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12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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The Sierra de Guatemala mountain range of southwestern Tamaulipas wasamong the first major karst areas in Mexico to be investigated by the AMCS.Yet it still remains largely unexplored <strong>for</strong> caves and has tremendous potential,particularly <strong>for</strong> deep cave systems. William Elliott and James Redellare currently in the process of compiling in<strong>for</strong>mation on the known caves ofthis important area, <strong>for</strong> future publication as a Bulletin. Recent issues ofthe Activities Newsletter contain accounts of exploration in the Sierra deGuatemala. Issue No. 8 describes a May 1978 trip to Sotano de La Joya deSalas, and the first diving attempt in the Nacimiento del Rlo Sabinas, amajor karst spring at the base of the range. Issue No. 9 recounts the seconddive in the Rlo Sabinas, and this issue contains Sheck Exley's article onthe diving of the same spring to a phenomenal depth of 95 meters, as well asan investigation of the Nacimiento del Rlo Frlo, another resurgence <strong>for</strong> theSierra de Guatemala. (Ed.)Sierra de GuatemalaWilliam R. ElliottOn the evening of 28 December1978 David McKenzie, Frank Endresand I arrived at a favorite cavercamping spot along the Rlo Frlonear Gomez Farlas. In the morningwe unsuccessfully attempted tolocate Cueva del Rlo Sabinas whichis reportedly west of El Encinonear the Nacimiento del Rlo Sabinas.So, that afternoon we decided toget a local guide. We met Mario deLeon Castillo who lives on a ranchonorth of La Libertad and knows ofseveral caves in the area, one ofwhich he described as having pictographsin it. He and some huntingcompanions agreed to help us and sobegan our journey downstream fromthe nacimiento. After a 45 minutehike involving two river crossingswe arrived at Cueva de El Charcode la Cabeza, which by legend waswhere the skull of a murdured manwas found many years ago. The cavelies on the north side of the rloabout 20 meters above a pool. Thiswasn't the cave we wanted, but itlooked good. The entrance, about3 meters in diameter, is barely visiblethrough the trees from the rloand is at the base of a prominentwhite bluff. All eight of us entered,and about one hour of biologicalcollecting, photography and explorationensued. The cave was notable<strong>for</strong> its many large moths and CtenusOpposite: Second lake in Cueva de Ojo de Agua de Manantiales. (William Elliot)17

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