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m|ksx funs'kky - Doiuk.org

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<strong>m|ksx</strong> <strong>funs'kky</strong>; }kjk LFkkfir o`gÙk@feuh vkS|ksfxd vkLFkuksa esa miyC/kHkw[k.Mksa ds vkoaVu gsrq izkFkZuk&i= dk izk:ilsok esa]egk izcU/kdftyk <strong>m|ksx</strong> dsUnz-------------------------------------------------------------egksn;]eSa@ge yksx y|q vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] ds vUrxZr fjDr Hkw[k.Mksa ds vkoaVu gsrq :0 500@& ¼ik¡p lkS:i;s½ izkFkZuk&i= 'kqYd ds :i esa Mkd?kj iklcqd@cSad MªkV@is&vkMZj la[;k--------------------------------------------------- fnukad------------------------------------------ tks vkidks cU/kd gS] layXu djvkids dk;kZy; esa tek djrk@djrs gSaAeSa@ge yksx lkFk esa layXu fu;eksa ij v/;;u dj y|q vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku] ------------------------------------------ nsgjknwu ds vUrxZr Hkw&[k.M@'ksM+ vkoaVu djus gsrqizkFkZuk&i= izLrqr djrk@djrh gw¡@djrs gSa rFkk Hkw[k.M@'ksM+ ds vkoaVu ds i'pkr~<strong>m|ksx</strong> foHkkx ds fu;eksa ds vuqlkj <strong>m|ksx</strong> LFkkfir d:axk@djsaxsaA1- izkFkhZ dk uke o irk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ ds uke ds lkFk½ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- izkFkZuk&i= 'kqYd tek fd;s tkus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------dk fooj.k%&----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- ;fn izLrkfor :i la iathd`r gks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------rks iathdj.k la[;k o fnukad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- lkexzh ftldk mRiknu fd;k ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------tk;sxk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- izkstsDV fjiksVZ O;ogkfjd gS ;k ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ugha----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- D;k bdkbZ fons'kh lgk;rk ls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LFkkfir dh tk;sxhA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7- foÙkh; lgk;rk ds Jksr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8- dPpseky ds Jksr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------fnukad --------------------------------------izkFkhZ ds gLrk{kj o eksgj

1- izkjfEHkd tkap ds ckn izkFkhZ dhik=rk dh Js.kh esa vkrh gS ;kugha] ;fn ugha rks dkj.k %2- izkFkZuk&i= fujLr gksus ij vkns'ki=kad rFkk fnukad3- lk{kkRdkj ds le; p;u dslEcU/k esa izkFkZuk la{ksi esa4- D;k bdkbZ us mRiknu vkjEHk djdsoy dk;kZy; mi;ksx ds fy,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fn;k gS] rks frfFk fy[ksa5- vkosnu&i= dk Øekad o frfFk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- fo'ks"k fooj.k%& ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------fnukad ---------------------------------------

Application Form for Allotment of Plots in Industrial Areas/ Estate ofState Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal Limited(To be submitted in Duplicate)To,The Managing Director,State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal Ltd.,M-16, Chandralok Colony, DehradunDear Sir,I/We apply for requirement of Land for Industrial Purposes in theIndustrial Area/Estate of the Corporation. I/We hereby furnish thenecessary Industry information.PARTICULARS OF PLOT(a) Name of the Industrial Area inwhich the plot is required.(b) Total Area of the plot1. PERSONAL DETAILS1.1 Name (s) and address ofApplicant (s) in: (Block Letters)1.2 Name of the Firm/CompanyTelephone No.Fax No.Mobile No.E-mail (ID)2 PROJECT DETAILS:2.1 Please indicate the nature ofproject:Export OrientedImport SubstituteOther2.2 Constitution of the firm/Company:ProprietaryPvt. Ltd.Co. Op.2.3 Products (s) Proposed to beManufactured:Shri/Smt/Km.232.4 Proposed Installed capacity 1. Quantity2. Value Rs.2.5 Power requirement of the project1PartnershipPublic Ltd.

in KW and phasing of powerrequirement. (Total power shallbe made available by 2004,through construction and smallloads are readily available).2.6 Water requirement in Litres perday2.7 Proposed investment in Plantand Machinery2.8.1 Proposed Investment in Buildingconstruction2.8.2 Proposed investment in SiteDevelopment2.9 Total Investment to be made(Except Land)2.10 Proposed employment(a) Managerial(b) Supervisor(c) Skilled(d) Un-skilled(e) Contract/Out sourchingTotal2.11 Estimated movement of rawmaterial and Finished Products(Avg. per month)Quantity per month (RawMaterial + Finished Goods) :No. of Trucks per month (RawMaterial + Finished Goods) :2.11 Financial arrangement proposedto be made3 Details about effluents:3.1 Quantity of liquid effluent litresper day.Please mention the compositionof the liquid effluent.3.2 Solid wastes generated(Kilograms per day)3.3 Whether gaseous effluent shallbe released ? If yes, Mention themajor gaseous effluents withquantity per day in suitableunits.3.4 Disposal System proposed4 FOR NEW INDUSTRIAL PLOT/FUTURE EXPANSION.

4.1 Land Requirement in Sq. Mt.4.2 Plinth area - Ground Floor :4.3 Built up area (Addl. Floors. ifany)4.4 Requirement of land for openstorage4.5 Any other requirement of land(Please specify)4.6 Total Land requirement5. PAYMENT DETAILSa) Whether the applicant iswilling to pay 100% paymenttowards premium, at the time ofallotment of land?PH-I PH-II PH-III0-5 yrs. 5-10 yrs. 10-15yrs.Amount(Rs.)D.D. No.and DateName ofthe Bank5.1 Earnest Money Deposit5.2 Application FeesDECLARATIONI/We further state that the particular given above are true andcorrect to my/our knowledge and belief and that no material facts havebeen concealed or withheld and the general conditions for allotment ofplots and grant of lease indicated, in this application form for allotment ofplots in Industrial Area have been read carefully and understood by meand are fully acceptable to me.Date: __________________Place __________________Note: Integrated Industrial Estates being Proposed.1. Hardwar2. PantnagarSignature (s) of the applicant (s)Name in Capital Letters: __________________________________Status of applicant (s) _________(Individual/ Partner of a firm/Director/ Promoter of a company)

CONDITIONS FOR ALLOTMENT OF PLOTS AND GRANT OFLEASE IN INTEGRATED INDUSTRIAL ESTATE IN BHELHARIDWAR AND IN PANT NAGAR1. Application Fees and Earnest Money Deposit: Every applicationfor allotment of plot should be made in duplicate along with briefProject Report, Proposed land utilization plan and copy ofPartnership Deed, Memorandum and Articles of Association andCertificate of incorporation and bank draft in favour of StateIndustrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal Ltd.(SIDCUL or the Corporation) towards application fee and earnestmoney as per details below :Fee Particulars Plot Size Amount (Rs.)Earnest Money Up to 4000 Sq. Rs. 100,000/-Earnest MoneyApplication Fee(Non Refundable)Application Fee(Non Refundable)Mtrs. or part thereofMore than 4000 Sq.Mts.Upto 4000 Sq. Mts.or part thereofMore than 4000 Sq.Mts.Rs. 200,000/-(per 4000 sq. mts orpart thereof)Rs. 10,000/-Rs. 10,000/-(per 4000 sq. mts orpart thereof)2. Period of Lease : Plot in the Industrial Area will first be given onlicense for 2 years and subsequently on lease for a initial period of30 (thirty) years (including the period of license) and subsequentlymutually extendable up to a total period of 90 (ninety) years.3. The plots are alloted in the Industrial Area on "as is where is" basisand any internal development in the plot is to be undertaken by theallottee himself at his own expenses.4. Land Premium :i) The allottee shall pay a land premium of Rs. 560/- per sq. m.of the plot allotted to him. The Earnest Money Deposit paid by theallottee at the time of application, shall be adjusted towards thelandpremium.ii)The allottee shall pay location benefit charges @ 5% of theland premium (for plots lying on roads with width 45 m andabove). The allottee shall also pay 5% of the land premium ascorner plot charges for the corner plots.5. Mode of Payment :i) The preference shall be given to the applicant making thepayment of the entire premium of the land at the time ofallotment.

ii) Or, 50% of the total premium of land shall be paid at the timeof allotment and balance 50% within a period of 2 years infour equal half yearly installments along with interest @ 12%p.a. A penalty of 3% p.a. additional interest would be chargedon the amount payable, on late payment of installments fromthe due date specified for the licensee.6. The allottee shall make payment of land premium within 30 (thirty)days of the allotment letter and shall take possession of the allotedland within 60 (sixty) days from the date of payment of landpremium/execution of license agreement whichever is earlier.7. In the event of failure to deposit the allotment money, within thestipulated period the allotment shall stand automatically cancelledand the Earnest Money shall stand forfeited to the Corporation. Theallottee will be required to execute License Agreement/Lease Deedin the prescribed form. In case the allottee does not execute LicenseAgreement/Lease Deed when asked by the Corporation, it will havethe right to cancel the allotment and forfeit the deposit of theallottee.8. The allottee shall also be liable to pay Operation & Maintenancecharges of Rs. 15/- per sq.m. per annum.9. The allottee will pay use and occupation charges/lease rent ofallotted land at the rate of Rs. 5/- per sq.m. per annum.10. Any unforeseen expenditure towards creating commoninfrastructure, increasing the overall efficiency of the estate or forcomplying with any statutory obligations would have to be sharedpro rata by the allottees.11. The Corporation reserves the right to make its own assessment ofthe requirement of land and is not bound to make allotmentaccording to the demand made in the application. However, if thedifference in the area allotted by the Corporation and the areademanded is more than 20% the allottee may refuse the allotmentwithout loss of Earnest Money if such refusal is communicatedwithin the time allowed in the allotment letter to deposit theallotment money.12. The applicant will have to avoibe by the terms and conditions of theallotment letter, License Agreement and the lease Deed and suchother terms as are laid down by the corporation from time to time.13. If the allottee fails to take over possession of the allotted plot withinthe period stipulated above, the allotment shall stand automaticallycancelled and the deposits forfeited. Extension in time may begranted by the Managing Director of the Corporation in exceptionalcircumstances, provided allottees' request in this regard is receivedwell within the stipulated period.

14. The allottee will have to complete the construction of factorybuilding as also to install machinery and plant, and start commercialproduction therein within a maximum period of 2 years as stipulatedin Agreement/Lease Deed, failing which allotment of plot is liable tobe cancelled with forfeiture of deposits.15. The Lease Deed for the plot(s) will be executed as per termsstipulated in Agreement/Lease Deed.16. The allottee shall not release any obnoxious gaseous, liqid or solideffluents from the units in any case and shall establish at his woncost an appropriate and efficient effluent treatment system/plant andshall ensure that it is ready and functional as per the norms andspecifications expected, laid down or stipulated by the StatePollution Control Board or any other authority established by lawfor the time being in force, before the production is commenced inthe unit set up on the plot of land. Any breach of such law, rulesregulations and bye-laws shall be the sole liability of the Allottee.17. Any product change / diversification etc. should confirm to thenature of the sector / district in which the unit is situated and anysuch change / diversification should be done only with priorapproval of SIDCUL. The change / diversification in the product /manufacturing process from those mentioned. initially in thisapplication form, without the approval of SIDCUL shall be treatedas a breach of agreement.18. The transfer of plot(s) shall not be permitted except under theexisting policy of the corporation.19. The stamp duty registration charges and legal expenses involved inthe execution of Agreement, Sale Deed, Lease Deed, etc. will haveto be borne by the allottee.20. The total balance premium together with the stipulated interest willcontinue to be first charge on the allotted plot ill fully paid.21. The payments made by the allottee/licensee/lessee shall be firstadjusted towards the interest due if any then towards the premiumdue, if any, and balance, if any, towards lease rent and then towardsuse and occupation charges.22. In the event of cancellation or surrender of allottment, conditions asper License agreement or Lease deed would be applicable.23. The premium of the allotted land will be chargeable at the rateswhich are in force on the date on which letter of allotment is issuedand not at the rates in force on the date of application or issuancecarmarking letter.24. The Managing Director, SIDCUL, is empowered to amend and relaxany conditions in the interest of the estate.

