CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

CAOC Finderup 1993 - 2013 - Flyvevåbnets Historiske Samling

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states that lack the ability to patrol their ownairspace have similar arrangements in place.In March 2008 Prime Minister Haarde deniedthat the air policing operationwould target Russian aircraft,stating that "It is going to be ageneral patrolling exercise.We consider Russia to be ourfriends, by the way".<strong>CAOC</strong> 1 <strong>Finderup</strong> was theNATO command responsiblefor controlling the air policingover Iceland. It constituted aroutine deployment scheduleby volunteer NATO nations,which filled a welcome gap as the Russiansresumed conducting Long Range Aviationactivities under Putin.ConsolidationThroughout the period 2005 – 2010, NATOcontinued to work on how to face its newchallenges. The major challenges included, etal: enlargement; a more cost effective NATOorganisation, including command structure, theagencies and the International Staff inBruxelles; the US changing its security focusfrom the North Atlantic to the Pacific anddemanding higher European engagement inNATO; the threat from tactical ballisticmissiles, cyber-war, terrorism; and global useof commons media (sea, space and cyber).Therefore, in 2009, the NATO SecretaryGeneral called together an international Groupof Experts (GoE) chaired by former U.S.Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. TheNATO Secretary General tasked the Groupwith drafting a new concept of the Alliance thatwould provide “a sound transatlanticconsensus on NATO’s roles and missions andon its strategy to deal with securitychallenges….” For NATO Air interests, thechallenges were primarily a change fromdefensive air operations to offensive, cyberwar, space, terrorism, and Ballistic MissileDefence.At the NATO Summit in Lisbon on 20 thNovember 2010 a new strategic concept wasyet again agreed upon. At the same time, workbegan on implementing an Anti-TacticalBallistic Missiles (ATBM) missile system and areduction of NATO structures. The commandstructure should be reduced to 8500 posts. Ata later meeting with Defence Ministers in June2011, the command structure was agreed andthe geographic footprint decided. The number15

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