AMTAX sc - Hyxo

AMTAX sc - Hyxo

AMTAX sc - Hyxo


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INFORMATIONPROCESS ANALYSISON-SITE ANALYSERS<strong>AMTAX</strong> SC + PHOSPHAX SCShort paths—optimal resultsOn-site analysers for Ammonium and Phosphate

<strong>AMTAX</strong> SC + PHOSPHAX SC_ON-SITE ANALYSERSAt the right place in the process:<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>”On-site” means measuring Ammonium and Phosphate in the tank. The main advantage is that shortsample paths give quick, undistorted results. This is the idea behind the new digital analyser generationfrom HACH LANGE—<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>.The concept is a practical, logical extension of the proven <strong>AMTAX</strong> and PHOSPHAX series. It combinesall the advantages: the high precision of an analyser and the simplicity of a probe.The difference in the PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>:a two-beam photometer with LEDsdetermines the PO 4 -P concentrationThe design of the analysis and reagentsystems is the same in the <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong>and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>, and provides permanentaccessibility and completetransparency: The <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> measuresthe NH 4 -N concentration with a gassensitiveelectrode (GSE)Combined advantages:analyser and probe in oneThe exact, accurate measurement of ananalyser, installed at the side of the tanklike a probe! These advantages arecombined in the SC analysers for thedetermination of NH 4 -N and PO 4 -P.<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> aredesigned to be installed at the measuringlocation. They carry out measurementsexactly at the right point in the process,and their high-precision analysis is unaffectedby external interferences.Moreover, they are simple to assembleand operate. With their SC technology,they are ready for use in the networkof the SC controller.Save investment costs: NH 4 andPO 4 analysers on siteThe <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> needno separate analysis location. Climatedependantwet-chemical analysis usedto require cost-intensive and time-consumingadditional construction measures.But HACH LANGE now protectsthe core of the proven <strong>AMTAX</strong> andPHOSPHAX series with a weatherproof,lockable housing. Moreover, theoperation of the electronic and analysissystems is safeguarded both passively(insulation) and actively (temperaturecontrol). The sample and the measuredvalue are therefore not influenced byexternal factors.

Filtrateto the measuringinstrumentMountingFilter probe in service position:the complete system is installed tanksideand requires very little spaceFilter moduleAir-bubble cleaningImmersed in the water:While the low-maintenance filterprobe continuously samples thewater, air bubbles prevent theformation of any coatingsOn-site tank-side installation in a weatherproof housing➔ Undistorted sample with minimum effort—no additional construction measuresSimple and direct like a probe➔ Uncomplicated handling during measurementand installationExact and accurate like an analyser➔ Transparent, high quality measurementtechnology brings reliable values with theshortest of response timesFlexible installation➔ Easy to integrate into existing and new plantsHACH LANGE—www.hach-lange.com

<strong>AMTAX</strong> SC + PHOSPHAX SC_SC NETWORKMeasurement of Ammonium andPhosphate on the SC platformThe SC platform is leading-edge technology from HACH LANGE with the universal controller concept forall probes and analysers. This future-safe technology has now been extended to cover Ammonium andPhosphate—two key parameters in water and wastewater analysis.<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> are the first members of a new analyser generation for process measurementtechnology. It offers all the advantages of SC technology, as the instruments are freely combinablewith all the sensors in the network or can be used as a stand alone solution. NH 4 and PO 4 measurementis therefore flexible in practice and cuts costs.Up to eight sensors on one SC controller per measuringlocation➔ Cuts costsPlug and play with SC controller➔ Simple to install and operate and thereforequickly ready for operationNH 4 -NNO 3SAC O 2pHProcess control through measurement of NH 4 and PO 4➔ Process optimisationSludgeChlorineOzonePO 4 -PFlexible in the SC system:<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> canbe combined with all sensors viathe SC controllerNH 4 and PO 4 measurementSC compatible<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> speakthe language of the SC technology.This means that they can share aSC controller with up to eight sensors.The SC analysers profit from the convenienthandling of the SC controllerand the uniform user interface:an intuitively operated colour touch<strong>sc</strong>reen,where measured values andtime course curves are displayed.Wide measuring range for allapplicationsThanks to their wide measuring range(0.05 to 1,000 mg/l NH 4 -N and0.05 to 50 mg/l PO 4 -P), the newanalysers are extremely versatile.They can also be used for exact determinationsat the limits of water andwastewater analysis.This means that, for example, NH 4 ,O 2 and PO 4 can be monitored inparallel in standard processes in theactivated sludge stage of municipaland industrial sewage treatment plants.The sensors operate either in a networkor as a stand alone solution.

