12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies 12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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spiders on the walls, and a blindgryllid cricket was taken as wellas other fauna typical of the area.A schizomid was seen but it escaped.David sketched the cave, which inclinesupward at about 35° for adistance of about 175 meters. Thepassage is generally 5 meters wide,2 to 5 meters high, and is flooredwith flows tone and some breakdown.About 50 meters inside is a skylight.At the end, a short climb up leadsto a tight squeeze to the left thateven small Frank had difficulty pushing.He went for about 10 meters towhere it was too tight to go on.Cueva de Ojo de Aguade ManantialesThe next phase of our trip tookus to Ejido Manantiales, Municipiode Ocampo to re-visit Cueva de TresManantiales. This is a cave whichhas been visited many times in thepast by cavers but never mapped orfully explored. We learned from avigorous 57 year old local, AntonioBarragan, that the cave is'actuallynamed Cueva de Ojo de Agua de Manantiales.It is the only source ofwater for the ejido for miles around.A trail leads about 50 meters intothe cave, past an 8 meter high skylightentrance, to a narrow fissuresloping down 9 meters into a largelake. Over the fissure is a woodenplatform and a system for drawingwater buckets along a standing wirewhich inclines down to the lake.We spent 4 days here making biologicalcollections, photographing,exploring and mapping in the cave.The cave entrance lies at the southwestand lowest end of a large cultivateddolina. It is a picturesque,6 meter diameter arch surrounded byferns and elephant ears. After photographingthe entrances we began18the survey. We mapped down the waterfetching trail to the fissure abovethe lake. We found a 10 to 15 meterrope sufficient for descending thedrop into the lake. The lake can becrossed by crouching under a ceilingdrop to the right and creeping aroundthe right perimeter while trying tokeep from sliding along the muckybottom and off into deep water. Abetter strategy is to use an innertube and paddle straight across for16 meters. The lake is about 4 meterswide and quite chilly. Thecave strikes to the SE for 84 metersby way of a vadose-modified, mudbankedfissure to an intersection.Straight on is a scoured flows toneand cemented breccia-lined crawlwaywhich turns left (NE) after 73 metersand becomes a 0.3 meter high, muddywater crawl. We could see for 10meters into this but did not exploreit. Back at the intersection, themain route becomes a cobble-floored,joint-controlled subway which generallybears NE. Extremely strongjointing is evidenced by the high,zig-zagging fissures and strikingintersections. The ceiling is about12 meters high here. At most jointintersections, where the route usuallyturns, one can look up and seea deeply incised "X" in the ceiling.About 95 meters past the intersectionwe came to a 2 meter climbdown overclean flows tone to the edge of adeep, clear water passage. We tubedacross the 19 meter long, 3 meterdeep pool, and were once again incobble-floored fissure. A majorintersection lies 13 meters on andthe route takes a left to the NW.We stopped after 50 meters at thetop of a sloping drop, ending theday's survey with 422 meters mapped.The next day we photographedthe area near the clear lake, andcontinued the survey at the drop.The fissure descends steeply and werigged a rope around a 1 meter diametercobble which is wedged andcemented at a constriction. A IS

meter long, 9 meter deep, slopingdrop then follows, and a 20 meterhandline can be used here, althoughwe found a Texas prusik to be helpfulon the way back out. After somemore zig-zags the cave heads NEagain and 25 meters past the handlineit gets into 30+ meter highfissure. Another 25 meters laterwe rigged to a small loophole in theleft wall for a 6 meter drop. Aneasy 80 meter stroll led us into LaSala Grande, a major joint and passageintersection. This room isonly about 10 by 15 meters, but froma vantage point at the top of a highmud bank, the 25 to 30 meter ceilinglooked impressive. We followed themain route into a 290 meter long sectionof meanders with mud and cobblebanks -- easy mapping. At our laststation the ceiling dropped to lessthan 1 meter and we were 790 metersfrom the entrance and 44 meters belowit. Frank crawled on for about30 meters and could see another 12meters or so as the passage meanderedback to the left with an undulatingmud floor. l-le left a smoked "X"for our last station on the face ofthe ceiling drop. Figuring that thecave could continue for hundreds ofmeters like this, we returned to LaSala Grande and surveyed 30 metersup and over a mud bank to the headof a stream passage which struck offto the SE for about 30 meters towhere it turned left. It look~d liketubes were in order and Ours were twopitches back at the last lake. Tired,hungry and chilled we decided toend our survey here. We had mapped468 meters, bringing the cave lengthto 890 meters. It was agreed thatwet suits were definitely in orderfor this cave. In fact, a recordcold front had blown in and the lackof wet suits convinced uS to abandonthe survey this trip and move on toanother area for our last two d~ysin Mexico.Cueva de Ojo de Agua de Manantialeshad been collected in before,David McKenzie In Manantiales.(William Elliot)but I found two species of pseudoscorpion,an Exochodrilus cricket,and perhaps a few other things nottaken before.Rancho ManzillasWe decided to check a sotanolead at Rancho Manzillas, which islocated in the northernmost Sierrade El Abra at the base of the escarpment.A vaquero led us 20 meters upto Sotano de Rancho Manzillas, whichDavid and I spent a co~ple of hourschecking. It is actually two sinksconnected by a window-like slitthrough a wall between them. Thefirst sink is 20 by 30 meters, witha 5 meter pit at the SE end. David19