izs"kd]Jh latho pksiM+k]lfpo]mÙkjkapy] nsgjknwuAlsok esa]funs'kd]<strong>m|ksx</strong> <strong>funs'kky</strong>;]mÙkjkapy] nsgjknwuAla[;k 11@vkS0fo0@07&<strong>m|ksx</strong>@2004vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx nsgjknwu % fnukad 27 tuojh] 2004fo"k;%mÙkjkapy jkT; esa futh {ks= esa u;s vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku dsUæ LFkkfirfd;s tkus ds lEcU/k esaAegksn;]mi;qZDr fo"k;d ds laca/k esa eq>s ;g dgus dk funs'k gqvk gS fd vkS|ksfxduhfr] 2003 ds vUrxZr ljdkj }kjk fo'ks"k vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa] fu;kZr {ks=ksa] Fkhe ikdks±]ck;ksikfyl] i;ZVd LFkyksa] fo|qr ÅtkZ mRiknu] ikjs"k.k o forj.k] lM+dksa] foekuiÙku vkbZ0lh0Mh0] ,dhÑr vkS|ksfxd uxjksa] ukxfjd voLFkkiukvksa lfgr vU;voLFkkiuk {ks=ksa dh ifj;kstukvksa esa futh {ks=ksa dh lgHkkfxrk fd;s tkus dk fu.kZ;fy;k x;k gSA bl laca/k esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk izns'k esa <strong>m|ksx</strong>ksa dks c

okafNr vkSipkfjdrk;sa visf{kr gksxh og laLFkk@dEiuh }kjk Lo;a iw.kZ dhtk;sxhA3- 'kklu }kjk vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa ds fodkl gsrq fuxZr fd;s x;s vkns'kksa ds vuqlkjHkw&mi;ksx ,oa ¼Building Bye-laws½ vkfn dk vuqikyu fd;k tk;sxkAvkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa esa ¼Development Authority½ fodkl izkf/kdj.k dkdk;Z flMdqy lEikfnr djsxhA4- blds vykok laLFkk@dEiuh dks le;&le; ij 'kklu }kjk fu/kkZfjrekin.Mksa dk ikyu djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA5- vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa dks fodflr djus okyh laLFkk@dEifu;ksa ds ikl ;g fodYigksxk fd os flMdqy dks 11 izfr'kr dh fu%'kqYd bD;wfV miyC/k djkdjflMdqy dh Hkkxhnkjh izkIr djus gsrq izLrko ns ldrh gSA bl fLFkfr esaflMdqy laLFkk dks vkS|ksfxd {ks= dh LFkkiuk gsrq ;FkklEHko lg;ksx iznkudjsxkA6- ,sls vkS|ksfxd vkLFkkuksa dh voLFkkiuk lqfo/kkvksa dh ns[kjs[k] ukfy;ksa] lM+dksadk j[kj[kko] izdk'k O;oLFkkvksa rFkk vU; ukxfjd lqfo/kkvksa dh ftEesnkjhlacaf/kr laLFkk@dEiuh gksxhA7- dEiuh ds funs'kd e.My }kjk fu/kkZfjr dh x;h njksa ij foi.ku] fodklvkfn fd;s tk;saxsA8- futh {ks= esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku cukus gsrq bPNqd m|eh@laLFkk bl vk'k;dk vkosnu laf{kIr izkstsDV izksQkbZy@izh&fQftcYVh fjiksVZ ds lkFk lacaf/kregk izcU/kd] ftyk <strong>m|ksx</strong> dsUæ ds dk;kZy; esa izLrqr djsaxs ,oa egk izcU/kdftyk <strong>m|ksx</strong> dsUæ 15 fnu ds vUnj foLr`r vk[;k funs'kd <strong>m|ksx</strong> ,oaflMdqy dks izsf"kr djsaxsAHkonh;]latho pksiM+k]lfpoAi`"Bkadu la[;k 11@1@vkS0fo0@07&<strong>m|ksx</strong>@2004] rn~fnukafdr%&izfrfyfi fuEufyf[kr dks lwpukFkZ ,oa vko';d dk;Zokgh gsrq izsf"kr%&1- izcU/k funs'kd] mÙkjkapy jkT; vkS|ksfxd fodkl fuxe fy-] nsgjknwuA2- funs'kd] ,u0vkbZ0lh0] lfpoky;] mÙkjkapy dks bl vuqjks/k lfgr izsf"kr fdÑi;k bls mÙkjkapy oSclkbZV esa izlkfjr djus dk d"V djsaA3- leLr izeq[k lfpo@lfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklu ,oa lfpoky; ds leLrvuqHkkxAvkKk ls]latho pksiM+k]lfpoA

mÙkjkapy 'kklula[;k 940@vkS0fo0@07&<strong>m|ksx</strong>@2004&05izs"kd]latho pksiM+k]lfpo] vkS|ksfxd fodkl]mÙkjkapy] 'kkluAlsok esa]funs'kd <strong>m|ksx</strong>]mÙkjkapyAvkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx nsgjknwu% fnukad 09@10 uoEcj] 2004fo"k;%futh {ks= esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkkuksa@{ks=ksa ds fodkl ds fy;s Hkwfe dhU;wure lhek fujUrjrk esa 30 ,dM+ gksus ij jkT; ljdkj }kjkvkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa@vkLFkkuksa dks fpfUgr ¼Identify½@?kksf"kr ¼¼Declare½¼fd;s tkus ds lEcUèk esa uhfrAegksn;]Ñi;k mijksDr fo"k; ij eq>s ;g dgus dk funs'k gqvk gS fd 'kklu }kjk u;svkS|ksfxd vkLFkkuksa@{ks=ksa ds fofu;eu@?kksf"kr fd;s tkus gsrq fuEuor uhfr fu/kkZfjrdjus dh lg"kZ LohÑfr iznku dh gS%&izns'k 'kklu }kjk futh {ks=ksa esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkkuksa@{ks=ksa ds fofu;eu@?kksf"krfd;s tkus gsrq tgka ij fpfUgr {ks= vFkok Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr LFkku@{ks=dh Hkwfe fujUrjrk esa 30 ,dM+ ls vf/kd gks] dks <strong>m|ksx</strong> la?kksa@izeksVlZ@futh laLFkk}kjk izLrqr izLrkoksa ds vk/kkj ij vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku@{ks= ds :i esavf/klwfpr@?kksf"kr dj] fpfUgr vkS|ksfxd {ks= dh Hkwfe dh vf/klwpuk gsrq izLrkoHkkjr ljdkj dks Hksts tk;saxsA1- futh vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa ds uke ml {ks= ds jktLo xzke ds uke ls rFkk ftlvkS|ksfxd la?k@izeksVlZ@futh laLFkk }kjk izLrkfor fd;k x;k gks] dksQSflfyVsVj ds :i esa ukfer djrs gq, vf/klwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA2- <strong>m|ksx</strong> la?kksa }kjk izLrkfor futh vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa esa <strong>m|ksx</strong> LFkkiuk gsrqHkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu dh LohÑfr] ;fn 12-5 ,dM+ ls vf/kd Hkwfe Ø; dh tkuhgS] rks Hkw&laØe.k dk izkf/kdkj] iznw"k.k fu;a=.k vukifÙk] fo|qr rFkk ikuh dhmiyC/krk] Hkou dk;Z'kkyk] ryiV ekufp=ksa dh fofgr izkf/kdkjh lsLohÑfr@vuqeksnu bR;kfn izkIr djus ds fy;s vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx rFkk<strong>m|ksx</strong> la?k QSfolfyVsVj ds :i esa dk;Z djsaxsA3- Hkkjr ljdkj dh vf/klwpuk fnukad 10 twu] 2003 esa vf/kwfpr Hkwfe ds [kljkuEcjksa dh Hkwfe esa ls ftu vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa }kjk mÙkjkapy esa fnukad 31

ekpZ] 2004 ls iwoZ Hkwfe Ø; dj <strong>m|ksx</strong> LFkkiuk dk dk;Z izkjEHk dj fn;k x;kgS] ,slh Hkwfe dks jkT; ljdkj }kjk vkS|ksfxd {ks= ds :i esa?kksf"kr@fofu;fer fd;s tkus dh dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxh] rkfd ,slh bdkbZ;ksa dksfo'ks"k iSdst ds vUrxZr lqfo/kk;sa izkIr gks ldsaA4- blds vfrfjDr foÙk ea=ky; dh vf/klwpuk esa vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa esa iwoZ LFkkfir<strong>m|ksx</strong>ksa dks ykHk igqapkus ds fy, [kljk uEcjksa dks vf/klwfpr fd;k x;k gSAlhek 'kqYd ,oa bude VSDl dh ekQh dk ykHk mBkus gsrq bUgsa Hkh vkS|ksfxd{ks= ?kksf"kr djuk vko';d gSA vo,o bu {ks=ksa dks Hkh fo'ks"k vkS|ksfxd {ks=?kksf"kr djus dh laLrqfr dh tkrh gSAHkonh;]latho pksiM+k]lfpoAi`"Bkadu la[;k 940@mDr@rn~fnukafdr%&izfrfyfi fuEukafdr dks lwpukFkZ ,oa vko';d dk;Zokgh gsrq izsf"kr%&1- LVkQ vkfQlj] eq[; lfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklu dks eq[; lfpo egksn; dsvoyksdukFkZA2- LVkQ vkfQlj] vij eq[; lfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklu dks eq[; lfpo egksn; dsvoyksdukFkZA3- izeq[k lfpo@lfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kkluA4- la;qDr lfpo] okf.kT; ,oa <strong>m|ksx</strong> ea=ky; ¼vkS|ksfxd uhfr lao)Zu foHkkx½]<strong>m|ksx</strong> Hkou] ubZ fnYyhA5- vk;qDr] dqek;wa ,oa x

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ewy vf/kfu;e esa/kkjk 152&d dktksM+k tkukewy vf/kfu;e dh/kkjk 154 esami/kkjk ¼3½] ¼4½vkSj ¼5½ dk tksM+ktkuk129&[k mÙkj izns'k tehankjh fouk'k ,oa Hkwfe O;oLFkk vf/kfu;e] 1950 ¼ftlsvkxs ewy vf/kfu;e dgk x;k gS½ dh /kkjk 154¼4½¼1½¼d½] 154¼4½¼2½¼M½]154¼4½¼2½¼p½] rFkk 154¼4½¼3½ ds iz;kstuksa ds fy;s fuEuor~ Js.kh ds Hkwfe/kjdgyk;saxs&¼1½ fo'ks"k Js.kh ds Hkwfe/kjA3- ewy vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 152 ds ckn ,d u;h /kkjk 152&d fuEuor tksM+ nhtk;sxhA¼1½ 152&d laØe.kh; vf/kdkj okys Hkwfe/kj }kjk Hkwfe varj.k gsrq dksbZeq[rkjukek ,sls O;fDr;ksa ds i{k esa fd;k tk ldsxk tks /kkjk 171] 172]174 vFkok 175 ds vUrxZr vkrs gSa vkSj ,slk eq[rkjukek ,sls O;fDr dsfo|eku u gksus dh n'kk esa fdlh vU; O;fDr ds i{k esa ftys dsdysDVj dh iwokZuqefr ls vFkok fons'k esa jgus okys O;fDr ds ekeys esaHkkjrh; nwrkokl dh iwokZuqefr ls fd;k tk ldsxkA¼2½ tc rd c

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fy;s(¼4½ lkaLd`frd iz;kstuksa ds fy;s(¼5½ /kkjk 154 ¼4½¼2½ ds mi[k.M ¼M½ esa mfYyf[kr LFkyksa lsfHkUu LFkyksa ij vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa LFkkfir djus ,oa ,slsvU; iz;kstukFkZA¼[k½ dksbZ O;fDr] lkslkbVh vFkok dEiuh d`f"k vFkok vkS|ksfxdiz;kstuksa ds fy, bl vk'k; dk 'kiFk&i= izLrqr djus dsi'pkr fd ,slh Hkwfe dk mi;ksx dsoy d`f"k vFkok vkS|kfudh lslEcfU/kr rFkk vkuq"kkafxd gks( tuin ds dysDVj dh iwoZ vuqefrls Hkwfe Ø; dj ldsxkA ;fn 'kiFk&i= esa mfYyf[kr Hkwfemi;ksx esa ifjorZu fd;k tkrk gS rks vUrj.k 'kwU; gks tk;sxkvkSj /kkjk 167 ds ifj.kke ykxw gksaxsAijUrq micU/k ;g gS fd dksbZ O;fDr ;fn og [kkrsnkj ugha gSfdUrq /kkjk 154¼4½¼1½¼d½] 154¼4½¼2½¼M½ rFkk 154¼4½¼2½¼p½ dsv/khu Hkwfe fcuk Lohd`fr ds Ø; djrk gS vFkok /kkjk 154¼4½¼3½ds v/khu iznÙk vuqKk ls Hkwfe Ø; djrk gS] rks /kkjk 129&[k dsv/khu fo'ks"k Js.kh dk Hkwfe/kj cuk jgsxk vkSj ,slk Hkwfe/kj Hkfo";esa dsoy jkT; ljdkj ;k ftys ds dysDVj] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks]dh vuqefr ls gh Hkwfe Ø; djus ds fy, vgZ gksxkAvxzsÙkj miyC/k ;g gS fd ,slk Hkwfe/kj cSad rFkk foÙkh; laLFkkvksals _.k izkIr djus ds fy, viuh Hkwfe ca/kd ;k n`f"Vcaf/kr djldsxk rFkk /kkjk 129 ds vUrxZr Hkwfe/kjh vf/kdkjksa ls izkIr gksusokys vU; ykHkksa dks Hkh xzg.k dj ldsxkAvxzsÙkj micU/k ;g gS fd ;fn dksbZ O;fDr tks [kkrsnkj ugha gS]tks fcuk vuqefr ds /kkjk 154¼4½¼2½¼M½] 154¼4½¼2½¼p½ ds v/khuHkwfe Ø; djrk gS vFkok /kkjk 154¼4½¼3½ ds v/khu ftlesa HkwfeØ; djus dh vuqKk 'kklu vFkok ftykf/kdkjh tSlh Hkh fLFkfrgks] }kjk iznku dh x;h gS nks o"kZ dh vof/k ds vUnj ftldhx.kuk Hkwfe ds foØ; foys[k ds iathdj.k dh frfFk ls dh tk;sxhvFkok mlds ckn ,slh vof/k ds vUnj ftldks jkT; ljdkj}kjk ,sls dkj.kksa ls ftUgsa fyf[kr :i esa vfHkfyf[kr fd;ktk;sxk] mDr Hkwfe dk mi;ksx mlh iz;kstu ds fy;s djsxkftlds fy;s vuqKk iznku dh x;h gSA ;fn og ,slk ugha djrkgS vFkok ml Hkwfe dk mi;ksx ftlds fy;s mls Lohd`r fd;kx;k Fkk] mlls fHkuu fdlh vU; iz;kstu gsrq djrk gS vFkokftl iz;kstukFkZ Ø; fd;k x;k Fkk mlls fHkUu iz;kstu ds fy;sfoØ;] migkj ;k vU;Fkk Hkwfe dk vUrj.k djrk gS rks ,slkvUrj.k bl vf/kfu;e ds iz;kstu gsrq 'kwU; gks tk;sxk vkSj /kkjk167 ds ifj.kke ykxw gksaxsA¼5½ ;fn&

