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12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies 12MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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In the delicate recesses of Valhalla.(Paul Fambro)the survey above the Attic to a smallroom named the Roots Room, which isthe highest known point in the systemat this time at 893 meters above theInfiernillo sumps. Peter dug two hoursin a fissure filled with surface dirt,tree roots and leaves. From there,the team returned to the Attic Roomand mapped the Ain't Bad HelictiteRoom, the Helictite Jail, and theSeven Totems Room, all of which areadjacent to the Attic Room and arevery well decorated with lots of helictitesas the names suggest.During this time, Terry Raines,Denny, Jim a~d, Kurt were takingphotographic trips to the HistoricSection and the World Beyond. OnMarch 13 they headed to Cueva deInfiernillo where they explored severalnew passages near the BalconyBorehole. They returned to thefieldhouse in Conrado Castillo thenext day and then on March 15, theyonce again returned to Infiernilloalong with Paul, Lisa and Nye wherethey did a photographic trip to theNetherhall. While in the cave, Nyeslipped while doing a climbdown andbroke his right wrist, but he wasable to return to the entrance andtraverse the hike to the vehiclesunder his own power. Once again,another accident shows that all theclimbs throughout the system shouldbe taken seriously by any who enter.These six then headed out of themountains and back to the States.March 14 saw the arrival of MarkShumate, who had come to stay for theduration of the spring project. Hewas driven up to Conrado Castillo by"Larry Clay and a couple of his friends,who stayed a few days to visit theHistoric section. By March 17 Peter,Leslie, Terri, Jerry, Dale, and Mark84

were the only ones left at the fieldhouse.All the others had returnedto the States and prior commitments.Plans to camp in Infiernillo fora week were postponed when Terri camedown sick, so once again most of theefforts were put forth working in theupper reaches of Brinco and taking dayhikes in the general vicinity of ConradoCastillo. On March 16 Mark, Leslie,and Peter surveyed at the end ofthe Helictite Passage in Brinco for atotal of 140 meters. Computer plottingshows it passing underneath TinCan Alley. The next day, Peter, Leslie,and Dale went into Valhalla viathe Vapor entrance to continue mappingwindy leads out of the Attic area.They mapped up a small stream namedCalcite River for the calcite crystalslaid out on top of some stickymud deposits in the first section.They followed this 150 meters throughsome nicely decorated passage, whichincluded the first cave pearls to befound in the system, to a boulderchoke very close to the surface. Abreeze could be heard blowing throughthe pine trees a few meters abovetheir heads. Rat's nests in thisarea had green leaves in them, an~other indication of being close tothe surface, so it was named theRat's Loft.The breakdown pile was impossibleto dig through from below so they returnedto the surface via the Vaporentrance once again. The followingday Jerry and Mark did a surface surveyto locate the area above this newsection of cave. It was left as agood digging lea~ to be pushed laterduring the stay.Several day hikes were taken inthe immediate area over the next fewNye Nestman in the Entrance Crawl, Cueva de Vapor.(Paul Fambro)85

In the delicate recesses of Valhalla.(Paul Fambro)the survey above the Attic to a smallroom named the Roots Room, which isthe highest known point in the systemat this time at 893 meters above theInfiernillo sumps. Peter dug two hoursin a fissure filled with surface dirt,tree roots and leaves. From there,the team returned to the Attic Roomand mapped the Ain't Bad HelictiteRoom, the Helictite Jail, and theSeven Totems Room, all of which areadjacent to the Attic Room and arevery well decorated with lots of helictitesas the names suggest.During this time, Terry Raines,Denny, Jim a~d, Kurt were takingphotographic trips to the HistoricSection and the World Beyond. OnMarch 13 they headed to Cueva deInfiernillo where they explored severalnew passages near the BalconyBorehole. They returned to thefieldhouse in Conrado Castillo thenext day and then on March 15, theyonce again returned to Infiernilloalong with Paul, Lisa and Nye wherethey did a photographic trip to theNetherhall. While in the cave, Nyeslipped while doing a climbdown andbroke his right wrist, but he wasable to return to the entrance andtraverse the hike to the vehiclesunder his own power. Once again,another accident shows that all theclimbs throughout the system shouldbe taken seriously by any who enter.These six then headed out of themountains and back to the States.March 14 saw the arrival of MarkShumate, who had come to stay <strong>for</strong> theduration of the spring project. Hewas driven up to Conrado Castillo by"Larry Clay and a couple of his friends,who stayed a few days to visit theHistoric section. By March 17 Peter,Leslie, Terri, Jerry, Dale, and Mark84

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