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HARDWARE Accessories& ACCESSORIESAudience Auric Illuminator: The auric illuminatorimproves the audible and visible playback quality of alloptical discs. Originally developed as an advanced opticalresolution enhancement for the U.S. Military, auric illuminatoris incredibly effective! You haven’t really experiencedthe true potential of digital formats until you see and hearthe results of one treatment on a CD, DVD, Laserdisc orSACD. The subjective experience is greatly enhanced byauric illuminator.Price: $39.99Disc Doctor Miracle CD Cleaner: The Disc Doctor’s Miracle CDCleaner is guaranteed to thoroughly remove dirt and oils from CDs,DVDs and Laser Discs without scratching or hazing the surface.Cleans 225 CDs & includes twenty pure cotton wick applicators!Price: $16.99Disc Doctor Miracle Record Cleaner: Stereophile RecommendedComponent! With The Disc Doctor’s Miracle Record Cleaner andBrushes, one cleaning is all a disc will ever need!16oz. Price: $24.9932oz. Price: $37.741/2 Gallon Price: 59.99Audiotop Stylus Cleaner (10ml): This cleaner carefully and effectivelydissolves all residues on the diamond and is antistatic. The result is a defineddiamond surface, which allows for optimal retrieval of informationfrom the micro grooves. Soundwise you can expect increased channelseparation, a spatially stable image, extended resolution over the entirefrequency range as well as increased dynamics! Price: $89.00Audiotop Digital CD/DVD Cleaning Fluid (1.7oz): The finestDigital Media cleaning fluid we have, direct from Switzerland!Cleaning with Audiotop Digital, the laser scanning is optimized,substantially improving the resolution and the dynamics of the Audioand Video signals. Now you can see and hear what really is in yoursoftware! Price: $89.00Audiotop Vinyl 2 Record Cleaning Fluid (1.7oz): An Audiotopexclusive: A fluid that reduces the friction caused by the motion of thestylus in the record groove. After applying the special fluid AudiotopVinyl 2, the diamond glides more smoothly and quietly in the recordgroove reducing friction and increasing stylus contact.Price: $125.00Audiotop Vinyl 1 Record Cleaning Fluid (1quart): Audiotop Vinyl 1 isa special detergent for use with vacuuming record cleaning machines. Theextraordinary cleaning power is immediately audible due to the smooth andsilent groove gliding and improved detail of the recorded music.Price: $157.00Audiotop Connect Workstation Contact Cleaning System: “Thefinest Contact Cleaning system we have, direct from Switzerland! Thissystem yields an amazing sonic improvement and is the best of any wehave ever tried!” With the Connect-Workstation from Audiotop youcan achieve the best possible electric contact of interconnects, speakercables, plugs, switches, tube pins, and more!Price: $337.00Audiotop Vinyl Cleaning System: “This system works wonders andis the the finest we have heard.” The complete Audiotop Starter Kit forthe analog music listener. The set includes the special cleaning detergentVinyl1 for record cleaning machines, the fluid Vinyl2 for relaxation ofthe surface tension and Stylus for cleaning diamond cartridges.Price: $369.00Clearaudio Elixir of Sound Diamond Cleaner: Stereophile Class K recommendedcomponent! Clearaudio’s Diamond Stylus Cleaner is absolutelysafe for even the most delicate cartridges! Price: $29.9978 shop online: www.elusivedisc.comDisc Doctor Quick Wash (1X) Record Cleaner (32oz): NOTE:Only for Vinyl Formulated Records! The Disc Doctor Quick Wash isa no-rinse solution, specifically developed for use with vacuum basedcleaning machines. The Quick Wash solution offers superior cleaningwhen used with vacuum-assisted machines like Nitty Gritty, VPI, etc.Price: $24.99Disc Doctor Miracle Stylus Cleaner (.57oz): Stereophile RecommendedComponent! Unlike some other stylus cleaning fluids, the Disc Doctor hasdesigned his cleaner to leave absolutely no residue! Price: $24.99Disc Doctor Miracle Record Brushes (One Pair): Easy togrip handles, these handmade brushes are not only ergonomic,but the special pads will remove more dirt from your recordsthan any other system!