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12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies 12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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Nacimiento de MoisesAnother of the springs at theHotel, this one is completely enclosedby a picturesque spring house. Althoughthe water was quite clear, itwas all corning from a crack only 30centimeters wide with a maximum depthof 2-1/2 meters.Nacimiento de GargaleoteThe zero visibility in this hotsulphur spring enclosed by a swimmingpool at the Hotel Taninul discouragedany diving investigationson our part. The manager of the hotel,Sr. Medelas, and also the owner,Gaston Santos, related that thespring clears up considerably duringthe summer rainy season, when mostof the other springs get muddy. LaterSr. Santos, reputedly Mexico'spremier bullfighter of the Portuguese(on horseback) style, invited uS toa very pleasant dinner at his hugeranch when he learned of our investigationsat Nacimiento del Rro Choy.Nacimiento del Rio ChoyIn an earlier AMCS publicationI had read where this spring was describedas one of the premier swimmingholes of the western hemisphere,and after visiting it I most wholeheartedlyagree. Fortunately, we a­voided the 55 meter rappel from therailroad tracks over the spring byobtaining permission to use the hotel'sprivate road to the spring.On a quick recon dive, Terry and Kenran a line from a depth of 15 meterssome 30 meters to a depth of 38 meters,suggesting that this was justanother deep Mexican spring and ourattempts to find a nice horizontalsystem, hopefully with air, wouldonce more be thwarted. However, ondive #25, Jamie and Carol installedapproximately 183 meters of line a­long the bottom of a high canyonpassage, finding nothing deeper than40 meters.Even though visibility was only4-6 meters, this was exciting news,so Dan, Paul and I quickly suited upand entered the water. Diving withonly partially filled twin tanks,we were nearing our turnaround pointon air, (for safety we always allowat least twice as much air to corneout on as we use goi~g in), with nosign of the end of Jamie and Carol'sline. Because of this and the factthat I was curious about the unseenceiling above us, I elected to starta branch line and swam up diagonallyfrom a depth of 28 meters at a penetrationof 187 meters. After another50 meters we were at a depth of 5meters and the telltale quicksilverglimmer of an air space was above us~After 10 minutes of jubilant decompressionat 3 meters it was safe tosurface, and we found ourselves ina shoreless lake room more than 2028

Entrance chamber, Nacimiento del Rlo Choy.(Bill Stone)meters long by 5 ffi2ters wide with aconstant 6 meters or so of air aboveus. No air-filled leads were visible,so we tied off at 267 meters penetrationand ~eaded out.The follo..,ing day the th'.:"el~ ofus decided to run a new line alongthe top of the canyon, both to conserveair and to check for any moreair spaces that might be located a­long the way. Things got off to a~ad start when Dan, wearing twinlOa's (which weigh over 100 lh8.),took~ a tumble while climbing the2-3 meter falls in the run belowthe headpool, slightly injuring onearm. Fortunately, he felt good e­nough to dive after a brief rest.Despite our intention to stayshallow, we had to descend -to adepth of 24 meters near the entranceto find a route large enough to comfortablyswim through, but thereafternever had to c1esceEd below adepth of 12 meters. MeamJ:,ile, wefound five more large air spaces onthe way to the one we had discoveredthe previous day. We also found thatthe previously discovered sixth airspace was much latger than we hadpreviously supposed, most of its 90meter length hidden by an offsetjust past where we had stopped theday before. At the end of the airspace we dropped all the way to 40meters before finding a way on,t~ough on the ascent from t~at depthit appeared that a shallower routemight exist along the left wall. Thetieoff at 379 meters represented themaximum penetration that was attainedon t}-le trip.Even though it cost us a greatdeal of added decompression time, weelected to take a deep route out29

Entrance chamber, Nacimiento del Rlo Choy.(Bill Stone)meters long by 5 ffi2ters wide with aconstant 6 meters or so of air aboveus. No air-filled leads were visible,so we tied off at 267 meters penetrationand ~eaded out.The follo..,ing day the th'.:"el~ ofus decided to run a new line alongthe top of the canyon, both to conserveair and to check <strong>for</strong> any moreair spaces that might be located a­long the way. Things got off to a~ad start when Dan, wearing twinlOa's (which weigh over 100 lh8.),took~ a tumble while climbing the2-3 meter falls in the run belowthe headpool, slightly injuring onearm. Fortunately, he felt good e­nough to dive after a brief rest.Despite our intention to stayshallow, we had to descend -to adepth of 24 meters near the entranceto find a route large enough to com<strong>for</strong>tablyswim through, but thereafternever had to c1esceEd below adepth of 12 meters. MeamJ:,ile, wefound five more large air spaces onthe way to the one we had discoveredthe previous day. We also found thatthe previously discovered sixth airspace was much latger than we hadpreviously supposed, most of its 90meter length hidden by an offsetjust past where we had stopped theday be<strong>for</strong>e. At the end of the airspace we dropped all the way to 40meters be<strong>for</strong>e finding a way on,t~ough on the ascent from t~at depthit appeared that a shallower routemight exist along the left wall. Thetieoff at 379 meters represented themaximum penetration that was attainedon t}-le trip.Even though it cost us a greatdeal of added decompression time, weelected to take a deep route out29

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