation. The resulting“steal effect” could provoke an anginalattack.3. The intramyocardial pressure, i. e., systolicsqueeze, compresses the capillary bed.Myocardial blood flow is halted duringsystole and occurs almost entirely duringdiastole. Diastolic wall tension (“preload”)depends on ventricular volume and fillingpressure. The organic nitrates reduce preloadby decreasing venous return to theheart.Factors determining oxygen demand. Theheart muscle cell consumes the most energyto generate contractile force. O 2 demand riseswith an increase in (1) heart rate, (2)contractionvelocity, (3) systolic wall tension(“afterload”). The last depends on ventricularvolume and the systolic pressure neededto empty the ventricle. As peripheral resistanceincreases, aortic pressure rises and,hence, the resistance against which ventricularblood is ejected. O 2 demand is loweredby β-blockers and calcium-antagonists, aswell as by nitrates (p. 318).

Angina Pectoris 317A. O 2 supply and demand <strong>of</strong> the myocardiumO 2-supplyduringdiastoleO 2-demandduringsystoleFlow resistance:Left atrium1. Heart rate1. Coronary arterialcaliberCoronary artery2. Contractionvelocity2. Arteriolarcaliber3. Diastolicwall tension= PreloadRightatriumPressure pLeft ventriclePressure pp-force3. Systolic walltension= AfterloadTimeVenoussupplyVol.Vol.AortaPeripheralresistanceVenousreservoirB. Pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> exertion angina in coronary sclerosisHealthy subjectPatient with coronary sclerosisNarrowRestWideCompensatorydilatation <strong>of</strong>arteriolesRateContractionvelocityAfterloadExerciseWideWideAdditionaldilatationnot possibleAnginapectoris

318 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Antianginal DrugsAntianginal agents derive from three druggroups, the pharmacological properties <strong>of</strong>which have already been presented in moredetail: the organic nitrates (p.124), the calciumantagonists (p.126), and the β-blockers(p. 96).Organic nitrates (A) increase blood flow,hence O 2 supply, because diastolic wall tension(preload)declinesasvenousreturntothe heart is diminished. Thus, the nitratesenable myocardial flow resistance to be reducedeven in the presence <strong>of</strong> coronary sclerosiswith angina pectoris. In angina due tocoronary spasm, arterial dilation overcomesthe vasospasm and restores myocardial perfusionto normal. O 2 demand falls because <strong>of</strong>the ensuing decrease in the two variablesthat determine systolic wall tension (afterload):ventricular filling volume and aorticblood pressure.Calcium antagonists (B) decreaseO 2 demandby lowering aortic pressure, one <strong>of</strong> thecomponents contributing to afterload. Thedihydropyridine nifedipine, is devoid <strong>of</strong> acardiodepressant effect, but may give riseto reflex tachycardia and an associated increasein O 2 demand. The catamphiphilicdrugs verapamil and diltiazem are cardiodepressant.Reduced beat frequency and contractilitycontribute to a reduction in O 2 demand;however, AV-block and mechanicalinsuf ciency can dangerously jeopardizeheart function. In coronary spasm, calciumantagonists can induce spasmolysis and improveblood flow.β-Blockers (C) protect the heart againstthe O 2 -wasting effect <strong>of</strong> sympathetic driveby inhibiting β 1 -receptor-mediated increasesin cardiac rate and speed <strong>of</strong> contraction.Uses <strong>of</strong> antianginal drugs (D). For relief <strong>of</strong>the acute anginal attack, rapidly absorbeddrugs devoid <strong>of</strong> cardiodepressant activity arepreferred. The drug <strong>of</strong> choice is nitroglycerin(NTG, 0.8–2.4 mg sublingually; onset <strong>of</strong> actionwithin 1–2 minutes; duration <strong>of</strong> effect~ 30 minutes). Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN)can also be used (5–10 mg sublingually);compared with NTG, its action is somewhatdelayed in onset but <strong>of</strong> longer duration. Finally,nifedipine may be useful in chronicstable, or in variant angina (5–20 mg, capsuleto be bitten and the content swallowed).For sustained daytime angina prophylaxis,nitrates are <strong>of</strong> limited value because“nitrate pauses” <strong>of</strong> about 12 hoursareappropriateifnitratetoleranceistobeavoided. If attacks occur during the day,ISDN, or its metabolite isosorbide mononitrate,maybegiveninthemorningandatnoon (e. g., ISDN 40 mg in extended-releasecapsules). Because <strong>of</strong> hepatic presystemicelimination, NTG is not suitable for oral administration.Continuous delivery via atransdermal patch would also not seem advisablebecause <strong>of</strong> the potential development<strong>of</strong> tolerance. With molsidomine, thereis less risk <strong>of</strong> a nitrate tolerance; however, itsclinical use is restricted owing to its potentialcarcinogenicity.The choice between calcium antagonistsmust take into account the differential effect<strong>of</strong> nifedipine versus verapamil or diltiazemon cardiac performance (see above). Whenβ-blockers are given, the potential consequences<strong>of</strong> reducing cardiac contractility(withdrawal <strong>of</strong> sympathetic drive) must bekept in mind. Since vasodilating β 2 -receptorsare blocked, an increased risk <strong>of</strong> vasospasmcannot be ruled out. Therefore, monotherapywith β-blockers is recommended only in anginadue to coronary sclerosis, but not invariant angina.

Antianginal Drugs 319A. Effects <strong>of</strong> nitratesp Diastole SystolepVolVolVenouscapacitancevesselsPreloadNitratetoleranceAfterloadO 2 -demandResistancevesselsO 2 -supplyVasorelaxationRelaxation <strong>of</strong>coronary spasmNitrates, e.g., nitroglycerin (GTN), isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN)B. Effects <strong>of</strong> Ca-antagonistsC. Effects <strong>of</strong> β-blockerspCaantagonistsRestRelaxation<strong>of</strong>resistancevesselsβ-BlockerSympatheticsystemAfterloadRateO 2 -demandRelaxation <strong>of</strong>coronary spasmContractionvelocityExerciseD. Clinical uses <strong>of</strong> antianginal drugsTherapy <strong>of</strong> attackCoronary sclerosisAngina pectorisGTN, ISDNNifedipineCoronary spasmAnginal prophylaxisβ−BlockersLong-acting nitratesCa-antagonists

320 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Acute Coronary Syndrome—Myocardial InfarctionMyocardial infarction (MI) is caused by theacute thrombotic occlusion <strong>of</strong> a coronary artery.The myocardial region that has been cut<strong>of</strong>f from its blood supply dies within a shorttime owing to the lack <strong>of</strong> O 2 and glucose. Theloss in functional muscle tissue results inreduced cardiac performance. In the infarctborder zone, spontaneous pacemaker potentialsmay develop, leading to fatal ventricularfibrillation. The patient experiences severepain, a feeling <strong>of</strong> annihilation, and fear <strong>of</strong>dying.MI usually develops after rupture or erosion<strong>of</strong> an atherosclerotic plaque within acoronary blood vessel. At this site, the clottingcascade is activated and the resultantthrombus occludes the lumen. In all patientsunder suspicion <strong>of</strong> MI, immediate therapyhas to be initiated by the emergency physician.To relieve the patient from severe painand anxiety, morphine and a benzodiazepineneed to be given. Antiplatelet drugs and heparinare necessary for preventing further formation<strong>of</strong> thrombi. Nitroglycerin can be usedto reduce cardiac load. When blood pressureand heart rate have stabilized, a β-blockercan be administered to lower cardiac O 2 consumptionand the risk <strong>of</strong> arrhythmias. Infusion<strong>of</strong> lidocaine is required to counter thethreat <strong>of</strong> arrhythmias. The chance <strong>of</strong> survival<strong>of</strong> the MI patient depends on the intervalbetween the onset <strong>of</strong> infarction and the start<strong>of</strong> therapy.In the hospital, ECG and laboratory testsare performed promptly to determine thesubsequent treatment strategy. When cardiomyocytesdie, contractile proteins (troponin)or myocardial enzymes (creatine kinase,CK-MB) are liberated and can be detected inblood for diagnostic purposes. Marked elevation<strong>of</strong> the ST segment in the ECG raisesthe strong suspicion <strong>of</strong> a complete occlusion<strong>of</strong> a coronary artery (ST elevation MI, STEMI).In these MI patients, reperfusion <strong>of</strong> the affectedarea as early and as completely aspossible may be life-saving. In this situation,removal <strong>of</strong> the coronary stenosis with a ballooncatheter combined with implantation<strong>of</strong> a stent <strong>of</strong>fers the best chance <strong>of</strong> survivalbut can be performed only in specializedcardiac centers. As dilatation <strong>of</strong> the vascularstenosis by the heart catheter liberates manythrombogenic mediators, platelet aggregationmust be prevented by administration<strong>of</strong> glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists(p.154).If the MI patient cannot be transported toa cardiac center in time, fibrinolytic treatment<strong>of</strong> the coronary thrombus is instituted.For this purpose, fibrinolytics (streptokinaseor recombinant tissue plasminogen activators)are given intravenously. Fibrinolysis isassociated with an increased risk <strong>of</strong> bleeding;cerebral hemorrhages are <strong>of</strong> particularconcern. A coronary bypass operation isavailable as a third therapeutic option.Patients with persistent angina pectoriswho lack an elevated ST segment in theECG but show an elevated blood level <strong>of</strong>troponin may have a non-STEMI (“NSTEMI”).The most frequent cause is thrombi thathave moved from the larger coronary arteriesinto smaller branches to produce ablockage there. If neither ST segment elevationnor biochemical MI markers can be ascertained,unstable angina pectoris ispresent, which is initially treated with antiplateletdrugs.Post-MI management calls for strict adherenceto a program <strong>of</strong> secondary prevention.Cardiac risk factors have to be excludedor modified, for instance, by reduction <strong>of</strong>overweight, cessation <strong>of</strong> smoking, optimalcontrol <strong>of</strong> diabetes mellitus, and physicalexercise (a dog that loves to run is an idealtraining partner). Supportive pharmacotherapeuticmeasures include administration <strong>of</strong>platelet aggregation inhibitors, β-blockers,and ACE inhibitors.

Myocardial Infarction 321A. Myocardial infarction: pharmacotherapeutic approachesPatientAcute symptoms:severe painsense <strong>of</strong> impendingdoomfear <strong>of</strong> dyingAcute care measures– Nitroglycerin (reduction <strong>of</strong>pre- and afterload)– Acetylsalicylic acid(if needed i.v.)(inhibition <strong>of</strong> plateletaggregation)– Morphine (analgesia, sedation)– Oxygen via nasal tubeHospitalizationwith minimal delayAcute coronary syndromeAngina pectoris > 20 minThrombusPlaque ruptureDistalthrombusECGST-elevationTNo ST-elevationSLaboratoryCK-MBTroponin-I, -TTroponin-I, -T–DiagnosisMyocardial infarction(“STEMI”)Myocardial infarction(“NSTEMI”)Unstableangina pectorisTherapyGeneral: O 2 , acetylsalicylic acid,heparin, nitrates, β-blocker, morphineAcetylsalicylic acid,clopidrogelPTCA (Stent)GPIIb/IIIa-Antagonistorfibrinolysisorbypass surgeryPTCA (Stent)GPIIb/IIIa-AntagonistCardiaccatheterizationSecondary preventionDischarge– Acetylsalicylic acid– β-Blocker– ACE inhibitorpossibly:– Clopidrogel– Phenprocoumon– Statins

322 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Congestive Heart FailureIn chronic congestive heart failure, cardiacpump performance falls below a level requiredby the body’s organs for maintainingfunction and metabolism. The most commonprimary causes <strong>of</strong> heart failure are coronarydisease, hypertension, volume overload, orcardiomyopathies. Diminished cardiac performanceleads to a precardial congestion<strong>of</strong> venous blood. Congestion in front <strong>of</strong> theleft ventricle causes dyspnea and pulmonaryedema. Ankle edemas, enlarged liver, andascites signal congestion in front <strong>of</strong> the rightventricle.The degree <strong>of</strong> severity <strong>of</strong> myocardial failureis categorized according to the New YorkHeart Association (NYHA) Functional ClassificationSystem. Stages I—IV reflect an increasinglevel <strong>of</strong> disability.The decrease in cardiac function activatesseveral compensatory mechanisms thatoperate to maintain perfusion <strong>of</strong> organs.These include activation <strong>of</strong> the sympatheticnerve system and <strong>of</strong> the renin–angiotensinsystem. Increased release <strong>of</strong> norepinephrineraises cardiac rate and evokes peripheralvasoconstriction. Increased production <strong>of</strong>angiotensin II promotes both vasoconstrictionand release <strong>of</strong> aldosterone from theadrenals. These compensations increase cardiacafterload and plasma volume is expandedbecause the kidney retains waterand sodium. Although such “auxiliary” countermeasuresafford transient help in maintainingcardiac output, (nor)epinephrine, aldosterone,and angiotensin II promote theprogression <strong>of</strong> myocardial insuf ciency: hypertrophyand fibrosis are the outcome. Successfultherapy <strong>of</strong> chronic congestive failureis therefore contingent on inhibition <strong>of</strong>compensation mechanisms.Although β-blockers were formerly heldto be contraindicated, this drug class hasbeen used successfully since the mid-1990sin the management <strong>of</strong> heart failure. A prerequisiteis to begin therapy with very smalldaily doses. Every 2–3 weeks, the daily dosecan be increased in small increments, as longas the patient does not develop bradycardia.Since bisoprolol, metoprolol, and carvedilolhave proved effective in large clinical trials,these β-blockers would be the preferredchoice for this indication.ACE inhibitors are the appropriate agentsfor inhibiting the renin–angiotensin II system;they prevent the production <strong>of</strong> angiotensinII. The effect <strong>of</strong> angiotensin II receptorantagonistsisequivalenttothat<strong>of</strong>ACEinhibitors.Both interventions for attenuatingcompensatory mechanisms improve theclinical state <strong>of</strong> patients (less hospitalization)and increase life expectancy.In edemas, dyspnea, and advanced myocardialinsuf ciency, diuretics are indispensable.Digitalis glycosides augment contractileforceandarelikewiseusedinsevereforms<strong>of</strong> insuf ciency, specifically in the presence<strong>of</strong> concomitant atrial fibrillation. Because <strong>of</strong>the narrow margin <strong>of</strong> safety, the digoxindose must be adjusted individually in eachpatient.Drugswithanacutepositiveinotropicaction(e. g., catecholamines or phosphodiesteraseinhibitors) may be <strong>of</strong> transient helpin sudden decompensation but must not begiveninchroniccongestivefailure.

Congestive Heart Failure 323A. Congestive heart failurePerformancedecreaseCongestionHeart failureCardiac outputDiureticsDyspneaEdemasNa+, H 2 O retentionpreloadSpironolactoneAT 1 -blockersACE inhibitorsAldosteroneAngiotensin IIFibrosisHypertrophyDigitalisPositiveinotropicTachycardiaInotropismVasoconstrictionAfterloadβ-BlockerACE inhibitorsRenin–Angiotensin SystemCompensatory mechanismsSympathetic SystemB. Classification and drug therapy <strong>of</strong> congestive heart failureImpairment <strong>of</strong> cardiac functionNYHAFunctional ClassI II III IVClinical symptoms slight marked at restACE inhibitorsAT 1 blockerβ-BlockerDiureticsAldosteroneantagonistswhen ACE inhibitors cause adverse effects, e.g., coughInfarctionHypertensionHypertensionEdemasHypokalemiaDigitalis Atrial fibrillation Atrial fibrillation

324 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases HypotensionThe venous side <strong>of</strong> the circulation accommodates~ 85% <strong>of</strong> the total blood volume;because <strong>of</strong> the low venous pressure (mean~ 15 mmHg), it is referred to as the low-pressuresystem. The arterial vascular beds, representingthe high-pressure system (meanpressure ~ 100 mmHg), contain ~ 15%. Thearterial pressure generates the driving forcefor perfusion <strong>of</strong> tissues and organs. Blooddraining from these collects in the low-pressuresystem and is pumped back by the heartinto the high-pressure system.The arterial blood pressure (ABP) dependson: (1) the volume <strong>of</strong> blood per unit <strong>of</strong> timethat is forced by the heart into the highpressuresystem—cardiac output correspondingto the product <strong>of</strong> stroke volumeand heart rate (beats/min), stroke volumebeing determined by, inter alia, venous fillingpressure; (2) the counterforce opposingthe flow <strong>of</strong> blood, i. e., peripheral resistance,which is a function <strong>of</strong> arteriolar caliber.Chronic hypotension (recumbent systolic BP< 105 mmHg). Primary idiopathic hypotensiongenerally has no clinical importance. Ifsymptoms such as lassitude and dizzinessoccur, a program <strong>of</strong> physical exercise instead<strong>of</strong>drugsisadvisable.Secondary hypotension is a sign <strong>of</strong> anunderlying disease that should be treatedfirst. If stroke volume is too low, as in heartfailure, a cardiac glycoside can be given toincrease myocardial contractility and strokevolume. When stroke volume is decreasedowing to insuf cient blood volume, plasmasubstitutes will be helpful in treating bloodloss, whereas aldosterone deficiency requiresadministration <strong>of</strong> a mineralocorticoid(e. g., fludrocortisone). The latter is the drug<strong>of</strong> choice for orthostatic hypotension due toautonomic failure. A parasympatholytic (orelectrical pacemaker) can restore cardiacrate in bradycardia.Acute hypotension. Failure <strong>of</strong> orthostaticregulation. A change from the recumbent tothe erect position (orthostasis) will causeblood within the low-pressure system tosink toward the feet because the veins inbody parts below the heart will be distended,despite a reflex venoconstriction,by the weight <strong>of</strong> the column <strong>of</strong> blood in theblood vessels. The fall in stroke volume ispartly compensated by a rise in heart rate.The remaining reduction <strong>of</strong> cardiac outputcan be countered by elevating the peripheralresistance, enabling blood pressure and organperfusion to be maintained. An orthostaticmalfunction is present when counterregulationfails and cerebral blood flow falls,with resultant symptoms, such as dizziness,“black-out,” or even loss <strong>of</strong> consciousness. Inthe sympathotonic form, sympatheticallymediatedcirculatory reflexes are intensified(more pronounced tachycardia and rise inperipheral resistance, i. e., diastolic pressure);however, there is failure to compensatefor the reduction in venous return. Prophylactictreatment with sympathomimeticswould therefore hold little promise. Instead,cardiovascular fitness training would appearmore important. An increase in venous returnmay be achieved in two ways. IncreasingNaCl intake augments salt and fluid reservesand, hence, the blood volume (contraindications:hypertension, heart failure).Constriction <strong>of</strong> venous capacitance vesselsmight be produced by dihydroergotamine.Whether this effect could also be achievedby an α-sympathomimetic, remains debatable.In the very rare asympathotonic form,use <strong>of</strong> sympathomimetics would certainly bereasonable.

Hypotension 325A. Treatment <strong>of</strong> hypotensionLow-pressuresystemBrainHigh-pressuresystemLungVenousreturnHeartβ-SympathomimeticsCardiacglycosidesStroke vol. x rate= cardiac outputKidneyBlood pressure (BP)Peripheral resistanceIntestinesArteriolarcaliberSkeletal muscleInitial conditionIncrease <strong>of</strong> blood volumeBP0.9%NaClSALTNaCl + H 2 OBPRedistribution <strong>of</strong> blood volumeBPNaCl+ H 2 OConstriction <strong>of</strong> venous capacitancevessels, e.g., dihydroergotamine ifappropriate, α-sympathomimeticsα-SympathomimeticsParasympatholyticsMineralocorticoid

326 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases GoutGout is an inherited metabolic disease thatresults from hyperuricemia, an elevation inthe blood <strong>of</strong> uric acid, the end-product <strong>of</strong>purine degradation. Uric acid is not readilywater-soluble; it therefore tends to crystallizeat unphysiologically elevated concentrations,predominantly in bradytrophic tissues(such as the metatarsophalangeal joint). Likeother crystals, urate crystals provide a strongstimulus for neutrophilic granulocytes andmacrophages. Neutrophils are attracted (1)and phagocytose (2) this indigestible material.In the process, neutrophils release (3)proinflammatory cytokines. Macrophagesalso phagocytose the crystals, injure themselves,and liberate lysosomal enzymes thatlikewise promote inflammation and attacktissues. As a result, an acute and very painfulgout attack may develop (4).The therapy <strong>of</strong> gout is tw<strong>of</strong>old: (1) treatment<strong>of</strong> the acute attack; and (2) chroniclowering <strong>of</strong> hyperuricemia.1. The acute attack demands prompt actionto relieve the patient from his painfulstate. The classical remedy (already usedby Hippocrates) is colchicine, analkaloidfrom the autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale).This substance binds with highaf nity to microtubular proteins and impairstheirfunction,causing interaliaarrest<strong>of</strong> mitosis at metaphase (“spindle poison”).Its acute antigout activity is due to inhibition<strong>of</strong> neutrophil and macrophage reactions.The details <strong>of</strong> these mechanisms arenot completely clear; at any rate, release <strong>of</strong>proinflammatory cytokines is prevented.Colchicine is usually given orally (e. g.,0.5 mg hourly up to a maximum daily dose<strong>of</strong> 8 mg). Colchicine therapy is limited byinjury to the gastrointestinal epithelium,which divides rapidly and therefore reactswith high sensitivity to the spindle poison.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, suchas dicl<strong>of</strong>enac and indometacin, are also effective;on occasion, glucocorticoids may be<strong>of</strong> additional help.2. Chronic lowering <strong>of</strong> urate levels below6 mg/l blood requires (a) an appropriatediet that avoids purine (cell nuclei)-richfoods (e. g., organ <strong>of</strong>fal); and (b) uricostaticsfor decreasing uric acid production.Allopurinol, as well as its accumulating metabolite,oxypurinol (“alloxanthine”), inhibitsxanthine oxidase, which catalyzes urateformation from hypoxanthine via xanthine.These precursors are readily eliminated viathe urine. Allopurinol is given orally(300–800 mg/day). Apart from infrequentallergic reactions, it is well tolerated and isthe drug <strong>of</strong> choice for gout prophylaxis. Goutattacks may occur at the start <strong>of</strong> therapy butthey can be prevented by concurrent administration<strong>of</strong> colchicine (0.5–1.5 mg/day).Uricosurics, suchasprobenecid or benzbromarone(100 mg/day), promote renalexcretion <strong>of</strong> uric acid. They saturate the organicacid transport system in the proximalrenal tubules, making it unavailable for uratereabsorption. When underdosed, they inhibitonly the acid secretory system, which has asmaller transport capacity. Urate eliminationis then inhibited and a gout attack is possible.In patients with urate stones in the urinarytract, uricosurics are contraindicated.Uricolytics. Nonprimates are able, via theenzyme urate oxidase, to metabolize uricacid to allantoin, a product with better watersolubility and faster renal elimination. Rasburicase,a recombinant urate oxidase, canbegivenbyinfusioninpatientswithmalignantneoplasias, in whom chemotherapy isliable to generate a massive amount <strong>of</strong> uricacid.

Gout 327A. Gout and its therapyOHOHNNNNHNNNNHAllopurinolHypoxanthineAlloxanthineXanthineOxidaseXanthineColchicineUricostaticUricosuricProbenecidOHNN–O H+HO N NHUric acidNucleusLysosome1H7C3ON S– COO H+H7C3O2NeutrophilgranulocyteChemotacticfactors3Anion (urate)reabsorption4Anion secretionGout attack

328 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Obesity—Sequelae andTherapeutic ApproachesIn industrialized nations, a significant portion<strong>of</strong> the population is overweight. TheBody-Mass-Index (BMI) provides a reliableand simple quantitative criterion for assessingthiscondition;itiscalculatedasfollows:BMIbody weight in kg=square <strong>of</strong> body height in mNormal values range from 22 to 28. Values> 30 are indicative <strong>of</strong> an overweight condition.Obesity is always the consequence <strong>of</strong> adisturbed energy balance: caloric intake exceedsconsumption. Almost unavoidably, excessbody weight and obesity lead to diseasesand a shortened lifespan.The most important secondary disordersinclude development <strong>of</strong> type II diabetes mellitus,which alone shortens life, and hypertension,which together with disturbed lipidmetabolism gives rise to atherosclerosis (anginapectoris, inadequate cerebral bloodflow, etc.). Owing to the constant mechanicalstress, weight-bearing joints suffer, resultingin arthrotic complaints. Finally, obesity givesrise to psychological problems that mayoverwhelm the coping ability <strong>of</strong> both adultsand children.The treatment <strong>of</strong> obesity—and it shouldbe treated to safeguard normal life expectancy—isextraordinarily dif cult. Althoughthe principle “eat much less, move muchmore” is so simple, no more than a depressinglylow percentage <strong>of</strong> patients can be relieved<strong>of</strong> their condition. Not until the obeseindividual, after suf cient counseling, realizesthat he or she needs to make a change inlifestyle and can then muster suf cient selfdisciplineto stick to the “new life,” will areturn to normal body weight and protectionfrom secondary diseases be achieved. Requisitechanges include a diet low in fat withreduced caloric content (~ 1000 kcal/day),no snacks (sweets, potato chips, lemonades,beer, etc.), and plenty <strong>of</strong> physical exercise(sports, hiking, swimming, tennis, etc. instead<strong>of</strong> the TV easy-chair). Under these conditions,body weight will drop slowly; dramaticchanges <strong>of</strong> several kilograms in a fewdays are not to be expected. This reductiontherapy must be kept up for months.Regrettably, the pharmacologist mustconfessthatnodrugsexistthatcanberecommendedfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> weight reduction.The so-called appetite suppressants(anorexiants)actonly,ifatall,foralimitedperiod and are fraught with side effects.Most anorexiants are derivatives <strong>of</strong> methamphetaminethathavebeenwithdrawnfromthe market. A different mechanism <strong>of</strong> actionis involved in the case <strong>of</strong> an inhibitor <strong>of</strong>pancreatic lipase, which is required in theintestines for fat absorption. This inhibitor(orlistat) diminishes fat absorption so thatfats reach the lower bowel, where they cancause disturbances: flatulence, steatorrhea,and frequent need to relieve the bowels occurin about 30% <strong>of</strong> affected subjects. Thesesymptoms correspond exactly to those seenin pancreatic hyp<strong>of</strong>unction which are thenusually treated with pancreatic lipase. Beforean obese person submits to treatment withorlistat, he or she should voluntarily reducethe food fat content by one half to live free <strong>of</strong>such unpleasant adverse effects.In summary, the obese individual has nochoice but to normalize the energy balanceunder sympathetic guidance and by strength<strong>of</strong> will, and thus evade any secondary diseases.

Obesity 329A. Obesity: Sequelae and therapeutic approachesEnergy balanceConsumptionConsumption BMI 25 - 27 IntakeBMI >> 30IntakeTherapyCaloric restrictionIntensive psychological counseling,much exerciseDrugsAnorexiantsMethamphetaminederivativesSibutramineLipase inhibitor orlistatConsequences: life expectancyDiabetes mellitusHyperlipoproteinemiaHypertensionJoint mechanical stressPsychosocial problemsCF 3CH 2 CH NHClCH 3CH 2CH 3HCH 2 CH NCH 3CH 3Fenfluramine(discontinued)Methamphetamine (controlled substance)N CH 3C CHH 2 C CHCH 32CH CH 3CH CH 2 CH 22 CH 3Sibutramine

330 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is defined as a generalized decreasein bone mass (osteopenia) thatequally affects bone matrix and mineral contentand is associated with a change in spongiosalarchitecture. This condition predisposesto collapse <strong>of</strong> vertebral bodies andbone fractures with trivial trauma (e. g., hipfractures).Bone substance is subject to continual remodeling.The equilibrium between boneformation and bone resorption is regulatedin a complex manner: a remodeling cycle isinitiated by osteoblasts when these stimulateuninucleated osteoclast precursor cellsto fuse into large multinucleated cells. Stimulationoccurs by direct cell-to-cell contactbetween osteoblasts and osteoclast precursorcells and is mediated by the RANK ligandon the surface <strong>of</strong> osteoblasts and its receptoron the osteoclasts (or their precursors), aswell as cytokines secreted by osteoblasts.These processes are inhibited by estrogensand a protein secreted by osteoblasts (osteoprotegerin).The osteoclast creates an acidicmilieu, enabling minerals to be solubilized,and then phagocytoses the organic matrix.Hormones regulate these events.In hypocalcemia, the parathyroid increasesits secretion <strong>of</strong> parathormone, resultingin enhanced liberation <strong>of</strong> Ca 2+ . Calcitonintransfers active osteoclasts into a restingstate. Calcitonin given therapeuticallyrelieves pain associated with neoplasticbone metastases and vertebral body collapse.Estrogens diminish bone resorptionby (a) inhibiting activation <strong>of</strong> osteoclasts byosteoblasts and (b) promoting apoptosis <strong>of</strong>osteoclasts.Idiopathic osteoporosis cannot be preventedby prophylactic therapy, but its developmentcan be delayed. This requires: ahealthy lifestyle with plenty <strong>of</strong> physical exercise(sports, hiking), daily intake <strong>of</strong> calcium(1000 mg/day Ca 2+ ) and <strong>of</strong> vitamin D(1000 IU/day). The same principle holds forpostmenopausal osteoporosis. Hormonereplacement therapy in postmenopausalwomen has not been successful because <strong>of</strong>an increased incidence <strong>of</strong> breast cancers,thromboembolism, and other adverse effects(p. 250). Long-term hormone replacementtherapy should no longer be carried out.If osteoporosis has become clinicallymanifest, attempts can be made at improvingthe condition by means <strong>of</strong> drugs, or atleast slowing down further deterioration.Besides administration <strong>of</strong> calcium and vitaminD, the following options are available.Bisphosphonates (N-containing) structurallymimic endogenous pyrophosphate(see formulae), and like the latter are incorporatedinto the mineral substance <strong>of</strong> bone.During phagocytosis <strong>of</strong> the bone matrix, theyare taken up by osteoclasts. There, the N-containing bisphosphonates inhibit prenylation<strong>of</strong> G-proteins and thus damage the cells.Accordingly, osteoclast activity levels arelowered by alendronate and risedronate,while osteoclast apoptosis is promoted. Theresult is a reduction in bone resorption and adecreased risk <strong>of</strong> bone fractures.Raloxifene exerts an estrogen-like effecton bone, while acting as an estrogen antagonistin the uterus and breast tissue (p. 254).In terms <strong>of</strong> fracture prophylaxis, its effectivenessappears inferior to that <strong>of</strong> bisphosphonates.Thromboembolism and edemaare reported as adverse effects.It should also be mentioned that intermittentslight elevation in the plasma concentration<strong>of</strong> parathormone leads to increasedformation <strong>of</strong> bone substance. The likely explanationis that, under this condition, stimulation<strong>of</strong> osteoblasts is suf cient to inducesynthesis <strong>of</strong> bone matrix but not strongenough to activate osteoclasts. This strategyis applied therapeutically by administration<strong>of</strong> a fragment (amino acids 1–34) <strong>of</strong> recombinanthuman parathormone (teriparatide,s.c.).

