Langcliffe - Yorkshire Dales National Park

Langcliffe - Yorkshire Dales National Park Langcliffe - Yorkshire Dales National Park
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121314English Heritage (2006)Guidance on themanagement of conservationareas, paragraph 5.22.PPS5: Planning for theHistoric Environment (2010).Planning (Listed Buildingsand Conservation Areas) Act1990, section or is likely to take place, and which should therefore be brought intofull planning control in the public interest 12 . Policy HE4.1 of PPS5advises local planning authorities to consider the use of Article 4directions where the exercise of permitted development rights wouldundermine the aims for the historic environment, to ensure newdevelopment is given due consideration 13 .Management plans – Neither the designation of a conservation area orthe preparation of a character appraisal is an end in itself. The localplanning authority is also required, in consultation with the public, toformulate management plans to help preserve and enhance conservationareas 14 . These management plans may set out a variety of measuresdesigned to help safeguard, manage and improve the area within itshistoric context. The appraisal is the basis for developing a managementplan for the conservation area.8

12English Heritage (2006)Guidance on conservationarea appraisals, paragraph4.3.English Heritage (2006)Guidance on themanagement of conservationareas, paragraph Definition of Special InterestThe purpose of this appraisal is to define the special interest of theLangcliffe Conservation Area that warrants its designation, assummarised below. A detailed analysis is provided in the next chapter(see 4.0).3.1 GeneralThe special architectural or historic interest of a conservationarea is reflected in its character or appearance which it isdesirable to preserve or enhance.When searching for the special interest of the Langcliffe ConservationArea, its significance, identity and distinctiveness is judged alongsidelocal or regional criteria, while also recognising values attributed to thearea by the local community and all those with a legitimate interest in it 1 .The more clearly special interest is defined, the sounder will be the basisfor local policies, development control decisions and managementproposals. This helps reduce the potential uncertainty for owners andothers when investment or development in the area is considered 2 .3.2 Summary of the Special Interest of theLangcliffe Conservation AreaThe special character of Langcliffe lies in the following: informal pattern of the built environment (see 4.1.b) beautiful landscape setting (see 4.1.c) historical development of the Manor of Langcliffe and asan early-industrial village (see 4.2.a) a variety of different yet well-related spaces (see 4.3) some attractive buildings (see 4.4.c)9

12English Heritage (2006)Guidance on conservationarea appraisals, paragraph4.3.English Heritage (2006)Guidance on themanagement of conservationareas, paragraph Definition of Special InterestThe purpose of this appraisal is to define the special interest of the<strong>Langcliffe</strong> Conservation Area that warrants its designation, assummarised below. A detailed analysis is provided in the next chapter(see 4.0).3.1 GeneralThe special architectural or historic interest of a conservationarea is reflected in its character or appearance which it isdesirable to preserve or enhance.When searching for the special interest of the <strong>Langcliffe</strong> ConservationArea, its significance, identity and distinctiveness is judged alongsidelocal or regional criteria, while also recognising values attributed to thearea by the local community and all those with a legitimate interest in it 1 .The more clearly special interest is defined, the sounder will be the basisfor local policies, development control decisions and managementproposals. This helps reduce the potential uncertainty for owners andothers when investment or development in the area is considered 2 .3.2 Summary of the Special Interest of the<strong>Langcliffe</strong> Conservation AreaThe special character of <strong>Langcliffe</strong> lies in the following: informal pattern of the built environment (see 4.1.b) beautiful landscape setting (see 4.1.c) historical development of the Manor of <strong>Langcliffe</strong> and asan early-industrial village (see 4.2.a) a variety of different yet well-related spaces (see 4.3) some attractive buildings (see 4.4.c)9

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