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Short title, ExtentandCommencementAddition ofsection 129-B inthe principal ActAddition ofsection 152-A inthe principal ActNo. 501/Vidhayee And Sansadiya Karya/2003Dated Dehradun. January 15, 2004NOTIFICATIONMiscellaneousIn pursuance of the provision of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution ofIndia, the Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following Englishtranslation of the Uttaranchal (The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and LandReforms Act, 1950) (Adaption and Modification Order, 2001) (Amendment) Bill, 2003(Uttaranchal Adhiniyam Sankhya 29 of 2003).As passed by the Uttaranchal Legislative Assembly and assented to by the Governor onJanuary, 2004.THE UTTARANCHAL (THE UTTAR PRADESH ZAMINDARI ABOLITIONAND LAND REFORMS ACT, 1950) (ADAPTATION AND MODIFICATIONORDER, 2001) (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2003(AS REPORTED BY SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE AND PASSEDAS AMENDED BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY)(UTTARANCHAL ACT NO. 29 OF 2003)ANACTTo amend the Uttaranchal (The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land ReformsAct, 1950) Adapation and Modification Order, 2001 in it's application to the State ofUttaranchal.Be it enacted in the Fifty-Fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-1. (1) This may be called the Uttaranchal (The Uttar Pradesh ZamindariAbolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950) (Adaptation and ModificationOrder, 201). (Amendment) Act, 2003.(2) It extends to the whole of State of Uttaranchal except the areas includedand may be included from time to time in any Municipal Corporation,Nagar Panchayat, Nagar Parishad and Cantonment Board limits.(3) It shall come into force at once.2. A new section 129-B shall be added after section 129-A of the UttarPradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950 as follows:-129-B-There shall be, for the purposes of section 154(4)(1)(a), 154(4)(2)(e),154(4)(2)(f) and 154(4)(3) of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and LandReforms Act, 1950 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act) followingclass Bhumidhar, i.e. to say-(1 Bhumidhar of Special category.)3. A new section 152-A shall be added after section 152 of the principal Act asfollows-(1) Section 152-A-A bhumidhar with transferable rights may execute powerof attorney for transfer of land in favour of persons who are coveredunder section 171, 172, 174 or 175 and in case no such person is existing,such Power of Attorney may be executed in favour of any other personwith the prior permission of the collector of the district or of the Indianconsulate in case of persons living abroad.

(2) A registered Power of Attorney to sell the land executed on or before 12-09-2003 shall be valid if the sale deed on the basis of such PowerAttorney is executed on or before 31-03-2004, irrespective of any timelimit provided in such Power of Attorney, unless extended by thecollector of the district for reasons to be recorded in writing.Addition of subsections(3), (4)and (5) in section154 of theprincipal Act4. Three new sub-sections (3), (4) and (5) shall be added in section 154 of theprincipal Act as follows:-(3) A bhumidhar with transferable rights may sell his land to any of thecategories of tenure holders in the State of Uttaranchal as mentioned insection 129 or such owner of any immovable property in Uttaranchalwho has acquired it on or before 12-09-2003 or to any member of the'family', which means husband, his wife and their children, including stepor adopted children and includes parents, grand parents, brothers andunmarried, widowed, separated and divorced sisters of such tenure holderof the owner, as the case may be.(4) (1) (a) Subject to other restrictions and save as otherwise provided in thisAct, any person on behalf of his family (which menas husband,wife and minor children) even though he is not a tenure holderunder section 129 or the owner of any immovable property inUttaranchal, may purchase land not exceeding 500 sq. mts. in hislifetime without the permission;(b) A registered agreement to sell the land executed on or before 12-09-2003 shall be valid if the sale deed on the basis of such agreementis executed on or before 31-03-2004, irrespective of any time limitprovided in the agreement, unless extended by the collector of thedistrict for reasons to be recoverd in writing.(4) (2) Nothing in sub-section 154(3) shall be deemed to prohibit the transfer ofland by any person in favour of :-(a) The State Government or Central Government or a Governmentcompany, as defined in section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956 ora Statutory Body or Corporation or Board established by or under aStatute and owned and controlled by the State or CentralGovernment;(b) A person who has become a non-tenure holder on account of:-(c)(d)(i) Acquistion of his land for any public purpose under the LandAcquistion Act, 1894; or(ii) Vestment of his land in the tenants under this Act;A non-tenure holder who purchases or intends to purchage land forthe construction of a house or shop, or puchases a built-up house orshop from the State Housing Board or from a DevelopmentAuthority or from any other Statutory Corporation set up under anyState of Central enactment.A person who proposes to purchase land from a person in whosefavour a layout plan has been approved by the competent authority.

(e) A person or company according to Industrial Policy of Uttaranchalin (i) Integrated Industrial Development Centre (ii) Industrial Area(iii) Industrial Estates.(f) A person, society or trust for religious purposes.(g)(h)(i)(j)A landless labourer of the Uttaranchal; orA landless person belonging to a Scheduled Caste or ScheduledTribe of the Uttaranchal; orA village artisan of the Uttaranchal; orA landless person carrying on an allied pursuit of the Uttaranchal.(4) (3) (a) Subject to restrictions contained in section 154, a person, society ofcorporate body may purchase land for the following purposes, otherthan those for Agriculture and Horticulture purposes, with the priorsanction of the Government in the State of Uttaranchal as may beprescribed :-(i) Medical or health purposes, if it conforms to the Health andPopulation Policy of Uttaranchal;(ii) Hotel, Lodge, Guest House, Restaurant, Bar, Spa, way sideamenities or resort, if it conforms to the Tourism Policy ofthe State;(iii) Educational purposes, on the recommendations of the Deptt.of Education;(iv) Cultural purposes;(b)(v) For industrial purposes in areas other than those mentioned insection 154(4)(2)(e) or for other purposes.A person, society or company may purchase land with priorsanction of the Collector of the district for Agricultural orHorticultural purposes, as may be prescribed, on furnishing anaffidavit to the effect that such land will be used for Agricultural orHorticultural purposes and for uses incidental to and connectedwith Agriculture or Horticulture only. If the land use of such landas mentioned in the Affidavit is changed, the said transfer shall bevoid and consequences of section 167 shall follow:Provided that a person who is a non-tenure holder but purchasesland either under section 154(4)(1)(a), 154(4)(2)(f) or under thesanction granted under section 154(4)(3) shall, irrespective of suchpurchase of land, continue to be a bhumidhar of special category asprovided under section129-B and such bhumidhar shall be eligible to purchase land infuture only with the permission of the State Government orcollector of the district as the case may be.Provided further that such bhumidhar may mortgage or hypothecatesuch land for obtaining loan from banks and financial institutions orderiving any other benefit accruing from his bhumidhari rightsunder section 129.

RepealSavingsand(5) Where,(a)(b)Provided further that a non-tenure holder who has purchased landunder section 154(4)(2)(e), 154(4)(2)(f) and who has purchasedland under section 154(4)(3) under the sanction of Govt. ofCollector, as the case may be, shall put land to such use for whichthe sanction has been granted within a period of two years orfurther such period as may be allowed by the State Government forreasons to be recorded in writing, to be counted from the date ofregistration of sale deed and if he fails to do so or diverts the use ofthe land for which it was sanctioned or transfers the land by way ofsale, gift or otherwise except for the purpose for which it waspurchased, such transfer shall be void for the purpose of this Act,and consequences of section 167 shall follow :-The Registrar or Sub-Registrar appointed under the Indian RegistrationAct, 1908 before whom any document pertaining to transfer of land ispresented for registration comes to know or has reason to believe that thetransfer of land is contravention of section 154 (3) or 154 (4) (3); orA Revenue Officer either on an application submitted to him or onreceipt of any information from any source comes to know or has reasonto believe that the land has been transferred in contravention of theprovisions of section 152-A, 154(3), 154(4)(2)(e), 154(4)(2)(f) or154(4)(3), such Sub-Registrar, Registrar or Revenue Officer as the casemay be, shall make a reference to contravention of the provision of thisAct in the manner prescribed and the consequences of section 167 shallfollow in respect of every transfer which is void.(c) (i) The State Government may, either on the report of a RevenueOfficer or on an application by any person or of its own motion,call for the records of any proceedings or case for the purpose ofsatisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of such proceedingsor order made therein and may pass such order in relation thereto asit may think fit.(ii) No order shall be passed under this sub-section which adverselyelects any person unless such person has been given a reasonableopportunity of being heard. Repeal and5. (1) The Uttaranchal (The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and LandReforms Act, 1950) Savings (Adaptation and Modification Order, 2001)(Amendment) Ordinance, 2003 is hereby repealed.(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken underthe provisions of the principal Act as mentioned by the Ordianancereferred to in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have been done to takenunder the corresponding provisions of the principal Act as amended bythis Act as if this Act were in force at all material times.By Order,BHAROSI LAL,Secretary.

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¼5½¼6½¼7½¼8½¼9½;Fkk’kh?kz dysDVj dks vxzlkfjr dj nsxkA ftys dk dysDVj bl fu;eds vUrxZr ‘kfDr;ksa dk ç;ksx fnukad 31&03&2005 rd gh djldsxkA116&³ èkkÆed ç;kstu gsrq Hkwfe Ø; djus ds fy, foØ; foys[k esaç;kstu vafdr djuk] èkkjk 154¼4½¼2½¼p½&èkkÆed ç;kstu] ftlds fy,Hkwfe Ø; dh tk jgh gS dk iw.kZ mYys[k foØ; foys[k esa fd;k tk;sxkA116&p èkkÆed ç;kstu dk rkRi;Z] èkkjk 154¼4½¼2½¼p½&èkkÆed ç;kstudk rkRi;Z fofHkUu iaFkksa }kjk lEikfnr fd, tkus okys èkkÆed ÑR;ksamn~ns’;ksa ,oa laLdkjksa dh çfriwÆr ls lEcfUèkr gksxk] ftlesa iwtk LFky]çkFkZuk@dhrZu LFky] è;ku dsUæ vkfn lfEefyr gksaxsA116&N vuqefr ls Hkwfe Ø; gsrq vkosnu&i= dk çk:i fuèkkZj.k] èkkjk154¼4½¼3½&fofHkUu ç;kstuksa gsrq Hkwfe Ø; djus ds fy, fuèkkZfjr çk:içi=&d ¼’kklu ls vuqefr dh n’kk esa½ vFkok çi=&[k ij ¼ftys dsdysDVj ls vuqefr dh n’kk esa½ Hkwfe Ø; gsrq vkosnu&i= lEcfUèkrçkfèkdkjh dks çLrqr djuk gksxk] tks rhu çfr;ksa esa gksxkA116&t ‘kklu dh vuqefr ls Hkwfe Ø; djuk] èkkjk154¼4½¼3½¼d½&fofHkUu ç;kstuksa ftudk mYys[k èkkjk 154¼4½¼3½¼d½ esafd;k x;k gS ds fy, Hkwfe Ø; gsrq lEcfUèkr ç’kkldh; foHkkx ds çeq[klfpo@lfpo dks fuèkkZfjr çk:i çi=&d ij vkosnu&i= çLrqr fd;ktk;sxk] ftldh ,d çfr mlh fnu ‘kklu esa jktLo foHkkx dks HkhçLrqr dh tk;sxhA lEcfUèkr ç’kkldh; foHkkx rFkk jktLo foHkkx }kjk,sls çkIr vkosnu&i=ksa dk ,d iaftdk esa Øeokj frfFk lfgr vadufd;k tk;sxk ftlesa foHkkx }kjk vafre laLrqfr@vk[;k rFkk fuLrkj.kdh frfFk vafdr dh tk;sxhA116&> ç’kkldh; foHkkx }kjk tk¡p ,oa laLrqfr] èkkjk154¼4½¼3½¼d½&lEcfUèkr çeq[k lfpo@lfpo ,slh jhfr ls tSlk osmfpr le>sa tk¡p djk;saxs vkSj ;Fkk’kh?kz ;qfDr laxr vk[;k@laLrqfrlfgr ‘kklu ds jktLo foHkkx dks çsf”kr djsaxsA¼10½ 116&V ‘kklu }kjk Hkwfe Ø; dh iwoZ vuqefr] èkkjk 154¼4½¼3½¼d½&’kklu}kjk çR;sd ekeys esa xq.knks”k ds vkèkkj ij fopkj djrs gq, Hkwfe Ø;dh vuqefr nsus vFkok u nsus ds lEcUèk esa fu.kZ; fy;k tk;sxk] rFkkfyf[kr vkns’k ikfjr fd;k tk;sxkA vkosnu&i= ls 90 fnu ds vUnj,slh lwpuk u feyus ij vkosnudrkZ }kjk ‘kiFk&i= ds vkèkkj ij HkwfeØ; dh tk ldsxhA ,sls ‘kiFk&i= dh çfr jftLVªkj@lc jftLVªkj}kjk ;Fkk’kh?kz ‘kklu dks Hksth tk;sxhA lEcfUèkr vkosnudrkZ dks ;FkkfLFkfr lwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA ‘kklu }kjk nh xbZ vuqefr ‘kklukns’k dhfrfFk ls 180 fnu rd oSèk jgsxhA¼11½ 116&B ftys ds dysDVj }kjk Ñf”k ,oa vkS|kfud ç;kstu gsrq Hkwfe Ø;gsrq vuqefr nsuk] èkkjk 154¼4½¼3½¼[k½&Ñf”k ,oa vkS|kfud ç;kstu gsrqbl vk’k; dk ‘kiFk&i= fd Ø; dh tkus okyh Hkwfe dk mi;ksx Ñf”kvFkok vkS|kfud ç;kstu gsrq gh fd;k tk;sxk vkosnu&i= çi= [k ds

