CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

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a General Assembly on 23 June 2004. At thesame time the Headquarters in Karup, nowcalled Joint Headquarters Northeast, wasclosing. The NBSC activities were taken overby the new <strong>CAOC</strong> and moved to <strong>Finderup</strong>,initially as a mess hall at a reduced scale. Thefirst Bar-officer was a Polish officer called A.Bargiel or “elephant” as he called himself. Thebar activities however, soon died out and theNBSC turned in to a club that arranged Social,Morale and Welfare activities. These activitiesare still conducted in the spirit of the oldobjectives from 1963. The activities aresupported with funds from the common Moraleand Welfare budget.The activities are arranged and supportedon a volunteer basis by the NBSC committeeand consist of activities ranging from weeklyBBQ’s in the summer season to family trips toFun Parks or concerts. One of the main eventsfor NBSC is the traditional Christmas Lunchwhich gathers club members and otheremployees from OC <strong>Finderup</strong>.The chairman of NBSC has by traditionbeen a Danish officer whilst the rest of thecommittee has been a broad representationfrom each of the three units in OC <strong>Finderup</strong>and the nations in <strong>CAOC</strong> <strong>Finderup</strong>. Thechairmen of NBSC in the <strong>CAOC</strong> era havebeen: 2005-2006: Erik L. Hviid, 2007: OleWürtz, 2008-2009: Jannik Skov, 2010-<strong>2013</strong>Kim H.H. Jensen.Britannia HouseSome time prior to 1976, some members ofthe UK Element started an unofficialcommunity activity known as the "Pub". Thiswas run with the help of the German NATOoccupants of Nyvej 13, Viborg, using theirbasement and a dilapidated old coffee mill atthe rear of the house, known as the "Depot".This property was owned by the family of aformer wholesale coffee merchant "PeterLarsen" whose firm is still in Viborg. The oldcoffee mill was originally his storehouse andplant for grinding coffee for sale in shops in the30

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