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HARDWARE Accessories& ACCESSORIESAudioquest Alpha-Snake RCA Interconnect Cables: At first glance,Alpha-Snake’s design looks like a traditional coaxial cable. However,there are many very important differences, each of which greatlyinfluences sound quality. Call one of our specalists for pricing onall cable lengths.Audioquest G-Snake RCA Interconnect Cables: G-Snake uses solidLong-Grain Copper conductors in a symmetrical configuration to giveyou good quality sound at a very affordable price. A combination ofthese major ingredients, and many more subtle details add up to explainhow even an inexpensive cable like G-Snake can sound so good. Callone of our specalists for pricing on all cable lengths.Audioquest Sidewinder RCA Interconnect Cables: At first glance,Sidewinder’s design looks like a traditional coaxial cable. However,there are many very important differences, each of which greatly influencesound quality. A combination of these major ingredients, andmany more subtle details add up to explain how even an inexpensivecable like Sidewinder can sound so good. Call one of our specalistsfor pricing on all cable lengths.Audioquest Sky RCA Interconnect Cables: Audioquest’s newest triple balancedinterconnect cable with NEW 24 volt Dielectric-Bias System (DBS)and Teflon Air Tubes with 50% more air! Featuring PSS Conductors,Teflon Air-Tubes, Dielectric-Bias System (patent pending), TripleBalanced design and welded plugs. Call one of our specalists forpricing on all cable lengths.Audioquest AC Power Cord NRG-1 (2-Pole): NRG-1 uses solid Long-Grain Copper(LGC) conductors in a Star-Quad configuration. Solid conductorsprevent strand interaction, which is the greatest single source ofdistortion in an audio cable or an AC power cable! Call one of ourspecalists for pricing on all cord lengths.Audioquest AC Power Cord NRG-1.5 (2-Pole): NRG-1.5 uses solidPerfect-Surface Copper (PSC) conductors in a Quad-Helix configuration.Solid conductors prevent strand interaction, which is the greatestsingle source of distortion in an audio cable or in an AC power cable!Call one of our specalists for pricing on all cord lengths.Audioquest Copperhead RCA Interconnect Cables: At first glance,Copperhead’s design looks like a traditional coaxial cable. However,PSC copper and many other very important differences each contributeto Copperhead having such unprecedented ease and clarity in anaffordable cable. Call one of our specalists for pricing on all cablelengths.Audioquest Diamondback RCA Interconnect Cables: Many sophisticateddesign techniques, superior materials, and an exceptionaltermination system combine to make Diamondback possible. The resultwill put more than a scare into most cost-no-object cables. A combinationof these major ingredients, and many more subtle details add upto explain how Diamondback can sound so clean, clear and dynamic.Call one of our specalists for pricing on all cable lengths.Audioquest King Cobra RCA Interconnect Cables: Many sophisticated designtechniques, superior materials, and an exceptional connection systemcombine to make King Cobra possible. King Cobra’s open and naturalsound is obvious. A combination of these major ingredients, and manymore subtle details add up to explain how King Cobra can sound sowonderfully clean, clear and dynamic. Call one of our specalists forpricing on all cable lengths.Audioquest Columbia RCA Interconnect Cables: The AudioquestColumbia Interconnect Cables feature a Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+,Cold-Welded Direct-Silver OCC plugs, 3 Layer Noise-DissipationSystem, PE Air-Tubes and a 48 Volt DBS. Call one of our specalistsfor pricing on all cable lengths.Audioquest AC Power Cord NRG-2 (3-Pole): NRG-2 uses solidLong-Grain Copper (LGC) conductors in a Self Shielding Counter-Spiral Hyperlitz configuration. Solid conductors prevent strandinteraction, which is the greatest single source of distortion in anaudio cable or an AC power cable! Call one of our specalists forpricing on all cord lengths.Audioquest AC Power Cord NRG-3 (3-Pole): NRG-3 uses solidPerfect-Surface Copper (PSC) conductors in a Self Shielding Counter-SpiralHyperlitz. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction,which is the greatest single source of distortion in an audio cableor an AC power cable! Call one of our specalists for pricing onall cord lengths.Audioquest AC Power Cord NRG-5 (3-Pole): NRG-5 uses solidPerfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) conductors in a Self ShieldingCounter-Spiral Hyperlitz. