12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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Surface surveying above Valhalla.(Paul Fambro)columns reminiscent of Carlsbad <strong>Cave</strong>rns.It was too nice a place tocall Carlsbad, so it was named theCarlsgood Room. Several other leadswere pushed to no avail.The next couple of days werespent by most of the group doing surfacesurveys and mapping in some ofthe smaller caves around Conrado Castillo.Terri headed two separateteams which mapped Cueva de Tecoloteand most of Cueva de Desmontes.Cueva de Los Sierpes was pushed andall the cave entrances in the areawere tied together with a surfacesurvey. One more trip was taken intoValhalla by Peter, Randy and Peterwhere they wound up partially exploringand mapping what they hoped to bea new, easier route to the ValkyrieRiver, discovered last July.Infiernillo - Camp IISix cavers were to camp in Infiernillo<strong>for</strong> another week. Blake,Gill, and Mark drove Terri, Peter,Randy, Dale, Peter, and Steve downto the trailhead to Infiernillo. Onthe drive down, several caves werediscovered at Galindo, including onethat was basically one large roomwith a low, flat ceiling. Blakedropped the six off and returned toConrado Castillo after stopping atthe sawmill <strong>for</strong> lumber. Everyoneelse headed down the trail and bythe time the arroyo was reached, ithad begun to rain as it had <strong>for</strong> thepast few afternoons in Conrado Castillo.People climbed into the caveand hauled gear up. Camp I wasreached with no difficulties and96

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