CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

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hosted many Danish Airexercises as well assupporting Danish andGerman Naval exercises,no matter whether theywere driven by national orNATO exerciserequirements.WhenCOMAIRBALTAP and theDanish AP unit (SectorOperations CenterVedbæk) weretransformed into Interim (I)<strong>CAOC</strong> 1 (out of 10) under command andcontrol of COMAIRCENT (Ramstein) in <strong>1993</strong>the Peace-time Establishment manning was66 airmen. The Air Policing Area covered all ofthe Danish Flight Information Region (FIR)with an exception in the Baltic Sea, where anextension east of Bornholm catered for anearly intercept of any threats from the east.Again during this period the <strong>CAOC</strong> servedmany Danish as well as NATO interests. Mostlikely the <strong>CAOC</strong> had one of its more quietmoments, since the threat from WAPA hadvanished and the Russian Air Force wastransformed to maintain its air activities in anormal pattern due to the economic crisis inRussia. Besides the continuous Air Policing,the focus was therefore on supporting NATOand national training requirements, whichamong others included numerous NATO Airmeets and daily tasking of all Danish taskedmissions. During this period (I)<strong>CAOC</strong> 1 alsotried to extend the support to TACDEN anditself by implementing an ATO encompassingthe full tasking of all Danish training andtasked missions. The purpose was clear, tokeep up proficiency in <strong>CAOC</strong> primary output -ATO production. However, the offer to theDanish Air bases and TACDEN was not fullysupported, and the Danish daily ATO projectwas put aside.It was a huge success, when (I)<strong>CAOC</strong> 1survived the NATO transformation in 2002 andbecame <strong>CAOC</strong> 1 out of 4 remaining <strong>CAOC</strong>s.Consequently <strong>CAOC</strong> 1 was allocated a newextended Air Police Area (APA1) coveringDenmark, Norway, UK and Iceland. However,the transformation process dragged out formany years and it was not until March 2008that <strong>CAOC</strong> 1 initially took over <strong>CAOC</strong> 3 AOR(Norway) and later the same year thatTransfer of Authority (TOA) of the UK area(<strong>CAOC</strong> 9) was completed. The new PeaceTime Establishment for <strong>CAOC</strong> 1 was 125airmen and women, and it was clearly one of22

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