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction,which is the greatest single source of distortion in an audiocable or an AC power cable! Call one of our specalists for pricingon all cord lengths.Audioquest Cheetah RCA Interconnect Cables: Audioquest’snewest triple balanced interconnect cable with NEW Dielectric-BiasSystem (DBS) and Perfect-Surface Silver (PSS) Conductors! StereophileRecommended! Call one of our specalists for pricing on allcable lengths.Audioquest Colorado RCA Interconnect Cables: The AudioquestColorado Interconnect Cables feature a Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+,Cold-Welded Direct-Silver OCC plugs, 3 Layer Noise-Dissipation System,Teflon Air-Tubes and a 72 Volt DBS. Call one of our specalistsfor pricing on all cable lengths.All Audioquest Cables also available.Call for Models and Prices!Balanced XLR Models also available!Audioquest Niagara RCA Interconnect Cables: The AudioquestNiagara Interconnect Cables feature a Solid Perfect-Surface Silver+,Cold-Welded Direct-Silver OCC plugs, 3 Layer Noise-DissipationSystem, Teflon Air-Tubes and a 72 Volt DBS. Call one of our specalistsfor pricing on all cable lengths.PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of the industry, prices may change withoutnotice at any time. All prices listed in this flyer are believed correct at the timeof printing. We reserve the right to add, delete or modify any price, model oravailability at any time without notice. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FORANY INCORRECT PRICING OR AVAILABILITY.80 shop online: www.elusivedisc.com

Audience Conductor Audio & Digital InterconnectCables: Conductor Interconnectcables are a high price/performance ratio,entry level cable by Audience. Like all cablesby Audience the Conductor interconnects aredesigned for low eddy-current resistance. Wehave found low eddy-current resistance to bethe most important quality in high-resolutionaudio and video cables.The Conductor interconnects are very flexiblemaking them easy to install in tight spaces.To achieve greater sonic purity the physical design leans towards simplicity. Our ultrasimpleAu24 RCA connectors maintain this simplicity. Subjectively, a natural musicaltimbre is realized. Tonally, there is a family resemblance with the Au24 and the Maestrointerconnects with only slightly less resolution. Please call one of our cable specialistsfor quotes on custom lengths and terminations.Audience powerCHORD: Find out how your favorite musical performances andcomponents sound when allowed to bloom naturally without the restriction of slow orinadequate power! Features: Improves resolutionand color rendition in video playbacksystems, Delivers maximum power to yourmusic playback system, Ultra-flexible forlong service life and minimum damage toconductors, Powerful, accurate reproductionof macro- and micro-dynamics, Solid,articulate deep bass response, Far lowerbackground noise than possible with otherpower cords, Vastly improves imaging,restores harmonic integrity and The onlypower cord that allows all components toperform at their full potential. Please call one of our cable/power cord specialists forquotes on custom lengths and terminations.All Audience Cables also available. Call forModels and Prices!Hovland Music Groove 2 Phono Cable: Exclusively for connection from the output ofa tonearm to the input of a phono preamplifier. Each channel is four bundles of fine strandsilver-plated copper wire with an overall outerbraided shield.Recipient of The Absolute Sound’s GoldenEar Award (since reviewed in TAS #129),and a Stereophile Magazine RecommendedComponent for over two years. A revelationfor analog lovers. Standard terminations are:RCA/RCA, straight DIN/RCA; optionalterminations are: 90-degree DIN/RCA, DIN/XLR. Please call one of our cable specialistsfor quotes for price.Michael Fremer’s Practical Guide To Turntable Set-Up: MichaelFremer, the senior contributing writer to Stereophile Magazine and anexpert in all things analog, presents his Practical Guide to TurntableSet-Up! Price: $29.99Hi Fi News Analogue Test LP / The Producer’s Cut 180g LP:An essential tool for setting up or maintaining your analog system’ssound. Re-cut with the original tracks, to add a frequency sweeptrack and to extend the Pink Noise tracks, the NEW Hi Fi News& Review Test LP should be in every audiophile’s toolbox! Alsoincludes new cartridge alignment protractor. Price: $44.99Shakti On Lines Cable Enhancer (1 pair): Simple to useand affordable, Shakti ON-LINES reduce unwanted noisein A/V system cables. Price: $89.99Shakti Stone: Stereophile Recommended! Simply placethe Shakti on a component and get sweeter, more liquidinner detail and focus. Price: $199.99Shakti Hallograph Soundfield Optimizer (1 pair): TheAbsolute Sound 2006 Editor’s Choice Award Winner! TheHallograph breakthrough technology is the result of over 10years of research that studied the effects of the speaker/roominterface. It beautifully blends into any style room environment!Price: $999.99VPI JMW Phono Cable RCA to RCA: The new VPI JMW phono cable is a soft designthat rejects any feedback into the junctionbox of the tonearm. The internal wire usedin creating the cable is identical to the wireused internally in the JMW tonearm assuringproper sonic compatibility and transfer lossresulting in optimum sound quality. Hi qualitygold plated connectors are used for the RCAtermination and the cables are finished inan attractive black mesh sleeve. Please callone of our cable specialists for quotes oncustom lengths.Air Tight DT-01 Orb Disc Flatter: A flatter record will track better and sound better.This cool new device will flatten the surface of thedisc, without damaging the grooves! The Air TightDT-01 Orb Disc Flatter now includes the ‘DustCatcher’ Dust Brush! This unique Dust Brush removesunwanted dust and small particles that clingto the surface of your records! This brush worksgreat! Price: $1,994.99order toll free: 1-800-782-347281

