12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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Returning to my bicycle, I packedmy carbide and changed into mycycling shorts. With the energy thatcomes from a sense of great excitement,I bowled my wayan to Huna.Uxmal. Actun Treinta ySeis. Actun de Abeja PicaduraAt Muna the flat coastal plaiarises abruptly into the Puuc Hillsand the countryside changes to arolling karst plain that gains altitudeas you proceed further south.This area was a pleasure to cycleas the rolling expaase provides <strong>for</strong>a variety of gear pushing and a changeof scenery. Twenty kilometers laterI was pedaling up a rise and there inthe distance I could see the outlineof the Piramide del Adirino (Pyramidof the Magician), the prominent ruinof Uxmal. Minutes later I was walkingup to the top of this ancientstructure to again experience themysticism of the ancient Mayans.From Uxmal mytravels continuedsouth <strong>for</strong> I was heading <strong>for</strong> the villageof Bolonchen (Mayan: "Bolon =nine and "Chen" = wells) to visitthe famous caves: the Grutas deXtacumbilxunam. Fortunately thisroad not only took me to Bolonchen,but also by several interesting caves.My cave count had by now reached35 when I chanced to see what lookedlike several interesting cave entrancesin a round hill only half a kilometermvay. Again hiding and chainingmy bike off the road, I put mycarbide lamp, my bikelight, and surveygear into my pack and startedoff through the jungle, chopping myway through with my machete. Halfau hour later, I found myself confrontedby no less than three caveentrances.Since this was my 36th cave ofthe trip, I dubbed this cave systemActtin Treinta y Seis. When I enteredI was surprised to find thatall three entrances led into onelarge, low ceilinged room. Thischamber was fully 100 meters wide.Situated between two of the entrancesin this large room was a short column(seemingly holding up the ceiling).Piramide del Adirino at Uxmal.(Edward Ranney, Stonework of the Maya)11

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