Osteoporosis 331A. Bone: normal state and osteoporosisNormal stateOsteoporosisOrganic bone matrixBone mineral: hydroxyapatiteB. Regulation <strong>of</strong> bone remodelingParathyroid hormoneEstrogensProgenitorcellsFusionBiphosphonatesEstrogensRANKLApoptosisOPGRANKLActivation(Pre)OsteoblastsOPGCalcitoninOsteoclastsOHHO P OOOHRANK = receptor activating NF-Κ-BOH OH OHP OH RANKL = RANK-LigandHO P C P OHOOPG = OsteoprotegerinO CH 2 OPyrophosphateBone resorptionStimulationInhibition(CH 2 ) 2AlendronateNH 2

332 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid arthritis or chronic polyarthritis(A) is a progressive inflammatory jointdisease that intermittently attacks more andmore joints, predominantly those <strong>of</strong> the fingersand toes. The probable cause <strong>of</strong> rheumatoidarthritis is a pathological reaction <strong>of</strong> theimmune system. This malfunction can be promotedor triggered by various conditions, includinggenetic disposition, age-related wearand tear, hypothermia, and infection. An initialnoxiousstimuluselicitsaninflammation<strong>of</strong> synovial membranes that, in turn, leadsto release <strong>of</strong> antigens through which theinflammatory process is maintained.The antigen is taken up by synovial antigen-presentingcells; lymphocytes, includingT-helper cells (p. 304), are activated andstart to proliferate. In the process <strong>of</strong> interactionbetween lymphocytes and macrophages,the intensity <strong>of</strong> inflammation increases.Macrophages release proinflammatorymessengers; among these, interleukin-1and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) areimportant.TNFα is able to elicit a multiplicity <strong>of</strong>proinflammatory actions (B) that benefit defenseagainst infectious pathogens but aredetrimental in rheumatoid arthritis. The cytokinesstimulate gene expression for COX-2; inflammation-promoting prostanoids areproduced. The inflammatory reaction increasesactivity <strong>of</strong> lymphocytes and macrophages,initiating a vicious circle. Synovialfibroblasts proliferate and release destructiveenzymes; the inflamed characteristicpannus tissue develops and destructively invadesjoint cartilage and subjacent bone. Ultimately,ankylosis (loss <strong>of</strong> joint motion orbone fusion) with connective tissue scar formationoccurs. Concomitant extra-articulardisease may be superimposed. The diseaseprocess is associated with strong pain andrestriction <strong>of</strong> mobility.Pharmacotherapy. Acuterelief<strong>of</strong>inflammatorysymptoms can be achieved by prostaglandinsynthase inhibitors (p. 200; nonselectiveCOX inhibitors or COX-2 inhibitors)and by glucocorticoids (p. 244). The inevitablychronic use <strong>of</strong> both groups <strong>of</strong> substancesis likely to cause significant adverse effects.Neither can halt the progressive destruction<strong>of</strong> joints.Substances that are able to reduce therequirement for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs and to slow disease progressionare labeled disease-modifying agents.Early use <strong>of</strong> these drugs is recommended.Their effect develops only after treatmentfor several weeks. Proliferation <strong>of</strong> lymphocytescan be slowed by methotrexate(p. 304) and leflunomide, which reducesthe availability <strong>of</strong> pyrimidine nucleotides inlymphocytes (via inhibition <strong>of</strong> dihydroorotatedehydrogenase). For ciclosporin, seep. 306. In addition, use is made <strong>of</strong> immunesuppressants such as azathioprine and cyclophosphamide.Intralysosomal accumulationandimpairedphagocyticfunctionmaybe involved in the action <strong>of</strong> chloroquine orhydroxychloroquine, aswellasgold compounds(i.m.: aurothioglucose or aurothiomalate;oral: auran<strong>of</strong>in, less effective). Theantibodies, infliximab and adalimumab, aswell as the fusion protein etanercept interceptTNF-α molecules, preventing them frominteracting with membrane receptors <strong>of</strong> targetcells. Anakinra is a recombinant analogue<strong>of</strong> the endogenous interleukin-1 antagonist.The mechanisms <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> D-penicillamineand sulfasalazine are unknown.Same <strong>of</strong> the drugs mentioned possess considerablepotential for adverse effects. Sulfasalazineand methotrexate exhibit a relativelyfavorable risk–benefit ratio. Combination<strong>of</strong> disease-modifying drugs is possible.Surgical removal <strong>of</strong> the inflamed synovialmembrane (synovectomy) frequently provideslong-term relief. If feasible, this approachis preferred because all pharmacotherapeuticmeasures entail significant adverseeffects.

Rheumatoid Arthritis 333A. Rheumatoid ArthritisGenetic predispositionEnvironmental factorsPrecipitatingcausesInfectionTraumaImmune system: reactive against autologous joint tissueSulfasalazine?ProstaglandinsynthesisCOX inhibitorsIL-1 receptorCox-2AnakinraNClCytokines, etc.IL-1, TNFαInfliximabNH2NNH2N N NMethotrexateCH2NCH3NHC2H5EtanerceptH CNOHC 3CHCH2CH2CH2NHOOC (CH2)2CHCOOHChloroquineGold,chloroquine?C2H5MacrophagesAntigen (unknown)LymphocytesÐMethotrexate(purinesynthesis )ÐLeflunomide(pyrimidinesynthesis )ÐCiclosporin(IL-2 synthesisin T-helper cells )D-Penicillamine?B. Tumor necrosis factor α and inhibitorsInfliximab(chimericIgG antibody)Murineportion (Fab)Humanportion (Fc)HomotrimerTNF αEtanercept(fusion protein)TNF αreceptorpartsFc portionTNF αreceptorTumor cellsÐ LysisVessels:Ð ProliferationÐ Adhesion <strong>of</strong>blood cellsActivationMacrophages:ÐActivationÐ ChemotaxisSynovial membrane:Ð ProliferationÐ Pannus formationBone:ÐResorption

334 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases MigraineMigraine is a syndrome characterized by recurrentattacks <strong>of</strong> intense headache and nauseathat occur at irregular intervals and lastfor several hours. In classical migraine, theattack is typically heralded by an “aura” accompaniedby spreading homonymous visualfield defects with colored sharp edges(“fortification” spectra). In addition, the patientcannotfocusoncertainobjects,hasaravenous appetite for particular foods, and ishypersensitive to odors (hyperosmia) orlight (photophobia). The exact cause <strong>of</strong> thesecomplaints is unknown; conceivably, theunderlying pathogenetic mechanisms involvelocal release <strong>of</strong> proinflammatory mediatorsfrom nociceptive primary afferents(neurogenic inflammation) or a disturbancein cranial blood flow. In addition to an <strong>of</strong>teninherited predisposition, precipitating factorsare required to provoke an attack, e. g.,psychic stress, lack <strong>of</strong> sleep, certain foods.Pharmacotherapy <strong>of</strong> migraine has two aims:stopping the acute attack and preventingsubsequent ones.Treatment <strong>of</strong> the attack. For symptomaticrelief, headaches are treated with analgesics(acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid), andnausea is treated with metoclopramide(pp.116, 342) or domperidone. Since thereis delayed gastric emptying during the attack,drug absorption can be markedly retardedand hence effective plasma levels arenot obtained. Because metoclopramide stimulatesgastric emptying, it promotes absorption<strong>of</strong> ingested analgesic drugs and thusfacilitates pain relief.If acetylsalicylic acid is administered i.v. asthe lysine salt, its bioavailability is complete.Therefore, i.v. injection may be advisable inacute attacks.Should analgesics prove insuf ciently effective,sumatriptan (prototype <strong>of</strong> the triptans)or ergotamine may help prevent animminent attack in many cases. Both substancesare effective in migraine and clusterheadaches but not in other forms <strong>of</strong> headache.The probable common mechanism <strong>of</strong>action is a stimulation <strong>of</strong> serotonin receptors<strong>of</strong> the 5-HT 1D subtype. Moreover, ergotaminehas af nity for dopamine receptors(†nausea, emesis), as well as α-adrenoceptorsand 5-HT 2 receptors (⁄ vascular tone, ⁄platelet aggregation). With frequent use, thevascular side effects may give rise to severeperipheral ischemia (ergotism). Paradoxically,overuse <strong>of</strong> ergotamine (> once perweek) may provoke “rebound” headaches,thoughttoresultfrompersistentvasodilation.Though different in character (tensiontypeheadache), these prompt further consumption<strong>of</strong> ergotamine. Thus, a viciouscircle develops with chronic abuse <strong>of</strong> ergotamineor other analgesics that may end withirreversible disturbances <strong>of</strong> peripheral bloodflow and impairment <strong>of</strong> renal function.Administered orally, ergotamine and sumatriptanhave only limited bioavailability.Dihydroergotamine may be given by i.m. orslow i.v. injection, sumatriptan subcutaneously,by nasal spray, or as a suppository.When given orally, other triptans such aszolmitriptan, naratriptan, andrizatriptanhave higher bioavailability than sumatriptan.Prophylaxis. Taken regularly over a longerperiod, a heterogeneous group <strong>of</strong> drugs comprisingpropranolol, nadolol, atenolol, andmetoprolol (β-blockers), flunarizine (H 1 -histamine,dopamine, and calcium antagonist),pizotifen (pizotyline, 5-HT antagonist withstructural resemblance to tricyclic antidepressants),and methysergide (partial 5-HTantagonist) may decrease the frequency, intensity,and duration <strong>of</strong> migraine attacks.The drug <strong>of</strong> first choice is one <strong>of</strong> the β-blockersmentioned.

Migraine 335A: Migraine and its treatmentAcetylsalicylic acid 1000 mgor acetaminophen 1000 mgWhen therapeutic effect inadequateSumatriptanand other triptansor(Dihydro)-Ergotamine6 mg 50–100 mg 1 mg 1–2 mgMigraineMetoclopramideMigraine attack:HeadacheHypersensitivity <strong>of</strong>olfaction, gustation,audition, vision,nausea, vomitingNeurogenicinflammation,local edema,vasodilationinhibiteddelayedGastric emptyingDrugabsorptionacceleratedimproved5-HT 1B/1DRelief <strong>of</strong> migraine5-HT 1B/1D5-HT 1APsychosis5-HT 1ASumatriptanand other triptansD 25-HT 2Nausea,vomitingPlatelet aggregationD 25-HT 2Ergotamineα 1 + α 2Vasoconstrictionα 1 + α 2

336 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Common ColdThe common cold—colloquially the flu, catarrh,or grippe (strictly speaking the rarerinfection with influenza viruses)—is an acuteinfectious inflammation <strong>of</strong> the upper respiratorytract. Its symptoms—sneezing, runningnose (due to rhinitis), hoarseness (laryngitis),dif culty in swallowing and sorethroat (pharyngitis and tonsillitis), cough associatedwith first serous then mucous sputum(tracheitis, bronchitis), sore muscles,and general malaise—can be present individuallyorconcurrentlyinvaryingcombinationor sequence. The term stems from an oldpopular belief that these complaints arecaused by exposure to chilling or dampness.The causative pathogens are different viruses(rhino-, adeno-, and parainfluenza viruses)that may be transmitted by aerosol dropletsproduced by coughing and sneezing.Therapeutic measures. Causal treatmentwith a virustatic is not possible at present.Since cold symptoms abate spontaneously,there is no compelling need to use drugs.However, conventional remedies are intendedfor symptomatic relief.Rhinitis. Nasal discharge could be preventedby parasympatholytics; however,other atropine-like effects (p.108) wouldhave to be accepted. Parasympatholyticsare threfore hardly ever used, although acorresponding action is probably exploitedinthecase<strong>of</strong>H 1 -antihistaminics, aningredient<strong>of</strong> many cold remedies. Locally applied(nasal drops), vasoconstricting α-sympathomimeticsdecongest the nasal mucosa anddry up secretions, clearing the nasal passage.Long-term use may cause damage to nasalmucous membranes (p. 94).Sore throat, swallowing problems. Demulcentlozenges containing surface anestheticssuch as lidocaine (caveat: benzocaineand tetracaine contain an allergenic p-aminophenylgroup; p. 207) may provide shorttermrelief; however, the risk <strong>of</strong> allergic reactionsshould be kept in mind.Cough. Since coughing serves to expel excesstracheobronchial secretions, suppression<strong>of</strong> this physiological reflex is justifiedonly when coughing is dangerous (after surgery)or unproductive because <strong>of</strong> absent secretions.Codeine and noscapine (p. 210) suppresscough by a central action. A different,though incompletely understood, mechanism<strong>of</strong> action is evident in antitussives suchas clobutinol, which do not derive from opium.The available clinical studies concerningthebenefits<strong>of</strong>antitussivesincommoncoldsdo not present a convincing picture.Mucous airway obstruction. Expectorantsare meant to promote clearing <strong>of</strong> bronchialmucus by a liquefying action thatinvolves either cleavage <strong>of</strong> mucous substances(mucolytics) or stimulation <strong>of</strong> production<strong>of</strong> watery mucus (e. g., hot beverages).Whether mucolytics are indicated in thecommon cold and whether expectorantssuch as bromohexine or ambroxole effectivelylower viscosity <strong>of</strong> bronchial secretionsmay be questioned. In clinical studies <strong>of</strong>chronic obstructive bronchitis (but not commoncold infections), N-acetylcysteine wasshown to have clinical effectiveness, as evidencedby a lowered incidence <strong>of</strong> exacerbationsduring chronic intake.Fever. Antipyretic analgesics (acetylsalicylicacid, acetaminophen, p.198) are indicatedonly when there is high fever. Fever isa natural response and useful in monitoringtheclinicalcourse<strong>of</strong>aninfection.Muscle aches and pains, headache. Antipyreticanalgesics are effective in relievingthese symptoms.

Common Cold 337A. Drugs used in common coldLocal use <strong>of</strong>α-sympathomimetics(nasal drops or spray)Acetylsalicylic acidAcetaminophenSorenessHeadacheFeverH 1 -AntihistaminesCaution: sedationViral infectionMucosal decongestionNose breathing facilitatedCaution: habituationSniffles, runny noseCommon coldFluCausal therapyimpossibleSurface anestheticsCaution:risk <strong>of</strong> sensitizationSore throatAntitussive:CH 3NCodeineH3COOOHCoughMucolyticsONH C CH 3Givewarm fluidsElderberryteaAcetylcysteineBromhexineHS CH 2 C COOHBrHNH 2CH 3Br CH 2 NAirway congestionAccumulation in airways<strong>of</strong> mucus, inadequateexpulsion by cough

338 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Atopy and Antiallergic TherapyAtopy denotes a hereditary predisposition forIgE-mediated allergic reactions. Clinical picturesinclude allergic rhinoconjunctivitis(“hay fever”), bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis(neurodermatitis, atopic eczema) andurticaria.Evidently,differentiation<strong>of</strong>T-helper(TH) lymphocytes toward the TH 2 phenotypeis the common denominator. Therapeutic interventionsare aimed at different levels toinfluence pathophysiological events (A).1. Specific immune therapy (“hyposensitization”)with intracutaneous antigen injectionsis intended to shift TH cells in the direction<strong>of</strong> TH 1 .2. Inactivation <strong>of</strong> IgE can be achieved bymeans <strong>of</strong> the monoclonal antibody, omalizumab.This is directed against the Fc portion <strong>of</strong>IgE and prevents its binding to mast cells.3. Stabilization <strong>of</strong> mast cells. Cromolyn preventsIgE-mediated release <strong>of</strong> mast cell mediators,although only after chronic treatment.Itisappliedlocally to conjunctiva, nasalmucosa, the bronchial tree (inhalation),and intestinal mucosa (absorption is almostnil with oral intake). Indications: prophylaxis<strong>of</strong> hay-fever, allergic asthma, andfood allergies.Nedocromil acts similarly.4. Blockade <strong>of</strong> histamine receptors. Allergicreactions are predominantly mediated by H 1receptors. H 1 -antihistaminics (p.118) aremostly used orally. Their therapeutic effectis <strong>of</strong>ten disappointing. Indications: allergicrhinitis (hay fever).5. Blockade <strong>of</strong> leukotriene receptors. Montelukastis an antagonist at receptors for(cysteinyl) leukotriene. Leukotrienes evokeintense bronchoconstriction and promote allergicinflammation <strong>of</strong> the bronchial mucosa.Montelukast is used for oral prophylaxis <strong>of</strong>bronchial asthma. It is effective in analgesiainducedasthma (pp. 200, 340) and exerciseinducedbronchospasm.6. Functional antagonists <strong>of</strong> mediators<strong>of</strong> allergy.a α-Sympathomimetics, suchasnaphazoline,oxymetazoline, and tetrahydrozoline,are applied topically to the conjunctivaland nasal mucosa to produce local vasoconstriction.Their use should be shorttermat most.b Epinephrine, given i.v., is the most importantdrug in the management <strong>of</strong> anaphylacticshock: it constricts blood vessels,reduces capillary permeability, and dilatesbronchi.c β 2 -Sympathomimetics, suchasterbutaline,fenoterol, and albuterol, are employedin bronchial asthma, mostlybyinhalation,and parenterally in emergencies.Even after inhalation, effective amountscan reach the systemic circulation andcause side effects (e. g., palpitations, tremulousness,restlessness, hypokalemia).Theduration<strong>of</strong>action<strong>of</strong>bothsalmeteroland formoterol, given by inhalation, is 12hours. These long-acting β 2 -mimetics areincluded in the treatment <strong>of</strong> severe asthma.Given at nighttime, they can preventattacks that preferentially occur in theearly morning hours.d Theophylline belongs to the methylxanthines.Its effects are attributed to bothinhibition <strong>of</strong> phosphodiesterase (cAMP increase,p. 66) and antagonism at adenosinereceptors. In bronchial asthma, theophyllinecan be given orally for prophylaxisor parenterally to control the attack.Manifestations <strong>of</strong> overdosage include tonic-clonicseizuresandcardiacarrhythmias(blood level monitoring).e Glucocorticoids (p. 244) have significantantiallergic activity and probably interferewith different stages <strong>of</strong> the allergic response.Indications: hay fever, bronchialasthma (preferably local application <strong>of</strong>analogues with high presystemic elimination,e. g., beclomethasone dipropionate,budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone propionate);and anaphylactic shock (i.v. in highdosage)—a probably nongenomic action <strong>of</strong>immediate onset.

Antiallergie Therapy 339A. Atopy and antiallergic therapyTH 1 TH 0 TH 2AntigenSkinSpecificimmunotherapyAllergenIgEAtopyMast cellstabilization bycromolynOHIgEOmalizumabMast cell- OOCOOCH 2OCHCH 2OOOCOO -GlucocorticoidsH 1-AntihistaminicsHistamineLeukotrienesAntileukotriene,e.g., montelukastHistaminereceptorLeukotrienereceptorReaction <strong>of</strong> target cellsVascular smooth muscle, permeabilityBronchial musculatureVasodilation Edema ContractionBronchial asthmaα-Sympathomimetics:e. g.,naphazolineMucous membranes<strong>of</strong> nose and eye:redness, swelling,secretionβ2-Sympathomimetics:e. g., terbutalineHOCH3VasoconstrictionEpinephrineSkin:wheal formationCirculation:anaphylactic shockBronchodilationHOCH CH2 N C CH3HOHCH3TheophyllineOH3CNO NHNNCH3

340 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Bronchial AsthmaDefinition. A recurrent, episodic shortness <strong>of</strong>breath caused by bronchoconstriction arisingfrom airway inflammation and hyperreactivity.Pathophysiology. One <strong>of</strong> the main pathogeneticfactors is an allergic inflammation <strong>of</strong>the bronchial mucosa. For instance, leukotrienesthat are formed during an IgE-mediatedimmune response (p. 72) exert a chemotacticeffect on inflammatory cells. As theinflammation develops, bronchi becomeglobally hyperreactive to spasmogenic stimuli.Thus, stimuli other than the original antigen(s)can act as triggers (A); e. g., breathing<strong>of</strong> cold air is an important trigger in exerciseinducedasthma. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors(p. 200) exemplify drugs acting as asthmatriggers.Management. Avoidance <strong>of</strong> asthma triggersis an important prophylactic measure,thoughnotalwaysfeasible.Drugsthatinhibitallergic inflammatory mechanisms or reducebronchial hyperreactivity (glucocorticoids,“mast-cell stabilizers,” and leukotrieneantagonists) attack crucial pathogeneticlinks. Bronchodilation is achieved by inhalation<strong>of</strong> β 2 -sympathomimetics (with highpresystemic elimination) or, in the case <strong>of</strong>chronic obstructive lung disease, the anticholinergic,tiotropium (long-acting; singledaily dose).The step scheme (B) illustrates successivelevels <strong>of</strong> pharmacotherapeutic managementat increasing degrees <strong>of</strong> disease severity.Step 1. Medications <strong>of</strong> first choice for theacute attack are short-acting, aerosolized β 2 -sympathomimetics, e. g., salbutamol or fenoterol.Their action occurs within minutesafter inhalation and lasts for 4–6 hours.Step 2. If β 2 -mimetics have to be usedmore frequently than once a week, moresevere disease is present. At this stage, managementincludes anti-inflammatory drugs,preferably an inhalable glucocorticoid(p. 246). Inhalational treatment with glucocorticoidsmust be administered regularly,improvement being evident only afterseveral weeks. With proper inhalationaluse <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoids undergoing high presystemicelimination, concern about systemicadverse effects (“cortisone fear”) isunwarranted. Possible local adverse effectsare oropharyngeal candidiasis and dysphonia.To minimize the risk <strong>of</strong> candidiasis, drugadministration should occur before morningor evening meals. Alternatively, a “mast-cellstabilizer” (p.118)givenbyinhalationmayprove adequately successful. Oral administration<strong>of</strong> timed-release theophylline(p. 338) is considered a further alternative,particularly so since the effect <strong>of</strong> theophyllineis thought to possess an additional inflammation-inhibitingcomponent, apartfrom bronchodilation. The margin <strong>of</strong> safetyis narrow (cardiac or CNS stimulation; plasmalevel controls!). A leukotriene antagonist(montelukast, p. 338) may also merit consideration.Anti-inflammatory therapy is the moresuccessful the less use is made <strong>of</strong> asneededβ 2 -mimetic medication.Step 3. Continuous bronchodilator treatmentis added to the low-dose glucocorticoidregimen. Preference is given to local use<strong>of</strong> a long-acting inhalable β 2 -mimetic (salmeterolor formoterol; p. 338). If this provesinsuf cient, the glucocorticoid dose is increased.Instead <strong>of</strong> a long-acting β 2 -mimetic,oral administration <strong>of</strong> timed-release theophylline,<strong>of</strong>acontrolledreleaseβ2 -agonist,or <strong>of</strong> a leukotriene antagonist would be possible.Step 4. The dose <strong>of</strong> inhalable glucocorticoidis increased further. When this provesunsatisfactory, the active principles shownin (B) can be added on, including systemicadministration <strong>of</strong> a glucocorticoid.

Bronchial Asthma 341A. Asthma bronchiale, pathophysiology and therapeutic approachAllergensInflammationAntigens,infections,ozone,SO 2 , NO 2Bronchial hyperreactivityNoxious stimuliBronchialspasmDust,cold air,drugsAvoidexposureTreatinflammationDilatebronchiB. Bronchial asthma treatment algorithmPreferred substancesfor adultsafter: Global Strategyfor Asthma Managementand Prevention 2002If needed (orally):Glucocorticoidβ 2 -MimeticMontelukastTheophyllineMaintained bronchodilationLong-acting β 2 -mimetic by inhalationAntiinflammatory treatment, inhalative, chronicallyGlucocorticoid with high presystemic eliminationlow dose medium dose high doseBronchodilation as needed: short-acting inhalative β 2 -mimetics< 1 x /weekMild asthma

342 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases EmesisIn emesis the stomach empties in a retrogrademanner. The pyloric sphincter isclosed while cardia and esophagus relax toallow gastric contents to be propelled oradby a forceful synchronous contraction <strong>of</strong> abdominalwall muscles and diaphragm. Closure<strong>of</strong> the glottis and elevation <strong>of</strong> the s<strong>of</strong>tpalate prevent entry <strong>of</strong> vomitus into the tracheaand the nasopharynx. As a rule, there isprodromal salivation or yawning. Coordinationbetween these different stages dependson the medullary center for emesis, whichcanbeactivatedbydiversestimuli.Theseareconveyed via the vestibular apparatus, visual,olfactory,andgustatory inputs,aswellas viscerosensory afferents from the upperalimentary tract. Psychic stress may alsoactivate the emetic center. The mechanismsunderlying motion sickness (kinetosis, seasickness) and vomiting during pregnancy arestill unclear.Polar substances cannot reach the emeticcenter itself because it is protected by theblood–brain barrier. However, they can indirectlyexcite the center by activating chemoreceptorsin the area postrema or receptorson peripheral vagal nerve endings.Antiemetic therapy. Vomiting can be a usefulreaction enabling the body to eliminatean orally ingested poison. Antiemetic drugsare used to prevent kinetosis, pregnancyvomiting, cytotoxic drug-induced or postoperativevomiting, as well as vomiting due toradiation therapy.Motion sickness. Effective prophylaxiscan be achieved with the parasympatholyticscopolamine (p.110) and H 1 -antihistaminics(p.118)<strong>of</strong>thediphenylmethanetype(e.g.,diphenhydramine, meclizine). Antiemeticactivity is not a property shared by all parasympatholyticsor antihistaminics. The ef -cacy <strong>of</strong> the drugs mentioned depends on theactual situation <strong>of</strong> the individual (gastric filling,ethanol consumption), environmentalconditions (e. g., the behavior <strong>of</strong> fellow travelers),andthetype<strong>of</strong>motionexperienced.The drugs should be taken 30 minutes beforethe start <strong>of</strong> travel and repeated every 4–6hours. Scopolamine applied transdermallythrough an adhesive patch 6–8 hours beforetravel can provide effective protection for upto 3 days.Pregnancy vomiting is prone to occur inthe first trimester; thus, pharmacotherapywould coincide with the period <strong>of</strong> maximalfetal vulnerability to chemical injury. Accordingly,antiemetics (antihistaminics, orneuroleptics if required; p. 232) should beused only when continuous vomiting threatensto disturb electrolyte and water balancetoadegreethatplacesthefetusatrisk.Drug-induced vomiting. To prevent vomitingduring anticancer chemotherapy (especially,with cisplatin), effective use can bemade <strong>of</strong> 5-HT 3 receptor antagonists (e. g.,ondansetron, granisetron, and tropisetron),alone or in combination with glucocorticoids(methylprednisolone, dexamethasone). Anticipatorynausea and vomiting, resultingfrom inadequately controlled nausea andemesis in patients undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy,can be attenuated by a benzodiazepinesuch as lorazepam. Dopamineagonist-inducednausea in parkinsonian patients(p.188) can be counteracted with D 2 -receptor antagonists that penetrate poorlyinto the CNS (e. g., domperidone, sulpiride).Metoclopramide is effective in nausea andvomiting <strong>of</strong> gastrointestinal origin (5-HT 4receptor agonism) and at high dosage alsoin chemotherapy- and radiation-inducedsickness (low potency antagonism at 5-HT 3and D 3 -receptors). Phenothiazines (e. g., levomepromazine,trimeprazine, andperphenazine)or metoclopramide may suppress nausea/emesisthat follows certain types <strong>of</strong> surgeryor is due to opioid analgesics, gastrointestinalirritation, uremia, and diseasesaccompanied by elevated intracranial pressure.The synthetic cannabinoids dronabinoland nabilone have antiemetic effects thatmay benefit AIDS and cancer patients.

Emesis 343A. Emetic stimuli and antiemetic drugsPregnancyvomitingKinetosese.g., sea sicknessChemoreceptorsPsychogenicvomitingEmetic centerSightOlfactionVestibularsystemArea postremaTasteIntramucosal sensory nerveendings in mouth, pharynx,and stomachChemoreceptors(drug-inducedvomiting)CParasympatholyticsNDopamine D 2 antagonistsOOH 3CH N N CH 2CH 3CH 2 OHO C CHO ScopolamineH 1 -AntihistaminesHNONNNN H ClDomperidoneClCH 3CH O CH 2 CH 2 NCH 3DiphenhydramineMeclozineH 2NOCH 3C 2H 5ClC NH CH 2 CH 2 NOC 2H 5MetoclopramideOCH 2 CH 3NNNOndansetronCH 35-HT 3 -antagonist

344 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Alcohol AbuseSince prehistoric times, ethanol-containingbeverages have enjoyed widespread use asa recreational luxury. What applies to anymedicinal substance also holds for alcohol:thedosealonemakesthepoison(seep.2).Excessive, long-term consumption <strong>of</strong> alcoholicdrinks, or alcohol abuse, isharmfulto the affected individual. Alcoholism mustbe considered a grave disorder that plays amajor role in terms <strong>of</strong> numbers alone; forinstance, in Germany 1 000 000 people areaffected by this self-inflicted illness.Ethanol is miscible with water and is welllipid-soluble, enabling it to penetrate easilythrough all barriers in the organism; theblood–brain barrier and the placental barrierare no obstacles. In liver cells, alcohol is brokendowntoaceticacidviaacetaldehyde(A).Ethyl alcohol is never ingested as a chemicallypure substance but in the form <strong>of</strong> analcoholic beverage that contains flavoringagents and higher alcohols, depending onits origin. The effect desired by the consumertakes place in the brain: ethanol acts as astimulant, it disinhibits, and it enhances sociability,as long as the beverage is enjoyedin moderate quantities. After higher doses,self-critical faculties are lost and motor functionis impaired–the familiar picture <strong>of</strong> thedrunk. Still higher doses induce a comatosestate (caution: hypothermia and respiratoryparalysis). The complex effects on the CNScannot be ascribed to a simple mechanism <strong>of</strong>action. An inhibitory effect on the NMDAsubtype <strong>of</strong> glutamate receptor appears topredominate.In chronic alcohol abuse, mainly two organsare damaged:1. In the liver, hepatocytes may initiallyundergo fatty degeneration, this processbeing reversible. With continued exposure,liver cells die and are replaced byconnective tissue newly formed from my<strong>of</strong>ibroblasts:liver cirrhosis. Hepatic bloodflow is greatly reduced; the organ becomesunable to fulfill its detoxificationfunction (danger <strong>of</strong> hepatic coma). Collateralcirculation routes develop (bleedingfrom esophageal varicose veins) with production<strong>of</strong> ascites. Alcoholic liver cirrhosisis a severe, mostly progressive disease thatpermits only symptomatic therapy (B).2. The functional capacity <strong>of</strong> the brain isimpaired. Irreversible damage may manifestin a measurable fallout <strong>of</strong> neuronal cellbodies. Often delirium tremens develops(usually triggered by alcohol withdrawal),which can be managedwith intensive therapy(clomethiazole, haloperidol, amongothers). In addition, alcoholic hallucinationsand Wernicke–Korsakow syndromeoccur. All <strong>of</strong> these are desolate states.It must be pointed out specifically that alcoholabuse during pregnancy leads to (embryo–fetalalcohol syndrome (malformations,persistent intellectual deficits). Thisintrauterine intoxication is relatively common:one case per 1000 births (C).Chronic alcohol abuse is an expression <strong>of</strong>true dependence. Thus, therapy <strong>of</strong> this addictionis dif cult and frequently withoutsuccess. There is no pharmacotherapeuticsilver bullet (the NMDA receptor antagonistacamprosate may be worth trying). Aboveall, psychotherapeutic care, a change in milieu,and supportive treatment with benzodiazepinesare important.

