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Baker Academic.Bowden J 2005. Kingdom of God. In John Bowden’s (ed), Encyclopaedia ofChristianity:690-691. Oxford, Oxford University Press.Brooks JA 1992. The Unity and Structure of the Sermon on the Mount. CriswellTheological Review 6 (1):15-28.Brown C 1975. Animals in the NT. In C Brown (ed), The New International Dictionaryof New Testament Theology (Vol.1), 114-119. Grand Rapids, Michigan.Brown C 1975b © Soul. In C Brown (ed), The New International Dictionary of NewTestament Theology (Vol.3), 676-687. Exeter: The Paternoster Press.Brown JK 2002 ©.The Disciples in Narrative Perspective: The Portrayal and Functionof the Mathaen Disciples. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.Brown R 1993 ©. The Message of Deuteronomy: The Bible Speaks Today.Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press.Bruce FF 1978©. Understanding the New Testament: Matthew. London: ScriptureUnion.Carlston CE 1987. Matthew 6:24-34. Interpretation 41(2): 179-183.Carson DA 1994. The Sermon on the Mount: An Exposition of Matthew 5-7 (ThisEdition). Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Books.Carter W 2000©. Matthew and Margins: A Socio-Political and Religious Reading.Sheffield Academic Press: Sheffield, England.________ 2001© Matthew and Empire: Initial Explorations. Harrisberg,Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International.Chafer LS 1976. Systematic Theology: Volume V Christology. Grand Rapids,Michigan: Kregel Publications.105

Clowney EP 1988. Church. In SB Ferguson and DF Wright’s New Dictionary ofTheology, 140-14. Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press.Combrink HJB 1983. The Gospel According to Matthew: An Introduction andTheology. In AB Du Toit’s (ed), Guide to the New Testament IV, the SynopticGospels and Acts: Introduction and Theology: 57-101. Translated by D. Roy Bridges.Johannesburg: Orion Publishers.Davids PH 1992©. Rich and Poor. In JB Greens and S McKnight’s (eds) Dictionaryof Jesus and the Gospels, 701-710. Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press.Davies M 1993. Matthew. Sheffield, England: JSOT Press.Derickson GW 2003. Mathaen Priority/Authorship and Evangelicalism’s Boundary.Masters Seminary Journal 14(1). 87-103.DeSilva DA 2004 ©. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods andMinistry Formation. Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press.Driscoll M & Breshears G 2008. Vintage Church: Timeless Truths and TimelyMethods. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books.Dobschütz, E von 1914. The Lord's prayer. Harvard Theological Review 7 (3): 293-321.Doriani DM 2006 ©. The Sermon on the Mount: The Character of a Disciple.Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing.Drane J 2001.Introducing the New Testament (1st Fortress Press ed). Minneapolis:Fortress Press.Dray S 1998. Discovering Matthew’s Gospel. Leicester: Crossway Books.Dunn JDG 2009. New Testament theology: An Introduction. Library of BiblicalTheology. Nashville: Abingdon Press.Erickson ME 2004. Christian Theology (2 nd ed). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker106

Baker Academic.Bowden J 2005. Kingdom of God. In John Bowden’s (ed), Encyclopaedia ofChristianity:690-691. Oxford, Oxford University Press.Brooks JA 1992. The Unity and Structure of the Sermon on the Mount. Criswell<strong>Theological</strong> Review 6 (1):15-28.Brown C 1975. Animals in the NT. In C Brown (ed), The New International Dictionaryof New Testament Theology (Vol.1), 114-119. Grand Rapids, Michigan.Brown C 1975b © Soul. In C Brown (ed), The New International Dictionary of NewTestament Theology (Vol.3), 676-687. Exeter: The Paternoster Press.Brown JK 2002 ©.The Disciples in Narrative Perspective: The Portrayal and Functionof the Mathaen Disciples. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.Brown R 1993 ©. The Message of Deuteronomy: The Bible Speaks Today.Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press.Bruce FF 1978©. Understanding the New Testament: Matthew. London: ScriptureUnion.Carlston CE 1987. Matthew 6:24-34. Interpretation 41(2): 179-183.Carson DA 1994. The Sermon on the Mount: An Exposition of Matthew 5-7 (ThisEdition). Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Books.Carter W 2000©. Matthew and Margins: A Socio-Political and Religious Reading.Sheffield Academic Press: Sheffield, England.________ 2001© Matthew and Empire: Initial Explorations. Harrisberg,Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International.Chafer LS 1976. Systematic Theology: Volume V Christology. Grand Rapids,Michigan: Kregel Publications.105

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