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Hkwfe Ø; djus ds fy, ‘kklu ls vuqefr çkIr djus gsrqfuèkkZfjr vkosnu dk çk:içi=&d¼èkkjk 154¼4½¼3½¼d½ ,oa fu;e&12½1- vkosnd dk uke-------------------------------------------ifRu@iq=@iq=h Jh------------------------------------fuoklh@xzke--------------------------------rglhy-------------------------------ftyk------------------------------------2- LFkkbZ irk ¼mÙkjkapy ls ckgjh O;fDr gsrq½ xzke----------------------rglhy----------------------ftyk---------------------------------------jkT;------------------------------------3- orZeku O;olk; ,oa irk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- ç;kstu ftl gsrq Hkwfe Ø; dh tkuh gS -----------------------------------------------------------------------5- [kjhns tkus okyh Hkwfe dk fooj.k%1- ftyk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- rglhy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- xzke@uxj------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- [kljk ua0 rFkk jdck---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- O;fDr ftlls Hkwfe [kjhnh tkuh çLrkfor gS] dk fooj.k%uke---------------------------------------------------------iq=@iq=h Jh-----------------------------------------------------------xzke-------------------------------------------------rglhy----------------------------------ftyk----------------------------------7- ;fn iwoZ esa Hkh Hkwfe Ø; djus gsrq çkFkZuk&i= fn;k Fkk rks mldk fooj.k fuEuçdkj miyCèk djk;k tk,%&¼d½ vkosnu&i= nsus dh frfFk-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼[k½ D;k LohÑfr çnku dh xbZ vFkok ugha-------------------------------------------------------------¼x½ ;fn gk¡] rks vkns’k dh la[;k o frfFk---------------------------------------------------------------¼?k½ Hkwfe Ø; gsrq nh x;h vuqefr dk fooj.k fuEu çdkj miyCèk djk;ktk,%&¼v½ foØsrk dk uke o irk-----------------------------------------------------------------------------¼c½ ftyk--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼l½ rglhy----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼n½ xzke@uxj----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼;½ [kljk ua0 rFkk jdck-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8- mDr vuqefr ds vUrxZr Ø; dh xbZ Hkwfe dk fooj.k---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eSa l’kiFk ?kks”k.kk djrk@djrh gw¡ rFkk çekf.kr djrk@djrh gw¡ fd mijksDrtks dqN dgk x;k gS og esjs laKku esa lR; gS vkSj dksbZ Hkh rF; blesa u rks fNik;kx;k gS vkSj u gh vlR; gSAfnukad---------------------------------------vkosnd ds gLrk{kjuke--------------------------------------------------------irk---------------------------------------------------------ç’kkldh; foHkkx dh fVIi.kh&dsoy dk;kZy; ç;ksx gsrq------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gLrk{kjçeq[k lfpo@lfpo--------------------------foHkkx dk uke-----------------------------------fnukad---------------------------------------------------

'kklukns'k la- 101&1¼7½@89&jk&1 jktLo&1] mÙkj izns'k] y[kuÅfnukad % 8 tuojh] 2004fo"k;%& mÙkj izns'k tehankjh fouk'k rFkk Hkwfe O;oLFkk vf/kfu;e 1950dh /kkjk 154¼2½ ds vUrxZr 12-50 ,dM ls vf/kd Hkwfe ds laØe.k dksizkf/kÑr fd;s tkus ls lEcfU/kr izfØ;k dk fu/kkZj.kAegksn;]eq>s ;g dgus dk funsZ'k gqvk gS fd mÙkjkapy tehankjh fouk'k rFkk HkwfeO;oLFkk vf/kfu;e] 1950 /kkjk 154¼1½ ds v/khu 12-50 ,dM ls vf/kd Hkwfe dklaØe.k izfrcfU/kr gS] fdUrq /kkjk 154¼2½ ds v/khu dfri; ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa mDr lhekds vf/kd Hkwfe dk laØe.k jkT; ljdkj }kjk izf/kd`r fd;k tk ldrk gSA mDrvf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 154¼2½ ds v/khurk jkT; ljdkj dh vuqKk ds cxSj 12-50 ,dMls vf/kd Hkwfe dk laØe.k /kkjk 166 ds v/khu fu"izHkkoh gks tkrk gS vkSj laØe.k dhfo"k; oLrq /kkjk&167 ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj esa fufgr gks tkrh gSA2- 'kklu ds laKku esa ;g ckr vk;h gS fd /kkjk 154¼2½ ds v/khu jkT; ljdkjdh vuqKk ds cxSj dfri; ekeyksa esa 12-50 ,dM ls vf/kd Hkwfe dk laØe.k fd;kx;k gS] tks vf/kfu;e dh O;oLFkk ds fo:) gSA bl izo`fÙk dks fu;af=r djus ds fy;slE;d fopkjksijkUr 'kklu }kjk fy;s x;s fu.kZ; ds vuqlkj fuEukafdr izfØ;kfu/kkZfjr dh tk jgh gS%&¼1½ lEcfU/kr O;fDr@lfefr@laLFkk@<strong>m|ksx</strong>@dEiuh }kjk 12-50 ,dM lsvf/kd Hkwfe Ø; djus ds fy, 'kklu ds lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkxdks vkosnu i= nsuk gksxkA bl gsrq iz'kkldh; foHkkx viusfoosdkuqlkj vkosnu i= dk izk:i fu;r dj ysaxsA¼2½ vkosnu&i= izkIr gksus ij lacaf/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkxksa }kjklEidZ@tkapksijkUr layXu fooj.k dh en la[;k 1 ls 9 rd esalajf{kr lwpuk ladfyr djds miyC/k djk;h tk;sxh vkSj Hkwfe dhU;wure vko';drk bafxr djrs gq;s lacaf/kr ftykf/kdkfj;ksa ls Hkwfe lslEcfU/kr vU; fooj.k izkIr fd;s tk;saxsA¼3½ 'kklu ds lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkxksa }kjk lUnHkZ fd;s tkus ijlEcfU/kr ftykf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk tkapksijkUr layXu fooj.k dh en la[;k10&20 esa lwpuk miyC/k djkbZ tk;sxh vkSj laLrqfr ds lkFk izLrko'kklu ds lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkx dks vxzlkfjr fd;k tk;sxkA¼4½ lEcfU/kr ftykf/kdkfj;ksa ls Hkwfe ds laØe.k ls lacaf/kr vkSipkfjdizLrko izkIr gksus ij 'kklu ds iz'kkldh; foHkkxksa }kjk fopkjksijkUrer fLFkj fd;k tk;sxk vkSj laLrqfr ds lkFk izLrko 'kklu ds jktLovuqHkkx&1 dks fopkjkFkZ lUnfHkZr fd;k tk;sxkA

¼5½¼6½'kklu ds lacaf/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkxksa ls izLrko izkIr gksus ij jktLovuqHkkx&1 }kjk fopkjksijkUr vkSfpR; ik;s tkus dh n'kk esa 12-50 ,dMls vf/kd Hkwfe ds laØe.k dks /kkjk 154¼2½ ds v/khu izkf/kd`r fd;stkus ls lEcfU/kr vkns'k tkjh fd;s tk;saxsAlayXu fooj.k dh en la[;k 1 ls 9 visf{kr lwpuk dh x.kuk rFkkizekf.kdrk dk nkf;Ro 'kklu ds lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkxksa dk vkSjen la[;k 10 ls 20 dh x.kuk rFkk izekf.kdrk dk nkf;Ro lacaf/krftykf/kdkfj;ksa dk gksxkA3- mijksDrkuqlkj izfØ;k ds foijhr /kkjk 154¼2½ ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj dhvuqKk ds }kjk 50 ,dM ls vf/kd Hkwfe dk laØe.k voS/k ekurs gq, Hkwfe jkT; ljdkjesa fufgr le>h tk;sxh vkSj mldk varfjrh ds i{k esa nkf[kr [kkfjt rFkkfu;ferhdj.k ugha fd;k tk;sxkA4- fofHkUu Lrjksa ij fufnZ"V dk;Zokgh ds fy, fuEuor le;&lhek dk vuqikyulqfuf'pr fd;k tk;sxk%&¼1½¼2½Hkwfe dk laØe.k gsrq vkosnu&i= izkIr gksus dh frfFk ls ,d ekg dsHkhrj layXu fooj.k ds Hkkx&d esa mfYyf[kr enksa ij lEcfU/kriz'kkldh; foHkkx }kjk vius Lrj ij lwpuk ,d= djds miyC/kdjk;h tk;sxh vkSj Hkkx&2 esa mfYyf[kr enksa esa visf{kr lwpuk lUnHkZizkIr gksus ds ,d ekg ds Hkhrj ladfyr djdsftykf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkx dks miyC/k djk;htk;sxhAHkwfe ds laØe.k gsrq vkosnu&i= izkIr gksus dh frfFk ls foyECre nksekg ds Hkhrj iz'kkldh; foHkkx laLrqfr lfgr izLrko jktLo foHkkx dsfopkjkFkZ Hkstsaxs vkSj jktLo foHkkx lUnHkZ izkIr gksus ds ,d ekg dsHkhrj izdj.k dk fuLrkj.k djsaxsA ;fn fdlh Lrj ij iz'kkldh;foHkkx@jktLo foHkkx }kjk izLrko esa ik;h xbZ fdlh =qfV dks nwjdjus gsrq vFkok fdlh ftKklk ds lek/kku gsrq lUnHkZ izfr izsf"kr fd;ktkrk gS rks bl fufer O;rhr gqbZ vof/k dks Åij of.kZr le; lhek esaifjxf.kr ugha fd;k tk;sxkAHkonh;]dey ik.Ms]lfpoA