Alcohol Abuse 345A. AlcoholismEthanol Acetaldehyde Acetic acid Quotient NADH/NAD+H 3 CH 3 CH 3 CFatty acid oxidationFatty acid synthesisTriglyceride synthesisH COH 2 HC=O COOHFatty liverNAD+ NADH NAD+ NADHCell necrosesMain catabolic pathway <strong>of</strong> ethanol in liver cellCirrhosisB. Liver cirrhosisHepaticencephalopathyInsufficientpresystemicelimination<strong>of</strong> NH 3Esophageal andgastric varicesPortalhypertensionLiver cirrhosisAscitesC. Embryo-fetal alcohol syndrome

346 Therapy <strong>of</strong> Selected Diseases Local Treatment <strong>of</strong> GlaucomaCurrently, glaucoma therapy remains focusedon mechanisms designed to decreaseintraocular pressure (IOP) and this approachis considered effective also in normal tensionglaucoma.Normal values <strong>of</strong> IOP lie between 15 and20 mmHg, that is, above the venous pressure.IOP reflects the ratio <strong>of</strong> productionand outflow <strong>of</strong> aqueous humor. Aqueous humoris secreted by the epithelial cells <strong>of</strong> theciliary body and, following passage throughthe trabecular meshwork, is drained via thecanal <strong>of</strong> Schlemm (blue arrows in A). Thisroute is taken by 85–90% <strong>of</strong> aqueous humor;a smaller portion enters the uveoscleral vesselsand, thus, the venous system. In the socalledopen-angle glaucoma, passage <strong>of</strong>aqueous humor through the trabecularmeshwork is impeded so that drainagethrough Schlemm’s canal becomes inef -cient. The much rarer primary angle-closureglaucoma features a narrowed iridocornealangle or a tight contact between iris and lens(‘pupillary block’). Secondarily, blockade bythe iris <strong>of</strong> the trabecular meshwork may bedue to various causes (e. g., synechiae). Topographicalrelationships in the chamber angleareshownenlargedintheredbox.For topical therapy <strong>of</strong> open-angle glaucoma,the following groups <strong>of</strong> drugs can beused: for reducing production <strong>of</strong> aqueoushumor, β-blockers (e. g., timolol), α 2 -agonists(clonidine, brimonidine), and inhibitors <strong>of</strong>carbonic anhydrase (dorzolamide, brinzolamide).For promoting drainage through the trabecularmeshwork, parasympathomimetics(e. g., pilocarpine) are effective, and throughthe uveoscleral route, prostaglandin derivatives.Pilocarpine excites the ciliary muscleand the pupillary sphincter. The contraction<strong>of</strong> both muscles widens the geometrical arrangement<strong>of</strong> trabeculae, resulting in improveddrainage <strong>of</strong> aqueous humor. Uveoscleraldrainage is augmented by the prostaglandinderivatives lanatoprost and bimatoprost.Both substances can be used fortopical monotherapy or combined with otheractive principles. A peculiar side effect isnotable: dark pigmentation <strong>of</strong> iris and eyelashes.The therapy <strong>of</strong> angle-closure glaucomainvolves chiefly reduction <strong>of</strong> aqueous humorproduction (osmotic agents, β-blockers) andsurgical procedures.The topical application <strong>of</strong> pharmaceuticalsintheform<strong>of</strong>eye-dropsishamperedbyapharmacokinetic problem. The drug mustpenetrate from the ocular surface (corneaand conjunctiva) to its target sites, namely,the smooth muscle <strong>of</strong> the ciliary body or theiris, the secretory epithelium <strong>of</strong> the ciliarybody, or the uveoscleral vessels (B). The applieddrug concentration is diluted by lacrimalfluid and drains via the tear duct to thenasal mucosa, where the drug may be absorbed.During permeation through the cornea,transport through blood vessels takesplace. The drug concentration reaching theanterior chamber is diluted by aqueous humorand, finally, drug molecules are alsotransported away via Schlemm’s canal. Inorder to reach the required concentrationsatthetargetsite(10 –8 to 10 –6 M, dependingon the substance), the concentration neededin the eye drops is ~ 10 –2 M(equivalentto~ 0.5 mg per droplet, depending on molecularweight). The amount <strong>of</strong> drug contained ina single drop is large enough to elicit a generalreaction with systemic use. Even whenapplied properly, eye drops can thereforeevoke side effects in the cardiovascular systemor the bronchial space. This possibilityleads to corresponding contraindications.Thus, in patients with severe congestiveheart failure, bradycardia, or obstructivelung disease, eye drops containing β-blockersmust be avoided at all times.

Local Treatment <strong>of</strong> Glaucoma 347A. Local pharmacotherapy <strong>of</strong> glaucomaConjunctivaScleraIncreased drainagePilocarpineProstaglandin derivativesM. ciliarisProc. ciliarisSchlemm’s canalCorneaInhibitors <strong>of</strong> aqueous humorproduction: β-Blocker,CAH-inhibitors, α 2 -agonistAqueous humorIrisSchlemm’s canal(drainage intovenous system)ScleraM. ciliarisLensB. Diffusion barriers for eye dropsTrabecularlabyrinthConcentration:~ 10 -7MTearfilmCorneaAqueous humorIrisPotential targetorgans:Eye dropsConcentration:~ 10 -2MRemoval throughSchlemm’s canalM. sphincter pup.M. dilatator pup.Ciliary epitheliumM. ciliaristo nasalmucosaRemoval throughblood vessels

Further Reading

350 Further Reading and Picture Credits Further ReadingFoundations and Basic Principles <strong>of</strong><strong>Pharmacology</strong>Foreman JC, Johansen T. Textbook <strong>of</strong> Receptor<strong>Pharmacology</strong>. 2nd ed. New York:McGraw-Hill; 2002.Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Gilman A. Goodman& Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis<strong>of</strong> Therapeutics. 10th ed. New York:McGraw-Hill; 2001.Katzung BG. Basic and Clinical <strong>Pharmacology</strong>.9th ed. New York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill; 2004.Page CR, Curtis MJ, Sutter MC, Walker MJA,H<strong>of</strong>fman BB. Integrated <strong>Pharmacology</strong>.2nd ed. London: Mosby; 2002.Pratt WB, Taylor P. Principles <strong>of</strong> Drug Action—TheBasis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacology</strong>. 3rd ed.New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1990.Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK.<strong>Pharmacology</strong>.5thed.NewYork:ChurchillLivingstone; 2003.Clinical <strong>Pharmacology</strong>Bennett PN, Brown MJ. Clinical <strong>Pharmacology</strong>.9th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone;2003.Caruthers SG, H<strong>of</strong>fman BB, Melmon KL, NierenbergDW. Melmon and Morelli’s Clinical<strong>Pharmacology</strong>—Basic Principles in Therapeutics.4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill;2000.Clinical <strong>Pharmacology</strong>—Electronic Drug Reference.Tampa, Florida: Gold StandardMultimedia Inc. [Updated every 4 months].Dipiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR,Wells BG, Posey LM. Pharmacotherapy—APathophysiological Approach. New York:McGraw-Hill/Appleton and Lange; 2002.Grahame-Smith D, Aronson J. Oxford Textbook<strong>of</strong> Clinical <strong>Pharmacology</strong> and DrugTherapy. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress; 2002.Drug Interactions and Adverse EffectsDavies DM, Ferner RE, de Glanville H. Davies’Textbook <strong>of</strong> Adverse Drug Reactions. 5thed. London: Chapman and Hall; 1998.Hansten PD, Horn JR. Drug interactions, Analysisand Management. Vancouver, WA:Applied Therapeutics Inc. [Updated every4months].WebsitesUSA. FDA:www.fda.gov/medwatch/index.htmlUK. NHS: http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/Drugs in Pregnancy and LactationBriggs GG, Freeman RK, Yaffe SJ. Drugs inPregnancy and Lactation: a ReferenceGuide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk. 6th ed.Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 2002.PharmacokineticsBauer LA. Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics.New York: McGraw-Hill Med. Publ. Div.;2001.Boroujerdi M. Pharmacokinetics—Principlesand Applications. New York: McGraw-HillMed. Publ. Div.; 2002.Shargel L, Yu A. Applied Biopharmaceuticsand Pharmacokinetics. 4th ed. New York:McGraw-Hill Med. Publ. Div.; 1999.ToxicologyKlaassen CD, Watkins J. Casarett and Doull’sToxicology: The Basic Science <strong>of</strong> Poisons.7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2003. Picture Creditsp. 75 Permission to use the two photographsin the plate on p. 75 was kindly granted byPr<strong>of</strong>essor Enno Christophers, Head <strong>of</strong> theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Dermatology, Venereologyand Allergology at the University <strong>of</strong> Kiel.p. 297 A and B taken from: Lang W, LöschnerT. Tropenmedizin in Klinik und Praxis. 3rded. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1999.p. 297 C taken from: H<strong>of</strong> H, Dörries R. MedizinischeMikrobiologie. 2nd ed. Stuttgart:Thieme: 2002.p. 297 D taken from: Kayser F, Bienz KA, EckertJ, Zinkernagel RM. Medizinische Mikrobiologie.10th ed. Stuttgart: Thieme; 2001.p. 345 C taken from: Murken J, Clevett. Humangenetik.6th ed. Stuttgart: Enke; 1996.

Drug Indexes

352 Drug IndexTrade Name – Drug Name(* denotes investigational status in theUnited States)AAbbokinase ®Acantex ®Accolate ®Accupril ®Acediur ®Acephen ®Acepril ®Achromycin ®AcipHex ®Acnex ®Acthar ®®Acti-B 12Actilyse ®Actimmune ®Actiprophen ®Activase ®Actonel ®Actos ®Actulin ®Acular ®Adalat ®Adcortyl ®ADH ®Adicort ®Adrenalin ®Adriamycin ®Adriblastin ®Adrucil ®Advil ®Aegrosan ®Aerius ®Aerobid ®Aerolate ®Afibrin ®Afrin ®Agenerase ®Aggrastat ®Agopton ®Airbron ®Ak Pred ®Akarpine ®Akineton ®Akinophyl ®Alazine ®Albalon ®Albego ®Albiotic ®Albuterol ®Alcoban ®Aldactone ®Aldecin ®Aldinamide ®Aldocorten ®UrokinaseCeftriaxoneZafirlukastQuinaprilCaptoprilAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)CaptoprilTetracyclineRabeprazoleSalicylic acidCorticotropinHydroxocobalaminAlteplaseInterferon gammaIbupr<strong>of</strong>ent-PA (= alteplase)RisedronatePioglitazoneRepaglinideKetorolacNifedipineTriamcinoloneVasopressinTriamcinolone acetonideEpinephrineDoxorubicinDoxorubicinFluorouracilIbupr<strong>of</strong>enDimeticoneDesloratadineFlunisolideTheophyllineε-Aminocaproic acidOxymetazolineAmprenavirTir<strong>of</strong>ibanLansoprazoleAcetylcysteinePrednisolonePilocarpineBiperidenBiperidenHydralazineNaphazolineCamazepamLincomycinSalbutamolFlucytosineSpironolactoneBeclometasonePyrazinamideAldosteroneAldomet ®Aldrox ®Aleve ®Alexan ®Alfenta ®Alflorone ®Alfoten ®Algocalmin ®Algocor ®Alkeran ®Allegra ®Allerdryl ®Allerest ®All<strong>of</strong>erin ®Alloprin ®Allvoran ®Almocarpine ®Almodan ®Alocort ®Alophen ®Alopresin ®Alphagan ®Alpha-redisol ®Altace ®Altracin ®Alu-Cap ®Aludrin ®Alupent ®Alu-Tab ®Alzapam ®Ambaxine ®Ambien ®Ambril ®Amcill ®Amen ®Americaine ®Amfebutamon(e) ®Amicar ®Amidate ®Amidonal ®Amikin ®Aminomux ®Aminopan ®Amitril ®Ammuno ®Amoban ®Amodopa ®Amovane ®Amoxil ®Amphipen ®Amphojel ®Amphozone ®Amycor ®MethyldopaAluminum hydroxideNaproxenCytarabineAlfentanilFludrocortisoneAlfuzosinDipyroneGallopamilMelphalanFex<strong>of</strong>enadineDiphenhydramineOxymetazolineAlcuroniumAllopurinolDicl<strong>of</strong>enacPilocarpineAmoxicillinHydrocortisone (cortisol)PhenolphthaleinCaptoprilBrimonidineHydroxocobalaminRamiprilBacitracinAluminum hydroxideIsoprenaline(= isoproterenol)Metaproterenol(orciprenaline)Aluminum hydroxideLorazepamAmantadineZolpidemAmbroxolAmpicillinMedroxyprogesteroneacetateBenzocaineBupropionε-Aminocaproic acidEtomidateAprindineAmikacinPamidronateSomatostatinAmitriptylineIndometacinZopicloneMethyldopaZopicloneAmoxicillinAmpicillinAluminum hydroxideAmphotericin BBifonazole

TradeName–DrugName 353Anabactyl (A) ®Anabolin ®Anacaine ®Anacin-3 ®Anacobin ®Anaesthesin ®Anamid ®Anaprox ®Ancotil ®Andriol ®Andro ®Androcur ®Androcyp ®Android ®Androlone ®Andronate ®Androviron ®Anectine ®Anergan ®Anethaine ®Anexate ®Angettes ®Angionorm ®Ang-O-Span ®Antagon ®Antepsin ®Antilirium ®Antiminth ®Antipressan ®Antivert ®Antocin ®Antrizine ®Apaurin ®Apocretin ®Apresoline ®Aprobal ®Aprozide ®Apsin VK ®Apsolox ®Aptine ®Aralen ®Aranesp ®Arava ®Arduan ®Aredia ®Arelix ®Arfonad ®Arhythmol ®Aricept ®Arimidex ®Aristocort ®Arixtra ®Armazid ®Arsumax ®Arteoptic ®Arterenol ®Arthrisin ®Articulose ®CarbenicillinNandroloneBenzocaineAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)CyanocobalaminBenzocaineKanamycinNaproxenFlucytosineTestosteroneundecanoateTestosterone enantateCyproterone-acetateTestosterone cypionateMethyltestosteroneNandroloneTestosterone cypionateMesteroloneSuccinylcholinePromethazineTetracaineFlumazenilAcetylsalicylic acidDihydroergotamineNitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)GanirelixSucralfatePhysostigminePyrantel pamoateAtenololMeclizine (meclozine)AtosibanMeclizine (meclozine)DiazepamEtilefrineHydralazineAlprenololHydrochlorothiazidePencillin VOxprenololAlprenololChloroquineDarbepoetinLeflunomidePipecuroniumPamidronatePiretanideTrimetaphanPropafenoneDonepezilAnastrozoleTriamcinoloneFondaparinuxIsoniazidArtesunateCarteololNorepinephrine(noradrenaline)Acetylsalicylic acidPrednisoloneArumil ®AmilorideAsacol ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Asadrine ®Acetylsalicylic acidAscotop ®ZolmitriptanAspenon ®AprindineAspirin ®Acetylsalicylic acidAstramorph ® Morphine sulfateAtabrine ®QuinacrineAtacand ®CandesartanAtempol ®NitrazepamAtensine ®DiazepamAtivan ®LorazepamAtridox ®DoxycyclineAtromid-S ®Cl<strong>of</strong>ibrateAtropisol ®AtropineAtrovent ®IpratropiumAugmentan ®Amoxicillin + clavulanicacidAugmentin ® Clavulanic acid +amoxicillinAureotan ®AurothioglucoseAuromyose ®AurothioglucoseAurorix ®MoclobemideAvandia ®RosiglitazoneAvapro ®IrbesartanAvicel ®CelluloseAvinza ®Morphine sulfateAvloclor ®ChloroquineAvlosulfone ®DapsoneAvodart ®DutasterideAvomine ®PromethazineAzaline ®Salazosulfapyridine(sulfasalazine)Azanin ®AzathioprineAzlin ®AzlocillinAzmacort ®Triamcinolone acetonideAzopt ®BrinzolamideAzulfidine ®Salazosulfapyridine(sulfasalazine)BBaciguent ®BacitracinBactidan ®EnoxacinBactocill ®OxacillinBactrim ®Co-trimoxazoleBAL in oil ®DimercaprolBarbita ®PhenobarbitalBay-Bee ® Vitamin B 12Baycol ®CerivastatinBayer 205 ®SuramineBayotensin ®NitrendipineBaypress ®NitrendipineBecl<strong>of</strong>orte ®BeclometasoneBecodisks ®BeclometasoneBeconase ®BeclometasoneBecotide ®BeclometasoneBedoz ®CyanocobalaminBee Six ® Vitamin B 6Bee-six ®PyridoxineBefizal ®Bezafibrate

354 Drug IndexBenadryl ®DiphenhydramineBenemid ®ProbenecidBentos ®BefunololBerkaprine ®AzathioprineBerkatens ®VerapamilBerkolol ®PropranololBer<strong>of</strong>or alpha 2 ® Interferon alfa2Berotec ®FenoterolBerubigen ® Vitamin B 12Bestcall ®CefmenoximeBetaclar ®BefunololBetadran ®BupranololBetadrenol ®BupranololBetagon ®MepindololBetalin 12 ® Vitamin B 12Betaloc ®MetoprololBetapen-VK ® Pencillin VBetimol ®TimololBetoptic ®BetaxololBetriol ®BunitrololBextra ®BucindololBextra ®ValdecoxibBezalip ®BezafibrateBezatol ®BezafibrateBiaxin ®ClarithromycinBicalm ®ZolpidemBicillin ®Penicillin GBicol ®BisacodylBiltricide ®PraziquantelBlack Draught ® SennaBlenoxane ®BleomycinBlocadren ®TimololB<strong>of</strong>edrol ®EphedrineBonamine ®Meclizine (meclozine)Bonpyrin ®DipyroneBopen-VK ®Pencillin VBorotropin ®AtropineBotox ®Botulinum toxin type ABrethine ®TerbutalineBrevibloc ®EsmololBrevital ®MethohexitalBricanyl ®TerbutalineBriclin ®AmikacinBromo-Seltzer ® Acetaminophen(= paracetamol)Bronalide ®FlunisolideBronchaid ®EpinephrineBronchopront ® AmbroxolBronkodyl ®TheophyllineBroxalax ®BisacodylBrufen ®Ibupr<strong>of</strong>enBumex ®BumetanideBuprene ®BuprenorphineBurinex ®BumetanideBuscopan ®ButylscopolamineBuscopan ®Hyoscine butyl bromideBuspar ®BuspironeButylone ®PentobarbitalCCabadon ® Vitamin B 12Cabaseril ®CabergolineCacit ®Calcium carbonateCalabren ®Glibenclamide(= glyburide)Calan ®VerapamilCalchichew ®Calcium carbonateCalcidrink ®Calcium carbonateCalciferol ®Vitamin DCalcimer ®CalcitoninCalcimux ®EtidronateCalciparin ®HeparinCalcitare ®CalcitoninCalderol ®CalcifediolCalpol ®Acetaminophen(= paracetamol)Calsan ®Calcium carbonateCalsynar ®CalcitoninCaltidren ®CarteololCaltrate ®Calcium carbonateCalvepen ®Pencillin VCamcolit ®Lithium carbonateCamoquin ®AmodiaquineCampral ®AcamprosateCampto ®IrinotecanCanasa ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Cancidas ®Casp<strong>of</strong>unginCanesten ®ClotrimazoleCapastat ®CapreomycinCaplenal ®AllopurinolCapoten ®CaptoprilCapramol ® ε-Aminocaproic acidCaprolin ®CapreomycinCarace ®LisinoprilCarafate ®SucralfateCarbex ®SelegelineCarbocaine ®MepivacaineCarbolite ®Lithium carbonateCardene ®NicardipineCardinol ®PropranololCardioqin ®QuinidineCardiorhythmino ® AjmalineCardizem ®DiltiazemCardura ®DoxazosinCarduran ®DoxazosinCaridian ®MepindololCarindapen ®CarbenicillinCarteol ®CarteololCartrol ®CarteololCasodex ®BicalutamideCatapres ®ClonidineCCNU ®LomustineCedocard ®Isosorbide dinitrateCedur ®BezafibrateCeeNu ®LomustineCefmax ®CefmenoximeCelance ®PergolideCelebrex ®Celecoxib = ColecoxibCelevac ®Methylcellulose

TradeName–DrugName 355Celexa ®CitalopramCeliomycin ®ViomycinCellCept ®Mycophenolate m<strong>of</strong>etilCemix ®CefmenoximeCentrax ®PrazepamCephulac ®LactuloseCerebid ®PapaverineCerespan ®PapaverineCerubidine ®DaunorubicinCesamet ®NabiloneCesplon ®CaptoprilChloraminophene ® ChlorambucilChlorohist ®XylometazolineChloromycetin ® ChloramphenicolChloroptic ®ChloramphenicolCholestabyl ®ColestipolCholestid ®ColestipolCholoxin ®ThyroxineChronulac ®LactuloseCialis ®TadalafilCibacalcin ®CalcitoninCidomycin ®GentamicinCillimycin ®LincomycinCiloxan ®Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacinCimetrin ®ErythromycinpropionateCin-Quin ®QuinidineCipro ®Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacinCiprobay ®Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacinCiprox ®Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacinCiproxin ®Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacinCircupon ®EtilefrineCitanest ®PrilocaineCitaprim ®CitalopramCitrucell ®MethylcelluloseClaforan ®CefotaximeClamoxyl ®AmoxicillinClaripex ®Cl<strong>of</strong>ibrateClaritin ®LoratadineClasteon ®ClodronateCleocin ®ClindamycinClexane ®EnoxaparinClomid ®ClomifeneClonopin ®ClonazepamClont ®MetronidazoleClopra ®MetoclopramideClotrimaderm ® ClotrimazoleClovapen ®CloxacillinClozan ®ClotiazepamClozaril ®ClozapineCobalin-H ®HydroxocobalaminCobex ® Vitamin B 12Cocillin-VK ®Pencillin VCodelsol ®PrednisoloneCodicept ®CodeineCogentin ®BenztropineCognex ®TacrineColchicine ®ColchicineColeb ®Isosorbide mononitrateColectril ®AmilorideCollyrium ®Tetryzoline(= tetrahydrozoline)Cologel ®MethylcelluloseCombactam ® SulbactamCombantrin ® Pyrantel pamoateComplamin ®Xanthinol nicotinateComplementContinus ®PyridoxineComprecin ®EnoxacinComtan ®EntacaponeComtess ®EntacaponeConcor ®BisoprololConducton ®CarazololConstant-T ®TheophyllineContergan ®ThalidomideCopaxone ®Glatimer acetateCoracten ®NifedipineCoradus ®Isosorbide dinitrateCordanum ®TalinololCordarex ®AmilorideCordarex ®AmiodaroneCordarone ®AmiodaroneCordilox ®VerapamilCoreg ®CarvedilolCorgal ®GallopamilCorgard ®NadololCoricidin ®OxymetazolineCorindolan ®MepindololCoronex ®Isosorbide dinitrateCorrectol ®PhenolphthaleinCortalone ®PrednisoloneCortate ®Hydrocortisone (cortisol)Cortef ®Hydrocortisone (cortisol)Cortelan ®CortisoneCortenema ®Hydrocortisone (cortisol)Cortigel ®CorticotropinCortistab ®CortisoneCortogen ®CortisoneCortone ®CortisoneCortrophin ®CorticotropinCorvaton ®MolsidomineCoscopin ®Narcotine (= noscapine)Coscopin ®Noscapine (= narcotine)Coscotab ®Narcotine (= noscapine)Coscotab ®Noscapine (= narcotine)Cosmegen ®DactinomycinCoumadin ®WarfarinCoversum ®PerindoprilCoversyl ®PerindoprilCozaar ®LosartanC-Pak ®DoxycyclineCrixivan ®IndinavirCryspen ®Penicillin GCrystapen ®Penicillin GCrystodigin ®DigitoxinCuemid ®CholestyramineCuprimine ®D-PenicillamineCutivate ®FluticasoneCuvalit ®LisurideCyanoject ® Vitamin B 12Cyclogest ®ProgesteroneCyklokapron ® Tranexamic acidCymevene ®GanciclovirCyomin ® Vitamin B 12

356 Drug IndexCyprostat ®Cytacon ®Cytamen ®Cytomel ®Cytomel ®Cytosar ®Cytotec ®Cytovene ®Cytoxan ®DD.E.H.45 ®Dagenan ®Daktarin ®Dalacin ®Dalcaine ®Dalmane ®Daneral ®Dantrium ®Daonil ®Daraprim ®Datril ®Daunoblastin ®DDAVP ®Decadron ®Deca-Durabolin ®Decapeptyl ®Decapryn ®Dedrogyl ®Degest-2 ®Delapav ®Delatestryl ®Delestrogen ®Delta-Cortef ®Deltapen ®Deltastab ®Demerol ®Dendrid ®Depakene ®Depen ®Deponit ®Depo-Provera ®Deprenyl ®Dermonistat ®Deronil ®Deseril ®Desferal ®Desoxyn ®Desuric ®Desyrel ®Detensiel ®Detensol ®DiaBeta ®Diabex ®Diamox ®Diapid ®Diaqua ®Diarsed ®Diastabol ®Diastat ®Dibenyline ®Dibenzyline ®Diclocil ®Diclophlogont ®Diflucan ®Digacin ®Digibind ®Digicor ®Digimerck ®Digitaline ®Dihydergot ®Dihyzin ®Dilantin ®Dilaudid ®Dimaval ®Dimetab ®Dinaplex ®Diodronel ®Dioval ®Diovan ®Diphenasone ®Diphos ®Diprivan ®Dirythmin ®Distaquaine V-K ®Distraneurin ®Diuchlor ®Diumax ®Divarine ®Divegal ®Dixarit ®Dizac ®Dobutrex ®Dolantine ®Dolophine ®Domical ®Donnagel-MB ®Dopamet ®Dopar ®Dopastat ®Dopergin ®Doral ®Doryl ®Doryx ®Dostinex ®Dowmycin ®Doxicin ®Dramamine ®Drisdol ®Drisdol ®Dristan ®Drogenil ®Droleptan ®Droxia ®Cyproterone-acetateCyanocobalaminCyanocobalaminTriiodthyronine(= liothyronine)LiothyronineCytarabineMisoprostolGanciclovirCyclophosphamideDihydroergotamineSulfapyridineMiconazoleClindamycinLidocaineFlurazepamPheniramineDantroleneGlibenclamide(= glyburide)PyrimethamineAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)DaunorubicinDesmopressinDexamethasoneNandroloneTriptorelinDoxylamineCalcifediolNaphazolinePapaverineTestosterone enantateEstradiol-valeratePrednisolonePenicillin GPrednisoloneMeperidine (pethidine)IdoxuridineValproic acidD-PenicillamineNitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)MedroxyprogesteroneacetateSelegelineMiconazoleDexamethasoneMethysergideDeferoxamineMethamphetamineBenzbromaroneTrazodoneBisoprololPropranololGlibenclamide(= glyburide)MetforminAcetazolamideLypressinHydrochlorothiazideDiphenoxylateMiglitolDiazepamPhenoxybenzaminePhenoxybenzamineDicloxacillinDicl<strong>of</strong>enacFluconazoleDigoxinDigoxin immune FABDigitoxinDigitoxinDigitoxinDihydroergotamineDihydralazinePhenytoinHydromorphoneDimercaptopropanesulfonicacidDimenhydrinateFlunarizineEtidronateEstradiol-valerateValsartanDapsoneEtidronateProp<strong>of</strong>olDisopyramidePencillin VClomethiazoleHydrochlorothiazidePiretanideDipyroneDihydroergotamineClonidineDiazepamDobutamineMeperidine (pethidine)MethadoneAmitriptylineKaolin + pectin(= attapulgite)MethyldopaLevodopaDopamineLisurideQuazepamCarbacholDoxycyclineCabergolineErythromycin-estolateDoxycyclineDimenhydrinateVitamin DErgocalciferolOxymetazolineFlutamideDroperidolHydroxyurea

