O'Donoghue MTh_Thesis-FinalCopy.pdf - South African Theological ...

O'Donoghue MTh_Thesis-FinalCopy.pdf - South African Theological ...

O'Donoghue MTh_Thesis-FinalCopy.pdf - South African Theological ...


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unanimous among scholars. These reasons need to be examined as the response tothem will affect the disciple’s attitude to Jesus teaching regarding rewards, which ofcourse will show to have pertinence to Matthew 6:19-34.The first reason scholars take exception to such a view is pointed out by Blomberg(1992:159). Blomberg (1992:159) takes exception to this eternal idea of rewards ashe believes it teaches that believers in eternity will be differentiated from one anotheron the basis of rewards. Blomberg (p.160) believes that there is no evidence in theNew Testament that supports the idea of believers being differentiated from eachother, based on the performance as a Christian during their time on earth. Further hebelieves that such a view would have negative consequences on the psychology ofthe believer.As Heaven is a place where there is joy, peace, no sorrow etc, scholars ask thequestion as to whether or not varying degrees of reward will not lead to people beingreminded of past failures and having regret (Erickson 2004:1241)? Further, much ofthe descriptions of believers in their eternal state relates to doing the same kind ofactivities. Erickson makes an attempt to resolve this conflict by speculating thatbelievers will have “subjective awareness.” i.e. while all would engage in the sameactivities, some would “enjoy it much more than others.” The thinking here is that asno one will be aware as to how much the next person is enjoying Heaven there willbe no place for regret (p.1242).Blomberg’s view that there are no degrees of reward in Heaven won’t stand. Therewill be degrees of reward in eternity for the believer (Erickson 2004:1241). Luke19:11-27 makes this obvious. In Luke 19:11-27 it is clear that some disciples arerewarded more than others for faithfulness in service to God. Also Daniel 12:3seems to project a special reward for those who are wise and who lead many torighteousness. It is best then to accept that there are degrees of reward in heaven.And perhaps, like Erickson, to speculate that as there is no grief and sorrow inHeaven, the awareness of various degrees of joy will be a “subjective awareness(Erickson 2004:121).”The second reason scholars take exception to the teaching of rewards (notably this82

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