Untitled - KiteLife

Untitled - KiteLife Untitled - KiteLife


sport. So be sure to enter noviceevents, in your area, as soon asyou make the decision to compete. I have worked the field (asPit Boss, Judge or ground crew),and believe me there is a certainamount of "stage fright/jitters"that strikes even experiencedflyers . Novice events can help youcope with that as well as showyou how most events are run .So, practice figures (most competitioncompulsory figures andrules are readily available fromother dual line flyers), and/or carefullyselect a good piece of musicfor ballet, relax and enjoy flying incompetition .From where I stand, it appearsthat the competitors that placewell in competitions, are the onesthat go out on the field to "have agood time" and that shows! ITSHOULD BE FUN!Dual line stunt flying can bequite a workout, but whether youwant to compete or not, ladies . . . .Get out there and try it!! The keyto dual line, for us, is not trying tofollow the men's style . We need totry new techniques and developour own style . As in any kite flying,you can do it, with "the right kitefor the conditions at the time" ;and the type of kite you enjoyflying . There are so manyvariations of stunt kites availablefor all types of wind conditionsand all types of flyers . Big, small,one or a stack, it doesn't matter . Ifind it exciting, relaxing, rewardingand nearly therapeutic . Find thekite that fits you and what youwant to do, and FLY!!!Pam HolbrookWorthington, OH .

KTA HOLDS FIRSTSOLO TRADE SHOWThe Kona Kai Club in San Diego was the gatheringspot for better than 200 members and interestedparties last January as the Kite Trade AssociationInternational held its first ever solo kite tradeshow . The event, which has in the past been associatedwith the American Kitefliers' Associationnational convention, split from the organization atthe Washington, D .C . convention, opting to pursuethe hobby as a merchandising endeavor .Michael McFadden, who was re-elected presidentof the KTA at the San Diego event, was veryhappy with the show. "We've come so far in thepast couple of years . . . I'm proud to be a part of it,"McFadden declared . There were nearly 60 boothssold for the event and the array of new products ofinterest to the stunt flying community was fantastic .(Many of the new kites seen at the KTA conventionare reviewed in detail elsewhere in this magazine .)New products included : the Revolution 1, fromRevolution Kites ; a quad-line kite that is capable of,among other things, backwards flight and launching,along with propeller-type turns . Sparless Stuntersintroduced, naturally, the Sparless Stunter, a duallineparafoil-type kite and a second stunter builtalong more traditional lines . Banshee Kites introducedthree models which make use of the flyingwing concept. New from Peter Powell was theSkyraker, a winged design complete with standoffspars . Action Kites is now offering Sky Darts in thesame attractive sail designs that have made theSuper Darts so popular over the years . New fromJerry Sinotte (Avenger Kites) is the Peregrine, awedge-keeled dual-line wing with a dual-skinnedkeel section . Top of the Line is now writing orders fortheir new -3/4-size Hawaiians and Spinoffs. Trlby has introducedthrough their sister company, GreatAmerican Kite Company, a newly designeddiamond stunter aimed at the beginners marketcalled the Screamer. Original Kitebag was takingorders for new kite bags that are large enough tohold a fair selection of stunters without having tocollapse the leading edge spars .The consensus opinion of the attendees was thatthis first venture of the KTA was a very good one . Anumber of the exhibitors commented that they hadwritten some very nice orders . In addition to thenumerous workshops held, there was ample time forfree flying and a chance to both view and try someof the new products offered .Next year's show is already in the works, beingslated for January 17-20 at the Sheraton Bal Harbour,in Miami, Fl . For further information abouteither the Kite Trade Association or their annualevent contact Carl Parlette, at 415-764-4908, orwrite the KTA at 50 First Street, Suite 310, San Francisco,CA 94105 .

sport. So be sure to enter noviceevents, in your area, as soon asyou make the decision to compete. I have worked the field (asPit Boss, Judge or ground crew),and believe me there is a certainamount of "stage fright/jitters"that strikes even experiencedflyers . Novice events can help youcope with that as well as showyou how most events are run .So, practice figures (most competitioncompulsory figures andrules are readily available fromother dual line flyers), and/or carefullyselect a good piece of musicfor ballet, relax and enjoy flying incompetition .From where I stand, it appearsthat the competitors that placewell in competitions, are the onesthat go out on the field to "have agood time" and that shows! ITSHOULD BE FUN!Dual line stunt flying can bequite a workout, but whether youwant to compete or not, ladies . . . .Get out there and try it!! The keyto dual line, for us, is not trying tofollow the men's style . We need totry new techniques and developour own style . As in any kite flying,you can do it, with "the right kitefor the conditions at the time" ;and the type of kite you enjoyflying . There are so manyvariations of stunt kites availablefor all types of wind conditionsand all types of flyers . Big, small,one or a stack, it doesn't matter . Ifind it exciting, relaxing, rewardingand nearly therapeutic . Find thekite that fits you and what youwant to do, and FLY!!!Pam HolbrookWorthington, OH .

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