CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

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Post Cold WarMichael Gorbachev became GeneralSecretary of the Communist Party of theSoviet Union in 1985. He was determined tovastly improve the poor Russian economy andtherefore he introduced two major reforms:“Perestroika” and “Glasnost” (“openness andrestructuring”). Furthermore he had to reducethe defense spending to finance the reform inthe Russian industry and infrastructure. Onthat account he negotiated a large number ofarms reductions with the United States.However, in March 1983, a new initiative waslaunched by American President Reagan: TheStrategic Defence Initiative. This initiative wasintended to protect the Americans againstballistic missiles, and thus undermined thebalance of power and started a new expensivearms race. Massive financial support wasgiven to research of new weapon technologiesin the US; a new form of arms race that theRussians could not afford. The weakening ofRussia’s economic and military power, and themixed signals from “Perestroika” and“Glasnost”, led to political confusion amongthe Russian allies in the WAPA, especially inEast Germany. Hungary opened its borders forexit to Austria in September – October 1989,and it started an exodus of East Germans.They travelled in their heavily loaded, small oilburning East European cars - “Trabies” -through Hungary and Austria, towards theirrelatives in West Germany. Shortly after, inNovember 1989, the Berlin Wall was reducedto rubble, tumbled over by happydemonstrators. By 1991 the WAPA washistory and Russia started to assemble theremaining pieces. The Cold War was over.The World and NATO was taken more orless by surprise by the sudden removal of thewell known threat against Western Europe.The new risks facing NATO was instabilitywithin Europe and what role NATO should fillin the new world order. Partnership-for-Peacewas a well received initiative that paved theway for a new security environment for theEastern European nations. NATO slowly foundits feet in the conflict in former Yugoslavia andthe transformation from static defence toexpeditionary activity started. Most of NATOAir Forces had to transfer from a “Garrison AirForce” to an “Expeditionary Air Force”.The terrorists attack on 11 September 2001changed yet again the perception of risksfacing the civilized World. NATO had to adaptand defend the Alliance beyond the territoriesof its member states. The threat from terroristattack by air or other means, rogue statesdeveloping weapons of mass destruction, andthe threat against the “GlobalCommons” (Cyberspace, Space and the sealine of communications) is real. Today, NATOis addressing them all, most significantly inanti-piracy operations at the Horn of Africa andin the stabilization of Afghanistan.The military air activity from Russia wasdrastically reduced in the period of post-ColdWar uncertainties and restructuring. TheRussian economy has recently regained some20

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