TradeName–DrugName 357Droxomin ®Dryptal ®D-Tabs ®Dulcolax ®Duoralith ®Duphalac ®Duracoron ®Duralutin ®Duramorph ®Duratest ®Durazanil ®Durolax ®D-Vi-sol ®Dymenate ®DynaCirc ®Dynapen ®Dynaprin ®Dynastat ®Dyneric ®Dyrenium ®Dyspamet ®Dytac ®EE605 ®Ebastel ®Econopred ®Ecostatin ®Ecotrin ®Edecrin ®Edronax ®EES ®Efedron ®Eferox ®Effectin ®Effexor ®Effontil ®Effortil ®Effudex ®Effurix ®Elantan ®Elavil ®Eldepryl ®Eligard ®Elimite ®Elixophyllin ®Eltroxin ®Emcor ®Emex ®E-mycin ®Enbrel ®Endak ®Endep ®Endophleban ®Endoxan ®Enoram ®Enovil ®Enoxor ®Entocort EC ®Entromone ®Entrophen ®Epanutin ®Epifin ®Epimorph ®Epinal ®EpiPen ®Epitol ®Epitrate ®Epivir ®Epogen ®Eporal ®Eprex ®Epsicapron ®Ergocalm ®Ergomar ®Ergotrate Maleate ®Eridan ®Ermalate ®Erwinase ®Eryc ®Erymax ®Erymycin ®Erythrocin ®Erythrocin ®Erythromid ®Erythroped ®Esidrix ®Eskalith ®Espotabs ®Estinyl ®Estrace ®Ethrane ®Ethyl Adrianol ®Etibi ®Etopophos ®Euciton ®Eudemine ®Euglucon ®Euhypnos ®Eulexin ®Eunal ®Euthyrox ®Evac-U-gen ®Evac-U-Lax ®Evastel ®Everone ®Evipan ®Evista ®Evoxin ®Exanta ®Exelon ®Ex-Lax ®HydroxocobalaminFurosemideColecalciferol(vitamin D 3 )BisacodylLithium carbonateLactuloseMolsidomineHydroxyprogesteronecaproateMorphine sulfateTestosterone cypionateBromazepamBisacodylVitamin DDimenhydrinateIsradipineDicloxacillinImipramineParecoxibClomifeneTriamtereneCimetidineTriamtereneNitrostigmineEbastinePrednisoloneEconazoleAcetylsalicylic acidEthacrynic acidReboxetineErythromycin-ethylsuccinateEphedrineLevothyroxineBitolterolVenlafaxineEtilefrineEtilefrineFluorouracilFluorouracilIsosorbide mononitrateAmitriptylineSelegelineLeuprolide (leuprorelin)PermethrinTheophyllineThyroxineBisoprololMetoclopramideErythromcyinEtanerceptCarteololAmitriptylineDihydroergotamineCyclophosphamideEnoxacinAmitriptylineEnoxacinBudesonideChorionic gonadotropin(HCG)Acetylsalicylic acidPhenytoinEpinephrineMorphine sulfateEpinephrineEpinephrineCarbamazepineEpinephrineLamivudineErythropoietin(= epoetin alfa)DapsoneEpoetinε-Aminocaproic acidLormetazepamErgotamineErgometrine(= ergonovine)DiazepamErgometrine(= ergonovine)AsparaginaseErythromcyinErythromcyinErythromycin-stearateErythromycin-ethylsuccinateErythromycin-stearateErythromcyinErythromcyinHydrochlorothiazideLithium carbonatePhenolphthaleinEthinylestradiolEstradiolEnfluraneEtilefrineEthambutolEtoposideDomperidoneDiazoxideGlibenclamide(= glyburide)TemazepamFlutamideLisurideLevothyroxinePhenolphthaleinPhenolphthaleinEbastineTestosterone enantateHexobarbitalRaloxifeneDomperidoneXimelagatranRivastigminePhenolphthalein

358 Drug IndexFFabrol ®AcetylcysteineFactrel ®GonadorelinFalcigo ®ArtesunateFamvir ®FamciclovirFansidar ® Pyrimethamine +sulfadoxineFansidar ® Sulfadoxine +pyrimethamineFarlutal ®MedroxyprogesteroneacetateFasigyn(CH) ® TinidazolFaslodex ®FulvestrantFastject ®EpinephrineFasturtec ®RasburicaseFaverin ®FluvoxamineF-Cortef ®FludrocortisoneFelbatol ®FelbamateFemara ®LetrozoleFemazole ®MetronidazoleFeminone ®EthinylestradiolFemogex ®Estradiol-valerateFemotrone ®ProgesteroneFemovan ®Gestoden + ethinylestradiolFenbid ®Ibupr<strong>of</strong>enFenestil ®DimetindeneFertodur ®Cycl<strong>of</strong>enilFeverall ®DipyroneFiblaferon 3 ® Interferon betaFibocil ®AprindineFiboran ®AprindineFlagyl ®MetronidazoleFlavoquine ®AmodiaquineFletcher’s Castoria ® SennaFlixonase ®FluticasoneFlomax ®TamsulosinFlonase ®FluticasoneFlorinef ®FludrocortisoneFlovent ®FluticasoneFloxapen ®Flucloxacillin(floxacilline)Floxifral ®FluvoxamineFluagel ®Aluminum hydroxideFluctin ®FluoxetineFlugeral ®FlunarizineFluothane ®HalothaneFoldine ®Folic acidFolex ®MethotrexateFollutein ®Chorionicgonadotropin (HCG)Folvite ®Folic acidFontego ®BumetanideForadil ®FormoterolForane ®Is<strong>of</strong>luraneFordiuran ®BumetanideFortaz ®CeftazidimeForteo ®TeriparatideFortovase ®SaquinavirFortral ®PentazocineFortum ®Fosamax ®Foscavir ®Fragmin ®Fragmin ®Fraxiparin ®Frisium ®Fulcin ®Fulvicin ®Fungilin ®Fungizone ®Fusid ®Fuzeon ®GGabitril ®Gabren(e) ®Gamazole ®Ganal ®Ganphen ®Gantanol ®Gantrisin ®Garamycin ®Gardenal ®Gas.X ®Gastrozepin ®Gelafundin ®Gengraf ®Genna ®Genotropin ®Genticin ®Gentle Nature ®Geodon ®Geopen ®Germanin ®Gestafortin ®Gesterol L.A. ®Gestone ®GHRH-Ferring ®Gilurytmal ®Gladem ®Glauconex ®Glaupax ®Glivec ®Glucophage ®Granocyte ®Grisovin ®Gubernal ®Gulfasin ®Gumbix ®Gyne-Lotrimin ®Gynergen ®Gyno-Pevaryl ®Gyno-Travogen ®CeftazidimeAlendronateFoscarnetDalteparinHeparin, low molecularHeparin, low molecularClobazamGrise<strong>of</strong>ulvinGrise<strong>of</strong>ulvinAmphotericin BAmphotericin BFurosemideEnfuvirtideTiagabineProgabideSulfamethoxazoleFenfluraminePromethazineSulfamethoxazoleSulfisoxazoleGentamicinPhenobarbitalSimethiconePirenzepineGelatin-colloidsCiclosporin(= cyclosporine A)SennaSomatotropinGentamicinSennaZiprasidoneCarbenicillinSuramineChlormadinone acetateHydroxyprogesteronecaproateProgesteroneSomatorelinAjmalineSertralineBefunololAcetazolamideImatinibMetforminLenograstim (G-CSF)Grise<strong>of</strong>ulvinAlprenololSulfisoxazoleAminomethylbenzoicacidClotrimazoleErgotamineEconazoleIsoconazole

TradeName–DrugName 359HHaemaccel ®Gelatin-colloidsHalcion ®TriazolamHaldol ®HaloperidolHalfan ®Hal<strong>of</strong>antrineHamarin ®AllopurinolHemineurin ® ClomethiazoleHepalean ®HeparinHepsal ®HeparinHerceptin ®TrastuzumabHerpid ®IdoxuridineHerplex ®IdoxuridineHespan ®Hetastarch (HES)Hespan ®Hydroxyethyl starchHetrazan ®DiethylcarbamazepineHexa-Betalin ® Vitamin B 6Hexa-Betalin ® PyridoxineHexadrol ®DexamethasoneHexit ®LindaneHibanil ®ChlorpromazineHidr<strong>of</strong>erol ®CalcifediolHismanal ®AstemizoleHivid ®ZalcitabineHomapin ®HomatropineHonvol ®DiethylstilbestrolHumalog ®InsulinHumatin ®ParomomycinHumira ®AdalimumabHumulin ®InsulinHybalamine ® HydroxocobalaminHybolin Decanoate ® NandroloneHycamtin ®TopotecanHydeltrasol ®PrednisoloneHyderm ®Hydrocortisone (cortisol)Hydrea ®HydroxyureaHydromal ®HydrochlorothiazideHydromedin ® Ethacrynic acidHydrosaluric ® HydrochlorothiazideHydrotricin ®TyrothricinHygroton ®ChlorthalidoneHylutin ®HydroxyprogesteronecaproateHymorphan ® HydromorphoneHyocort ®Hydrocortisone (cortisol)Hyperstat ®DiazoxideHypertensin ® AngiotensinamideHypertil ®CaptoprilHypnomidate ® EtomidateHypnosedon ® FlunitrazepamHypnovel ®MidazolamHypovase ®PrazosinHyroxon ®HydroxyprogesteronecaproateHyskon ®DextranHytrin ®TerazosinIIletin ®Ilomedin ®Ilosone ®Ilosone ®Imbrilon ®Imdur ®Imitrex ®Imodium ®Imovane ®Importal ®Impril ®Imuran ®Imurek ®Inapsine ®Inderal ®Indocid ®Indocin ®Indomee ®Indomod ®Inflamase ®Infumorph ®Inhibace ®Inhiston ®Innovace ®Innovar ®Inocor ®Insommal ®Intal ®Integriline ®Intron A ®Intropin ®Invirase ®I-Pilopine ®Ipral ®Isicom ®Ismelin ®Ismo ®Isocaine ®Isocillin ®Isoket ®Isoptin ®Isopto-Carpine ®Isordil ®Isotamine ®Isoten ®Isotol ®Isotrate ®Isuprel ®Itracol ®Itrop ®JJanimine ®Jexin ®InsulinIloprostErythromycin-estolateErythromcyinIndometacinIsosorbide mononitrateSumatriptanLoperamideZopicloneLactitolImipramineAzathioprineAzathioprineDroperidolPropranololIndometacinIndometacinIndometacinIndometacinPrednisoloneMorphine sulfateCilazaprilPheniramineEnalapril/enalaprilatFentanyl + droperidolAmrinoneDiphenhydramineCromoglycate (cromolyn)EptifibatideInterferon alfa-2bDopamineSaquinavirPilocarpineTrimethoprimCarbidopa + levodopaGuanethidineIsosorbide mononitrateMepivacainePhenoxybenzylpenicillinIsosorbide dinitrateVerapamilPilocarpineIsosorbide dinitrateIsoniazidBisoprololMannitolIsosorbide mononitrateIsoprenaline(= isoproterenol)ItraconazoleIpratropiumImipramineTubocurarineIfex ®Iktorivil ®IfosfamideClonazepam

360 Drug IndexKKabikinase ®Kabolin ®Kadian ®Kaletra ®Kannasyn ®Kanrenol ®Kantrex ®Kaopectate ®Kaopectate II ®Karil ®Keflex ®Keftab ®Kemicetine ®Kenacort ®Kenalog ®Kenalone ®Kerecid ®Kerlone ®Kertasin ®Kestine ®Ketalar ®Key-Pred ®Kiditard ®Kineret ®Kinidin ®Klebcil ®Klot ®Konakion ®Korostatin ®Kryptocur ®Kwell ®Kwilldane ®Kytril ®LLacril ®Ladropen ®Lamiazid ®Lamictal ®Lampren ®Lanacillin ®Lanacillin-VK ®Lanicor ®Lanoxin ®Lantus ®Lanzor ®Largactil ®Lariam ®Larodopa ®Lasix ®Lasma ®Laxabene ®Laxanin ®Lectopam ®Ledercillin VK ®Ledercort ®StreptokinaseNandroloneMorphine sulfateLopinavirKanamycinCanrenoneKanamycinKaolin + pectin(= attapulgite)LoperamideCalcitoninCefalexinCefalexinChloramphenicolTriamcinoloneTriamcinolone acetonideTriamcinolone acetonideIdoxuridineBetaxololEtilefrineEbastineKetaminePrednisoloneQuinidineAnakinraQuinidineKanamycinTolonium chloridePhytomenadioneNystatinGonadorelinLindaneLindaneGranisetronMethylcelluloseFlucloxacillin(floxacilline)IsoniazidLamotrigineCl<strong>of</strong>aziminePenicillin GPencillin VDigoxinDigoxinInsulin glargineLansoprazoleChlorpromazineMefloquineLevodopaFurosemideTheophyllineBisacodylBisacodylBromazepamPencillin VTriamcinoloneLembrol ®Lendorm(A) ®Lendormin ®Lenoxin ®Lentin ®Lentizol ®Lescol ®Leucomax ®Leucovorin ®Leukeran ®Leukomycin ®Levate ®Levatol ®Levitra ®Levophed ®Levoprome ®Lexotan ®Librium ®Lidifen ®Lidopen ®Likuden ®Lincocin ®LingraineMedihaler ®Lioresal ®Lipitor ®Lipo-Merz ®Lipostat ®Liquamar ®Liquemin ®Lisino ®Liskonum ®Litec ®Lithane ®Lithobid ®Lithotabs ®Lixil ®Loceryl ®Lomotil ®Longum ®Loniten ®Looser ®Lopid ®Lopirin ®Lopressor ®Loramet ®Loraz ®Lorinal ®Losec ®Lotensin ®Lovelco ®Lovenox ®Ludiomil ®Lumigan ®Lupron ®Luvox ®Lyclear ®Lynoral ®Lyophrin ®Lysenyl ®DiazepamBrotizolamBrotizolamDigoxinCarbacholAmitriptylineFluvastatinMolgramostimFolic acidChlorambucilChloramphenicolAmitriptylinePenbutololVardenafilNorepinephrine(noradrenaline)MethotrimeprazineBromazepamChlordiazepoxideIbupr<strong>of</strong>enLidocaineGrise<strong>of</strong>ulvinLincomycinErgotamineBacl<strong>of</strong>enAtorvastatinEt<strong>of</strong>ibratePravastatinPhenprocoumonHeparinLoratadineLithium carbonatePizotifen = pizotylineLithium carbonateLithium carbonateLithium carbonateBumetanideAmorolfinDiphenoxylateSulfalenMinoxidilBupranololGemfibrozilCaptoprilMetoprololLormetazepamLorazepamChloral hydrateOmeprazoleBenazeprilProbucolEnoxaparinMaprotilineBimatoprostLeuprolide (leuprorelin)FluvoxaminePermethrinEthinylestradiolEpinephrineLisuride

TradeName–DrugName 361MMacrobin ®ClostebolMadopar ®Levodopa + benserazideMalarone ®Atoquavone + proguanilMallergan ®PromethazineMarcumar ®PhenprocoumonMarevan ®WarfarinMarinol ®DronabinolMarmine ®DimenhydrinateMarvelon ® Desogestrel +ethinylestradiolMavik ®TrandolaprilMaxalt ®RizatriptanMaxeran ®MetoclopramideMaxidex ®DexamethasoneMaxolan ®MetoclopramideMaxtrex ®MethotrexateMazepine ®CarbamazepineMectizam ®IvermectinMegacillin ®Penicillin GMegacillin ®PhenoxybenzylpenicillinMegaphen ®ChlorpromazineMegestat ®MegestrolMelarsen Oxide-BAL ®MelarsoprolMelB ®MelarsoprolMelipramin ®ImipramineMenogon ®MenotropinMenophase ®MestranolMepron ®AtoquavoneMercazol ®Methimazole(thiamazole)Mercuval ®DimercaptopropanesulfonicacidMesacal ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Mesnex ®MesnaMestinon ®PyridostigmineMetacen ®IndometacinMetahydrin ®TrichlormethiazideMetalone ®PrednisoloneMetalyse ®TenecteplaseMetandren ®MethyltestosteroneMetaprel ®Metaproterenol(orciprenaline)Metenarin ®Methylergometrine(methylergonovine)Meteosan ®DimeticoneMethadose ®MethadoneMethampex ® MethamphetamineMethanoxanol ® SulfamethoxazoleMethergine ®Methylergometrine(methylergonovine)Meth<strong>of</strong>ane ®MethoxyfluraneMethylergobrevin ® Methylergometrine(methylergonovine)Meticorten ®PrednisoneMetilon ®DipyroneMetreton ®PrednisoloneMetronid ®MetronidazoleMevacor ®LovastatinMeval ®DiazepamMevaril ®AmitriptylineMevinacor ®LovastatinMexate ®MethotrexateMexitil ®MexiletinMezlin ®MezlocillinMicardis ®TelmisartanMicatin ®MiconazoleMicronase ®Glibenclamide(= glyburide)Micronor ®Norethindrone(norethisterone)Midamor ®AmilorideMielucin ®BusulfanMifegyne ®MifepristoneMigril ®ErgotamineMinipress ®PrazosinMinirin ®DesmopressinMinprog ® Alprostadil (= PGE 1 )Minprostin F2α ® DinoprostMintezol ®ThiabendazoleMiocarpine ®PilocarpineMiostat ®CarbacholMistamine ®MizolastineMitosan ®BusulfanMitoxana ®IfosfamideMivacron ®MivacuriumMizollen ®MizolastineMobenol ®TolbutamideMobic ®MeloxicamModane ®PhenolphthaleinModiten ®FluphenazineModuret ® Amiloride +hydrochlorothiazideMogadon ®NitrazepamMolsidolat ®MolsidomineMonistat ®MiconazoleMonitan ®AcebutololMonocor ®BisoprololMonodox ®DoxycyclineMonomycin ® Erythromycin-succinateMonopril ®FosinoprilMonotrim ®TrimethoprimMoronal ®Amphotericin BMorphitec ®Morphine hydrochlorideMosegor ®Pizotifen = pizotylineMotilium ®DomperidoneMotrin ®Ibupr<strong>of</strong>enMoxacin ®AmoxicillinMSIR ®Morphine sulfateMST Continus ® MorphineMucomyst ®AcetylcysteineMucosolvan ® AmbroxolMurine ®Tetryzoline(= tetrahydrozoline)Murocel ®MethylcelluloseMustargen ®MechlorethamineMutabase ®DiazoxideMyambutol ®EthambutolMycelex ®ClotrimazoleMycifradin ®NeomycinMyciguent ®NeomycinMycobutin ®Rifabutin

362 Drug IndexMycospor ®Mycosporan ®Mycostatin ®Myidone ®Mykinac ®Myleran ®Mylicon ®Myobid ®Myobloc ®Mysoline ®Nacom ®NNadopen-V ®Naftin ®Nalador ®Nalcrom ®Nalorex ®Naprelan ®Napron ®Naprosyn ®Naqua ®Naramig ®Narcan ®Narcaricin ®Narcozep ®Narkotan ®Nasalide ®Nautamine ®Nauzelin ®Navoban ®Naxen ®Nebcin ®Nefaclar ®Negram ®Nemasol Sodium ®Nembutal ®Neo-Codema ®Neo Epinin ®Neo-Mercazole ®Neoral ®Neo-Synephrine ®Neosynephrine II ®Neo-Thyreostat ®Nepresol ®Netillin ®Netromycin ®Neupogen ®NeuroBloc ®Neurontin ®Nexium ®Niclocide ®Nigalax ®Nilstat ®Nilurid ®Nimotop ®Nipride ®BifonazoleBifonazoleNystatinPrimidoneNystatinBusulfanSimethiconePapaverineBotulinum toxin type BPrimidoneCarbidopa + levodopaPencillin VNaftifinSulprostoneCromoglycate(Cromolyn)NaltrexoneNaproxenNaproxenNaproxenTrichlormethiazideNaratriptanNaloxoneBenzbromaroneFlunitrazepamHalothaneFlunisolideDiphenhydramineDomperidoneTropisetronNaproxenTobramycinNefazodoneNalidixic acid4-Aminosalicylic acidPentobarbitalHydrochlorothiazideIsoprenaline(= isoproterenol)CarbimazoleCiclosporin(= cyclosporine A)OxymetazolineXylometazolineCarbimazoleDihydralazineNetilmicinNetilmicinFilgrastimBotulinum toxin type BGabapentinEsomeprazoleNiclosamideBisacodylNystatinAmilorideNimodipineNitroprusside sodiumNitrocap ®Nitrogard ®Nitronal ®Nitropress ®Nivaquine ®Nivemycin ®Nix ®Nizoral ®Noan ®Nocinan ®Noctamid ®Noctec ®Nogram ®Nolvadex ®Norcuron ®Nordox ®Noriday ®Norlutin ®Normiflo ®Normison ®Normodyne ®Normurat ®Noroxin ®Norpace ®Norpramin ®Norprolac ®Nor-Q D ®Norquen ®Norvasc ®Norvir ®Novalgin ®Novamin ®Novamoxin ®Novarectal ®Novocaine ®Novoclopate ®Novodigoxin ®Novolin ®Novolog ®Novomedopa ®NovoNorm ®Novopen-VK ®Novopurol ®Novorythro ®Novotrimel ®Nubain ®Nu-Cal ®Nuelin ®Nulicaine ®Nuprin ®Nuromax ®Nydrazid ®Nystan ®Nystex ®Nytilax ®Nitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)Nitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)Nitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)Nitroprusside sodiumChloroquineNeomycinPermethrinKetoconazolDiazepamMethotrimeprazineLormetazepamChloral hydrateNalidixic acidTamoxifenVecuroniumDoxycyclineNorethindrone(norethisterone)Norethindrone(norethisterone)ArdeparinTemazepamLabetalolBenzbromaroneNorfloxacinDisopyramideDesipramineQuinagolideNorethindrone(norethisterone)MestranolAmlodipineRitonavirDipyroneAmikacinAmoxicillinPentobarbitalProcaineClorazepateDigoxinInsulinInsulin aspartMethyldopaRepaglinidePencillin VAllopurinolErythromycin-estolateCo-trimoxazoleNalbuphineCalcium carbonateTheophyllineLidocaineIbupr<strong>of</strong>enDoxacuriumIsoniazidNystatinNystatinSenna

TradeName–DrugName 363OOctapressin ®Octostim ®Oculinum ®Ocupress ®Ocusert ®Olbemox ®Olbetam ®Omifin ®Omnipen ®Oncovin ®Ondena ®Ondogyne ®Ondonid ®Opticrom ®Optipranolol ®Oragest ®Oramide ®Oramorph ®Orasone ®Oretic ®Orgalutran ®Orgametril ®Orgaran ®Orinase ®Orthoclone OKT3 ®Osmitrol ®Ossiten ®Ostac ®Otrivin ®O-V Statin ®Ovastol ®Oxi ®Oxistat ®Oxpam ®PPaludrine ®Pamba ®Pamelor ®Panadol ®Panasol ®Panimit ®Panwarfin ®Papacon ®Paralgin ®Paraplatin ®Parathion ®Paraxin ®Parcillin ®Paregoric ®Pariet ®Parlodel ®Parnate ®Parsitan ®FelypressinDesmopressinBotulinum toxin type ACarteololPilocarpineAcipimoxAcipimoxClomifeneAmpicillinVincristineDaunorubicinCycl<strong>of</strong>enilCycl<strong>of</strong>enilCromoglycate (cromolyn)MetipranololMedroxyprogesteroneacetateTolbutamideMorphinePrednisoneHydrochlorothiazideGanirelixLynestrenolDanaparoidTolbutamideMuromonab-CD3MannitolClodronateClodronateXylometazolineNystatinMestranolFormoterolOxiconazoleOxazepamProguanilAminomethylbenzoicacidNortriptylineAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)PrednisoneBupranololWarfarinPapaverineDipyroneCarboplatinNitrostigmineChloramphenicolPenicillin GOpium tincture(laudanum)RabeprazoleBromocriptineTranylcypromineEthopropazineParsitol ®EthopropazinePartergin ®Methylergometrine(methylergonovine)Partusisten ®FenoterolParvolex ®AcetylcysteinePathocil ®DicloxacillinPavabid ®PapaverinePavadur ®PapaverinePaveral ®CodeinePavulon ®PancuroniumPaxil ®ParoxetinePectokay ®Kaolin + pectin(= attapulgite)Pediapred ®PrednisolonePemavit ® Vitamin B 12Penapar VK ®Pencillin VPenapar-VK ®Pencillin VPenbec-V ®Pencillin VPenbritin ®AmpicillinPensorb ®Penicillin GPentacarinat ® PentamidinePentanca ®PentobarbitalPentasa ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Pentazine ®PromethazinePenthrane ®MethoxyfluranePentids ®Penicillin GPentostam ®Stibogluconate sodiumPentothal ®ThiopentalPen-VEE K ®Pencillin VPepcid ®FamotidinePepdul ®FamotidinePepto-Bismol ® Bismuth subsalicylatePeptol ®CimetidinePergotime ®ClomifenePeridon ®DomperidonePeriostat ®DoxycyclinePermanone ®PermethrinPermapen ®Penicillin GPermax ®PergolidePert<strong>of</strong>ran ®DesipraminePethidine ®MeperidinePetinimid ®EthosuximidePevaryl ®EconazolePfizerpen VK ® Pencillin VPfizerpin ®Penicillin GPhazyme ®SimethiconePhenazine ®PromethazinePhenergan ®PromethazinePhyseptone ®MethadonePilokair ®PilocarpinePipracil ®PiperacillinPitocin ®OxytocinPitressin ®VasopressinPlaquenil ®HydroxychloroquinePlasmotrim ®ArtesunatePlatet ®Acetylsalicylic acidPlatinex ®CisplatinPlatinol ®CisplatinPlavix ®ClopidogrelPlendil ®FelodipinePolamidon ®LevomethadonePolycillin ®Ampicillin

364 Drug IndexPonderal ®Ponderax ®Pondimin ®Pontocaine ®POR 8 ®Pradin ®Pravachol ®Pravidel ®Precose ®Predate ®Predcor ®Predenema ®Predfoam ®Prednesol ®Preferid ®Pregnesin ®Pregnyl ®Prelone ®Prenalex ®Prepidil ®Presinol ®Pressunic ®Prevacid ®Prevalite ®Priadel ®Primabolan ®Primaquine ®Primolut Depo ®Primolut N ®Primperan ®Principen ®Prinivil ®Privine ®Probalan ®Procan SR ®Procardia ®Procorum ®Procrit ®Procytox ®Pro-Depo ®Progestasert ®Proglicem ®Prograf ®Progynon ®Progynova ®Prolixan ®Prolixin ®Prolopa ®Proloprim ®Prometh ®Promine ®Pronestyl ®Propaderm ®Propasa ®Propecia ®FenfluramineFenfluramineFenfluramineTetracaineOrnipressinRepaglinidePravastatinBromocriptineAcarbosePrednisolonePrednisolonePrednisolonePrednisolonePrednisoloneBudesonideChorionic gonadotropin(HCG)Chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)PrednisoloneTertatololDinoprostoneMethyldopaDihydralazineLansoprazoleCholestyramineLithium carbonateMetenolonePrimaquineHydroxyprogesteronecaproateNorethindrone(norethisterone)MetoclopramideAmpicillinLisinoprilNaphazolineProbenecidProcainamideNifedipineGallopamilErythropoietin(= epoetin alfa)CyclophosphamideHydroxyprogesteronecaproateProgesteroneDiazoxideTacrolimusEstradiol-benzoateEstradiol-valerateAzapropazoneFluphenazineLevodopa + benserazideTrimethoprimPromethazineProcainamideProcainamideBeclometasoneMesalamine (mesalazine)FinasterideProphasi ®Chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)Propulsid(discontinued) ® CisapridePropyl-Thyracil ® PropylthiouracilProrex ®PromethazineProscar ®FinasterideProstaphlin ®OxacillinProstarmon ®DinoprostProstigmin ®Neostigmine®Prostin E 2 DinoprostoneProstin F 2 Alpha, ® DinoprostProstin VR ® Alprostadil (= PGE 1 )Protonix ®PantoprazoleProtopam Chloride ® PralidoximeProtostat ®MetronidazoleProtrin ®Co-trimoxazoleProvas ®ValsartanPro-Vent ®TheophyllineProvera ®MedroxyprogesteroneacetateProvigan ®PromethazineProviron ®MesteroloneProzac ®FluoxetinePrulet ®PhenolphthaleinPulmicort ®BudesonidePulsamin ®EtilefrinePurinethol ®MercaptopurinePurodigin ®DigitoxinPyopen ®CarbenicillinPyrilax ®BisacodylPyronoval ®Acetylsalicylic acidPyroxine ® Vitamin B 6Pyroxine ®PyridoxineQQuelicin ®Quellada ®Questran ®Quibron-T ®Quinachlor ®Quinalan ®Quinaminoph ®Quinamm ®Quine ®Quinidex ®Quinite ®Quinora ®Qvar ®RRapamune ®Rapilysin ®Rastinon ®Rebetol ®Rebif ®Reclomide ®SuccinylcholineLindaneCholestyramineTheophyllineChloroquineQuinidineQuinineQuinineQuinineQuinidineQuinineQuinidineBeclometasoneSirolimusReteplaseTolbutamideRibavirinInterferon beta-1aMetoclopramide

