Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77, 023507 (2008)

Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77, 023507 (2008) Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77, 023507 (2008)

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w effNo. A-13< Cosmological evolution of in the exponentialgravity model >From [KB, Geng and Lee,JCAP 1008, 021 (2010)].f E (R)=

Remarks >(a) The qualitative results do not strongly depend on thevalues of the parameters in each model.(b) The evolutions of the Wald entropy are similar toin the models of (i)‐(iv).S = 4GA:Bekenstein-Hawking horizon entropyin the Einstein gravityS êNo. A-14Cf. [KB, Geng and Tsujikawa, Phys. Lett. B 688, 101 (2010)]S[KB, Geng and Lee, JCAP 1008, 021 (2010)]S ê =F(R)A4G:Wald entropy in modified gravitytheories including f(R) gravity(c)The numerical results in the Appleby-Battye modelare similar to those in the Starobinsky model of (ii).

w effNo. A-13< Cosmological evolution of in the exponentialgravity model >From [KB, Geng and Lee,JCAP 1008, 021 (2010)].f E (R)=

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