Untitled - KiteLife

Untitled - KiteLife Untitled - KiteLife


INTERNATIONAL STUNT KITEASSOCIATION FORMED3 FEBRUARY 1989 - Organizersof five of the country's largest, establishedstunt kite competitionshave announced the formation ofthe International Stunt Kite Association. The ISKA has organizedan international circuit of competitionswhich will be run under aset of uniform standards . Accordingto ISKA president, Fran Gramkowski(East Coast National StuntKite Competitions), the group willalso establish a point ranking systemto determine an InternationalStunt Kite Champion .Open class flyers will be givenpoints on a 10 to 100 basis forfinishes in four of the six sanctionedevents . A first place finish will netthe competitor 100 points, 90 forsecond, and so on . Intermediateclass flyers will similarly be rankedon a 5 to 50 point basis . Becauseof the distances and cash outlaysinvolved to attend all events, finalpoint tallies will be based on thebest four finishes . Competitors whofail to finish in the top 10 will beawarded certificates of participationfor their efforts . By the end ofthe flying year, all competitorsshould be able to figure their positionin the international flying circuitas a ranking system will be inplace .Additionally, the association willwork to establish the growth of thesport through sanctioned regionalcompetitions . "We are happy toannounce that our first Europeanregional event will be held atWashington, Tyne & Wear,England, on July 15th and 16th,"Gramkowski noted .Making up the balance of theBoard of Directors of the ISKA are :Terry Crumpler (Texas Gulf CoastChallenge), secretary/treasurer ;Robert Loera (Hawaii Challenge),vice-president ; CherieMcFadden-(National West CoastStunt Kite Championships), vicepresident; and Cris Batdorff (GreatLakes National Stunt Kite Championships), -Vice-president . All fiveevents will be ISKA pointsanctionedthis year . The sixthranked event will be the AKANationals .Interested parties may find outmore about the ISKA by writing to :The International Stunt Kite Association,P.O . Box 515, Clute, TX77531 .Mike Bore ofthe Wind Wizzardsteam. TheWizzards, sponsoredby GrandBay Kite Companyof TraverseCity, Ml, wereamong a numberof flyers askedto fly duringthe NorthAmerican VASA(cross-countryskiing) racesheld in TraverseCity this lastFebruary. Hotstuff in the wintertime!SKQ Photo byCris Batdorff

BELMONT PARKCHAMPIONSHIPSTO OFFER CASHIN INTERMEDIATEFor the first tine in stunt kite competition, cashawards are being offered to Intermediate-divisioncompetitors . $3000 is up for grabs at the first annualBelmont Park National Stunt Kite Championships,being held at San Diego April 22-23 . Prize money willbe split among the top four finishers in IntermediatePrecision and Ballet in both Individual and Teamcategories . Additionally, $1700 will be distributedamong all Intermediate-division flyers that registerand compete .Cash awards have been offered at competitiveevents prior to Belmont, but were previously reservedfor Open-Division flyers . "It's a way to get theIntermediate flyers more involved," said event organizerRon Romero of ROME Enterprises . "A lot ofthe flyers don't think that they're good enough tofly at large events . . . the entry fee scares thenaway . . . we're trying to encourage then to get outand give it a try, at least they'll get somethingback ."For further information about the Belmont Parkevent contact : ROME Enterprises, 129 Samoa Court,San Ramon, CA 94583, or telephone : 415-866-8173 .(For more about the Belmont Nationals, see the"pre-story" on page 27 .)We have lost one of the clowns . John Nessimpassed away at the age of 25 in Fort Lauderdaleon February 23, 1989 . John was fairly new to stuntkite flying but had a natural talent and was a brilliantflyer. The last tine we flew together in publicwas in front of 150,000 people when we openedthe Miami Air Show .We will never forget him practicing on the narrowPompano Beach . Night after night, retirees andtourists, sometimes a hundred of then, used toline the beaches and seawall just to watch Johngive one of his dazzling and breathtaking performances. He gave people a lot of pleasure,was extremely sociable and made friendswherever he went .We will all miss him .Bill BakerPeter Powell KitesJOHN NESSIMPETER POWELLTEAM FLYER

INTERNATIONAL STUNT KITEASSOCIATION FORMED3 FEBRUARY 1989 - Organizersof five of the country's largest, establishedstunt kite competitionshave announced the formation ofthe International Stunt Kite Association. The ISKA has organizedan international circuit of competitionswhich will be run under aset of uniform standards . Accordingto ISKA president, Fran Gramkowski(East Coast National StuntKite Competitions), the group willalso establish a point ranking systemto determine an InternationalStunt Kite Champion .Open class flyers will be givenpoints on a 10 to 100 basis forfinishes in four of the six sanctionedevents . A first place finish will netthe competitor 100 points, 90 forsecond, and so on . Intermediateclass flyers will similarly be rankedon a 5 to 50 point basis . Becauseof the distances and cash outlaysinvolved to attend all events, finalpoint tallies will be based on thebest four finishes . Competitors whofail to finish in the top 10 will beawarded certificates of participationfor their efforts . By the end ofthe flying year, all competitorsshould be able to figure their positionin the international flying circuitas a ranking system will be inplace .Additionally, the association willwork to establish the growth of thesport through sanctioned regionalcompetitions . "We are happy toannounce that our first Europeanregional event will be held atWashington, Tyne & Wear,England, on July 15th and 16th,"Gramkowski noted .Making up the balance of theBoard of Directors of the ISKA are :Terry Crumpler (Texas Gulf CoastChallenge), secretary/treasurer ;Robert Loera (Hawaii Challenge),vice-president ; CherieMcFadden-(National West CoastStunt Kite Championships), vicepresident; and Cris Batdorff (GreatLakes National Stunt Kite Championships), -Vice-president . All fiveevents will be ISKA pointsanctionedthis year . The sixthranked event will be the AKANationals .Interested parties may find outmore about the ISKA by writing to :The International Stunt Kite Association,P.O . Box 515, Clute, TX77531 .Mike Bore ofthe Wind Wizzardsteam. TheWizzards, sponsoredby GrandBay Kite Companyof TraverseCity, Ml, wereamong a numberof flyers askedto fly duringthe NorthAmerican VASA(cross-countryskiing) racesheld in TraverseCity this lastFebruary. Hotstuff in the wintertime!SKQ Photo byCris Batdorff

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