TradeName–DrugName 365Recormon ®EpoetinRectocort ®Hydrocortisone (cortisol)Redisol ® Vitamin B 12Reductil ®SibutramineRedux ®FenfluramineRefludan ®LepirudinRefobacin ®GentamicinRegaine ®MinoxidilRegitin ®PhentolamineReglan ®MetoclopramideRegonol ®PyridostigmineRehibin ®Cycl<strong>of</strong>enilRelefact ®GonadorelinRelenza ®ZanamivirRelpax ®EletriptanRemergil ®MirtazepineRemeron SolTab ® MirtazepineRemicade ®InfliximabReminyl ®GalantamineRemsed ®PromethazineReomax ®Ethacrynic acidReoPro ®AbciximabReQuip ®RopiniroleRescriptor ®DelavirdineRescudose ®Morphine sulfateRestandol ®TestosteroneRestoril ®TemazepamRetardin ®DiphenoxylateRetrovir ®ZidovudineRevasc ®DesirudinReverin ®RolitetracyclineRezipas ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Rezulin ®TroglitazoneRheumox ®AzapropazoneRhinalar ®FlunisolideRhinocort ®BudesonideRhumalgan ®Dicl<strong>of</strong>enacRhythmin ®ProcainamideRhythmol ®PropafenoneRiamet ® Artemether +lumefantrineRidaura ®Auran<strong>of</strong>inRifadin ®Rifampin (rifampicin)Rimactan ®Rifampin (rifampicin)Rimifon ®IsoniazidRinatec ®IpratropiumRiopan ®MagaldrateRisperdal ®RisperidoneRivotril ®ClonazepamRize ®ClotiazepamRobicillin-VK ® Pencillin VRocaltrol ®CalcitriolRocephin ®CeftriaxoneR<strong>of</strong>eron A3 ®Interferon alpha-2aRogaine ®MinoxidilRogitin ®PhentolamineRohypnol ®FlunitrazepamRomazicon ®FlumazenilRoniacol ®PyridylcarbinolRonicol ®PyridylcarbinolRowasa ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Roxanol ®Morphine sulfateRU 486 ®MifepristoneRubesol ® Vitamin B 12Rubion ®CyanocobalaminRubramin ®CyanocobalaminRulid ®RoxithromycinRyegonovin ®Methylergometrine(methylergonovine)Rynacrom ®Cromoglycate (cromolyn)Rythmodan ®DisopyramideSS.A.S.-500 ®Salazosulfapyridine(sulfasalazine)Sabril ®VigabatrinSaizen ®SomatotropinSalazopyrin ®Salazosulfapyridine(sulfasalazine)Saltucin ®ButizidSandimmune ® Ciclosporin(= cyclosporine A)Sandomigran ® Pizotifen = pizotylineSandostatin ®OctreotideSandril ®ReserpineSang-35 ®Ciclosporin(= cyclosporine A)SangCya, ®Ciclosporin(= cyclosporine A)Sanocrisin ®Cycl<strong>of</strong>enilSansert ®MethysergideSatric ®MetronidazoleSaventrine ®Isoprenaline(= isoproterenol)Scabene ®LindaneScopoderm TTS ® ScopolamineSebcur ®Salicylic acidSectral ®AcebutololSecuron ®VerapamilSecuropen ®AzlocillinSeguril ®FurosemideSeldane ®TerfenadineSelectol ®CeliprololSembrina ®MethyldopaSempera ®ItraconazoleSenokot ®SennaSenolax ®SennaSepram ®CitalopramSeptra ®Co-trimoxazoleSerax ®OxazepamSerenace ®HaloperidolSerevent ®SameterolSerlect ®Sertindole*Sernyl ®PhencyclidineSeromycin ®CycloserineSerono-Bagren ® BromocriptineSerophene ®ClomifeneSerpalan ®ReserpineSerpasil ®ReserpineSertan ®PrimidoneSerzone ®NefazodoneSevorane ®Sev<strong>of</strong>lurane

366 Drug IndexSexovid ®Sibelium ®Sifrol ®Silain ®Simplene ®Simplotan ®Simulect ®Sinarest ®Sinemet ®Singulair ®Sinthrome ®Sintrom ®Sinutab ®Sirtal ®Skleromexe ®Slo-bid ®Slo-Phylli ®Sno Phenicol ®Sobelin ®S<strong>of</strong>arin ®Soldactone ®Solfoton ®Solganal ®Solprin ®Solu-Contenton ®Soluver ®Solvex ®Somavert ®Somnite ®Somnos ®Somophyllin-T ®Sonata ®Sopamycetin ®Soprol ®Sorbitrate ®Sorquetan ®Sotacor ®Spametrin-M ®Spersadex ®Spersanicol ®Spiriva ®Spirocort ®Spiroctan ®Sporanox ®Sprecur ®Stabillin V-K ®Stafoxil ®Stas Surfactal ®Statex ®Steranabol ®Stesolid ®Stilnox ®Stilphostrol ®Stimate ®Stoxil ®Strepolin ®Streptase ®Streptosol ®Cycl<strong>of</strong>enilFlunarizinePramipexoleSimethiconeEpinephrineTinidazolBasiliximabOxymetazolineCarbidopa + levodopaMontelukastAcenocoumarin(= nicoumalone)Acenocoumarin(= nicoumalone)XylometazolineCarbacholCl<strong>of</strong>ibrateTheophyllineTheophyllineChloramphenicolClindamycinWarfarinCanrenonePhenobarbitalAurothioglucoseAcetylsalicylic acidAmantadineSalicylic acidReboxetinePegvisomantNitrazepamChloral hydrateTheophyllineZaleploneChloramphenicolBisoprololIsosorbide dinitrateTinidazolSotalolMethylergometrine(methylergonovine)DexamethasoneChloramphenicolTiotropiumBudesonideSpironolactoneItraconazoleBuserelinPencillin VFlucloxacillin(floxacilline)AmbroxolMorphine sulfateClostebolDiazepamZolpidemDiethylstilbestrolDesmopressinIdoxuridineStreptomycinStreptokinaseStreptomycinStresson ®BunitrololStromectol ®IvermectinSuacron ®CarazololSublimaze ®FentanylSuccostrin ®SuccinylcholineSufenta ®SufentanilSulcrate ®SucralfateSulfabutin ®BusulfanSulmycin ®GentamicinSulpyrin ®DipyroneSupasa ®Acetylsalicylic acidSupramycin ® TetracyclineSuprane ®DesfluraneSuprarenin ®EpinephrineSuprefact ®BuserelinSustac ®Nitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)Sustaine ®XylometazolineSustaire ®TheophyllineSustanon ®TestosteroneSustiva ®EfavirenzSuxamethonium ® SuccinylcholineSuxinutin ®EthosuximideSymmetrel ®AmantadineSynflex ®NaproxenSynkayvit ®MenadioneSynovir ®ThalidomideSyntocinon ®OxytocinSyntopressin ® LypressinSytobex ®CyanocobalaminSytobex ® Vitamin B 12TTacef ®CefmenoximeTacicef ®CeftazidimeTactocile ®AtosibanTagamet ®CimetidineTalwin ®PentazocineTambocor ®FlecainideTamiflu ®OseltamivirTam<strong>of</strong>en ®TamoxifenTapazole ®Methimazole(thiamazole)Tardigal ®DigitoxinTarivid ®OfloxacinTasmar ®TolcaponeTauredon ®Aurothiomalate sodiumTavegil ®ClemastineTavist ®ClemastineTavor ®LorazepamTaxol ®PaclitaxelTaxotere ®DocetaxelTebrazid ®PyrazinamideTeebaconin ®IsoniazidTegison ®EtretinateTegopen ®CloxacillinTegretol ®CarbamazepineTelemin ®BisacodylTelfast ®Fex<strong>of</strong>enadineTemgesic ®Buprenorphine

TradeName–DrugName 367Tempra ®Tenalin ®Tenormin ®Tensium ®Tensobon ®Teoptic ®Testex ®Testoject ®Testone ®Testred ®Teveten ®Theelol ®Theolair ®Thesit ®Thevier ®Thiotepa Lederle ®Thorazine ®Thrombinar ®Thrombostat ®Thyrogen ®Ticar ®Ticlid ®Tienor ®Tigason ®Tilade ®Tildiem ®Timentin ®Timonil ®Timoptic ®Timoptol ®Timox ®Toazul ®Tobralex ®Tobrex ®T<strong>of</strong>ranil ®Tonocard ®Topamex ®Topitracin ®Toposar ®Toradol ®Tornalate ®Totacillin ®Totamol ®Toxogonin ®Tracleer ®Tracrium ®Tramal ®Trandate ®Transcycline ®Transderm Scop ®Trans-Ver-Sal ®Tranxene ®Tranxilium N ®Trapanal ®Trasicor ®Travogen ®Travogyn ®Trecalmo ®Trecator ®Trelstar Depot ®Tremblex ®Acetaminophen(= paracetamol)CarteololAtenololDiazepamCaptoprilCarteololTestosterone propionateTestosterone cypionateTestosterone enantateMethyltestosteroneEprosartanEstratriol = estriolTheophyllinePolidocanolLevothyroxineThio-TEPAChlorpromazineThrombinThrombinThyrotropinTicarcillinTiclopidineClotiazepamEtretinateNedocromilDiltiazemTicarcillinCarbamazepineTimololTimololOxcarbazepineTolonium chlorideTobramycinTobramycinImipramineTocainideTopiramateBacitracinEtoposideKetorolacBitolterolAmpicillinAtenololObidoximeBosentanAtracuriumTramadolLabetalolRolitetracyclinScopolamineSalicylic acidClorazepateNordazepamThiopentalOxprenololIsoconazoleIsoconazoleClotiazepamEthionamideTriptorelinDexetimideTrendar ®Trental ®Trexan ®Trialodine ®Triam-A ®Trichlorex ®Tricor ®Tridil ®Trileptal ®Triludan ®Trimpex ®Trimysten ®Triostat ®Triptone ®Trusopt ®Tryptizol ®Tubarine ®Tubasal ®Tus ®Tylenol ®Typramine ®Tyrozets ®Tyzine ®UUdicil ®Udolac ®Ukidan ®Ulcolax ®Ultair ®Unacid ®Unasyn ®Unicort ®Uniparin ®Uniphyl ®Univer ®Uricovac ®Uritol ®Uromitexan ®Urosin ®UroXatral ®Uticillin-VK ®Utinor ®VValadol ®Valcyte ®Valium ®Valorin ®Valtrex ®Vancocin ®Vaponefrine ®Vasal ®Ibupr<strong>of</strong>enPentoxifyllineNaltrexoneTrazodoneTriamcinolone acetonideTrichlormethiazideFen<strong>of</strong>ibrateNitroglycerin(glyceryl trinitrate)OxcarbazepineTerfenadineTrimethoprimClotrimazoleLiothyronineScopolamineDorzolamideAmitriptylineTubocurarine4-Aminosalicylic acidAmbroxolAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)ImipramineTyrothricinTetryzoline(= tetrahydrozoline)CytarabineDapsoneUrokinaseBisacodylPranlukastAmpicillin + sulbactamAmpicillin + sulbactamHydrocortisone (cortisol)HeparinTheophyllineVerapamilBenzbromaroneFurosemideMesnaAllopurinolAlfuzosinPencillin VNorfloxacinAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)ValganciclovirDiazepamAcetaminophen(= paracetamol)ValaciclovirVancomycinEpinephrinePapaverine

368 Drug IndexVascardin ®Isosorbide dinitrateVasocon ®NaphazolineVasotec ®Enalapril/enalaprilatVatran ®DiazepamVa-tro-nol ®EphedrineV-Cillin K ®Pencillin VVectavir ®PenciclovirVeetids ®Pencillin VVegesan ®NordazepamVelacycline ®RolitetracyclinVelban ®VinblastineVelbe ®VinblastineVelosulin ®InsulinVenactone ®CanrenoneVePesid ®EtoposideVeratran ®ClotiazepamVerelan ®VerapamilVermox ®MebendazoleVersed ®MidazolamVestra ®ReboxetineViagra ®SildenafilVibal ® Vitamin B 12Vibal L.A. ®HydroxocobalaminVibramycin ®DoxycyclineVidex ®DidanosineVidopen ®AmpicillinVigantol ®Colecalciferol(vitamin D 3 )Vigorsan ®Colecalciferol(vitamin D 3 )Vinactane ®ViomycinViocin ®ViomycinVionactane ®ViomycinVioxx ®R<strong>of</strong>ecoxibVira-A ®VidarabineViracept ®NelfinavirViramune ®NevirapineVirazole ®RibavirinVirilon ®MethyltestosteroneVir<strong>of</strong>ral ®AmantadineVisine ®Tetryzoline(= tetrahydrozoline)Visken ®PindololVistacrom ®Cromoglycate (cromolyn)Visutensil ®Guanethidine®Vitamine B 1 Thiamin(e)Vitrasert ®GanciclovirVivol ®DiazepamVolon ®TriamcinoloneVoltaren ®Dicl<strong>of</strong>enacVoltarol ®Dicl<strong>of</strong>enacVP-16 ®EtoposideVumon ®TeniposideWWandonorm ® BopindololWelcovorin ®LeucovorinWellbatrin ®BupropionWellbutrin ®BupropionWelldorm Elixir ®Whevert ®Wincoram ®Wingom ®Winpred ®Wyamycin ®XXalaten ®Xanax ®Xanef ®Xenical ®Xolair ®Xusal ®Xylocain ®Xylocard ®Xylonest ®YYal ®Yomesan ®ZZadstat ®Zantac ®Zapex ®Zarontin ®Zebeta ®Zeldox ®Zemuron ®Zenapax ®Zepine ®Zerit ®Zestril ®Zetria ®Ziagen ®Zimovane ®Zinamide ®Zithromax ®Zocor ®Z<strong>of</strong>ran ®Zoladex ®Zolim ®Zol<strong>of</strong>t ®Zomig-ZMT ®Zosyn ®Zovirax ®Zyban ®Zyloprim ®Zyloric ®Zyprexa ®Zyvoxid ®Chloral hydrateMeclizine (meclozine)AmrinoneGallopamilPrednisoneErythromycin-ethylsuccinateLanatoprostAlprazolamEnalapril/EnalaprilatOrlistatOmalizumabLevocetirizineLidocaineLidocainePrilocaineSorbitolNiclosamideMetronidazoleRanitidineOxazepamEthosuximideBisoprololZiprasidoneRocuroniumDaclizumabReserpineStavudineLisinoprilEzetimibeAbacavirZopiclonePyrazinamideAzithromycinSimvastatinOndansetronGoserelinMizolastineSertralineZolmitriptanTazobactam + piperacillinAciclovirBupropionAllopurinolAllopurinolOlanzapineLinezolide

Drug Name –TradeName 369Drug Name – Trade Name(* denotes investigational status in theUnited States)AAbacavir Ziagen ®Abciximab ReoPro ®Acamprosate Campral ®Acarbose Precose ®Acebutolol Monitan ® , Sectral ®Acenocoumarin Sinthrome ® , Sintrom ®(= nicoumalone)Acetaminophen(= paracetamol)Vir<strong>of</strong>ral ® Plasmotrim ®Ambroxol Ambril ® , Bronchopront ® ,Mucosolvan ® ,StasSurfactal® ,Tus ®Amfebutamon(e) see Bupropion ®Amikacin Amikin ® ,Briclin ® ,Novamin ®Amiloride Arumil ® ,Colectril ® ,Cordarex ® ,Midamor ® ,Nilurid ®Acephen ® , Anacin-3 ® ,Bromo-Seltzer ® ,Calpol ® ,Datril ® , Panadol ® ,Tempra,Tylenol ® ,Valadol ® ,Valorin ®Amiloride + hydrochlorothiazideε-Aminocaproic acidAminomethylModuret ®Afibrin ® ,Amicar ® ,Capramol,Epsicapron ®Gumbix ® ,Pamba ®benzoic acid4-Aminosalicylic acid Nemasol Sodium ® ,Tubasal ®5-Aminosalicylic acid see Mesalamine(mesalazine) ®Amiodarone Cordarex ® ,Cordarone ®Amitriptyline Amitril ® ,Domical ® ,Elavil® ,Endep ® ,Enovil ® ,Lentizol ® ,Levate ® ,Mevaril ® ,Tryptizol ®Amlodipine Norvasc ®Amodiaquine Camoquin ® ,Flavoquine ®Amorolfin Loceryl ®Amoxicillin Almodan ® ,Amoxil ® ,Clamoxyl ® ,Moxacin ® ,Novamoxin ®Amoxicillin + Augmentan ®clavulanic acidAmphetamine see Dextroamphetamine®Amphotericin B Amphozone ® ,Fungilin ® ,Fungizone ® , Moronal ®Ampicillin Amcill ® ,Amphipen ® ,Omnipen ® ,Penbritin ® ,Polycillin ® ,Principen ® ,Totacillin ® ,Vidopen ®Ampicillin +Unacid ® ,Unasyn ®sulbactamAmprenavir Agenerase ®Amrinone Inocor ® ,Wincoram ®Anakinra Kineret ®Anastrozole Arimidex ®Angiotensinamide Hypertensin ®Aprindine Amidonal ® ,Aspenon ® ,Fibocil ® ,Fiboran ®Ardeparin Normiflo ®Artemether + Riamet ®lumefantrineArtesunate Arsumax ® ,Falcigo ® ,Asparaginase Erwinase ®Astemizole Hismanal ®Acetazolamide Diamox ® ,Glaupax ®Acetylcysteine Airbron ® ,Fabrol ® ,Mucomyst® ,Parvolex ®Acetylsalicylic acid Angettes ® , Arthrisin ® ,Asadrine ® ,Aspirin ® ,Ecotrin® ,Entrophen ® ,Platet® , Pyronoval ® ,Solprin® ,Supasa ®Aciclovir (Acyclovir) Zovirax ®Acipimox Olbemox ® ,Olbetam ®ACTH see Corticotropin ®Actinomycin D see Dactinomycin ®ADH see Vasopressin ®Adalimumab Humira ®Adrenaline see Epinephrine ®Adriamycin see Doxorubicin ®Ajmaline Cardiorhythmino ® ,Gilurytmal ®Albuterol see Salbutamol ®Alcuronium All<strong>of</strong>erin ®Aldosterone Aldocorten ®Alendronate Fosamax ®Alfentanil Alfenta ®Alfuzosin Alfoten ® ,UroXatral ®Allopurinol Alloprin ® ,Caplenal ® ,Hamarin ® , Novopurol ® ,Urosin ® ,Zyloprim ® ,Zyloric ®Alprazolam Xanax ®Alprenolol Aprobal ® ,Aptine ® ,Gubernal ®AlprostadilMinprog ® ,ProstinVR ®(= PGE 1 )Alteplase Actilyse ®Aluminum hydroxide Aldrox ® ,Alu-Cap ® ,Alu-Tab ® ,Amphojel ® ,Fluagel®AmantadineAmbaxine ® ,Solu-Contenton® , Symmetrel ® ,

370 Drug IndexAspirin see Acetylsalicylic acid ® Bleomycin Blenoxane ®Bitolterol Effectin ® ,Tornalate ®AtenololAntipressan ® ,TenorminBopindolol Wandonorm ®® , Totamol ®Bosentan Tracleer ®Atoquavone Mepron ®Botulinum toxin Botox ® ,Oculinum ®Atoquavone + Malarone ®type AproguanilBotulinum toxin Myobloc ® , NeuroBloc ®Atorvastatin Lipitor ®type BAtosiban Antocin ® ,Tactocile ® Brimonidine Alphagan ®Atracurium Tracrium ®Brinzolamide Azopt ®Atropine Atropisol ® , Borotropin ® Bromazepam Durazanil ® ,Lectopam ® ,Auran<strong>of</strong>in Ridaura ®Lexotan ®Aurothioglucose Aureotan ® ,Auromyose ® ,Solganal ®Bromocriptine Parlodel ® ,Pravidel ® ,Serono-Bagren ®Aurothiomalate Tauredon ®BrotizolamLendorm(A) ® ,Lendorminsodium®Azapropazone Prolixan ® ,Rheumox ® Bucindolol Bextra ®Azathioprine Azanin ® ,Berkaprine ® ,Imuran ® ,Imurek ®Budesonide Entocort EC ® , Preferid ® ,Pulmicort ® ,Rhinocort ® ,Azidothymidine see Zidovudine ®Spirocort ®(AZT)Azithromycin Zithromax ®BumetanideBumex ® ,Burinex ® ,Fontego,Fordiuran ® ,Lixil ®Azlocillin Azlin ® , Securopen ® Bunitrolol Betriol ® , Stresson ®Bupranolol Betadran ® ,Betadrenol ® ,Looser ® , Panimit ®BBuprenorphine Buprene ® ,Temgesic ®Bacitracin Altracin ® ,Baciguent ® ,BupropionWellbatrin ® ,Wellbutrin,Zyban ®Topitracin ®Buserelin Sprecur ® ,Suprefact ®Bacl<strong>of</strong>en Lioresal ®Buspirone Buspar ®Basiliximab Simulect ®Busulfan Mielucin ® ,Mitosan ® ,Beclometasone Aldecin ® , Becl<strong>of</strong>orte ® ,Myleran ® ,Sulfabutin ®Becodisks ® ,Beconase ® , Butizid Saltucin ®Becotide ® , Propaderm ® , Butylscopolamine Buscopan ®Qvar ®Befunolol Bentos ® ,Betaclar ® ,Glauconex ®CBenazepril Lotensin ®BenserazideMadopar (plusCabergoline Cabaseril ® ,Dostinex ®levodopa) ®Calcifediol Calderol ® ,Dedrogyl ® ,Benzbromarone Desuric ® , Narcaricin ® ,Hidr<strong>of</strong>erol ®Normurat ® ,Uricovac ® Calcitonin Calcimer ® , Calcitare ® ,Benzocaine Americaine ® ,Anacaine ® ,Anaesthesin ®Calsynar ® , Cibacalcin ® ,Karil ®Benztropine Cogentin ®Calcitriol Rocaltrol ®Betaxolol Betoptic ® ,Kerlone ® Calcium carbonate Cacit ® ,Calchichew ® ,Bezafibrate Befizal ® ,Bezalip ® ,Bezatol ® ,Cedur ®Calcidrink ® ,Calsan ® ,Caltrate ® ,Nu-Cal ®Bicalutamide Casodex ®Camazepam Albego ®Bifonazole Amycor ® ,Mycospor ® , Candesartan Atacand ®Mycosporan ®Canrenone Kanrenol ® , Soldactone ® ,Bimatoprost Lumigan ®Venactone ®Biperiden Akineton ® ,Akinophyl ® Capreomycin Capastat ® ,Caprolin ®BisacodylBicol ® ,Broxalax ® ,Dulcolax,Durolax ® ,Laxabene, Laxanin ® ,Nigalax,Pyrilax ® ,Telemin ® ,Captopril Acediur ® ,Acepril ® ,Alopresin ® ,Capoten ® ,Cesplon ® ,Hypertil ® ,Lopirin ® ,Tensobon ®Ulcolax ®Carazolol Conducton ® ,Suacron ®Bismuth subsalicylate Pepto-Bismol ®CarbacholDoryl ® ,Lentin ® ,MiostatBisoprololConcor ® , Detensiel ® ,Emcor® , Sirtal ®® ,Isoten ® , Monocor ® ,Soprol ® ,Zebeta ®Carbamazepine Epitol ® ,Mazepine ® ,Tegretol ® , Timonil ®

Drug Name –TradeName 371Clarithromycin Biaxin ®Carbenicillin Anabactyl (A) ® ,Sepram ® Udicil ®Carindapen ® ,Geopen ® , Clavulanic acid + Augmentin ®Pyopen ®amoxicillinCarbidopa + levodopa Isicom ® ,Nacom ® ,Clemastine Tavegil ® ,Tavist ®Sinemet ®Clindamycin Cleocin ® , Dalacin ® ,Carbimazole Neo-Mercazole ® ,Sobelin ®Neo-Thyreostat ®Clobazam Frisium ®Carboplatin Paraplatin ®Clodronate Clasteon ® ,Ossiten ® ,Carteolol Arteoptic ® ,Caltidren ® ,Ostac ®Carteol ® , Cartrol ® ,Cl<strong>of</strong>azimine Lampren ®Endak ® ,Ocupress ® ,Tenalin ® ,Teoptic ®Cl<strong>of</strong>ibrate Atromid-S ® ,Claripex ® ,Skleromexe ®Carvedilol Coreg ®Clomethiazole Distraneurin ® ,Casp<strong>of</strong>ungin Cancidas ®Hemineurin ®Cefalexin Keflex ® ,Keftab ®Clomifene Clomid ® ,Dyneric ® ,Cefmenoxime Bestcall ® ,Cefmax ® ,Cemix ® ,Tacef ®Omifin ® ,Pergotime ® ,Serophene ®Cefotaxime Claforan ®Clonazepam Clonopin ® ,Iktorivil ® ,Ceftazidime Fortaz ® , Fortum ® ,Rivotril ®Tacicef ®Clonidine Catapres ® , Dixarit ®Ceftriaxone Acantex ® ,Rocephin ® Clopidogrel Plavix ®Celecoxib =Celebrex ®Clorazepate Novoclopate ® ,Tranxene ®colecoxibClostebol Macrobin ® , Steranabol ®Celiprolol Selectol ®Clotiazepam Clozan ® ,Rize ® ,Tienor ® ,Cellulose Avicel ®Trecalmo ® ,Veratran ®Cerivastatin Baycol ®ClotrimazoleCanesten ® , ClotrimadermChloral hydrate Lorinal ® ,Noctec ® ,Somnos, Welldorm Elixir ®® ,Gyne-Lotrimin ® ,Mycelex ® ,Trimysten ®Chlorambucil Chloraminophene ® ,LeukeranCloxacillin Clovapen ® ,Tegopen ®®Clozapine Clozaril ®Chloramphenicol Chloromycetin ® ,ChloropticCodeine Codicept ® , Paveral ®® , Kemicetine Leu-Colchicine Colchicine ®komycin ® , Paraxin ® ,SnoPhenicol ® ,Sopamycetin ® ,Colecalciferol (vitaminD 3 )D-Tabs ® ,Vigantol ® ,Vigorsan ®Spersanicol ®Colecoxib see Celecoxib ®Chlordiazepoxide Librium ®Colestipol Cholestabyl ® ,Cholestid ®Chlormadinone acetateGestafortin ®Corticotropin Acthar ® , Cortigel ® ,Cortrophin ®ChloroquineAralen ® ,Avloclor ® ,NivaquineCortisol see Hydrocortisone ®® ,Quinachlor ® Cortisone Cortelan ® , Cortistab ® ,Chlorpromazine Hibanil ® ,Largactil ® ,Cortogen ® ,Cortone ®Megaphen ® ,Thorazine ® Co-trimoxazole Bactrim ® , Novotrimel ® ,Chlorthalidone Hygroton ®Protrin ® ,Septra ®Cholestyramine Cuemid ® ,Prevalite ® ,Questran ®Cromoglycate(cromolyn)Intal ® ,Nalcrom ® ,Opticrom,Rynacrom ® ,Chorionic gonadotropinEntromone ® ,Follutein ® ,Vistacrom ®(HCG)Pregnesin ® ,Pregnyl ® ,Prophasi ®Cyanocobalamin Anacobin ® ,Bedoz ® ,Cytacon ® ,Cytamen ® ,Ciclosporin(= cyclosporine A)Gengraf ® ,Neoral ® ,Sandimmune,SangCya ® ,Rubion ® ,Rubramin ® ,Sytobex ®Sang-35 ®Cycl<strong>of</strong>enil Fertodur ® ,Ondogyne ® ,Cilazapril Inhibace ®Ondonid ® ,Rehibin ® ,Cimetidine Dyspamet ® ,Peptol ® ,Sanocrisin ® ,Sexovid ®Tagamet ®Cyclophosphamide Cytoxan ® ,Endoxan ® ,Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin Ciloxan ® ,Cipro ® ,CiprobayProcytox ®® ,Ciprox ® ,Ciproxin ® Cycloserine Seromycin ®CisapridePropulsid (discontinued)Cyclosporine A see Ciclosporin ®®Cyproterone-Androcur ® ,Cyprostat ®Cisplatin Platinex ® ,Platinol ® acetateCitalopram Celexa ® ,Citaprim ® , Cytarabine Alexan ® ,Cytosar ® ,

372 Drug IndexDDimercaprol BAL in oil ® Ephedrine B<strong>of</strong>edrol ® ,Efedron ® ,DimercaptopropanesulfonicDimaval ® ,Mercuval ®acidDaclizumab Zenapax ®Dimethylaminophenol4-DMAP ®Dactinomycin Cosmegen ®Dalteparin Fragmin ®Dimeticone Aegrosan ® , Meteosan ®Danaparoid Orgaran ®Dimetindene Fenestil ®Dantrolene Dantrium ®DinoprostMinprostin F2α ® ,ProstarmonDapsone Avlosulfone ® ,Eporal ® ,Diphenasone ® ,Udolac ®® ,ProstinF 2Alpha ®Darbepoetin Aranesp ®Dinoprostone Prepidil ® ®,ProstinE 2Daunorubicin Cerubidine ® ,DaunoblastinDiphenhydramine Allerdryl ® ,Benadryl ® ,® ,Ondena ®Insommal ® ,Nautamine ®Deferoxamine Desferal ®Diphenoxylate Diarsed ® , Lomotil ® ,Delavirdine Rescriptor ®Retardin ®Desflurane Suprane ®Dipyrone Algocalmin ® ,Bonpyrin ® ,Desipramine Norpramin ® , Pert<strong>of</strong>ran ®Divarine ® , Feverall ® ,Desirudin Revasc ®Metilon ® ,Novalgin ® ,Desloratadine Aerius ®Paralgin ® ,Sulpyrin ®Desmopressin DDAVP ® , Minirin ® , Disopyramide Dirythmin ® ,Norpace ® ,Octostim ® ,Stimate ®Rythmodan ®Desogestrel + ethinylestradiolDocetaxel Taxotere ®Marvelon ®Dobutamine Dobutrex ®Dexamethasone Decadron ® ,Deronil ® , Domperidone Euciton ® ,Evoxin ® ,Hexadrol ® ,Maxidex ® ,Spersadex ®Motilium ® , Nauzelin ® ,Peridon ®Dexetimide Tremblex ®Donepezil Aricept ®Dextran Hyskon ®Dopamine Dopastat ® ,Intropin ®Diazepam Apaurin ® ,Atensine ® , Dorzolamide Trusopt ®Diastat ® ,Dizac ® ,Eridan ® , Doxacurium Nuromax ®Lembrol ® ,Meval ® , Doxazosin Cardura ® ,Carduran ®Noan ® ,Stesolid ® ,Doxorubicin Adriamycin ® ,Tensium ® ,Adriblastin ®Valium ® , Vatran ® ,Vivol ® Doxycycline Atridox ® ,C-Pak ® ,Diazoxide Eudemine ® ,Hyperstat ® ,Mutabase ® ,Proglicem ®Doryx ® , Doxicin ® ,Monodox ® ,Nordox ® ,Dicl<strong>of</strong>enacAllvoran ® ,Diclophlogont,Rhumalgan ® ,Periostat ® ,Vibramycin ®Voltaren ® , Voltarol ® Doxylamine Decapryn ®Dicloxacillin Diclocil ® ,Dynapen ® , Dronabinol Marinol ®Pathocil ®Droperidol Droleptan ® ,Inapsine ®Didanosine Videx ®Dutasteride Avodart ®DiethylcarbamazepineHetrazan ®Diethylstilbestrol Honvol ® , Stilphostrol ® EDigitoxin Crystodigin ® , Digicor ® ,Digimerck ® , Digitaline ® ,Purodigin ® ,Tardigal ®Ebastine Ebastel ® ,Evastel ® ,Kestine ®Digoxin Digacin ® ,Lanicor ® ,Lanoxin ® ,Lenoxin ® ,EconazoleEcostatin ® ,Gyno-Pevaryl ® ,Pevaryl ®Novodigoxin ®Efavirenz Sustiva ®Digoxin immune FAB Digibind ®Eletriptan Relpax ®Dihydralazine Dihyzin ® ,Nepresol ® ,Pressunic ®Enalapril/enalaprilatInnovace ® ,Vasotec ® ,Xanef ®Dihydroergotamine Angionorm ® , D.E.H.45 ® , Enflurane Ethrane ®Dihydergot ® ,Divegal ® , Enfuvirtide Fuzeon ®Endophleban ®Enoxacin Bactidan ® ,Comprecin ® ,Diltiazem Cardizem ® ,Tildiem ®Enoram ® ,Enoxor ®Dimenhydrinate Dimetab ® , Dramamine ® , Enoxaparin Clexane ® ,Lovenox ®Dymenate ® ,Marmine ® Entacapone Comtan ® ,Comtess ®Va-tro-nol ®

