Langcliffe - Yorkshire Dales National Park

Langcliffe - Yorkshire Dales National Park

Langcliffe - Yorkshire Dales National Park

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(2) The next character zone, which is in the east of the <strong>Langcliffe</strong>Conservation Area, contains the Green and some of the open spacebeyond, including the church, the school and St John’s Row. Althoughthere are several fine buildings, including the listed church and CockHouse and Grisedale, it is the large green space that draws the eye.(3) The character zone of <strong>Langcliffe</strong> Hall is in the south of theconservation area and consists of the main house, several outbuildingsand large grounds. Although close to the settlement, the Hall faces south,away from the village, with high boundary walls to the west and northThere are important views from the south onto the grounds, where thelisted Hall can be seen sitting against backdrop of the village (figure 24).Figure 24: Zone 3 – <strong>Langcliffe</strong>Hall estate (photo © Gaby Rose,YNDPA, 2009)7Slater, Michael J (2009)‘Bowerley in <strong>Langcliffe</strong>’,email to Gaby Rose on 21November.(4) Bowerley (figure 25) is in the southwest of the <strong>Langcliffe</strong>Conservation Area. Although its name is referred to in land sales fromabout 1700 onwards, this location was an empty plot of land until thehouse was built in 1854 7 . The property is quite detached from the mainvillage. This is due to, firstly, its distance to the built-up area, secondly,the B6479 acting as a dividing line and, thirdly, the lower altitude of thelocation. There is some modern development behind the main buildings,which is visible from the main road and does not complement the overallcharacter of the conservation area.Figure 25: Zone 4 – Bowerley(photo © Gaby Rose, YNDPA,2009)Summary. <strong>Langcliffe</strong> consists of four very individual character zones.The strongest bond is formed between zones one and two, which makeup the main village, while zone three physically clings to the edge of thevillage with little visual relations to the others. Zone four is even moredetached but offers an imposing entrance to the village.25

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