O'Donoghue MTh_Thesis-FinalCopy.pdf - South African Theological ...

O'Donoghue MTh_Thesis-FinalCopy.pdf - South African Theological ... O'Donoghue MTh_Thesis-FinalCopy.pdf - South African Theological ...

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discipleship in Matthew is related to community as at times obedience to God is livedout in the context of community. The significance of Jesus teaching of wealth withincommunity will be explored in other areas of this thesis.While Matthew is not exclusively a biography, it does contain biographical elements.Matthew’s biographical elements strengthen the argument of Matthew’s purpose indiscipleship. Biography also serves to remind the reader that the teachings cannotbe separated from the person Jesus. It will be shown later in the thesis that Jesus inthe Gospel of Matthew not only instructs disciples but impressively embodies Hisinstructions and so the reader is presented with a role model.Matthew proclaims the gospel for both Jew and Gentile. The proclamation of Jesusleading His people from slavery to sin will carry pertinence in the remainder of thisthesis. Matthew’s church was faced with the tension of reconciling their Jewishheritage with their new Christian faith. Matthew’s affirmation of the continuedrelevance of the Moral Law shows something of the continuity with the Jewish faith.It is significant in that a couple of the ten commandments have direct relevance tothe teachings of Matthew 6:19-34.25

Chapter 3Literary Analysis - Structure of the Text3.1 IntroductionAs noted in Chapter One a literary analysis needs to be conducted in order to betterunderstand the meaning of the passage, and thus assist in clarifying what Matthew6:19-34 teaches about the relationship between the Christian disciple and money.The goal of this chapter is to begin the literary analysis of Matthew 6:19-34 by findinga working model for the formal division and subdivisions of the text.When considering different scholars’ viewpoints regarding structure one notes thatthere is a lot of debate around source criticism and tradition history. It seems likelythat much of the debate around what parts of the text belong to which theoreticalsources is unlikely to be unresolved.Further, what the readers have to work with is the text in its final form. It is in thisform that it has been presented to the Christian disciple. Thus the approach toidentifying the structure of the text will be similar to Lioy (2004:10), who notes thatthe objective and prudent approach would be to consider the text in its final form.Clearly as it stands in its final form (in the original) it is meant to be read.It should also be noted from the outset that it is common for scholars to considerMatthew 6:19-34 as part of the larger pericope of Matthew 6:19-7:12. As will beshown there is similarity in structure and in theme between 6:19-34 and 7:1-12. Thus26

Chapter 3Literary Analysis - Structure of the Text3.1 IntroductionAs noted in Chapter One a literary analysis needs to be conducted in order to betterunderstand the meaning of the passage, and thus assist in clarifying what Matthew6:19-34 teaches about the relationship between the Christian disciple and money.The goal of this chapter is to begin the literary analysis of Matthew 6:19-34 by findinga working model for the formal division and subdivisions of the text.When considering different scholars’ viewpoints regarding structure one notes thatthere is a lot of debate around source criticism and tradition history. It seems likelythat much of the debate around what parts of the text belong to which theoreticalsources is unlikely to be unresolved.Further, what the readers have to work with is the text in its final form. It is in thisform that it has been presented to the Christian disciple. Thus the approach toidentifying the structure of the text will be similar to Lioy (2004:10), who notes thatthe objective and prudent approach would be to consider the text in its final form.Clearly as it stands in its final form (in the original) it is meant to be read.It should also be noted from the outset that it is common for scholars to considerMatthew 6:19-34 as part of the larger pericope of Matthew 6:19-7:12. As will beshown there is similarity in structure and in theme between 6:19-34 and 7:1-12. Thus26

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