Drug Name –TradeName 373Epinephrine Adrenalin ® , Bronchaid ® , FEzetimibe Zetria ®Epifin ® ,Epinal ® ,EpiPen ® ,Epitrate ® ,Fastject ® ,Lyophrin ® ,Simplene ® ,Suprarenin ® ,Vaponefrine ®Epoetin Eprex ® ,Recormon ®Eprosartan Teveten ®Eptifibatide Integriline ®Ergocalciferol Drisdol ®Ergometrine(= ergonovine)Ergotrate Maleate ® ,Ermalate ®Ergotamine Ergomar ® ,Gynergen ® ,Lingraine Medihaler ® ,Migril ®Erythromcyin E-mycin ® ,Eryc ® ,Erymax, Erythromid ® ,Erythroped ® ,Ilosone ®ErythromycinestolateDowmycin ® ,Ilosone ® ,Novorythro ®ErythromycinethylsuccinateEES ® , Erythrocin ® ,Wyamycin ®ErythromycinpropionateCimetrin ®ErythromycinstearateErymycin ® ,Erythrocin ®ErythromycinsuccinateMonomycin ®Erythropoietin Epogen ® ,Procrit ®(=epoetin alfa)Esmolol Brevibloc ®Esomeprazole Nexium ®Estradiol Estrace ®Estradiol-benzoate Progynon ®Estradiol-valerate Delestrogen ® ,Dioval ® ,Femogex ® , Progynova ®Estratriol (= estriol) Theelol ®Etanercept Enbrel ®Ethacrynic acid Edecrin ® ,Hydromedin ® ,Reomax ®Ethambutol Etibi ® ,Myambutol ®Ethinylestradiol Estinyl ® ,Feminone ® ,Lynoral ®Ethionamide Trecator ®Ethopropazine Parsitan ® ,Parsitol ®Ethosuximide Petinimid ® , Suxinutin ® ,Zarontin ®Etidronate Calcimux ® ,Diodronel ® ,Diphos ®Etilefrine Apocretin ® ,Circupon ® ,Effontil ® , Effortil ® ,EthylAdrianol ® ,Kertasin ® ,Pulsamin ®Et<strong>of</strong>ibrate Lipo-Merz ®EtomidateAmidate ® ,HypnomidateGEtoposide Etopophos ® ,Toposar ® ,VePesid ® ,VP-16 ®Etretinate Tegison ® ,Tigason ®Famciclovir Famvir ®Famotidine Pepcid ® ,Pepdul ®Felbamate Felbatol ®Felodipine Plendil ®Felypressin Octapressin ®Fenfluramine Ganal ® ,Ponderal ® ,Ponderax ® ,Pondimin ® ,Redux ®Fen<strong>of</strong>ibrate Tricor ®Fenoterol Berotec ® , Partusisten ®Fentanyl Sublimaze ®Fentanyl +Innovar ®droperidolFex<strong>of</strong>enadine Allegra ® ,Telfast ®Filgrastim Neupogen ®Finasteride Propecia ® ,Proscar ®Flecainide Tambocor ®Flucloxacillin(floxacilline)Floxapen ® ,Ladropen ® ,Stafoxil ®Fluconazole Diflucan ®Flucytosine Alcoban ® ,Ancotil ®Fludrocortisone Alflorone ® , F-Cortef ® ,Florinef ®Flumazenil Anexate ® , Romazicon ®Flunarizine Dinaplex ® ,Flugeral ® ,Sibelium ®Flunisolide Aerobid ® ,Bronalide ® ,Nasalide ® ,Rhinalar ®FlunitrazepamHypnosedon ® ,Narcozep® ,Rohypnol ®Fluorouracil Adrucil ® ,Effudex ® ,Effurix ®Fluoxetine Fluctin ® ,Prozac ®Fluphenazine Moditen ® ,Prolixin ®Flurazepam Dalmane ®Flutamide Drogenil ® , Eulexin ®Fluticasone Cutivate ® ,Flixonase ® ,Flonase ® ,Flovent ®Fluvastatin Lescol ®Fluvoxamine Faverin ® ,Floxifral ® ,Luvox ®Folic acid Foldine ® ,Folvite ® ,Leucovorin ®Fondaparinux Arixtra ®Formoterol Foradil ® ,Oxi ®Foscarnet Foscavir ®Fosinopril Monopril ®Fulvestrant Faslodex ®Furosemide Dryptal ® ,Fusid ® ,Lasix ® ,Seguril ® , Uritol ®Gabapentin Neurontin ®Galantamine Reminyl ®Gallopamil Algocor ® ,Corgal ® ,Procorum ® ,Wingom ®

374 Drug IndexHydroxyurea Droxia ® ,Hydrea ®Ganciclovir Cymevene ® ,Cytovene ® ,Pro-Depo ®Vitrasert ®Hyoscine butyl Buscopan ®Ganirelix Antagon ® , Orgalutran ® bromideGelatin-colloids Gelafundin ® ,Haemaccel ®Gemfibrozil Lopid ®IGentamicin Cidomycin ® ,Garamycin ® ,Genticin ® ,Refobacin ® ,Sulmycin ®Ibupr<strong>of</strong>en Actiprophen ® ,Advil ® ,Brufen ® ,Fenbid ® , LidifenGestoden + ethinyl Femovan ®® , Motrin ® ,Nuprin ® ,estradiolTrendar ®Glatimer acetate Copaxone ®Idoxuridine Dendrid ® ,Herpid ® ,Glibenclamide(= glyburide)Calabren ® ,Daonil ® ,DiaBeta ® , Euglucon ® ,Herplex ® , Kerecid ® ,Stoxil ®Micronase ®Ifosfamide Ifex ® ,Mitoxana ®Glyceryl trinitrate see Nitroglycerin ®Iloprost Ilomedin ®Gonadorelin Factrel ® ,Kryptocur ® , Imatinib Glivec ®Relefact ®Imipramine Dynaprin ® ,Impril ® ,Goserelin Zoladex ®Janimine ® ,Melipramin ® ,Granisetron Kytril ®T<strong>of</strong>ranil ® ,Typramine ®Grise<strong>of</strong>ulvin Fulcin ® ,Fulvicin ® ,Indinavir Crixivan ®Grisovin ® ,Likuden ® Indometacin Ammuno ® ,Imbrilon ® ,Guanethidine Ismelin ® ,Visutensil ®Indocid ® ,Indocin ® ,Indomee ® , Indomod ® ,HMetacen ®Infliximab Remicade ®Insulin Humalog ® , Humulin ® ,Hal<strong>of</strong>antrine Halfan ®Iletin ® ,Novolin ® ,Haloperidol Haldol ® , Serenace ®Velosulin ®Halothane Fluothane ® ,Narkotan ® Insulin aspart Novolog ®HCGsee ChorionicInsulin glargine Lantus ®gonadotropin ®Interferon alfa-2 Ber<strong>of</strong>or alpha 2 ®Heparin Calciparin ® , Hepalean ® , Interferon alfa-2a R<strong>of</strong>eron A3 ®Hepsal ® ,Liquemin ® , Interferon alfa-2b Intron A ®Uniparin ®Interferon beta Fiblaferon 3 ®Heparin ® ,low Fragmin ® , Fraxiparin ® Interferon beta-1a Rebif ®molecularInterferon gamma Actimmune ®Hetastarch (HES) Hespan ®Ipratropium Atrovent ® , Itrop ® ,Hexachlorophane see Lindane ®Rinatec ®Hexobarbital Evipan ®Irbesartan Avapro ®Homatropine Homapin ®Irinotecan Campto ®Hydralazine Alazine ® ,Apresoline ® Isoconazole Gyno-Travogen ® ,Hydrochlorothiazide Aprozide ® ,Diaqua ® ,DiuchlorTravogen ® ,Travogyn ®® ,Esidrix ® ,Hydro-Is<strong>of</strong>lurane Forane ®mal ® , Hydrosaluric ® ,Neo-Codema ® , Oretic ®Isoniazid Armazid ® ,Isotamine ® ,Lamiazid ® ,Nydrazid ® ,Hydrocortisone Alocort ® , Cortate ® ,Rimifon ® ,Teebaconin ®(cortisol)Cortef ® ,Cortenema ® ,Hyderm ® ,Hyocort ® ,Rectocort ® ,Unicort ®Isoprenaline(= isoproterenol)Aludrin ® ,Isuprel ® ,Neo Epinin ® ,Saventrine ®Hydromorphone Dilaudid ® ,Hymorphan ® Isosorbide dinitrate Cedocard ® ,Coradus ® ,Hydroxocobalamin Acti-B ® 12 ,Alpha-redisol,Cobalin-H ® ,Droxomin,Hybalamine ® ,Coronex ® ,Isoket ® ,Isordil ® ,Sorbitrate ® ,Vascardin ®Vibal L.A. ®Isosorbide mononitrateColeb ® ,Elantan ® ,Hydroxychloroquine Plaquenil ®Imdur ® ,Ismo ® , Isotrate ®Hydroxyethyl starch Hespan ®Isradipine DynaCirc ®HydroxyprogesteronecaproateDuralutin ® , Gesterol L.A. ® ,Hylutin ® ,Hyroxon ® ,Itraconazole Itracol ® , Sempera ® ,Sporanox ®Primolut Depo ® ,Ivermectin Mectizam ® , Stromectol ®

Drug Name –TradeName 375KLopinavir Kaletra ® Methoxyflurane Meth<strong>of</strong>ane ® ,Penthrane ®Loratadine Claritin ® ,Lisino ®Lorazepam Alzapam ® ,Ativan ® ,Kanamycin Anamid ® ,Kannasyn ® ,Loraz ® ,Tavor ®Kantrex ® ,Klebcil ® Lormetazepam Ergocalm ® ,Loramet ® ,Kaolin + pectin Donnagel-MB ® ,Noctamid ®(=attapulgite) Kaopectate ® ,Losartan Cozaar ®Pectokay ®Lovastatin Mevacor ® ,Mevinacor ®Ketamine Ketalar ®Lumefantrine see Artemether ®Ketoconazole Nizoral ®(= benflumetol)Ketorolac Acular ® , Toradol ®Lynestrenol Orgametril ®Lypressin Diapid ® ,Syntopressin ®LMLabetalol Normodyne ® ,Trandate ®Lactitol Importal ®Magaldrate Riopan ®Lactulose Cephulac ® ,Chronulac ® , Mannitol Isotol ® , Osmitrol ®Duphalac ®Maprotiline Ludiomil ®Lamivudine Epivir ®Mebendazole Vermox ®Lamotrigine Lamictal ®Mechlorethamine Mustargen ®Lanatoprost Xalaten ®MeclizineAntivert ® , Antrizine ® ,Lansoprazole Agopton ® , Lanzor ® , (meclozine)Bonamine ® ,Whevert ®Prevacid ®Medroxyprogesterone-acetateAmen ® , Depo-Provera ® ,Leflunomide Arava ®Farlutal ® ,Oragest ® ,Lenograstim (G-CSF) ® ,Granocyte ®Provera ®Lepirudin Refludan ®Mefloquine Lariam ®Letrozole Femara ®Megestrol Megestat ®Leucovorin Welcovorin ®MelarsoprolMelB ® ,MelarsenOxide-LeuprolideEligard ® ,Lupron ®BAL ®(leuprorelin)Meloxicam Mobic ®Levocetirizine Xusal ®Melphalan Alkeran ®Levodopa Dopar ® ,Larodopa ®Menadione Synkayvit ®Levodopa +Madopar ® ,Prolopa ®Menotropin Menogon ®benserazideMeperidineDemerol ® ,Dolantine ®Levodopa +Sinemet ®(pethidine)carbidopaLevomethadone Polamidon ®Mepindolol Betagon ® ,Caridian ® ,Corindolan ®Levothyroxine Eferox ® , Euthyrox ® , Mepivacaine Carbocaine ® ,Isocaine ®Thevier ®Mercaptopurine Purinethol ®Lidocaine Dalcaine ® ,Lidopen ® ,Nulicaine ® ,Xylocain ® ,Xylocard ®Mesalamine (mesalazine)Asacol ® ,Canasa ® ,Mesacal,Pentasa ® ,Propasa ® ,Rezipas ® ,Rowasa ®Lincomycin Albiotic ® ,Cillimycin ® , Mesna Mesnex ® , Uromitexan ®Lincocin ®Mesterolone Androviron ® , Proviron ®LindaneHexit ® ,Kwell ® ,Kwilldane,Quellada ® ,Mestranol Menophase ® ,Norquen ® ,Ovastol ®Scabene ®Metamizol see Dipyrone ®Linezolide Zyvoxid ®Metaproterenol (orciprenaline)Alupent ® ,Metaprel ®Liothyronine Cytomel ® , Triostat ®LisinoprilCarace ® ,Prinivil ® ,ZestrilMetenolone Primabolan ®®Metformin Diabex ® ,Glucophage ®Lisuride Cuvalit ® ,Dopergin ® ,Eunal ® ,Lysenyl ®MethadoneDolophine ® ,Methadose,Physeptone ®Lithium carbonate Camcolit ® ,Carbolite ® , Methamphetamine Desoxyn ® , Methampex ®Duoralith ® ,Eskalith ® , Methimazole Tapazole ® , Mercazol ®Liskonum ® ,Lithane ® ,Lithobid ® ,Lithotabs ® ,(thiamazoleMethohexital Brevital ®Priadel ®Methotrexate Folex ® ,Maxtrex ® ,Lomustine CCNU ® , CeeNu ®Mexate ®Loperamide Imodium ® , Kaopectate II ®Methotrimeprazine Levoprome ® ,Nocinan ®

376 Drug IndexMethylcellulose Celevac ® , Citrucell ® ,CologelNalbuphine Nubain ®Naftifin Naftin ® Olanzapine Zyprexa ®® ,Lacril ® ,Murocel ® Nalidixic acid Negram ® ,Nogram ®Methyldopa Aldomet ® ,Amodopa ® , Naloxone Narcan ®Dopamet ® , NovomedopaNaltrexone Nalorex ® ,Trexan ®® ,Presinol ® , Sembri-na ®Nandrolone Anabolin ® , Androlone ® ,Deca-Durabolin ® ,Methylergometrine(methylMetenarin ® ,Methergine,MethylergobrevinHybolin Decanoate ® ,Kabolin ®ergonovine)® , Partergin Ryegono-vin ® ,Spametrin-M ®Naphazoline Albalon ® ,Degest-2 ® ,Privine ® , Vasocon ®Methyltestosterone Android ® , Metandren ® ,Testred ® , Virilon ®Naproxen Aleve ® ,Anaprox ® ,Naprelan ® ,Napron ® ,Methysergide Deseril ® ,Sansert ®Naprosyn ® ,Naxen ® ,Metipranolol Optipranolol ®Synflex ®Metoclopramide Clopra ® ,Emex ® ,MaxeranNaratriptan Naramig ®® , Maxolan ® ,Primper-NarcotineCoscopin ® ,Coscotab ®an ® ,Reclomide ® ,Reglan ® (= noscapine)Metoprolol Betaloc ® , Lopressor ® Nedocromil Tilade ®Metronidazole Clont ® ,Femazole ® , Nefazodone Nefaclar ® , Serzone ®Flagyl ® , Metronid ® , Nelfinavir Viracept ®Protostat ® ,Satric ® ,Zadstat ®NeomycinMycifradin ® ,Myciguent,Nivemycin ®Mexiletin Mexitil ®Neostigmine Prostigmin ®Mezlocillin Mezlin ®Netilmicin Netillin ® , Netromycin ®Miconazole Daktarin ® ,Dermonistat ® , Nevirapine Viramune ®Micatin ® ,Monistat ® Nicardipine Cardene ®Midazolam Hypnovel ® ,Versed ® Niclosamide Niclocide ® ,Yomesan ®Mifepristone RU 486 ® ,Mifegyne ® Nifedipine Adalat ® ,Coracten ® ,Miglitol Diastabol ®Procardia ®Minoxidil Loniten ® ,Regaine ® , Nimodipine Nimotop ®Rogaine ®Nitrazepam Atempol ® , Mogadon ® ,MirtazepineRemergil ® ,RemeronSomnite ®SolTab ®Nitrendipine Bayotensin ® ,Baypress ®Misoprostol Cytotec ®Nitroglycerin Ang-O-Span ® ,Deponit ® ,Mivacurium Mivacron ®Nitrocap ® , Nitrogard ® ,Mizolastine Mistamine ® , Mizollen ® ,Zolim ®Nitronal ® ,Sustac ® ,Tridil ®Moclobemide Aurorix ®Nitroprusside Nipride ® , Nitropress ®Molgramostim Leucomax ®sodiumMolsidomine Corvaton ® ,Duracoron ® , Nitrostigmine E605 ® ,Parathion ®Molsidolat ®Nordazepam Tranxilium N ® , Vegesan Montelukast Singulair ®Norepinephrine Arterenol ® ,Levophed®Morphine MST Continus ® ,(noradrenaline)Oramorph ®Norethindrone Micronor ® ,Noriday ® ,Morphine hydrochlorideMorphitec ®(norethisterone) Norlutin ® ,Nor-QD ® ,Primolut N ®Morphine sulfate Astramorph ® ,Avinza ® , Norfloxacin Noroxin ® ,Utinor ®Duramorph ® ,EpimorphNortriptyline Pamelor ®® ,Infumorph ® , NoscapineCoscopin ® ,Coscotab ®Kadian ® ,MSIR ® ,Roxanol,Rescudose ® ,Statex ®(= narcotine)NystatinKorostatin ® ,Mycostatin,Mykinac ® ,Nilstat ® ,Muromonab-CD3 Orthoclone OKT3 ®Nystan ® ,Nystex ® ,O-VMycophenolate CellCept ®Statin ®m<strong>of</strong>etilNOObidoxime Toxogonin ®Nabilone Cesamet ®Octreotide Sandostatin ®Nadolol Corgard ®Ofloxacin Tarivid ®

Drug Name –TradeName 377Omalizumab Xolair ®Perindopril Coversum ® ,Coversyl ®Pergolide Celance ® ,Permax ® Pronestyl ® ,Rhythmin ®Omeprazole Losec ®Permethrin Elimite ® ,Lyclear ® ,Nix ® ,Ondansetron Z<strong>of</strong>ran ®Permanone ®Opium tincture Paregoric ®Pethidine see Meperidine ®(laudanum)Phencyclidine Sernyl ®Orciprenaline see Metaproterenol ® Pheniramine Daneral ® ,Inhiston ®Orlistat Xenical ®Phenobarbital Barbita ® ,Gardenal ® ,Ornipressin POR 8 ®Solfoton ®Oseltamivir Tamiflu ®Phenolphthalein Alophen ® , Correctol ® ,Oxacillin Bactocill ® ,Prostaphlin ®Espotabs ® , Evac-U-gen ® ,Oxazepam Oxpam ® , Serax ® ,Zapex ®Evac-U-Lax ® ,Ex-Lax ® ,Oxcarbazepine Timox ® ,Trileptal ®Modane ® ,Prulet ®Oxiconazole Oxistat ®Phenoxybenzamine Dibenyline ® ,DibenzylineOxprenolol Apsolox ® ,Trasicor ®®Oxymetazoline Afrin ® , Allerest ® , CoricidinPhenoxybenzyl Isocillin ® , Megacillin ®® ,Dristan ® ,Neo-Syn-ephrine ® ,Sinarest ®penicillinPhenprocoumon Liquamar ® ,Marcumar ®Oxytocin Pitocin ® ,Syntocinon ® Phentolamine Regitin ® , Rogitin ®Phenytoin Dilantin ® ,Epanutin ®PPhysostigmine Antilirium ®Phytomenadione Konakion ®PilocarpineAkarpine ® ,AlmocarpinePaclitaxel Taxol ®® , I-Pilopine ® ,Pamidronate Aminomux ® ,Aredia ®Isopto-Carpine ® ,Pancuronium Pavulon ®Miocarpine ® ,Ocusert ® ,Pantoprazole Protonix ®Pilokair ®Papaverine Cerebid ® , Cerespan ® , Pindolol Visken ®Delapav ® ,Myobid ® , Pioglitazone Actos ®Papacon ® , Pavabid ® , Pipecuronium Arduan ®Pavadur ® , Vasal ®Piperacillin Pipracil ®Paracetamol see Acetaminophen ® Pirenzepine Gastrozepin ®Parecoxib Dynastat ®Piretanide Arelix ® ,Diumax ®Paromomycin Humatin ®Pizotifen =Litec ® , Mosegor ® ,Paroxetine Paxil ®pizotylineSandomigran ®Pegvisomant Somavert ®Polidocanol Thesit ®Penbutolol Levatol ®Pralidoxime Protopam Chloride ®Penciclovir Vectavir ®Pramipexole Sifrol ®D-Penicillamine Cuprimine ® , Depen ® Pranlukast Ultair ®Penicillin GBicillin ® ,Cryspen ® ,CrystapenPravastatin Lipostat ® ,Pravachol ®® ,Deltapen ® , Prazepam Centrax ®Lanacillin ® ,Megacillin ® , Praziquantel Biltricide ®Parcillin ® ,Pensorb ® , Prazosin Hypovase ® , Minipress ®Pentids ® ,Permapen ® ,Pfizerpin ®Prednisolone Ak Pred ® ,Articulose ® ,Codelsol ® , Cortalone ® ,PenicillinV ApsinVK ® , Betapen-VK ® ,Bopen-VK ® ,Calvepen ® ,Cocillin-VK ® ,DistaquaineV-K ® , Lanacillin-VK ® ,LedercillinVK ® ,Nadopen-V ® , Novopen-VK ® ,Pen-Vee K ® , Pen-VEE K PenaparVK ® ,Penapar-VK ® ,Delta-Cortef ® ,Deltastab,Econopred ® ,Hydeltrasol ® ,Inflamase ® ,Key-Pred ® ,Metalone ® ,Metreton ® ,Pediapred ® ,Predate ® ,Predcor ® ,Predenema ® ,Predfoam ® ,Prednesol ® ,Prelone ®Penbec-V ® ,PfizerpenVK ® , Robicillin-VK ® ,StabillinPrednisone Meticorten ® ,Orasone ® ,Panasol ® ,Winpred ®V-K ® ,Uticillin-VK ® , Prilocaine Citanest ® ,Xylonest ®V-Cillin K ® , Veetids ® Primaquine Primaquine ®Pentamidine Pentacarinat ®Primidone Myidone ® ,Mysoline ® ,Pentazocine Fortral ® ,Talwin ®Sertan ®Pentobarbital Butylone ® ,Nembutal ® , Probenecid Benemid ® ,Probalan ®Novarectal ® ,Pentanca ® Probucol Lovelco ®Pentoxifylline Trental ®Procainamide Procan SR ® ,Promine ® ,

378 Drug IndexProcaine Novocaine ®Rifampin (rifampicin) Rifadin ® ,Rimactan ®Rifabutin Mycobutin ® Sulfalen Longum ®Progabide Gabren(e) ®Risedronate Actonel ®Progesterone Cyclogest ® , Femotrone ® , Risperidone Risperdal ®Gestone ® ,Progestasert ® Ritonavir Norvir ®Proguanil Paludrine ®Rivastigmine Exelon ®Promethazine Anergan ® ,Avomine ® , Rizatriptan Maxalt ®Ganphen ® , Mallergan ® , Rocuronium Zemuron ®Pentazine ® , Phenazine ® , R<strong>of</strong>ecoxib Vioxx ®Phenergan ® , Prometh ® ,Prorex ® , Provigan ® ,Rolitetracycline Reverin ® ,Transcycline ® ,Velacycline ®Remsed ®Ropinirole ReQuip ®Propafenone Arhythmol ® ,Rhythmol ® Rosiglitazone Avandia ®Prop<strong>of</strong>ol Diprivan ®Roxithromycin Rulid ®Propranolol Berkolol ® ,Cardinol ® ,Detensol ® ,Inderal ®Propylthiouracil Propyl-Thyracil ® SPyrantel pamoate Antiminth ® ,CombantrinSalazosulfapyridine Azaline ® , Azulfidine ® ,S.Pyrazinamide Aldinamide ® ,Tebrazid ® , (sulfasalazine) A.S.-500 ® ,Salazopyrin ®Zinamide ®Salbutamol see Albuterol ®Pyridostigmine Mestinon ® , Regonol ® Salicylic acidAcnex ® , Sebcur ® ,SoluverPyridoxineBee-six ® , Complement® ,Trans-Ver-Sal ®Continus ® ,Hexa-BetalinSameterol Serevent ®® ,Pyroxine ®Saquinavir Fortovase ® ,Invirase ®Pyridylcarbinol Roniacol ® , Ronicol ® ScopolamineScopoderm TTS ® ,TransdermPyrimethamine Daraprim ®Scop ® ,Pyrimethamine + Fansidar ®Triptone ®sulfadoxineSelegeline Carbex ® ,Deprenyl ® ,Eldepryl ®QSennaBlack Draught ® ,Fletcher’sCastoria ® , Genna ® ,Quazepam Doral ®Gentle Nature ® ,Nytilax ® ,Senokot ® , Senolax ®Quinacrine Atabrine ®Sertindole* Serlect ®Quinagolide Norprolac ®Sertraline Gladem ® , Zol<strong>of</strong>t ®Quinapril Accupril ®Sev<strong>of</strong>lurane Sevorane ®Quinidine Cardioqin ® ,Cin-Quin ® , Sibutramine Reductil ®Kiditard ® , Kinidin ® , Sildenafil Viagra ®Quinalan ® ,Quinidex ® ,Quinora ®Simethicone Gas.X ® ,Mylicon ® ,Phazyme ® ,Silain ®Quinine Quinaminoph ® ,Simvastatin Zocor ®Quinamm ® ,Quine ® , Sirolimus Rapamune ®Quinite ®Somatorelin GHRH-Ferring ®Somatostatin Aminopan ®RSomatotropin Genotropin ® , Saizen ®Sorbitol Yal ®Sotalol Sotacor ®Rabeprazole AcipHex ® ,Pariet ®Spironolactone Aldactone ® ,Spiroctan ®Raloxifene Evista ®Stavudine Zerit ®Ramipril Altace ®Stibogluconate Pentostam ®Ranitidine Zantac ®sodiumRapamycin see Sirolimus ®Streptokinase Kabikinase ® , Streptase ®Rasburicase Fasturtec ®Streptomycin Strepolin ® , Streptosol ®Reboxetine Edronax ® ,Solvex ® ,Vestra ®Succinylcholine Anectine ® ,Quelicin ® ,Succostrin ®Repaglinide Actulin ® , NovoNorm ® ,Pradin ®Sucralfate Antepsin ® , Carafate ® ,Sulcrate ®Reserpine Sandril ® , Serpalan ® , Sufentanil Sufenta ®Serpasil ® ,Zepine ® Sulbactam Combactam ®Reteplase Rapilysin ®Sulfadoxine + pyrimethamineFansidar ®Ribavirin Rebetol ® ,Virazole ®

Drug Name –TradeName 379Sulfamethoxazole Gamazole ® ,Gantanol ® , Thyroxine Choloxin ® , Eltroxin ®Thyrotropin Thyrogen ® Vardenafil Levitra ®Methanoxanol ®Tiagabine Gabitril ®Sulfapyridine Dagenan ®Ticarcillin Ticar ® ,Timentin ®Sulfisoxazole Gantrisin ® ,Gulfasin ® Ticlopidine Ticlid ®Sulfasalazine see Salazosulfapyridine ® Timolol Betimol ® ,Blocadren ® ,Sulprostone Nalador ®Timoptic ® ,Timoptol ®Sumatriptan Imitrex ®TinidazolFasigyn(CH) ® ,SimplotanSuramine Bayer 205 ® ,Germanin ®® ,Sorquetan ®Suxamethonium see Succinylcholine ® Tiotropium Spiriva ®Tir<strong>of</strong>iban Aggrastat ®TTobramycin Nebcin ® ,Tobralex ® ,Tobrex ®Tocainide Tonocard ®t-PA (= alteplase) Activase ®Tolbutamide Mobenol ® ,Oramide ® ,Tacrine Cognex ®Orinase ® ,Rastinon ®Tacrolimus Prograf ®Tolcapone Tasmar ®Tadalafil Cialis ®Tolonium chloride Klot ® , Toazul ®Talinolol Cordanum ®Topiramate Topamex ®Tamoxifen Nolvadex ® ,Tam<strong>of</strong>en ® Topotecan Hycamtin ®Tamsulosin Flomax ®Tramadol Tramal ®Tazobactam + Zosyn ®Trandolapril Mavik ®piperacillinTranexamic acid Cyklokapron ®Telmisartan Micardis ®Tranylcypromine Parnate ®Temazepam Euhypnos ® ,Normison ® , Trastuzumab Herceptin ®Restoril ®Trazodone Desyrel ® ,Trialodine ®Tenecteplase Metalyse ®Triamcinolone Adcortyl ® , Aristocort ® ,Teniposide Vumon ®Kenacort ® , Ledercort ® ,Terazosin Hytrin ®Volon ®Terbutaline Brethine ® ,Bricanyl ® Triamcinolone Adicort ® , Azmacort ® ,Terfenadine Seldane ® ,Triludan ® acetonideKenalog ® ,Kenalone ® ,Teriparatide Forteo ®Triam-A ®Tertatolol Prenalex ®Triamterene Dyrenium ® ,Dytac ®Testosterone Restandol ® ,Sustanon ® Triazolam Halcion ®TestosteronecypionateAndrocyp ® , Andronate ® ,Duratest ® ,Testoject ®Trichlormethiazide Metahydrin ® ,Naqua ® ,Trichlorex ®TestosteroneAndro ® ,Delatestryl ® , Triiodthyronine Cytomel ®enantateEverone ® ,Testone ® (= liothyronine)TestosteroneTestex ®Trimetaphan Arfonad ®propionateTestosteroneAndriol ®Trimethoprim Ipral ® , Monotrim ® ,Proloprim ® ,Trimpex ®undecanoateTetracaine Anethaine ® ,Pontocaine ®TriptorelinDecapeptyl ® ,TrelstarDepot ®TetracyclineAchromycin ® ,SupramycinTroglitazone Rezulin ®®Tropisetron Navoban ®TetryzolineCollyrium ® ,Murine ® , Tubocurarine Jexin ® ,Tubarine ®(= tetrahydrozoline) Tyzine ® ,Visine ®Tyrothricin Hydrotricin ® ,Tyrozets ®Thalidomide Contergan ® ,Synovir ®Theophylline Aerolate ® ,Bronkodyl ® ,Constant-T ® ,ElixophyllinU® ,Lasma ® ,Nuelin ® ,Pro-Vent ® ,Quibron-T ® , Urokinase Abbokinase ® ,Ukidan ®Slo-bid ® , Slo-Phylli ® ,Somophyllin-T,Sustaire ® ,Theolair ® ,Uniphyl ® VThiabendazole Mintezol ®Thiamazole see Methimazole ®Valaciclovir Valtrex ®Thiamine®Vitamine B 1 Valdecoxib Bextra ®Thiopental Pentothal ® ,Trapanal ® Valganciclovir Valcyte ®Thio-TEPA Thiotepa Lederle ®Valproic acid Depakene ®Thrombin Thrombinar ® ,Valsartan Diovan ® ,Provas ®Thrombostat ®Vancomycin Vancocin ®