(A) 12” Price: $41.99(B) 7” Price: $29.99(C) 10” Price: $36.99(D) 78s Price: $36.99Gruv-Glide II Record & CD Treatment: Gruv Glide is anew dry record treatment that actually enhances the sound ofthe record. Prior to it’s development even the highest qualitycartridge could not produce the maximum available reproductionfrom the phono record. Now, for the first time, the use ofGruv Glide brings out the best possible sound. Stereophile &Elusive Disc Recommended Component! Price: $28.99L’Art Du Son CD/DVD Fluid (4oz): The newest member of thel’Art du Son family is a sprayed-on treatment for optical discs thatboth cleans and conditions the surface of CDs, DVDs, or SACDs.We have performed tests with multiple discs (one left untreated andthe others treated with one of a few different fluids), where we listento the untreated disc and then the treated ones, and in every case thel’Art du Son gave the best results in terms of transparency, dynamicagility, and a sense of organic smoothness and lack of fatigue moreoften associated with analog disc playback. The Absolute Sound2005 Editor’s Choice Award Winner! Price: $54.99L’Art Du Son LP Cleaning Fluid (makes 1 gallon): L’Art DuSon Record Cleaning Fluid offers a significant sonic improvementto your record collection. This great product contains no alcohol,is non-toxic, anti-static, and environmentally friendly. Works bestwith vacuum cleaners such as VPI, Nitty Gritty, and many others!Concentrate make 1 gallon (or further diluted a maximum of 5litres). The Absolute Sound 2005 Editor’s Choice Award Winner!Price: $44.99

Lyra SPT-Stylus Performance Treatment: StereophileRecommended Component! The Lyra SPT’s primary functionis straightforward - by helping to keep your cartridge’sstylus scrupulously clean, it assists tracking and minimizesdamage to your records and cartridge. Price: $45.00Mobile Fidelity Rice LP Inner Record Sleeves (50pack): These are thesame high-quality inner sleeves used by Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab fortheir vinyl releases. They are imported, three-ply, anti-static, premiumsleeves (similar to rice paper) and work with both LPs and laser discs.Price: $19.99Mobile Fidelity Record Brush (1each): New from Mobile Fidelity!Here’s an inexpensive tool for keeping all of your irreplaceable recordsclean and cared for! Mobile Fidelity is very proud to offer the latest inessential record care products: The Mobile Fidelity LP Record Brush!Price: $19.99Mobile Fidelity Ultra Disc Gold CD-R: For occasions when you can’tafford to endanger your data, Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab is proud to introducethe Ultradisc CD-R. Our 24KT Gold Ultradisc CD-R is designedfor professional, data critical, music and graphic archival applications,and all other data storage where there is no margin for loss or error.(1 each w/case) Price: $3.99(5 pack w/case) Price: $19.99(25 pack w/spindle) Price: $59.99(50 pack w/spindle) Price: $114.99Mobile Fidelity Ultra Disc Gold DVD-R: For occasions when you can’tafford to endanger your data, Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab is proud to introducethe Ultradisc CD-R. Our 24KT Gold Ultradisc CD-R is designedfor professional, data critical, music and graphic archival applications,and all other data storage where there is no margin for loss or error.(1 each w/case) Price: $4.99(5 pack w/case) Price: $24.99(25 pack w/spindle) Price: $99.99(50 pack w/spindle) Price: $194.99Record Research Labs Super LP Vinyl Wash (32oz):The folks at Record Research Labs have made Vinyl Wash even better!!!Introducing Super Vinyl Wash. To achieve the proper base forthe Record Research Labs fluids, Brian Weitzel (a chemist and LPenthusiast in the Pacific Northwest) designed and built a special copperdistillery, producing quadruple deionized water. Distilled water asa base still contains many trace minerals which can be positively ornegatively charged and attach themselves to the vinyl. Price: $24.99Record Research Labs Super LP Deep Cleaner (16oz):Brian has made deep cleaner even better!!! Introducing Super LPDeep Cleaner. To achieve the proper base for the Record ResearchLabs fluids, Brian Weitzel (a chemist and LP enthusiast in the PacificNorthwest) designed and built a special copper distillery, producingquadruple deionized water. Distilled water as a base still containsmany trace minerals which can be positively or negatively chargedand attach themselves to the vinyl. Price: $24.99Record Research Labs Super LP Deep Cleaner (16oz): RRL ShineOla is a new CD/DVD/SACD cleaner that, when appliedusing a fine mist