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m|ksx funs'kky - Doiuk.org

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17 (a) Is NOC from concerned department furnished18 Is total covered are > 400 sq. m./No. of floors >3/ Use innon residential ?18 (a) Is NOC from the Fire Dept Attached ?RESIDENTIAL19 Is the land use of the site proposed for constructionresidential or RB as per Master Plan ?20 Does the proposed site abut on master plan road ?20 (a) Has the provision of R/W been made in accordance withspecification for the Master Plan road ?21 Is it proposal of addition / alteration in existing building?21 (b) However the building plan of existing construction isapproved by MDDA/ Prescribed Authority/Municipality ?21 (c) Whether the existing construction on site is as perapproved building plan22 Is the site located in an open area wherelayout/subdivision plan is required ?22 (a) Is the layout/subdivision plan approved ?23 Does the proposed building plan fulfill requirement ofminimum plot area as specified in building bye lawscaluse no. 3.2.324 Has the proposed building plan been prepared as perbuilding bye law clause no. Has the builing plan been prepared in accordance withby laws clause no. 3.2.1 and 3.2.226 Has the proposed building plan prepared in accordancewith bye laws 3.4.6 ?27 Is the width of road on the site 9m or more27 (a) Is there provision on site for expansion of right of way ?28 Is the road width as per approved layout/subdivisionplan ?29 Is the road private as per record ?30 Are the setback in the building as per clause 3.4.1 of thebuilding bye laws ?31 Are the FAR's and Ground coverage specified in themap as per provisions given in clause 3.5.1 of thebuilding bye laws ?32 Does the unit have a basement ?33 Does the basement satisfy provisions of the clause 3.9 ofthe building bye laws ?34 Is the site located in vicinity of a high tension line ?34 (a) Is the distance from the high tension line as prescribedin the building bye laws ?

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