380 Drug IndexVasopressin Pitressin ®Vecuronium Norcuron ®Venlafaxine Effexor ®VerapamilBerkatens ® ,Calan ® ,Cordilox® ,Isoptin ® , Securon® ,Univer ® , Verelan ®Vidarabine Vira-A ®Vigabatrin Sabril ®Vinblastine Velban ® ,Velbe ®Vincristine Oncovin ®Viomycin Celiomycin ® ,Vinactane ® ,Viocin ® ,Vionactane ®Vitamin B 6 Bee Six ® ,Hexa-Betalin ® ,Pyroxine ®Vitamin B 12 Bay-Bee ® , Berubigen ® ,Betalin 12 ® ,Cabadon ® ,Cobex ® ,Cyanoject ® ,Cyomin® ,Pemavit ® ,Redisol® ,Rubesol ® ,Sytobex ® ,Vibal ®Vitamin D Calciferol ® ,Drisdol ® ,D-Vi-sol ®XXanthinol nicotinate Complamin ®Ximelagatran Exanta ®Xylometazoline Chlorohist ® ,NeosynephrineII ® , Otrivin ® ,Sinutab ® ,Sustaine ®ZZafirlukast Accolate ®Zalcitabine Hivid ®Zaleplone Sonata ®Zanamivir Relenza ®Zidovudine Retrovir ®Ziprasidone Geodon ® ,Zeldox ®Zolmitriptan Ascotop ® ,Zomig-ZMT ®Zolpidem Ambien ® ,Bicalm ® ,Stilnox ®Zopiclone Amoban ® ,Amovane ® ,Imovane ® ,Zimovane ®WWarfarin Coumadin ® ,Marevan ® ,Panwarfin ® ,S<strong>of</strong>arin ®

Subject Index

382 Subject IndexSubject IndexAAbciximab, 154Absorbent powders, 180Absorption, 46enteral, 22Absorption quotient, 22Acamprosate, 344Acarbose, 264Accumulation equilibrium, 48Acebutolol, 98ACE inhibitors, 128, 314cardiac failure, 128congestive heart failure, 322hypertension, 128indicators, 128kinins, 128myocardial infarction, 320undesired effects, 128Acetaldehyde, 344Acetaminophen, 198, 334, 336suicide and poisoning, 198Acetic acid, 344Acetylcholine, 86, 104motor function, 182nicotine, 112parasympathetic transmitter, 102parasympathomimetics, 106Acetylcholinesterase, 104, 310parasympathomimetics, 106Acetylcoenzyme A, 104, 158N-Acetylcysteine, 336N-acetylneuramininic acid, 288Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), 6, 154, 200common cold, 336migraine, 334presystemic effect, 154N-Acetyltransferase 2 defects, 78Aciclovir, 288Acid neutralization agents, 170Acid production inhibitors, 170Acipimox, 160Acrolein, 300ACTH, 192, 244Action potential, 138muscle relaxants, 186Active secretion, 40Acute coronary syndrome, 320Acylaminopenicillins, 272Adalimumab, 332Addictive potentialamphetamine, 92opioids, 208Addison disease, 244Adenohypophyseal hormone, 238Adenohypophyseal lobe, 238Adenosine-5-diphosphate (ADP), 154Adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases), 134Adenylate cyclase, 66Aδ fibers, pain, 194Administration routes, 12buccal, 18dermatological, 16cream, 16dusting powder, 16hydrogel, 16lotions, 16ointment, 16inhalation, 14intramuscular injection, 18intravenous, 18oral, 12subcutaneous injection, 18sublingual, 18transdermal, 18Adrenaline see EpinephrineAdrenergic synapses, 86Adrenocortical suppression, 246Adrenocorticotrophic hormone(ACTH), 192, 244Adrenoreceptors, 86metabolic effects, 88smooth muscle effects, 88subtypes, 88α-Adrenoreceptors, 334α 2 - agonists, 346α-blockers, nonselective, 94β-Adrenoreceptors, 314β 2 -adrenoreceptors, 314, 318antagonists see β-blockersAdriamycin, 300Adverse drug effects, 70–76drug allergy, 72hypersensitivity, 70non selectiveness <strong>of</strong> drugs, 70overdose, 70Adverse drug reactions, 74Aglycones, 178Agranulocytosis, 242AIDS treatment, 290Akathisia, 234Albumin, 30Albuterol, 338

Subject Index 383Alcohol abuse, 344brain, 344CNS effects, 344liver, 344Alcoholic hallucinations, 344Alcuronium, 184Aldosterone antagonists, 168Alendronate, 330Allergic reactions, 72anaphylactic reaction, 72contact dermatitis, 72cytotoxic reaction, 72immune-complex vasculitis, 72Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, 338Allopurinol, 300, 326Allosteric antagonism, 60Alloxanthine, 326Aloë species, 178Alprazolam, 222Alteplase, 150Alzheimer disease, 106Amanita muscaria, 236Amantadine, 188, 288Ambroxole, 336AMDE (absorption, distribution,metabolism, excretion), 46Amebiasis, 296Amethopterin, 300Amfebutamon, 112Amikacin, 280, 282Amiloride, 168, 314p-Aminobenzoic acid, 274γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) seeGamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ε-Aminocaproic acid, 150Aminoglycoside antibiotics, 278, 280p-Aminohippurate, 30p-Aminomethylbenzoic acid, 1506-Aminopenicillanic acid, 270Aminopterin, 300p-Aminosalicyclic acid, 282Amlodipine, 126Amorolfine, 284Amoxicillin, 272Helicobacter pylori eradication, 172Amphetamine, 92Amphiphilic property, local anesthetic, 206Amphotericin B, 284Ampicillin, 272Amprenavir, 290Anabolic steroids, 248Anakinra,304,332Analgesics, 194antipyretic, 198, 336Analogous drugs, 10Anaphylactic reaction, 72, 338penicillins, 74Anaphylactic shock, 338Anaphylactoid reaction, 156Anastrozole, 256Androgens, 248Anemia, 142Anesthesiabalanced, 214conduction, 202general see General anesthesiainfiltration, 202injectable see Injectable anestheticslocal see Local anestheticsspinal,202,214surface, 202, 336Anesthetics, inhalation, 214, 216Angina pectoris, 316acute attack, 318β-blockers, 96cardiac drugs, 132organic nitrates, 124pain, 194prophylaxis, 318Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), 34, 128,162, 314inhibitors see ACE inhibitorsAngiotensin II, 314Angle-closure glaucoma, 346Anhalonium lewinii, 236Anopheles mosquitoes, 294Anorexiants, 92, 328Antacid drugs, 170Antagonismallosteric, 60functional, 60Antagonists, 60competitive, 60natural, 60Anthracycline antibiotics, 300Anthraquinone derivatives, 178Antiadrenergics, 100Antiallergic therapy, 338Antiandrogens, 248Antianemics, 140adverse effects, 142interactions, 142Antianginal drugs, 318Antiarrhythmic drugs, 136<strong>of</strong> local anesthetic type, 136Antibacterial drugs, 268bactericidal effect, 268bacteriostatic effect, 268broad-spectrum, 268diarrhea, 180Helicobacter pylori, 172narrow-spectrum, 268see also specific antibioticsAntibiotic resistance, 268

384 Subject IndexAnticancer drugs, 298, 300mechanism <strong>of</strong> action, 302see also ChemotherapyAnticholinergics, 188Anticoagulants, oral, 146Antidepressantsatypical, 228selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitors, 226, 228tricyclic, 228Antidiabetics, oral, 264Antidiarrheal agents/therapy, 180Antidiuretic hormone, 164Antidotes, 308Antiemetics, 116, 342Antiepileptics, 190adverse effects, 192psychomotor drive, 192Antiestrogen, 254Antiflatulents, 178Antigen recognition interference, 304Antigens, 72Antihelmintics, 292Antihistamines, 220H 1 -antihistaminics see H 1 antihistaminicsH 2 -antihistamines, 17Antihypertensive therapy, 162Antileprotic drugs, 282Antimalarials, 294chemoprophylaxis, 294tolerability, 294Antineoplastic drugs see Anticancer drugsAntiparasitic drugs, 292Antiparkinisonism agents, 116, 188Antiplatelet drugs, 320Antiprogestin, 254Antipyretic analgesics, 198, 336Anti-T-cell immune serum, 306Antithrombin III, 148Antithrombotics, 144Antithyroid drugs, 242Antitubercular drugs, 282Antitussive effect, opioids, 210Antiviral mechanisms, 286Anxiolytic effect, sedatives, 220Anxiolytics, 220Aortic pressure, 316Apomorphine, 116, 308Apoptosis, 298Appetite suppressants, 92, 328Aquaporins, 164type 2, 168Aquaporins, type 2, 168Arachidonic acid, 196Area under curve (AUC), 46Areca catechu, 106Arecoline, 106Aromatase, 256female reproductive phase, 256inhibitors, 256Arrhythmias, 134Artemesinin, 294Arteriolar vasodilators, 122Asparaginase, 302Asthma see Bronchial asthmaAstringents, 180AT 1 receptor antagonist, 314Atenolol, 98, 334Atherosclerosis, 314Atopic dermatitis, 338Atopic eczema, 338Atopy, 338Atoquavone, 294Atorvastatin, 160Atosiban, 130Atracurium, 184Atrial fibrillation, 134, 136Atrioventricular node, 136Atropa belladonna, 6, 7Atropine, 108, 310poisoning, 110Atypical antidepressants, 228Atypical neuroleptics, 234extrapyramidal motor reactions, 234Auran<strong>of</strong>in, 332Aurothioglucose, 332Aurothiomalate, 332Autacoids, 190, 196Autonomic nervous system, 84nicotine, 112Autonomic reflex responses,general anesthesia, 214Autumn crocus, 6AV block, bradycardia, 96Axoplasm, 204Azapropazone, 200Azathioprine, 300, 304, 332Azithromycin, 278Azlocillin, 272BBacitracin, 270, 272Bacl<strong>of</strong>en, 182Bacterial diarrhea, 180Bacterial infections, 268Bacterial protein synthesis, 278Bactericidal effect, 268Bacteriostatic effect, 268Bad trip, lysergic acid diethylamide(LSD), 236Balanced anesthesia, 214Balloon catheter, 320

Subject Index 385Barbiturates, 220Basiliximab, 304Bateman function, 46Beclomethasone dipropionate, 246, 338Benserazide, 188Benzobromarone, 326Benzocaine, 206, 336Benzodiazepines, 132, 182, 220, 222alcohol abuse, 344antagonists, 222effects, 222emesis, 342myocardial infarction, 320pharmacokinetics, 224status epilepticus, 192Benzothiadiazines, 166Benztropine, 188Benzylpenicillin, 270Berlin blue, 310β-blockers, 10, 318angina pectoris, 316anxiolytic action, 96bronchial asthma, 96, 98cardioselectivity, 98congestive heart failure, 322glaucoma, 346membrane stabilizing effect, 98migraine, 334myocardial infarction, 320patentable chemical, 98β 1 -selective blockers, 314structures, 11therapeutic effects, 96types, 98undesired effects, 96vascular response, 96Bezafibrate, 160Bicalutamide, 248Biguanide, 264Bilharziasis, 296Biliary colic, 108Bimatoprost, 346Bioavailability (F), 46Biogenic amines, 116Biosoprolol, 98Biotransformation, 74phase I, 34phase II (synthetic) reactions, 34Biperiden, 188Bipolar illness, 226Bisacodyl, 178Bisphosphonates, 330Bivalirudin, 144Bladder emptying, opioids, 210Bleomycin, 300Blood-brain barrier, 24Bloodletting, 308Blood-tissue barrier, 24brain, 24cardiac muscle, 24pancreas, 24B max (maximum drug binding), 56Body-mass-index (BMI), 328Bone marrow depression, 198Botulinus toxin, 182Bowel atonia, 176Bradycardia, AV block, 96Bradykinin, 128pain, 194Breast cancers, 254Brimonidine, 346Brinzolamide, 346British Anti-Lewisite (BAL), 308Broad-spectrum antibiotics, 268Bromocriptine, 130, 188Bromohexine, 336Bronchial asthma, 338, 340anti-inflammatory therapy, 340β-blockers, 96, 98Bronchitis, chronic obstructive, 336Bronchodilation, 88Bronchodilators, 130, 340Brotizolam, 222Brugmansia species, 110Buccal administration route, 18Buchheim, Rudolf, 3Budesonide, 246, 338Bufotenin, 236Bulk gels, 174Bulk laxatives, 174Buprenorphine, 212Bupropion, 112, 228Buserelin, 248Busulfan, 300Butizide, 166N-Butylscopolamine, 130Butyrophenone derivatives, 232Butyrophenones, 232extrapyramidal disturbance, 232CCa 2+- chelators, 144Cabergoline, 188Calcinosis, 266Calcitonin, 266, 330Calcitriol, 266Calcium, 330electromechanical coupling, 266electrosecretory coupling, 266homeostasis, 266

386 Subject IndexCalcium antagonists, 126, 314, 318adverse effects, 126angina pectoris, 316catamphiphilic, 126dihydropyridines, 314migraine, 334Calmodulin, 88Caloric restriction, diabetes, 262cAMP, 88Camptothecin, 300Cancer, 298see also Anticancer drugsCandida, 280Candida albicans, 284Cannabis sativa, 236Capreomycin, 282Capsules, 12Captopril, 128Carbamates, 106Carbamazepine, 190, 192Carbenicillin, 272Carbidopa, 188Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 346Carboplatin, 300Cardiac arrest, 108Cardiac arrhythmias, 134Cardiac drugs, 132Cardiac failureACE inhibitors, 128congestive see Congestive heart failureCardiac glycosides, 134, 324atrial flutter, 136Cardiac inhibition, local anesthetics, 206Cardiogenic shock, dopamine, 116Cardiostimulation, 88Cardiovascular disease, 314Cardiovascular system, 120Cardipine, 126Carfentanyl, 212Carminatives, 178Carticaine, 206Casp<strong>of</strong>ungin, 284Catamphiphilic calcium antagonists, 126Catarrh, 336Catecholamine O-methyltransferase (COMT),86, 116inactivation, 90inhibitors, 188Catecholamines, 90, 322actions, 88Cefalexin, 272Cefmenoxin, 272Cefotaxime, 272Ceftazidime, 272Ceftraxone, 272Celecoxib, 200Cell membrane, drug targets, 20Cell metabolism disruption, 304Cell proliferation, inhibition, 304Cell wall synthesis, inhibitors, 270Centrally-acting muscle relaxants, 182Central nervous system, 84disturbances, 134nicotine, 112serotonin, 120Cephalosporins, 270, 272Cerivastatin, 160Cetirizine, 118Cetrorelix, 238Cheese, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 228Chelating agents, 308Chemotherapycytotoxic, 342sickness induced by, 342see also Anticancer drugsChianti, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 228China white, opiate abuse, 210Chinese hamster ovary cells, 150Chiral stereoisomers, 62Chlamydia species, 268Chlorambucil, 300Chloramphenicol, 278, 280Chlordiazepoxide, 224Chlorguanide, 294Chloroquine, 294Chlorphenothane (DDT), 292Chlorpromazine, 206Chlorthalidone, 166Cholecalciferol, 266Cholecystokinin, 178Choline acetyltransferase, 104Cholinergic synapse, 104Cholinesterase, plasma, 186Choline-transporter, 104Cholinoreceptors, pirenzepine, 170Chronic obstructive bronchitis, 336Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 108Chylomicron, 158Ciclosporin, 38, 304, 306nephrotoxicity, 306rheumatoid arthritis, 332Cimetidine,118,172Cipr<strong>of</strong>loxacin, 276Cisplatin, 300, 342Citalopram, 228Citrate, 144Clarithromycin, 172, 278Clathrin, 26Claviceps purpurea, 130Clavulanic acid, 272Clearance, 44total (Cl tot ), 44Clindamycin, 278Clinical trials, 80

Subject Index 387Clobazam, 192Clobutinol, 336Cl<strong>of</strong>azimine, 282Cl<strong>of</strong>ibrate, 160Clomethiazole, 192, 344Clomifene, 252, 254Clonazepam, 192drug metabolism, 78Clonidine, 100, 346Clopidogrel, 154Closed angle glaucoma, 110Clostebol, 248Clostridium botulinum, 182Clotrimazole, 284Clozapine, 234, 236Coagulation cascade, 144Cocaine, 92, 236Codeine, 208, 210, 212, 336Colchicine, 326Colchicum autumnale, 6, 7, 326Colestipol, 160Colestyramine, 160Colicbiliary, 108renal, 108Collagenplatelet aggregation, 154receptor, 154Colloidal bismuth, 172Colon-irritant purgatives, 178Common cold, 336Competitive antagonists, 60Complement, 72Concentration-binding curves, 56Concentration-effect curves, 54Concentration-effect relationship, 54in vitro experimentation, 54Conduction anesthesia, 202Congeneric names, 10Congestive heart failure, 322, 346β-blockers, 96chronic, 134, 322diuretics, 162Constipation, parasympatholytics, 110Contact dermatitis, allergic reactions, 72Contraceptives, oral, 252Convallaria majalis, 6Convulsant toxins, 182Coronary sclerosis, 316Coronary spasm, 316Corpus striatum, 188Corticotropin releasing hormone, 238, 246Cortisol, 244Coryza, 94Co-trimoxazole, 274Coumarins, 144, 146derivatives, 144Counteregulatory responses, diuretics, 162Covalent bonding, 58COX-1, 200COX-2, 200COX-2 inhibitors, 332, 340Coxibs, 200COX inhibitors, nonselective, 332Creatine kinase, 320Crohn disease, 274Cromolyn, 338Crystalline zinc insulin, 258Curare, 184Curarization, general anesthetics, 214Cushing syndrome, 244, 304Cutaneous reactions, 74Cyanide poisoning, 310Cyanmethemoglobin, 310Cyanocobalamin, 140, 310Cyclic adenosine monophosphate(cAMP), 88Cyclooxygenase, 154, 196COX-1, 200COX-2, 200inhibitors, 332, 340Cyclophilin, 306Cyclophosphamide,300,304,332Cycloserine, 282Cyproterone, 248Cystinuria, 308Cytarabine, 300Cytochrome 3A4, 118Cytochrome P450, 32, 38, 42inducers, 38inhibitors, 38isoenzyme CYP2D6, 78role in drug interaction, 38substrates, 38Cytokine inhibition, 304Cytostatics, 298, 304mechanism <strong>of</strong> resistance, 302Cytotoxic chemotherapy, 342Cytotoxic reaction, allergic reactions, 72DD 2 agonists, 238D 2 -receptor antagonists, 342Daclizumab, 304Danaparoid, 148Dantrolene, 182Darbepoetin, 140Datura stramonium, 110Daunorubicin, 300DDT, 106Deadly nightshade, 6Dealkylation, 36

388 Subject IndexO-Dealkylation, 36S-Dealkylation, 36Deamination, 36Decarbaminoylation, indirectparasympathomimetics, 106Deferoxamine, 308Dehalogenation, 36Demulcent lozenges, 336Demulcents, 180Dephosphorylation, indirectparasympathomimetics, 106Depolarizing muscle relaxants, 186Depression, 228bipolar, 226unipolar, 226Dermatological administration routes, 16Dermatophytes, 284Desflurane, 216Desmethyldiazepam, 224Desmopressin, 152, 168Desogestrel, 252Desrudin, 148Desulfuration, 36Dexamethasone, 192, 244, 342Dextran, 28, 156Diabetes mellitus, 258β-blockers, 98caloric restriction, 262hypoglycemia, 96insulin-dependent, treatment, 260juvenile onset, 260maturity onset (Type II), 262obesity, 262Diacetylmorphine, 210Diacylglycerol (DAG), 66Diarrheaantidiarrheal agents/therapy, 180causes, 180viruses, 180Diastereomers, 62Diazepam, 222Diazoxide, 122Dicl<strong>of</strong>enac,200,326Dicloxacillin, 272Didanosine, 290Diethylenetriaminopentaacetic acid, 308Diethylstilbestrol, 76Digitalis, 6Digitalis glycosides, 322Digitalis purpurea, 7Digitoxin, 50, 134Digoxin, 6, 134Dihydroergotamine, 324, 334Dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate, 274Dihydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductase, 302Dihydropyridine derivatives, 126Dihydropyridines, 314L-Dihydroxyphenylalanine, 188Diltiazem, 126, 318Dimercaprol, 308Dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid, 3084-Dimethylaminophenol, 310Dinoprost, 130Dinoprostone, 130, 196Diphenhydramine, 342Diphenolmethane derivatives, 178Dipole-dipole, 58Dipole-ion interaction, 58Dipyrone, 198Disease-modifying agents, 332Disorientation, parasympatholytics, 110Disse's spaces, 24Dissociation constant pK a ,40Distribution (drug), 46accumulation, 48, 50Bateman function, 46diffusion, 26drugs in the body, 22–30possible modes, 28receptor-mediated endocytosis, 26transcytosis, 26transport, 26volume <strong>of</strong>, 28Diuretics, 162congestive heart failure, 322counteregulatory responses, 162extracellular fluid volume, 162hypertension, 314potassium-sparing, 168sulfonamide type, 166thiazide, 166, 314DNA function inhibitors, 276DNA synthesis inhibition, 300Docetaxel, 298Domperidone, 334, 342Donepezil, 106L-Dopa, 26, 188Dopa decarboxylase, 188Dopamine, 116actions and pharmacologicalimplications, 116cardiogenic shock, 116migraine, 334therapeutic use, 116Dopamine agonist induced nausea, 342Dopamine β-hydroxylase, 86Dopamine D 2 agonists, 238Dopamine D 2 -receptor antagonists, 342Dopamine receptor, 334agonists, 188, 238Doping, sympathomimetics, indirect, 92Dorzolamide, 346Dose-effect relationship, 52Dose-frequency relationship, 52

Subject Index 389Dose-linear kinetics, 68Dose response relationship, 52interindividual differences, 52Dosing frequency, 48Doxazosin, 94Doxorubicin, 300Doxycycline, 280, 294Dronabinol, 342Drug(s)acting on smooth muscle, 130elimination see Elimination <strong>of</strong> drugsmotor system, 182peptic ulcers, 170sources, 4Drug allergy, 72Drug-dependent effects, 80Drug development, 8–11approval, 8clinical testing, 8preclinical testing, 8presystemic elimination, 42synthesis to approval, 9Drug eruptions, fixed, 74Drug-induced vomiting, 342Drug interaction, 32role <strong>of</strong> cytochrome P450's, 38Drug metabolismhydralazine, 78nitrazepam, 78Drug-receptor interaction, 56–70agonists, antagonists vs., 60binding forces, 58plasma concentration over time, 68Drug targets, 20cell membrane, 20receptors, 20transport proteins, 20Drug toxicitylactation, 76pregnancy, 76Duodenal ulcers, 170Dutasteride, 248Dynorphins, 208EEbastine, 118EC 50 ,54Econazole, 284Ecstasy, 236Ectoparasitic infestations, 292Edinger-Westphal nucleus, opioids, 210Efavirenz, 290Ef cacy, 60Eicosanoids, 196Electroencephalogram, 190, 220Elimination <strong>of</strong> drugs, 32–42change over time course <strong>of</strong> treatment, 50E max ,54Emesis, 342Emetics, 308Enalaprilat, 128Enantiomers, 62Enantioselectivity, 62<strong>of</strong> af nity, 62<strong>of</strong> intrinsic activity, 62Endogenous opioids, 208Endoneural space, 204Endoparasitic infestations, 292β-Endorphin, 208Endothelium-derived relaxant factor(EDRF), 124Enflurane, 216Enfuvirtide, 290Enkephalins, 194, 208Enoxacin, 276Entamoeba histolytica, 276Enterochromaf n cells, 120Enterochromaf n-like cells, 118, 170Epilepsy, 190Epinephrine (adrenaline), 86, 338cardiac arrest, 136Epipodophyllotoxins, 300Epoxidation, 36Epsom salt, 174Equilibrium dissociation constant (KD), 56Erectile dysfunction, 122Ergocornine, 130Ergocristine, 130Ergocryptine, 130Ergometrine, 130Ergot alkaloids, 130Ergotamine, 130, 334Ergotism, 130Erythromycin, 278Erythropoiesis, 140Erythropoietin, 140Esomeprazole, 172Estradiol, 250, 254Estrogenantagonist, 330production, 250Estrous cycle, 250Etanercept, 332Ethambutol, 282Ethanol, 68, 344Ethinylestradiol, 250, 252Ethionamide, 282Ethosuximide, 192Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 144Etomidate, 218Etoposide, 300

390 Subject IndexEuphoriaindirect sympathomimetics, 92opioids, 208Euthyroid goiter, thyroid suppressiontherapy, 240Evonymus europaeus, 6Excretion <strong>of</strong> drugs, kidney, 40Exemestane, 256Expectorants, 336Extended release drugs, 12Extracellular fluid volume, diuretics, 162Ezetimib, 160Follicular growth, 250Follitropin, 252Fondaparinux, 148Formestane, 256Formoterol, 338, 340Foscarnet, 288Fructus sennae, 178Fulvestrant, 254Functional antagonism, 60Fungal infections, 284Furosemide, 166Fusion inhibitors, 290FFamciclovir, 288Famotidine,118,172Felbamate, 192Felodipine, 126Felypressin, 168, 204Female reproductive phase, aromatase, 256Fen<strong>of</strong>ibrate, 160Fenoterol, 130, 338, 340Fentanyl,22,212,214Ferric ferrocyanide, 310Fetal alcohol syndrome, 344Fex<strong>of</strong>enadine, 118Fibrinogen bridges, thrombus formation, 152Fibrinolytics, 150, 320adverse effect, 150Fick's law, 26, 44Fight or flight response, 84Filariasis, 296Filgrastim, 300Finasteride, 248Fixed eruptions, 74Fleas, 292Floxacillin, 272Flu, 336Fluconazole, 284Flucytosine, 284Fludrocortisone, 244, 324Flumazenil, 222Flunarizine, 334Flunisolide, 246, 3385-Fluorouracil, 300Fluoxetine, 120, 228Flurazepam, 224Flutamide, 248Fluticasone propionate, 246, 338Fluvastatin, 160Fluvoxamine, 228Folia sennae, 178Folic acid, 140Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 250production, 252GGabapentin, 190Galantamine, 106Galen, Claudius, 2Gallopamil, 126Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 116, 220benzodiazepines, 222epilepsy, 190Ganciclovir, 288Ganglia, 86Ganirelix, 238Gastric acid concentration lowering, 170Gastric/intestinal ulcer/tumor, iron deficiency, 142Gastric ulcers, 142, 170Gastrointestinal tract, serotonin, 120Gelatin, 156Gelatin colloids, 156Gemfibrozil, 160General anesthesiaanesthetic agents, 212autonomic reflex responses, 214Genetic polymorphisms<strong>of</strong> biotransformation, 32in drug metabolism, 32Genetic variants, <strong>of</strong> pharmacodynamics, 78Gentamicin, 280Gestoden, 252Gingival hyperplasia, 192Glatiramer acetate, 304Glauber's salt, 174Glaucoma, 96, 246, 346angle-closure, 110, 346open-angle, 346Glitazone, 264Glomerular filtration, 30, 40Glucocorticoids, 244, 304, 326antiallergenics, 338bronchial asthma, 340emesis, 342rheumatoid arthritis, 332Glucose intolerance, lithium, 230α-Glucosidase, 264