tehankjh fouk'k vkSj Hkwfe O;oLFkk vf/kfu;e] 1950 dh /kkjk&154¼2½ ds v/khuvf/kd Hkwfe ds laØe.k dks izkf/kÑr fd;s tkus ds izLrko ls lEcfU/kr fooj.k'kklu ds lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkx }kjk miyC/k djkbZ tkus okyhlwpuk@vfHkys[k1-O;fDr@lfefr@laLFkk@<strong>m|ksx</strong>@dEiuh dk uke rFkk iwjkirk%&¼ftlds i{k esa Hkwfe dk laØe.k fd;k tkuk izLrkfor gS½2- ;kstuk@<strong>m|ksx</strong> dh vuqekfur ykxr rFkk mldh iwfrZ fdl izdkj izLrkf<strong>org</strong>S%&3- izkstsDV fjiksVZ%&4- Hkwfe dk laØe.k fuEukafdr esa ls fdl iz;kstu ds fy, izLrkfor gS%&¼d½ iathd`r lgdkjh lfefr ds fy,A¼[k½ nkukrj iz;kstu gsrq LFkkfir fdlh laLFkk ds fy,A¼x½ tu lk/kkj.k ds fgr ds fy,A5- ;kstuk dk foU;kl ¼ys&vkmV Iyku½6- vkS|ksfxd iz;kstu gsrq Hkwfe ds laØe.k dh n'kk esaA¼d½ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk tkjh vk'k; i=A¼[k½ iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ dk vuqKk i=A7- laØe.k ds fy, izLrkfor Hkwfe dk yxk;s tkus okys <strong>m|ksx</strong> dk izdkjA8- laØe.k dh U;wure vko';drk dk izek.k i=A9- laØe.k ds fy;s izLrkfor Hkwfe dh fLFkfr vkSj mldk fooj.k%&ftyk rglhy ijxuk xzke xkaVk la- {ks=Qy[kkrsnkjksa dh [kkrsnkj dk¼,dM esa½ Js.kh] ftuls uke o irkHkwfe Ø; dhtkuh gS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ftykf/kdkjh }kjk nh tkus okyh h lwpuk@miyC/k djk;s tkus okys vfHkys[k10- fdl iz;kstu ds fy, Hkwfe dk laØe.k izLrkfor gS] mldh vko';drk dh iwfrZlehiorhZ xkao lHkk@lhfyax@vU; ljdkjh d`f"k v;ksX; Hkwfe ls dh tk ldrh gSA11- fudVorhZ {ks= esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku] vkoklh; ifj;kstuk vFkok vU; fdlhifj;kstuk ds rgr Hkwfe miyC/k gSA12- mldh rFkk mlds ifjokj ds lnL;ksa }kjk izns'k esa igys ls gh Ø; Hkwfe dk%&¼1½ dqy {ks=Qy ¼,dM esa½¼2½ mi;ksx fdl iz;kstu esa fd;k tk jgk gSA¼3½ Hkwfe ds {ks=Qy rFkk mi;ksx ds leFkZu esa vUrfjrh dk 'kiFk&i=13- izLrkfor vUrj.k dk izdkj%&¼1½ foØ; i=¼2½ nkui=14- vUrfjrh ds fo:) /kkjk 154¼2½ ds mYya?ku dk dksbZ ekeyk fopkjk/khu gS \vFkok ugha \15- D;k Hkwfe ds izLrkfor laØe.k ds QyLo:i fudVorhZ {ks= esa tulk/kkj.k ijdqizHkko ds iMus dh lEHkkouk gS\16- D;k Hkwfe ds izLrkfor laØe.k ds vkl&ikl esa dkuwu vkSj O;oLFkk dh fLFkfrdqizHkkfor gksxh vFkok ugha \17- D;k ftl Hkwfe dk laØe.k izLrkfor gS] mlds Hkw&Lokeh%&¼1½ vuqlwfpr tkfr ds gS \ ;fn gk¡] rks mldh tksr dk {ks=Qy¼2½ vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds gSa¼3½ vlaØe.kh; vf/kdkj okys Hkwfe/kj gSaA18- laØe.k gsrq Hkwfe dh fLFkfr rFkk mldk izekf.kr fooj.k fuEukafdr rkfydk dsvuqlkj 6 izfr;ksa esa%&ftyk rglhy ijxuk xzke xkaVk la- {ks=Qy[kkrsnkjksa dh [kkrsnkj dk¼,dM esa½ Js.kh] ftuls uke o irkHkwfe Ø; dhtkuh gS

tehankjh fouk'k vkSj Hkwfe O;oLFkk vf/kfu;e] 1950 dh /kkjk&154¼2½ ds v/khuvf/kd Hkwfe ds laØe.k dks izkf/kÑr fd;s tkus ds izLrko ls lEcfU/kr fooj.k'kklu ds lEcfU/kr iz'kkldh; foHkkx }kjk miyC/k djkbZ tkus okyh lwpuk@vfHkys[k1- O;fDr@lfefr@laLFkk@<strong>m|ksx</strong>@dEiuh dk uke rFkk iwjk irk %&¼ftlds i{k esa Hkwfe dk laØe.k fd;k tkuk izLrkfor gS½2- ;kstuk@<strong>m|ksx</strong> dh vuqekfur ykxr rFkk mldh iwfrZ fdl izdkj izLrkf<strong>org</strong>S%&3- izkstsDV fjiksVZ%&4- Hkwfe dk laØe.k fuEukafdr esa ls fdl iz;kstu ds fy, izLrkfor gS %&¼d½ iathd`r lgdkjh lfefr ds fy,A¼[k½ nkukrj iz;kstu gsrq LFkkfir fdlh laLFkk ds fy,A¼x½ tu lk/kkj.k ds fgr ds fy,A5- ;kstuk dk foU;kl ¼ys&vkmV Iyku½6- vkS|ksfxd iz;kstu gsrq Hkwfe ds laØe.k dh n'kk esaA¼d½ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk tkjh vk'k; i=A¼[k½ iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ dk vuqKk i=A7- laØe.k ds fy, izLrkfor Hkwfe dk yxk;s tkus okys <strong>m|ksx</strong> dk izdkjA8- laØe.k dh U;wure vko';drk dk izek.k i=A9- laØe.k ds fy;s izLrkfor Hkwfe dh fLFkfr vkSj mldk fooj.k %&ftyk rglhy ijxuk xzke xkVkla-{ks=Qy¼,dM+ esa½[kkrsnkjksa dhJs.kh] ftulsHkwfe Ø; dhtkuh gS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8[kkrsnkjdk ukeo irkftykf/kdkjh }kjk nh tkus okyh lwpuk@miyC/k djk;s tkus okys vfHkys[k

10- fdl iz;kstu ds fy, Hkwfe dk laØe.k izLrkfor gS] mldh vko';drk dh iwfrZlehiorhZ xkao lHkk@lhfyax@vU; ljdkjh d`f"k v;ksX; Hkwfe ls dh tkldrh gSA11- fudVorhZ {ks= esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku] vkoklh; ifj;kstuk vFkok vU; fdlhifj;kstuk ds rgr Hkwfe miyC/k gSA12- mldh rFkk mlds ifjokj ds lnL;ksa }kjk izns'k esa igys ls gh Ø; Hkwfe dk%&¼1½ dqy {ks=Qy ¼,dM esa½¼2½ mi;ksx fdl iz;kstu esa fd;k tk jgk gSA¼3½ Hkwfe ds {ks=Qy rFkk mi;ksx ds leFkZu esa vUrfjrh dk 'kiFk&i=13- izLrkfor vUrj.k dk izdkj%&¼1½ foØ; i=¼2½ nkui=14- vUrfjrh ds fo:) /kkjk 154¼2½ ds mYya?ku dk dksbZ ekeyk fopkjk/khu gS \vFkok ugha\15- D;k Hkwfe ds izLrkfor laØe.k ds QyLo:i fudVorhZ {ks= esa tulk/kkj.k ijdqizHkko ds iMus dh lEHkkouk gS\16- D;k Hkwfe ds izLrkfor laØe.k ds vkl&ikl esa dkuwu vkSj O;oLFkk dh fLFkfrdqizHkkfor gksxh vFkok ugha \17- D;k ftl Hkwfe dk laØe.k izLrkfor gS] mlds Hkw&Lokeh %&¼1½ vuqlwfpr tkfr ds gS \ ;fn gk¡] rks mldh tksr dk {ks=Qy¼2½ vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds gSa¼3½ vlaØe.kh; vf/kdkj okys Hkwfe/kj gSaA18- laØe.k gsrq Hkwfe dh fLFkfr rFkk mldk izekf.kr fooj.k fuEukafdr rkfydk dsvuqlkj 6 izfr;ksa esa%&ftyk rglhy ijxuk xzke xkVk {ks=Qy [kkrsnkjksa dh Js.kh]la- ¼,dM+ esa½ ftuls Hkwfe Ø;dh tkuh gS1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8[kkrsnkjdk ukeo irk19- laØe.k ds fy;s izLrkfor Hkwfe ls lEcfU/kr [krkSuh ds izekf.kr m)j.kA20- ftykf/kdkjh dh vH;qfDr rFkk laLrqfrA

izns'k ds vkS|ksfxd fodkl dks Rofjr xfr iznku fd;s tkus gsrq vkS|ksfxd uhfr&2003ds vUrxZr ^,dy f[kM+dh dh lEidZ] lwpuk ,oa lqxerk* O;oLFkk dks ykxw fd;s tkusds lUnHkZ esaegksn;]mijksDr fo"k;d vius i= la[;k % 2448&lh@vkS0fo0&1@,dyf[kM+dh@2003&2004 fnukad 19 Qjojh] 2004 dk lUnHkZ ysuk pkgsa ftlesa izkf/kdj.kds Lrj ls tkjh dh tkus okyh fofHkUu Lohd`fr;ka@vuqeksnuksa@vuqKk i=ksa lslEcfU/kr fu/kkZfjr fd;s x;s vkosnu&i= izk:iksa dk fooj.k ds lEcU/k esa tkudkjhpkgh x;h gSA rr~Øe esa voxr djkuk gS fd 'kklu }kjk Lohd`r egk;kstuk&2001dh vo/kkj.kk esa izkf/kdj.k {ks=kUrxZr Øe'k% lsykdqbZ] Njck ¼yka?kk jksM½] ektjh xzkaV¼ykyrIiM½ ,oa jkuhiks[kjh vkS|ksfxd {ks= ftudh iz[k.Mh; ;kstuk izk:i&2011 rS;kjdh xbZ gS ftldh ,d izfr layXu gSA vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa dh ekufp= Lohd`fr gsrqmDr i= esa mfYyf[kr lwpukvksa dk fooj.k fuEukuqlkj gS%&1- fu/kkZfjr vkosnu izi= (Prescribed Application Form)%&vkosnu QkeZ dh ,d izfr layXu gS ftldk ewY; :0 10-00 gSAvkosnudrkZ dks mDr vkosnu QkeZ ds lkFk&lkFk fuEu nLrkost Hkh okafNrgksrs gSA¼v½ 'kiFk i= ¼:0 10-00 LVkEi isij ij½ izk:i layXuA¼c½ {kfriwfrZ cU/kd ukek ¼:0 65-00 LVkEi isij ij½ izk:i layXuA¼l½ iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ dk vukifÙk izek.k&i= ¼lR;kfir izfr½A¼n½ 'kkluns'kkuqlkj HkwdEijks/kh izek.k&i= ¼'kkluns'k layXu½A¼;½ lR;kfir jktjk ekufp= ij Hkw[k.M dk vadu lR;kiu lfgrA¼j½ izLrkfor bdkbZ ds ekufp= vkB izfr;ksa esaA¼y½ Hkw&LokfeRo lEcU/kh nLrkost ¼lR;kfir izfr½A2- izfØ;kRed fn'kk funsZ'k (Procedural Guidelines)%&vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ dh LFkkiuk ds fy, Hkw[k.M dk Hkw&mi;ksx vkS|ksfxd gksus ,oamÙkjkapy iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ dk vukifÙk i= gksus dh n'kk esa o izLrkforvkS|ksfxd bdkbZ ekufp= Hkou fuekZ.k fofu;e&2000 ds vuq:i gksus dslkFk&lkFk vfXu 'keu o ty laLFkku dk vukifÙk i= izkIr gksus ij ekufp=Lohd`fr dk vf/kdkj izkf/kdj.k@v/;{k nwu?kkVh fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.kesa fufgr gSaAuksV% ekufp= vkosnu gksus ij izkf/kdj.k }kjk vfXu 'keu vf/kdkjh ,oamÙkjkapy ty laLFkku ls izLrkfor fuekZ.k dh Lohd`fr gsrq vukifÙki= izkIr djus gsrq i= izsf"kr fd;k tk;sxkA vukifÙk i= izkIr gksus dsmijkUr gh ekufp= Lohd`fr lEcU/kh vxzsÙkj dk;Zokgh dh tkrh gSA3- Hkou fuekZ.k fofu;e (Bylaws/Policy Documents)%&

'kkluns'k la[;k&527@10 ¼vk½@2002 fnukad 8 viSzy] 2002 }kjk Lohd`rHkou fuekZ.k fofu;e&2000 ,oa orZeku esa 'kkluns'k la[;k&374 fnukad% 15uoEcj] 2003 dh izfr lqyHk lanHkZ gsrq layXu gS ftlds v/;k;&4 esavkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa ds LFky fodkl ,oa vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa dh LFkkiuk lslEcfU/kr vko';d fofu;e mfYyf[kr gSa ¼izfr layXu½uksV%& fofu;e la[;k & 24-2 ds vuqlkj nwu?kkVh {ks= esa dsoy mu vkS|ksfxdbdkbZ;ksa dh LFkkiuk dh vuqefr nh tk;sxh tks iw.kZr% i;kZoj.k dsn`f"Vdks.k ls gfjr Js.kh ds vUrxZr vkrh gksaA gfjr Js.kh dk <strong>m|ksx</strong>gksus dk izek.k&i= Li"V Hkk"kk esa l{ke vf/kdkjh ls izkIr gksuk pkfg,A4- vkS|ksfxd ekufp= Lohd`fr gsrq ns; 'kqYd (Fee/Rates/Tarriff etc.)%&• ekufp= vkosnu 'kqYd¼v½ ¼1½ 500 oxZehVj rd vkS|ksfxd bZdkbZ ds 'kqYd :0 600-00ekufp= ij U;wure¼2½ 250 oxZehVj rd lfoZl <strong>m|ksx</strong> bZdkbZ ds 'kqYd :0 300-00ekufp= ij U;wure¼c½ mDr ds vfrfjDr dqy vkPNkfnr {ks=Qy :0 01-00 izfrijoxZehVjmDr 'kqYd leLr ryks ds vkPNkfnr {ks=Qy ij vkdfyr gksxkA• vuqefr@lqn`

vkS|ksfxd Hkouksa ds ekufp=ksa ij :0 7-00 izfr oxZehVj dh njls leLr ryksa ds vkPNkfnr {ks=Qy ij ns; gksxkA5- <strong>m|ksx</strong>ifr;ksa gsrq vU; mi;ksxh lkexzh (Other Material useful for theEntrepreneurs)%&vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa dh tkudkjh gsrq vkS|ksfxd iz[k.Mh; ;kstuk izk:i&2011]egk;kstuk&2001 ,oa Hkou fuekZ.k fofu;e&2000 lewY; foØ; fd;s tkus dkizkfo/kku gSA6- Qksu@QSDl uEcj (Phone/Fax No.)%&0135&2672181mDrkuqlkj visf{kr lwpuk;sa layXu lfgr izsf"kr dh tk jgh gSAHkonh;]johUnz xksMcksys]lfpo]nwu?kkVh fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.k] nsgjknwuA

