CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

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to our final name as <strong>CAOC</strong> <strong>Finderup</strong> with a PEof 125. As mentioned, the Final Peace TimeEstablishment was never approved. Franceand Greece therefore never filled their bids formanning in <strong>CAOC</strong> <strong>Finderup</strong>, but we didreceive 1 augmentatee from Turkey in 2010,making us a 7 nation MOU <strong>CAOC</strong>. Thehighest number of personnel counted on ourPE at any time was 94, out of which 64 wereengaged within the Operations Division.Following the improvements with our extendedAPA in 2008, the Air Component at Ramsteinintroduced a new concept for Air Commandand Control; the Joint Force Air Component(JFAC) concept, which builds on having oneAir Operations Centre embedded under the AirComponent umbrella versus having theplanning and execution of Air Operationsdelegated and executed by several <strong>CAOC</strong>s.The JFAC concept resulted in the northern<strong>CAOC</strong>s (Uedem and <strong>Finderup</strong>) having a muchcloser cooperation with our higherheadquarter. Furthermore, it made muchbetter use of our scarce manning for CrisisOperations, which is a task that goes beyondour Daily AP. As time went by, <strong>CAOC</strong>s Uedemand <strong>Finderup</strong> took full ownership of providingmanning for the Combat Operations Division(COD) and the Master Air Operations Planning(MAOP) team as part of the Ramstein JFACorganization. The annual training cycleincluded 2 JFAC exercises every year, andfrom 2008 <strong>CAOC</strong> <strong>Finderup</strong> became used tospending much time on the German autobahntravelling to and from Ramstein in buses orvehicles for up to 14 hours to save cost on ourtravel budget.The close relationship with <strong>CAOC</strong> Uedem24

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