Audience Conductor Audio & Digital InterconnectCables: Conductor Interconnectcables are a high price/performance ratio,entry level cable by Audience. Like all cablesby Audience the Conductor interconnects aredesigned for low eddy-current resistance. Wehave found low eddy-current resistance to bethe most important quality in high-resolutionaudio and video cables.The Conductor interconnects are very flexiblemaking them easy to install in tight spaces.<strong>To</strong> achieve greater sonic purity the physical design leans towards simplicity. Our ultrasimpleAu24 RCA connectors maintain this simplicity. Subjectively, a natural musicaltimbre is realized. <strong>To</strong>nally, there is a family resemblance with the Au24 and the Maestrointerconnects with only slightly less resolution. Please <strong>call</strong> one of our cable specialistsfor quotes on custom lengths and terminations.Audience powerCHORD: Find out how your favorite musical performances and<strong>com</strong>ponents sound when allowed to bloom naturally without the restriction of slow orinadequate power! Features: Improves resolutionand color rendition in video playbacksystems, Delivers maximum power to yourmusic playback system, Ultra-flexible forlong service life and minimum damage toconductors, Powerful, accurate reproductionof macro- and micro-dynamics, Solid,articulate deep bass response, Far lowerbackground noise than possible with otherpower cords, Vastly improves imaging,restores harmonic integrity and The onlypower cord that allows all <strong>com</strong>ponents toperform at their full potential. Please <strong>call</strong> one of our cable/power cord specialists forquotes on custom lengths and terminations.All Audience Cables also available. Call forModels and Prices!Hovland Music Groove 2 Phono Cable: Exclusively for connection from the output ofa tonearm to the input of a phono preamplifier. Each channel is four bundles of fine strandsilver-plated copper wire with an overall outerbraided shield.Recipient of The Absolute Sound’s GoldenEar Award (since reviewed in TAS #129),and a Stereophile Magazine Re<strong>com</strong>mendedComponent for over two years. A revelationfor analog lovers. Standard terminations are:RCA/RCA, straight DIN/RCA; optionalterminations are: 90-degree DIN/RCA, DIN/XLR. Please <strong>call</strong> one of our cable specialistsfor quotes for price.Michael Fremer’s Practical Guide <strong>To</strong> Turntable Set-Up: MichaelFremer, the senior contributing writer to Stereophile Magazine and anexpert in all things analog, presents his Practical Guide to TurntableSet-Up! Price: $29.99Hi Fi News Analogue Test LP / The Producer’s Cut 180g LP:An essential tool for setting up or maintaining your analog system’ssound. Re-cut with the original tracks, to add a frequency sweeptrack and to extend the Pink Noise tracks, the NEW Hi Fi News& Review Test LP should be in every audiophile’s toolbox! Alsoincludes new cartridge alignment protractor. Price: $44.99Shakti On Lines Cable Enhancer (1 pair): Simple to useand affordable, Shakti ON-LINES reduce unwanted noisein A/V system cables. Price: $89.99Shakti Stone: Stereophile Re<strong>com</strong>mended! Simply placethe Shakti on a <strong>com</strong>ponent and get sweeter, more liquidinner detail and focus. Price: $199.99Shakti Hallograph Soundfield Optimizer (1 pair): TheAbsolute Sound 2006 Editor’s Choice Award Winner! TheHallograph breakthrough technology is the result of over 10years of research that studied the effects of the speaker/roominterface. It beautifully blends into any style room environment!Price: $999.99VPI JMW Phono Cable RCA to RCA: The new VPI JMW phono cable is a soft designthat rejects any feedback into the junctionbox of the tonearm. The internal wire usedin creating the cable is identical to the wireused internally in the JMW tonearm assuringproper sonic <strong>com</strong>patibility and transfer lossresulting in optimum sound quality. Hi qualitygold plated connectors are used for the RCAtermination and the cables are finished inan attractive black mesh sleeve. Please <strong>call</strong>one of our cable specialists for quotes oncustom lengths.Air Tight DT-01 Orb Disc Flatter: A flatter record will track better and sound better.This cool new device will flatten the surface of thedisc, without damaging the grooves! The Air TightDT-01 Orb Disc Flatter now includes the ‘DustCatcher’ Dust Brush! This unique Dust Brush removesunwanted dust and small particles that clingto the surface of your records! This brush worksgreat! Price: $1,994.99<strong>order</strong> toll free: 1-800-782-347281

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