sprayer and the supplied 3M Micro Fiber cloth, is designedto provide a gentle, scratch-free way to clean your discs. Unlikecleaners that use automotive waxes containing petroleum distillates, ShineOla is not a disc treatment system but rather a pure cleaner that will notbreak down a disc’s polymers. Shine Ola is said to remove (not displaceor smear) the heat-generated waste molecules left behind by the pressingprocess, thus preventing laser-wandering. Price: $24.99Record Research Labs LP Stylus Cleaner #9: Stereophile ClassK recommended component! This great new product surpasses theperformance of the Stylist by a great measure. It combines the cleanerand preservative into one effective easy to use product. You also gettwice as much for the same price. It is the recommended fluid ofseveral major cartridge manufacturers (Benz Micro, Transfiguration,Koetsu) Price: $24.99Inner LP Record Sleeves (100 pack): Keep your records dust freeand protected from scratches with these high quality anti-static,anti-scratch inner sleeves.Price: $29.99Onzow Zerodust Stylus Cleaner: Stereophile RecommendedComponent! The Zerodust cleans your delicate stylus without usingbrushes or fluids. The amazing product will extend stylus life andenhance fidelity, and it can be used indefinitely!Price: $68.99Onzow Zerodust LP Raiser LP/CD/DVD Cleaning Fluid:The Zerodust LP Raiser is a cleaning solution that has excellentanti-static properties! Just a drop of LP Raiser liquid infiltrated inZ-Cloth is enough to perfectly clean either side of an LP, CD orDVD. The Zerodust LP Raiser will bring your music come backto life! Price: $74.99Onzow Zerodust Z-Cloth LP/CD/DVD Cleaning Cloth: ZerodustZ-CLOTH is a high technology processed cleaning cloth similar to thoseused in clean rooms for semiconductor processing. Clean your CDs,SACDs & DVDs safely and effectively! Price: $34.99Japanese Inner Record Sleeves (100 pack): Keep your recordsdust free and protected from scratches with these high qualityanti-static, anti-scratch inner sleeves. These quality sleeves aregreat for replacing worn out or lost inner sleeves in your treasuredrecord collection!(12”) Price: $24.99(10”) Price: $24.99(7”) Price: $19.99Japanese Resealable Outer Record Sleeves (100 pack): The ultimateouter record sleeve for the serious enthusiast! These 3 mil mylar outersleeves feature an extended top flap that secures to an adhesive stripacross the back of the sleeve.(12”) Price: $34.99(10”) Price: $24.99(7”) Price: $19.99Poly Outer LP Record Sleeves (100 pack): Keep your recordcovers protected from dust and scratch free with these high qualityouter sleeves.Price: $19.99White Outer LP Jacket with Hole (1 each): Clothe your recordswith some handy record jackets! Replace your missing or damagedrecord covers today!Price: $0.99order toll free: 1-800-782-347279

HARDWARE Accessories& ACCESSORIESAudience Auric Illuminator: The auric illuminatorimproves the audible and visible playback quality of alloptical discs. Originally developed as an advanced opticalresolution enhancement for the U.S. Military, auric illuminatoris incredibly effective! You haven’t really experiencedthe true potential of digital formats until you see and hearthe results of one treatment on a CD, DVD, Laserdisc orSACD. The subjective experience is greatly enhanced byauric illuminator.Price: $39.99Disc Doctor Miracle CD Cleaner: The Disc Doctor’s Miracle CDCleaner is guaranteed to thoroughly remove dirt and oils from CDs,DVDs and Laser Discs without scratching or hazing the surface.Cleans 225 CDs & includes twenty pure cotton wick applicators!Price: $16.99Disc Doctor Miracle Record Cleaner: Stereophile Re<strong>com</strong>mendedComponent! With The Disc Doctor’s Miracle Record Cleaner andBrushes, one cleaning is all a disc will ever need!16oz. Price: $24.9932oz. Price: $37.741/2 Gallon Price: 59.99Audiotop Stylus Cleaner (10ml): This cleaner carefully and effectivelydissolves all residues on the diamond and is antistatic. The result is a defineddiamond surface, which allows for optimal retrieval of informationfrom the micro grooves. Soundwise you can expect increased channelseparation, a spatially stable image, extended resolution over the entirefrequency range as well as increased dynamics! Price: $89.00Audiotop Digital CD/DVD Cleaning Fluid (1.7oz): The finestDigital Media cleaning fluid we have, direct from