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Jordan C 1970. The Sermon on the Mount (rev. ed). Valley Forge: Judson Press.Juel GH 1997. The Trinity and the New Testament. Theology Today 54(3): 312-324.Kapolyo J 2006. Matthew. In T Adeyemo (gen ed), Africa Bible Commentary, 1105-1170. Nairobi, Kenya: Word Alive Publishers.Keck LE (gen. ed) 2005. The New Interpreters Bible: New Testament Survey.Nashville: Abingdon Press.Keener CS 1993 ©. The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament.Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press.________ 1999 ©. A commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids,Michigan: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company.________ 2009 ©. The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. GrandRapids, Michigan: Wiiam B Eerdmans Publishing Company.Kee HC & Young FW 1986. The Living World of the New Testament. London:Dalton, Longman & Todd.Kissinger WS 1975. The Sermon on the Mount: A History of Interpretation andBibliography. Metulen, NJ: The American Theological Library Association.Lategan B 2009. Mapping the Hermeneutical process. In Du Toit A (ed), Focusing onthe Message: New Testament hermeneutics, exegesis and methods, 65-105.Pretoria: Protea Book House.Lenski RCH 1964. The Interpretation of St. Matthew’s Gospel.: Minneapolis,Minnesota: Augsburg Publishing House.Leske A 1998. Matthew. In WR Farmer (ed), The International Bible commentary: ACatholic and Ecumenical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, 1253-1330.Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press.Lioy D 2004©. The Decalogue in the Sermon on the Mount. (2 nd ed). New York:109

Peter Laing Publishing.Lloyd-Jones DM 2006. Studies in Sermon on the Mount. Nottingham, England: IVP.Long TC 1997. Matthew. Louisville/London: WJK.Luthi W & Brunner R 1963. The Sermon on the Mount. Translated by RobertSchoenenberger. Edinnburg and London: Oliver and Boyd.Marshall IH 1992©. Church. In JB Green and S McKnight’s (eds) Dictionary of Jesusand the Gospels 122-125. Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press.Marshall IH 2004©. New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, OneGospel.Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic.McArthur HK 1978. Understanding the Sermon on the Mount. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press Publishers.Meier JP 1980. Matthew. Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, Inc.Metzger BM 1992. The New Testament: it’s background, growth and content. (2 nded). Nashville: Abingdon Press.Motyer JA 1975©. Body, Member, Limb. In C Brown (ed), The New InternationalDictionary of New Testament Theology (vol.1), 229-241. Exeter: The PaternosterPress.Nolland J 2005. The New International Greek Testament Commentary Text: theGospel of Matthew: a Commentary on the Greek text. Grand Rapids, Michigan:William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.Packer JI 1975. Knowing God (3 rd ed). Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press.Palmer DSK 1986. The Kingdom of God. Hertfordshire, England: Evangelical Press.Pelikan J 2001. Divine Rhetoric: The Sermon on the Mount as Message and asModel in Augustine, Chrysostom and Luther. Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary110

Jordan C 1970. The Sermon on the Mount (rev. ed). Valley Forge: Judson Press.Juel GH 1997. The Trinity and the New Testament. Theology Today 54(3): 312-324.Kapolyo J 2006. Matthew. In T Adeyemo (gen ed), Africa Bible Commentary, 1105-1170. Nairobi, Kenya: Word Alive Publishers.Keck LE (gen. ed) 2005. The New Interpreters Bible: New Testament Survey.Nashville: Abingdon Press.Keener CS 1993 ©. The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament.Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press.________ 1999 ©. A commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids,Michigan: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company.________ 2009 ©. The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. GrandRapids, Michigan: Wiiam B Eerdmans Publishing Company.Kee HC & Young FW 1986. The Living World of the New Testament. London:Dalton, Longman & Todd.Kissinger WS 1975. The Sermon on the Mount: A History of Interpretation andBibliography. Metulen, NJ: The American <strong>Theological</strong> Library Association.Lategan B 2009. Mapping the Hermeneutical process. In Du Toit A (ed), Focusing onthe Message: New Testament hermeneutics, exegesis and methods, 65-105.Pretoria: Protea Book House.Lenski RCH 1964. The Interpretation of St. Matthew’s Gospel.: Minneapolis,Minnesota: Augsburg Publishing House.Leske A 1998. Matthew. In WR Farmer (ed), The International Bible commentary: ACatholic and Ecumenical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, 1253-1330.Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press.Lioy D 2004©. The Decalogue in the Sermon on the Mount. (2 nd ed). New York:109

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