AFFIDAVITBefore the Secretary, Doon Valley Special Area DevelopmentAuthority, Dehradun.Affidavit of Shri ___________________S/o. Shri __________________________R/o Shri __________________________...............DeponentI, the deponent, named above do hereby solemnly affirm and declare asunder:-1. That the deponent in the owner in possession of land situated at_________________________2. That the deponent has submitted a Plan for sanction before the DoonValley Special Area Development Authority (hereinafter referred toas the 'authority') vide letterNo._____________________Dated______________________ andthe 'authority' has agreed to sanction my Plan.3. That the land under ownership and possession of the deponent inwithin the ceiling limits as prescribed under Urban Land Ceiling Actas well as under Rural Ceiling.4. That in case the land on which the constructions are proposed to becarried out by the deponent is declared to be surplus or vacant landunder any ceiling laws, the deponent undertakes to abide by thedecision of the ceiling authorities.5. That the deponent undertakes not to raise any constructions withoutany sanction plan from the authority and/or in violation of thesanctioned Plan.6. That no ceiling case in pending against the deponent in respect ofthe land on which the constructions are proposed to be carried out bythe deponent.7. That the land not been declared to be vacant or surplus by the ceilingdepartment....................DeponentVERIFICATIONI, the deponent, named above do hereby verify that the contents ofthe above affidavit in paras 1 to 7 are true to my personal knowledge. Nopart of is false and nothing material has been concealed. So, help me God.Verified at Dehradun on this the_________________________________

INDEMNITY BONDBefore the Secretary, Doon Valley Special Area DevelopmentAuthority, Dehradun.THIS DEED OF INDEMNITY I is made on this the______________________ day of _____________________________ byShri _______________________&____________________________ S/o_____________________ R/o _______________________________WHEREAS I am owner of lane situated at ___________________and am in possession of the said land.AND WHERAS I have submitted a Plan No. _________________before the Doon Valley Special Area Development Authority to besanctioned in accordance with the bye-laws and Master Plan.AND WHERAS the Doon valley Special Area DevelopmentAuthority has agreed to sanction the Plan submitted by me.AND WHERAS in pursuance of the approval being granted byDoon Valley Special Area Development Authority for sanction of the Plansubmitted by me, I agree and undertaken to keep Doon Valley SpecialArea Development Authority indemnified against all legal proceedings andall expenses incurred by Doon Valley Special Area DevelopmentAuthority for constesting the legal proceedings relating to the sanction ofPlan submitted by me shall be borne by me and I agree to idemnify theDoon Valley Special Area Development Authority for the expenses borneby them.AND WHERAS I and my legal representative,assignee, transfers,successors and heirs shall be bound by the terms of the indemnity bond.IN WITNESSES WHEREOF I have down my signatures on thisindemnity bound on the date, month and year mentioned hereinabove.Witnesses1. __________________________2. __________________________Exeuctant

Ø- la-mÙkjkapy fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.k vf/kfu;e] 1986dh /kkjk k 14 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu izkFkZuk&i= dk izi=lsok esa]lfpo]nwu ?kkVh fo'ks"k fodkl izkf/kdj.k]nsgjknwuAegksn;]eSa@ge ¼d½ uhps of.kZr LFky dk fodkl djus ;k vkjEHk djus] ¼[k½ uhpsof.kZr LFky ij Hkou@Hkouksa dk fuekZ.k djus] ¼x½ uhps of.kZr LFky ij [kqnkbZ djus;k [kqnkbZ dks c

izFke@f}rh;@r`rh;Original/Duplicate/TriplicateHkkjr ljdkj'kgjh fodkl ea=ky;jk"Vªh; Hkou fuekZ.k laxBuGOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENTNATIONAL BUILDINGS ORGANISATIONvuqlwph&II 31 ekpZ 19 ------------------------------- dks lekIr gksus okys o"kZ dh fooj.khSchedule - II Return for the year ending 31st March, 19 .........;g lakf[;dh; fooj.kh] jkT;ksa@la?k jkT; {ks=ksa esa 10]000 vkSj blls vf/kd tula[;k okys'kgjksa esa futh {ks= ds edkuksa vkSj Hkouksa ds ekeys esa Hkjh tkuh gSAThis statistical return is to be filled up in case of houses and buildings in Private Sectorfrom towns having a population of 10,000 and above in the State/Union Territories.II'kgj dh igpku ¼uxj fudk; }kjk Hkjs tkus ds fy,½Town Identification (to be filled by the civic body)1- 'kgj dk uke1- Name of the town: ____________________2- 'kgj dh ukxfjd fLFkfr%dwV ¼uxj fuxe 1] uxj ikfydk 2] vf/klwfpr {ks=lfefr 3] iapk;r 4] Nkouh 5] vU; 6½2- Civics status of the town : CodeCodes (Municipal Corporn. 1, Municipality 2,Notified Area Committee 3, Panchayat 4,Cantonment 5, Others 6.)3- 'kgj dk vkdkj %dwV ¼tula[;k 1]00]000 ;k vf/kd 1]50]000 ls 99]000ds chp 2]20]000 lsb 49]999 ds chp 3 rFkk 10]000 ls19]999 ds chp 4½3- Size of the town : CodeCodes (Population 1,00,000 & above 1, between50,000 & 99,999 2, between 20,000 & 49,999 3,and between 10,000 & 19,999 4.)4- jkT;@la?k jkT; {ks= %4- State/Union Territory _________________IIIIfuekZrk dh igpkuConstructor Identification ______________1- x`gLokeh dk uke1- Name of the householder _______________ifjokj dk vkdkj % iq:"kksa dh la[;k ------------------------fL=;ksadh la[;k -----------------------------Household size : No. of males ...................... No.

of Females .....................2- jkstxkj dk Lo:i %dwV ¼Lo&jkstxkj 1] futh {ks= 2] lkoZtfud {ks= 3]ljdkjh lsok 4] rFkk vU; 5½dwVCode2- Nature of employment : ‡‡‡ CodeCodes ‡‡‡ (Self-employment 1, Private Sector 2,Public Sector 3,Govt Service 4 and Others 5).3- ldy ekfld vk; % :i;s dwVCode3- Gross Monthly Income : Rs.4- lkekftd xzqi %dwV ¼vuqlwfpr tkfr 1] vuqlwfpr tutkfr 2] vU;fiNM+s oxZ 3 rFkk 4½4- Social Group :‡‡‡ CodeCodes ‡‡‡ (Scheduled Caste 1, Scheduled Tride 2,Other backward Classes 3 and others 4).III vk/kkjHkwr C;kSjsIII Basic Details Code1- fuekZ.k dk Lo:i dwV ¼u;k 1] o`f) ifjorZu 2] rFkkejEer o ns[kjs[k½1- Nature of construction : @ CodeCodes @ (New 1, addition/alternation 2 & repair& maintenance 3).2- fuekZ.k dk izdkj %dwV ¼fjgk;'kh ,dd 1] vU; vkoklh; Hkou 2]vkS|ksfxd Hkou 3] O;kikfjd Hkou 4] laLFkku ds fy,Hkou 5 rFkk vU; 6½dwVCodedwVCode2- Type of Construction : + CodeCodes + (Dwelings 1, Other residential buildings2, Industrial buildings 3, Commercial building 4,Institutional buildings 5 and others 6).3- Hkou esa eaftyksa dh la[;k3- Number of storeys in the buildings _______4- Hkou esa lHkh Q'kksZ dk dqy dqlhZ {ks=Qy ----------------- oxZ ehVj4- Total plinth area of all the floors in the building__________sq. mts.5- fjgkb'kh bdkb;ksa dh la[;k%&5- Number of dwelling units :-1- dejs okys ,dd] 2 dejs okys ,dd] 3 dejs okys ,dd] 4 ;k vf/kd dejsokys ,dd1. Room unit 2 Room unit 3 Room unit 4 or more Roomunits

6- Hkou esa lHkh Q'kksZ dk dqy Q'kksZ {ks=Qy -------------------------------------------------------------------- oxZ ehVj6- Total floor area of all the floors in the building ...................... sq. mts.7- vuqekfur fuekZ.k ykxr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:i;sHkwfe@Hkw[kaM ykxr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :i;s7- Estimated construction cost ..................................................... Rs.Land/Plot cost ............................................................................ Rs.8- foÙkh; lzksr & cpr@_.k8- Source of finance - savings/loan9- ;fn _.k gS rks ,tsalh dk uke9- If loan, name of the agency (i) ______________ (ii) _____________yh xbZ C;kt dh njRate of interest charged (i) ______________ (ii) _____________10- izkf/kdj.k tkjh djus dh la[;k rFkk rkjh[k10- Number and date of issue of authorisation Certificate _____________11- fuekZ.k vkjEHk djus dh rkjh[k11- Date of commencement of construction _______________________12- fuekZ.k iwjk djus dh rkjh[k12- Date of completion of construction __________________________IV ewyHkwr lqfo/kk,aIV Basic Amenities1- fjgk;'kh dejksa dh la[;k1- Number of living roomsØekuqlkj izR;sd fjgk;'kh dejs dk {ks=Qy -------------------------------------------------- oxZ eh0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------oxZ eh0 ---------------------------------------------------oxZ eh0Area of each of the living rooms sq. mt. ............................................................ sq. mt. ........................... respectively.2- jlksbZ gka@ugha2-;fn gka rks jlksbZ dk {ks=Qy -------------------------------------------------- oxZ ehVjKitchen Yes/No.If yes Area of the Kitchen .......................................... sq. mt.3- 'kkSpky; dh O;oLFkk gka@ugha;fn gka rks 'kkSpky; dk Vkbi3- Provision of Latrine Facility Yes/No dwVIf yes, type of latrinedwV [k ¼'kq"d 1] lsfIVd 2] y'k 3 rFkk osLVuZ4½ ;fn ugha rks edku ls 'kkSpky; dh nwjh ¼10ehVj ls de 1] 10&20 ehVj ds chp 2] 20&30ehVj ds chp 3 rFkk 30 ehVj ls vf/kd 4½@ CodeCodesq. mt.

Codes @ (Dry 1, Septic 2, flush 3 andSulabh 4) If no, distance of latrine from thehouse @@ Code Code @@ (Less than 10mts. Between 10 mts. & 20 mts. 2,between 20 mts. and 30 mts. 3, above 30mts. 4)4- Lukux`g dh lqfo/kk ds fy, O;oLFkk gka@ugha dwVCode;fn gka rks Lukux`g dh Vkbi dwV ¼[kqyk 1 rFkk,dkar 2½4- Provision of Bathroom facility Yes/NoIf yes, type of bath @ @ @ Code Codes@@@ (Open 1, and Secluded 2) (Openincludes improvised/make shiftarrangements);fn ugha rks Lukux`g dh nwjhdwV ¼10 ehVj ls de 1] 10&20 ehVj ds chp2] 20&30 ehVj ds chp 3]30 ehVj ls vf/kd 4½dwVCodeIf no, distance of code bathroom @ @CodeCodes @@ less than 10 mts. 1, between 10mts. & 20 mts. 2, between 20 mts. & 30mts. 3 & above 30 mts. 4)5- is;ty dh O;oLFkk gka@ugha;fn gka rks is;ty dk lzksr crk,a dwV ¼Vsad ;k5.unh 1] dqavk 2] uy 3] vU; fo'ks"k 4½Provision of Drinking water Yes/NoIf yes then indicate source of drinkingwater @ Code Code @ (Tank or river 1,well 2, tap 3, other specify 4).;fn uy gSa rks ikuh fdrus ?kaVs miyC/k jgrkgSA dwV ¼3 ?kaVs ls de 1] 3] ls 6 ?kaVs ds chp2] 6 ?kaVs ls vf/kd 3½If tap water is supplied daily duration ofavailability :@@ CodeCode @@ (Less than 3 hrs. 1, between 3 &6 hrs. 2, Over 6 hrs. 3).6- ey fudklh rFkk ty fudklh O;oLFkk gka@ughas6. Sewerage and drainage arrangements Yes/No7- dwM+k djdV ys tkus dh O;oLFkk gka@ugha7. Garbage disposal arrangement Yes/No8- ty Hk.Mkj.k VSad ;fn gka rks Åijh@Hkwfexr gka@ugha8. Storage water tank. If yes,overhead/undergroundYes/No