Subject Index 391Glutamate, 190Glycogenolysis, 88Glycoprotein Ibα,152Glycoprotein IIb receptor antagonists, 320Glycoprotein Illa receptor antagonists, 320Goitereuthyroid, thyroid suppressiontherapy, 240lithium, 230Gold compounds, 332Gonadorelin, 116, 248superagonists, 238, 248Gonadotropin, 252Gonadotropin releasing hormone, 238Goserelin, 248Gout, 326acute attack, 326G-protein coupled receptors, 64mode <strong>of</strong> action, 66Granisetron, 342Granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulatingfactors, 300Graves disease, 242Gravid uterus, 172Grippe, 336Grise<strong>of</strong>ulvin, 284Guanethidine, 100Gyrase inhibitors, 276HH 1 antihistaminics, 118, 336, 338emesis, 342H 1 receptors, 338H 2 antihistamines, 17, 118Half life (t 1/2 ), 44Hallucinations, 110alcoholic, 344Hallucinogens, 236Haloperidol, 344decanoate, 234Halothane, 216Haptens, 72Hay fever, 338Heart failure see Cardiac failureHelicobacter pylori, 170eradication, 172Helleborus niger, 6Hemogloblin synthesis, 140Hemostasis, 144Henle's loop, 164Heparin, 144, 148adverse effects, 148indications, 148mechanism <strong>of</strong> action, 148occurrence and structure, 148Heparinoid, 148Hepatic damage, 280Hepatic elimination, 32, 44HER2, 302Heroin, 210Herpes simplex, viral replication, 286High density lipoprotein (HDL), 158Hirudin, 144, 148derivatives, 148His-Purkinje system, 136Histamine, 116antagonists, 118effects and pharmacologicalproperties, 118metabolism, 118migraine, 334pain, 194receptor blockade, 338receptors, 118see also H 1 antihistaminics; H 2 antihistaminesHistory, pharmacology, 2–3Histotoxic hypoxia, 310HIV protease inhibitors, 290HIV replication, 290Hohenhiem, Theophrastus von, 2Homeopathy, 80Hormone replacement therapy, 330Hormones, 2385-HT 2 receptors, 3345-HT 3 receptor antagonists, 342Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 252Human insulin, 258Human parathormone, recombinant, 330Hydralazine, drug metabolism, 78Hydrochlorothiazide, 166Hydrocortisone, 244Hydromorphone, 212Hydrophilic colloids, 174Hydrophobic interaction, 58Hydroxycarbamide, 300Hydroxychloroquine, 332Hydroxycobalamin, 140, 3104-Hydroxycoumarins, 146Hydroxyethyl starch, 156Hydroxylation, 36Hydroxymethylglutaryl-Co A, 15817-α-Hydroxyprogesterone caproate, 25017β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 256Hydroxyurea, 300Hypercalcemia, 266Hyperglyceridemia, 262Hyperhydrosis, 182Hyperkalemia, 186Hyperlipoproteinemias, treatment, 158Hyperparathyroidism, 230Hypersensitivity to drugs, adverse drugeffects, 70

392 Subject IndexHypertension, 314ACE inhibitors, 128risk factors, 314Hyperthermia, parasympatholytics, 110Hyperthyroidism, 242Hyperuricemia, 326Hyperventilation tetany, 266Hypnotic drug dependence, 220Hypnotics, 220Hypoglycemia, diabetes mellitus, 96, 260Hypoglycemic shock, 260Hypokalemia, 176, 244Hypophyseal hormones, 238Hypotension, 324Hypothalamic hormones, 238Hypothalamus nerve cells, 238Hypothyroidismlithium, 230replacement therapy, 240Hypoxiahistotoxic, 310myocardial, 316IIbupr<strong>of</strong>en, 200Idoxuridine, 286Ifosfamide, 300IgE inactivation, 338Imatinib, 302Imidazole derivatives, 284Imipramine, 206Immune-complex vasculitis, allergicreactions, 72Immune response, 304inhibition, 304Immunogens, 72Indinavir, 290Indirect sympathomimetics,tachyphylaxis, 92Indometacin, 200, 326Infectious disease, 268Infiltration anesthesia, 202Inflammation, pain, 194Infliximab, 332Influenza, 336Inhalational administration, 14Inhalation anesthetics, 214, 216Injectable anesthetics, 214, 218redistribution, 218Inositol phosphate, 230Inositol triphosphate (IP 3 ), 66, 88Insecticides, 292Insulin, 258aspart, 258formulations, 258amino acid variation, 258dosage variations, 258glargine, 258human, 258intensified insulin therapy, 260lispro, 258recombinant, 258resistance, 262solution, 258suspension, 258Insulin-dependent treatment, diabetesmellitus, 260Intensified insulin therapy, 260Interferon-α, 286Interferon-β, 286Interferon-γ, 286Interferons, 286Interleukin-2, 306International Nonproprietary Names(INNs), 10International Normalized Ratio, oral anticoagulants,146Intra-arterial thrombus formation, 152Intramuscular injection, 18Intravenous administration route, 18Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, 98Ionic interaction, 58Ipecac syrup, 308Ipratropium, 130, 132, 136Irinotecan, 300Iron compounds, 142Iron deficiency, 142Iron salts, parental administration, 142Irritant laxatives, 176Ischemia, 194Is<strong>of</strong>lurane, 216Isoniazid, 192, 282drug metabolism, 78Isophane, 258Isoprenaline, 98Isosorbide dinitrate, 124, 318Isosorbide mononitrate, 124, 318Isoxazolylpenicillins, 272Isradipine, 126Itroconazole, 284JJazz,opiateabuse,210Junk,opiateabuse,210Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, 260KKanamycin, 278, 282Karaya gum, 174

Subject Index 393KD, 30Kernicterus, 274Ketamine, 218Kidney, 40sodium chloride reabsorption, 164Kininase II, 128Kinins, ACE inhibitors, 128Lβ-Lactam antibiotics, 192β-Lactamases, 272β-Lactam ring, 270Lactate acidosis, 264Lactation, drug toxicity, 76Lactitol, 174Lactulose, 174Laminae, pain, 194Lamivudine, 290Lamotrigine,190,192Lansoprazole, 172Lantoprost, 346Large bowel irritant purgatives, 178Law <strong>of</strong> mass action, 56assumptions, 56Laxatives, 174bulk, 174irritant, 176misuse, 176Lead poisoning, 308Leflunomide, 332Legionella pneumophilia, 268Leishmaniasis, 296Leishmania species, 268Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 192Lenograstim, 300Lente, 258Lepirudin, 144, 148Letrozole, 256Leukotrienes, 196antagonists, 338, 340Leuprolin, 248Levodopa (L-dopa), 26, 188Levomepromazine, 342Leydig cells, 248Lice, 292Lidocaine, 206, 320, 336Ligand gated ion channels, 64Ligand operated enzyme, 64Lincomycin, 278Lincosamides, 278Lindane, 292Linezolide, 280Lipid-lowering agents, 158Lipocortin, 244Lipohypertrophy, 260Lipoprotein metabolism, 158Lisuride, 188Lithium, 230glucose intolerance, 230goiter, 230indicators, 230sexual dysfunction, 230Lithium ions, 242Liver, as an excretory organ, 32Loading dose, 50Local anesthetics, 202amphiphilic property, 206cardiac inhibition, 206chemical structure, 206forms, 202mechanism <strong>of</strong> action, 202nodes <strong>of</strong> Ranvier, 202perineurium, 204tissue esterases, 206vasoconstrictors, 204Local hormones, 196Lomustine, 300Loop diuretics, 166Loperamide, 180Loratadine, 118Lorazepam, 218, 342Losartan, 128Lovastatin, 160Low density lipoprotein (LDP), 158Low-molecular-weight heparin fragments, 144,148LSD, 120Lubricant laxatives, 178Lugol's solution, 242Lutenizing hormone, 248, 250Lyell syndrome, 74Lymphokines, 72Lysergic acid derivatives, 130Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 130, 236bad trip, 236Lysine salts, 334MMacrocortin, 244Macrolides, 278Macromolecules, plasma protein replacement,156Maintenance dose, 50Major histocompatibility complex, 304Malignant neuroleptic syndrome, 232Malignant tumours, 298Mania, 230Manic depressive illness, 226Mannitoldiuretics, 164laxatives, 174

394 Subject IndexMaprotiline, 228Mast cell stabilizers, 118, 338bronchial asthma, 340Matrix-type tablets, 12Mebendazole, 292Mechlorethamine, 300Meclizine, 342Medicinal charcoal, 180Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 250Megaloblastic anemia, 192Meloxicam, 200Melphalan, 300Meperidine, 130, 212Mepivacaine, 2066-Mercatopurine, 300Merozoites, 294Mesalazine, 274Mescaline, 120, 236Mesterolone, 248Mestranol, 252Metabolic syndrome, 262Metamizole, 198Metenolone, 248Metformin, 264Methadone, 50L-Methadone, 208Methamphetamine, 328Methemoglobin, 310Methohexital, 218Methotrexate, 140, 300, 304, 332Methoxyverapamil, 126Methylations, 36N-Methyl D-aspartame, 2181-α Methyldihydrotestosterone, 248Methyldopa, 100Methylenedioxyamphetamine derivatives, 236Methylergometrine, 130Methylprednisolone, 34217-α Methyltestosterone, 248Methylxathines, 338Methysergide, 334Metoclopramide, 334, 342'Me-too' drugs, 10Metoprolol, 98, 314, 334Metronidazole, 276Mevalonic acid, 158Mezclocillin, 272Micromonospora bacteria, 278Micturition, 102Midazolam, 218Mifepristone, 196, 254Miglitol, 264Migraine, 334attack treatment, 334Mineralocorticoid, 324Minimal alveolar concentration, 216Minipill, 252Minocycline, 280Minoxidil, 122Miosis, opioids, 210Mirtazapine, 228Misoprostol, 172Mites, 292Mitotic spindle damage, 298Mivacurium, 184Mixed function oxidases, 32Mizolastine, 118Moclobemide, 92, 228Molgramostim, 300Molsidomine, 124, 318Monoamine oxidase, 86degradation, 90dopamine, 116Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 92, 228cheese and, 228Chianti and, 228MAOI-B, 188Monoanesthesia, 214Monoglutamine-FA, 140Mood change, opioids, 208Morning-after pill, 252Morphine, 4, 5, 52, 70, 208myocardial infarction, 320Morpholine, 284Motion sickness, 342α-Motoneurons, 182Motor end plate, nicotine, 112Motor function, 182Motor system, drugs used for, 182Mouth dryness, parasympatholytics, 110Mucolytics, 336Multidrug resistance associated protein 2(MRP2), 32Multiple sclerosis, 304Murein lattice, 270Muromonab CD3, 304Muscarinic (M-) ACh receptors, 104phenothiazines, 232Muscinol, 236Muscle relaxants, 184, 186clinical uses, 186Musculature, 84Myasthenia gravis, 106Mycobacterial infections, 282Mycobacterium leprae, 276, 282Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 268, 276, 282Mycophenolate m<strong>of</strong>etil, 304Mycoses, 284Mycotoxin amanitin, 160Mydriatics, 108Myocardial hypoxia, 316Myocardial infarction, 194, 320Myometrial relaxants, 130Myometrial stimulants, 130

Subject Index 395Myosin, 88Myosin kinase, 88Myristoyl, 290NNa 2 Ca-EDTA, 308Na 2 Ca-pentetrate, 308Nabilone, 342Nadolol, 334Naftidine, 284Nalbuphine, 210Nalidixic acid, 276Naloxone, 210Naltrexone, 210Nandrolone, 248Naphazoline, 88, 338reactive hyperemia, 94Naproxene, 200Naratriptan, 334Narrow-spectrum antibiotics, 268Nasal decongestants, 94Nedocromil, 338Nefazodone, 228Nelfinavir, 290Neomycin, 280Nephron, 164Nephrotoxicity, 280Nerve cells, 86Netilmicin, 280Neuraminidase inhibitors, 288Neurodermatitis, 338Neurohypophyseal hormone, 238Neuroleptanalgesia, 214Neuroleptics, 116, 232, 342atypical see Atypical neurolepticsNeuromuscular blocking agents, 214Neurotransmitters, 20Neutral antagonist, 60Neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH), 258Nevirapine, 290Nicotiana tabacum, 114Nicotine, 112body function, 112motor end plate, 112Nicotinic ACh receptors, 104, 112Nicotinic acid, 160Nicotinic cholinoreceptorsmotor function, 182muscle relaxants, 186Nifedipine, 130, 318Nimodipine, 126Nisoldipine, 126Nitrates, 132angina pectoris, 316Nitrazepam, drug metabolism, 78Nitrendipine, 126Nitric oxide, 124thrombus formation, 152Nitrogen mustard, 300Nitroglycerin, 22, 124, 318, 320Nitroimidazle derivatives, 276Nitrous oxide, 216Nizatidine,118,172NMDA (N-methyl D-aspartate), 218receptor, 190NMDA receptor antagonist, 344Nodes <strong>of</strong> Ranvier, local anesthetics, 202Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants, 184Non-insulin-dependent diabetes, 262Nonselective COX inhibitors, 332Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),172, 198, 326Nonucleoside inhibitors, 290Noradrenaline see NorepinephrineNordiazepam, 224Norepinephrine (noradrenaline), 86, 92, 100transporter, 86, 92Norfloxacin, 276Normal metabolizers, 78Noscapine, 210, 336Nuclearfactor<strong>of</strong>activatedTcells,306Nucleobase synthesis inhibition, 300Nucleoside agents, 290Nucleosides, 286Nystatin, 284OObesity, 328diabetes mellitus, 262secondary disorders, 328Obidoxime, 310Octreotide, 238Ofloxacin, 276Olanzapine, 234Omeprazole, 172Onchocerciasis, 296Ondansetron, 120, 342Open-angle glaucoma, 346Opiates, 208abuse, 210Opioid analgesics-morphine type, 208Opioids, 208addictive potential, 208antidiarrheals, 180antitussive effect, 210bladder emptying, 210endogenous, 208miosis, 210mood change, 208psychological dependence, 208receptors, 208

396 Subject IndexOpium tincture, 180Oral administration routes, 12Oral anticoagulants, 146International Normalized Ratio, 146Oral antidiabetics, 264Oral contraceptives, 252Oral rehydration solution, 180Organic nitrates, 124, 318mechanism <strong>of</strong> action, 124unwanted reactions, 124Organophosphates, 106, 310Orlistat, 328Ornipressin, 168Orthostasis, acute hypotension, 324Osmotically active laxatives, 174, 308Osmotic diuretics, 164Osteoclasts, 266Osteomalacia, 192, 266Osteopenia, 330Osteoporosis, 330idiopathic, 330Ototoxicity, 280Overdose, adverse drug effects, 70Ovulation, 250inhibitors, 252Oxacillin, 272Oxazepam, 224Oxazolidinones, 280Oxiconazole, 284Oxidation reactions, 36Oxycarbazepine, 192Oxycodone, 212Oxygen demand, determining factors, 316Oxygen supply, determining factors, 316Oxymetazoline, 338Oxypurinol, 326Oxytocin, 130PPaclitaxel, 298Paget disease, 266PainAδ fibers, 194Cfibers,194inflammation, 194laminae, 194mechanisms and pathways, 194modification, 194Pancreatic lipase inhibitor, 328Pancreozymin, 178Pancuronium, 184Pantoprazole, 172Papaverine, 208Papaver somniferum, 4Paracelsus, 2Paracetamol, 198Parasympathetic nervous system, 84, 102activation responses, 102anatomy, 102Parasympatholytics, 108, 324, 342bronchial secretion inhibition, 108cardioacceleration, 108CNS damping effects, 110common cold, 336contraindications, 110disorientation, 110gastric secretion inhibition, 108glandular secretion inhibition, 108hyperthermia, 110mouth dryness, 110parkinsonism, 110smooth muscle relaxation, 108tachycardia, 110Parasympathomimetics, 106direct, 106indirect, 106decarbaminoylation, 106uses, 106Parathormone, 266, 330Parecoxib, 200Parental administration, iron salts, 142Parkinsonian syndrome, 234Parkinsonism, parasympatholytics, 110Parkinson's disease, 188pharmacotherapeutic measures, 188treatment for advanced, 188Paromomycin, 280Paroxetine, 228Patient compliance, 48, 50Pegvisomant, 238Pemphigus-like reactions, 74D-Penicillamine, 308Penicillin(s), 270anaphylactic reaction, 74resistance, 272D-Penicillinase, 74Penicillinase-resistance, 272Penicillin G, 270Penicillin notatum, 270Penicillin V, 272Pentazocine, 210, 212Peptic ulcers, drugs used, 170Peptidases, 34Peptide synthesis, 278Peptidoglycan lattice, 270Peptidyltransferase, 278Perchlorate, 242Perineurium, local anesthetic, 204Permethrin, 292Pernicious anemia, 140Peroglide, 188

Subject Index 397Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor,160, 264Perphenazine, 342PGE 2 ,196PGF 2a ,196PGI 2 ,196P-glycoprotein, 42, 180Phagosomes, 26Pharmacodynamics, genetic variants, 78Pharmacogenetics, 52, 78Pharmacokinetics, 44–50genetic variations, 78Phase I clinical testing, 8Phase II clinical testing, 8Phase III clinical testing, 8Phase IV clinical testing, 8Phenazone, 198Phencylidine, 236Phenobarbital, 190, 192Phenolphthalein, 178Phenothiazine derivatives, 232Phenothiazines, 232, 342M-ACh receptors, 232Phenoxymethylpenicillin, 272Phenprocoumon, 50Phenytoin, 190, 192Philadelphia chromosome, 302Phosphatase calcineurin, 306Phosphodiesterase inhibitors, 122, 322Phospholamban, 88Phospholipase C, 66adrenoreceptors, 88muscarinic (M-) ACh receptors, 104Phospholipids, 20Phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase reactivators,310Photoallergenic reactions, 74Photosensitivity, 74, 280Phototoxic reactions, 74Pilocarpine, 106Pilocarpus jaborandi, 106Pindolol, 98Pioglitazone, 264Piperacillin, 272Pirenzepine, cholinoreceptors, 170Piretanide, 166Pizotifen, 334Pizotyline, 334Placebo, 80Placebo-controlled trials, 80Plantago species, 174Plasmalemma damage, 268Plasma proteindrug binding, 30replacement, macromolecules, 156Plasma volume expanders, 156Plasmin inhibitors, 150Plasminogen activators, 150Plasmodia, 294Plasmodium falciparum, 294Plasmodium ovale, 294Plasmodium vivax, 294Platelet-activating factor (PAF), 152Platelet activation, 152Platelet-aggregation, inhibitors, 154, 320Platelet formation, 152Platelet glycoprotein, 152Poisonings, 308symptomatic measures, 308Polidocanol, 206Polyarthritis, chronic, 332Polyene antibiotics, 284Polyhydric alcohols, 174Polymorphisms, 78Polymyxins, 268Porcine insulin, 258Postganglionic synapses, 86Postmenopausal osteoporosis, 330Potassium-sparing diuretics, 168Potency, 60Pralidoxime, 310Pramipexole, 188Pravastatin, 160Prazepam, 224Praziquantel, 292Prazosin, 94Prednisolone, 244Preganglionic axons, 86Pregnancydrug toxicity, 76vomiting, 342Presystemic elimination, 42Prilocaine, 34, 206Primaquine, 294Primary adrenocortical insuf ciency, 244Primidone, 192Probenecid, 326Procaine, 34, 206Prodrugs, 34Progabide, 190Progesterone, 250Progestin, 248, 250production, 250receptor antagonist, 254Proguanil, 294Prolactin inhibitors, 116Prolactin release-inhibiting hormone, 238Prop<strong>of</strong>ol, 218Propranolol, 98Prostacyclin, 196Prostaglandins, 130peptic ulcers, 172PGE 2 ,196PGF 2a ,196

398 Subject IndexProstaglandin synthase inhibitors, 332Prostatic hyperplasia, 110Protamine, 148Protamine zinc, 258Protease, thromboses, 144Protease inhibitors, 290Protein synthesis inhibitors, 278Protein synthesis regulating receptors, 64Prothrombin concentrate, 146Proton pump inhibitors, 170Pseudocholinesterase, 186Psilocin, 236Psilocybin, 120, 236Psychedelics, 236Psychological dependence, opioids, 208Psychomotor drive, antiepileptics, 192Psychotomimetics, 236Pulmonary hypertension, vasodilators, 122Pupillary sphincter tonus, lowering, 108Purgativescolon-irritant, 178dependence, 176small-bowel irritant, 178Pyrazinamide, 282Pyridoxine, 282Pyridylcarbinol, 160Pyrimethamine, 294Pyrophosphate, 330QQuantification <strong>of</strong> drug action, 54Quinagolide, 116Quinine, 2944-Quinolone-3-carboxylic acid, 276RRabeprazole, 172Racemate, 62Radioiodine, 242Raloxifene, 254, 330Ranitidine,118,172Rapamycin, 306Rapid acting insulin analogues, 258Rapid eye moment, 220Rasburicase, 326Reactive hyperemia, 94Receptorsdrug targets, 20types, 64Recombinant human parathormone, 330Recombinant insulin, 258Recombinant tissue plasminogenactivators, 3205α-Reductase, 248Reduction reactions, 36Regional anesthesia, 214Rehydration solution, oral, 180Renal colic, 108Renal electrolyte loss, 134Renal failure, prophylaxis, 162Renal hypervolemic failure, 164Renal insuf ciency, 50Renal tubule, 40Renal water loss, 134Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systemangiotensin-converting enzyme, 128diuretics, 162inhibitors, 126vasodilators, 122Renin-angiotensin-II system, 322Repaglinide, 264Repeated dosing, 48Reserpine, 100Respiratory tract, 22Reteplase, 150Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 290Rhabdomyolysis, 160Rhamnus frangulae, 178Rhamnus purshiana, 178Rheumatoid arthritis, 308, 332Rhinitis, 336Rhizoma rhei, 178Rhodanese, 310Ricinoleic acid, 178Rickets, 266Rifabutin, 276, 282Rifampicin, 38, 276Rifampin,276,282Right atrial pressure, 316Risedronate, 330Risperidone, 234, 236Ritonavir, 290Rivastigmine, 106River blindness, 296Rizatriptan, 334RNA synthesis, 300Rocuronium, 184Rolitetracycline, 280Ropinirole, 188Rosiglitazone, 264Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), 32Roxithromycin, 278Ryanodine receptors, 88SSalbutamol, 340Salix alba, 6, 7Salix viminalis, 6

Subject Index 399Salmeterol, 338Salmonella species, 268Saquinavir, 290Sarcolemma, 186Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 132, 182Saturated NaCl solution, 308Schistosoma mansoni, 296Schistosomiasis, 296Schizogony, 294Schizonts, 294Schizophrenia, 232Schmiedeberg, Oswald, 3Scopolamine, 22, 236, 342Sedationantiepileptics, 192scopolamine, 110Sedatives, 220anxiolytic effect, 220Selective estrogen receptor modulators, 254Selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitors, 226, 228Selective α 1 -sympatholytics, 94Selegiline, 92Senna, 178Sensitization, immune system, 72Serotonin, 116, 120, 228gastrointestinal tract, 1205-HT 2 receptors, 3345-HT 3 receptor antagonists, 342receptors, 120Sertaline, 228Sertürner, F.W, 4Serum Mg 2+ rise, 182Sev<strong>of</strong>lurane, 216Sexual dysfunction, lithium, 230Sibutramine, 92, 120Simvastatin, 160Sinus bradycardia, 136Sinus tachycardia, 96, 136Sirolimus, 306Sisomycin, 280β-Sitosterin, 160Slow metabolizers, 78Smack, opiate abuse, 210Small-bowel irritant purgative, 178Smoking see Tobacco smokingSmoking cessation aids, 112Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER), 32Smooth muscleadrenoreceptors effects, 88drugs acting on, 130Sodium, transport, tubular cells, 164Sodium chloride reabsorption, kidney, 164Sodium nitroprusside, 124Sodium picosulfate, 178Sodium thiosulfate, 310Somatic nervous system, 84Somatorelin, 238Somatostatin, 238Sorbitoldiuretics, 164laxatives, 174Spasmolytics, 130Specific immune therapy, 338Sphincter <strong>of</strong> Oddi, 210Spinal anesthesia, 202, 214Spironolactone, 168Sporozoite, 294Stanozolol, 248St Anthony's fire, 130Starling's law <strong>of</strong> the heart, 132Statins, 160Status epilepticus, 190Stavudine, 290Steady state concentration (C ss ), 48Steven-Johnson syndrome, 74Stibogluconate, 296St John's Wort, 38, 226Straub tail phenomenon, 52Streptokinase, 150, 320Streptomyces, 278Streptomyces hydroscopicus, 306Streptomyces pilosus, 308Streptomyces tsukubaensis, 306Streptomycin, 278, 282Stroke, 136Stuff, opiate abuse, 210Subcutaneous injection, 18Subliminal dosing, 52Substance P, 194Substantia nigra, 188Subthalamic nucleus, 188Succinylcholine, 186Sucralfate, 172Sudek syndrome, 266Sulbactam, 272Sulfadoxine, 294Sulfasalazine, 274, 332Sulfobromophthalein, 30Sulfomethoxazole, 274Sulfonamides, 274drug metabolism, 78Sulfonylurea, 264Sulfoxidations, 36Sulfur transferase, 310Sulpiride, 342Sulprostone, 130Sumatriptan, 120, 334Surface anesthesia, 202agents, 336Sustained release formulation, 50Sympathetic autonomic nervous system, 84structure, 86transmitters, 86

400 Subject Indexα 1 -Sympatholytics, selective, 94α-Sympatholytics, 94β-Sympatholytics, 96Sympathomimetics, 324direct acting, 90doping, 92indirect, 92structure-activity relationship, 90α-Sympathomimetics, 94, 336, 338β 2 -Sympathomimetics, 130, 338bronchial asthma, 340TTachycardia, parasympatholytics, 110Tachyphylaxis, indirectsympathomimetics, 92Tacrolimus, 306Tamoxifen, 254, 256Tardive dyskinesia, 234Taxus brevifolia, 298Tazobactam, 272Tecans, 300Telithromycin, 278Template damage, 300Tenecteplase, 150Tenoposide, 300Teratogenicity, 76cytostatics, 298Terbutaline, 338Teriparatide, 266, 330Terminal ileitis, 274Testosterone, 248heptanoate, 248propionate, 248Tetracaine, 206, 336Tetracyclines, 278, 280Tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olate synthesis inhibitors, 274Tetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olic acid, 274, 300Tetrahydrozoline, 88, 338reactive hyperemia, 94Thalidomide, 76adverse drug effects, 70Thallium salts, 310Theophylline, 130, 338bronchial asthma, 340Therapeutic index, 70Thiazide diuretics, 166, 314Thioamides, 242Thiocyanate, 310Thiopental, 218Thiopurine methyltransferase, 78Thio-TEPA, 300Thioureylenes, 242Thrombin, 152platelet aggregation, 154Thromboembolism, 252Thrombosesprophylaxis and therapy, 144proteases, 144Thromboxane A 2 ,196platelet aggregation, 154Thrombus formation, fibrinogen bridges, 152Thymeretics, 228Thymidine, 286Thymine, 286Thymoleptics, 226Thyroid hormone therapy, 240Thyroid peroxidase, 242Thyroid suppression therapy, euthyroidgoiter, 240Thyrotropin releasing hormone, 238Thyroxine (T 4 ), 240Tiagabine, 190Ticarcillin, 272Ticlopidine, 154Timidazole, 276Timolol, 346Tiotropium, 130, 340Tirazolam, 222Tissue esterases, local anesthetics, 206Tissue plasminogen activator, 150recombinant, 320Tobacco smokingcessation aids, 112consequences, 114vascular disease, 114Tobacco-specific nitrosoketone, 114Tobramycin, 280Tocolysis, 88Tocolytics, 130Tolbutamide, 264Tolonium chloride, 310Toluidine blue, 310Topiramate, 192Topoisomerase II, 276Topotecan, 300Total intravenous anaesthesia, 214, 218Toxic epidermal necrolysis, 74Toxic erythema, 74Toxoplasma gondii, 268Trace state, 236Tramadol, 208, 212Tranexamic acid, 150Transdermal administration routes, 18Transferrin, 142Transpeptidase, 270inhibition, 272Transplacental passage, 76Transplantation medicine, 306Transplant rejection, 306Transport proteins, drug targets, 20Tranylcypromine, 228

Subject Index 401Trastuzumab, 302Trazodone, 228Triamcinolone, 244Triamterene, 168, 314Triazole derivatives, 284Trichlormethiazide, 166Tricyclic antidepressants, 228Triiodothyronine (T 3 ), 240Trimeprazine, 342Trimethoprim, 274Triptorelin, 248Tropisetron, 342Troponin, 88, 320Trypanosoma brucei, 296Trypanosoma cruzi, 296Trypanosomiasis, 296TSH receptors, 242Tubercular disease, 282Tuberculosis, 282D-Tubocurarine, 184Tubular cells, sodium transport, 164Type 2 aquaporins, 168Tyrothricin, 268UUlcerative colitis, 274Ultralente, 258Unipolar depression, 226Unstable angina pectoris, 320Uric acid, 326Uricolytics, 326Uricostatics, 326Uricosurics, 326Urinary excretion, 40Urokinase, 150Urticaria, 74, 338VValaciclovir, 288Valdecoxib, 200Valganciclovir, 288L-Valine, 288Valproate, 190, 192Valproic acid, 192Vancomycin, 270, 272Van der Waals bonds, 58Varicella-zoster virus, 288Vascular disease, tobacco smoking, 114Vascular response, β-blockers, 96Vasoconstrictors, local anesthetics, 204Vasodilators, 122pulmonary hypertension, 122substitution <strong>of</strong> vasorelaxantmediators, 122Vasopressin, 164, 168, 238local anesthetics, 204Vasopressin derivatives, 168Vecuronium, 184Vegetable fibers, 174Venous vasodilators, 122Verapamil, 126, 136, 318Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), 158Vesicular ACh transporter, 104Vesicular monoamine transporter, 86Vigabatrin, 190Vinblastine, 298Vincristine, 298Viomycin, 282Viral infectionschemotherapy, 286diarrhea, 180Viral replication, herpes simplex, 286Virustatic antimetabolites, 286Virustatics, 336Vitamin A derivatives, 76Vitamin B 6 , 282Vitamin B 12 ,140,310Vitamin B 12a ,140,310Vitamin D, 330Vitamin D hormone, 266Vitamin K, 146Vitamin K antagonists, 146possibilities for interference, 146Volume <strong>of</strong> distribution, 28, 44apparent (V app ), 44Vomitingchemotherapy inducing, 342pregnancy, 342von Willebrand factor, 152WWeaning, 116Wepfer, Johann Jakob, 3Wernicke-Korsakow syndrome, 344Wheal flare, 118Wilson disease, 308XXanthine oxidase, 326Xanthinol nicotinate, 160Xanthopsia, 134Ximelagatran, 148Xylometazoline, 88reactive hyperemia, 94

402 Subject IndexZZalcitabine, 290Zaleplone, 220Zanamivir, 288Zidovudine, 290Ziprasidone, 234Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 172Zolmitriptan, 334Zolpidem, 220Zonulae occludentes, 22, 204Zopiclone, 220

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