Switzerland!Cleaning with Audiotop Digital, the laser scanning is optimized,substantially improving the resolution and the dynamics of the Audioand Video signals. Now you can see and hear what really is in yoursoftware! Price: $89.00Audiotop Vinyl 2 Record Cleaning Fluid (1.7oz): An Audiotopexclusive: A fluid that reduces the friction caused by the motion of thestylus in the record groove. After applying the special fluid AudiotopVinyl 2, the diamond glides more smoothly and quietly in the recordgroove reducing friction and increasing stylus contact.Price: $125.00Audiotop Vinyl 1 Record Cleaning Fluid (1quart): Audiotop Vinyl 1 isa special detergent for use with vacuuming record cleaning machines. Theextraordinary cleaning power is immediately audible due to the smooth andsilent groove gliding and improved detail of the recorded music.Price: $157.00Audiotop Connect Workstation Contact Cleaning System: “Thefinest Contact Cleaning system we have, direct from Switzerland! Thissystem yields an amazing sonic improvement and is the best of any wehave ever tried!” With the Connect-Workstation from Audiotop youcan achieve the best possible electric contact of interconnects, speakercables, plugs, switches, tube pins, and more!Price: $337.00Audiotop Vinyl Cleaning System: “This system works wonders andis the the finest we have heard.” The <strong>com</strong>plete Audiotop Starter Kit forthe analog music listener. The set includes the special cleaning detergentVinyl1 for record cleaning machines, the fluid Vinyl2 for relaxation ofthe surface tension and Stylus for cleaning diamond cartridges.Price: $369.00Clearaudio Elixir of Sound Diamond Cleaner: Stereophile Class K re<strong>com</strong>mended<strong>com</strong>ponent! Clearaudio’s Diamond Stylus Cleaner is absolutelysafe for even the most delicate cartridges! Price: $29.9978 shop online: <strong>www</strong>.<strong>elusivedisc</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Disc Doctor Quick Wash (1X) Record Cleaner (32oz): NOTE:Only for Vinyl Formulated Records! The Disc Doctor Quick Wash isa no-rinse solution, specifi<strong>call</strong>y developed for use with vacuum basedcleaning machines. The Quick Wash solution offers superior cleaningwhen used with vacuum-assisted machines like Nitty Gritty, VPI, etc.Price: $24.99Disc Doctor Miracle Stylus Cleaner (.57oz): Stereophile Re<strong>com</strong>mendedComponent! Unlike some other stylus cleaning fluids, the Disc Doctor hasdesigned his cleaner to leave absolutely no residue! Price: $24.99Disc Doctor Miracle Record Brushes (One Pair): Easy togrip handles, these handmade brushes are not only ergonomic,but the special pads will remove more dirt from your recordsthan any other system!(A) 12” Price: $41.99(B) 7” Price: $29.99(C) 10” Price: $36.99(D) 78s Price: $36.99Gruv-Glide II Record & CD Treatment: Gruv Glide is anew dry record treatment that actually enhances the sound ofthe record. Prior to it’s development even the highest qualitycartridge could not produce the maximum available reproductionfrom the phono record. Now, for the first time, the use ofGruv Glide brings out the best possible sound. Stereophile &Elusive Disc Re<strong>com</strong>mended Component! Price: $28.99L’Art Du Son CD/DVD Fluid (4oz): The newest member of thel’Art du Son family is a sprayed-on treatment for optical discs thatboth cleans and conditions the surface of CDs, DVDs, or SACDs.We have performed tests with multiple discs (one left untreated andthe others treated with one of a few different fluids), where we listento the untreated disc and then the treated ones, and in every case thel’Art du Son gave the best results in terms of transparency, dynamicagility, and a sense of organic smoothness and lack of fatigue moreoften associated with analog disc playback. The Absolute Sound2005 Editor’s Choice Award Winner! Price: $54.99L’Art Du Son LP Cleaning Fluid (makes 1 gallon): L’Art DuSon Record Cleaning Fluid offers a significant sonic improvementto your record collection. This great product contains no alcohol,is non-toxic, anti-static, and environmentally friendly. Works bestwith vacuum cleaners such as VPI, Nitty Gritty, and many others!Concentrate make 1 gallon (or further diluted a maximum of 5litres). The Absolute Sound 2005 Editor’s Choice Award Winner!Price: $44.99

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