12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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to have it slip and fall back to thebottom. Finding it would be more difficultnow with all the silt I stirredup. Two tries at blindly thrashingabout on the murky pool bottomproduced a brass lamp. We chainedour way through all the lower sectionof the cave and up three dropst pullingthe ropes as we went. Exitingthe cave at 4:30 AM t after 18 hoursof mapping t we were tired. It wouldbe cutting it closet with three daysleft t to finish the survey and derig.We would not have time <strong>for</strong> a phototrip or to dive the sump.The next morning t no one was inany shape to go caving. Vi and Davewent into El Pino to see Juan Floresabout the burros. <strong>for</strong> our return trip.John t Gerry and I surveyed the upperpit entrance.For our final trip. the weatherturned nasty again. Mapping our wayin we wired the big drops. then finallyclosed the traverse. Gerry.who had by now memorized much ofthe cave t soloed in and was waiting<strong>for</strong> us at the top of The 337 happilysinging away. Employing a trickused on the Trinidad expedition. wetied all the ropes together end-toend.Then t Gerry hauled the singlecontinuous strand up and we snakedit between pitches. TI1at way no onewas ever hauling the full weight ofa rope. In the Dry Room we stuffedthe ropes into duffel bags and finishedoff our last loaf of applelogan bread. We hauled the bags upthe remaining pitches exiting Buquewith our main mission accomplished.The air temperature was stillhovering around freezing. It was noonand we had been in <strong>for</strong> 24 hours. Aftera day's rest t we packed up andheaded <strong>for</strong> home. The total depth ofthe cave as calculated from the newsurvey is 506 meters.<strong>Cave</strong> of the Rio JalpanDale PateAs I walked into the cave.I felt a timeless flow.The current of its riverReached deep within my soul.The endless churnings in the darkened poolsCarved winding passages through my mind.The waters surged against me.I felt its strength. its restlessness.I began to flow with timeAnd it surrounded me.For a brief instance t I felt the powerHeld deep within the cave.Even now. I feel the <strong>for</strong>ces of the caveSurging through me.Even now. I feel the restless churnings.The endless flowings.74

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