9- izdk'k dh lqfo/kkA gka@ugha9.;fn gka rks izdk'k dk

Codes †† (Walk 1, bicycle 2, scooter/motorcycle 3, car 4 and public transport 5) (Codemay be of two digits in case of using thanone mode of transport)3- igqap ekxZ dh pkSM+kbZ ---------------------------- ehVj dwV3. Width of the approach road ....... mts.Code4- Hkou ls bldh nwjh dwV ¼50 ehVj ls de ¼1½]50 ls 100 eh0 ds chp ¼2½] 100 ls 150 eh0 dschp ¼3½ rFkk 150 eh0 ls vf/kd ¼4½4. Its distance from the building ††† codeCodes ††† (Less than 50 mts. 1, between50 & 100 mts. 2, between 100 mts. & 150mts. 3 and above 150 mts. 4).5- izkFkfed fo|ky; dh nwjh ¼ ½ fd0 eh0 ls de¼1½] ½ fd0eh0 ls 1 fd0eh0 ds chp 2] 1&2fd0eh0 ds chp ¼3½ rFkk 2 fd0eh0 ls vf/kd¼4½5. Distance of primary school : $ code Codes$ (Less than ½ km. 1, between ½ & 1 km.2, between 1 & 2 kms. 3 and above 2 kms.4).6- ek/;fed fo|ky; dh nwjh ¼1 fd0eh0 ls de¼1½] 1 ls 2 fd0eh0 ds chp ¼2½] 2 ls 3 fd0eh0ds chp ¼3½ rFkk 3 fd0eh0 ls vf/kd ¼4½6. Distance of secondary school : $$codeCodes $$ (Less than 1 km. 1, between 1km. & 2 kms. 2, between 2 kms. & 3 kms.3 and above 3 kms. 4)7- Mkd?kj dh nwjhdwV ¼1 fd0eh0 ls de ¼1½] 1 ls 2 fd0eh0 dschp ¼2½] 2 ls 3 fd0eh0 ds chp ¼3½ rFkk 3fd0eh0 ls vf/kd ¼4½7. Distance of post office $$ CodeCodes $$ (Less than 1 km. 1, between 1km. & 2 kms. 2, between 2 kms. & 3 kms.3 and above 3 kms. 4.)8- cSad dh nwjhdwV ¼1 fd0eh0 ls de ¼1½] 1 ls 2 fd0eh0 dschp ¼2½] 2 ls 3 fd0eh0 ds chp ¼3½ rFkk 3fd0eh0 ls vf/kd ¼4½8. Distance of post office $$ CodeCodes $$ (Less than 1 km. 1, between 1km. & 2 kms. 2, between 2 kms. & 3 kms.3 and above 3 kms. 4.)dwVCodedwVCodedwVCodedwVCodedwVCode

9- cktkj dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,9. Distance of market Code Select From A10- dkyst dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,10. Distance of College Code Select From A11- iqfyl LVs'ku@iqfyl pkSdh dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,11. Distance of Police Station/Police Chauki Code Select From A12- vLirky@LokLFk; dsUnz@vkS"k/kky; dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,12. Distance of Hospital/HealthCentre/DispensaryCodeSelect From A13- nedy dsUnz dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,13. Distance of fire station Code Select From A14- jsyos LVs'ku dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,14. Distance of railway station Code Select From A15- vUrjkZT;h; cl vM~Ms dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,15. Distance of ISBT Code Select From A16- ikdZ dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,16. Distance of Park Code Select From A17- lkeqnkf;d dsUnz dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,17. Distance of Community Centre Code Select From A18- iqLrdky; dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,18. Distance of Library Code Select From A19- flusek ?kj dh nwjh dwV ^^d^^ esa ls pqfu,19. Distance of cinema Code Select From AdwV ßdÞ ¼1 fd0eh0 ls de ¼1½] 1 ls 3 fd0eh0 ds chp ¼2½] 3 ls 5 fd0eh0 ls vf/kd ¼4½Code "A" (Less than 1 km. 1, between 1 km. & 3 kms. 2, between 3 kms. & 5 kms. 3 &above 5 kms. 4.)

Remarks vH;qfDr;ka

Hkkjr ljdkj'kgjh fodkl ea=ky;jk"Vªh; Hkou fuekZ.k laxBuGOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENTNATIONAL BUILDINGS ORGANISATIONvuqlwph&II dks Hkjus ds vuqns'kINSTRUCTION FOR FILLING SCHEDULE – II1- vkosnudrkZ ¼izLrkfor fufeZr ds ekfyd@ekfydksa vFkok vf/kd`r ,tsaV@,tsaVksa½ dks izkf/kdj.kizek.k&i= tkjh djus ds fy, rFkk fjgk;'k ds fy, n[ky izek.k&i= izkIr djus ds fy, iwfrZlwpuk lfgr bl vuqlwph dh nks izfr;ka Hkj dj izkFkZuk i= ds lkFk izLrqr djuh pkfg,AThis schedule duly filled-in duplicate by the applicant (owner/owners of the proposedconstruction or authorised agent/agents) should accompany the application for issue ofauthorisation Certificate as well as along with 'completion notice' for issue of occupanycertificate (also called fitness certificate).2- u;k fuekZ.k dk vfHkizk; fcYdqy u;k

j[kuk pkfg, fd dsoy lksus ds dejksa] [kkuk [kkus ds dejksa rFkk vkerkSj ls jgus esa vkus okysdejksa dks gh fxuk tk; ¼dkaphu cjkensa] jlksbZ] Luku?kj rFkk HkaMkj ?kj bR;kfn dks ugha fxuupkfg,½ADwelling : It is a room or suite of rooms and its accessories viz, (Kitchen, store, bathlatrine etc.) if any in a permanent building or structually separated part thereof whichby the way it has been built, rebuilt or converted is intended for habitation by onehousehold. It should have a separate access to the street or to a common passage orstairways. While counting rooms in a dwelling unit, care should be taken to count onlybed rooms, dining rooms, study rooms and normal living rooms (glaxed verandah,kitchen, bath room and store, etc. should be excluded)8- lHkh fjgk;'kh bekjrksa ds fjgk;'kh ,dkdksa dh la[;k rFkk izdkj dk C;kSjk nsuk pkfg, rFkknwljs izdkj dh bekjrksa esa dksbZ fjgk;'kh ,dd cuk, x, gksa rks mudk C;kSjk Hkh nsuk pkfg,ANumber and type of dwelling units should be given for all residential buildings and forother types of buildings also in case any dwelling units have been constructed there.9- izkf/kdj.k izek.k&i= tkjh gksus] fuekZ.k LFky ij igy fuekZ.k laca/kh O;kogkfjd dk;Zokgh tSlsLFky dh rS;kj bekjrh lkeku rFkk midj.kksa dh

dk;kZy; nwu ?kkVh fo'ks"k fodkl izkf/kdj.k] kdj.k] nsgjknwuekufp= la[;k--------------------------------------------fnukad-------------------------------------Jh@Jherh eS0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vkids izkFkZuk&i= fnukad ---------------------------------ds lanHkZ esa vkidk izLrkfor ---------------------------------------vkoklh; fuekZ.k dh ekSgYyk@xzke@dkyksuh-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------esa fuEufyf[kr 'krksZa ds lkFk ;g Lohd`fr iznku dh tkrh gSA1- ;g ekufp= Lohd`fr dh fnukad ls rhu o"kZ rd oS/k gSA2- ekufp=ksa dh bl Lohd`fr ls lEcfU/kr fdlh Hkh 'kkldh; foHkkx esa LFkkuh; fudk; ;k fdlhvU; O;fä dk vf/kdkj rFkk LokfeRo fdlh izdkj izHkkfor ugha gksrkA3- Hkou ekufp= ftl iz;kstu gsrq Lohd`r djk;k x;k gS dsoy mlh iz;ksx esa yk;k tk;sxkA4- ;fn Hkfo"; esa fdlh fodkl dk;Z gsrq fodkl O;; ekaxk tk;sxk rks og fcuk fdlh vkifÙk dsns; gksxkA5- tks Js= fodkl dk;Z ds mi;qä ugha gksxk ogka 'kklu vFkok fdlh LFkkuh; fudk; dks fodkldk;Z djus dh dksbZ ftEesnkjh ugha gksxhA6- njokts rFkk f[kM+fd;k¡ bl rjg ls yxkbZ tk;sxh fd tc og [kqys rks mlds iYys fdlhljdkjh Hkwfe ;k lM+d dh vkSj c

jkT; ds fodkl izkf/kdj.kksa esa Hkou ekufp= ls lEcfU/kr fofHkUu 'kqYdksa ds fu/kkZj.kfo"k;dlsok esa]1- mik/;{k]leLr fodkl izkf/kdj.k] mÙkjkapyA2- v/;{k]leLr fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.k] mÙkjkapyAegksn;]mijksDr fo"k; dh vksj vkidk /;ku vkd`"V djrs gq, eq>s ;g dgus dkfunsZ'k gqvk gS fd jkT; ds fofHkUu fodkl izkf/kdj.kksa esa Hkou ekufp= Lohd`r fd;stkus gsrq vkosnu 'kqYd dh njs vyx&vyx fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ gSa lkFk gh ekufp=Lohd`fr ds lEcU/k esa fofo/k enksa esa fy;s tkus okys fofHkUu izdkj ds 'kqYdksa dsfu/kkZj.k esa ,d&:irk u gksus ds dkj.k vusd ckj dfBukb;ksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+rkgSaA2- mijksDr fLFkfr ds fujkdj.k gsrq 'kklu Lrj ij lE;~d fopkjksijkUr ;gfu.kZ; fy;k x;k gS fd mÙkjkapy ¼m0 iz0 uxj ;kstuk ,oa fodkl vf/kfu;e]1973½ vuqdwyu mia mikUrj.k vkns'k 2002 ds vUrZxr xfBr jkT; ds fofHkUufodkl izkf/kdj.kksa ds Hkou ekufp= vkosnu 'kqYd ,oa rRlEcU/kh vU; 'kqYdksadk fu/kkZj.k bl lEcU/k ds iwoZ fuxZr leLr vkns'kksa dks vodfyr djrs gq,layXu ifjf'k"Vkuqlkj fu/kkZfjr fd;s tkrs gSaA3- blh de esa vEckj ,oa gfjfr;k 'kqYd dks lq/kkj ,oa fodkl 'kqYd esa ghlekfgr djrs gq, 'kqYd fu/kkZj.k izfØ;k dks ljy cuk;k x;k gSA izkf/kdj.kksa}kjk izkIr lq/kkj ,oa esa ls 'kqYd vEckj en ds lkis{k 5 izfr'kr] gfjfrekfodkl en esa 10 izfr'kr mu vo'ks"k 85 izfr'kr vU; fodkl dk;ksZa gsrqmi;ksx fd;k tk;sxkA4- ,Sls vkS|ksfxd {ks= tks iwoZorhZ mÙkjkapy jkT; vkS|ksfxd fodkl fuxe vFkokmÙkjkapy jkT; vkS|ksfxd fodkl fuxe (SIDCUL) }kjk fodflr fd;s x;sgksa@fd;s tk;sxsa] esa ;fn okg~; 'kqYd ds :i esa dksbZ /kujkf'k Hkw[k.M ds ewyvFkok vU; izdkj ls yh tk;s rks mruh /kujkf'k mÙkjkapy jkT; vkS|ksfxdfodkl fuxe (SIDCUL) }kjk lEcfU/kr fodkl@izkf/kdj.k@fo'ks"k {ks=fodkl izkf/kdj.k dks =Sekfld vk/kkj ij gLrkUrfjr dh tk;sxhA bu {ks=ksa esalEcfU/kr fodkl izkf/kdj.k@fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.k }kjk i`Fkd ls lq/kkj,oa fodkl 'kqYd ds :i esa dksbZ/kujkf'k vf/kjksfir ugha dh tk;sxhA mÙkjkapy jkT; vkS|ksfxd fodkl fuxevFkok mÙkjkapy vkS|ksfxd jkT; fodkl fuxe (SIDCUL) }kjk fodflr