On site—no detoursUp to two SC analysers can beoperated at one measuringlocationAt the right place in theprocess: simple, fast onsiteinstallation of theSC analysersThe sample travels onlyshort distances in frostprooftubing between samplingand analysisTodayPoint of samplingand analysisPastAnalysislocationPoint of samplingShort paths—best resultsOn-site tank-side installation of <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong>and PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> eliminates detours!Sampling and analysis are brought closertogether and form an integrated systemwith contemporary technology. Longsample paths are a thing of the past.The advantages are obvious. There areno factors such as degradation processesin the sample line that could causechanges in the sample and distort themeasured values. The response time isalso faster: only 5 minutes from samplingto measured value!Only the low-maintenancefilter probe comes into contactwith the measured fluidHACH LANGE—www.hach-lange.com

<strong>AMTAX</strong> SC + PHOSPHAX SC_TECHNICAL DATA<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong>Wide measuring range andmaximum precisionThe <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> measures the Ammoniumconcentration with a gas-sensitiveelectrode (GSE). The Ammonium in thesample is first converted to gaseousAmmonia. Only the NH 3 gas passesthrough the gas-permeable membraneof the electrode and is detected. Thismethod guarantees a wide measuringrange and is less su<strong>sc</strong>eptible to crosssensitivitymethods that make use ofan ion-selective electrode (ISE).Just a few minutes arerequired to change the electrolyteand un<strong>sc</strong>rewablemembrane cap of the GSEElectrodeUn<strong>sc</strong>rewablemembrane capTechnical data: <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong>Gas-sensitivemembrane for NH 3Measurement methodGSE (gas sensitive electrode) with un<strong>sc</strong>rewable membrane capMeasuring range 0.05 – 20.0 mg/l NH 4 -N 1.0 –100 mg/l NH 4 -N 10 –1,000 mg/l NH 4 -NLower limit of detection 0.05 mg/l NH 4 -N 1.0 mg/l NH 4 -N 10 mg/l NH 4 -NAccuracy 3% +0.05 mg/l 3 % +1.0 mg/l 4.5 % +10 mg/lResponse time (T90)5 min. including sample preparationMeasurement interval5–120 min.Special featuresAutomatic cleaning and calibration, extensive self-diagnosis,optional 2-channel version for continuous sample preparationInstallation Wall mountable, rail mountable and mountable on a stand indoors or outdoors (IP 55)Dimensions(W x H x D) 540 x 720 x 390 mmPower supply230 V AC/50 Hz (optional 115 V AC, 50 – 60 Hz), connection on SC 1000 ControllerWeight31 kg including reagentsAmbient temperature -20 °C to +45 °CSample temperature +4 °C to +40 °CSample preparationFilter probe (see below) and continuous sample preparation with FILTRAX, ultrafiltration, etc.Operation/OutputsThrough SC controller; outputs: mA, relay, busTechnical data: Filter probe for <strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> or PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>Functional principleIn-situ membrane filtration; filter modules are exchangeableSpecial featuresContinuous self-cleaning with air bubblesMaintenance timeTypically about 0.5 h/monthInstallation Mount in the tank or channel (IP 68)Dimensions(W x H x D) 315 x 250 x 120 mmWeightApprox. 8 kgSubject to change without notice

PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>The low-wear two-beamphotometer with LEDsyields very exact resultsMore than 50% less chemicalswith proven yellow methodThe PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> determines thePhosphate content by the vanadomolybdateyellow method. A low-maintenancetwo-beam photometer with LEDsmeasures the PO 4 -specific yellow colour.Before each measurement, it automaticallydetermines the intrinsic colour ofthe wastewater. This value is taken intoaccount in each determination. Distortedmeasurement results are thereforeexcluded. The yellow method requiresvery little reagent and therefore reducesoperating costs considerably.Measuring LEDReference LEDOverflowPhotodiodeReagentTechnical data: PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>SampleMeasurement methodTwo-beam photometer with LEDs (yellow method)Measurement ranges 0.05 –15.0 mg/l PO 4 -P 1.00 – 50.0 mg/l PO 4 -PLower limit of detection 0.05 mg/l PO 4 -P 1.00 mg/l PO 4 -PAccuracy 2% +0.05 mg/l 2 % +1.0 mg/lResponse time (T90)5 min. including sample preparationMeasurement interval5–120 min.Special featuresAutomatic cleaning and calibration, extensive self-diagnosis,optional 2-channel version for continuous sample preparationInstallation Wall mountable, rail mountable and mountable on a stand indoors or outdoors (IP 55)Dimensions(WxHxD) 540x720x390mmPower supply230 V AC/50 Hz (optional 115 V AC, 50 – 60 Hz), connection on SC 1000 ControllerWeight31 kg including reagentsAmbient temperature -20 °C to +45 °CSample temperature +4 °C to +40 °CSample preparationFilter probe (see left) and continuous sample preparation with FILTRAX, ultrafiltration, etc.Operation/OutputsThrough SC controller; outputs: mA, relay, busSubject to change without noticeWhen the system automatically recognises thatthe filter performance is deteriorating, ...... the filter surfaces can simply be cleanedof depositsAfter just a few minutes the filter probe isready for operation againHACH LANGE—www.hach-lange.com