spiders on the walls, and a blindgryllid cricket was taken as wellas other fauna typical of the area.A schizomid was seen but it escaped.David sketched the cave, which inclinesupward at about 35° <strong>for</strong> adistance of about 175 meters. Thepassage is generally 5 meters wide,2 to 5 meters high, and is flooredwith flows tone and some breakdown.About 50 meters inside is a skylight.At the end, a short climb up leadsto a tight squeeze to the left thateven small Frank had difficulty pushing.He went <strong>for</strong> about 10 meters towhere it was too tight to go on.Cueva de Ojo de Aguade ManantialesThe next phase of our trip tookus to Ejido Manantiales, Municipiode Ocampo to re-visit Cueva de TresManantiales. This is a cave whichhas been visited many times in thepast by cavers but never mapped orfully explored. We learned from avigorous 57 year old local, AntonioBarragan, that the cave is'actuallynamed Cueva de Ojo de Agua de Manantiales.It is the only source ofwater <strong>for</strong> the ejido <strong>for</strong> miles around.A trail leads about 50 meters intothe cave, past an 8 meter high skylightentrance, to a narrow fissuresloping down 9 meters into a largelake. Over the fissure is a woodenplat<strong>for</strong>m and a system <strong>for</strong> drawingwater buckets along a standing wirewhich inclines down to the lake.We spent 4 days here making biologicalcollections, photographing,exploring and mapping in the cave.The cave entrance lies at the southwestand lowest end of a large cultivateddolina. It is a picturesque,6 meter diameter arch surrounded byferns and elephant ears. After photographingthe entrances we began18the survey. We mapped down the waterfetching trail to the fissure abovethe lake. We found a 10 to 15 meterrope sufficient <strong>for</strong> descending thedrop into the lake. The lake can becrossed by crouching under a ceilingdrop to the right and creeping aroundthe right perimeter while trying tokeep from sliding along the muckybottom and off into deep water. Abetter strategy is to use an innertube and paddle straight across <strong>for</strong>16 meters. The lake is about 4 meterswide and quite chilly. Thecave strikes to the SE <strong>for</strong> 84 metersby way of a vadose-modified, mudbankedfissure to an intersection.Straight on is a scoured flows toneand cemented breccia-lined crawlwaywhich turns left (NE) after 73 metersand becomes a 0.3 meter high, muddywater crawl. We could see <strong>for</strong> 10meters into this but did not exploreit. Back at the intersection, themain route becomes a cobble-floored,joint-controlled subway which generallybears NE. Extremely strongjointing is evidenced by the high,zig-zagging fissures and strikingintersections. The ceiling is about12 meters high here. At most jointintersections, where the route usuallyturns, one can look up and seea deeply incised "X" in the ceiling.About 95 meters past the intersectionwe came to a 2 meter climbdown overclean flows tone to the edge of adeep, clear water passage. We tubedacross the 19 meter long, 3 meterdeep pool, and were once again incobble-floored fissure. A majorintersection lies 13 meters on andthe route takes a left to the NW.We stopped after 50 meters at thetop of a sloping drop, ending theday's survey with 422 meters mapped.The next day we photographedthe area near the clear lake, andcontinued the survey at the drop.The fissure descends steeply and werigged a rope around a 1 meter diametercobble which is wedged andcemented at a constriction. A IS

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