vkS|ksfxd {ks=ksa dks ckgj ds {ks=ksa esa rkfydk esa of.kZr njksa ds vuqlkj 'kqYdns; gksaxsA5- mÙkjkapy vkS|ksfxd jkT; fodkl fuxe (SIDCUL) }kjk fodflr {ks=ksa esaekufp= fuxe }kjk gh Lohd`r fd;s tkus dh O;oLFkk ds ckjs esa vyx lsfopkj fd;k tk jgk gS rkfd fuos'kdksa ds fy, ekufp= vuqeksfnr djkus dhizfØ;k esa ljyhdj.k gks ldsA bl lEcU/k esa ;Fkkle; i`Fkd lsvkns'k@funsZ'k tkjh fd;s tk;saxsA bl e/; ,slk gksus rd] mÙkjkapy vkS|ksfxdjkT; fodkl fuxe (SIDCUL) }kjk fodflr {ks=ksa ds fuekZ.k gsrq ekufp=(SIDCUL) ds lEcfU/kr vf/kdkjh dks izLrqr fd;s tk;saxs vkSj muds }kjklEcfU/kr izkf/kdj.k ds Lrj ls fu;ekuqlkj vuqeksfnr djkus gsrq izsf"kr fd;ktk;sxkA6- ,sls {ks= tks fodkl izkf/kdj.k@fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.kksa] O;fDrxrlaLFkkvksa 'kkldh;@v)Z'kkldh; laLFkkvksa }kjk iw.kZ :i ls fodkl izkf/kdj.kds ekudkuqlkj ¼ftlesa fctyh] tyksRlkj.k] tykiwfrZ] ikdZ lM+d ,oa ukfy;ksavkfn dh O;oLFkk fo|eku gks½ Lohd`r ryiV ekufp= ds vuqlkj fodflrfd;s x;s gksa mu esa i`Fkd ls dksbZ lq/kkj ,oa fodkl 'kqYd rFkk rRlEcU/khvU; dksbZ 'kqYd ns; ugha gksxkA buls brj vU; izdj.kksa esa layXu ifjf'k"V&1esa of.kZr njksa ds vuqlkj 'kqYd ns; gksxkA7- mijksDr izLrj 4 ls 6 esa dh xbZ O;oLFkk mÙkjkapy ¼m0 iz0 ;kstuk ,oafodkl vf/kfu;e] 1973½ vuqdwyu ,oa mikUrj.k vkns'k] 2002 ds vUrZxrleLr fodkl izkf/kdj.kksa rFkk mÙkjkapy ¼m0 iz0 fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.kvf/kfu;e] 1986½ vuqdwyu ,oa mikUrj.k vkns'k] 2002 ds vUrZxr LFkkfirleLr fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.kksa esa ykxw gksaxsA mÙkjkapy ¼m0 iz0½ fo'ks"k{ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.k esa ykxw gksaxsA mÙkjkapy ¼m0 iz0 fo'ks"k {ks= fodklizkf/kdj.k vf/kfu;e] 1986½ vuqdwyu ,oa mikUrj.k vkns'k] 2002 ds vUrZxrvkus okys fo'ks"k {ks= fodkl izkf/kdj.k ls lEcfUèkr vU; 'kqYdkas ds lEcU/k esai`Fkd ls funsZ'k tkjh fd;s tk;saxs] muesa rc rd orZeku O;oLFkk ;Fkkor ykxwjgsxhA;g vkns'k rRdky izHkko ls ykxw ekus tk;saxsA d`i;k mijksDr funsZ'kksa dkdM+kbZ ls vuqikyu lqfuf'pr djrs gq, rnuqlkj 'kqYd fu/kkZj.k dh O;oLFkk lqfuf'prdjus dk d"V djsaAHkonh;]ih0 ds0 egkfUr]lfpoA

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PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FORM1. Application Type (Please Select one)New CaseExisting CaseRevised CaseModification of a Case2. Correspondence Address of the Plot OwnerNameAddress 1Address 2Address 3CityTelephone3. License No. of Engineer4. Name of Engineer5. License No. of Architect6. Name of Architect7. License No. of Clerks ofWorks8. Name of Clerks of Works9. License No. of StructuralEngineer10. Name of StructuralEngineer11. Building TypeResidentialCommercialGroup HousingPin CodeE-mailIndustrialTransport and TrafficFish Farm/Poultry Farm/Office Pigs try etc.Information TechnologyEntertainment/TourismWedding Point/BanquetHotelEducationHealthPetrol PumpReligious12. Khasra No./Plot No. 13. Construction Site14. Plot Area 15. Height16. No. of Floors 17. Population DensityI hereby state that what is stated above is true and correct and the same is incoherence with attached drawing for the proposed developed. I also attachherewith relevant checklist.Signature of ApplicantSignature of Architect/EngineerName : Name :

Sr.No.MUSSOORIE DEHRADUN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYCHECKLIST(Last Updated On 24-Jan-2004)DescriptionLIST OF DOCUMENTS1 Are 4 copies of Map showing the site plan, key plan,location in master plan services plan, elevation andsection and detail of building duly signed by architectand authorised person attached ?2 Is the drawing attested jointly by architect and applicantattached ?3 Does the height of the building exceed 7.5 m or it isnon-residential house building ?3(a)Is the Structural Certificate and drawing showingstructural details attested by structuralengineer attached?4 Is the Ownership Certificate/ Saledeed/ Leasedeed/Khatauni attached ?5 Are all the Affidavits attached ?6 Is the Indemnity Bond attached ?7 Has an NOC from Ceiling Department attached ?8 Is 'Bandobasti' area certificate attached ?9 Is NOC from Nazul Department Attached10 Is power of attorney attached11 Is Schedule II form attached ?NOC / REMARKS / OPINIONS12 Is the proposed site located within 100 ft distance fromproperty owned by state govt./central govt./'gramsamaj'/'Nagar Nigam'/ 'Zila Prashasan' ?12 (a) Have NOC from the concerned dept been received ?13 Does the proposed site lie in the govt./semigovt./authority proposed acquisition area.14 Does the site lie on or in proximity of a National/StateHighway or PWD main roads ?14 (a) Is NOC from concerned dept attached ?15 Does the site lie on or in proximity of propety held byForest Dept ?15 (a) Is NOC from forest dept. attached ?16 Are any trees required to be cut on site ?16 (a) Is NOC from Forest Dept attached ?17 Is the proposed building situated in vicinity of railwayboundary ?Yes (Y)/ No(N)/ NotApplicable(X)

17 (a) Is NOC from concerned department furnished18 Is total covered are > 400 sq. m./No. of floors >3/ Use innon residential ?18 (a) Is NOC from the Fire Dept Attached ?RESIDENTIAL19 Is the land use of the site proposed for constructionresidential or RB as per Master Plan ?20 Does the proposed site abut on master plan road ?20 (a) Has the provision of R/W been made in accordance withspecification for the Master Plan road ?21 Is it proposal of addition / alteration in existing building?21 (b) However the building plan of existing construction isapproved by MDDA/ Prescribed Authority/Municipality ?21 (c) Whether the existing construction on site is as perapproved building plan22 Is the site located in an open area wherelayout/subdivision plan is required ?22 (a) Is the layout/subdivision plan approved ?23 Does the proposed building plan fulfill requirement ofminimum plot area as specified in building bye lawscaluse no. 3.2.324 Has the proposed building plan been prepared as perbuilding bye law clause no. Has the builing plan been prepared in accordance withby laws clause no. 3.2.1 and 3.2.226 Has the proposed building plan prepared in accordancewith bye laws 3.4.6 ?27 Is the width of road on the site 9m or more27 (a) Is there provision on site for expansion of right of way ?28 Is the road width as per approved layout/subdivisionplan ?29 Is the road private as per record ?30 Are the setback in the building as per clause 3.4.1 of thebuilding bye laws ?31 Are the FAR's and Ground coverage specified in themap as per provisions given in clause 3.5.1 of thebuilding bye laws ?32 Does the unit have a basement ?33 Does the basement satisfy provisions of the clause 3.9 ofthe building bye laws ?34 Is the site located in vicinity of a high tension line ?34 (a) Is the distance from the high tension line as prescribedin the building bye laws ?

35 Is the specified building high as per building bye lawsno. 3.5.236 Is the size of room, kitchen, bathroom, WC, mezaninefloor, garrage etc as per the minimum requirementsspecified in bye law no. 3.637 Has the proposed building plan been prepared as per thebye laws no. 3.7 and 3.8I, _________________________________________________ theRegistered Architect/ Engineer having Registration No.________________________, do hereby state that, what is stated herein aboveis true and correct to the best of my knowledge, Information and belief and Ibelieve the same to be true and also. I undertake to abide to all Rules,Regulations, Standing Orders, Requisitions and Instructions given by theauthority and shall carry out my duties and responsibilities as prescribed in theBye Laws.I also understand that, If any information given in this form is wrong ormisleading or malafide or I failed to perform my duties as above the authorityshall be entitled to withdraw my Registration, forfeit my Registration fees andDeposits and impose Legal proceeding against me, if any.Date: ________Signature of Architect/Engineer :_______Registration Number (With Stamp)I, _________________________________________________ theowner/developer of above mentioned building unit, do hereby state that Mr.______________________________________, registered architect/engineerwith M.D.D.A. is appointed by me for developing above building unit. Iundertake to abide all instructions given by above mentioned appointedarchitect/engineer regarding quality control and general development controlregulations. I also undertake to use building materials and construction practiceas per national building code and relevant Indian Standards.I also understand that if I failed to obey the instructions given byregistered architect/engineer regarding Bye Laws and quality control and/or Iused non-Indian standard construction material or construction practice, thecompetent authority shall be entitled to remove such construction/developmentat any risk and cost without giving me any notice for such removal and imposelegal proceeding against me, if any.Date : ______Signature of Owner/Developer :___________

Form 3(On Rs. 10/- Bond)AFFIDAVITBefore the MDDA DehradunAffidavit of (Name)______________________________________S/o/D/o/W/o ________________________________________________R/o _______________________________________________________I, the above named deponent do hereby take oath and state as under:1. That the deponent is the owner of a property bearing No. ________(Address) _____________________________________________Total Plot Area _______________ Sq. Ft, in which constructed areais _______________ Sq. ft. and there is no case pending regardingthe said property in MDDA or in the court.2. That I propose to construct over the same.3. That I have submitted the building plan for the construction of the abuilding over the same.4. That the land held by me in any of the urban agglomeration coveredunder the urban land ceiling act 1976 is within the ceiling limit onvacant land as imposed by the said act.5. That in event of the aforesaid land being declared excess by thecompetent authority under the urban land ceiling act 1976 I shallabide by the decision of the competent authority.6. That I am fully aware of the provisions of the urban land act 1976.7. That no return concerning the said land is pending for disposal asper 6(1) of the ceiling act.8. That the said land is not land covered by exemption u/s 20 of theceiling act.9. That the said land does not form part of the land declared excess n/s(iv) of the ceiling act.10. That I the sole owner of the said property and there is no case ordispute pending regarding the said property in any court or MDDAoffice.__________________DeponentVerified at Dehradun on _____________________________this that theabove contents from para no. 1 to 10 are true to the best of my knowledgeand belief.__________________Deponent

(On Rs. 50/- Bond)INDEMNITY BONDBefore the MDDA DehradunForm 3The indemnity bond is made on _______Day of _______ (Month),____________ (Year) by:(Name)________________________________________________S/o/D/o/W/o ________________________________________________R/o ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address), total plot area_____________sq. ft, inwhich constructed area is ___________________Sq. ft, and there is nocase or dispute pending regarding the said property in MDDA or in thecourt.AND WHEREAS, I have submitted the building plan for theconstruction of the building plan for sanction with MDDA, Dehradun videletter no. __________________ Dt. ________________________AND WHEREAS for the sanctioning of the building plan. I hadgiven an undertaking to the MDDA Dehradun.AND WHEREAS NOW THIS DEED WITNESS that in purcase ofthe said affidavit and in consideration of MDDA having agreed to sanctionthe building plan submitted vide my application No. ______________ dt.___________________ in respect of the said property and whereas refersto the above I hereby undertake to indemnify and keep harmless theMDDA from all proceedings in court and before other authoritiesappointed under the urban land ceiling act 1976 against all expenses,losses, claims, which the MDDA may incur or become liable to pay as aresult or in consequence of the sanction accorded building plan in respectof the said land.I further state that all my successors in interest shall abide by theconditions of this deed of indemnity.IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have put down my signature on the firstabove written._____________________Witness_____________________Executive

(On Rs. 100/- Bond)AFFIDAVITForm 4Name: (Owner's Name)___________________________________Address (Owner's Address) ____________________________________Details about the land on which development is proposedKhasra No. _____________________ Plot No. _____________________Construction Site: ___________________________________________I/We, the deponent as under, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :1. That I/We am/are owner/holder of ________measuring_________ sq. mts. of area.2. That I/We have proposed to develop and construct building on the aforesaid plot ofland. The construction work shall be done by me/us through my/our contractor tobe appointed in due course under my/our personal responsibilities.3. That I/We have submitted the plans for the construction of the building over thesaid plot of land.4. I/We hereby appoint Mr. _________________________as anArchitect/Engineer/Licentiate Supervisor who's License No. is ________________.He/She shall be responsible for making the building plans in accordance with theprovisions of Master Plan, Bye Laws and other applicable rules and regulations.5. I/We hereby given an authority to an Architect/Engineer/Licentiatic Supervisor forsubmitting the building plan for approval and collecting the approval plans andaccept the terms and conditions of approval letter on behalf of me/us.6. I, ___________________________________ as an Architect/ Engineer/ LicentiateSupervisor, bearing License No. ______________accept the responsibilites as anArchitect/Engineer/licentiatc Supervisor fo the above-proposed development. Ishall be responsible for making the building plans in accoradance with theprovisions of Master Plan, Bye Laws and other applicable rules and regulations.7. I/We hereby appoint Mr. ________________________________ as StructuralDesigner whose license No. is _____________. He/She shall work as StructuralDesigner for the above-proposed development and perform his/her duties. He/Sheshall be responsible for making the structural design and providing structuraldetails.I Verified that the contents of paras 1 to 7 of this affidavit are true and correct tomy personal knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed.Sworn and affirmed at Dehradun on __________day of ______200____Organizer/Builder/Owner/Developer Architect/Engineer/Licentiate SupervisorSignatureSignatureNameNameS/oS/oAddressAddressStructural DesignerSignatureNameS/oAddress

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