<strong>AMTAX</strong> SC + PHOSPHAX SC_ORDER INFORMATIONOrder InformationDESCRIPTIONART. NO.<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong>*- 0.05 – 20.0 mg/l NH 4 -N, with 5m filter probe (230 V AC) LXV421.99.11001- 1.0 –100 mg/l NH 4 -N, with 5m filter probe (230 V AC) LXV421.99.21001- 10.0 –1,000 mg/l NH 4 -N, with 5m filter probe (230 V AC) LXV421.99.31001- 0.05 – 20.0 mg/l NH 4 -N, 1-channel version continuous sample LXV421.99.13001- 1.0 – 100 mg/l NH 4 -N, 1-channel version continuous sample LXV421.99.23001- 10.0 –1,000 mg/l NH 4 -N, 1-channel version continuous sample LXV421.99.33001- 2-channel versions and 115 V AC power supply On requestPHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong>*- 0.05 –15.0 mg/l PO 4 -P, with 5m filter probe (230 V AC) LXV422.99.11001- 1.0 – 50.0 mg/l PO 4 -P, with 5m filter probe (230 V AC) LXV422.99.21001- 0.05 –15.0 mg/l PO 4 -P, 1-channel version continuous sample LXV422.99.13001- 1.0 – 50.0 mg/l PO 4 -P, 1-channel version continuous sample LXV422.99.23001- 2-channel versions and 115 V AC power supply On requestACCESSORIES<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> reagent kit 0.05 – 20.0 mg/l NH 4 -NLCW865<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> reagent kit 1.0 –100 mg/l NH 4 -NLCW871<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> reagent kit 10.0 –1,000 mg/l NH 4 -NLCW866<strong>AMTAX</strong> <strong>sc</strong> cleaning solutionLCW867NH 4 -N electrodesLZY069Set of electrolyte (3pcs.)/membrane caps (3pcs.)LCW868PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> reagentLCW869PHOSPHAX <strong>sc</strong> cleaning solutionLCW870Filter probe 230 V AC/50 Hz, 5 m heated tubeLXV429.99.01000Filter probe 230 V AC/50 Hz, 10 m heated tubeLXV429.99.02000Filter probe 115 V AC/50 – 60 Hz, 5 m heated tubeLXV429.99.01100Filter probe 115 V AC/50 – 60 Hz, 10 m heated tubeLXV429.99.02100Filter moduleLZY140SC 1000 ControllerLXV400 + LXV402Tank rim mounting for filter probeLZX414.00.50000Rail mounting for SC analyserLZY285Subject to change without notice. *Other models on request.HACH LANGE ServicesOrdering, information and advice:UK: +44 (0) 161 872 14 87EU: +49 (0) 211 52 88-0On-site support by our technicalfield staff.Assurance of legal compliance, togetherwith environmental protection throughcollection of used reagents.Extended warranty with inspectioncontract.www.hach-lange.comup to date and secure, with downloads,information and shop.Cost-saving process optimisationwith the HACH LANGE trailer.HACH LANGE—the specialists for water analysisEverything froma single supplierWhether field or laboratory analysis,samplers or process measurementtechnology, HACH LANGE stands forthe total spectrum of water analysis—from visual methods to comprehensivesystems of reagents, mesurementtechnology and accessories.For every applicationSolutions from HACH LANGE aretailor-made for wastewater, drinkingwater or process water—for reliablecontrol of operational processesand monitoring of legally pre<strong>sc</strong>ribedlimit values.Parameters from A to ZFrom ammonium to zinc—consistentlyuser friendly and proven indaily practice. Regulatory bodiesand industry know they can rely onHACH LANGE solutions for everythingfrom sample preparation toquality control.DOC033.52.00430.Aug05HACH LANGE GMBHWillstätterstraße 11D-40549 DüsseldorfTel. +49 (0)211 5288-0Fax +49 (0)211 5288-143info@hach-lange.dewww.hach-lange.comHACH LANGE LTDPacific WaySalfordManchester, M50 1DLTel. +44 (0)161 8 7214 87Fax +44 (0)161 8 48 73 24info@hach-lange.co.ukwww.hach-lange.co.uk

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