Untitled - KiteLife

Untitled - KiteLife Untitled - KiteLife


THIRD ANNUAL TEXAS GULF COASTCHALLENGE. Galveston, Texas, will be thisyear's site for the Texas Gulf CoastChallenge. This popular event,now the second stop on therecently formed InternationalStunt Kite Association's tour, will beheld April 8-9 in the R .A . ApffelPark . According to event organizer,Terry Crumpler, "HistoricGalveston Island, with its 32 milesof beaches, should be the perfectbackdrop for the Challenge .We're looking for temperaturesnear 70 0 and ideal wind conditions.We've nearly tripled thenumber of events and skill levelsfor this year's event . . . everyoneshould have a shot at something!"Competition will be held inJunior, Novice, Experienced, andAdvanced classes . IndividualPrecision will be run in each class .The other events : Individual Ballet,Team Precision, and Team Ballet,will be held for Experienced andAdvanced classes only . Innovativeevents will be run as open or unclassified,i .e ., open to any skilllevel .Organizer Crumpler also tells usthat one of the "Great Texas Barb eques of all time" will be held onSaturday night following the competitions ."The barbeque, alone,should make anyone's tripworthwhile," Crumpler adds .Figures to be flown in the Precisioncategories are among themore difficult that we have seen ."The Texas Challenge should bejust that . . . a challenge," Crumplernoted . "Whoever wins at thiscompetition automatically getsTexas Braggin' Rights ." As well theyshould . . . check out some of them!The Texas Gulf Coast Challengeis quickly turning into one of thecountry's premier events, havinggrown steadily for the past twoyears . The prospects for spectatingshould be excellent as well .Registration fees range from$10 .00 plus $10 .00 per event forjuniors, through $35 .00 plus $10 .00per event for Advanced Classflyers . Interested parties are askedto contact : Texas Challenge,Surfside Flyers, P.O. Box 3105 B,Freeport, TX 77541 .

BELMONT NATIONAL STUNT KITE COMPETITIONROME Enterprises of San Ramon,California, has announced that itwill host its first annual event in SanDiego on April 22-23 . The sitechosen is Belmont Park, onMariner's Island, site of the 1985AKA Nationals and Convention .The event is open to Intermediateand Open Division flyers in bothTeam and Individual Classes. BothPrecision and Ballet events will beflown .A purse of $3000 is at stake inthe Intermediate Division only . TheBelmont Park event will mark thefirst time that prize monies havebeen offered at this level of competition. Approximately $1700 inadditional cash awards will be distributedamong the IntermediateClass flyers that register and competebut fail to finish in the topfour.Additionally featured will be amanufacturers' product displaywith the most creative endeavortaking home an award of $250 .An entry fee of $50 is beingcharged for the event and thefield will be limited to 100 flyers .Further information about theBelmont Park Championships maybe obtained by contacting : ROMEEnterprises, 129 Samoa Ct ., SanRamon, CA 94583, or by calling :415-866-8173 .

BELMONT NATIONAL STUNT KITE COMPETITIONROME Enterprises of San Ramon,California, has announced that itwill host its first annual event in SanDiego on April 22-23 . The sitechosen is Belmont Park, onMariner's Island, site of the 1985AKA Nationals and Convention .The event is open to Intermediateand Open Division flyers in bothTeam and Individual Classes. BothPrecision and Ballet events will beflown .A purse of $3000 is at stake inthe Intermediate Division only . TheBelmont Park event will mark thefirst time that prize monies havebeen offered at this level of competition. Approximately $1700 inadditional cash awards will be distributedamong the IntermediateClass flyers that register and competebut fail to finish in the topfour.Additionally featured will be amanufacturers' product displaywith the most creative endeavortaking home an award of $250 .An entry fee of $50 is beingcharged for the event and thefield will be limited to 100 flyers .Further information about theBelmont Park Championships maybe obtained by contacting : ROMEEnterprises, 129 Samoa Ct ., SanRamon, CA 94583, or by calling :415-866-8173 .

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